HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-6-25, Page 1Something ifse ul
CAPA Get _year liurings arid turnings cured ier Owl paidb to yea
auds yea ter the privilege et eariutt; ker yearmeney.
A DOLLAR Trill gire yea ar0 aef-VOAlt With us at rzieter, Crediten, Cantos erziahh aratiehes4,
D E. S. KAM%
Z.lunagr, Dieter.
h75,11S emu S. tJose
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si0a, cur ii,!.-rratars a this striet. reliaixte
-a0. pinie-,cui,:ly mewled vr.rit tnalkn,7,,
C4rfar1:44:A oiis =era= Chia-
tv.70,e, Itingted.11atir.etca„ oat,
re a luw eroeuat
1:11.410)1All .5; ereNerlfte
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Miner Pen=
F0=1 =4 'aline rzeientes bedit arid WA CO
ann.:141e tcrrae, feeeral decilitre higi5e5W641e.
7.4.449 la all parts el Meeltete eed she Nottlewff
ter we
xION.nee TO Mine,
We baro wairatted private lauds foe I
vestment %via fetus or village reeevrtl"*
lewesteretee of beteresb
Incesee eT, 04/0..G104
Isarristeentece exetee.
Tarentum 2119
•1 •••
The. Phenontenai Well -Bred'
Standard Trotting Stallion
4' t1449 el tizilitius Cluula INT 41.;r,..,-0 vs -
Tateteare los ceeerollead elms miss th'oeioDe
Swear slate e10 teelver, our. Joireg, a' in5lela1M.C!,,
utia nTir CT4i204 ocacr rA14414 it; galas 4311V1
stigetiraselcluzsio lime Ieinar,ennatheOrani
Cott at Pzionit la 114 fi,91.9ttani1itrarti ecru,
earn *auto, ainl alt0 tlieeateeseslateeaue
that nue sten tee Greed levees ihraaghniter
lano *tam l'artaltusi t9 the enly elalli9n in cone,
tlial Inv prailimeill imIt.arareaczolly fan
erinagi tia tVP It@ Grala Vitna seat %mosey:ea
11Oscaere lo late mead tug la a raw at-lieritplila lie a
c.4veri tiarieo, all wetly ono. Derthir WU-
„,..tea 113004 ay. t. QUO* 140xivaren,, hltatvev., the
rpret • El 4, .0 ”. 'rare r a. ., 0,5 i
aresttonek the Ore t nn w linatry.i
Karr" 11.0Tareation. woo ezil BMWS, PII/Pr 113,11
Ur4" M1134 WAWA 41ii =MA tune eitete.
MenL Charrette mut wife, of Fitton,
Mich, am visiting fries/de in these
parts. --A new seperate scbool is to be
ereeted on the site of theold one,about I
Fait' InOrtb tI I1 inige,----SeveraP
from hew tool;Iftthe exeursion to the
Model ferns at Guelph leg Saturday,
reterniug Mondey.-Mre. R. O'Brien
mid daughter. :thee Beetles. and eon.
Rodent,. left beref. n llohnnela,
on Friday, where they will meke their
future home. We yids them health
PeesPeritY in their wastern home.
-The sad ueees reeehed Isere from
Basildon. Men., neva Airs. T. H. Hine
t(Jfl. nee Miss Maighry O'Vriee, tlett,
er buebaud had turd in that sidaee
about a week ago. We extend our
heartfelt sympathy to Moe Horton in
sad bereavement. -Miss S. Wilbert.
se visited her soother at Beaton over
Smiley, returning Monday.
MostaveSenen McKenzie's, Acrarnitte lig31)
Snake Wahl.
'nessesveoderlch tem; Creditor) Dight.
WIONE3DAV=, tecur noes terentor need.
Tersenne-lee soy et ;CMGs oleatbe nevelt ie
View -et his eau stable. Verunitiltille.
Sezeseeteeet bii Ofhlititailies Fenesedolle
etizeare centiese nerve eel salmi -0; eclebrel
and rettelanelatit nem eei be the oason, eniedle
to luster:stud ars due January eta, late ter tales -
Otte peliente t,te lame pesters, or addrois,
4. 0/Ieltl1tatre11Tle,
lerrY Wenteneti.--Tbe home o
inlet Aire, Wm. Clark. Rebylen
I.jze., was the ecent of a pretty event
fl8 Itieng the marriage
ttt' daughter. Alies :Wary R. to
Me. nlionassten, of the Day field WW1.
Tht, WWII WWII by the yossug bride
was a marvel of elegauee anti neatneee
mai displayed the good Steele on the
pert of the In ide. A Urge number ft
friends were went and witneseed
the ceremony. The bride is one of our
popular young talkie is a kind and ge.
suet favosite with all, and is a prudent
and model young house keeper, and we
feels:Ire in baying tbat where're she
may be her home will be filled with
sunshine. As one does) and gazed at
the magnifieent ismay of presents tbey
could not, help hut come to the con-
elusiors that the young couple number-
ed their friends as many. The expres-
sions of good eagles heard from a host
a friends twe an iniTh'4Ion of tl e
warm feelings reit for Mr. and Sirs.
Johnson, stud may tile tide of the met-
rimonial sea. on which they bave lust
esubsseked, be always smooth met
peaceful, and new they be mimed
With health 41..n1 prosperity,
nd other,
ifriends in Bine Meteors er,
NV Atiteliell and wire mo visiting
points). lase hi tebers health bas not
been very geed fov some thne. NVe
be will be benefit tea by his trip
aud tbat he end Mrs. Mittsbell will en.
eoy st pleasaut visit. -Mr. and Mrs.
Deitz, who home been worthy citizens
a our village for a couple of years,
left a few days ago for Berlin, where
the old gentleman has gone into tbe
boot and shoe bissinesse-Frenk Esse yr
bas takels a position with James W.
jahnstozacarriage builder. -Mr. Tapp,
Sr., of Redgerville, who has been some-
what under the weather, is convales-
cent. -The many friends of Airs. Roht.
Thompson, .2nd Line, will be pleased to
learn that she is rapidly recoyering
from her recent iliness.-Everything
fioing Irensalns way for ths 12th,
South Perth bas unaniniously resolved
to celebrate with South Huron here. --
Willie Weismiller,son of J. Vireismiller
while leaning over the veranda mil at
the back of his home, overbalanced,
falling to the walk below, a distatice
of seven feet hurting his head consid-
erably, but he is able to be around
egain.-Miss Reynolds has recovered
from her recent illness. --While Mr.
Joseph Hudson, was at church on Sun-
day a couple of boys entered his stable
and finding Mr. Hudson's loaded gun
there, they commenced handling it,
when it suddenly went off, shooting
Mr. Hudson's horse in the fleshy part
of its bind leg, inflicting every serious
injury. The animal bus been under
the care of our veterinary surgeon and
will likely come around again, but will
retain the scars of what nearly ended
its life, Mr. B. Carlisle had a horse
standing in the same stall, hut it for-
tunately escaped unhurt. This is an-
other lesson that boysshould not be
premitted to handle fire arms.
DIED IN i31IANDON.--Word has been
received from Brandon, Man., bearing
the sad. intelligence of the death of a
former resident of this place, in - the
person of Mr. Thomas H. Horton, the
sad death occering a few days ago at
the above place. He had not been en-
joying the best of health for some
time and about three months ago de-
cided to go West and finally settled in
Brandon, with the hope of bracing up
and be restored to good health, but
that insiduons disease, diabetes, had
become firmly imbedded in his system,
and despite the change of climate and
the best medical skill, togethee with
the assiduous care and nursing of a
dutiful wife, his constitution could not
withstand the strain and so he passed
away. Mr. Horton was a staunch and
true inan in every sense of the tern;
he was one of nature's noblemen. His
high sense of integeity and moralrecti-
tude won him the confidence and re-
spect of his fellows, which his many
noble qualities of head end heart made
him a pleasant companion and a true
warm friend. But for his unassuming
manner, and modest disposition he
might have occupied a much more
prominent position in the community
where he had lived so long and where
he was so highly respected and impli-
citly trusted. His death is a severe
bereavernent'to his family and friends
and a distinct loss to our village.
Afr, Geo, T. Mary has secured tit
contract for the cement work of the
Abutments for the steel bridgenvideb
to be erected on the Sauble 'sine near
Exeter. The contract price is $5 per
cubic yard.
Los.. -.-One morning last week as an
empty excursion train was returning
from tlse north, it ran into some hors-
es, whieli had got out of a field on Mr.
Isaac jarrott's farm near here, 'killing
a inare and colt belonging to leir. Jar-
rothend also a fine colt belonging to
Owen Geiger, which was pasturing on
the Jisrrott farm. The railway fence
is said to have been very defective and
the owners of the horses mtend elahne
ing damages from the company.
Reetovne.--There is universal regret
among the people of the Methodist
church here over the removal of Rev.
Molott. They are proud of and much
attached to their pastor and consider
it unfair that he should not have been
nallowen to remain another year at
least. Since his stay Arnow us he and
his worthy -wife have endeared them-
selves to every member of the Metho-
dist church, while by his large hearted
-interest and belpfulness in everything
which tended to uplift humanity he
won for himself the -respect and esteem
of the entire vicinity. His religion was
of.a deeply spiritual sort, free from
cant and bigotry, and in his dealings
with men he was straightforward and
courteotte. He was not afraid to act
one his conviction and his religion was
not of that cloisted sort which secludes'
itself from the aethal life of men. May
success ever crown his untiring efforts.
Demme or Mrs. ANGus
Friendafter friend departs;
Who' has notiost i friend? "
From day to day we are called upon
to bid good-bye to our friends and see
'them laid in their graves to await the
Itesurrection Day. One day the in-
fant is taken then the middle-aged and
at last the aged are called to pay na-
tures debt. This week we are elated
upon to record the death of the latter,
in the person of Ann McLeod, relict of
the late Angus McKay, who passed
away at the residence of her son, Mr.
George T. AfeKay, near thisyillage, on
"Wednesday morning. Julie 17. De-
peased had not been ill very long and
had attained the good old age of 80
years. She came to this country many
years ago, when it was little more thee
a wilderness, and the' deceased did her
share towards assisting and eiscourag-
ing her husband in the pioneer day,
and by industry and good manage.
ment they succeeded not only in mak-
- ing a comfortable home but in provid-
ing a competency for themeelves in
.i,iteitt declining years. Deceased was
'one of the most, kindhearted of women
and many of the earlier settlers were
the recipients of her kind ministra-
tions and generosity. The funeral on
Satierday was largely attended. The
bereaved lieve-ghe sy in pAthy Of the
iiiiisg een
Rev. Molott, B.A., wbo has for the
past year been pastor in theMethodist
church. hes been stationed at Chat-
ham. We ere sorry to Jose him as he
WZIS well liked. His saeceesor is Rev-
Mse Slew. -The dredge has
edworkwork on the big swam p north Of
the Tetell Melvine Hudeoit
and sister, of Marlette, eliele, are
iting friends in and around Hilisgveen.
A grand union picnic will he held In
this vicinity in the near fattsre.--Mr.
E J. Hagan, who has been on the sere
list for the past few days s is eonvoles,
Orig.-Me. onto. LOW, is meeting with
bad leek these days, having loet o,Aloe
steer imd his driver within the last few
The animist school picnic of 5.
Iseld nr1 Friday laSt.WaS
every pertieular. A large eroe -
in attentlance from all PaVh9 c'i mi
section, and a more agretsaide and Jell
teamed never assembled. The dig w.
Rpent in games, and other varions
asniseements entil five o'clock wben.
hilt was callen au 4 the good laniee of
the eeetion eet. to work to spread the
taleen and supply tbe goon things, to
whiehnil din am plejtestiee, after wisich
returnen to their reepeetive bootee
feelingthtst thetlaybad been well spent.
-A, dance wes given by the Alee.ere.
Dew on Tuestley night last at
which a Liege crowd or ;voting peopl
wete its attendance. Wito joined in the
soney whirl until merle, day -light next
s teeing. Tile ilan$!e waefernielsed
srs.G.see and Jarrett.
Mtn A. Alindoek anal dataghtere, o
lessee% eptest lea week zit the resi
deuce of Alr. J. Norria-Msee Bell is
spending' a few deya with friends in
:-2DAY . 0..1' -SANPERS, EDITO
Zurich Lieury
Mr. Albert Gies, a the Deaf and Tun 're hine. Nreinve LAID THE CHIMER Senereg„-,-The
Dinah Inetitute, is visiting ;Anis home v oee our id reeldente nr'e P^ISSIOg itIVIt stone -mason work of the building
liere.-Two stew earn% arrived here cm 4101 SOOD. there Will be no one left •erected bymr. George Boswell 00 010
Wednesday for the Sovereign Bank relate the hartlehips a pumeer life. A Jewel creek farin /S completed It is
end are Pow safelY installed in tbeir weil-known resident of tlqe it an excellent piece of work and will
stablis1ineent.2-Mrs. C Schrag, Who the pereon of Airs. Ann :Needy. who anti as a memorial to the worlonen,
has been visiting her eon here, hes left breathed her lest at the home of her will vre say fora hundred years or Ion -
for her home in 'favietock.-Mrs. D. son, Mr, dames Ross, at the greet age gen s, when the mst coruer leas reared
Steinbach is spending a few weeks, 01'92year:se I)i)etaSed bad been fu vitenlost to its beight all gathered retina
with her daughter, Mrs. Baldwin. at feeble health fur some time, but the itnese tbe depositing of a eareti.
Seafortin-Miss eeddie "Witwer has se- inintediate eaMfe of deatb wes the gen-
terned (sena Detroit. where ..'a. '-p&. lit eral breaking up or the system. S ilnifiVe3allittittlet44e0kure• 6°Trti:
feW 1t- -3i /feline Koehler is was, twice warmed, but with her fitet p rc went ts•as weal by Miss Edith L
op a vieit to frieuds in Seaforth, sband came to this conetry frOrn the veil. le emitained the family his,
ton and inetroitt-ner,„ John Deiehert, ld Inuit in :VVElZ6 fie,to and settled !tor& winles or the men employed
adnayd:finstesre. shsus tti:Itr.swelostusls:....ridynwah;s; 14114t %mete; own jibr:‘eyicitittitittNhise(rbessittusgletaet;ti
The Evangelleel Olsurcle belt1 its anon elesve towards ass:snug ined eneotinifee Over the little sack the colors of oar
al Sunday Scheel icnie atetirantl Bend mg bee heel sited RYA the pioneer deys, emmter were teeeeeehv batten
ou Thersdiey. A. irge enneeer of the ima by indlostrY. anki gthld manage- ',heal -ink the photo of insr king, Tile
;Walt nopelation of the villitge, were anent enceeeded in ineksug suit holy n.nnozn relnionnig us to be true, tn our
1-i in ntteen..4.aweee non' rel3iSht- ,e,Pisesene nosefortabIe borate but in provelsog it
tirne."-.111rSo .totiai.trrae4 ane tetre. competency ten themselves lin filen; nn,
er Woolen !Mee inttivatel from dining years. Deceasetl wee one it
vistoek, where they hitve been at' the sumo islistiheertes1 or woolen, and k
ulinenthe wielding or their ssiece.
tis. Reeette Reiser, which took place reents or tif,r MinistratiOnS and ; neestehoe and tree to one ceeeton The
on Weilneeieen- the Vionnhelli who terenetetitYi Hen inane oltvnYs 't erPfligWtor, Afte J. Heats -ten and tbe
ou a trip tbe Ohl Lane, is expeeted gOest CltdlObVI: rewlY C1141 EQ'itt nt tile mastitis are all of liNeter, They are
home on or elsoat July 1st. --The return table for the usinisterof God and in tilt' 5 genial natnted men and tvillitave their
football netteh lietweers the Dasblvood eerie. slays when elowels eerviees were 611,11e0 lot trueFt $;Aree....9 heerepeete
4-„Zgrlett 8,entortl tAll'ktlint'eetierf on PrP, 1/1,114istPt.”" 4114 V"1/1"1-1 AR it IS Moe bleeeed to give itinsinese
b'imay, resetting in a, seove of 111 it hi$ regmar Nene The fun- r, then to eeeekee They ere aIwaye ex.
or of the D:sishwatid boyeensIteve feral took ritac, hiloy to At iconai tendw.. to one onoth-.14 and to thOSO
leSt°,70 OW I er, to the unpleasant-
bia wife here arrived home front sympathy of the conunsmity.
Schuelke, the lettherise tililliOter cemetere. The bereaveil ones have the loatheatastt;,t,t1,1:eliegirn,ellolicksiseisseeltntelue.1:14.mi:ia;a:::,idits,;hiitejahgtilli;13tilli
e of the weist,iser on Setmelay only
Tooento.--Alre Fawcett. of Alitcbell,
apent Kin -Way yeah her sister.
Woutien.--A. In'. i', V.S.. vent
Sutelav with Logos) friende.--Meee-re, '
011.44 3oynt and dintelovin of Heneell,
ist Sunday at the home of Ain JO.
Alisses Margavite aud Leata
Norris of Totouto, ore vieiting their
coming west of Om village.- Me, Pee.
kine spent Sunday with Mr. Hugh Ken-
nedy. -Airs. Wm. Jeffery, stet who hus
beeu quite ill, is its:proving slowlo.---
Mies Ada Drake returned home Wed
uestlay from Kissburn,aceompunied by
Mise Wileonertul Mes. Ilotham.-Mr.
Edgar Miller spent Monday at Gram'
Benti.-The Stan Metisodiet circuit
intend hohliog their anneal anniver-
sary services on Sunday. june 28, in
Pullman's grove. The Rev. Haat of
Woodham, will preaele morning and
evening, end the Hee. Mr. BrOWL1,, or
Alltdiell, in theaters -more There wilt
also he a, picnic, the following Wetines-
neeee July 1st, for which a good pro.
Ingram is being prepared. Tea will
e served from 4.30 to 6 p.m.
Me. and Mrs. George Xeliernmn are
attemling the camp meeting at Cue
rick. -The Bohm]. picnic on Wednesday
was a fair success. -Miss Kibler,
of Brampton, spent Sunday here with
frientls.-Rev. S. R. Knecthel, of Bu-
ll% onducted quarterly meeting
here on Saturday and Sunday last.
-Alr. Obarlie Guenther received a
kick from Isis horse on Thursday.
Fortunately he was notseriously hurt.
-Mr. Jonathan Merrier, merchant.
left Thursday for Albertan N.W.T.,
where he owns a large tract of land.
He expects to be absent about a rnonth.
-The footbssll Match on Friday nigbt
between the Zurich and Dashwood.
boys resulted in a score of 1-0 in favor
of Dashwood. Surely the band will
now plays -Next Sunday promises to
be a great clay in the history of the
Evangelical church here, it being the
occasion of the annual children's day
festival. A good program will be ren-
dered in the afternoon and evening
and a liberal collection' is expected. -
Mr. Wm. Ethers ishaving a windmill
erected on his barna-A. load of the
Forresters here attended divine ser-
vice at Main street church, Exeter, on
Sunday morning. -Mr. Taylor, of
Michigan, is here renewing acquaint-
ances. -The election of officers in the
Y.P.A.bere will take place this (Thurs-
day) evening. -Mr. and Mrs. John Pre -
ter Sunday at Mr. Henry Willeres, of
Mr. Robt. Crossland, of Barrie, is
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Farrell. -Mrs. (Dr.) Armstrong,
of Mitchell, and Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson,
of Kirkton, spent a few days here dur-
ing the week, the guests of Mrs. Holt-
by. -Miss Eye, Carter, who has been
attending the Normal at London, has
returned home for the holiday. -Miss
Lena Collins spent a few days in Lon-
don clueing the week. -We are pleased
to note among the list of AL A., gradu-
ates of Toronto University the narrie
of our Mathernetical Master, Mr. 3. W.
Hedleo. We congratulate him on his
success. -Mr. Harry Wrilmsley, teller
ohfoitildwayMs!rch ants' Rank, is taking his
ings ago the pupils of Form II. were
the guests of Masters Rey and Cyril
Thomas at the Rectory, where a very
enjo able time was'spent. After lunch-
eon Mr. Carter on behalf of the pupils
thanked Mr. and Mrs. Thomas for their
deep interest manifested in the class-
mates of their children, and tendered
them a hearty vote of thanks which,
was reeved and seconded by Masters
H. Guilfoyle and R. Orme. In reply
Mr. Thomas made a very able speech
showing that as a man well versed in
school life he recognized the fact that
the social and the moral side of educa-
tion must go hand in hand with the
intellectual. Miss Elnan, Hughes then
presented Mrs. Thomas -with a Japan-
eee Vase and a beautiful bouquet and
Master Harvey Guilfoyle read an ad-'
entry and pee party for we nniet
ve putty governmesit. Trite to the
trne to the tithe whieh useana
and trite to the blue, then we
Melly. the earlier eettleve were Owl inn true to ontnekes, trov to ont,
w hose Isere attended. the excese Labor.
elOTI te Heipb.-4k new separate Gebool H.Sweitzer is letting 4i males% eh m.•
iUtAs to be emend in Section Neel, of the ngplaGrand nti
it placen iss hie mill sind ne
Townehip uf Stanley, near Dryetlale. ahle tfA Meet 440 reitgaNeetite et the r. Sam Preensator. or near Dash -
The following penile of ossr selmoi bile in a few daye better then tier.- west Friday with Air.E.
,e writing at the Entrance Exiled's* e and Mr& 3tartin Link vi•dte4 :11v. I Mr. Ileyweed. fEgeter,„ emelt $'in.
lune. Whieh (tee helm?. held here this mil Moe (inerert Mk, of Rippe% I set Stanley here tvith 11.Sesselern-Mise
k, vizi-Feed liaellarlaft. Week. -A, naHatker from nein isle; g Wirth. who h i het.,n visiting
ple. Addisun Koehler. Ette Hort- the eices1191911 to ate Model -a-;u 1Oreessway, hae returned home,
e and 1:4 elbington Johnetost. Me Guelph lest S Wesley. Altitougit the, Alse Walker Mai Wielebene
Stelek bee been devotiug wad at. weetiser was dieenieeiside the twenty- ;. arrived Isere for the season glad areas,.
ti 411 te Meet for tionie httle thee ity retlIrGed how siltisfik.11 will: thee. t coolie.; Blames' Vieth., -Dr. reed:the.
bank.a t, if not all, we 11aier. day'e outiuge-Miss Stedsia, Brown, air Ansleteein, ter Itieter, mTived hem to
steed, have a n Arty goad ebance of Ann Atter, Mich., Alleelklary E.Ilrown snesid week. --Mr. IL Sasidem etierit
passeug. of Nispervilles and Master Otto Sunday herte-Mr. mad Men J. Speck.
owe of Matins. are visiting their Man, of Exeter. are Isere camping. -
Contralto, vats here foe it few weekeeelthe Mr. Ilatetoss, Of Exeter, was su, mu:
bete aceetned u ituaation burgh Friday.
h wholeside House in louden soul
eft for that city last week. -Airs.
ids and eon, Palmer, of Woodisain,
the guests of Mr. and is. W. A.
,00k n'ridey and tiatuedity.-Air.
"Lt. Altstisew Atorlock have re.
home, after it pleasant visit
wi 'r children in 41,nr0ra,
Sweitzer has painted his new
fence and is now levelling the ground
aroma his residence for a.lawn.-Miss
Lydia Finkbeiner gave an excellent re.
poet of the ptoceedings of the Sunday
School Convention, wbich wee held in
N. Eeethope last week, +Lathe Sunday
sebool of the Evangelical church Piet
Sunday afternoan.-A yery mean trick
was played on one of our young men
the other evening. He had left his
wheel outside at the gate, while he
bad gone in the house and on return.
ing end mounting Isis bike he found
that eight or nine Isoles had been put
through the tire. There is nothing
very clever in a trick, of this kind, but
we fuppese the perpetrator feels woad
of his joke. --Mr. Jack Eilber has
bought out les brother Harry's inter-
est in the pump business and now bas
it all to . a
We wish Jack every
and neighboring lodges, marched in a
nonyanns succes,-Miss I. Winer and Mrs. Eliz -
body to chore's. ltev. R.
ebeth Mortice, of New Hamburg, are
visiting Mr. stud Mrs.Mat.
and Min. Wm. Lewis spent Tuesday in
Granton, the guest of Mr. and Airs.
Francis Clark. -Mr. and Mrs. Darnel
Oestreicher are attendieg the wedding
of the latter's brother in Tavistock
this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Sweet Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Schlueter and Mrs.
Josiah Brown are visiting relatives in
Bright this week. -Mr. Claude Bleat
presided at the Entrance examinations
in Zurich this week.
Ptoenc-The Sunday School Picnic
of the Evangelical church was held in
the park at Grand Bend last Wednes-
day and waS a grand success. Seven
'bus loads of young people left the vil-
lage, besides a large number a single
rigs and carriages of our farmers. A
foot -ball match was played bett'veen
our boys and Zurich, which resulted in
a score of 1-0 in favor of Zurich. The
.scholars were treated to oranges and
bananas; races took place for which
the successful ones received prizes.
The boating as grand and a great
number took advantage of the oppor-
tunity to have a ride on the smooth
surface of old Lake Huron, The com-
mittee who had the matter in charge.
deserve great praise for their work in
making this picnie such a success.
Coining home Mr. Herman Oestricher's
team took fright at some bags lying
along the roadside and threw the occu-
pants of the carriage into the ditch.
The carriage was smashed, but the oc-
cupants came oft without any %jury
to themselves. It is indeedvery for-
tunate that nething serious happened.
Mee hears 0 ta 19 gm.,1 Ito tc0 S eace
Teantsest tezversel-ati.'ca vent Lwaa sad Wm;
Alre. A. Brooks and Mr& t. Duplan
pent Friday in Exeter with Mende.
Mr. Andrew Hicke has returued
e front Winnipeg. Ile was very
cadet with his lag load of hems,
ntl o doubt will anon go back with
nother load, !leis 14. Imatlen--Russell
Colwlinstudent or Clinton High school
V11 s on se visit to his home here last
week. He intends during the vaention
this summer going to Manitoba. --The
L. O. Lodges of this vicinity intend go-
iug to Heneall on the 120.1, -The Hen-
sel! bend hna been secured for tho
Strawberry Festival to be held on the
laWII of the Methodist parsonage an
Dominion Day. As a baud they are
sidd to he first class. The, public are
lookintt for a good time, Messrs. Ein
beret As. P. P41 }T. e Pritt$ Z1112411 und
other prominent speakers have been
invited. -A load of Forresters drove to
Exeter en Sunday laming to attend
Divine service in the Main street Meth-
odist church. They, with the Exeter
was the preaeh.er for the occasion and
took his text from St.Luk ,e chap.10 and
the latter part of the 87th verse, and
dealt chiefly with the parable of the
Good Samaritan. He spoke at length
on "love," that love which went out to
our brother men and on the o brother-
hood of mars' both of which were so
prominently exemplified in the good
work of the Order. After the service
the brethren marched back to the lodge
room. The decorum and order (Amery -
ed 'were most commendable and reflect
credit on the brethren.
ENTSRTAINIMV. - The committee
in charge of the Musical and Literary
entertainment to take place in the
Methodist church on theevening of
Silly 1st, are exerting every effort to
make it the best ever before given
here. They have succeeded in securiug
the services of some of the best artists
procurable, consequently it goes with-
out saying that the affdir will be a sue -
cess. Everybody should attend. See
bills for particulars.
TIN W2DDING.-Ten years ago last
Sunday at Delgrave, Ont., Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Brooks were united in
the holy bonds of marriage. It Was a
happy event and the young people
started on the tempestuous sea of life
with great expectations, and these ten
years have been fraught with tuuch
happiness and prosperity. During the
ten years this worthy couple have ful-
filled the marriage vows and happy in
administering each to the other. On
Monday lest the tenth anniversary of
this wedding was fittingly celebrated,
as was evidenced by the assemblage
that gathered at their home. A large
/winner of friends were unable to be
present on account of the'heavy down-
pour of rain which prevailed all even-
ing, but those who were fortunate
enough to be present were Very pleas-
antly .entertained, although it was
dreary and cheerless without it was
bright and joyous within. Games and
other harmless amusements were in-
dulged in, after which a dainty lunch-
eon wes served which did credit to
those who provided it. Mr. and Mrs.
Brooks were kindly remembered by
their friends, RS piece after piece of
useful utinsils were presented to them,
and soon occupied a large space. At a
reasonable hour the company broke
up when all disperse(1 to their respec-
tive home, after wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Brooks many years Of happy wedded
life, and that they may live to cele-
brate their diamond wedding.
Innes Hamilton, aged twenty years,
the youngest son of Mr. Peter Hamil-
(Front Another Source)
ennveees.-Special Wesley Bicen-
tenary Anniversary services will be
held in the Methodist church, Crediton
next Sabbath. In the morning the
pastor, Rev. R. W. Knowles, will give
a special address commemorative of
the occasion, being the 200th anniver-
sary of the birth of the venerable Sohn
Wesley. In the afternoon the pro-
gram. compiled by the general confer-
ence for Sabbath Schools, will be fol-
lowed and in the evening a platform
meeting will take the place of the usu-
al services. Papers and addresses will
be given by the following; ---Mrs. Isaac
Hill, representing the Epworth League;
'Mrs. (Rev.) Knowles, the Ladies' Aid;
Mr. R. E. Walker, Sabbath School,
Mr. Wm, Lewis, the Quarterly Official
and Trustee Board of the church.
These speakers will Speak upon some
phase of the life and work of Mr. Wes-
ley. Special singing by the church
their will be given at the services
morning and evening. An old fash-
ton, a, well-known implement man- ioned methodist love feast will be held
ufaetelner,of- Peferboro was drowned at the close of the morning service.
while sailing on Little Lake at the come an and enjoy the showers of
above place on Friday afternoon, blessing.
WEDDING Alontlay the
home of Air. and Alre. Ze.ppes was ail
astir and ns number of frieuds and
relatives thronged there it was quite
evident that something unusual was
uspiring at this particular bonne
ereon 9eemed radiant and limp.
, well they might be. for the
commotion Wee the advent of Weiner -
:iv° of their estimable da 'seiner. Miss
Louisa. to Ma Eitemaday, of Point
Hamad. The groom looked the pie -
Lure of lumpiness and fairly bubbled
over with etsy when his fair young
bride stepped forward clothed in
beautiful wading: garment and took
her place beside him. The officiatbag
clergyman, Rev. S. A. Carrier(', tied
the nuptial knot in his tumid Jumpy
matinee. Immediately after the cere.
niony the blushing bride and her wor-
thy Imsbautl were warmly congratu-
listed, after which all sat down to a,
well provided and daintily spread
table. Respected nua beloved as the
bride was here it is uo wonder that
there are so many lonely hearts here
today, Tint the kindnesses performed
by her while here will remain AS lov-
ing memories for the future. As Mr.
and Mrs. fienntsday leave Grand. Bend
for their future home in Pts Edward.
they carry with them the hest wishes
of the whole community for their fu-
ture and may they have the choicest
blessings resting on them.
Miss Lizzie Birn, of Quebec, was
drowned at Levis in attempting to
jump on a moving steamer.
A two-year-old son of Mr. ALHaynes
of Louth Township, was drowned. by
falling into a tub of water.
The house af Mr. Ben Fisher, a
farmer of Tweed, caught fire while he
was out milking. Mr, Fisher had a
hard time to saVe his children, who
were in bed.
WESKrene-in Zurich, on June 11, to
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weseleh, Sr., a.
MrresiatoLTZ-Iu Zurich, on June 17,
to Mr. and Mrs.Andrew Mittelholtz,
it SON
BADOUR-At St, Joseph, on June 16,
to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Badour,
Hensall, on June 14, to Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Cook, a son.
MILLER-1n Hensall, on June 11, to
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller, a son,
DIGNAN--ROWARD-At the residence
of the bride's mother'Main street
on June 23rd. by the Rev, R. Mill- .
yard, Mr. Ed. Dignan to Miss Helena
Howard, (laughter of the late Wm.
THOlirsoN-FLETerrEri. --- At the re-
sidenee of the bride's parents, Kick
ton, on June 24, Mr. Thomas Thomp-
son, of St. Mary's, to Miss Eliza,
Fletcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
moRrozabt.iFsleiarDtcolterctims-__At the residence
of the bride's patents, con. 3, Bid-
dulph, on June 24, Mr. Archibald
McFalls to Miss Lilly Hodgins,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hocl-
IKENNEDAY-,-MA.PPE---At the residence
of the bride's parents, on June 22, by
the Rev. S. A. Corriere, Mr. Kenna
day to Miss Lonisia, daughter of Mr.
Zapfe, of Grand Rend.
OriArrarr---In Hily, on June 12, Perci-
val Chaprnam. '
NuliDY--At Lieury, on June 15, Ann
Nurid 37, aged 92 years.
MOKAT.--Near Kippen, on June 17,
Ann McLeod, relict of the late An-
gus McKay, aged SO years.