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Exeter Advocate, 1903-6-25, Page 7
IIAld I2tT THE FAMILY.. "That boy will bethe death of me [some dayl' declared the head of the family, 'z'm cure.: T don't know where ho gets oil Itis impudence and self -assurance -surely not from me.. Ho returned home from scl ogl the other day to spend the holidays, as ?T supposed, and, entering my office, he threw his not on, the floor, select- ed an easy ,?hair, pilt his feet, onmy desk,lit a cigarette, inhaled a few puffs, and then, tulrn,iog languidly to nae, ho drawled; say, dad, do you: remember the time when youwere expelled from school?' `"T had, Tliere was no use denying tie for one day, in a burst of confirm theace, I had told him soma of my escapades.as a boy, and lived to re- gret that I had been so indiscreet. 'Well,' said ho, "history AS re- peated itself,' 'What do you Meath Yen young Pascal?' 1 roared, " 'Oh,' said he, easily, "I've been expelled, too, Astonishing, isn't it, dart, how such things will run in aa• family?' STRONG' PRA,IS i, MInseIMI i rom Ono Who Tats #'xovea /V,,gralue ai I. Wilkia?as' Rink rms. "We have used Dr. .Willia /4 Pink Pillar in our home for tba pont eight Peraria fir vazrione troableo, and haw. aiwaya found them tiemeesatul," 'Thee ifa'rites Mrs. H.Ifevelner, of West IaTaavenlaurst. Ont., and she adds: ►'At the ago of eight years, toy lit- • `tie boy was attackedwit,, la griplpa and the trouble developed, into St '•Vitus' dan.ee. frorta %ilirl, be Suf eree In a. severe three. He was under neveral dtac-'1;ore at different lunare but noneof them helped him. Ther' decided to try Pr. Williams' Pinta, Ville, and they restored him to per - feet health. and there has net since been any return of the trouble, Afore recently 1 have used the pills my self for muscular rheumatism, And they went equally successful ft^e ef' footing sc stare, The pills have Saved NS many n; dollar in doctor's bilis, and 1 would like every One who le crick to tl'Y them,," Pr, Willialra" Virile Pills cure all troubles due to poor or water blood. or weak nerves, and Haat ii the reason vehy they aro the mold popular medicine In tido world, and have as much larger sale than any other remedy. They cure such trots, files an rlaaaunaatlsm. sciatica, Par- tial paralysis. St. Vitus' dance, an - aerate. indfgt•stiont neuralgia, heart troubles, anal the ail/bents couuuun to women, simply because they make now rich, red blood, strengthen the nerves and thus drive disease from the body. You can got the pills from any medicine dealer, or they will bo sent post paid at 50c. pet box, or six boxes for $2,50. by Md. dressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine ,Co., Broakvhlie, Ont, See that the name "Dr. R'illiaxnr' Pink Pins for' Palo People," ltd printed on the Wrapper around every box. TEE ICING'S BAGGAGE. .. A little Sunlight Soap will clean tut glass and other articles: until they shine and sparkle. Suniih..h soap will wash other things thall tiothes ttl A gentleman went into a chew,::. i$t's shop and inquired: ''Do you keep a good cure for corns?" "'Yes, sir; here you harp an excellent pre- paration. One of nay customers has been using it for the last fifteen years with very good results.', One year"s'daink bill of the United Kingdom would nearly Pay for the South African Wear, or would pay the rent of all the louses and farina in the kingdom, flow's ThIS I offer One Thiadred Dollars Reward l:tiQ of . acarol that cannot, >? T UAW* t'atter!ria 4ur►a• 4. a.'aik,lvlyit' Co., Toledo. Q. We. the underaidraeat, have known V. Cholla/ for tto • lest 1,5 }ears. east laenaver him Perfectly honorable in, ell kusiness- trattsai+tioas and enene1a to able to carry• out any obligations made by their firm. nVes'1' 4 '1'RUAX, • Who/etude Prue a Toledo. A. WAI.lnINO, telN1VA ) M'.Vlill, 1Vholesata ]Druggists, Tote OIIta1.1*a Celerrh Satre Is tplten tetany welly. acting directly npgn the bleed and" mueetto eeriecen of the eyastent. rlestizeonials sent free. Price ?5e. peel bottle. Sold by a.tt druggists. Inane Family Bine are tan beet. His gajesty Is Always Ready for n, Journoy With Ding T3dr;ard these days all is constantly bustle and change, and he thinks nothing of going for a. ,eouplo of days to a place which be ,may never have visited before. This „necessitates tbo provision of a largo supply of travelling' trunks, kit 'bags, dressing cases, suit boxes and the like. The work has been thor- oughly studied, so that it is only necessary for the equerry on duty to notify the packers what sort of visit is to be paid, and they bring dut the proper supply of bags and boxes without any loss of tune.. Some of these cases are always packed in readiness, that is to say, 'they aro used for the purpose of travel only. and when the King is 'home again the contents aro over- hauled and put in readiness for im inediate use. His Majesty does not go to tho length of carrying his bedding and chairs about with him, but the appliances for writing and for the conduct of clerical business are very complete, while the uni- form eases aro all carefully graded,. and are used for containing parti- cular suits only, so that when the valet has indicated what clothing is ,�. required the items are put into their peeper receptacles and it is not necessary' to search through a heap of baggage to. Tend any parti- cular article. There are separate boxes for books, jewelry, gifts and the like. Particular care is taken to check every item when the lug- gage is repacked, as it is His Ma- jester's a-jeste's strict instructions that ar- ticles" of personal use which may no longer be required by him are nev- ertheless, to be taken away, lest they should be pounced upon by in- considerate relic hunters. NIEAICLy CHILDREN. Stunted, weakly children aro those whose food does there no good, be-. cause they do not digest it proper- ly. Keep the child's digestive ori gans " right and it will grow up strong -and healthy, and it will` not cause mother much _trouble while: it is grow+�ing 'up. It" is the weak children—the puny children—that wear the mother out caring for them day and night. All this is changed when Baby's Own Tablets are used., They promote digestion, they • give sound, natural sleep, they keep baby bright t and Cheerful. TheY aro vied for for older children : too and cure 11 their -manor nilutents.. , It cost only ^25 cents to prove the truth of Ahese statements --and you will . bq thankful afterwards, Mrs. Archie baldSweeny, Carlton, N S.,. says "/ have given my ,little . ono "Baby'q Own : Tablets, and am more, than �•. lewee d With tl ,e r s ults , T call n atom:Mend them to every mother.' ' at's the way all - mothers, v1ao Tablets Irave:used :the abler .calk: That the way you: will talk if you will try :them when Yopr little ofies 'are ail ing. You can, get the Tablets from ny dealer, or they will be sent ,1/3' . 5q ' a box b .. writing the it et `.1....Y.__ g. tiff': W1.illiatifi'fs!^' ZllotjCine:^',Ct), Week Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and Is sold only In lead packets. Black, Mixed and 'ireen.. faPan, tee, tiirintkeraa, try %leder Greet tele taef A DEATH` NOTICE, A merchant who was very puncta- al in all he did. one day gave a jetaer an order for some work., Knowing the man was rather care- less, and often promised but did not Perform, he said to him; "When will you have nay Work an- ishcd?" • "On Thursday next, replied the joiner, "if I ane living, you shall have it," Tlnauealay Maine and passed without the 'iron -deed work. In the evening the merchant called at the newspaper office. and asked the printer to insert among the deaths the name of the joiner, On Wittig up the paper next day the n was eurprisad to find an an' tweed 4ent of his delft,, and went the printer to dean. anti an eaadne fatal. was referred to tete rnerebaut. lata, on seeing lzim, expresee4 some n'prise, for, said be, "you solemn-, promised nay work for Thursday If ou were living, and as it did that @nle 1 thaughat you mast to ahead." Tess -"T saw her buying at. book to -clay celled 'How to Improve the Complexion.' " Jees-•-"Poor girl! She doese't realize that what '•he needs is a hook telling her how to acquire Cine.' Bar., and seta: corns CReeet wsithetatnai llolloway'a Cora ,pure; It is effectual every tune. Get a bottle at ons© and Ire happy. "They thought he was dead, you, know. and all the papers printed obituary' untices. " "And then?" "Why", then, be turned up, and wince', he .read those notices pun's too proud to speak to anyone." 1 IMO QOM CSfQI 1` GOYS. The Egyptian pyramids cannot vie in size of atones with the ruins eat flambee in Syria. The stones of the latter are 00 Peet long and 20 feet equaro, Tho greet demand for a pleasant, safe and reliable antidote for all affections of the threat aaud lungs le fully met with in Biekle's Anti•Connumptive Syrup. It is a purely Vegetable Compound. and nets promptly and magically in mil:cluing all coughs, colds, bronchittw, Inflammation of the lungs, etc. It is so palatable that a ebild will not refuse It, and It is put at a pricets bthatuwilt non exclude the poor from 1,285 largo vessels wero built in the world last year, atpart front yachts, pleasure, and small fishing craft. 01 that number only 314 were constructed of anything but steel. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR, DENVER For the International Convention at Deaver. July Oth to 12th, the oollieial route selected by the Trans- portation Managers for Ontario and Quebec is via the Chicago and North-Western and Union Pacific Railways. Special train of tourist sleeping cars through to Denver. Tickets on sale July 6th, 7th and 8th. Return limit August 31st, 1903. Very low rates from all sta- tions in Canada. Write for official Christian Endeavor folder, rates and full information to B. H. Ilennett. 2 East King street, Toronto. Britain's best customer abroad is not the United States, but Ger- many. Next comes France, then Russia, and after them Holland and Belgium. Lifebuoy Soap—disinfectant — ,a strongly recommended by the medi•' cal profession as a safeguard ai airibt, tnfoctiors diseases. The latest records give 187,358 miles as the length of submarine cable laid to date. The first, cable was laid just 50 years ago. The Public should bear in mind that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil has nothing in cotnmon with the impure, deteriorating class of so-called medicinal oils. It is eminently pure and really efficacious— relieving pain and lameness. stiffness of the joints and muscles, and sores or hurts, besides being an excellent speciflo for rheumatism, coughs and bronchial coin plaints. France is the only European coun- try which is not increasing her im ports of food. Germany's imports of food have increased 100 per cent. in the last ten years. CHEAP EXCURSION TO DENVER, The Wabash will sell round tri P tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo, Col., at less than the one way fare. Tickets on sale July Gth, 7th and 8th, good to return any time before August 31st,, 1903. Passengers going via Detroit and over the great Wabash line, can go via ' ' Chicago • and Omaha, return through h Lansas City and d St. Louis '. s i11 char ' Tihi w without extra charge. give passengers the grand opportun- ity of Seeing the :World's;Fair •build- ings ,a at St. • Louis. All Wabash trains stop at the Fair grounds. Foe full particulars address J'A. Richardson; District Passenger `Agent,.'northeast', corner 'Icing 'Yana Yank streets, ^ Toronto:. PAPER. TEETH. False teeth, Heade of paper arta cer- tainly at ziovelty, but such is one of the latest inventions that hail porta tlermaray. Soto° of the dentists there are usi;ay, theta, and report. thein to be highly satisfactory. Thee° paper teeth have Eel:Oral ad - 'outages over the ordinary anacs of porcelain or mineral composition. They aro very cheap. do not break or chip. are not sensitive to heat or cold, nor laces the moisture of flee mouth any effect upon thea .ta. 1/ACE-REGAL visxr, Lord atutl Lady 31*into at ttao Illasgoy-lirarris Company Works. The Governor-General and. Count - ss of ,£lnto spent a couple of hours visiting the iuunenfio Massey-lIarria works this morning. At the special request of their E,w:- leliencies the visit wan kept ;private; it being their wislr to view the great Works while in operation and the ,nen actively engaged in performing'. their accustomed duties. Notwithstanding the ear* exercised by tho officials mud superinteuttents of the company to this end, the fa - Millar features of the VIce-Regal. party were soon recognized by the employees, and cheer after cheer rang through the building and nags and bits of bunting appeared on the Scene in a moment to give the party n royal, welcome. Captain Iloli was with their Excel- lencies, and the party were escort- ed through tho plant by Messrs. C. 1). Massey, kion. President; Ilan. L. 3Meivin-Jones, President and: General Manager; J. Kerr Osborne, Vice -President and .Assistant General General Manager; R. H. Verity, Superintendent, and 0. J. Love, Superintendent Toronto Factory. Tbeir Excellencies experienced keen delight in watching the various won- derful methods of manufacture em- ployed to produce the world-renown- ed Iliaesey-Harris implewnenth.—Ta- ronto Star, June 8, 1903. MET ITIS MATCH.. They were very fond of each. other, and had been engaged; but they quarrelled, and were too proud to make it up. - He called afterwards at her house—to see the old gentle- man, on business, of course. She was at the door. Said he; "Ah, Miss Blank, I believe? Is your father in?" "No, sir," she replied, "pa is not in at present. Did you wish to see him personally?" "Yes," was his bluff response, feel- ing that she was yielding; "on very particular personal business," and he proudly turned to go away. "I beg your pardon," she called after : him, as ho struck the last step, "but who shall I say called?" He never smiled again. ez�crrm,w.n„esmrfr.esrama�p.,,. - 1, ^'h TRADE • t1ARK. Hind This. It makes no difference whether It Is chronic.; acute, or lntlanmatory Rbeumatisnl of the msetei or lochs 011 Jacobs uti 'O cores eta euresPromPY ti . i aico, 256.0:114 454)o. • t—f I'OOii; PEOPLE WANTED, Thera Is a notable dearth of old and poor people in Chalonnes-star•* Loire, France. With the money left by the rich landed proprietor an asylum for indigent old people has been built. The Prefect and all the, local authorities had arranged to be present at the opening, and a high functionary from Poria was to grace the inaugural proceedings. Only one thing was wanting the in- Mates. Although every effort has been made to.dnd old people who will accept the hospitality of the asylum, the institution is still with- out those for whom it was builte so the opening ceremony will have to be postpoued, WELL EARNED POPULARITY S. J,- BURNS SAXS DQDl 'S gimp= PILLS SAVED His' LIFE. ld Scarcely Sit, Sleep or Walk When Be Started To Use Thera Has Trouble Gone For Good, Parnley, P, l;, L. Jute lat^ (Special), The popularity of Dodd's Kidney Pills in Prince Edward 1t;; land flaws been earned by cures com- plete and permanent. John J. Burns, 1, of 18. Danrinley, is one Of the Cured, and his story is A splene did example of the work Dodd',w. Kidney rills are doing, "For over eight years," mays Mr. Burnt,. "I suffered from what the doctors pronounced Chronic 1ntismn :nation of the Loins and Kidneys. the year 1,600 it got so bad that could scarcely walk, sit or aleap, was about to give up when an ad ortirenieat led ane to try. Podd'a Kidney Pills and they did a wonder- ful work for nee. "Dodd'tt Kidney fills saved my life and though years been elapsed neap cure 1 have had no trouble since I need there. "1 belong to the 1, 0. P. and any znct'iaher Can vouch for ray condition and that 1 odep's .Kidney rills mired '. sane." Itudd's *a%idrey Pills raver tail ter cure any Foran of Kidltaey* Daisete so ones owl for on.. The ebrareet municipal tenements aro tilos,,' owned by Dublin, where two lrotanifl eiui bo rented for fifty cents a week. Anvicz O RAc 190aPaS, - railing to get the girl you want, you may as Well CEYLON' TEA, It c ers, Lead ackages.. ba. waditod OUR BRANDS. deg £cd *rd I,I �'�""`"•R keen at Headlight" meas Don't Experiment with other *ad Inferior randef For the Overworked. --What are tee eausrs of despendeatey and melancholy ? A disordered liter le one cause and a prime one. A disordere:t liver means n dim £lord stotnaerh, and a disordered stoni no°.a means alistaarhtiiee of the nervonssystem. This bring,/ the whole body into subjec- tion and the victual feels sleet an over. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are n reeog nixed remedy in this state and relief will fulotr their use. 01 tbo 731 ;zillion acres which ctavulmse th►a Philippine Islands less ishan 5 million acres aro owned. by individuals, the rest being Govern- ment, land. Dear Sirs, --Within the past year ►I know of three fatty tumors an the Mead having been removed by the application of MLNARD'S LINI- ENT without any surgical open. - pin and there is no indication of a ,roturn. CAPT. W, A. PITT. • Clifton, N.B. Gondola h`crry. TSD 950,000 carriages and other vehi- cles for pleasure purposes are made and sold yearly in the United States. 13RITISIi NAVY'S COAL BILL. The British navy's coal bill is $10,000,000 a year. Experiments are now being made with coal which has been immersed in water. Re- sults show it has higher evapor- tive qualities and longer endurance than coal ` fresh from tate pit's mouth. The experiments owe their origin to an accident, wird experts believe it may involve a revolution in coaling stations abroad. It is. pointed out that if coal can be pre- served at foreign stations under wa- ter it will not only, last longer, but also will enable the withdrawal of thousands of men as military guards,' a few patrolling ' torpedo boatsreplacing re lacin them. d AN AMBER ITARVEST. It is said to be an 111 wind that blows nobody good. The tremend- ous gales which raged recently did the inhabitants of some of the vil- lages on the southern Baltic coast a very good turn, large quantities of amber being washed ashore by the waves.AtRo henef,for instance, e amber worth 24,000 marks ($6,000) was picleed up, while at other places there were satisfactory harvests of this Valuable substance. From SepSeptember28 rd to October 27th tin' last 14,160 rats were killed at the, London Docks. "Tliell me, Orluuley, that your daughter fangs with great expres- sion," "Greatest expression you ever saw. Her own mother can't reeognizo her face when she's sing- ing.," Pleasant ns syrup; nothing equals IC ass a worn reedl�:itao; the name is Motbet Graveat 'Worm Exterminator. The greaat- st worm destroyer of the age. In London, according to latest statistics, there is but one telephone for every CO families. In New York there is ono for twelve, in Boston one for six,. in San Francisco one for four. :Mimmsfdts Lletmeet Cafes Utstem er1 "Let me sell you a letter opener," said the clerk in tho novelty store. "Hagg ono at home," responded tho litho man. "Indeed! What hind is it?" "My wife." A. Tonic for the Debilitated.—Parmelee's Vegetable Pini by ncting mil fly but titer• ougbly on the secretions of the body are a veinal,le tonic. stimulating the lagging organs to healthful action and restoring thein to full vigor. They can be taken in graduated doses and so used that they can he discontinued at any time -without re- turn of the ailments which they were used to allay. Between Skagway and. St. Michael, Alaska, 600 dogs aro kept by the postal authorities for Letter -carry- ing. Por Orrr Sixty Tcara. Ay OLD AND WELL-T1ILD 114Y/CDT. —• Plrs Winslows tsooahingSyrup has been used for over silty years by millions of mothers for their children riddle teething, with perfect success. .It soothes the chid, softens the gums, allays all pato, etyeswind coilo, and w the best remedy for Diarrheas.. Is pleasant to the taco. Sold. by druggists in every pars et the world. Twentyeveoeets a bottle, Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrrn& and Mks no other kind, 23-74 WHAT'S IN A NAME. Canvasser—"Are you single?" Man at the door—"Yes." "Why, the folks next door • told me you were married." "So I am." "Yet you told me just now you were single." "Yes, so I did." "Well, what is the matter with you?" "Nothing, sir. My name is Single, and I'm married, Good -day, sir," Whatever reduces the drudgery of house work is worth having. The Ball Bearing ` Washer does with all hand rtibbiii away w g You do not require to touch the clothes to .thoroughly clean them and a tub-ful can be done, in five minutes. isevery It needed in home and of afford notto you Cann have it. Y your dealer has it should If you sho 1 see it at once. If not, write us and we will be: glad to send you a des- criptive booklet. • The Cowetvell Mfg. Co. Ltd.,ilemiltee, Ont. ISSUE NO, ANT CQdlCEld7'NATIO On lour Work With the 611110 CO SNRfil e Cors a wilt e'eeloi5 lac:mass 7001; RieWiL' Write forrlace Boot, l t. afgt.ete greeted rraantilan Corr r,perdonoa Ool'g�Fs, e14tRRing t9atwt, TORONTO, Gitwa�a` PATENTSpi Csia 7.liIi 1o. sea 44 r, —+,—ars ORANGES LEMONS We have Mexicans, : WE California Navels, HAVE y} Valencias, and TIIE Scvilles. BEST Carload every week. All the above at market prices. We can also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syru p and other product to advaae tage for you. ,MS DAWSON COMMISSION CO., Limited., — Qoe. West Market it.. TCIt9NTO 1-45. ABOUT WESANDS. AWH gesessaerszon, NUMB" Of issues of Cavorn- mentanti ttunioipal debenturespurohaased after thorough export Investigation. F o r people who want an absolutofysure Invest - other good Bonds Yielding attractive in- terest rates—as high CIS 6 per oent. WRITE FOR LIST. DOMINION SECURITIES Corporation, Limited, 20 King et. East, Toronto. .ie } 13-25 PROOF POSITIVE. Landlacly—"The price of this room is ten dollars a week. Will that suity o u?" Student "Perfectly." Landlady "Thew you, can't have it. Anyone who meekly accepts such 'an exorbitant price . obviously does not intend to pay his bill," itifeadis lletiunt Cam Colds, ett1 Tho average of etesshino London enjoys b summer is 50 hours. Last ;suininer all records were; broken with 650 ` hours of brilliant sunshine. I e'' pr1 lna,r d s Linr�t;l�t Cos, u1��t� a,l 4 3 IT ,3.