HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-6-18, Page 4(*xeter AbtioratT
O]as. H. Sondes's, Editor and Prop
TIWItSDA,17, JIENE 18, '03
The Tudependent press throughout
Canada has prouounced on the deeis-
ion of the jadges in the Gainey ease,
and without a single eS'..'eptiou the
verdict is that, the 'finding of the emu-
vaiSsioti WAS one which cautiot
vi»ee auy fait -minded mau, that Hon.
j. B. Stratton did not do exactly what
Mr, Gamey said be did. When it is
found that papers of uou-portizan
views are unwilling to swallow the
special pleadings a mr. chtooconor
Boyd, it will be hard for independent
minds to look upon it with favor. The
etenotftition uf Hon, J. R. Stratton
by a preeees. whieh neeeesitated the
discrediting of melee nailimeadiehle
teetiatony i too gueat ;in effore to lee
appreciated, by the ordinary idual.
Iktie Goiney, the seapegoat a the eon
nelesion. has toceived an assurance
frown his conetititente in Mapitoulin
elett he still enjuys their coolidence.
To date. Mr. Stratton lies revelved oo
sacb tinier of appreciation from the
people a his riding.. The ronotry feels
tbit tbe jeffiges overreeeheil them.
selves la their anxiety to make bine;
appear white and white hieek, and
when the time et-IAA'S for the wide to
Say their S. Me. Gamey will probab-
ly he found occupy hie; a seat in the
legislatare, of whieli Mr. Stratton will
lutve become an ex -member.
JQnkins, ar Chicago, is vieiting
at Mrs, Arnoldhe-Mre, Thee, Welsh.
Who bas heeo W. is convaleseelet.-lhe
Parkhill teecosee team will piny in
Stratheey ou Deminion Dee- with the
local Leant of that town, ----Mise Hanson
of Moutreal. is tile guteit, of her ;rant.
Mrs Wui. Diekeon. -The ladies of
Alit:Oven Ilive, Parkhill. enjoyed a
pteasent outing at Gruel Bend on
Thersi iy„ -Free Tuck, whe left here
some time ago, is now employed as
brakeman on the G.T.R.-31r. in.
Robinson left Wet week for Fort Fran-
ces, where she joiued her husbetid.
Mrs. A. C. Ready ;mil children have
gone 00 a she weekie trip to St. ,:tiarys,
Listewell and Markdale.-Mr.and Mrte
J. NV, Skinner ate now comfortalsiv
settled in their new home on Station
street. -The Rev. Mr. Andrews occu-
pied the pulpit. in the Ileptist ebureb
on Smiley in the abeence of the pes.
tor, Rey. ehe MeGregon who was at-
tending conference a few miles from
Sarnia. -The recent rains have in
geeet boom to the country and the
crape are loathing spiendid.-Thoinas
Thompson, of Sylvan, who went to the
hospital at Louden a few days ego,
had to here one of his kgs ampeteted
below the knee. The openttion was
made necessary on account of ganger-
ene and was not the result of an ace -
dent as has been riTorted.---At the re-
cent meet of the Foresters Mr. A. C.
Ready was eleeted Treesurer in place
of Mr. F. G. Worts resigned. Webers.
J. H. letughton and john Jefferson
were appointed delegates to the High
Court Neill& will meet in Galt on Au-
gust 11. -Mrs. Coutts and her &ugh -
ter, Mrs. Tyrell, and graudditughter,
have gone to Detroit, where they in-
tend residing.
DE.1.TR.—The young may go, the old
must. This week it is oar sad dety to
chtouiele the death of one of our prow-
ising young ladiee in the person of
Miss Addie Gibbs, daughter of Mr. .I.
teibbs, inerchaht. Though the ser-
ious nature of her illness was generally
known yet the announcement of her
death was a great shock to the com-
munity. About a year ago Miss Gibbs
was seriously ill with anemia.and tem-
porarily recovered. Several. weeks
ago she was protracted with the same
illness and gradually became worse
until her spirit took its flight on Wed-
nesday, June 10. Deceased was a mead -
el young woman and vi -as always look-
ed upon as a exemplaryperson, her
kindness of heart and winsome ways
captivated the hearts of many. Her
presence will be sadly missed in the
household as well as by her compan-
ions of whom she was a great favorite.
The bereaved parents are nearly pros-
trated with grief,' and :the sympathy
of.the entire community is extended
to them. The funeral on , Friday was
largely attended.
REMBIVISnRED.-Dr. Mullin, who re-
cently sold his dental busiriess in Park-
hill to Dr. Fraser left town last week.
Areperm as hie office in Sarnia is ready
for oeenpaney he* will commence the
praetiete of his profession in that town.
Dr^Mullin is 'thoroughly up in his work
and, is sure to sneeeed wherever he lo-
mtgs.. , Inthe eiglit year of his resi-
denCe here he,Inis gained an enviable
repetetinn in the town and surround-
ing.,COLUltry HE a skilful and successful
dentist who has proved. himself deserv-
ing of a large patronage. As a citizen
he was liberal and public spirited:
Every movement for the advancement
of tbe interests of the town had i n him
a Warm advocate. Genial and sociable
in disposition he has made hosts of
friends who regret his departure and
wish him the greatestsuccessin his
new 'borne. Prior to his deeertere and
that orelr. F. Worth a huge num-
ber of the friends and associates met
in I3oyee's Hall to show their esteem
and respect for these gentlemen. `A
very pleasant time was spent in social
intercourse, and at about 10 o'clock
Dr.' Mullin and Mr. Worts _were each
presented with an address and two
handsome companion chairs. The ad-
dresses were read by Mr. N. McDoug-
all, B.A., and the presentatiOns of the
gifts were made by Mr. GeifIeth. I3oth
gentlemen expressed their, gratitude
for the sentiments expressed and for
the presents. and said they %Vete sorry
to . port from their many Parkhill
friends, particularly with their come
rades in the marire game. The com-
pany then edjontned to the Royal Ho-
tel dioing room where,,tfter: partaking
of iunch,they sep,Lratecl with many ex-
pressions of ,hest wiShes for their fu-
ture ti (e and welfare of thr two
guests of the evening.
Bev J. W. Beird of tileneoe, a for-
mer pastor of the Grand Bend eircuit,
is to coed:let the aurneeesary services
of the Beston Methodist ehorch next
Sahheth, Services at ee31) and 7.30.
The choir will render speeial oiusie,-
'Messrs. 8,1i:triton, te.CartoR, Hueco-,
insem end J. T. McPteersou, reprtseutae
tivee of le0.fe No. 219 attended the
District tneetiug bit Centralia on Mona
day. -The Maccalieee picnic at Orend
Bend wes a grand success. A. foothAll
matell was played het Weer, the areene
way mitt Gould Demi tentseresoltiug iu
the seccess of the latter teat% W110 was
pree-ented with a pretty lamp hy the
• visiting teane-Messrs, Sem Harlton
and R. Hutchinson and a number of
Aftbere went on the excureion to the
0.A.('. last week. They were highly
pleased with the farm and surround,.
lugs and instructions given by the of-
ecials.-Rev. Thibanelean wise an
excellent sermon last Sebbatin taking
his text Aeon TT, Con .5 -20. ---Mr. And
McS, W. .1. Wilsen went to London,
Tintessdozmtoo. tiMwres.oNsVitihs)opublenit. esnoiln!lsvnAde.
-31ise Ann Bullock arrived home from
Sarnia, Frklay, where she has been vie-
iting.friends,-.-31iss Mine 3lePhers,m
and little sister. Adele arrived bailie
from Buffalo Saturday, where they
luive spent some time visiting their
leter, Mrs, F, Shetitler.--Dtee't for
gee the :l4letleutliet end English cherch
S,S, pienie to Ovoid Belot Tuesday 23,
3llse Myrtle WieOett. of Orend Bend.
'e visiting Mee. W. T. Vee. --Mr. and
3Irs, J. R. Wilson mid Mr.iind Mite, D.
W. Wilson were in Temdon on Mon.
day.- Mr. Sta tiley Wallis arrived home
Monday evening, -Mies ,Nlina Eggert
spent Sunday nt her home here. -Mr.
IL Wilson intends rtileing hie new
barn toeley (Thiirsday.)
31.ettetno.-The home of Mr. R. J.
Ramsay, Chicago, was thfe scene of A
pretty wedding the other day. when
his sister, 31Is5 31arion, was united in
marriage to ,Mie Dreeslete of the same
Oen Mr. and 3Ira Dressley have tale-
fi up hnnee keeplug. 1.'17e Join with
a beet of foetid* in wiehing them n
lone, bappee arid orosperolie married
31ine J. R. Wilson. of tide place,
itta eieter of the bride.
aillsa Craig'
Miss mamma ie mover -log from
her recent Prest spend-
ing a few days at his home here.-31to.
John Alexander told little son left last
week for Tiwonto.---Trinity church
will hold their ennual garden verily at
the memo, groends on the evening of
July 1.- 11. Macarthur left host
week for Intlianapolie, where she will
visit her friend, Mr& White.-Mte Re
Hutchinson is recovering from his at -
Welt of rbeinuatism.-31r. Morrison
Vier aud sister, Miss Elle; of London,
ore spending a few days with friends
Craig is visitinghis brother-
in-law, Win. Roeeer, who is very ill at
Seam Mielo- Some Young lads enter-
ed D. 31. Douglas' OA house on Satur-
day and turned a tit) on o»e of the
barrels there, with the result that 31r.
Douglas is now minus nearly half a
turret of fine lubricating oil which he
values at fleetly $he- Mrs. Gilliee has
returned from Sarnia. Hee son, Hugh,
bad the mieforteme few days ago to
have a couple of the niters on his
right hand taken oif by a saw in a
plaining mill in which he was workieg
atlearnia.-There will be no service in
the Baptist dumb on the followin
two Sundays, at the expiration o
which time the pastor, Rev. A. R.
Park is again expected to take his
work. The clench is at present un-
der repain-eliss IL McAndrew is, we
ve pleased to state, recovering from
the (erects of her recent accident. As
she was returning.from eintreh A coup-
le to* Sunday evemugs ago she stepped
on a loose boord in the sidewalk which
flew up .and she was knecked over.
She received a severe wrench to her
ehoulder and was so badly shaken up
that she eels obliged to remain in ever
sinee.-Mr. J. H. Kay had a small lire
in his stere a few evenings ago. Some
repairs were being ruade to the gas ap-
paratus in the store, and when the jet
IN the west window was lighted for the
the purpese of testing, the flame ig-
nited s.oine of the drapery and in an
instant the whole window wets in
flames. But for the timely arrival' of
some pails of water, the fire would
soon have spread through the whole
store. As it was the contents of the
window were destroyed and more ser -
toes still the large plate glass at both
front and side were cracked by the
heat. Mr. Geo. Fulton who was doing
the gas fitting had his hand severely
Miss Twitchell, of Clinton, is the
guest of her sister, Airs,. Alex. Lewis.
-.Leery slow improvement is taking
place in the condition of T. Simpson,
but it is hoped that he will be eventu-
tally restorecl to hiausual health. -Mrs.
Will Chapman, who was op a fair, tvay
to recovery, was again taken -eery ill,
lett we are pleased to be able to state,
that she is improvilig, though slowly,
-Sam Bullard has taken a position as
clerk in E. Rannie's establishment. -
Mrs. James Murray, is, we are sorry
to learn; suffering froin a severe at-
tack of muscular 'rheurriatism. Her
t»any friends wish her aspeedy and
complete recovery. -Mrs. Geo. Walker,
of Palmerston, is visiting her mother
here. -Miss ;Vera Murdock left Thurs-
day kir Goderich to take lessons in
flareciony.---Mrs. L. Harold, of Wing:
hem spent a few clays here during the
week, the guest of her:sister, Mrs. A.
Murdock. -The Misses Norris, of To-
ronto, are the guests of Mrs. A. Mur-
dock. -Lieut. Will Miller attended the
wedding of his cousin, Miss Ida, Keir,'
to Mr. Alex. Alderson, at Wingham
on Monday. -We note that several
changes were rnade in stations just
prior to the close of the Methodist Con-
ference itt Wine„ -barn. Rev. R. Mill -
yard, of Exeter, goes to Lucknow,
Rev. De. Cook, of VVallacehurge,to On-
tario street, Clintoneeind the people of
this section will regret to learn that
Rev. F. E. Malott, of Kippen, moves
to Victoria street, Chatham. Rev. Mr.
Shaw comes to Kippen. These are the
most important changes in this sec
tion.--lele. Alexander Moir, who has
been attending college in Winnipeg, is
home spending the summer vacation.
ft is four^ years since Mr. Moir was
home. --Tenders are asked for the erec-
tion of an addition to the Oclafellows'
hail. -Miss Susie Melville has engaged
wi th Mr. J, C. Stoneman in his jewelry
and fency goods store and in the tele -
eh me office.-- Mies Ruby Hortotewho
.t tten (1 n g 11.v ea gal Ladies' College,
To ro n to, Is home for her vacation.
. APCiDENT„ —A, few days ago. ae D-
W. Voss was delivering hread he . had
the miefortune to slio. eine ran. two- i
eating Inc shoulder. It took the ouit-
ed effette tind strength of four men to •,,
draw it into piece. ThiS IS the :sixth
meeetentli tlete that Me. Foss haa had
his shoulder thrown out and each, SAC- .
ceedlog time it seetue to take greater, .
.eleort to repleee it. He will he IOW ott
for a coupe of week. • . •
Hoetents IN Mnste.-eWe4ip filo fol.
towing .from the Hamilton ' Evening
Times. June let -"Miss Tway, of this
eity, steeds tiest hithe local centre,
Wite,r6IttUs, of the 1Up,3 eaemioations
in MUSIC held by WHIR theiversity, in
conjonction with theAmeleted Bond
Of tbe Royal Apodeaty 'or MOSie Loe-
don Engl ouleareameouneed and Moo.
Mon students aye es getial:.welleto the
front, In the Hamilton local centre,eenior grade, ats,s. 'MO. Twolay, . pupil
of Mr. J. E. P. AJdous, 'Wine boners.
-haviog tbe eistinction of being Oret in
.the order of merit. . Miss TwobY ie. also
Brae in tbe Hiteneopy PASS List." . Miss
Twoby is the deughter of Mr. W. R.
Twohy. formerly otthie place.
MARItI41.et—Not Only is this the
month of roses but also the monto toe
weddiugs as is manifested around here
05 one lay one ollr youlig men are
ng the great atune of henediete and ras
our young ladiee are corned away to
distant parts end to grew 'the homes
in our own noghtiorliondother young
holies are taken from other towns and
Inughe to grace and beautify tbe homes
of oer yonng men here. Tide week,
two of our young men have captured
two Beeeltwoo4 young ladles and two
new homes have heenestatillshedhere,
On Tuesday Mr, P. Williams led to the
alter. MI6@ Ataxy. the churning daugb.
ter of 31r. M. Walele. of Beechwomi.
'('he wedding festivities were lergely
attended anti it pleaeaut thne was en -
keyed by all. The unneereniee
50100 nod eostlY Presenta received by
the fair yonng beide mark io a lash de-
gree the warm place she holds in the
affeetione of her numerous frierote
We are only voking the sentiments of
all when we say that we wish theni A
pleasaut sail over the matrimonal
inid may they tdwaye find life plearane
Arid pneeperouse--A pretto weddloO
WAS celebrated at St. Coloueleen church
on Mouday Liy Rev. Father McKeon,
in the presence of a large utunher of
the friends of the contracting pertieo
WAS tile marriage of Mr. Matthew
Coyne, a prtraperone young farmer of
Ibis township, to Miss Matilda, eldest
daughter of Mr. John Riley, of Beech.
tvood. After the interesting ceremony ,
was closed at tbe church and congratie
lotions extended,. the happy omeng
couple, accompanied by many fnende.
drove to tin* residence of the bride%
father. where a sumptuous weddlos
dinuer was partaken of beeoever fl
invited guests. The afternoon and
evening were most enjoyably spent af-
ter which Mr. Coyne, accompaufed by
his bride, retnrned to his home he: e.
where they have settled down to the
pleasures of married life and the stern.
yr reelities of existence. We join with
the host of friends in wishing Mr. and
Mrs. Coyne many veers ef happineete
coupled with health and prosperity.
R. Netbereott has sold his driver to
it man in Stratford for a good sum.
The Weigh Scale Cy. have received
notice from the townehip council to
remove the scale off the highway. .A
meeting of the farmers Is called fin!
Friday night to consider the matter. --
The peoprs of Mt. Pleasent have de-
cided to hold a straevherry festival on
Wednesday evening, Tune 21. Talent
from, St. Marys has been arrenged for,
and a good tittle is expeeted.-Au agent
has been canvassing the neighborhood
on ;tn automobile, in the interests of a
cattle ranching Co. in the West. -W.
In Roe and wife are visiting in Lanark
County for a couple of weeks. -A num-
ber from here attended the services at
Roy's chnrch on Smiday.-Mi. and
Mrs. Wilson Garbutt, of Carlingfovd,
spent Sunday here with friends. ---Mr.
John Kelland, of the town line. had a
successful barn raising on Friday, el -
though unfortunately the rain came
before they were quite finished, com-
ing the men to return and complete
their work on Monday.-LSome frote"
here attended the chens in Stratford
nn Saturday. The rain detained a
large crowd who intended going, and
those who did attend speak well of it.
D.°Walker has sold
his house in this place and is moving
to Granton. We are sorry to see such
goe1 citizens leave us, but our loss will
be Grantee's gain. On Wednesday
evening a few of his friends elle neigh-
bors assembled to spend a social even-
ing at his home .and to bid himself and
wife goodbye The forepart of the e0 -
ening was spent in social intercourse,
when a well -worded and -appropriate
address was read to Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
ker, after which they were presented
with a pair of handson'w ehairs. They
were very much taken by .stirprised
and it was with ranCh 'emotion that
Mr. Walker, on behalf of his wife, made
a reply, bnt he thanked those present
for the kindness shown toward them,
and also expressed deep regret at hav-
ing to leave sucb kind friends behind,
lint even when away "the plesSant
memories would ever remain green in
their minds. After a few mnre hours
of socialehat the 'guests separated with
feelings too deep for words to express
of the personal loss each sustains in the
rernoval from our midst of friends who
to know was to 'esteem. They- enter
their new home with the wish accom-
panying thetn that they may enjoy.
many years. oflappiness.
Mrs. Gregory Langlois, about 45
years old, jiving near Walkerville,
made a desperate attempt to kill her-
self by smashing her skull with a ham -
trier. She will die.
Disease takes no summer
If you need flesh and
strength use
Scott's Fintilsioll
summer as in winter.
Send for free sample.
SCOT'T & nOwNE, Chemists,
Tot -onto, Ontario.
soc, and $1.00; all druggists,
Mrs. Fiedley'e Story -Sew t7ie Little
irl Struggling With TWO Melt—
Vlatite Handkerchief Worn by On
of the Tveraps-Mrs. Johnston
Ileard Shots awl Screams -The
Jury's Finding,
Collingwood, June e5.---Cireumanan,
evidence given at the inquest yes-
terday adds strength to the theory
that the murder of Glory Whelen, the
little thirteen -year-old girl whose dead
loody was on May 28 last found in a
cedar bush, about a mile and A ball on
of Collingwood, was the work of two
zees, a neexect end a white lifaP, who
were known to he loafiag aronwl Col-
lingweml, and who disappearee just af-,
ter the murder WAS committed, While
the veediet of the Coteenetaa ieleY Olag0
he murder at Ow door of parties 11fl
toi • it at the Same tillle refeefed
te probability el the deed liaving been
t of the two tramps, Aimee de-
ription the authorities have, but who
-e et) far secceeded ill, escaping ax -
1 bit, uegro and white inan for
erel &ye lived around the cedar
Nub, the wile of the murder, and
Were IOUrld Sleeping there one day by
young man =fled NVilliam Fetch, and
were seen again by Peich the mewing
before the murkier.' Thee MrS.
11,1114 Findley told the jury a story of
eeeing two men ou the track eppoeite
the cedar bush, one of them tussling
with a eciwig girl. on May oeth, the
rooming of die murder, Melte Um
Elizabeth Ann johneton who lives
near the exit, testified to heering
=calms and a shot that morning from
the direction of the loieh.
Mint signiacant, too, in view of this.
evidence. was the statement made to
the limy by William Peich, that the
white man wore tied ;wound his tie* a
white handkerchief. Aroinid the head '
of lite murdered girl was wrapped 3
ieddte handkerchief, somewhat eliety,
Villa was not hers, for her hendker-
chief was found in her school bag. The
folds in this handkerchief would cor-
respond to folds made by having a
laamikerchief tied about die neck, and ,
in the opinion of Crown Attorney Cot- le
ter points very conclusively to these '
twe tramps as the murderers of Glory
When. seven days after the murder,
the authorities earned these facts re-
garding the two tramps, the latter had
got as far east as Thousand Island
Junctionand passed Broekville, and ,
the police there were notified t
to late to make Ally arrest.
They have probably now escaped into
New York State, but descriptions have
been sent to the police of both Can-
ada and the 'United StateS, and the
authorities do not despair of eventual-
ly catching the two men.
4.3%, graphic story of a struggle on the
railway track between a man and a
little girl was told by Mrs. Wm. Find-
ley. a widow, thing in the southern
Are many times an Indication QX sYMPtcal Of functional
They are lit Most eeeesdue to functional wrongs, to wvic-b.
women Only are subject.
"OUT OE NItATteS women
are the nightmare of doctors.
"CRANKS' is often the designation
of those patients by physicians nimble
to understand the Calise a their
irritable condition.
ST. jAetne WAVnns have rendered
great service to such, physicians in
Great Britain, who preseribe them to
nervous women.
ST. SAIrEs WArnRs afford great
relief, simply by strengthening every
organ affected by the functional
wrongs li,. women, such, as weak
stomach — weak back—and weak
ST. jAhlES AVATS27,:e; :r.4.4 stomach,
digest foo4 and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts. dewlaps and
breeds the energy which nem-
plisites rtineh,
"nave LIECtit $t, Santee Wferit
nettle angle erieeeea as to •eteee
thezn en nee tea eteettatifee,
7e,r, Chet,. rt, Springer,
Xentecat, Aeginne,
Si*Woo for OM §
$11. Arno Irofirs• art not a vow'
remote telaceiteseremedeeteee ate
tevt(tiv- Mem to atir tatiolt4
it Mt formula utolireiscat,
Wafer's. they are mailed oPoll
celpt or _price at the Canadian
lantaelt: AL IMO Ifthle II21
St. Citterlao St, Ittelrell
of the profits in the dairy
business it is because
you. are not using
De Laval
Cream Separator
For, non:atter what theother
fellows niay you our
machines will save their cost
each year over and above
what is possible with any other separator or system.
Send for a catalogue.
part of Collingwood, on the west side —
of the track, and about two blocks
from it. From her house Mrs. Find-
ley could see along the track for a
considerable distance past the steps
leading over the fence and into the ce-
dar bush. On the morning of May
eetle around 8.30, Mrs, Findley looked
over in the direction of these steps,
and saw two men and a little girl. One
man was standing on the path, east
of the track, while the other man and
the girl were on the track, engaged
in a tussle. Suddenly the rime and girl
separated, and the girl started to run
along the track, followed by the man,
towards the Kendall farm, which was
only a short distance away. Before
she had run very far, however, • the
man caught up to her and grabbed
her. He carried her back to the other
man, and the three then disappeared
from view down the embankment, in
the direction of the cedar swamp. Ex-
cept the murderers, Mrs. Findley was
the last one to see Glory Whalen
alive. .
But Mts. Findley did not tell the au-
thorities of this, even after she heard
that Glory Whalen ha,d been mur-
dered, and Crown Attorney Cotter
questioned her closely as to why she,
had not notified the police.
"I knew there was an inquest," . ex-
plained Mrs. Findley, but did not
think rnuch about it. I did .tell Mrs.
Killen and Mr. Butcher what I had
"You saw a child chased along the
track by two men, and taken down
the embankment; you knew a murder
had been committed.; and you -a mo-
ther yourself -- did not tell about it!
'It was, most lamentable that you had
not. felt sufficient interest in this to
hotify the authorities.",
"I told the minister when he called
the following week."
"And then you told Detective
Greer ? "
"When it was too late to do
any good. The very day you, told this.
the, men :were at -the Thousand 's-
late:is. Had you told us earlier we
would have had those men now,"
continued Mr. Cotter. "I cannot un-
derstand how as a mother you could.
have done this."
The Jury's Verdict.
"We find that Glory Whalen was
foully murdered at the tmen of Col -
lingwood on or about May 27th, lecke
at the hands of some person or per-
sons unknown, but the evidence points
strongly toward.5 two tramps, a white
and colored one, who were seen in
the neighborhood aboto that time. We
strongly recommend that the author -
:ties cortunit to the Central all tramps
found in future who are unable to
give a proper account of themselves,
and that the Provincial authorities
leave no stone ..unturned to discover
the murderer or murderers, and that
a liberal reward be .offered by theiri as
an extra inducement to such discov-
ery, and, further, that the town ot
ZollingwocKI offer a reward
Sex k&-K,45t K
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it is sad to contemplate tlie unfortunate condition of soany men of
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