Exeter Advocate, 1903-6-25, Page 4a.;
%,,zetm A,,,brfacate
Chas. E. Sanders,Editor and ProP
• - GOVER.V.ITE..Y7% •
Te Attorney' General a Ontario
furnishes an explanatiou of the politit
eal deals, which have disgraced that
province darieg the past five. years.
The people are told, that, an arrang,e-
ment, by which Sheriff Dana,. of Leeds
and Oreliville.bounalaimself to pay to
:. an annuity of $1,209 to hie predecessor
on the latter agreeing to refill:Mist of-
fice, was ie.galized by au old atetute
• emieted in thereign of George In.
That is going far afieldfor justification
awl ft.t* .. laws of a century agss. were
. all reealled, "Cap." S liyi Diliti0A11
• Pintcbett„ Lion. J. R. Stratton,
"Hug the Machine" Prestoe end oth-
ers of the gang of tunnioniators mania
stand a poor show. Offences winch
are not regarded as nearly so serious
as some of the crinles these gentlemen
. bave•been aeeused of, were visited with
capital punishawnt in •the days of good
Xing George, Enablic whipping posts
we considered proper decorations
along the highways of Xereie England
at the period into witieb Hon. Me. Gib,
Son bail penetnited. The .evidenee of
• Mr. Gamey, had it been „given agalust
N . Stratton in the eighteenth cen-
Wry. might have placed the Provinci-
ai Secretory in a fee Ettore nncomfert-
able position than he occupies .in the
eye of the admiring commissioners.
And •what migItt have been .the fate of
"Cap." Sullivan and Ms fent a had
they hee detected totting money from
Xing Georges purse? If Ontario is to
liave Geo. W. justice, by all meatis let
inure of in be meted out,
"A. finding condemnatory to Mr,
Stratton and Mr. Gamey could not
have been successfully misted, even
by those who believe that elicit n firld-
ing would have been unjust to the
member for Manitoulin.
Eut the finding of the Royal Com-
mission inelined so far to the side of
Mr. Stratton that: it provoked a re-
action in favour of Me. Gamey, who
was stronger the day after the finding
of the Royal Commissiou had been
published than he had been at any time
since bis exodus to Buffalo.
And Mr. Gamey has still finther
strengthened himself by a, speeeh that
has great positive 111.!Tita whieh far
outweigh its minor defects. If the
Globe darel to print a report instead
of a caricature of Mr. Gamey's speech
the honesty of even its own readers
would conquer their prejudice and en-
able them to realize the weakness of a
'finding which connot stand the scru-
tiny of a. rectuit fkim Manitoulio.
The finding of the Royal Commission
is in the intellectual sense a, slovenly
performance. Mr. GA Mey ht5 ShoWn
that at Many points the Commissioners
failed to correctly apprehend the facts
given in evidence. It is important
that Ontario judiciary shoeld com-
mand respect by reason of its rank.
It is not less important that the find-
. ings of the Ontario judiciary shnuld
command respect by reason of their
merits. The tribute of a free country's
respect cannot possibly be offered to a
deliverance which is more conspicuous
for its errors than for its excellence. -
Toronto Telegram (Independent.)
Each returning June eeminds us
That the fiowers are summer's pride,
And that chief among the blossoms
Is the blushing, blooming bride.
A. very pretty wedding was celebrat-
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Aikens, on Wednesday, when their es-
timable daughter, Miss Lillie, became
the happy bride of Mr. F. S. Anderson,
a prosperous and popular young man
of Port Arthur. Gowned in a beauti-
ful costume of white organdie trimmed
with applique and lace and carrying a
bouquet of white roses, the bride was
a marvel of sweetness and looked every
incla A bride. She was assisted by Miss
Emma li'orbas, who was similarly at-
tired and carried a bouquet of pink
roses. The groom was assisted by Mr.
A. G. Sawage, of Richmond Hill. Af-
ter the ceremony had been completed
and the young couple heartily con
gratalated, the assemblage moved to
the dining room, where tables were
•spread with all kinds of delicacies and
we cannot bestow too much praise on
those who provided the repast. After
the inner man hadbeen amply satisfied
a move was made to where the presents
were spread and they were 'nage ifl-
Oen t, indeed, which testify to the popu-
larity of the young couple. Mr. and
Mes:Aedersonntre viaiting frierids and
relatives here and will leave for their
new. home in Port Arthur on July 3rd.
We join with. the -host of friends in
' ntishing them a life of peace and hap-
'ptriess and tnay they live long to enjoy
'eaC;1i other's company.
Disease takes no summer
. If you need flesh and
strength use
-StOtt's Etifitifsion
sumrner as in winter. t
Send fer free sample.
SCOTT 4 BOW, ettwo
sec. andlir,edi *lidtUgg1st•
t The openi•ng session of •fie County
Sehbath, eehool eonsenden, held at
Blyth last roams:day, was very email in
attendaoce, teat at the afternoon meets
iog there WAS a deeided improvement
end • one of the most interesting ses-
siens in the hister,y of the aesociatiou.
President 'dd E. Tom eondected the
opening devetional exereisest and in
the absence of .Secretary Stonetitan,
:who had not yet arrived, reed a letter
from MrsdThoreley. 'on behalf of the
W,C.T.Td., urging. active cooperatien
14 support of Mr. Bickerdike's anti-
'cigarette hill, and a coedemnittion of
t he _attempt to sebstitute therefon one
on age. limit, , Thi S was referren.
to the Resolution committee, 4ind then
a discussion was .started by cumpla•iots
from several delegates that notiees and.
programs oz• Cle :contention had not
been properly distrubted. Several•
• cases were cited. where no notice at ell .
badbeen received and others where
the notices had been received, only a
few days ago, mid the official programs
. where only. todlay handed ontin the
:absence of the seeretariee the wetter
. was laid over.
The following committees were ap-
pointed ; On Resointions-James Min.:
ehell, Godericit; P. Tow, WitialthIM;
John Dostow, Nile; Miss TaylOr4 -ti I yt Ill
, Miss Morrie., Oederieh. Besiness com- .
inittee- M. Elder, Distil; Iter. Mr,
Wilsey,. Nile; Rei'. Alr. Morlock, Hen -
sail; Mrs:. Park, Winghatn; Miss Ste-
wavt, Vlinton, Nominating committee
--IL Porn. Winghann J. B. Tom,
• Goilerieht A. T. Cooper, Clinton; j. E.
Million, Ondericb; Rev, Mr, flotrue$, '
Biy tin
Mr. Stenelnan, haying arrived, read:
his report as tre_4_41A1W, .glisAwing a
once on hand Of $8.17. On motion the
report was renewed and referred to
Messrs. Yee and Weiall, as auditors..
The first paper cm the program,
"The teachee's Material fkiNI, how to
work upon it," wee then given by Mt'.
D. E. Munro. of Althorn. This piper,
a somewhat lengthy one, met with the
highest commendations from several
a the audience. Any :short summary
wonbd. not do it Intake,. an.d OW a die -
Mission of the best Itlea,i1S of aecuring
its publication. the Resolution coins
mittee were aske4 to consider ways.
and means to that end, Some of the
delegates wondered bow the average
teaelier would get time for se elaborate
a plan of study as that outlined by Mr.
Mauro, and were inforined that he
found 2 or 21 'hours on Sunday and 15
minutes a day through the Weekample
time torso thorough a study et the next
Sunday's lesson.
After a short conference with Mr.
'hicks" Prov. Secretarn, as to the
afternoon nrogramthe convention ad-
journed for dinner.
The afternoon sesSiOn opened at 2 p.
m., President 3. E. Ton) in the Chair.
Four flee -minute -addresses wore de-
livered on the theme, 4'4 Some Frulte of
Christian Endeavor." The snbjects.
"Training in Cbristiart Testimony,"
"Missionary •Stualiee," "Trained, and
Equipped Young , Christiane• and.
Christian Ci)mratleship," were takeh
tip by Addle 1enifturtit4 (MIAMI ; Miss
W. Thompson, Wingleun ; Rey.,.Jun.
Hamilton, Godericb, and Hugh Bain,
of Godericb.
A. Symposium on junior work follow-
ed with the subjects, "What May We
Expect of .Them" and "What May
They Expeet of Lis." taken by Mrs.
John Robb, Bettssels, and Miss L. Ste -
yens, Clinton.
Sirs. Robb laid great emphasis on the
importence of early training. Nothing
et -lid be accomplished without train-
ing: the moral virtues were all the re-
sult of practice, of practice continued
'luta it became second, nature. Every- 13111181CY.
thing that we could expect of juniors Mr.Sandy Watson had bis barn tails -
presupposed careful training or the
moral virtues and mental powers.
Courage, tennwra nee, truthfulness,
fortitude and justice should show
themselves in the young if properly'
A selection was given by a Male
quzutette, eonspoeed of members of the
Methodist choir, and solos were given
by Miss Patterson, of Auburn, and Mr,
•terlroyt of Bresselst Miss Jones and
Mr. Zeigler, of:Clinton, sang- a deett.
An address vli. "liar inone wesgiveu
by Bev. D. N.McOamas, ot Sarnia.
Startiug with musieal harmony, the
speaker went on to talk of the harmony
that shonld prevail nmong Ohristiens
and that would ex;ist in each heart
when attuned to the Divine will.
Righteousness alone could briog har-
mony. If the beart was riglat when
God speaks man must hear, just the
stone AS a 'iolio when placed at a dis-
tance from it piano would sound when
the piano was played if the vielin were
tutted to the piano. The law of halt
mony worked for the regeoeeation of
The evening session concluded with
a consecration eervice.
Mrs. Oliver Baird is on an extended
visit to Mende in Philadelphia.-Xiss
Tillie MeLeod, who has been engaged
as teacher at the Indian School at idir-
tle, Man., for a geod 'many years, is
home on a visit. -George Murcia bas
returned from St. Thomas where he
bas been attending the funeral of his
siatetaliSS Eleenor Mpreh,91 that city
who died on bond ship While enronte
to Englatul.-Jonn tientlard bas about
reeoverea front his recent illness. ---Mr.
and Mrs. John O'Neil and family: left
Thursday foe a two months' visit in
°order, North Dalcete. 'On their re -
tura they will move to their farm in
Howell, of Toren -
to, is the guest a mv$, S. U, Allen, -
Miss Mabel Manliest of Flint, Mich.,
is visiting bee sieter. !glee Olive Mc-
Innes awl her annti N. R. Salter, -
Geo, Neel's, Who issuffering from an
attack ef inflammation of the lungs, is
slowing recovering. -Miss Gertie
Hone attended the wedding of her
Cousin at Thamesford on Thursday. -
Mrs. (Col.) Goodman is spending some
time with her daughter at Walkerton,
Mr. and Airs. John MeIsaac, win) hove
been visiting friends .in and, around
11nProvement in Canadian, and British
Live Stock -Advance in Wheat.
Monday Evening,
TAVOrttO St, Lawrence Market,
The receipts at St, Lawrealea hfiarhet
this owning were light In all twee. be
ram orierien amounted t
owl -Jets.
oats -one hundred bushela sold, at 35e
Per bathe),
Pressed ntons-As Is 1,1$1131 on Mondays,
trade la tbis line was quiet. The market
is quoted unchang-tiatWA to M2o Per
zwt for eholce light -weight hogs, and
Itl,SO to ST ter healrieS•
Hay-amout erjoaas were on the mar-
ket. No. 1 timothy sod at ere to tts per
ten. 'Ihere was no mixed or clover on
the market. and quotations e.re un-
changed and nontinaL
Straw. -Two loads sold at aS per ton,
The Visible supply,
3unee2„,00, June23.'02 June24,'01
Wheat .,„.....13,360,600 gl.085,400 39.903,000
Vern ..„ 5.410.000 5489.000 17,156,900
Oats • .. 4,177 000 2,048.000 10,061,000.
Rye „ 762:00D 493,090 539,000
Pal-lei","574,000 231,600 484,000
Wheatdeersed the past week L544,000
bushes; a Year ago wheat deerashee
535.040 hu.sheer
British Cattle 1Waricets.
Taondon. dune 4.--Traee anghtly_better.
Arnerleatt cattle, 64:1; CanediabS. Wad-
LiverpRol. dune 510
Montreal Live Stock,
Montreal. dune ?Zs -Trade at the eastern
entrrIityt. eI;PTtacqatroi-
Nc fair, tt batter ins
vt%feIT'1nit?47?ignPri terte9ro,Wes demand er them wafair.
at Poen non o remained uneeld, taneea
?armed as follows e-Cbolce hoteliers,' We
•-9" talc' ;C ;Pgs irnit44 4tr ioriceacInturimeis.34flt:.
-0aiyes-iteceints ameunten to WO head,
tile totality being rnestly cettnnete The
deI01 d WAS geed_, mai at noon merle
ed imeola Veer titled; eola $1. to
tlifi), and good at 13 to sin
Sheen And Lambs -Receipts of sheep
Lltilgu1lunttil:16 ttoe_x30,fpabeiza.3;nbete Otb lrnh
0 0011
front 83 to 33.75. lantlgt selling at /3 50
mso, The dentand Was neon for lambs.
14itge.--Iteceipts ot beg* amountert 50 300
head, The 4en:104'4 was fair end priees
ranged teem 5 te Iratte ett care, Destitute
*11. East 13uffalo Cattle Markets.
East Paffale. JUne X. -Cattle -RW -10s
Parkhill. have returned to their home
in Merrill, Mich. -Arthur girklmtriek tolt1=1441= Ittchm. gra-91"*°"40
has gone to Wyoraing to learn opera- sititiPtrin "atestrs. Si.souleVt; 'brat!:
ting with his uncle. O. E. McIntosh,- ,it,,a$1.....11,45,,ift-t° 12, Tive h,,,otro,..;
Oliver Jennings hag gone to Denfield, tnenninn' is'nnen"Ini.nrn ;wort- $4%,"
where be will remain for a time.-afr, ntnst ti)'esti sows and sarmsers_, p t.9 ;3
Metter tor munco ; 4%100 t9 chute% ;to d
3. 34 Hawkey left last week on a trip
to Manitoba and. Dakota. Re was ad- grd;kum .:,‘,%Irod-,,,„ete4g,t,%;40,1hcouileurdna
COMPallied AS far as Winnipeg by Ids steady! ; nn,n5 to 37.35, lioine4toceints.fls
nether. who will visit her daughter, tee head; active, fro to ioe lower; heavy
Mrs. Grandy at Virden. -Ernest A. g.:1140"; T:rog. rilltr.; 4%11;
3Iiisical Director of the 16.35; roughs. 15.35 to f.80; stags, 34 to
Ontario Institution for the )31ind stun dairies. 15,10 tO OM. Sheep Ann
Er:intim epent few daps here last lzibitr-Par i',n12,11/4,tgl
week with his tattier. Mr. A. W. Horn- lambs, Is to 87: Vearlingtt. $5.40 to 35.75: '
phries. Be left Friday for Toronto ewes $1.z $t.M to U.40; aheov, mixed. Se to
where he will act as organist and choir- li•gu; wetbm. $5 t° 1545'
leader at AU Saints Church for several Chicago Live Stock.
Sundays and ivill take an officer's often% Juno
course 4 Stnnley Barracks. Ernest is MO; lee to ISe higher; good to prime
a lieutenant in the 88th regiment, Dtif- ateera, 3$.15 tr 35,50; poor to medium, 84.25
ferin Rifles at Erantford.-Alonzit '1;trg14 etidr115itv.sr0htlero t 86.
bourne is recovering from the effects canners. 31.50 to t2.90: bulls, 33.50 to scao:
of his recent accident. cantos. V.= to 35.50; Texas fed Steers. 14.50
to 34.60, Iftigti-Rectiipte %MO' average.
WRDDED.-A eery quiet wending sc lower; mixed sad biitc 'erk $5.30 to
took Vito at the church of the Sacred 48.10: SO0a tO ohOlee heavY. Ked
IllisS Luilrit INIOEttO1111111 dalighter of 10c higher: geed to Choice webers, -31.50
When 305ePh Maxwell) Of #-''". litiii celpts. 16,000i `aheep aliul lambs 24.1=1Prz.
to ,I....,; fair to choice mixed, 33 25 to 314:
:11r. and Mrs. J. J. McEttelein were
united in marriage. Miss MeM•llani iT.,51% 'VC. 34 t° ;541(); wellt"n 1"" '
of Sarnia, nssisted the bride while Mr.
John Welker acted es best man. The Montreal Grain and Produce,
ceremony was performed by the pastor alyerrlini, June M. -Grain -Prices steady
Rev. Thither McRae, after which the rye,rtgei 2?;;'? nrtite,:-Za id 'AU?, Pc. i
wedding party were driven to the oats, 370 to 3714c afloat, and NO. :: oats, ex
bride's home where a dainty breakfast Etore. Mit, to Mc; buckwheat, 470 afloat; i
was served. The happy (mimic left on NWtiliNeL1624mo agirtirom an sources
the 1.10 train for their future borne in tor spring wheat agredes. "We quote :-
Detroit and their numerous friends choice manIteba spinA wheat patents,
Hear at 0.30 on Wednesday xnorning izgh(4e4z1.45 uosso.5,0:1611. Pilo to ;640:
join in extending to them their very
best wishes.
"Bible Study," "The Quiet Hour,"
and "Dailv Prayer," were introduced
by Rev. D: N. McCamus, Sarnia.; Rey.
M. j. Wilson, Nile, and Rev. Mr. Small
of Auburn.
The nominating committee recom-
mended the following persons as the
officers for the coming year. These
were approved of by the convention:
President, A. T. Cooper, Clinton ; 1st
vice president, Miss Anderson, Blyth;
2nd vice president, W. Thompson,
Wingham ; secretary, Rev. Jas. Ham-
ilton, Goderich; treasurer, Miss Nellie
Harris, God eri ch ; executive committee
Wingham ; Rev. C. D.
Damrn, Crediton Miss M. E. Ross,
Brussels ; Mr. dastard, Brucefield ;
Miss Copeland, Auburn.
The resolution committee reported
the following recommendations, which
were passed by the convention:
(1) The acceptance of the invitation
of the Winghem Tonal union to bold
the county Christian Endeavor union
in 'Winghain next year.
(2) That, to the executive coinmittee
be left the setting of the date for the
meeting of the convention next , year.
(3) That we endorse 'the resoltition
passed yesterday by the Sabbath
school convention in reference to the
anti -cigarette bill, and also that we
heartily endorse any steps which they
may take..
(4) That a hearty vote of thanks he
tendered to the people Of Blyth who
have so hospitably entertained 'the de..
legates, to the authorities of the chtirch
who have 'kindly given the Use of the
building, to the ieboration cOrnmitteei
who have worked so faithfully, to the.
united choir who have forniShed Such
good music, and to all o,tlers who have
•helped in any way to . make the eon-
eention a success. •-
In the evening a largelY •attended
song service was held in the church,
Nir. Cooper occupying the 'chair. De-
votional exercises were eondueted by
Rev. Mr. Small, of Auburn, and an
thexn was song by the combined
Choirs by Blyth. Rev. Mr. Sawers, of
Brucefield,"gaVe. the the first address
On "Personal, Effort in the. Harvest of
Souls." Four motives that Shotlidlead
to snch effort were, lovis for souls,
loyalty to Christ' our King, • love to
God our Saviour, welfare and saleatioe
of our own souls, .The ext,ent of our
responsibility, was the Of our
:•LbiIitS" and hnnottutlitY. .Evcilotie
theold dohie As the suceess of;
the rhop d epee ded the thf
ed last Friday and all present spent a
pleasant evening. -The members of
Mars Hill church intends raising the
shed Thureday, and we trust they
stand secured from the windstorms. -
Mrs. John Lewis Tina Mrs. Thos. Lew-
is retnrned from Wa tford,"after spend.
ing a pleasant tizne.-Mr. Thos. Gil-
bert still continues to improve. -Miss
Neva Dale went home last we ek.-iti iss
Mary Meddle is very ill with inflam-
mation of the lungs. -Mrs. Robert
Leigh, who enderwent an oprration at
ing nicely, which is pleasant news to
her friends. -Mr. John Hotson, of the
4th, has completely recovered from his
recent illness.
ACCEDENT.-An accident that might
have resonate, great deal more ser-
iously happened Wednesday morning,
on llth concession, in front of Wolter
Stokes' farm. Mr. George Charlton's
driver, which was driven by Miss Me -
Ewen, of the 4th concession, and who
was accompanied by Mr. Clharlton's lit-
tle boy, took fright and ran away. The
bagg3r ran against,a tree and the occu.-
pants hurled over the dashboard to
the gronnd, bat fortunately neither of
them seemed to be the worse of their
experience when picked up. The horse
became detached from the rig when it
struck the tree and ran up the road at,
a breakneck speed.
PASSE)) AWAY.- To some death
comes by slowly lingering diseases and
for months the earthly tab el
crumbles into ruin, to others the sum-
mons comes so quickly that the coin-
munity is shocked with the sudden -
nets of the event. Itis with a heart
that is grieved that we are called up-
on to chronicle the death of a dearly
beloved friend, in the person of Mr.
John -Pickering, of the 10th concession,
who pa.bsed away on the llth int. Th,e
deceased had been in poor health for
sdine years with heart trouble but his
death was unloOked for. On the day
.of his death he was about as usual and
towards evening as he was sitting in:
hisuhair he stiddenly expired without'
a moment's warning. He, was incitta-
trions, shrewd' and carefal, and pps-
ffIssed in a wonderfel degree the
ales which alinost invariRhly binig
silccess in thiS Personally he was
a very quietmatt mid lived much withh
in himself, end was well versed on"
rnaeY subjects, being an ardeet reader
He was, else, thoroughly upright and
•honorablh in his,dealings and "
pined. anything in " the shape of Shah'
,arid hypocrisy, I"zi short he was irk
every respeat wotthy and:useful cit-
izen and a kind and obliging neighbern
She fueeral Wok ,place on Sunday to
Ebenezer ,churcit, ceineterY arid ;
largely attaridedt The fatnily and
ft./lends bave thn simlnatilY of theedni.:
, I, • , -
erna,, e
m‘uli his thn Ilon -of he e
Yht r
rnent• . ;,-• ;,.",.,., •,•
04.10 to 31.20: seem s, .80 to 34; stronri
bakers, $3.40; whiter wheat patents.
to UN; straight rollerii, 13.35 to 33.50; de
in ba, 51.65 te $1.70; mstra, $1.55 to 51.00.
Meal -The market Is qpiet, with prices
unchanged at 33.50 to $3.ba per barrel, and
at 31.70 to $1.75 per bag
Mill Feed -Prices are iltm. We quote as
pIlletv4:-Maniteba. bran, in bap, $19 to
bran -Irti)rbtlkM, $1r50F.LI4fs to$12:20:5011tnotalli°,
and Middlings, 522 to 328, as io quality.
Cheese -For Ontaa*lo makes values are
nominal at 10ale for colored and 104e for
white, but- Quebec goods are offered at
10V4e. to 10ifie.
nutter-Tne butter market is dull, with
affers of Quebec creemere at 19Kie ; in
the country higher prices were paid than
this at different times.
Eggs -Prices steady. with a fair volume
af bilsiness. Round lots of No, 1 stock,
t23c to 14c; No. 2 stock, in round lots.
11c, and Ta a small way at llaie to 120
Beans -Prices unchanged at $1.80 "to
1.90 per bushel in a jobbing way, and
primes In car lots quoted at $L7234 to 81.75.
Provisions -Tone of market weaker, in
sympa.tny •with recent decline "in Prices
for live hogs. Pork has been reduced 60e
per barrel, and lard has declined ;le to af.,c
per pound. We quote :-Iieavy Canadian
short cut mess pork, $22 to $22.50; Canada
short back pork, $21.50 to 622; light Can-
ada short clear pork, $21 to $21.50; finest
kettle lard in 20 -lb. pails, lle; extra pure
lard in 20-1b. pails, 30%e; choice refined
uompound lard, Sc Ske; hams, 131h.e
to 14y2,e, and bacon, 14c to loc per pound.
British Markets.
Liverpool, June 22. -Opening -Wheat -
Spot steady ; No. 1 standard California.
r: r cental, Gs Bd to Gs 8.1/2.11; Walla 6s Glad
Gd; t
6 , , red winter, s 11%d o Ss
.12,4.5 • NO. 1 north, rn Taanitoba, 6s 61,§,c1 to
35 75'; futures cpile, ;. July, 69 3745 nominal;
Sept., 68 2:y4d. nominal. Corti -,pot firm ;
mixed American percental, new, 53 Pad to
Is 1145; futures quiet; June nominal;
July, 4s 3d nominal; July, 4s 8d nominal;
Sept., 4s 624,5 nominal., Flour -Minneapolis,
2.1. i3vde rtpoo 0212,s close -.Spot
Spot firm • No. 1 stand-
ard California. percental, Ss '8d to Os 8141;
Walla, "Gs 5;id to 6s 65; No. 2 red winter,
Is 1130 to 6s 4d; No. 1 northern Mani-
toba, 6s 6755 ,to 6s 7d; futures quiet;
aly, 6s 6145 value; Sept., 6s 2145 value.
Corn -Spot firm; mixed American .percen-
tal, new, §s ihd to Is 114d; futures quiet;
June nominal; July, 4s 8y45 value; Sept.,
4s 61/4.5 value. Flour -Minneapolis, 21s 3d
te 24s 65.
London, June 22. -Opening -Wheat On
passage quiet and Steady. ..Corn. -On pass-,
ate very, firm. La Plata. yellow rye, terms,,.
Tune 21s 1%ci paid. Monday's Danubian
shipments, -Wheat, 222,000 bushels ; corn,
1,152,000 bushels. -Weather In England' fine.
)Drialish eonritry wheat markets of a.Stur-
day •quiet' Monday's RUssian shipments
-Wheat, 2,672,000 lausheit ; corn, 920,000
• ballsohneditn,' close -Number of cargoes of
wheat arrived off coast since last report,
two; number of cargoes waiting at nut -
ports -offered for sale, two; wilco t on
'passage, buyers indifferent operators.
Parcels No. 1 hard IVIa.nitoba, July, 30s 4.1ad
paid; parcels ,No. 2 Calcutta Club, July,
29s 41/25 paid.•Corn on passage firm, but
pnTrtcealeJtuivI3e; anrjclaAlUguatast,720elsloZ 'Leer:I/71s:
parcel mixed American, passage, 21s 43,,4
'.71-vis"xle Lane Miller' Market -Wheat, for-,
elgn firm, avith a fair business, 64111g4er;
,English• firpl and ,rather dearer. -corn,
American steiidy; Danubian steady.
'414'*.TrIn ,
h :421.6rOe.LV'tt eat
tWerp, dens . h
.-stdadY; No, 'Ired whiter, ;3.814#., Corn •
Sot ; 2.,- 4
;20.i.,;,..,,,..,!leiturip,4„.0.,ec ,,•cigiet..;,h.atine,:,!atre Sc
• Jana;
"•;•24fr00tirSept',;•'"and•Wee.V•24fr'GOci.' kletir4'
• ...A,FFECTIONS......';.-
When sea air is ordered tO herVons person, she usually
rushes down to, seashore, spends all bey time on the beach,
ftets more or less over the expense,
aud, returns after two or three weeks
ti› make up by extra work for the
•brief holiday„ The result is an ex-
aggeration of nervous troubles. The
time given to the cure was too .„$laort.
LIVt diftEalelli11/1
"WHINE fitMig
40,0x, eac,
fiRITAIN Rani,
Jt Drum .4 &Qat
Moon cansda; $1400;
51a bottles for $4.0il
jAnEs W.ArnRs are as gocd
for the nerves as the sea breeze; but
in case of nervous weakness, like the
sea breeze, they,require time.
S. J.A3rEs NITArgRs are a tisme
builder and a reconstructive, not a
stimulant. Quick temporary results
are not to be expected ; but pertua,
neat ilnprovement will follow their
patient use.
S. Alms WA,I4V.R$ help stoma*,
digeSt food and send the UUtritinent
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health aml,stnengtb.
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which acgom-
pii$bes autleb,.
"Prom vetetetel, expertenee
an able to arP;eeiatv tbe great
Value or tile St. PAWS Wats,111.n
P. ehaelee Caniv,
Publin, Ireland,
Skftpao Iraftu are nata ;met ,
tonal e ta awitlrew4x1.04,s1r..
awmarnelow lboata,14rir to:fga4
W4 mai I 4140/Ovaraa atem repot.
•Whereticalt r3 ate notselitogthe
Wafers, they are tuailcu.lupon se- .
ceipt of pg.C.* at the canadian
breath; at. 44.1POS Witicr4„ c.14 11.Za :
St, ClItlittlie Ohietreel,
every corner of the world where butter
made, you will find these numbines, mho an
established agency for their Isle.
Over 400,000 of them in daily use; more
than ten times all other MAIMS combined.
Atter twenty-four yetttS of uninterrupted
euccess, they remain to -day the world's leading
dairy machine.
THE Da LAVAL SRPARATOR CO., 77 York St., Toronto.
K tct
No matter how long yen havesuffered or how barbarously ,on havebeentrcated by
surgeons, by cutting, auttchieg and burning:, we ask you to levestigate our 1%.1EW
METRO") of coring it. Our treatment is original with ourselves, and is the result
of 30yeareexperience in tbeaaspecial diseases. The stricture tisane In the canal 69
painlessly absorbed and hence removed forever: Any discharge, uaticit often ste-
companies stricture, disappears, tbe luflamed surface is healed np, all scalding and
burning seusations cease; the Kidneys and Bladder become strong and norma1, the
sexual organ e regain vigor rod vitality and the patient feelo as though life were
worth. living. Ail eases are treated easier a
OUR NEW METHOD TREAmmurass 311 cure you, and make a man
of you. "Under its influeoce thetrain becomes active, the blood puribec so That all
pimples, blotches and ulcers; heal up; the nerves become strong as steel so that
nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become brgbt, tho
face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and tlao moral, physical and sexual
systems are invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system.
The various organs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know
marriage cannot be a failure. We invite all the afflicted to consult us confidentially
and free of charge. Don's let_quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard -eared
We treat and cure NERVOUS DEBILITY, sExtrat WEAKNESS. EM/S.
BLADDER DISEASES. 'and all diseases peculiar to men and NVOttlell.
If unable to call, write lor ()sumacs, Bina, for flame Treatment.
148 Shelby $t., DETROIT, MIDI&
25 Years in Detroit. 250,000 Cured. Da' nk Security. r
nine: of Rarietet, .
15.'s fnppy Thought
th When buying a range think before you bey and then you will Itikf
71C buy a Happy Thought. In buying a Ileppy Thought you
FA, have the unstinted recommendation of 150,000 preyious'happy
pure ase,.s. "Rage btulding is a 37.,
ktiol.1&li_s_7-6, -specialty with us -it's not a side •f
. , issue -we leave no room for improve_
ment otir construction of the
in '.-.. ..,,p •
4.„ ilt.ee :4,13:11:1117-he.:7:h a:,r,uegn..3.,11:..nit7f.a4„:..ireld b..00i'y..t9,4;.:4:. i •
! ,144
,7,.1.1..c for o.ti'Vlugtrated Pantplilet. .
.. , . • . • .., . • , .. • . , . : , '
,,4 A.4.•"'" ' ' 'v... -.4..',:.4.-'4,44..',-74...“:1-44:!..":47."44.'„'''5'.7.47i ,
'...".73.;.;'44... 'T-,'.-, .„','. ._:,:. .,. - „, ,,, ,• , , , . , .•
• .Totle qUiett atiti „
' •