Exeter Advocate, 1903-6-11, Page 8s a1Way s to be found
at this Tailoring Estab-
lishment. if you are..
icoldr,.'g for one, try us,
One trial will convince
you that you cannot get
better satisthetion for the
same money than we
will give e you,
'ai."rb lilac `l.'tido
Mc yrs, Handford &Elliott shipped Mitcieell-Rowe1iite. •
c.aaluact of fate horses to Winnipeg, The London Free Press of lloaaday
Miall., on Thursday. eoutaaius the fallowing account of the
About a dozen "Red Coats," mean.. marriage of two famrumer well-known
wee of en, t company, 33rd Reginlea residents of Exeter ; "A quiet but
eft lure Tuesday afte rmaa,oax by special Pretty weddaug took place at St.
traria for (`.;xliaag's Heights, London.
where they will go into camp. Sergt.
J T. Westcott left last evening to join
the ranks aid OR the office of his title.
Death entered our House of Refuge
on Monday week and separated the
- golly and soul of one of the inmates,,
in the person of Miss McDonald, She
Geergee hub nn 'f# c:tiuesday, when
Beiss Frances M, Roisclifte and fir.
Mark Mitchell were 'welted in marri-
age. The ceremony wee performed by
the Rev, G.. 13. See, rector, is the
presence of only time immediate relit-
Ives. The bride was prettily attired'
in white, wearing a wreath of orange
woos an eider "'mien lady, of no light blossoms and carrying a. bouquet of
avoirdupois,b1'ou lot down from God- lee, carnations. She nvas.iccotnpanti-
d by two bridesmaids, Miss Annie
exicb sonde eighe mouths ago. perfeetly
helpless, being ;afflicted with paralysis,
,and was a care on the oracle's of our
institution. The body was taken to
Uod.ericli for burial, She was 60 years
f ;age,
A elaallenge quoit match took place
here on Friday evening last between.
E. Treble and G. Walker and C. Stew-
art and J. Newcombe. The contest
• was watched by a large crowd and a
flee game Was t deal of veresteosely contesteds
and game
in a victory for the two
last named gentlemen by six. shots.
Tile score was as follows;
Treble 2O. Walker 29; total Sh
Stewart 342, Newcourhe''.-,1" ; " 61
A. return =itch will be }played to-
morrow (Friday) evening;,
N We all litre' to Imanzele our brings over
II, We
which give certain avid strange
resolos, haat which w eeannot explain,
era'ssaa rAz.,lethat pateelesevery°iteidy,
Take the number of your laving broth -
re, doable the aanaountould to it three,
'Multiply the msult by live. add to it
he unniber o livin sisters, rmnaaltiply
to result lay ten, amid to it the mieeber ; Mrs. W. Snell and Mass BrsaWn spent
persons evyday, and smote
.a!n avers de end on the kind
Cad cl>tioes they weer,
rpt' are i C)d4 Dressed
When roue savant to he well
a3a•a•. of come ood a431.*(' a
x.aon,", naa.aae. to orate ovil
neve g.;aads ctwsistang oat?
a"„►AR it i; *s,, Pall krd ddg ,
�')rereoat tis,
Brim kvuaanbe, of London, awl .Miss filo
Mitchell, of Exeter, who were also at-
tired in white, The bride was riven
away by her father, Ur. Philip Row-
cliffe. The ceremony over, the happy
party returned to the home of the
bride, where slapper was served and as
pleasant evening spent. The bride
aid groom have the well -wishes of
their many friends for, a long and: pros-
peoeus life. The presents were numer-
ous and useful."
Miss E. Neelita, of Seaaforth, is the
west of Miss (+. Kewp,
Miss Maria Setdon. of Landon, spent
Sunday with friends in town.
tb. P. B.awden, of Rialgetown,spent
a fear clays of last week in tour ns,
etre. Taylor. of Zion, spent Smutty
here the guest of Mrs. T. Brooks..
f deaths of brothers and sisters, sub. Tuesday= with friends in Paatithili, •
wet lad front the rrsailt. The vn„tat Rev D 1t returned t his
end figure will be the lumber of ; • _ , .ams�y, a urne cr
deaths. the middle figer•e the number Beane in Ott:nwaayeaaterd. ( {u i
t,f livingsleta�rs, acid the left figure e the R€r, Ceo, -urstWn, sof TOrontrm, is the
;umber of living brs►them s. guest of Mr. J. Heywood, James st.
Rout, Mrs. Chas. A. Brown, of St. Mare's.
coins^ house en Huron street, "con- is visiting her aunt. Mrs- Il. Brown,
tanrening six room. Apply to Mr. John lir. and 51rs. Silk of London, spent
. nen. Sunday with the laatter's parents here.
snctatvweer% Mr. Frank Elliston, of feendan,spent
lbs, of wool wanted at the Exp Sunday and Monday with friends in
iellen Mill%, Either washed oe toawrn,.
ost, Ilig;hest sacra pl°icc plaid. flit, e. E, Tern, 1 7 . d'p
'. of (aloderieb
Maw^ 1r: Co, as in town this week inspecting the
est, school.
e ` la,araaes Reed, Saneley night, Mr, R. IKulght, after an. plean$.ant viral
nFinder will Ile enitably ; with friends m St. Thoma has re
�av«axaled by returning Fatah" to the turned. r'
owe$, Jeattes,;Aur'ala,. Lot Zs Thames Mr:;, s.,,,lldoo and daughter. sof br►e,.
ell, are the guests of M1'. anti Mre,
F Will Attend church. S7rnnvelQ.
The Independent Order Foresters M.Es Rife i.n'nir"g hsns retacl'taed
a ill attend divine w•a1r itip in the Main fronn her visit tar t'raends in I.siradc,n
tres"tMethodist church, on Sunday',sand,Tnllaatvitic".
Julie 21, at 11 o'clock service. All
znc"nrltt>as :ar�� realrnelted to meet oat Rev. Dr. Hannon returned !L'ov la►.y�
dg a room at 10 o'clock.
attending the Methodist Confer-
(i. Ander►on, Rec.-See'y. ence at 1\ inghuur.
Accident Miss Kathleen Morton left Sartuteliay
An accident which tight have been for London. niter as few Weeks' visit
ttrndeal with serious results ba petted with Mrs. S. Fitton.
n Mr. John iiaub'.iffe's faarnr, 'lames Mr. and Mrs. Jars, ('otnbie'daele are
Road, on Monday last. It appears Mr. visiting friends in Clarke., Airs. Coln
atalelitfeaassi ited by :Messrs. Franklalealick, will remain some weel.•s.
peneer, '4i alter Kerslake and Edgar Me. James Wanless, of Dolour,
Gardiner, were erecting a cement silo Minn.. offee upending,a few days with
and when about to Place Oras~ of data friends in town, returned itlon acv.
roan rings in place the scaffold support- ;lir. E. Dgckson of 1":art hit
The only. thing worse titan dyspepsia.
is living with a person troubled with
A, great meaty ppc.%,pk tall; more to
, i Mouse lves than their
bear -
ease r
•The way i f the transgressor is emit
entitle' :pretty tough on the other fel-
suaoker,•s,gave up the struggl too re -
font) and tried, with snceess,- in the
three eases tai eotAinit suicide; .eleven •'
there went. insane. 1f • the eigaaette
an do this Mach barite in:thirty days,
what mast be accomplished in as year
By ail neons let it -be probibited,
Hulot* Contuty Sunday School .cud,
Clirlstinu Endei. vor Couv n -
tion 4x Iilytit, Jtt;xo is au4
19. 190a.
Thursdaav'aud F*i4i ay of next week
(Janine 18 and 19) the 1910 convention
for Sunda) *loot orad Christian. En-
dea e w \Yorkers of U.lawon b oonty will
be held hi the Presbyterian church,
Blyth, and to which the public aa' eoe'
Welly invited.
That-Sday drill be devoted to Sunday
Selaoot iuterests and such ropier as the
following Will be discnsseed ."TheTeach-
ers Material and How to Work Upon
it;" "The Sunday School mad Temper-
ance." "".flow to make the Sunday
Veit, (ail "In the State" (b)"1.1) Society"
(el "ln the 11oute," ""NorMal Teaaininif
""lJow•the SundEay School should be
conducted." Addresses will be given
by the general Sunday Secretaary...,I. A.
Jackson, $;Ala of t'Urotito, and a OW*
her of the best 'epeakere ftona different
towns and villages of the manly.
On Friday Christiana Endeavor topies
wall be dieenssed and they progrem
?commences with one .and 'a half beware
of solid Bible Study euandncted by the
Rev, D. N. Mce«ratios, Ssarnio (ftoruterly
Endeaavoree %rill be discussed and it is
expected that the young people Will by
represented b • hugedelegations .front
the different by
in the Country,
Rey. ,MeCaanus will also (rive an nth
dress on Whiny evening aaud the Rev.
Mr, Sawyere, alf BL'aacefleld. will speak
en the eultject "'Personal effort in the
harvest of souls.'
It is expected that 'everySunday
School and troupe, People's ociety in
the different churches of the County
will send deli rtes and to those who'
travel by rail tate Convention certificate
plan will he used with which nU the �t
Ftaitiara agents a airy familiar. Dotarot i es,s + oo
the r*.:iile it o buying «a return In the Dress Goods Department We re showing for
ticket, for while it does rout; make lnueln � a �, � � �
dil etenec+ to an inthblaaal it nusal:c4 Summer wear a special range of "'- ewers r s Pure
write aadiiferene whet) as large number
aura*;attending the convention. Ask than Wool Grenadines, Muslin Grenadine, C can -Figured
st 1taa"n «agc•aat tot ,a ruug,lc tiet#a-t orad sa
Mohair, black and white fancy stripe for waists
caiaaventagne cc^a°tdbQeatte aaazcl lre:ZAI o1'lirort •
travel bg 1 til yarn canna eeetwe Pule n tom- ov D1aoo ercer7ise . Sateen Wa St - ht.te�t «nttel'aas
rot ticket for one titled instead of two
ing the kanr men grave mar, precipi- few &liar of hast 0vs�s.*b Else ui t 4f lois
toning all to 1e1 ground, as distance of aunt, :1 vs' CMOs. Gulley, t ,truant ht.
:about thirty facet. All received bard
slaaal;inp zap, but Mr. Spencer WAS the
Mrfi. N'itavrnan" :niter Spending a few
nnaast unfortunate, tris injuries toeing drays in town, the attest of Mrs. Cottle,
much more severe than the others.
returned to her' home in Lrindonn Tues -
Tho 1 aal-ins:Subscriber. dray.
„Ileo? dear to my heart is the steadyMiss Ida Mitchell vaunted 'minesadescribet', wino prays in :advance at the Santurdaay front Landon. where she was
birth of the year; who lays clown his attending Um wedding of her brother,
money. and does it l;adly, and casts Mark to Miss F. Rowclitfe.
Chmarau ter is what you are and a round the office a ha o of cheer. He Rev. J: SV. Ten Eyck, who filled the
reputation is just what people think never says'stop it I eannot afford it,' vacancy inthe Trivittlliettnorianlchurch
you are. nor '1'm gettanng more papers now during ��the absence of the rector, Rev.Methuselah lived DOD years, but miud> than I cams read,' butalways says,'Send It. J. 5I, Perkins, left for L'.1u1on W-
yatt that oras before patent medicine it, the family like it ; in fact, we all urday
warns invented. think it as real household Deed' Hose Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pickard left
The only thing good about the lives welcome he is when he .steps in the Wednesday for Montreal, fromwhich
of some men is that they are la ware sanctum, how be snakes our hearts place ttmey will sail for England. They
ing to others. We
hoes he makes our hearts dance. wall be accomn n anied by Mr, and Airs.
There ares plenty of self-made teen acre outwa fly thank him, we inwardly Braune, of New York"
1 bless flim, the steady subscriber who
who mast have obtained the material: pays in ndva.nce." Mr. S. M. Sanders left Monday for
at a bargain store. -Wingham, where he will spend the
There are some wise fathers in this, Reception and Presentation. week in the interests of the -Farmers'
town who may same day know as On Thursday evening; last the Trivitt Co-operative Harvesting Machine Co.
much as their ons. Memorial church rectory was the He also purposes visiting Durham be -
scene of a happy gathering; of a,. few fore returning; home.
If girls don't marry some men for friends to receive and welcome home Mrs. Yager and daughter, lliissTillie
ttheir 'money
a we
rnot know what the esteemed rector and his worthy spent Sunday in Olandeboye with rel-
y bride. after a two weeks' honeymoon atives and friends, returning Monday.
For lame back or derangements of trip.After the usual band shaking. The were accompanied im Miss J.
the kidneys use Dix Kidney Pills. 25c. greetings and congratulations Rev. Cunningham who will Continue to vis-
a box. Sold by C. Lutz. and Mrs. Perkins were presented with it there fora few days.
a well worded address and a beautiful
The north pole is like a woman's oak secretary tangible token of
pocket, we all know where it ought to y as a
esteem and a
be, but none of us can find it. fitting gift for the oc-
For young pigs and calves nothing easion. The address was read and
equals English Stock Food. Give it a
Mr. J.J. aKnigde ht, in b the half
trial. Sold by C. Lutz. Exeter. of members of the congregation. At
Mr. W. L. Parish, the evangelist, has the conclusion of the presentation the
been bolding open air meetings on reverend gentleman made a very suit -
Main street for the past few nights. able reply and accepted the marks of
It is a great pity every man don't esteem with grateful appreciation.
like music, because he has to stand so A dainty luncheon was served and the
much of it whether be likes it or not. balance of the evening was very pleas -
Mr. G.A. K. McLeod has beautified antly spent socially.
the appearance of his cottage on Main The Summar Fashions.
street by a .prettily designed verandah. In the summer styles long, flowing
The boy who has a patch on his
trousers ought not to be ashamed of it;
it only speaks well for his industrious
A number from here were very
pleasantly entertained at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. D. Shirray on Thursday
night last.
"Don't cqunt your chickens before
they hatch," is an old saying. It is
safest not to count them until they are
big enough to bluff a cat.
Rev. A. Thomas, of Victoria College,
Toronto, preached two very able and
interesting discourses in the James
street Methodist church on Sunday.
During hot weather do you suffer
from burning, tired, sore or perspiring
feet? If so use Foot Ease. It will
give you relief. Sold by C. Lutz. Price
25 cents.
Little Jas. Fulton, the deaf and
dumb mute who, a few years ago, was
sent from hereto the Deaf and Duxnb
Iustitute at Oriliia, died there a few
days ago. •
The many friends of Mr. W. H.
will be pleased to learn that the
operation performed on him last week
for appendicitis was a success and that
he is ;progressing favorably.
An editor in Montana asked his sub-
scribers to help edit the parer. Said
he: If you get married send in the par-
ticulars ; if a baby arrives at your
home, send it in; three days after the
paper came oat two babies were left in
his sanctum.
W. C. T. U. Notes.
Our Union meets now every alter-
nate Wednesday. The next regular
meeting will be on the 17th June. Let
all the members endeavor to be pres-
ent. Each educational program that
is carried out will repay those who
make the effort to come. At our last
meeting a communication was read
from the Zurich Union, asking our W.
C. T. U. to picnic at the Bend with
them on the 10th.
lines, sloping shoulder effects, quaint little rolls of rice paper and tobacco
sold as cigarettes are called by some
"Heart wreckers." They might also
be termed, Brain and soul wreckers"
for there is not an organ of the body,
a faculty of the mind, or an emotion
of the soul that they do not destroy or
It was a 19 year old citizen, of Hain-
ilton, Geo. A. Pearson, who last . year
sent a thrill of horror over our Prov-
ince by his cold blooded murder of an
innocent girl. The murderer confes-
sed the crime for which he paid .the
death penalty, laying the•blame upon
the cigarette first and then the while -
key bottle. A little before in the same
city another boy -degenerate killed his
mother, and about a year earlier aa•
Toronto cigarette smoker, about- 11
years of age, shot his father. •
The editor of Zeal,, published in Chi-
cago, made a collection of the damage
of the cigarette, as recorded in the
press, during 30 days. He culled from
collars and berthas are extremely pic-
turesque, and never before have ma-
terials lent themselves with such grace
to the fashionable modes. There is no
end to the variety of collars, pelerines
and other waist garnitures in lace.
The embroided linens exhibited ex-
press in the higest degree the present
luxurious trendof fashion they are
unquestionably the novelty of the sea-
son. The pure white and creamy ba-
tistes and mulls are beautiful enough
this season to fashion a gown for the
most exclusiven
fu etion; they are .pro-
curable in both plain and embroidered
effects. Lawns of all grades are shown
and are especially well liked for morn-
ing frocks. Daintiness and simplicity
are the chief considerations in their
make-up. Lingerie dresses evolved
from the sheerest and inest of lawns,
organdies, batistes and handkerchief
linens are elaborate enough for the
most formal occasions. No more ser-
E S�Ei�S
The farmer who passes us by when it need
of Carden or Field Seeds is dead. to leas owls interests..
We carry nothing but the Best Seeds that can be
balught, consequently the man who buys from us is as-
sured of rood. results. Try our Corn --Feed alae Busi:l.-,.
age. Potatoes, early and late.
We carry a complete assortment in Colors of
SherwinWilliams' Paints—the hest on the market.
CEMENTS National, Portland awl Star bra 11,
LAWNMOWERS S Woocl.yatt,
ing, ,
fess Mil iner
Ona d for the de keg aces if the names
are sent 111 to t to lranaaQ seeretaey. Ataxy
Gidley,1)Iy�th. J, Elgin Tom, of (fete.
Mob. is President and J.0", Stoneman.
t:°cannfortaal# jurau'N gill lac" 8a•• WhiteWaists—all NewIdeas
h ,7!' .ttr,�, f.a
Those who visited our white waist counters saythat
our showingeasily dismounts anything' seen outsie this
store. Prices Reasonable.
viceable dress.can be found than one of 31 newspapers fifty disastrous happen -
a thin silk of Jap:Lnese of China. weave logs due to the " paper pipe." .Here is
for when soiled, itcan be washed per-
fectly. Fashion bas decreed that the
summer wardrobe must contain a loose
white coat of some sort, and, the
practical woman will make it of can-
vas. In the street frock -the tailor
mode -white canvas is ultra -smart.
Fans of lace, gauze, feathers and flow-
ers will be carried this summer. Sum-
mer gloves are an important item in
the outfit.and are shown in both silk
and lisle and really fit the hand better
than kid.- From the July Delineator.
a summary of them: -Two young men
were seriously burned through sleep-
ing at night with cigarettes in their
mouths, a common: custom with vic-
tims of the habit; eight serious illness-
es, among them paralysis, heart failure
and blindness, and thirteen deaths
were credited by attending physicians
to cigarette poisoning ; twelve crimes
(among them four murders) were laid The barn of Mr. Abraham Hamilton
at the door of this deadly pest, not by near Listowel, was burned, with five
philanthropists, or extremists, but fine horses, a lot of other live stock,
police court records; five cigarett fodder and-imnplements, • .
London Methodist Conference
' Vingiram, jun' 3. -The twentieth
mutual session of the London Confer
ewe convened in ministerial s.l=skin in
the Methodist Church, here, Tuesday,
Jame 2nd, at 2ga.rat.. Rev.. A. D. Rus -
ell. R. B., of Ilaghgaate, president of
Conference in the chair, Rev. A. K.
Birks". R. A., acting ;is secretary, Af-
ter devotional exercises the roll was
tailed and fri ministers answered to
their names. Following are the cluing, -
es anode in the Stationning td'atuaaaittees
lust draft.
(inllr*rich 1)istniet,• - (h lerich,
torla. W. 11. Graham; Clinton, Ontamr-
ia' street, P. :Vinyard; \t'aaitoo, W. 11.
Exeter District -Exeter, Main St.,
W. Goodwin;1311I0ville*, W.11.Cooper;
C. Baker; Ailsa Craig, A. Ificla,alalaasn.
Hay Council
The Council of the Township of Hay
met fat thetovn 3m11 Zurich,
on Mon-
day, Junlhe Reeve in the llar auu1
all members present. Minutes of last
meeting read and approved. Thomp-
soin---McArthir--the following ac-
counts were approved and ordered to
be paid: -II. ltupp,teaams for grader,
$21; J. Kuntz, hauling; lumber and re-
pairing culvert, Con. 11, $1.50; N. Fos-
ter, working grader and repairing;
bridge, $11; S. Witmer, rep. bridge,
Con. 10, $1.50; 13. Lippert. equalizing
Union School, $6; G. T. Garnet, part
payment W. B. drain, $100; A. Munn,
work and extras on S: R., Cons. 5 and
0, and rep. culverts, $37,25; J. Badour,
statute labor, 1992, $5.50; Do., rep. two
culverts, L.R., $1; J. Roeder, tile, $2.10•
Paterson, Ellis & Welihan, cement and
tile, 1900, $6.12; S. Sararus, rep. cuI-
vert, $2.50. The following document
was handed in from _the Trustees of
the village;
To the Reeve and Council of the Town-
ship of Hay:
Gentlemen. -In accordance with the
Municipal Act, sec. 73S, we hereby re-
quest your honorable Body to levy a
special rate, over all other rates. in the
Police Village of Zurich, of 4 mills on
the $, for the year 1903.
Chas. Greb, Police Trustees
Jno. Weslob, of the
J. Preeter Village Zurich
Granted. • On motion, the Council ad-
djourned to meet again on 1st Monday
of July, at 2 o'clock p. m.
CouwT RNvislox.-The Court of Re-
vision met on Monday, June 1, at 10
o'clock, a.m. All present. Notice of
some 12 or 14 appeals from the assess
ment, as made by the assessor, were
put in for the consideration of the
Court. Thompson--McArthiu--the
following changes were made on •the
roll, viz: Henry Youngblut, dog struck
off; Jacob Meer, assessed on W. y , E.
corner, lot 20, N. B., instead of W.
Wagner; Dr Ronthier to be assessed
on lot el, L. R.E., instead .of D. Spen-
cer; Ben Charette, lot 18, L.R.W.,>. in-
stead of R. O'Brien; Ed. Zeller, Si, lot
2g, con: 10, instead of S. Sipple; Ed.
Becigneul, lots' 45 and46, Bis. Avenue;
32 and 33, Camp. Ave.; 13 and 11, Val-
ley sts.; 10 and part 11, L.R.E.; instead
of St. Land Co.; :Nicholas Foster, "as-
sessessed Tenant V.S.' 1, Zurich; S.
Ronnie, N. W. part lot 17, con. 15
$400, instead of J. Witmer; Jos. Ham-
ilton, E. pt. 12, K.S.,`Zurich, instead
of W. Bender; W. Bender to be assess-
ed tenant E. part M. ' Res., Zurich.
Goetz -Smith -the Court of Revision
was 'declared closed and the Assess-
ment Roll of 19(13 confirmed.
F. Hess, Sr., Tp. Clerk.
Pa `asolsIn Franey Silk and plain Black Gloria.
Special Line at $1.
Ohio Lot of Cams and
3os ory for Summer Wears
teen's and Boys' Balbriggan Underwear.
Men's and Bo s' Straw Sats, special values to clear
iXeaaticgtaaarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sandford Ready. Made Clothinng.
fled Rooni flet mattress and moo u
Sidebatatcls from
Kings complete �� eu
1f 1 P lm Su
ta.. , .
Rockers from.. ... ...r
u u.uu saCouches from40
Anything and everything found irk as first-class furniture store cru be '.had,
a Repairing of all kinds attended to.
411 W. C. HUSTON
Gidley's Block.
WirnienForilt -se--fir
Practical Embalmer.
Having purchased the Furniture and Undertaking business of
R. N. Rowe, we announce to the public that we have on hand without a
doubt the largest and best assorted stock of furniture in the county.
A visit to our store -will convince that we are selling at the closest
margin possible. It will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our
stock and get our prices before placing orders elsewhere,
We do all kinds of ordered work, repairing and picture • framing
on the shortest notice at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed with
every purchase. •
Undertakers and Funeral Directors.
� 1r)_1�1 .Practical Embalmer. Graduate
J. D.ATK 1�l
of Embalming College, Toronto.
ctcQagts llau 01 Ga�ga
Capital !Paid Up 6,000,000
Rest - 2,700,000
A general Banking business transacte&
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on
Savings Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts.
ContmercialLetters of Credit Issued, available in
China, Japan and other foreign countries: -
Travelling Letters o4 Credit'issued to travellers' in
all parts of the world,
Portland Cemeat
' We have just received a quan-
tity of blie best grade of Port-
land Cement for present delivery.
Cloth Sacks to be returned free.
Can be had at either Centralia or
Exeter Stoi°ehouses.
Wool Wanted ed
5000 lbs. wool wanted, ` for
which the highest market price
will be paid.
Received at Exeter and Cen-
tralia Warehouses.
Jos. Cobbled.i.ok.