HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-6-18, Page 5I I I - I . I 11 ... . 11,11 1. . I . ,. � 1. . - I . .. . I . I . ! . I ". I . - I I I � $0. . � . . . .- ______ -_ _­­ 11.1 . I I ­ I . - I I � . I ­ I - � 1-11. ­ ­­ . ­.. - ��; � I � ­­ I ... � . -1 ... 11.11, 1. - I I I— � I . - .. I I I � . .. � - . - I � --1 __ . I I . . I THE, I CRA-MBERLAIN'S PLANS, THE VARKr.-T RL -PORTS. , I - I 1*;XJa,e:r 4�'arlatcl All Stuffed Up I - i - I MARKETS41 ' I � ol . -sufferers. ; Government Will .Conduct An In- I British Live Stock -Grain is Rigll 'OHANO]IDD I3AQH WEDNESD IVY I - ��TFD_ - . TbaVS the c ,iditiou of many . . . I . � _ ,eT-' 7vvbeat ...... � ... - _.. - . ,rA , .. I ' . from catardi, especially in the =10rall1g, . � 70 ir T IV 71k 9; Ir If ullll�,,,Ued every Thursday.)Iorozng %t the Mee. .. - qu;ry, The Visible Supply. I � I- 11 � , .1�arley _­­ -l 38 , 424 , XATU-STI�EF'T, - EXE B Oreat difficulty is. experienced in ole=- London, June i6. - A nuiuber of Uonday Evening, June, X$.. oati...,., '1*.,.'1,. � � ­ I �:. - 29 so IT 1��' I . . , ing the head and throat. questions hearing on, Colonial Svcre,- . Peus___ ....... � _ _ Go 0) I -By the- . No wonder catarrh causes beada , Toronto St. Lawrence Xarktk, VQtatoes, p , , , I , clle� Mry Cbairiberlain's preferential tariff . erbag._,_. A 2� I.,$$ 1 . .$4 1 ADY00ATE PUBLX$HIN0-QPMPANy fmpair�, t he * The grain receipts at St, t4wrence Ray. per ton., � ..... _.. -7 0 � . . 4 11 , , 00 Soo, . . _1 .be t4ste, smell and .0 I . =1119, proposals were asked in the, House of Marl�et to-aay were fairly heav4 t .r . TFJWS OF SLIBSCRIPTIQ'X� pollutes. the breath, deranges the. stQ I Itag.k Qfal, Flon.l., Vt. owt.,-roller.... 105 200 --- I . n� :�Ommons- Premier Balfour, re- � 0 bushels. I I l3utter ........ --11'.. 1 15 1. 01 � h lirbeat-Timee hundred I o4e_ I)ollat per annum it paid in adwace. . , bushels or white I , �. si.%Q .ach find affects tlae appetilte. I And M of red sold at 70c per ,. 1%X T T Ayina to Mr. Labouc ere (Advanc- 1 blisIX01, and 13 I 1. W � it not.50, vald, � . aid the inquiry into tho I B ley . , d" To cure catarrb, treatment must be . 0 Of goose sold at -,Qe� ,7aqs, per 100, lbs ....... 5 00 5 .W, ' X,* -S -alte W Liberal), s � � of barley, ,. - �, JASS NWRIRAY 1"' 'Co,, rQTt1_-d;=* =ZLtQG 0= Za 01AC06- constitutional , native and Onto. �r Z�ne hundred bushel$, Live, hog 4, pe - cwt � ..... I 5 70 _ t!.-= ,�Pj . ..... "I was III for (our months wltli catarrhi suggested chan.ges in th 'in Sow at 90 . " ,7, 7 7A j� X-A.NVFACvfUR-,rMMi Or, I , _ Dressed Rogs ..... . _ � 770 1 el f'scal $Ystc Oats-ORG hundred bushels sold at 35o sbort,$ - I . . I intho head and throat. Had 4 bad, cough would be conducted by the GoNpern- , per .bushel. Per owt., � .... _ 100, I raipea blood,. I had, occome, dia- Pre-Q-9eid Hogs -The maruet waa quiet I I inued unfilAll arrearogesaref,a'd and m.ent, which would be re . Bron, pvrcwt� ... - � ...... $01' S I Lo RINIGS , ' p,rdlwo�l thoul - I . couraged when my busbanIl bovubt a bottle . sponsibie d unchanged. 'Chalce light wei0t hog. I ....t, "I � , I � ....... are quoted at s" ,,, a==; , AND 1 A,d�,Oe�%, t sp.ecified directions iA I be of Hood's 6ar.saparilla god persuaded we th.crefor, Asked if it was propqscd tQ " an o I . � 1-tiw, ur,til folbld *ad chairg-ed w=rdiz,-13r. to try It. I advise 411 to take %� it IhAA � , Vtll�ral diseount, ni.-de for trAusdent advertiVaients cured 40 built me up." Uss, 9van Au- Protect Canada, by retaliatiog on, cxer- N-1134 t 0�_t �! EMENT IMIXERS Juserted for long perlodo. ZierydeacriptionOtJoD � 4 I 1 ,C� " 'N out, in the finest st$le, and ab zovm, WeA L14cOmb. 1C, 0. Wally, -Mr. Chamberlain said the situa- , 11-i I p /­ , ' r' I tipa created by tile differences bo,t ,, w4 14.1e,,te i.'t',Ve8heqUW. money Orde r , qqn, 04-4 No jffq I # ,�J' -______-_'__'__­----­­ ­--_--_ ' PV.bl __ _ 'We bave for sale 4 e,dvextising.*41�sl�rlp%tbxLs.eto.�t46to-f,e.'e DO Hood's Sarsaparilla callada and A�,cr Ile Visible Supply,, ' . . Wally Was 0 1 . , . , preC'IS41y � ;---A 0 -a that "poll which he had invited June 15,103 June 16,102 June i ,uresc,tarrb-itsoo esaudstrength- , ,17�,Qj - ' 4 1 . I . �h Vbas-.U� Sauders, oil$ the mucouis membrane aud buil a, discussio% With the view of a$Cer- . Wheat _ ., ,.!�%W4,OW 23,570, , 3,-,M.#W - B -a. . 04 . I , 000 ;, � "My bair Was falling 04 1, I ,oiler 80 " P sySter taining the opinion of the count ' - I 2orn . . .. .. .... 4,1.M,01* 4 719 9W . . , "t v�-17 Ir RDITOR AND PAOP Up, the Wbol_- Is gi. ry. D40 � . .. ...... 4,0Wg.0(9 . 17271 1%Q 14§t;t was greatly alarmed. I !_ I Boiler 40 1-4, P�. I ... 111- 1.111 1-1 ­ 1-1-11 ------ - .1-11. � 1. London, June i6. -The 7_414:* 1 .-nd I I I i-J-� , , discussion of Rye . 4119W.W � I .. Rvore'R00,1R41 c4ra*. preferential tariffs was rc%jy04 ilk tile Bar � ley .. ...... 6_491110V WAN 61610M -4n I Boiler and E ^ 00 To THI Q. � _ .. .... Wi.M I .Dglile. L %q rj6a then tr; d Aycr's Hair ViV.r aad, ! . Whoat decreaseq thep , 4 I p . - ast weei � ___ . ...... � .... .... 7--_ House of Lords by Lord Goschta " � � J0209 myb4l,r6cao0p,pcafa,llln;;MtQnc,4�I'l- -, 80 h. P. I i� t ,Dushet% ^ a year ago wheat decreased 2r V ., _ Kp;s9A,N, UU&.& M. A, 111- KIM- rUfff] notgg MjLt . �8 (Liberal), wbo called attention to 014, .Q% bu Mrs. 10� A, MQVay, Al2?.�;=41541 Q. �. , _ ,V ..,- h 0 1 .", - ___ I poller and Engine ft nk;_k. Co.&, 0.0.81. Roller gravinge of , l f cabinet minisi� . ­ � W-;,�, 4� - h 91* Toi6to upaveristy. U fl = ,on the Subject. Lord Goscben : Cite= Markets, I . 10 - .P. 1. Pointed. out that t The trouble is y Ir , � I . ,he whoh.- questiq% Utica. 'X.Y., June U.-TI-am5actlosm 1% I , ourbal, - Castings ,3f every Description 14J , JM-NTIISTSI� FOR , on t e 'It! I Iry r of . do � T"tII extr-yeteds'FItIlk"ut any p6,qp. cr any h%4 effects rested upon the taxation of food, He -, e docs not havc likon ___-J 4 � -urass an4 Iron t" arder. onsidercd that the colonies wc!r4 a ere :_ I t of 7, as _149 In *%'kn- 1Wl'. NVe4$t 1p�"Iie'g'n J�44VO% , sh- t �Q,,, 'I � 01%,�v .Q4 ,l , - I 1 4.4 . r � 'Ittingsof all 14res Lent I .1 "'Av. ,. Pipe and IF , , " �PW4 X rA00r. , �. PURE MANITOBA Ing infinitely ,more than they them- a e,q t P , eese, OR A a '. s AQt promptlys Savo y 1� , � . sclyva were �repareIi to gjve�. Tie I I " ol 0 tor, at V , To %.I constantly in suliA. , "R, % Alzox A\.-m"sox Qxp.s� I.D.8 Forcialk'Xinister Lausd4wac said lic, 14T Q,a al" ' , hair. Food It with Ayes I JASo MURRAT 1160- 401, . lW CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR did not Wish to disagree with lit; pra�q- 111. ­_­ ---1 ... --1111 ­­ ­­1M-"%""F-.q4_W,FRw 1 _Qr;t4TI4T_ British Cattle Markets. Hair Vigor. If the gray . __ I (Star) tical point Lord Go5chen bad r4is , . �l!= Uquqr Grulnite 61 Toronto Univerift$ and, Royal - I _� , ,.gd., -,;' i "I cdneao of Wntal sumcons of 041"1% A150. Post name))" to act 'with extrellie caution London. Juae� is. *morloan%ttle, 5%4; hairs arc-- beginning to � i Tostlictle Dpptls� . ; " Va. -, '� �'. Wry bciom eofflulitting themselves to a adl V * , I CANADIAN ' ! !r . I ,Rv�: weatlon.) I T PASTRY � Graft'AW of Chicago SAAM Ot r 018 I 1. A - a file*. I I zt, " P I radical departure from free trade prin- � r ��� a I Q at .-M on show, Ayeris Hair VigoA � A*,% (WAIN11111111"1710"Xiall old and Vulognite Plat" made in tile (relnev5s) Opals. He wished it to be clearly 11 I PAC I FIC L - I n0teamannerposalble. A pprfectly htkraft�s An, v. 11 QQI.Jura 1&. ­04nadjap Vattle. V.jd. � .1 , under-5tood that the a I - G � , will restore color ovory, .� 'traetion of 04PM , ove,rnm pusal(OP410me) - . ent bad to A - 41111i'llolone'dopr4uth QfC;ir11l)RPmx otom Exetvr- WHEATLET not proposed any measure to the coun- , . - time. Jim a WtIL LMI dffnjdl�, WILL RVN ll-- ­ , - 03reakfast rood) try. The plau'put forward was not Montmil Live Stock. I I - 1- f 310411cal one to which any member of file Gov. AwntTe4l, Juno 10,-Trado at. the Eq r omeseeXars 0"' Excursions -­­ It had beell Bad - Abalt I , at ug t C3444'5 - X 04 NY 7011, INY __ A good supply of Alillfeea ,rumen uL 11"S" 9i r, L � t was committed. 0 c cattle Warhol; was fair to. Qua Ili.) r and. TM W1 Imilm"A IL T. P. �JvLAM11TAIN, )IF11REA OF ITIM da)r. and pricca were about the vame. %, We. 9o�QTQ##dgtV§tb9A,,A­_1 TO THE CANADIAN KMP-WIM519' AT eolleg_e 41L PJW5JeIQ4$ and SAIr, ,,t�,,,.. and Chop always on hand. broached silup-ly Wcauso the signs of C _neceipts = .., L , AtIIQ� D geoni 0 tile time$ $bOWL , , . gunted. to iA head, Ootlar V oAt ex r0A Q , ge. :,s. * RF -TURN, FARES ,4I44.n. surgeou �.Pd Awouclicur. 031mo RMIll ed that such a discus- I mQ;pt of,which were of 9004� quality. Tbo 11 Q.Ay. It I .1 , I 1. 'L ' ­' winalpog­.", lftgm W13 . . , oil be inevitable. It Was demand for Them ,wai fair, and at noon -POP-144tv I 11 ­ z 7 -, A%aft __1 Wp-.�C!.��­ � $30 1 - ,�'W. OZ ___ Give our Flour aud Feed fiQu Would 50 WQ irowalood unsold. Prices ranged as fol- 19stow4ri. ...... 4 yQrM4R_,- I ible after the resolutions passed low$1-ChOleebulchers', 4%o to, 5c� ,.good, I F-Igin_ � I ta A% . DQne(r, jolip 1). Wilsoti, Offlea and Rewldewle. 2W 4 trial and be convinced that Colonial Conference to bmsh 4c to fte. medium. 04,a to 4%a. cQ,M, iiion. TWO or tbrea tramps arrested In AftOx. 1 �4 f -1 U Pe. Alhort.. � � IN.e 'Q. ,n%AvQ�,, Londrou Ont. Sr,,1lhIQ4tQ4t40R 11TP01:_ 4499 ,tions lightly aside. but to L3% " canners. none. Ca ,-,,.,. -.,. MAG'e�, - qr, QA#&QT$ -­ ) M'W I i,A-l'it'afjt&-aE�tsQt-,VonlellI offlwobdura. 12,� it is all right" I L stch 5 .es , Ives --Re- connection with the Glory whalen. MIMS04n 4- 1_ 6 � .4% t's 4 the Government Was going into the in- c0iPtS,41110UPted to IM bead. The qual* niurder eme have beert velvAsed. mwa=142'1�:',_ � . V� M - V4 In mill n The demand 1. I .. 4jj��,X­ t7T 7, nTrT!_._, ___ Roller find Plate grinders in restigation with a perfectly open mind, Iwtyaa F50d antlyactan000n ' alawarik-, rfm aear. I Ron@ remained Hillbort.. Mr. vbaliva Gorlpley" Q,,,AR4 View- � *5tmth cur It it cQ11ected ,statistics it ,Would. nut UU501 - V,"Or M00% $014 At to a 1 4__ � 140941.1 1 use to suit customers. - , , 41141 , $1 0. A d Ot the Gth concession, bad the Illisfor. kiwan Rker.. J 11 , 0 be 'with the 04jQot of supporel"a any good "t I$ to I$' QQQQdCed1QPm%sa`oQdr fahreeVves' time to bave his barn straek -_ - ­­­ - .- .l . _- . .- ----- ----.--,. __ ��_­M_ evp Imbs r li am, by light- 1-11 11-1-1- � . L . __ , q particular thesis of theory. ountfil to 41A bead � Ahowe of lambs am. nlng�colll letelydestrayingit.togeth- G�4r�-,J�',*E41�4.,r,,1=5,nL�;At-4'�l-,��';M�-, , �1 f a"* , , " IM11r. "S =% $01,1(7- ]F�arvey Bros. I I ounillun to OV head.. The sheep brought _ . Dlet"�ltsvo'vs&e.aci!Air�kLel'oNuov'Q4,AWLQ,m comi4wmcza, erwithalftbe farm linplementp In. Or'S",11, Anb3k,=r,3,� 43,4.og JVSK Z."?), v Im" � a L from Ze to Vw. lamW Felling at 11,40 to 0 =%A AVC410,1514 Illtitl Wa =1 417 S11* 11�K,�11,;At, 4-h . . gq,)Npitors for XQbzms IhIkk. OR" XQPef tQ 1-41 At SuCeeSI,jaro, to J. cobliledick & Son MAO. The demand ,was 004). 1108*- 'Cluding bluder, luty ralke. 103,4er, waw ii,�113014k,Lvtllo:.r,-.I,,�n,4;�,-unl�,I �-&&V'I�IVMI� -1,4 � . QW41,14"tesorlateTUL Oft"'M min ',�V,T�,pgg, SERVIAN KI.XG CHOSEN. Th -0 ' " te. A calf bad MI* �Wa MI ar li�;C ZU:4, -Pnj %..'bn, ar., P,2- T " �,Q C -n; �,� ­ - - .__ - nee Pis f Us amounte I to W he' - off alldL IS Illifte "IM 'I'l 14 P. IL 1� 114. Qm4ma. &A" ___ on, separator, e one I helernandhww . and prIces rang- and all its bair burned r r1l1l &.,QJ7.jf'�4,�' f"'A;r R",��'tjtj Q.Q 4'L �. "� ;44"t. I—— . I , _ _ , -4 _% -111 Soon be ed from V�.i to 49, -4a� a, elv Z�,�a­ ,,,a �;',;r 4 m& Peter Karigeorpvitch NV 9611114I Pair 41omand for 41alan.0 ,?3�1,,., g,a.p ", i:;�. ,4 L IMISTER. SOLICIT or.. F.Te W L a curiosity. Them was an insarance ill,VZ.4 ,%=%� er to FRED)Iaf":ir,#,lv#lotf'ar-ino-N=11. Mike. woral'Wy Mot 4, CREDIT0.1.1 Crowned. boss. of *9W in the Alexillop Milton]. Nut -11 A. I'll NOTMAN, . 01,411mls. Ran StTctt. Enter. I Semlin, Hungary, June 4. - The East Buffalo Cattle 11arket. sym atily is extended to Mr. .,Gormley Av��?t-=�C-V:wral ,R��,Tp,;O�r ,%;tv;% I Zaat BuRale. June IS.-Cattlo-accelpts, In N loss. ., Auct,loneers Skupstchina and Senate of Servia met 0 %0* gtlua demand and strong for dry __ __ - -.'IVA,:Zgl,.,o�i,..V,�7'r.-ai,r,, IL -.------,. . - ,,,"I%�%M� ----- lAimacd Auctioneer ROLLER MILLS# in joint .5eision .it Belgrade precisely 0 Nd 'and dull an srasserm prime and -, ­_ ,L '_ ' ' - ' , . � shipping steer. . R coundes W refth and Mdallesev- I % um to p.w; butelle1w R. ulrtoov,lt v,,, 'a"elffea- at noon, and ,within fifteen mill- steelso 0.49 to 40-10; cows and belfors. . 41.0 for the township ,of Iraltorlie. $,-des promptly 00'w�C��lw�..:�OC��D�DQQC*Qozccg)o\�-IC�40 C OL ws0e;14114 to %nd tenus reasoax,ble. twes Arranged . . utes had elected Prince Peter Kara- 1 45 to N ); bUllfi, $3.25 to $4.35; stockers I and feeders. MW to 14-M. stock heifers. . : # A P05t onzee. Wineueltra. We IvM! la. Des- to 0.70; stocic swer calves, $444 to . NLSUMP are g ff eXCellent goorgavitch as King of Serv, TIO --- ­­ - - ­ � I - I .. - �Ir I M good to ,fresh cows and aprIngem satisfaction since Re- patches received, here my that long.' ea'alor, common very dull; good to choice, tt Oto VA: medhan to good,. t2d- to 1M. The Molsons Bank modelling our mill. conferences were held beween the I coultuon. $15 to V2. Vea.14-Recelpla, 74 � . (Chirtcml by 11a0ironent. 1,104) - Ministers and Deputies on Sunday head: steady to strong at is to - I , Hogs- - CURED ________**0� ' ROCCIPM MO bead; active and %6 to Goo Ifead Office, Montreal. . night and all this morning. These re-' IOW'dr; heavy and Mllldlum'� $6.36� to S0.43,- CAN B E GRISTING and CHOPPEXG suited in a cut and dried programme, Yorkers. 9-:2 to $0.40; pigs, MI% to so.%.; Paid up Oaplfid..... $2,M10,140 . wbleh went tbrough witlJoUt a hitCh. roughs. A.25 to $5.50; 3 ags, S4 to *1.60. EDITORIS NOTE. --The Slocum Others, the ftPeCtorant by others, ­­* L Reserve Ftind ................. �to,("- I 1� * t*e L I ' She"' and )am 7'5w bead' System of Treatment for the cur4i Of the OX016t). by otliers; S .1 , and, all I MNE PROMPTLY Geneva, June x& -Xing Peter, in an i sheep steady alrd Iv=C,Qb1pJ8125o higher.,,- T,�$.ri,TAAOTT, lrsr%,.ir.n4%,r,ll.%,.,-.koRi�., , interview, announced that he had ac- laimbs, $6 to $7.50, yearlings. S3.710 to to; Consumpdon, Pulmonary Troubles, four, or any tbrae, or two, or any 4 4ft cepted the crown of Servia, and N,v uld "thm. $6 to ;5.60; owes, $4.C4 to $4.To"; . sheep, ;2 :_1I1,XETrR1R BRANCH 14. SWIEITZE X, � to 14. Catarrh, General Debility, and one, may be used sinj;ly er in com- 1 4 assume tile title of Peter the irsL ' I nearly all. tile ills of life, is medicine bination* according to tha needs of 4 I __ He has telegraphed to Belgrade his ac- Idontreal Grain and Produce. offieeboUrs:-.-;JOA,M.Logp.ui-,S,tttlrdrkvslo.,A.ItI ceptance of the crown. reduced to an exact science by the tile case. I ,to I 1XIII. Granton 4 .41 am profoundly touched,," he said, -Graln-The demand 'alist. 4 'at the confidence shown, me.?J � tor oats for local and eountry cousump- world's foremost spedl Full instructionswith, each set of I -1goner4tll),tnl,iiigbiu,qlnesstx,o,us�icted Mr. Nelson Riek. has moved bero The King has addressed a proclama. I tion continues good, and iiia tone of the 333r its timely use thousands *f four free remedies illustrated here. 0 from Ituss0dalp.-Joseph. Grant he s very firm, but other I % I lines of coarse grulus tire almost neglect- apparently hopeless cases havo been Our fcaders are urged to takae I 't)urt of r4oreftel be Placarded and read throughout the'ed. We Quotei-,peas, 1,30 to V/10; ryo. permanently cured, 4 atoney wivatieta to good Finnersat lowest rates. tended the High C 'it' tion to tile people of Servia, which will i m savings Rant- paposits from $1 and upwav& reeelv- ineetivig, Nyllicli wats held at Ilitinilton i 581,4e, No. I oats, $80 to as%c; No. ZI oats. advanta-eof Dr. Slocum7sg�nerous ,ea. ititt,tc-st4llo%v4�d;ltliigll�%teurretitmtes. last week.-Wa tire pletised to'note the country. 11, it Ile thanks the Serv�14us, Vo to 37%0 allouir, No. 1.1 oats, ex -store, The Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil tp 10 who have showil a desire to return to I 190; buckwheat, 4ol,g Offer. 4 succ(ISS (if Oscar ,Lalm in passing hi , e alloat; Zia. 3 barloy, is needed by some, the Tonic by 1 4 V 's the traditions of their ancestors. 1,14 1321w afloat. Blemos & C,knuml, N. D. Ifulm first year in inedicine at Toronto Uul- 11our-undertone to tile market firm. .., � ­ I 'ON I . I .4olleltors. ITAtTlager. versity and also F. NV lAtlli;ford, 'w1lo promises to be faithful to those tradi- ,' M7e quote.-Cholce manitoba spring whotl.t .. i 11 - . I 0 passed bits secand yea I: 1. tions, drawing special inspiration from patellts# $4.10; second$, $3.W. strong bak- , � t;",4 1. . nt-VictorlaXiii � :!:,,� 4 versity.-Jitines Brooks, (of Bad Axe the memories of his regretted father. ers% $3.40; wintei, whout paten , . ,,;. is. u,15 to I I Y,.? ­ 1. �­",- 11�1 4 � O.W; straight i . � �. �: �_ -ollers, ,k.11.35 to $1.1.50; do Jn '!;�__- 1-4, 1 � ,�; !�..' . Mil ' The Xing promises to ignore all that. bag '!' :* ;'% " - �' . 4 1 Z J 1, � I , , I � uh., is lintue. oun visit to his fainily �s. imp to �Cw; extra. si.ss to si.00; , I I . I '` .�. ��4"I,, - ,. , _.�, �� ,.I ;_ .1 ,. � I ;. , 4 " iii -1-- �. I - - I �.;, " ,� . bri and i 7.,!"i � !'- � . ... ... W.- � _­ , , - .i , ,.,741 � � , -J ,a ... I ­� I Inishiess to .Mr. McTavish, of to tifose ""' �� 1. � :;:. ;�,.",.N t . . � 1 ,4-- 3. I i channed at $3,G0 to *, " per _ I 31. I rl " � Bicycles 1 beru�-_'R. H'. .Campbell bus sold US has happened during the past forty : derhand slow and xnarket dull,,%vith prices 'i __ I � m.w � . - �', years, and not to bear ill -win - Pei, bag. , IT- I( . . . ,=It, fort,11esilul ()f 8l,759._Jtt,_. W110 opposed him. He concludes with 11.70 to 41.75 -44 .; � . . . . . �, �1-_ , P, -:� - - I 1Ve aire still in Lbe Dievele trade B i Willfeed-Market reinains firm under a - ­� ­ _. , � . , f--..11�,.n - I ... gi � ' �� -�.,�-�L -_-A'T ,il! .... �; .1 - A and tbi,� year show spine - 11 tie speci- Norton lins sold bis bonse'and lot in Promising to respect the right of all oud demand tor all lines. AVe, quote:- !�$il:� " �11 " ­, I � inims. The 01111SHIOX FRAME is A%vsnick to Mr. lValker, Avbo did Con- ernplo flaultolia, bran in bags, *_'10; shorts I gg. - �, / 11.._ -__*7*" - -Vees of the State, whoinjie in- ' . V, � - � . I I r_1 ­ 1,41 I � ,� ­. : 1 4 to ride. Pi�ices Mod- , ijer ton; Ontario bran in bulk, $10: sborts. . -1.1, , ��,111-,­ �.__ � .. 11. :. � - the Ideal wbeel siclernIllo carpenter Work araund here vites to retain the positions to which - ., �11 - " 1." 4 _ - )21, and moullie, V-9 to ps as tonua ; I ­ . � � - � I I il, � I I- �,�= - ,I . , I 1: ,- �� � �.. I I L I last suiniper.-Miss J.. O'Buien has an. they are legally entitled, and. to to- Lggs-14o, change; demand for 'Ity I- - . . I I � � erate. ..ill m i. ".. � ­,_--.;-! I , , I I . J'_-- Ir _­ ­ ­ ­ . notinced lier intention of resigning the sunle the normal condition of their du- ' lots fair; round lots of No. I stock. 12%e � _. .-. ­ � � principalship of our pablic school at ties. Xing Peter will probably start to Jsc. and In a jobbing way. 333A,e to 14c; 1 5AMPLE: _ *' PEE SA�jp ------ ... � 1!­_�' I �_ - I 'r, - I . !_ . ­ . �t�___, ­.�_ LE. � I � I -11 __.. I I No. 2 stock In round lots, ne, and In a. __ ­ - 11, a 36'-Tew Pianos ! midsuminer. 'She b;%s been erigiged for �Belgrade on Thursday evening by Small way, UIA-0 to 120. Locums � 0, I . - .. vgrmro. 4 " Several Now Plamos just put in -.as teat.ber in al� saboolat London. ­The way of Vienna, accompanied by his 33eans-PrIces unchanged, primes being . - - D r. r1l" .V I � I I quoted at ti.72,h- to 4.75 per bushel In , _ 1. e. 1z stuck ; newest stylts'und the best th"Ce "TIMIRI Pirtle') Pa -ties are billed Swiss attendants and, a deputation car jots. and'at $1.80 to $1.10 in a jobbing WN I r-- �t� � th Lft tn. on the following dates: Methodist, frOnT the Servian Parliament. . way, , . I I . F �. I makes. It will pay,yon to see ..,, WE i ') -d,Hn-lishcburcb,June 20th, As he received congratulations, Cheese-Warket steady, with no material - � - 23i - I You will be stirprised tit t6 LOW June etc ,bange, vrices remaining as last quoted. I 4__ I PRICES abwbich. we sell tbern. and Presbyteilan on July let. -Airs. King P r liecame more excited, Butter-PrIces rule frorn IS%c to 19c is ElIaL.510# of -PUP i - 11 . wul. Hodgills is visitinj friends in laughed hysterically, marched vigorous- to quality and quantity for creamery. � I - 1. . Stratf6rd.-Mr. and 'Mrs. J. E. Murrifv ly up and down the room, and finally I ProvIslons-rair trade In all lines ex- .. i - . I - � ,4 Organs of -the Latest .spent Suildny with friends in Lucan­_ Elting himself into a chair, trembling 06Pt pqrk, for which the domandis sl Liverflil , $ . - I but Prices generally are steady. Ow; ,4L --- I . I �; A�li in , .;­ ,, Mrs. Win. Rod. -son is visiting her with excitement. NV co� L I P, L;�, . , I I ' makes always in stock atiote-Heamy Canadian short cut mess HE57 & I i E: M,rz r, %10 ..� ­ . . . I daughter, .Mrs. Skinner, of Elialville. King Peter received at 2 O'clock this , pork, $292.60 to M; Canada short cut back IiROXTC lit Y FOR %b -_ . ., --Quite number from bet'e attended afternoon a telegram .from Belgrade pork, $22 to $22.50; light Canadian short a ­ - -1 R()UBLE5 qt ,--ni-P kv - . cle,ar pork, ;21.50 to $2,3; finest kettle lardi MI ,, : Sewing Machmbs &c.. tbe�eirciaits ,It London'on Monday I ­ Arll)LUNC .&Q��IIZAMPTIO J, -_ . .-Mr. announcing that a sharp fight had, tn 20 -lb palls, 11%c; extra pure lard, In 290- %I/ .V I Mrs. Win. Davis have returned taken place in the streets between the Lb pails, lo.Xc to i1c; choice refined com- �, � and I pound lard, We to 9c, barns 1921he to 14q, V? I We axe leaders in Sewing Ma- horne from a three weeks' visit witb partisans of tile new Xing and those and bacon m%o to n'c per 1b. - �4_�� It - : -the best rnachines that ,the' friendsat Pairy Sound. -Mrs. J. IT. of Milan, the legitiniatized son of the I ­` .1.11,1,1.1 --- ........ . . cUlnes I icot§_ Ln � I I triide produces are on onr floor fov Hollnes left,Monday for St. Thowas to former King Milan, father of the mur- f - .. � . ". - -- I -t:__ I :your imppetion ; also repdirs 'Need- attend tbp, funeral of er aunt, Miss dered King Alexander. Young Milan I I � British Markets. __ . __ -1 I ___ .1 , � a_7=___ - , 'to., for all kinds of sewing nia- Milreh-'Rev. Mr. Suf ey of Toronto, had recently.been living in Constitnti- Liverpool, June 15­0penlng-Wheat, 5 P . les-,- e -_ - F - . . spot steady; No. I standard California, I . - ­ � . chines, ,,I I lways-on ba -lid. .11 I preached in the Eligl sh church on nople. His partisans posted a pro- per oental, 6s 8d to Us W -d; INIalla, Gs 5d to - Vt � - I . l Sanday, both morning and evening- clamation on the walls of Belgrade, 6s 6d; No. 2 red winter, Ss 11%d to Us ff%- , Call aud see us if in need of MI'& Hamilton, of Foi ... t, wbo has been and it Was torn down by King Petew's 1%fid; No. I northern Manitoba, US Od to � I I . . � , Iisiting lier sisters, Airs. Elodgson.unct Gs 610; futures steady; July, Us S%d nom- . - . � ai- . S, after a free fight. inal; September, 6s 2d value. Corn, : I , �i� of the ,abovb .tNlrs.rl()�tot�,.retut-riedhonje on S'Itur- supporter ' , firm; mixed American, per cental. 5splodt I .. . I dn'y. --Mr. Hugh lror,has returned to =====� I quiet; June nominal; . . a TZ : � .. S. _M A R T M Toronto,`.LftC1' ,;pending the liolid,LYS 7BODY IDENT'IFIED. July, 49 73/&d noininal;. September, 4s 6d �� - . : - I I I � I I here witli his grandill(iffier.-iVILeSSI'S. ,� nominal, Plour; Minneapolis, 21s to 22s 3d., ..,7,-*:"�'t-. , � I � � ­ - W. A-. lViddeu �ind H. Oragg, tivo stu. - .1 Liverpool -0 st-Wheat, spot steady; ..... . I .,-,.-*,..-'VJ I I � . - Clarence Baylis of Lockport' N.' Y.t . No. 1 standalMlifornia, 'per cental 69' .,.*­,;a,LA ____ - - A intinniamed "Guay, his' wife kind dents of Victoriu.ot)llege, occilpreff the � � 6. "I .:'I.,. - P v, .. I d to 6s 8%_d; Walla, Cs 5d to 6s M', N 2 = �� " C� : * Drowned Off Port Co: ,,�, ,en were d on.stin- . io . 1; . two,ebildi rowned in -the St. PulPit Of tho Methodts� church lborna. red winter, 6s 4,%d to 6s 436d; No. I north . 1. C. 0 1 era Manitoba, 0 6V=d to 6s 7d; futures I ...,% I- : . Lawrence near Bout de I'Isle,Que. day. -m -Mr. Jivs. Lankin bad the raisfor Port Colborne, June A. -The body : quiet; July, 6s 3rs/ad value; September, 6s! . I � . I I Fire at London gi . i .� tted McA I iaben I & , . . - . - . . � - --..-- . -_ - : I turre tn get his hiind caught in �.6ule found -Sunday in the lake has ,been 2%d val,ae. Corn, spot firm; mixed Amer i - - � - I ninchineryabotA the nlill on Sat&&37. I ! loan, per cental, new, 5s id to As ly4d; . .. I - _.. . 4 4 ,Clarence B . -Gd value. Fiour, - - - ­,- - .; I - .. . I Grange0s wholewile,fty. goods estab- Tbeaccideotthougli pairiftil will not identified as tb t of . aylis futures quiet; 1une, norninal; July, 4 d H . , leshilielif. Loss,'�$3�5,000. � I . . .1 I vale; September, ,is 1 . 52.1 .. - �_ - I I . _� . � . . , � prove serious. '! .� � , , of Lockport, N.Y., one of the boys wh( neapolis, 21.s to 29s. . =. -_ . 1. I . - , . 11 I , " ­ , . -1 - went down'with the yacht Errima Deft London, .June B. -Opening -Wheat, on , Rick= - I . hmol I I I I , I- - I I I ­ . " . . . I . � � � I I .1 I . passage, quietand steadY. Corn, on.pasr FEM R I I ; " -� ." . -1 � rich. - It was taken to Lockport at noon, sage, rather firmer: La Plata Yellow, ��Y(3 HIEW : . 1. I THE. QbNFESSION".� W to -day. . .� I . terms, July and August, 12S 11/2d pal ; I H -E IF a 1A c' E TRI A L � I I I � .. . ., I _9F A, _ �IFE'. � . . __ I . . . . _� , Danubian, due to load, 22s 4%d aid. � , " - ­­­�'.ff�': `�F- :-,, � "'..". 1� 1. - I � . I . . .1 � ; ,. Monday's -Da.hubian siiipments of whea I .1 I �' I � - �, -,i�`."-, . -, .. � . . 1� The bo,nor of thus ef6actively arresting fis�luent Oe bealth 'in all the - dilpartmenib, I I I �� I � 1�1 1. , � 1� !TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES, ' -320,ODO bush; corn, ' 448,000 bush, Weatllgr prog . ress. of iiiii fAtat ina � I I . . � 4 1. in D4kigiand, heavy rain. English countrY the I lady rbsts of the hunlan body. The German e maricets nof. � Saturday. steady. RUsslan with the wonderful systern of treatni,ent The four'Preparationg embody all the . - lections- tdke place Io- I i � : I . I Jay. � . shipments. of wheat, 2,832,WO bush; corn, which * has been reduced' to an exact necessary elements of a 6otn'plete treat. ..L 0 .1 . . � i 496.000 busb.� MondtaS�,s Indian swpTnents science for the cure *of .. Consurn'ption and' men - t f6r'C,'on8umpfion�its cure'and- prem 1� . I '19 INES CELERY-. , NIHOUP1.1 I I ' Of wbea.t to'the Tinited Xingdorn, 1,480 - . . I .! ; . , , I ­ I I '. U . In ,, �.. I I 1. . Major.John Ja es Mason of Hamilton. 000 bush; to continent, 224,000, bush. . ,for the dure of Catarrhand other prevalefit �enfion-as well as for most of the chronic � I � . � I � I I I 11`� I I . . 1". .� ts 4ead. I . I j Alark Lane'Milier Market-W,heat, for tionditions vvh1ch pave'tbe way�' r, Conm and wasting ills of life. Appa�eritly h6pL-, I I . I �. � Lther dearer; gngllsh, fo I I . Mrs. Sohn' Scarfe, widow of the late eign , 'Ri'm and rz hod evolved less cases are cured by tbei.r timely use4 � I � I . Mas the Medicine That Saved ! . quiet. Corn,' American, po6r­demand at surnpiion-ihat successful met . � I . I I I . � I . Sheriff of - Drant, died at Brantford. easier prices; D bi awhand by Ameripa�� greatest scientific physician, These free remedies comprise the grea . I . � � I I � I I . I � - ant a,ni ,rorer r cu t I I I r . T -A. Sloc I r I . � ­ 11 I 1 99 1 0 . .11 I Toronto, Hamilton and intervening at e&sler'prlces. Fl6ur, merican firm- Dr. T. um whose great liberalit�r, mtive forces discovered by the erni- r . r , � , . .., wi , " ,,, I ,,My 4 i fe - I . - I . � . 'th a. dair business, Englisb steady. - through his . Free Trial 'Treatment, sent nent physician, Dr. Slocum, they represent I � .� II . I � . . I .. I , 'q. , I . I municipalities have protested against'the ondou­��Ciq�e-Wheat� on'passa;gi�, versr , . �., I I , , I good, ' ' Manitoba, ar_� broadc�si throughout this broad land has the,acule of the Pharmacist's skill and, I I .� This is the closing .sentence ,of a do rae and iny frienils were gren f.- roronto & Hamilton Railway Company active; Parc6ls No. 1 haxd .. I I t I . I . � . . thankfol, letter of testillIODY ' ' I . I I . rived, 20s ,7%d paid; Parcels X -o 2 Cal- contributed mqst to the. rout of the most with them -will be found -explicit directions , ,� writtell ly alartned. The d6etbi-8 said I was bill. . . utta Club, july, ,29s 11/�d paid; arrivqd. . . ­ . .� � . . I 11 b 'Mrs. -Fred, M. Wetmore, of Wind- suff�,rfii_ I ratb6r POtent a.gencyin the destruction of buman for their use in any case. 1 .1 � I I i I I I , , . . y 9 from, kidnoy disease aild Lieut. Jovanorles of'the Gth Servian In 2'�'s 9d pzild. 'Com, on, passage, life in Ws,helnisphero.' ' " at this systeln . . I � I . You are invited, to test wb I I I ,. I . I � �- suffered frorn kidney heart'trouble,and �iiight 06p,ofT at ___ ' lu'y � 11 � � � _�.diseaseand heart trouble, which., re- dny time.'. My'46of,�bi;ycur,ed �t'�)ottle Cantty hilled himself because 1 -ie was not 'and 'August, 20S 'ns' el m His Pree Systein of Treatment bas "will do for you', if you ar6 sicic� by writin � I . , n' P -led. --' - � 'e� ' ' sot-, Ont. Sh I . - firmer; ,La. Plata _�Po wd '* C I 'd pal - 0 : tL 0� he'r � I , noxed ArnerIcan, adi,g d p- 11 � - , siited.tEe' best treatroeri I - of Paine's Celev cL for i­)� , permitted to take' part in the Belgrade T 11 '10y_ � t , . for a FREe TRIAL TR,EAT?4,ENT. an . � � Oby e I Antwerp, , .. ��he � .P. arrested the hand of deathin the cases of,,, . I. _ I _02i . , i � I ' all se I omed . g. -,L I 11 *� No;'240d . C1. t I , . I 11 , ed,it. Aft . .. the F66r Free Preparations w* I be for- . � ,v Couipotin ­ massacre. I !. . I C.� ,.I,. . . , I sicihfis. ., When- � loomy and I us er, takine; the_.set- . steady, ft �, Gv-� �. 'Pot, M. ihousands of consum�tives and fias pre- I . I -or th,e silff c William Beard, the C.,anada Life ac- Ain erican,,raixed, ��, c. lr� I. , �._ -ec- f� :�ring woman, ;Pzti�e's Cel- ond boftle I felt strori�,er'-', 2 nstances. warded'you at:Onde, with 'complete dit � I I I I I � 4 1 I I I I I I 1. a,fi d hiid I . vented the disease in countless i � � I I . i .1 y Coutpound was brought fo her at- hopes of,getti,u.g Nv�elf ag�'! , i§- ,I ,,�_ 'zountant, pleadbd, gulltk to, robbin�g,the� nea"I'C"'s' 26f So' ' . . tions for use. . er: � ri n. � LK it I . I I . I S, . . parls, Jime m -opening -Wheat, tone ' The Slociim Treatment consists of four Simply write to the T; A. Slocum Chenn. I . . tention.,:.Mrs., lVoilnoi-e used tile eorn- tlesofP�tine'§'Celei�,')70otiip6tii�l.�yt)2k . _,ompany at Hamilton, and wa .remanded steady; ,Tune 24f 65c; September and Do- I I I .1 I i . I .. � ck I � I I .. , of Con- cal Company, Limited, 170'Xinz Street . , '' I . pound with fitith and was hnp�il ur- lnea,ne%vWorb,1l1. 'I,,1rn�noWw.(,1l,and for' sentenee. r I � � cernbei*, 22f, Nei' Flout', tolie steady; June, ,distinct, remedies for the cure _ I ' � L 4 � . I.. I ,, 3of 45c. Allm f� , - r . -,'s3f 2oc; Sept6inber'andl December . ption, Weak LulftS,, Brotichitis, We�i,, Toronto, giVing P6St' 0 ce,and , , I led. Aft,& -WetrDore writes as folvllws: sLron e,� spleadid, di th ' it� weatiier ii,, -France, min. 17 n-ledicind , 11" � .91, good appetit , , 11 ges- Portugai, e Uni ed' States .and the I Irench , ountr . .� 1i I , Catarrh, and all Pulmonary -and waSt-n express ,address, and the free . 00101=2M , . - � � I f , 11! P� f h t �', 01 . � . . i IF I , I N�k49 91 I ! fl ill I I z 1. �. w Q_.-,"-"X;b I IQ q7 %VA ZI W b m" ou 5. $0, %0 rug 1 U4 Ma I I - V Or t IN 4 bQ 'I Air "M " I T I I � I N I I "A ,�ear ago I was insuch a low coh-. (lonand sleep. like it ohild. " Ph i i i (I's 0�nirai and South American republics zp�xket'Alstoady� di ­ i 4 1 . 1. I I � . r I 11, , I - I- I ' I I .. Parls-Closc--Wh6at tone stoady.,;4une, ink dlseasb;sP'an � is baseci,upon principles (the Slocum Cbre) will �b6 promptly sent. 11 C � � ,.� dition'ok health,that'rny life was' des-' Celer.y' Compound was the"'n')(Adicine, axe - the nations ,denying to British ini- I to the correctibn of function, thei , Persons in,Canada seeing Slocutn's fret- I , I -1 I 11, I - I � . 11 24f 65c; Septeniber kna 'Decembu, 22f 50C. eS§entla � � , . ­ I p1dred of. ,Medical treatynentfailed t'o , thab saved i iy li fe�" I I I I -nations Flour;, 64ie-steady.; � Su ' S6Ptem-,�',T'ebuilding ofjh6 tissues, the Overthrow of �offi�r in American papers'will please sirld . . I I I I ,� I . ports complete ,most -favored . ne,,33f 25c, e I I I I . , , I I I I I 1 4 1 ' W' r � ' I I � I . I � ber and, I)ec,elpber. 55c. , � I I 1. � I .� 11 .. � I . I - treatment, I I � 11 Parasitic ani aloigan` 'n h st I I � I I I .. In , isms -a d t c e * ib. f6r sam ics t' T � ,� - I I .1 I I I I I � ,, I � I I 1. . 1, I . ��, I -�� , � , p o, oronto. , - 11 , � . . I 1 I " I I . I I I I , I ; . � . 1. I ,. �, I � � I I I I wl . 11 � � , . I I I I I I � I I I I . � . I I 1 4 1 � I I I �, � . I 11 I . � � . I I . : - I I . 11 . I I I I I I ­ I I . � ; ...., I , a ,� i - � : 4 � , � I I � , I f � , . . . � � I . 1, I I I .1 I I I 11 . I . 1 . . � . i , 1. � I � - , , , , , I I . I . � � I I I . I I I . I I I I I . I I I I , o I I I . I I , �1 ' '� , � ' 4 ' � I I I I I �� �, I � I , � I .11 -� � , : . �. . I I . . I I . I I , - p , . � � I I I I I I I - . - . % , , , � , 1� . � � . I I I , 'r , , . I . , , I , , , I � I , , , - , � :� - � I � 'r, I I � , - I � , , , , , . I I I I I , , " i , , , 1 . ,. � � " ,� � �i " " , � �.,' �, ; . ., � I ... .... . � , I , , , , , , , , � _ . 11 I . I I I . I I , , � � � �, , I �1 , , , � I - I �. � , ,- � , 1. A : .�,, � � , " , I , , !,6 , ; - �,' :.� �.� .. , � ,�;�;, � I � I � & '� '_�� -t!', 1� . � I .1 _ ,4-- .,�"�;�r,ft,4�'f­_ ,,�.� . 'I!, _____,__' " � , , I'll ­­ , 1 ,� I .11 _,,,��4�._�,�14� � ` I" , � - 11 I ___ - ------ �:�;­ ­ ­ �, � �� � � " '� , " �, ,,,,r,, i ! , ­�­­I.r�-- ���---�,,�-'-"'-"�1,17�,�,:�7,�l".,*�l-l� ­­ , ,0_ . , , I I - - _,_-.�,.�_,,,�,�:�_,O, _ �-­�,,­,­`:'­�'­ �� �7- -1,77,SP,412,t��M� lall=tutntt� ,, - , , � � '1_11 � � " - 11 "I . ­­­Ls� - lo�­­ ­­ , -?'A _ KIN -go , �_ , � I -1 � , ,_� , � _ , ,1� , ,,, 17 � "M _1 ,11 ..&�*fa"�&;",.'" �'!!;�", , ': � ­ 111,��­ 1. I I I �., ,_ __"W& t ­ I ­ 11 - �,, ,­ I � _ ,