Exeter Advocate, 1903-6-25, Page 8One divorce ease•cant of 479 marriages. hi the I: tilted Mates is tact eo band after all, • It shows the_pattience of the other 47g women, • We 'are pleased to note that Mrs, Stephen Powell, whom we zanacle men, Von a last week as being ill, is int prove ing :.ltd on a at way to recovery. During a v.suffer at lots ex o a ;, weather d you from burning, aired, sore or perspiring R feet? If so use Foot 'Ease. It will give you relief; Sold by C. Lutz, Price ;?a cents. Me, W H, Levett, who recently underwent Gaze operation for append- icitis, stili continues to improve and is able. to leave his bed now at abort ntervals, Rev, R. 17illyard will_ preaela his farewell sermon in the ;Hain street aletbodist Chureh prior to removin to his new field of labor in Listowell, on Sunday nest. Mrs. John Spackanarn and Mi... Fow, 4 ell are now comforta-bly situated in Woodbine Cexttage, Grand Bend Park, and swill receive to -day (Thursday ) and heiday. n'o flowers. , There is no truth In the saying all o marry in haste repent at leisure Ions of them have to hustle so hard to keep the wolf front the door that : they don't have the leisure. •RP 1 Councillor Creech an one C" 1 r C. eels lrarttletl s aj v last week several stocks of wheat alien from his field that measured ,eet ten inches. This is remark - 3 hie growth for so early in the,seaason. f t is soul that if a meld is infested iiia thistle:.. which Mite up year after year and rein yoanr erope, all' yon have to do 1a to sow It with rape and the thistles will he aahsoleately annnolated, The es.1Da*rizxaent1s worth trying. th' John Evans. of town, bats seeiu- d the contract for the brick Work and John Somerville., lr. john aper alfa ofliirlwton the arlrenter' work. of thenese Ulause to i,, cnact+'ai at 4nee in connection with Thames Road. Presbyterian Church. A amber are of the effeers awl direet- Ars of the Stephen & Usborne agricul- tural Society was held at the Oouxnier- •ei ai Clouse, Exeter, on Saturdaa.2, last for the purpose of making preliminary arrangements for the Fall Exhibition to taal:e place here. Dr. Ovens. of Loudon, surgeon. ova - s li'4 and specialist,, diseases eye, ear, twee and tt oat, wrll be at the Com- ireeeiall Hartel, Exeter, Wednesday. ale let; Wed., Au" ust:ath; %Veal, Sep g P ember ,. u antl. Wed., Sept. Wilt Wed. Nexv loiter 4th; Wed. December2nd. The Fortune' Ce.-apnretive Harvest - lug IIaarlaine Co., Ltd.. will have a liiiideriAn the County of Boardnt fOr triaal iia true barvest field as seen as ,fall wheat is ready to bot, and wane of the leading promoters will address a mass meeting of farmers early ha July. 31r. 3. T. O'Brien has made the pox,. cla se• of* very handsome and up -to- ikotas lmeaad wagon. The interior is oar- al for the convenience in handling of the "staff of IiFe" and other bakers applies, while the exterior is beauti- silly lettered with the owner's name. Rev. Wm. McDonagh, of ,Stratford, eenpied the pulpit oPtheJar.esStrset 'Izaarch on Sunday Iast, both morning ;and evening. The reverend gentleman 1 lost wine or his old time 'vigor as aan expounder of the gospel and the gregaations on both occasions were targe and appreciative. At a recent joint meeting of the 1fe- lsodist Epworth Leaguee. represent- ing Sarnia, Strathroy. Beater, and Stratford districts, $2,000 was voted, to the General Missson Board: of the Choral, ftw the purpose of purchasing 1 three acres of land at Chian, China, to be used as a sit for mission btaild.ings. a s f lfi 3 Islww,F s to be found of tI!'ail*n'ii Estab- lishment. if, yon are loo iwg for one. try us, Oue trial will convince 7t cannot get c of yon thatyou ,'Il r sat -fie; "o Q "8 ._ 3CISgf ,ti don for the same money than we wl it p' b or/. L "W. . W! .f. irtua n,'. e ee hent Tri bJ 'i'onras ea Fat ,t 4ie'ei iii' E'canne p s aso,ak u' .OA y dee,, and the, oar swore ilerien4•l 4,4t; tln ,'rkaAaai ei;t clothes :bey weer., in d r' i n i e(ti When n e i' a toria t -, lAa, wen aQa a ..alievo :.C'a'p i3R'n... "I^* fia,S:t'? '.aa(r'+ oaf 7fx▪ l 4s4' 4ffc'Pfq , h7 4',. ,: e n l I dAI JOHNS TAILOR ei c;ar Ere SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIALIST T. P. SMITH idamooloserateema AT Tae, COMMERCIAL HURL EXETER - -Two days only -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 1.7, i$ Call early and avail yourself of his valuable service, as thin is a rare op- portunity to have your eyes properly tested, free of charge. No guess work. but a scientific Certainty, Difficult cases aecorately fitted. ALL won enartoorrneor A titii iiite of Artificial Eyes added to our stocit.. LOCAL DOINGS Two Stewart's. I &5c. the yard for new cannel hair flake Black Dress goods and new Black and White flake Dress Goods. Two winnets. Stewart's. Contentment is better than riches, but get both if you can. The only rush with some people is to try to beat some other fellow. Hope sings a sweet song, but don't spend all your time in listening. Mr. W. D. Weekes is nursing a sore band these days caused by a gather- ing. Two weeks in a vacation seems like a short period, but it is a long time in jail. There are always two sides to a question the wrong side and your own side. For Iame back or derangements of the kidneys use Dix Kidney Pills. 25c. a box. Sold by C. Lutz. Some things never grow old, the most noticable of which are young ladies who are not married. For young pigs and calves nothing equals English Stock Food. Give it a trial. Sold by C.Lutz, Exeter. Look at the bright side of everything if it i somethingyou are buying and as y g it is better to look at both sides. The "Red Coats," after two weeks drill at Oarling's Heights, London, re- turned to their respective homes Sat- urday-. The man who thinks he has married an angel may consider himself very fortunate if shetu'rns out to be only a good cook. There are some men who, are always' preaching economy to their wives who. ought to first get something for their wives to economise with.• When a woman quits paying atten- tion to the size of her feet and devotes her time to the ;welfare of her soul, it is a, sure sign she is getting old. Dominion day return tickets will .be issued by the G. T. Ry. at single first- class fare, good going June 80th and July 1st, 'good returning from . destin- ation on or before July •2nd, bet Seen 411 statione in Canada, The Parkhill Post of last week says;— An interesting case comes before the comity judge and a jury heto to -day, when an Exeter horse buyer named Elliott ihatt will tryto recover damages from Jas. Hays for the o-deliverf a horse which pintntilf bought, Hays claimed that Elliott deluded him into the belief that the Horse was blemished when such was not the .case, and when he made the discovery he refused to deliver the animal. An editor once needed $103 be looked over bis subscription list and noted that some subscribers were in arrears for one year, a few two years, and several for 3 years, in all amount- ing to $500. He sent out some dams, and one man received the rtnissive With indignation. He went to raise a row with the editor for dunning bim. The editor showed him some duns he had received himself, one for paper, one for type, one for ink, and several others. "I didn't get mad when these came. I knew Iowed for them, and I relied on you and others to pay them. You see we all depend on somebody." The mad subscriber saw the force of the argu- ment and said be was sorry he had let the bill run so long. How about you, dear reader On Thursd1 y, June 18th, at high none, a pretty wedding took place in St. Luke's Church, Toronto, when Miss May, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gregory, was united in .mar- riage to Mr. Wm. Orison Miller, of To- ronto. Dr. John Laugtry performed the ceremony in the presence of about fifty guests. The bride's sister Mrs. W. Arthur Gregory, of Brantford, rendered beautiful music throughout the service, and the church wasdaintly. decorated in Marguerites. The bride wasgiven away by Mr. H. 8. Burnett, in the absence of her father, and was. becomingly attired in her going away gown of ;reseda snowflake. The coat opened over a bodice of white silk, the bat Sof foliage and lace trimmed with ribbons of the shades in the Per- sian trimmings of the coat. After the service the bridal couple left on the one o'clock train for Exeter, to spend a few days with the bride's parents. She received many handsome wedding gifts, among them a case of solid silver spoons from the firm with whom she. had been employed, a complete case of carving sets from the employees; a set sables from the groom, and a cheque fromher father. The groom's gifts to the ushers—Mr. Herb, Burnett and Mr. Louis Bowerman, -were pearl cre- scent cravat pin and gold cuff links. Mr, and Mrs. Miller will live in Toronto where the bride will receive in her home at "Chateau Grange," John St., OD July 2nd and3rd. Men's Waterproof Coats, nice, grey stripe, guaranteed waterproof. Big value. Snell Trunks, Valises and Teles- copes, All clearing out at cost prices. Snell & Bowe. house, Har Sale Qr Rent. Fiance house on Huron street, con- taining sin room. ,Apply to Mr. John neereers Wanted. - Boarders wanted. Apply to Mrs. E. Sanders, corner William and Ann streets. wool! wool! 12,000 lbs. of wool wanted at the Ex- eter Woollen Mills. Either washed or unwashed. Highest caste price paid. Muir 4 Co, Pie° ]retrad. On Monday, as brier root pipe, with ember mouth piece, in case, Owner can have same by calling at this ()Mee and paying for this notice. Lawn Socia• The Willing workers of the Trivia Memorial Church intend giving a Lawn Social on the Rectory Grounds, on Friday, June 26th, !Music will be provided by the Orchestra, lee cream and refreshments will be served. Ad- nAisssion 10e. tome. All accounts due the estate of the late Is WAllis roost be settled on or before July lst,i003,with the encler- signed. After thatdate all accounts uupaaid will be placed in the hands of as solicitor for rollection,F Mrs. Jaas, Willis. ehibitle n kdso LISP twiny important changes hare wade in the Pelee List of Toronto Exhibition. to he held this year from '?4th, to September 12th, in. exhibitors areadvised to steely carefully. Copies eon be had application to 3. O. Orr, ?Manager, Industrial Exhibition, Toronto,Ont. Salo undersigned will bell by private o following articles, viz,a 1 port• iter; nearly new; 1 top baggy; • one-horse magmas, one Cthat- ake, with rack.; 1 heavy one- horseIeigh;2 sets light single harness nearly new, rubber aminated;l set mangle harness; 1 cultivator; I set borrows ; 1 stvaweetter. to Mrs, Jos, 'Willie, Exeter, pa•accceltize, y cel met at 22nd. of Reeve, at Hall, Jame ,.,..nd. AU present. The act, of the mestiig was to hear cation seeking aassistanee for the of a baud for the town, The tion consisted of Messrs. C. a, Ed Christie, 't5', t", Ilustunn n. Eier'ett. who forcibly placed Iter before the Board and aimed y tlmt immediate action be and as liberal a grant made as circumstances of the ease warraant- ter hearing the petition of the tion it was moved by 3. Cobble- dick,eonded by John Gillespie that of $100 be made, one-half to be IMAM and the balance on October ext, provided the band give au r concert at least once a week. Bing no opposition the Reeve d the motion carried. G. II.. ]3ies='rr. Clerk. Fro Rasuscietod. response to a levitation the of the town called a special g of the council to tueet a dep- utationfor the purpose of %Bemusing s pertaining to the resuseiation aaud. The deputation, Messrs. Christie, W. C. Huston, George t and 0, IL Sanders, and Conn- ed(erred very harxnonionsly to- gether the outcome is most grati- fying, Council.granting the sarin fifty of which is to be paid at d the balance October 1st, pro- ize Band play on the street at once a week. A band -master is ngaged and the matter of re- ing at once commenced. There 'enson why Exeter sh t I o n d not 3 one of the best bands in Western . We have had such in the d at present with equally as aterial, combining a first-class instruments, the chances are favorable. The Council has share and now it behooves' the s men and citizens generally to helping hand to assist in or g a band worthy of the name credit to the town. Let there immediate action. Howard. always a pleasure to note the of an Exeter girl from maiden- hood—fancy free—into Hymen's para-. he nuptials which on Tuesday de Miss Helena Howard and Dignan man and wife are evi- of the worth and esteem in our Exeter girls are held by f their own town. The happy as consummated at the'resi- dence the bride's mother, on street, and was witnessed 'by twenty-five of the immediate s of the contracting parties. de, who was gowned in adainty e of white. organdie, trimmed bite satin ribbon, and carrying beautiful shower bouquet of white entered the parlor on the arm of le, Mr. James N. Howard, who r away, and was led to where groom was standing,under a beau- tifulergreen arch, banked with ferns daisies, where the interesting cer- took place and which was per- formed the Rev. R. Millyard. Miss es way, who was similarly attired to that of the bride, made a charming bridesmaid. The'groom was ably sup- ported by his brother, 1?. B. Dignan,'of London. Directly' after the ceremony was ended the groom and his blushing were heartily and warmly. con- repaired d tothedi h ''oronta Asn been tai Exhibi August teudiug the list can aapiD Industt For Sal Thai solo th lend car, 2 heavy Chat- ham nn s one rico lneaavy s plow, l Apply Outwit C'Qaau Town $ a deputation depaatca :anale'r nand (h the arra strongl token, the ed. After deputation se o grant paid at 1$tb, n open ai There being Sand to In Reeve meeting matter of the B Ed. Cl Fiera edarl gather lying, t of $100 Once an vided t least to bee re- organizing u0 1 have or Ontario past an good m set of equally done its business lend a gaanizin andaa be Dia tian It is advent hood— dise. T last naa Edwin dances which those o event w dance Main about relative The bre costunr with w a roses, her um gave he the evergreen and cer- emony formed W t bride gratulated, afterthecompany repaire ming room where tables were very elaborately and dain- tily laid with delicious viands, whieh. did credit to those who pros'ided them. The brideis one of our most popular young ladies and is a general favorite, while the groom is a prosper- ous young blacksmith of town and is well liked and highly esteemed by his many friends. Much time was spent in inspecting the magnificentarray of presents, comprising not, only articles of use and value but also beautiful and ornamental. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful pearl: crescent. Gowned in a handsome travelling suit of black, which was a. marvel of neat- ness and wearing a black hat the bride left with her husband on the evening train for a two weeks' trip to Buffa- lo and other eastern cities. The AD- VOCATE joins with the host of friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Dignan :; a •acid prosl5erous wedded hfe. - plea, !mot hpneymoon and alongeliappy A few men's Waterproof coats left, to clear, at $ .50. Snell & Roe; T. P. Smith Couti#E. If you have defective ey,'sigbt don't fail to consult with `.f ; L'", Snaith,, the F Noted Eye Specialist, of Elora, who{ will be at the Commercial House, Ere-er column- Foresters,tet, on July 1 7th and 18th. See "aid " in anothcolumn- Foresters, 1.ttenurleca Glaurele The Independent Order of Foresters attended dnviue service in the Main street Methodist Church on Sanday ramping lost. It was probably the largest gathering of the kind ever be- fore held in town, there being one - hundred and fifteen members of this worthy institution in line, members being present from Hasiewood, Centra- lia, Crediton and elsewhere. The im- mense procession, formed at their lodge room and then proceeded to the chatted].marshalled by Bro. Geo. Auderson, Rey. Millyard occupied the pulpit, talc-' ing for his text St. Luke's Gospel, 10 1 chap. and latter part37 verse, "Go and do thou likewise," The reverend gentlemanhandled the subject of his text with remarkable ability and bis zuanyhearers listened with, rapt atteru-'. i tion, extracting from his - discourse much bright thought that eould be putl> into roeticaaluse in every ala -life. , O. n reforznrarg into. rine the members re- turned to the lodge room where a vote of Maas ryas passed to be tendered to the worthy pastor and the officials of the church, to the formerfor his excel, lent diSecxnrse arol the latter Inc the ctrurtesy: extended the lodge. • T11NEI Now is the time to secure yo tr Binder Twine for the coming season,. We guarantee our stock equal to any other twine of the sane number of feet to the pound. Don't neglect your purchase, but call early, Oel,ens. We keep eonstantiy in stock the National and Star Brands othe waaf Portlarkend t. Dements, conceded by all competent judges to be the The S. Before you begin to paint your house or anything else bs to get the best paint possible for the Money and at the sampe give the best satisfaction and longest weer, hardware sure time We have the largest stock of hardware in town-T-Envetrou h- ing and builders' supplies especially. For Force or lift pumps call on us. T. HAWKINS 48z SON* • Fnpplestons was ins l,atzdon,nt on business Tuesday. Mr. John 1. Gain, of Bcnssels, scie Sunday at ]zashome here. Mrs. Barnes, of Toronto, is the Latest of her daughter this week. Dr. and Mrs. Anderson have mored to Grand Bench Inc the seaasnu. Mr. 11. Bishop and Mr. Turner, of Parkhill, were in tnwn Monday. .'pias Coro Frier left Monday for To- nto where she will visit friends. e. Chas. Verity, of Brautfnrd paid id town a, flying visit on Tuesday. Henry Barrie, Huron street; is ed to his hoed through illness. 1'd ss .Alien Ilan'is left last week for [ealsall, where she intends residing, dlelville (lathes~ has game to Cbeslaey, where be has Accepted aa, position in as enter shop. Mr. ane Mcs.Fraank Willis, of Forest, are visiting the former's anther and other relatives here Mrs. (De.) Silk, of London, is speald- ing a few days here with her parents, Me. and Mrs. R. Hicks. Mr. Frank E. ,Halle, of Chicago, spent a few days in town this week, the guest of his mother. Mr. Smutty 13n vden, who has ben attending Business College at London, returned lanae Wednesday, Mr. 8, II. Smith, of Whitby, b€n.. taken a position on the Advocate sta vorumenctng his duties Tuesday; Mrs. A. Brooks and Mrs. 0. Duplin, of Centralia, spent Friday in town, the guests of Mrs. Chas. Braley. Mr, Andrew 'Porter, post -master of Clinton, was in town Saturday sliak- inxghands with old friends in town. Mrs. John Sweet, left Wednesday for St. Catharines, where size will he the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Theo. Sweet, Miss Stonlam'y, who has been visiting her brother here for several weeks, left Monday evening for her home iu Bay- field. Mrs. •, n o and , Thos. Bt 1 d n daughter, Hazel, of Belgraave, were the guests of Mrs, Birney and other friends on Wed- nesday. Mrs. M. 3. Harris, left last week for Tara, where she intends spendin • the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Nath Nath- an Hooper. Mr. Wm. Taylor and bride, of Pick- ering, spent their honeymoon trip in town, the guests of lir. and Mrs. John Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Miller, after a pleasant visit with the latter's parents here, left Tuesday for their home in Toronto. Mr. R. R. Rogers, of Watford, ac- companied by her two children, is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Christie. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fox,and Mrs. Jos. Hodgins, of Lucan, spent Sunday in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Welsh. Mrs. Wm. Dearing, Jr., of Stephen attended the wedding of Miss Maud Quick, to Mr. F. H. Ryan, at London on Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gregory leave on Friday morning for a few weeks visit to Gibsonburg, with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Luther T. Gill. Mr. Wm. Dignan, of Comber, and Mr. P. B. Dignan, of London, attended the, wedding of their brother, Mr. Ed. Dignan to Miss Howard, on Tuesday. Miss A. Darrington and Miss H, Waldron will spend their vacation in England. ' They sail from Montreal on July 4th, on the steamer Perisian of the Allen line.,,; Miss Vanvalkenburg, of Norwich. who attended the marriage of Mr. Dignan. to Miss Howard, on Tuesday, sp.c Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots anti Shawi Miltiaar Etc x WO STOOK OF THE NEWEST AND BEST ALWAYS ON NASD. Dress roots Itt the Dress Goods Department we are showing for Summer wear a speeiai range of i riestle..:'s Pure Wool bol Grenadines, Muslim Greuad;<xles, Cream.Figured Mohair, black and white fancy stripe for waists, i'` BiaOk VEsrcer ssd Sat on Wa str,oa--latest patterns White Waists all New Ideas Those who visited our white waist counters tltt our showing easily discounts anything seen outside this store. Prices Reasonable. ru Fancy Silk and plain Black Gloria. Special. Line at $1. . , Moto Lot of Gloves and Hearer. for Summer Wears 's and Boys' Balbriggan Underwear, 's and Boys' Straw Hats,special ecial values to clear Hats, E. J. aS,PACKMAN1 rs for the Celebrated W. E. Sutzsiford Ready Made Clotltin 4 URN. ! AND FiNDERTA. Bed Room Set mattress andSideboards from 10,00 springs complete..., .... , ... 1'*,'DD m Conches from..,...,.. up Beautiful Parlor Suite... ,.Vii: D Rockers from...... , ran, ,.,.. 0G up Anything and everything found in a first-class furniture store can he had. g., Repairing of all kinds attended to. W. C. HUSTON Gidiey's Block.. Practical Embalmer,, evessiteseeeete-21a, Sick -Sem "ac •74.-tr'tir r r sr ar FTTR,NITURE! FURNITURE! , Having purchased the Furniture and Undertaking business of R. N. Rowe, we announce to the public that we have on hand without a doubt the largest and best assorted stock of furniture in the county. A visit to our store will convince that we are selling at the closest margin possible. It will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our stock and get our prices before placing orders elsewhere. , We do all kinds of ordered work, repairing and picture framing on the shortest notice at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed with every purchase. Undertakers and Funeral Directors. ROWE & ATIiNBON J. D. ATKINSON Practical Embalmer. Graduate of Embalming College, Toronto. Amszaminasnazumnaunomminiiminamessammum will continue to visit friends, here, the —THE.-- guest THl7—guest of Mw. Jas. Dignan. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McFarlane, of Man. who are' visiting Snowflake, g .....rc a is ilariki fOaHaga eO Errands iu this vicinity, were in Exeter HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Thursday last calling on Messrs. Thos. and Silas Handford. Misses Bethania and Maggie Gardi- ner of Reinback, Iowa, are visiting,, Exeter friends." They expect to re-' main in this neighborhoodfora couple of months. • Mr. Fred Davidson, who has been visiting his brothers in Michigan, re- turned home on Thursday last and left again on Monday' for Listowell, where he will resume his position as operator on the G. T. R. Scott's block at. Arthur was destroy ed .by fire. Two Galicians, found guilty of man- slaughter for causing the death of a 4felioW countryman. at Fort William, was' sentenced, at Port Arthur Friday. Capitai Paid Up - 6,000,000 2,700,000 A general Banking business transacted. Interest'at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. ,Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available in China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers in all parts of the world, THOS FYSHE, GE5.OtAL MANASRR. E.F.HEIIDEN, SUPT ne IIRANOIi$e 8: Oaisu Ixsrscroet N:. oak ;EDITON, ONT. W. S. CHISHOLM , Manager. Portland Cement We have just received 'a•quan- tity of the best grade of Port- land Cement Inc present delivery. -- Cloth Sacks to be •returned free. Can be had at either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. Wool o n at ed 5000 lbs. wool wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid. Received at Exeter`' "and Cen- tralia Warehouses. Jos, Cobbledicl