HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-6-18, Page 17-77 SIXT ENTIT YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JUNE 18, 1903 SANDERS, EDITOR. iorOmethin. A 001.LAR GLADWAN ; ere teat; ee.a. . .......aeete Seek Tee eau eel :Four Sa4lit:.;s eaut....gs cat fiZZ4127= 47.4 srill Foy FaaAW ark gire you an aezaront With USP•tr. Ewer, Crtrri-.,,a, ▪ re beat yee IRE SOVEREIGN BANK • ...3.1-Alritcn7s, u or zute.-11 eqraticees.f./ OF OANAOA It F -Neter, hea 1051" IFO LOAN. 4.4-enrQrxo„ 111:Ce?.?.n6 t7aVate tants to ; en tam mr.1 E,..;.); rates ut 94t1414°. kV:4 GLAttlIalt KTANIDICUIV. Eiartht.as,:, se-Fr:tars_ naEtne4,antIer Oat- ! ' izai•Jr.4:441lconn-r-i",,Aeoz; te:/. c $..,,w.7.-441.:4114u;tsaPilfortk.31%', 147-4156n ran$ al Man";:le%laii,a the serakm-o.t. rcr chstiOT TO lothalti. We have untlinittet ertvete totals fee in. veitreeet epee aorta toe villege tearotty, owe4t tate.. of hatereaa. at% Jarrot, who has been 11 for tbe past few days, is, we axe p eas ; e;1 to learn eonvaleseing. Hootan,y friends will be pleased to see her out- atOung again, --The recent rains has much unproved the growth ot roots 11114I fKrain.-Tbe many friends or Arr. Webster Turner, will he pleased to known that be coutinnes to improve bealth.--quite a number or oar oame people frequently attend the •useconcerts at Heusall on Sataidalv veiling& -Mhss Maggie 'AleAllister is earning the dressmaking at Zurich. Josepit A boat load of cedar posts ael hereon Monday evening foe Messrs Magle and Beiniee. of Widen -Mr. T.., EaVelle, of Grand Rend. 14;15 opened up 147110,11 stow*, here. This will long felt want and Mr. Eavelle will no doubt, do .a good trasitte--Mr. r. Wilson iltsisere Poi,iilleii!on Friday last. Ile intends bringitsg- hack ewers' al barrels of oil Ott hisretnrn.-eMe. and Mrs.' Wm. O'Rrien and fewily, of ...,Znriela. visited ft lepilsin thia vicinity ou Sontlay setTiees are being livid in St. Peter' . V. elinrch at present. Pienseit 04111.001. Rader. liarpley Nereigeesectee. Me. J. IhHosigits- tile log 11eW 1110f 0 his 11011ser-ale. ▪ VVell leaves Tarenium 2 7 5 W • t dt iTli Ise I lag f the; t s " Whalen Mr. Jesse Jacqueswho received s •rts laes a few days ago, ity &Mug r a, wagon, and was In a, critteal cow dition for a few days. is rapidly teem- ering and will, we hope, soon be all right again.-gstite a number from here (Wok in the excursion to Onelph on Friday. -The Freewill Sunday sehoul parole is to be neld in Savour]. Gunning's oreherd on Friday. done JO. Everybody weleome. A good time ex - meted. WrIVRIO.---1.1n Wednesday. joule 10., the home of Mr, John, MorleY. WaS the seene of a gay and ,p!yotts ;event, it being the utarriage.of lus niece, Miss ' haw Sat hoar -of tius lace to Mr , y, P . • John H. Tales, of London Township, h The interesting cermany was per- formed by the Rev. W. 11. Cooper, of Brueefiehln, Weeithain Luca oI1 Onty this ireek to aTeoril tbe,, highly respeeted and oue of the Pio- Medical College, is spending _the bob- "treeessrel. LIFO ESZDEDt-It is I DIVD.--Afte Stephen W. Haines, a 11.11^, Elttel'S011 Hodgins, of Toronto death of one of our Most respected res- neex• residents ef Medea ta township, tlaye at his home 1ero3- idents, in tlhe person of Wm. Plewes, died k!t 1115 residence in Woodhattn, en heanIi lt()ne tuflartisou.-Mr. J. IT. itybot'togetlar with his now stowing Saturday last, at the ripe age of 70 uowdro. who has been very ill for the seife,-for nineteen years lived in our Years. Mr. Haines was born so Wel- past tsvo weeks, is, we are pleased to village. Like all Yorkshire Ehglish- land County, near Port Robinson. on men, seeeess seemed to follow, Au his , June 15, mi, and a rev.' years /atm' path. Ile e•tele to title -country with married Miss Mary Van Slyke, of Eat - his parents when but a hoe-, tied set Iwo, who with their two ;children, in tied las Toronto township, Here be spent aboat 21 years of 11IS life, and Abu:1E i7 years ago took unto himself partioer for life, in the person of Miss Axle Alelev. The year he was untrteed he mei earto listron.settling on the atb retired from atettre wor.s: and moved f..areley township, where he took to our thrivieg put of which U!) hod, anal became one of the most is built on Ids farm. Mr. Haines was snevessfaal farmers or the cenammtity. a staunch !Methodist and took all ae- Aecsunstlating sufficient of this ‘vorld's tire part in elturelt work, beiug class goads in the '-'413 years that he resided healer for over twenty-five years. The there, he sold his farm and moved to ,feseeral took. piece t'o Kirkton `cense- Brauclield. where he built a nice res- teey n Tnestlay. ;Kis nlanY friends ezliagukt Tit lloolit R tvill heAur with regret of bis death. is here that, Mr. Plewes speot many hawy blays In Ids deelluing yestis, He years ago, er notil aboufour r when kidney trouble set in 0:0,11.1iryt.110110 had nevkeen ill t whiels dually eaud hi $ deathou Toes-, ceiterere day at the giant told :we of 75 yeare, 0eae the year 1518 moved to 13lansharil Ip. They located ou Lot 1.3. on the Ease Line, where were born to them nine childreu, continued to live on hie farm until fifteen years ago when he 144 1 Li 18pa.. to'tgari 11;;; months. Ile wee a &era' 333 pI4iU 4WPluen y.1114 1.3.4-441 ar.411aturt r and ;us 4-11tiegent of the Presbyferlim cboph. 1ie ionl no children ;Ind tem"- elie thins r storms a theyast few est 4 *ni,htu, Itbs1 ItuiF the a* wini /444 "" Lr44.1/1". The 41144'4 %V" 4.14 1111Ve tiniet rifreslang. The 'mitt d marriage to Waltd sae r v, .ni Thursoay to Uaird's ceitteterY. - 01h of the etop,i and the AIPPear" reign. "I Llseim. h Rev -T 4li-414; - ee of the 1114 3ibl45 have delighted ' Miaow, ex-pteesideet gof the Hamilton linnet t the hearts of the Pusinrm,---ftev, D. L.M& 13 de.t tonic • !bitten mturtied htst 3.% 3. &Mot Cora of lotoinediate 161 it and Weigle, af3 Z Pr45\l tt.- 4\41OtIWI ot those reeencp. ie weleagitel lee his pew The only aeleedela cof the 1041Q WV? Pil'41urald° 44ef."5141"s which 5° fte- pie for the third :Fear ;anti enjaVs t heir her little nieve,Fianeis tutywitrd stale, recovering, -Miss Essie Hodgins of Biddailph,spent a few days here dor- fug the week, svith bee:aunt, Mr.e. Jos. tiodgins.-Mr. Jas. Loughlin has re. turned from a two weeks' trip to Wes. tern Nebraska.-Mts M. P. Harry. of London, eperid few'days here during the week, the guest of her brother and sister, Mr. anal -Mies Fogarty. -Messrs. W. Cotosey soul Korne were dele- gates to the High Court of the held in Hamilton on Tuesday and Wed- nesday ot last weeke-Mr. Jos. Tone, or Edmonton, N. W,T,, is „renewing aeputintences in and amend this Vi.. esnity.---Mr. Patrick Curtio,of Moores - villa, is at preatest at Edmonton. where ' he bee taken up OA kirr4)S of hind clind 1.V bleb plaCe he Will 1110Ve his fatally tall. Mr. C. inte111.14 dortoting to ranching. .11Eit1n Mattrittilri.--The Hensiltost .etiattor of laet weele saysi-et iib wedding wits eollenzatized at tine e of Chas -lee W. Yocinn, Hanle edity, Jr's-ie./4 when his eld- Ellinsvillet hi the puesence of a large 9 1 it 1 nanthe4.. of leivite4 guests. The loride 1 1 cwto7shoptheart!'ilsotitel'ovenens54-t1Titoillitt:•hiti)e„7, tfole'rtfethlis. qie4tes rZilt.t)t.y11:gliittlialten,11111'hk4et:tilillFtiiitstlf7)111-:.cls: (literati i•ei:111' thr01vitil011t 4 hiS countrY • esteem alai eaelitienee,-Mrs, It 'chard t v., Iso aeted ne sound elf Itt.axer. The ma - The Phenomenal Well -Bred • wot ents whieh the bride received showed and trbielt will likely continue as tonal theti„.. who, wa the alief„rtaa, te, eteo .4.0eteet. eleadeletiales • . - 11 • 1. • 4 P 4 sts I eontiones 1 ery low. Her two the high esteem and respect in which issis whir I, gibeb, In!. WO I) .1e1 ,..1t• ,.. to ,au a rat„,ty nail ii few days ;1„0 nod nho team 1, 1.;,- m3s„..3 mi,t1 4. pattiins„on a Standard Trottm• g Stallion li „i„ 0„ith,,..1 • 1 deughters f1-0111 Wusilingt011 Territory else is held by her coniposhinitudiunta Thome.. eintren, Seaforthr 011 VN' ethig'S' wei; 1,eld 110 ls -1 eollst'll.)44:e13 6' we `1"41;1"' '"Ikted 4""ell *IA the wemiolln 3.4 -..et zlIa7lz:rc,..19,-:;,;-?:,fraf,737.;.;l...-4C-relir,e441.` tiOr) Lgari'' 110))/)..big eextrarhably well since the following ;1,4 V po, itter.---Tlae; erope in Miss -ye, prime frietote. Mejoiroottelheillial.4tTlithsolneflot, tolfriasItillth:. D.t.1481,t41rteeitIttig tioilevrtirtIrtfet I 4:4`:10 it ito, e.titi:et:,..1mr.cillit,„Iut;,;„:11.es. 1,1,1%.,,,,,ra ,44:47T‘stir..4. ;Arg,%al,.,,,4pr4%,41.1..i.li::,141 II eaeset tti eta re ra itt. e rearm erong , • • ' ' - • * ' - ""-e." - "` P =7-.;:r ,,,,o,.,1, 3r-.4 tr,,c,tkolr.;71,:r..;,z 1..7:ILI 77,:4;r4 •-..-A tho 4,4koNcont 114'109. at St. Johns. ea trying with them the ites'el (°;•att'^'. The„chilloeill'e^441,h. i t4,4.1444.41 member of the vouttunnity.bas ; z„.;!;lita,tii",6:',,St wiAte•• of tio.u.' luttuie Int.,7,41'.;-,41911931"P'4‘,7.71t.',,t,:v. 7,4,':;,' riCATAi,-Tlio Arawil of ..eat 1,..,,, , a fit 1 -1-, hest wista.s of all rove happy and pros. folly 41. .-orated with Powiw. 'Intl M ' ; , for Ow pist Sear been eandited to hie tschnlos• ell. thh;&h-laW e"."11”14.110V, SWIlt; MA Pt altWoll. organist. tendered ttlin,i 4.,a .,.9•%,,,Zatrs .v,te.e9,. , ,,•.. ..;...;..,1:-1,;4;4 fao"gtdemthiee-h4i41 s.-31 ad41o:t41o1r4n01e4 xtuoatit g14a11n0d 00brturnAt-tilnirt, Pnnils ""ce v"v4414'''" reeaan4ililei;0.lnos atewdialthle etmythvs,urlt rener ret r-ssineeeieilipilsa.itit.el'irtilfth. k m/ t v!on.7nle:1awl 1r91);4V;d eldWhtheDn)rl,iheRe./Ratothe of/tafrnt-SpemiotM.014131tsIt.14 l'eavert If0!43_ie.nAohf Loot. wad extra eltints ate iti"Dtorl not bath 10,411nd i 10'4, t 411011) 'hi COW* k The ht tine tof oar !smelt f„14, glued thee 4 -the aleth'itda,0 pee. lite eta 3151tlit W.I.. in beano Of their a Id. era,e ;lee te 0x:4;1.'2;W-era.% dearly Isellwa ton, ellnalsts was ear- W.st-on, of fainallon. was tile and levee:at yeeam aatnee ;ma is wile for tio.ig, ,1,1144131 ronie "on, 1,44"older, mut Wife. who were „Ittn':1 `,-; 2z"."'' 4'1'1-'4 Cr 4141;11-41.'"'1111. ths1 sanity. The dear little*fellow gatest, Mr.,3,, lro:MV;61 41. fi"W 1141":" d'riV" ter of ;war e-r4ehlttell MI% 11)12,121/-i mounds. on j1-0014, unnin„ urcip114.411 at„ 31/4,;. fattal..8 ,1144,4 7114-,1,4 '> 119"wo 4-i- a , attaitall the t .orati olst; um/0m. a petyle from ; ot, wont -•••••,-,-." g- .1 I it. 1. home the 'it*. 34444 103* 451'4'4-1'4 4"b' 1414. ^ 1 I ;d "Iv IS %Ye • ID • t tiee none grand fs; irMill" ' , • eellhee " 91"punirspith 1,314144,, g ri MX4 1141.1'14°.% fin3g.°1?-°A., eihe W 44 444 44 4 1114 al 4 • 4'X- 1 e w „ di a VelF neat :1111 1(e011111)g 14 yawn, (ieouge . L t p zee teat tee eetteetei 747.:ziaF tW1 Clea ' • „ ; , „„ „„ t 114 1, 14_ her 'hoax here attena 41 I 114, mg pug „ • „ t.,,,,tt-t4 4611)7,4 ear.; -441, etax ss,-uri.e;.....e.a was at Malt a sweet onpamt10111 1.1131, thew Ness WO% HI znie Llfre0c•1•20„ 0* terese, 44-reee leaner fanner or Anotichnur e„attaors.efrints, at, Iptalaut 4,11 Monday, ,e;10,y Win .11:41av; isdi•sr 4144611W 111 4;4144-`3111, ZT, eaaael 43 0;01 a he was fairly idolized by every one the Matilx4 Farm at 0;500 en 14ittaY. ' 1,1 The bride was attired ' timp -M4 .'.i whole Mr. .4%.vereien is editor and pub- rt,.,,„;4„ 111 444 i14,41111,F ft'it WWI TO -day he IS a I+ 1 8- nronnd here after t e ; rt g • • suit nnet was tineeeended. Mre. ots- cineete and Laz.aan with otherN art* 4 9119)9.1v4.!, ANIS) 159044NTATION•"'w•rbe iry,'.1"`r4A TaoT•tvih 5'1'14 ?•14.„'-.5e; big jewel in theleittenbon and the gloom to hear that She Thoe. flillteet is iv- . 7,1'°77, teeeeet 4311 ta"10 • . ti 111, 01 11 •- .00 r • h• natieee Mee wose Iteloved r..41,iini their bujoinge. watt fir `0.Tritil!y114L.4;;I.11.° /1414' 64h 11:1:1'rnes"Ar Vil.altilsinettrallottl;hytiltrettg .'ielt4Y311131.4sh. wrifskli to the ninna•Y ktv ununilugg'1144 dilli")" kftrsee. euttle• etc.; win bnee In" • 1 1114". "1 Vt. MOJ " un., 44OL wit with Leant • and Charm, conquer- romans winter worm st4dries;,, These mingled 3111'.1 -EI' and regret; pleasure , Thur-al-tv. Jame 4, anal the little one Lewis mil Mrs, nos Lew"s were id- 6°13-1"1: 14 -"Pe bet. gdine; Sfl fill' aWaY" times. New b'n'n.i' nil' being ereeted"'4'rvi" und "F1.14' til'it tiwsP wbc. rc2,42 st'tol:Crott ni,kt, i i , ' i V f d 11114 mat.she leavos liphilla 11 old !atilt:111%s rep:awed. Se.trxxely; a Lulu wel e to he thitsliottorrd for ifleir tgkr. ' Watatall to rest in the (hand Head tiew lig itequaititanees n at ot a 'a. 10, ortfm• rontnlnrattet, 1 your,4 I ,Isalem v., 7,r, him. itiglit"14.1"y 011 VPidAY.. - =,00P..=--,------=.0, feW 113Y8 414Wing tile W4444" -31y• zI"il ifalreliti:,urtItn5eli:ig::'‘':iiiillatnt Zkfig:Ila ii$4.t. a.41:1:itrtUA,LvigIViell;:tittinIrt.i°.ftr ;I:,111117., ' .1;;Is:Re 1%471111M t11)11112tP t,r l',Iftr' t il'eng Mrten Kermut daughter. Inez. of • -,.”.....r vrr. Late\wart', -old geoid smile wilt soon find - i•, 1,21.,, r 7, ,, 1UJ t .. WiTzelzelsea --------.1........ s of Ilie and - hip will ite known as the rt‘n.lee thirden Mr. and 31re. 14 D. Stanley have; hetet l'rt'o[;,•44 Wr..Prtz,!y,ta, 4444 *41 1444 - ea,s,m747,01, wx,;3;; home. TI144 FAII event oceurred on kind darling his illmeie.--Mrs. john of oiriPPY "13131°41 cow friends who N." been 6t1 ve" ed jibe lands Of mum who are indeed , th ip )11.111 In havinv Inet to do honor to Willful unprosetuen sere o en opt ts ROUTE ; , 44' 4;r 1 woatt rl Mirl. M tna Suwnadsay*. 3 e1.„, stlhoe• lsv .1.•,otn Pl441.4., waten tn1t10 ." , east dtesr'"l1oltb. enAtifste"rF'.4b11teh attii enetihal" ; i.t-4 t ) etsteeiel1:311 MrstThere jaariteteteaeem0.A..TN.Tmq . an, a % e -s 1-113 yothunee0d f ealt„ ao y e A 4l,ee1' of Eden of Canadar. l. !ste'lulotnegh,iithat tiwttihedsol wvItitwh aq11le0ha15er'inrTedr. itu h -1o,hroupe11111'OP3 tltT 3't31 att..1t113911Wet41 FfrendsintheseprteonMonie.3• 4••4 Mtehnovs.tueAedbet "4 - 44 (1.33 ,8d4 1 beet moot her of one Olde.,t tv't.1ilentq. in ittuldiee front bete took to the ; hole; No aI m•f.1l0 1e•woll:-.1le .t "aarl o1 fm e 1t r.. nias,tioe eal li e„d oft toutd°.aT 03 !"sta.1tnt ye.S at s 1t1e 1 s1 w3 44e^1m a n d v osrsm14uiV°I*3Pti"1"t"11P2ACN1111yh0:1. ity of yeat. A gentral bte.ing o)arkhillvisted frendin Mi. .re"(1e1P41111'os".i(hand414.41441onwodorherin rst 41i••I•s Q ' M ,. „ a 4178'.&18'8%.&18'8%'4( 1nl'Pf the yrgent Nete he *411 DO of ttinal-Tto AIIV11: bria"4""141Y13ln'and:dtaa nsuittlet.,anti Nuttht tie y shells! :Ad Iv' Per- h t a tee , r rat. .7.soD' 0 j 7 h t , n 1fit mbet rie Councl, soNtitoiiowitopnne 1t/. LAe Ta 1p e ho p e ahn tii n dttr ; e .ppt e.a t s400 ts‘ ft er 1t4sh f!;•a ithi".f .ty,MI'trlaahlhWle; t14111yC.CyRaanrMtaip.pilllpuut•e etlIto-,l1Mr. foe Dw., X,e„te11r.1,„ ,,rwst. r JiadtrNrmter• Lalon awilheid tot Snnahty wtSe0k1 a.ont s ot anTucatrmn theRvul et. Th..% st mires at aum, and „ Rerl' "I tin" 1t,t;neel. .l 314; g*ntiuseo,lszt41 ;.i.,tLeztee „sext. w,aosi otito;4t4:-•4;;2.4,'. llrce41"i1..1.y1.‘r.e -Thisa wp,ill ;liliie eeitn'eitif1nete.d .loy iwisei' ta liereM-fAlvir. „. "4;;171. ffyiir„eot..4a1,1„„0rM1'4i4.i4.h,,'11.t1og141ai,g.-If;1te„'Wv1.o°4a11t.1444119:'-4 4:g4Li 4:11l1e• 4i1P.nw'Voerdses ajuthowof 3414 oiny4he anent a,,ms,11141,1tt11v.11rlseliOExeterDtret.tnonlni 334j 1 7114 tt414.mtlit,A,41cnti414441w311Mt/411014443M a UP' tlatlt of (Lay evettitig a tea ieill lottwrveti on 1111.1inii,antiefqa;11!it111,11A-N•Ity natAt,011evionMinn14s3i4"41;di011.itri‘ot 111eeh83t413i4.34731ullo41bY f' 143 4 , 1 1 1 Sauel34'13I; '3 1 II14111134110 31es4te1111'rile:$)141411 elude 34111 fur41.04•L 1010 110Z7‘8NO1 tl SaWai 1 utivuntion33 1344)3 ATfrom 144 ;VANIaPti MI,Ilemior I14434133*81 4.te4414414, at flemalt netttforbothmitateonal Me13I4114SA111.141 .3w471he314.o11111143414144 1118*1331 cettMsllelly 331 41*3 83 are. el in yeeratitl 1 .101il. Tilt' 1134'. All do welrolat• mid ti 1;001 tene l61448o18 w1a41lo3 111. wOz. The eam. ' 1:fn1 a ., h y a g N...#,O 1 V 4 :tlott!io titeo te;:al 2 he n.1.11.•;.... l'; ow tile nn•.1,n :4igI ty1.1111,9.111',. 4.„;,t.', m a l . ' „ . „.-z°I' ,:, . o,,- ,e",;i,,,;•..''v i„ mt.ad th•i104 .„.. 31ae,1. 1t t'44e0tttItlI,00I0rV1:to4't1.,..11''.•a4,at: l,l', 1,/1r112t5't14 24'''A° e,ir...4 .4.V.°„." 0, . '..'T--,11'; -a:,-,o'L.t:;.1vl. 2i-.3e ,,-hle.t :.i.' , 1 o • .;. e a -°7 :.-..: :z1 ..ir%','1 i1 . ; . 1 II 4 1 ip . 1 s m 41 4413 4841 1 1*443 1 411*4,11tli4 34.11N11104 1. t3lv3small V .• 1• l , f !tle. e ,.v e e i 1 11'1"1:t,:' e il,. iloat -0141 to. f%4141 Credit0v./v*1 cr4 • ht. elo.r4 W.Hs. 11tr1,er.0 depriv1 to 0.! 441:.314 114, ; e .1. t ,i ,t;i•.c,e,.. e,t''t,..4 ,, . l tde ..; ' .v:; ve, '4 0intoar 311444t '•11 t14f""8 "41tetr• „ RA tee e weatoe‘.eeettieolteit- 1111g, 211 194,34114 413 14.31344. 41411to 3, .154.cnt7;5 1441.,1, 41,L;4 . ,'a , `I°' to,%o,r%t:L .it4t r . 0.I•'t a ill t bat *.1,,, eteilnod 44,44,?:. in j1111• 30„1014ntawt.n.t4 to .t,oe .nig WW1.1„..1.331 1r 4'441:44343 - 411'4141. 16,41„st41lit4,l/I . 4I1 I 5• MtJ;1('4411 t for 11 jetleisit 1..9 3e4e11t 117"rtrldhrg1411114"V1)31T13L Imte s ,0 1 •4.. 41 WlC1h1:;,... .•..fi1 , web.::;i,.slt;e. t, ;r ,' •:''',4..ee7.s-''1'..,:4el,•ai.,1h11.'71 .•..eo ,. ... i. o. 1 ' '*,,7„i olleeLSuts Lere-ligatonintelal441.'111 itit itili11lai:!1.ale,„.. 1411,A 54* 1411. limoIeitetill:ate/awill.hedlitth' 14o.Ih'wole.: 1.1 1t..:.C- e.1.., - l; t tie41.1yr 11,413Ilesidefestune1tato, :et e.4 1411.af,,.411 111 114 '4 tt.11). , e..„i71 ie11''...111. •' .31', .e1; bie :mit1ev dip.rigorwt.111p.V41t,I. 11 '104tel}1410 .,i1i, . .4;1,7 77.' ,t, t* 41(n•14n 31i '• .4 41 tie1,t t 11 43•. 1.41 1.! 141,e1,11. --41.V. 1)1. oV/.4 .. is 141 Ica11.4 1T..%. -; Z. 4 f 141l4111 11•1 41111 5 IrTas14-t A 1 *I '1,'41,:t ts:thPreebterill ir111u4. -a 01-4.1,, 1‘11...4. -1Z.. e :1 :;: ,- ;lel 4 '*Ile.1,111411,114°,:,.47:-,441 r,,,tt. ,..:,i, 1- : m. t,a IA til' 4'3'1p4 in t1141 11 .. 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P51;"81174 114*, mkt ,inits3inee narratra 11,41;; ..Ito,pIlt„ The :4.434111 Stith's, of (11t.4'..litai41, Ohio. 313a t,13 V to 11. 11 o)on• 711 yont-; nhi 33141.4 It 144 t ,et.i,” ot,,,1,..vta1 411,? f,ina t 1,11•417.4 • • • • V N 1342--.,1342--.,tholten, h at tether. --5114:8 Nei a ;if the Thema, 111.e.el Pres- hie etei t"t;:alt 40151 Ili Vt 1,1A t 11111i, '7°,`, 011' 1'1T nr04.11.1•0041 loin iit e."1 eesis is holiolaelog with Silteltell , lion voyage. and ail will live , vein oeliegiag Alton inakine- , dah tei „misled no eater...et 41.5•111(.13 418341 f.,1ri13e101n1'.1•t1h1Y :5 4• 3t1n4 111,1\1 f]vt','3A . r t h t4lt a1C .4 hvs4" iiIol s 8tft f e latII )v nt et eeer ea aionlum1S neet-, hltah !-g°-W dt4iAn's1Nefoas• . ot.y rl 41 .-'1i -w,tolMlynrr., epGpg.ooa. itI•tltle. d"Meleol1evrleo.i .y-- O tta et1.o O v t ro.ztbyt IeIInutteahle tcioeinym y, .Mvtehiteaetlnhgte.1l1aitpp.fa,e ew nthteoetv, eoa f glgaoe nfteulr . thoe ,1.3e Ve m. t.e11, , (rz.f olw1vrfetheCo.141linsold fonr-vetraid 4OvtVO O1 1z;d4111 emn .1le • •t1 -e414714:-s -- 1g TinStratfrd-'gar41 me$ y 4 4 . 1 . rtleiut4rt:e.1e4o e - wDh i g iean g m m lot"uetne "es;i;tn14 Ahs"t.ea0 lcdttai t Ir l,r!1n "R1t1.Vtr .Ti l lehtin iL•r4mI,WloeOtevWt itI(ly*otS reeflroiroietlr-l fhfirenoaomvre * se "leinne.sel' llrey t,eion Oreatse 11tki• viitillg half elInte-3rJETmPsI1141/44ofthmansesothvlian thrtyvety (13418 14 313 WeeSellilgf14113'441,4, e lotPoLteu011rschi,,dp;.lorl14hwr41. L ;4" 4311113. .,j'4_tt..ualta.tn0;trn-.4 tss.,ia01;Of(4011e14„4 k, ".t s „ „ s e m e i t ltle r e a c a h t f . teementontlattmof hinew leheoeotesmite fire 4,75-Mi,The )410 thirtl. P„a. W*03'k 1111 111)1 wimals s twasbfr, lodgudnoo1 0 : o r ] ] N .n5L14' i h i 4 1 1 1 . n E Y a WIS0111eM,rcfinisludMrCorad KtillilPIVNIMIl:(1--T110 peons vettenr cieanel, ,1Wil on , aril" 1111Y t") ''S'4111* "Ith W." t.; \Altde'XI•aft, ttnil George aifthe brick drawn for the cellar nod commodious' bome of Mr. and 2411.s. Wed/am-day. 1 it, has :started up a gen- ,„ . „ parehed end dry and the dust setae "L.:" Lta.eif°L., •1•1°14` If h'S 11 W CIWL°11ilt Id it is ex o .te I • 1 ; g. ion W'I't the e store at St. Jo.eph eonnect ion Mr. 1,e_ ,.. eels disposed of J. F. Goetz and Me. S. teat. ta4 mations will COMIllet1C4° work (38)3.34 of .131 t('1031 on ),Vednestlay, with his Bend busitictss. --I,Ve, tinder- 4" s' (7°4-h '4'. 411 11 d ml4.4ter- panic.% tro.11„y evv.i.vtiling ',mks th,t„.; ...ruder and John Drown. Atter this ti I- , ter. the limns and filings being freshed, whilst, the choking dna bus?: linyd.1' reported on the Sunday School some lime this week. -Mr. Geo. Holtz. june 10, it being the marriage of their stand it is the intee thin of the Police • STiewatiT-At Fa i wilier, not June Pith been lotid a while at least. The %yeah- : ealiventbni 'of the Association at Which man, sr., is visiting relatives in New eldest danghter, Miss Addis., to 'Mr. Truetees of the Village to expend the to Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Stewart, a eon, et'report shows that the showers were ' , . they %rem delegateMr. Goetz epertk- s, . Hamborg this weekrs.-M.Wood,E of phealin Fiera,841 p e, promising and pro - is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Claude gressive youngfatiner, of Zion. At 7 general in estern Ontario. DEemir.-The keen sickle of death has entered onr midst during the past few days and; another of out citizens has been carried to the Unseen World. whenc0 no vvealy traveller ever re- turns. On Thursday another mother wilts called away to pay nature's debt, in the person of Mrs. Crawford and the report of her death was a serprise to the neighborhood indeed. A few Months ago a more rugged. and heal- thy looking woman of her age' would be difficult to find until La Grippe made inroads on her health of rather serious nature, turning finally to pneu- monia of tile lungs. She was a mein- -her of the Order of Chosen Friends and a consistent member of the Methodist church and was also a woman of 'noble Christian character, whom to know %vas to love, ancl of whom it may be truly saul did her best to leave the world better than she found -it. With her the clifinis of God and righteous- ness stood first, and her neighbors, the needy and those in distress, everfound one on whom they could call, assured of sympathy and help. Those at Staffa who knew her SO well will long remetie ber her as a friend, tender a ncl true. Tile funeral on Saturdoty was largely attended.. She leaves a young family , to -mourn her demise, and who have our commisseration, and we trust the remembranee of her life will solace them in time of affliction and the kind- ly ministrations Of sympathetic friends in some small way help to relieve the gloom. nig in 0011131L11 1111(1 'Air. Hard) in Pang - lisle -It is reported that a toot -ball match will take place Tuesday night, between the Zurich and home boys,the match to take place cm the Zurich grounds. The proposed game between the Fleeter boys and home team on Friday night bad to be postponed ow- ing to the wet evening. -The annual picnic 10 connection with the Dash- evood Pablic school will take place 012 Wednesday. Doubtless the usual good time vill be had by all who attend. - Rev. I. C. Morlock was elected, dele- gotte to attend the Sunday school con- vention for the County of Huron on the 1841) and 19th in Blyth. -Mr. John Hoffman is having a rock well sunk at his factory. --Me. And. Wilson, form- erly of Grand Bend, has moved into the Stephan's house, recently vacated by Mr. John Dearing. --What's the matter with one village trustees ? The sidewalks need repairing_ and as the worlenfust be done it might as well be executed early in the season that the village may have a tidy appearance as well as for publicconvenience.--The small boy is anxiously waiting the coming vacation. ---The recent rains have greatly benefited the crops ancl now the prospects are for a bountiful harvest. -A gravel walk has been built from the village to Mr. -John Snell's gate. " • A CLOSE CALL. -Mr. Richard Adams received an ugly kick over his right eye one day last week from one of his horses; rendering him unconscious for a time. It required several stitches to close the wound. Blue it- -Monday was circus day. A largo number of our citizens and farm- ers went to London to see the Ringling Bros' ;circus. All returned home well pleased, especially. the little on es. -Mrs. Michael Heist, and Miss Heist. of St. C/atharines, are the guests of Dr. ancl Mrs. Ezra Tilaist.-Mr, Nelson Standish of the Merchants Berik, spent last Stinday in Walkerton with his parents. --Our town sewer is completed. The next move will be for our township to pay up.- Strawberries have Mftde their appearance, having been sold here the past week by our merchaaits at 6c. per box. -Mr. jone Winer and Mr. Scholz of Morriston, are visiting at Mr. Mat. Winer's.-Last week's rain has done a great deal of good to the vegetables and grain. There is every indication of au abundant fvuit crop this fall. - Mr. Herbert X. Eilber spent ot few days in Toronto this week.--aliss *Kate Wenzel, of Detroit, was the guest of her lorother, Mr. Wr H. Wenzel,the past week.-To-day,(Thereclay) is the, day for the Evangelical Sunday school picnic at Grand Bend. -A; good...time is expected. -Mr. Augtist Sweitzer, of Philadelphia and Mr. Solomon 8Chluc- ter, of Pigeon, Mich., are visiting rele a fives in the village. -Mr. and lgre,,, Francis Clark and family, Of GratitOre; were the guests of Mr, and Mes. Lewis over Sunday. -Mrs. Taira Link is having a wire fence erected in front of her residence, which adds greatly to the appearance of the same. --Miss Lydia Finkbehier is visiting her friend Miss Wagester at Tavistock this week. , o'clock, -Just as the sun WM; kiSSing the 1700711.1 11, sniffing good night and sink- ing to rest, in its bed of crimson and gold, it east its last rays on the bride OS if to ensure her a happy future, and at ibis hour she entered the neatly decorated parlor, leanihee on the arm of her father, by whom she was given away, an(1 the hendsorne tonple stand- ing before a bank of maple leaves and roses, were united in marriage by the Rev. W. S. Cooper, of Elienville. The bride was unattenied and was gowned in a, charming costume of white crepe de chene and carried a shower bouquet of white carnations. The wedding march Was played by Miss' Effie Tay- lor, sister of the bride, and added much to the. occasion.' The Ceroeffony was witnessed by about sixfy guests from Exeter, London, St: Marys,$t. Thom- as anti the iennediate neighborhood. The ceremony and congratulations be- ing over, all sat down to a bountiful wedding supper, after which all re- paired US the lawn, where they were photographed by Senior, of Exeter. The remainder of the evening was spent in a pleasant social way, there being a long program of songs, speech- -es, recitations, etc., The bride received anima useful and valuable, presents, among which , was a beautiful gold watch, a gift from the groom. Not only are the young people well known here but they are very popular and highly esteemed, and their many friends extend to them the hearty good wishes for their future happiness d. prosperity. ; t he greater part of the four mills asked tri he levied as a special rate, in build- ing granolithic walks. The work will be proceeded in a few weeks„ -A new* fire alarm hell, of a much larger size, now replaces the old one, in use for many years. It weighs between 45010 500 lbs., and is now raised to the top of the roof of the fire hall. -Mr. John Dumart has returned from his trip to New Ontario and Manitoba. -The fol- lowing persons from Marlette, Mich., are spendtng a few days with friends in Stanley Township, where meet of them were former residents: -Wm. H. Stephenson; wife and two sons, Thos. Stephenson and wife, Thos. Walker and wife, Mrs. Henry McClinchy and four children, Thos. Hudson and wife, Mrs. John Robinson and daughter, Wm. Douglas and wife, "11,. Redmond and wife, Lou Redmond and wife, and Mr. and Mrs.Xeys.-At a special meet- ing of the Hay Agricultural Society, recently held here, the date for -hold- ing the Fair was decided upon, the ne- cessary judges appointed, the prize list revised, special features decided upon and other important business trans- acted: The Exhibition will be held on September 234d and, 244h. The Presi- dent, Mr, W. S. Caldwell, presided and the following Directors were present and took part in the deliberations of the meeting, vizi-1st Vice, J. Sararas; 2nd Vice, 341 Willert; W. B. Battler, B. S. Phillips, Decker, John Pfaff, J. Geiger and C. Eilber. Sec., D. S. Faust. William Beard, clerk in the Canada Life office at Hamilton, was arrested on a charge of stealing about $3,500. Dornee-In Con. 1,1, Jene 7t14, to Mr. and Mrs. Aanos Deupe, a son. 11El-wh0p-In Melville, on June 121h to Mr, and Mrs. John Heywood. a SOD. POWEL-TO 1310.111911, MI 'TOXIC 1(1, to Ma. and Ma's. W. N. Powe, a, dangle - ter. 0ITA:4113ERS.-In Stephen, Con. 3, on June 15th, to Mrs. Frank Chambers, a son. 511iRRI30IES Lts-sIITHERBT.---At Whalen, on June 10, by Rev. W. FL Cooper, Mr. 'John H. Tales, of London township, to Miss Jane, eldest daughter of IVIrs. Maria,Sutherhy. HErtee-TANT4011-At the residence of the bride's parents, on June 10th, by the Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Elimeille, Mr. Ephriam Hern, to Miss Addle, daughter of Mr. Wm. Taylor, all of Zion. DlEiATI15 ALT,EN-Ikt Winchelsea, on June 123.1), Sarah Allen, oiged 80 years. H.&INES -43n Wooclham, on Jane 13, Stephen W. Haines aged 79 years. VALE.: -In Exeter North, on June 11, Flossie Dell, daughter of Mr.- and. Mrs. Wm. Vale, aged 1 year and 3 months. llotrreav.-In Usborne, on Sone 13; , Elizabeth 'Stinson, beloved wife of Samuel Rontley, aged 49 years and 4 months. '