HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-6-18, Page 7GOOD vrl~;ALTH.. 4Iow It Can Be Obtained and flow It Can Be Preserved, The health of the whole body da perms upon theblood and nerves The blood must be rich and pure, andthe nerves vigorous and strong Therefore a medicine that makes next blood andstren thons the nerve, reaches the root f ninny serious diseases. lar. Williams' l?/Ill; Pillt will do this, and this is the secret Of their wonderful power to conquer disease. Thousands of Gases. -many; of them, in your own neighborhood - have proved that Dr. Williauea` Pial, Pills will cure rheumatism, Sciatica partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, nervous and bilious headache, heart trouble, indigestion, neuralgia and the ailments that render the lives of eo many tiq,azuien a source of misery par. Tag. Adanaes, Brandon, life.,„ n use ) l a the iaa s ,:-"Before b an Dr. WiMams' Pink Pills my heath lira$ =Loch shattered with f,1 de rheumat- i • nervous 0n and sleep, lesenoss. For fully a year li rarels g+;t a goad night's sleep. I gave the pub a thorough trial and can Zion grnthtully say I could not wish to #fetter health." What. Dr. Williams' Fizzle Pills have (lone for others they willsurely de for you. but yOU should be caarefu: to get the germine, with the :fill- nape, "Dr. William" Pink Pale Yo: Pule People," on OA wrapper round inch box. Sold by all medicine: healers or sent by mail at 50c. pc?; pox or sit boxes for $2, e.0; by write nig to the Dr. Williams' Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont. nna , THE L11Q1 OF IT. "You ,nay think,," she unclaimed, in a high. crescendo, "that you are the only than in the world, and that if I bad not married you 1 could not have had anyone, but," " "Myr dear," be broke in, "1 don't tlainl any thing of the Fort; in fact, 1 haver not a -,aid••-" "Maybe yo.0 didn't say it," she in- terrupted; "but it was just: the same Muff. You intimated it, and in the ,most exasperating way. Yost: "Now. Matilda -e--" "Don't 'Matilda u e!" she cried. "1 \vaatat, yoti to n lerstand once for all tlasat before 1 accepted you I had re - the )fua■rs of .a dozen wanto- n, xaatayn, ataxy On of whom---" - 11e liTpntford shook Women loose, "Did, you say there were n dozen of them?" be ushed, backing over toward the door. "Yes, I did," ;she said, 'and, any one of them wase----'" "Cllr, ,. don't give us details,"" be smiled. tS,rit , 4 . 1; knew theywere all bet- ter than. I am, but that isn't the thing, It is the lt ! o it that 1 Ana thinking about. You wouldn't have any of the twelve, hut you' took me, the thirteenth. :load yet there are people who will say that thirteen isn't unlucky!" Sugar beet have been grown in California 4 feet long, and weighing 200 pounds. " THE ,AVERAGE LAB; Tile average baby is a good baby •-cheerful, Broiling and bright. ,When he is cross and fretful It is because he is unwell and he is taking the only means he has to let everybody know ho does not feel right, When baby is cross, restless and sleepless don't "dose him with "soothing" stuffs which always contain poisons. Baby's Own Tablets are what is needed to lout the little ono right. Give a cross baby an occasional Tablet and„ see how quickly he will bo transformed nsfored into a bright, smil- ing, cooing, happy child. He will sleep at night, and the mother will get her rest too. You have a guarantee that Baby's Own Tablets contain not one particle of opiate or harmful drug. In all the minor ail- ments from birth up to ten or twelve years there is nothing to equal the Tablets. Mrs. W. B. Anderson, Gou- leis River, Ont., says : "My little boy was very cross and fretful and we got no rest with him until we began using Baby's Own Tablets. Since then baby rests well and he is pow a fat, healthy boy," • You can get the Tablets from any druggist, or they will be sent by dail at 25 cents a box by writing rcct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. !A country newspaper thus des- cribes the effects of a hurricane: "It shattered mountains, tore up oaks by the roots, dismantled churches, laid villages waste, and. -overturned a hayrick!" To Those of Sedentary Oocupation.- Men who follow sedentary occupations, which deprive them of fresh air and exer• else, are more prone to disorders of the liver and kidneys than those who leaf active outdoor lives. The former - will find in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills a re= storative without question the most effi• carious on the market They are easily procurable, easily taken; act expeditious ly, and they are surprisingly cheap eon sidering their excellence. MOWER. ,IPEA'TUEES, The Trucker I3oard on the Masse -. y. Elarris Mower has a projecting steel' shoe, It runs all along the bottom of Ole l3onrd. i,t prevents the Board wearing,. down and helps to make a better track than the ordinary Board. 1 The Drive Wheel of the Massey-, Harris 'Mower has four pawls and ;twenty-seven: cogs. ,,That a s whythe e Knife on the Mas-' sey-13'arris Mower 'begins to operate 'ag soon as the horses move forward.-' (t'here Ts no lost notion. It is not necessary to back up when starting in the grass. j the' Mower begins to cut right Where it stands, The loubletrees can. be hitched either above or below the Pole. The at'ciat is very siznple. 432 THE STUDENT. Judge -"Then you, have lest .both your parents, Have you any broth- ers or sisters 2" h'risoner-"One brother." J„ ---"What does he do ?" P.- "11e studies." J.-"nle will be sorry enough to know that his brother has been brought upAve. times for stealing, 'What is he studying ?,. P,-"ITe is studying a new and improved method for cutting through the patent metallic roller shutters." Amateur Critic (in the studio of'. Zr -, the great painter) ,-. "Splen- did picture, really. Allow into to compliment you. But wily did You chow „Sneh an Ugly a.1[1.04e1?" "$b ":1 my sister." "Ohl pardon! How foolish of um! I ought, of course, to have. noticed the resemblance," For Nine Yearn-ttr, Samuel Bryan 'Medford, writes: "For nine year 1 suffered with ulcerated sores oda fro • te I expended over 0).3to physicialeg;v acid tried every preparation 1 beand of er was recom Mended for such disease,. but could get ne relief, I at last was recommended to give Dr. Thomas' Eelectrie Oil n trial, which bas resulted, after using elgbt hot - ties (usiu. It internally and externally), in a complete cure. , l believe it is the best metlis:tataj in the worial, and I write this to lee - inhere know what it bas Ilene for me." - IiTaxrttlrta -- "Wily. whatever are you children doing theme, ntasklug all that noise and xuess??" Rea'tia: "We've found posh' grandma's teeth. and we're filing them clown to fit the mew 1utbyl" How's This We offer One tl.undred 'Aollara I:awnrd for anygamic 01 t.'atarrUthat eunn,o cured y .ball's Catarrh. Cure P. J. DUMMY ee 4:o., Toledo. 0. We. the undersigned, have known k'. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and. believe him perfectly honorable utell business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations rotate by their firm. t::.t'1,4`,ttl'AX, Wholesale ltruggists. Toledo. 0. n1rAl.ltlisq. dtldaXAh 2C 1,lAlt1"1;V. Wholesale Druggtass, Tele,o, Detre Catarrh Coro is fatten inter-. naaity, action dimity uinon the bloint and tnurous outfaces o the syste n. Testitaouiala seat ix(*., trace 75e. per bottle. Sold by all drop g a*s. Mohs Faintly Pills AM the beat. Teaclier-"What is ilia meaning of "perr-enu ?" Johnny' -"An upstart." Zsaeha"t*- "Cavo a sent?nee in nh,ch the word is used." Julalany-"When a man sits clown on a bent pin he gives ,a violent parvenu." c71 a THO UGIi'.T IT.. A'ttua. 1 t i0., Ofh law was relating oftbe n tlp to a amall audience how, after ore resting a rnlsds'tneeament, he was ob- structed by another person, whereup wn he also arrested the obstruction- ist. "What would you have done," queried .a bystander, "if, instead of actually interfering, he bad simply spoken his hind: and called you an Impertinent, officious, loafing scoun- drel, who only loitered around and. laid violent hands on his betters adding that be considered you a vagabond and a blackguard?" "Oh," replied the policeman, "1 wbuld have arrested him all the, same for inciting others to commit a breach of the peace." "13ut," continued the querist, "suppose 1:o said nothing, but joust thought so?" "Well," was the reply, "I can't arrest a roan for thinking. He can think what be likes." '"tarn," said the querist, "I think so." The policenian hasn't yet decided' what his duty was in this case. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in the. batb, softens the water and disla- teets. The British Admiralty Hydrogra- Alters charted last year 315 shoals dangerous to navigation. There never was, and never will In ata universal panacea, in one remedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir -the very nature tf many curatives being:such that were he gertns of other and differently seated 1piseases rooted in the system of the patienr--what would relieve one i11, In turn would aggravate the outer, We have, however, in Quinine Rine, when bbtain able in a sound nnedulterated state, a remedy for itaauy and grew ious ills. By its gradual acid judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qui- nine uinine exerts on\attire's own restoratives. It relieves the drooping spirits of those (with whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack of interest in life is t4 disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,' disposes to sound and refreshing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which. being stimulated. courses-thronrh. out the reins, strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system, therebl eking activity a necessary result' Strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturall euiand increased substance -result, lir. roved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of tic the! tothe public t proved oto h o given U. ro aP. v superior Quinine Wine at the usual rare and, gauged by the opinion of scientists4t this wine approaches nearest perfection el any in tile market. , .A .11 druggists mil it. . "Look hero, you have omitted one' Item," said the departing visitor to the landlord. "What's that?" ask- ed mine host, very anxiously. "The book-keeper said 'good morning' to me to -day, and you've forgotten to charge for it." K.74701.1C1"n5 te® Levw" Brothers e c! Toronto, to any person who tan prove that this soap contains my form of adulteration whateoever, Or contains any injurious chemicals„ A* for trio °ter Iter, tlrS. f.. 3 CAREFUL., CONSTANT .,C1ONCENTRAT(WN On neer work With the caruri un► GorresoorOG lee Co1!e e win cveuu ahg INe1 EA.AE YOUR. INCOIth 1;e4 RAT15EY 1o3.ItA?.ISxt';.OI5. Write for Exec, $ooklet. 45eanle Wanted P C ZJ e.3 a i o s .d I amt cn t* rte r el ., t;ot , PO a t% pe nc4, 40-46 King West. TORONTO, ONTt', CALLED HING 01,1 1SIIFFER,, Salaisburyr Did. It in Edward AMMO:. Manystoriee hove been told obotat Lord Salisllurys obeent-naindetlneee and strange naittal:e.s in identi➢ iug wellen sown people, combined with a supreme indiafierencs for ail per- , sone with Zwhout he find hiaaat elf itt. eolnpaane'. The latest of these stor.- fes which bas gone the rounds London recently tette of .an incident: which occurred at the. Ring's levee' the other day, 1,orst S lisbnry •wan pro: eat a:nd was stend111g. - apparently wrapped in thought, among a crowd of die- :iatguisbed toren, when the 13islaop of London .approached and greeted thus. To the Sterprire and chagrin of the latter Lord Salisbury failed utterly to rerogaire him egad the Mishap woe forced to explain win) be was and. to recall to tote former Prime MinAa- ter then uaae^t tlaaat l.e laVI d apfaa,etstc'd; l'fan Bishop of London in MAL Later on when the Bishop Was conver ing with the lomat. he van owe,* regret that Lord Salisbury wes apparently unable to trerogaire his friend9. • and told Itis Molest, - what had happened. The Bing. l laauglacd heartily and soidt "iltl has treated ate waren than that. • Not long ago, while loavinf an audience with rate, he gam as ht'an- Ibni .aaaatnple of thinliag aloud. On a table claw+ to his lo:'d:,hip stood a photograph of myself. Lord Saal- isbury, taking it up, gazed at it for a few moments, and then renutvbed, 'Poor old duffer; I wonder if he hi as stupid as be loops?' " This is not the - lirat time Haat Not. worn by Rubbing but Cleaned by Washing. New Century V iii`= Washing n a-. • 4,Machine Lady Gwendolen, to perform his due ties as host. The Premier explain- ed to her that he had just been hav- ing a most important conversation with Lord mentioning the nape cnf a ;member of his own cabinet. Ef' IRY'S P130FI1ECIES, nIiyrnry" is one of the popular astrologists of 1 and behas England, lately issued a bateh of prophecies for the next few. years. For exp ample, the Czar will die in June next, and England and Japan will whip Russia and France in the fall. In March next year Abdul and the Icing of the Belgians will disappear. In November, exit Roosevelt front power," Ixt Julee 1905, South Af-• rico, will rise. and in June and July of 1907, China will comate trraonblita In November, 1908, "Nark Twain tries a joke on Charon," Nineteen hundred and ten will bring the de- parture of the German Emperor. For May, 1913, is scheduled "apo- theosis of Whistler, 'L`t puto della 1110.' " 3l r a cin 1914. will bring re- forms in Russia; Alfie ist, 1926. will see En ;'dud a republic, and May, 1929, \Fill tiring home rule for Ire- land. OOLLINDUUT T - EU THE REST RE WAD= CURE QF A C1TTi IiY DOBIPA I 1 irnlexatnte .Fisher's Terrible Seine tic Pains Speedily Vanished 31e. fore the great Kidney Remedy.. :line—mood, May ,--«(S peeial):e- tan ry any, town And village in alnaae9:a la reporting relaaittkable Tures by ljodine :kidney Pine ane Coilane ocd- itt not behind the rest 1'hcre eve :corms of peon[. Item who" taxa\•e• neva' the • greet Kidney Iietaaed and s:tiat ;are :soot s lo\v to tell of tltt splctrhd reeultrt. kenneling I''ist_r, well !mown .s in the tows end taaaZ* re.aat;eitisg country. itt one of thellll. "1 W4.3 tratublen with Kinney Di, ,,ane ler thirteen genes," Mr. Fisbet say". uta tenting of his saaa°a, "It she vetoing into ; "a:eaaiiea whirl) los'n1et iii xray Side sal that 1 could not walk ar,t8as3aat el cone. 1 bad to We byp' enenagir Anneelone of niorll.➢rine to taave the Frain. "I tried different naealical Moll and x^etliene wimps no good weenie till 1 ,s:3 inesaeaaded to try lhsdd's Kitt. ley Palle. Three* lame effected a f, rt eaere. 1 can recommend .ads Richey Pills to all who are tetl'e-:ng front Rheatanaatisut or any ether totem 4fCiCy i`Gs p " "Ye , we carry an evening suAt, id the Arctic explorer. "But isn't' a lot of trouble changing so on' in those cold climates?" pro- d the friend. "We don't change often. You know the evenings are sat ttxalaths long up there." cleans by forcing hot sada forward and back through the fibre of the clothes. Ball bearings Ind two strong spiral springs Ariake it easy work. Your Hardware dealers will show it to you or write for booklet. THE OOWSWELL MFG. CO„ 11AMILTON, ONT. Lord Salisbury has failed to recog- nize Bishop Ingram, who is one of the best known and most popular Dear Sirs, Within the past year. ,i know of three fatty tumors on the tread halving been removed by the application of MINARD'S LINI- ,'MaNT without any surgical opera- tion and there is no indication of a return. CAPT. W. A. PITT. • Clifton, N.B. Gondola Ferry. ' 7-59 divines in England. A few weeks after be • had appointed him Bishop Lord Salisbury tact him at a great London house and had a long con- rersatiot with Mini. At the close of this talk the then PrimoMinister of Great Britain went to the Hostess and asked her who the intelligent young ecciesias- tic was with whom he had just been talking, Last sununer, at a great annual garden party, at his country estate; Hatfield House, Lord Salis- bury was seen to approach an oh- scure country member of Parliament and greet him warmly. Be led him off by the arm and kept him in ear- nest conversation for a song ' time. The country m,eniber of the House finally rejoined his friends beaming with pride, while Lord Salisbury was carried off by his daughter, '' ,first tvitat it was 25 years sgq,. Sto cobs . il $e now.. ' lie prompf,-,sure curt, for SOR Ess AND STIIETNESS tlrl'eea 2 t''o. sed 50t, bard's MN eul Curls Carvel DI Cogs. ONLY FAIR. Tho Patient - "Doctor, what's in this prestription?" The Doctor (haughtily) -- "That's not for you to know, sir." "All right. When you tend nee a Sill, xuake it out in the sane way " C11iUSTIAI1 EtiD1:AVOIt, DENVER For the International Convention tit Denver, July Omit to 13th, the official route selected by the Trans- portation Managers for Ontario and Quebec is via the Chicago and North-Western and Union Pacific Railways. Special ttaiu of totu'ist sleeping care through to Denver. Tickets on sale July 6th. 7th and 8th. Return limit August 31st, 1003. Very low rates front all sta- tions in Canada. 'Write for official Christiana Endeavor folder, rates and fall information to 33. IL Bennett, 2 East Xing street, Toronto. "Will you. tell ine," asked the old gentleman of a lady, "what Mrs. Blank's Maiden name was?" "In'lay, her maiden aim was to get married, of course," exclaimed the lady. Flies Carry Contagion Wilson's n t,, caro Fly ads hill the Ries and disease germs too. L.-. a au TOO TOUGII A JOB. Noiselessly, but with all his might the burglar tugged at the dressing - table drawer. In vain, It refused to open. Ho tugged again. "Give it another jerk," said a voice behind him. The burglar turned. The owner of the house was sit- ting up in bed and looking at hint with an expression of the deepest interest on his face. "Jerk it again. There's- a lot of valuable property in that drawer, but we haven't been able to :ppen it Since the damp weather began. If .you can pull it out I'll give you ,.a handsome royalty on everything that's—" But tho burglar had Jumped out through the window, taking a part of the sash with hini. 24-03 F'iv'e o'clock teas Alf cl social functions Of an," sort are incomplete without i Biu€Ri Ceykri. 1 4 'Ise best you Mug your and are for. By guests t flatter them coamene f s Your own, good taste. Bleep, Mixed, Ceylon Green. .F : tle ter it Label. 1r4ali.'TX vRAIT'S--s tquir i $I'G rprrIr 6 government Tests lttava .alivea that 80 per eeat of all the niesprasyed freits Edina weste might he marketed eted at tep priene isye twith a nnine.tentiss of the lamer can bo saved where pouch, wbitewa or petating is hece may, vault you to `knew wh meter* Will allia your intim wielle cradinery sprr.yer fall. ,x Ingof a Sprayer the roette,r of a =exegete net a i;leistJes is a qtly' expelMeatse It rne the r e" year tabor Rad etersEnel, ane ettecte year ' , f s. We wzzt Tea to ktimm slay 24,e primates'oneawa=na First r' rel: nee Swag -mg cviges.a3'itts4et4Me'ft tt Fan ,pvpe re. p2F-'-:Iceu„ %s want rots to knew nen nenetere call j e va , r aid Innen ylrai weaaat Y44t isr ktaow why n?s ere tar en:, a iI t ,e . f es-=e,tSr,• t. at a et rs egata ='red 1'4A tairrut-I'l' xg *Qat +i.1til. t e Tectaare , " ' y . t tQ tT3a3 i eat 3amsoncxftu'taa te.eeSentto .1t''. .re; eiieneste, «aIr'1+ Q0. fiC.3` " SPtrAMOTOR. CO. 13V1rFATenn, tirag. mem- PAI TO 'PAI iIT rIGA• are for beauty, roteet tC)Il ait4 durability—made oil, turpentine m1,and best S L!l' O p1gl:leuts. The price is just right aud. aU gond dealers have them, You can't get better paints». =may get wo 11e, note us, ese hectic 36ia per ten wer`11 ;fin aA ta. lt:sboarmgbeeetntailie=esen ;meetitd nide cur eoiot . As RAMSM' 6 nnN, kolet calkers. • • b:a;aTil ,t le. Tenn eine Coareley-."I antra' t; l.noty you were ateemended with MISS Lovett. She aaslied neo last night if 1 num you." iAaaa4 mtwsfl, nice of her. What led lu'r to ask you that, 1 wonder ?" t'oanlley "Why-er -= 1 laafi Just aositeat, her if false could Imagine anyone uglier than Bill Thompson." CI1L L1f11SION TO DENVER. The Wabesti will sell round trip 1 tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo, Col., at less than the one way faro. Tickets on sauce July Gth, 7th and Sth. good to return any minim before August 31st. 1003. Passengers going via Detroit and 1 over the great Wabash Ifnc. can go via Chicago and Omaha, return through Kansas City and St. Louis without extra charge. This -' will give passengers the grants opportun- ity of seeing the World's Fair build- ings at St. Louis. All Wabash trains stop at the I'nir grounds. For full particulars address J. A. Iticlutrdson, District Passenger Ag mnt, .,northeast corner Xing and Yonge streets. Toronto. IIo - "Tell you what. Let's found a. society for mutual admira- tion. 1, for instance, admire your beautiful eyes, and what do you ad-, mire in tae?" She -- "Your good, taste." RA We have Mexicans, WE California Navels, 11,A.Vl. 1 'k a en la yr1s , 0 e s and " a SevAlles. 131;8 Carload every weep. All the above at snarltet prices. We mut also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syrupaaud ether .produco to adva '. tage for you. ,rME DAWSON COMMISSION G0,a Limlt.tt., Car. West Market at., TOKONTQ, 1-45 Mtnrdis Ltn rnent Cates ute tt rtat A general on active service re- ceives $10 a day; a I:e.at: general, $26.50. Sure Regulators. -Mandrake and dan- delion are known to exert a powerful in- fluence on the loiver and kidneys, restor- ng them to healthful action, inducing s regular flow of the secretions and impart- ing to the organs complete power to per- form their functions. These valuable in- gredients eater into the composition of Parmelee's Vegetable Pill•i, and serve to render them the agreeabls and salutary medicine they are. There are few pills as effective as they in their action. About 173,000 persons areem- ployed in the postal service of the United IKingdont. Mtuard's Wiment Cures Cafr}s, etc, She - "I am simply delighted at the number and value of our wed- ding presents. He - "`I'm not; nxost of them came from people who are not yet married.' For Over Sixty Teare" AN OLD AND WYELL-Tine» Rtit6DY. Nita Winslow's tioothlag Syrup has boon used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, frith perfect success. It soothes the child wafture; the gums, ullays all pain, cures wind .olio, and le the bast remedy for Diarrheas. 15 pleasant. to the tate. Sold by drugging in every part of the world. Tweaty6vecents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for itrs. Winslow'° Soothing syrru1, and take no other kind.• 23-74 Wife - "Shall I out your diamond Studs inyour shirt, dear?" Husband -"'What. on earth are you thinking of? Do y au avant to ruin me? I have a meeting with nay creditors this morning." 41 AY Cee: - Put a variety into Summer living - it's not the time of year to live near the kitchen range. Libby's veal Loaf Potted Turkey Deviled Hain Ox Tongue Etc. Qakltty iitaiie Ready to Serve. Send to -day for the little booklet, "How to Make Good Things to Eat," full of ideas on quick, deli- cious lunch serving. Libby's Atlas of the World ,.ailed free for 5 two -cent stamps. Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago. U. S. A. Proud Mother - "At last, nay dear, your education is finished, and you have diplopias from the highest seats of learning in the world.'a Cultured Daughter (wearily) -"'Yes, and now I'm too old to maxry. There is danger on neglecting a cold Many who have died of consumption dated their troubles from exposure, followed by acold which settled on their lungs, and In a short time they were beyond the skill of the best physician. Had they used Rickles' • Anti -Consumptive Syrup, before it was too late, their lives would have been spared. This medicine has no equal for curing coughs, colds and all affections of the, throat and lungs. The annual loss from the burning of buildings in the United States is about $135,000,000, not including cost of insurance and the appliances for fire protection. Mlraard°s Lttnent Cures Distemper,, Britain's national expenditure passed the 100 million point in 1897. It was 183• millions ' last year. This le the Page etanp , derd eleven bar wire •foogqe. call, cpSi(ng /vire (net pri 1.-t yk,es be y In enm it;does lob' Aute too tight In wIttever0eutatee 1 e own as o ail the 4 +t uprights '' tone D1oe. Ae stated a strap of IRO twunde.. CbAamon uprialna etpisood eapbbas 6 irk Denude. .$fisognae ornategntt l f ences,'poulttrt netting, aro sten aril the Wart over. M The PaSe. Wire Felice Go., Lin. Waikervillo, ont. St..Tobsi, i0,u. .tontreta"Y, l'4s;a ...tem A„-•: 1l'