HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-6-11, Page 7C. DR "WILL'S'
• . ,
"Where am I?" faltered the pa-
"In 'the Orth.opaellic Hospital, sir,
You have broken your arm, and
were brought here by a, cab driver.
Yoe are peefectly safe here. Tell me
your neme, and where shall I genet
Le.s_ ProPerty. She was very rich.;
put .1. nave squandered her esate;
em flying aole. I leveed her, will
I determined to make her my wife;
thus I need never retailer an account
of the wasted fortune. I persecuted
bet' far e year to gain tier conpent.
About -the.
I ...,1-1()tase
Lor yoter faierede?" Sae would soon be tweeety-one• and••••
out of my power, and then woeld. eneeeenene____
he Weed te. give an ace011* of her WIFY-F+7.707.7.7.411M
u d • - • • •
"Afy IMMO," a slight hesitation,
"ia Holten? ea Parke Hotton, My
Doctor Welker eat ane in his friends? Alit I have nonet went
otbee at the Orthopeedie Diohnitel to the house of old frieede - they
QUO daa, Ntormy night. Ontsigle. IlaVe gone to EOPOPO.. I have oot,
the erten' end rain were beving it all beea here long. I have no place to
'their Owe way. no gAle ewept go to. Bat I have neoriey.”
arented the huge bending with mad "Don't, trouble youseelf. Mr. Hale
ehriekee like a score of needs let ton. You are all right here. The
7.0oee to. riot aMI rejoice in the Mien words are full. and I have had you
eery oaf Sufgeri1M 31141ftan SOWS. ploced ia a private room."
Vein came down in wild gusts; deehe "Thank. pent I am able -to pay
Sng itselt impeldently into the feces. for it. You will get me well as
At the few, cluinre peaestriams, and; staOn as possible, Doctor ?" with
forcing those obliged. to bo Abroad 0, slight interrogatiOn,
to ttir11 resolute faces honteword. "I um Doeteer William Walker, of
Withia the hospital dead silence this 'hospital. I shall do all in int'
reigned. The patients were euppose power for you. It is nothing den,
id to he disposed of for the night, gerous, my dear site oulee yon must
and lights were lowered. except he 'ave rest. Now, I will give you a
the werda whet e the sugerern Wereinkeoing potion. and hope to and
so dangerously ill thee the watchers/ you better in the morning."
by their bedsfelee sat waiting with! Paehe Halton drank the sleeping
Patient outward compotaire for the, draught. and Idakosi* inauedlatelY
appreaching end. I fell asleep.
Doctor Walker -he Was fainillarlyl Doctor at watching the pale.
known throughout the Institution n$P, heautibd face anon the Pillow be -
'Doctor - sat poring over a!!fore bleu, with an veld sensation
butte volume anon the table beforel struggling meant' his left vest pock -
131443, and striViag tO coneentrate nis et.
etheenglits upon its contents. put be, "Mat a epieltuelte face for a male
uppeared to be out of earts; he --Or a boy4 ratter!" be enelaimed.
Hewed restless and uneasy. "I declare I was never So lOterestOd
"I Wonder what alis nee t -it?"!' in a teethed. before in my lifi,•!"
hte unbowed, half aimed, closiveg, The nest utortung parke Halton
the book at 141,5t And 1141Sbing it! was much Itetter, and tho days,
aside with a, weary gastittea. "Souteeti went by grew raphity etronger.
bOF canna Melly, or foul interent.1 Doctor Will event more time in'
In my work. Now, if wero like the room of Ide intereeting pullout
eame of ply interesting nervous int -i than he had over been loltown to do:
-limits? I would say that I feel as if before. There enwil, some subtle'
elrnetiting were going id happen! attraction between the two: are) aat
Bah! what folly in a strong maw Gine paned it grew and etrengthen-
to ailoW his nerves to NO e0104114.1e- ed.
affect Ids whole life! One meet At lent Paelee was AMY recovered.
exert will -power end-- and in a few days would be dis..!
"Ah! What is it? Did you weak (+barged from tho hoepital.
to me, Kate?" one night Feeete„ tte night nitrite, -
For there at. the half -open door of z, wae startled by the eonrel of faint;
the office Doctor 'Will's quick glance. SOhbing and elided weeping, which,
bod detected one ot the night mereee!'enewed to come front the 4•301 of the'
Ideeltarit• Iced, handily looldugl long corttior. rem' the sleeping
NV43141031, who had been Wog altealeedh room et Doetor Will. She Igintened,
10 the hospital., SlIto Stenisv,a1 to the Eafigtv in 1 40 snot. deternaitast to!
threehold toad threw, the i(our oven„ latakr W1Li, UMItter. 'This
"Yes, doctor: I wanted to tell sell, What Nil` :70W,.
that there is a Oen' pothett in the' 'Parke Helton on his Renee at the
reeetptiou room - ;taming num wheo *(ear of the doetter'n room. weening
Ion, just h ern lorouplat here in a, cab.
Lis arm is loroten, 1 thlk. llily, the „young man rage to!
tatter eays the young man talimialliti feet and materiel the roOno, for
tbe cab ollarit an boor alto, onl Plell oleo ti weer
Green talent, and nold that Ito hael'ied, lint Wavelet; Leah nee juoty
100.1:411 0110 MCI whetted to leehsloulltotte he OP idgid,
talim to Mends at the other Quill Nri":i•eble:FN amiteement, Kate floe,
Of the city. Tie. Miner nitro ) tired 04, LT patient. Meal
to tbe tareet and 331311313er defig0411••, 00 begisielf' 33ndl, 1,toptda g„ ieween
pd, but there was no one there, 'The: o tehnia lite leen' of the eleeping
110=0 WON qUite empty. and a pee: Plats+ len: them wtephee bitteely,,
Helium near Said tint the fientlly,eleal aWny were,
had gone to Rome% At thnt nue, tint in i1.0 coreither nierse mule
;Young man uttered a cry if 4,11,ape deftly cOnfrented the yelping mem.
Voleitment, which Me Eilb (Wiser toles! Whim fell beet. with n, tctlfwal ery.
Made Ids own neart aebe; an I then "Nleloin efolreeli. sir." began the
be reeled unsteadily and .nexeriy mime. "Yotx tliroluet le miter un-
to the ground. But tixt. driver and
the policemen togethee pleteee Lint' "Come lo me' rnaal... Lt"& IA* In
In the cab, 084 he WaS brought lege. , burritel %Wisner, 'nod I will toll
aS happened tO be 034 0 few eau Litvo contesefien to
bloeles away." et a' el"
By this them Annexe Jad ' 'nee wonting. %then Doctor
lowed hate into tete reeeptum ninth, awohe hone his glmoers, ee.
where u slight tenni in a neat grey ',fowl Mum 1 is 1301 zo,U leehett
slot jah. them a woo Ix um, on. Vont ahlieg I :e lotto ed Al.* 3. of it
SC ions. gill. It was the eneei. e omen eel art
Tit doetor de.matehtel *I e nuree ;CI Parke 7E01: 4M. W3 ea Le hen bie
*for Ins surgical infd 1.11 11Uf rOnni be was met by hete, who an -
!mon had renInriNi the et ritinter's unwired tlts1 the not,; fr. mall At as,
Wilt /*ad rolled op the eletetes of the , gone. Sae ftinlid Lie bed empty
enemy water gurments, rot! and lane. thet movable, nod e run of money
,T110 fnee upon lie sofa tenows weee,1 more than euffitlent 10 cover his ex-,
elelletne and relined - a hue. with Names at the hosnlial lying upon!
pet feet feetrente the long, dark hair the table. Itue WbateVer tbe 1erret
*CM ling slightly, pleated away froml emended to hale. she. Levi. it `
et broad, low brow. Ilhe Int event lug • violet e. Doet e Pr's ince t 'eluded, ,
patient did not aireener to oe more and a troubled looh crei.1 into his
than seventeen. No trace of beard eyes. After Gott br became verel
or moustache daraenea the soft, fair eyelet neat taciturn., and altogether!
skin. Ire looked ns helpless as a.' a rbanged main
, P'
ceoe _Ten; there before the Lem! One day he received 0 summons to
.Searching eyes of the young inenei... matown, mansion; its owner lay,
den. Something - a strange see.: fining - stricken (temp toe a swift.
sationwhich Doetor Vein cid e-ot and sudden tlieuF.e. Art hell at his
Stop to analyze -moved bis heart its,! bedside, DOetor Will eaw at once
he touched the round white arm and that it was too late to save Linn •
prepared 10 "and" the mime", 1 leis hours wer0 numbered.
Compound fracture!" bo mut ter-' '*1 baVe NOntething to tell you,"
ed, concisely. oponn 'here, natty; tl:e dying man said feebly. "See
you will have to netist me!" !that leo one is near. Walt: I' wish
"Dear me!" ejacatated the nurse, , to vend for my ward, Lewin° Lea."
form, "tio's as dentate as a gilt a few moments a young girl entered
bending over the slim, graceful! A message was desPatelled. and be
Look! See the blue veins in his, the room. eet Rennin. of her the blood
,aten. Poor young chap. Re bus i receded from Doctor Will's heart.
to soner yet, before that axm will and be felt as ihough he was going
be well," 1 to faint. neer it was the ince in the
A little later, his injoeies infertile(' pocket, whittle Doctor Will even then
to, the strange patient wne pawed, wore over his beart, and the face
in bed. He had recovored simile of Parke Halton. Stifling an
papas/less and op6ned a pair or ' exclamation, the girl sank into
great, dark, beautifol eyes to meet seat. The dying man began:
Doctor Will's sympatlattic gaze. "I was guardian over Leoline
fr the fet is removed. The failed to understaod why it did pot
drippings that are in the pan, aftnrithing of the habit e et pythons, hut
1 •
I gravy," that is, the joice. of the begin swallowing the goat at °etc
q ered fortune, wen. hale wild.
lest I ehould be discevered and pun-
ished, I did alt in my power te
• force her into. pmerloge with illen
She hated nte, deepised raenscOrtlea
"At last, tired of her del -mace,
:locked her in her own room one,
• stairs. in this house, and. dectded to
.staryee• her inte ebedienee tee .eny
'To lay teasternettan 'the gilt es
caped from her prieon. . She kleote
tett the blankets together mid =lie
a nape. by which elle neenaged .,to
effect her escape.
"She wee gone several weeks. ,
waa half distracted over her teheenee."
for ehe was as ignorant of the werld,
As a little •child. elle not been.'
S3143 'frontlet have known that the law,
'Uncle Bildarl-Would you liko to
money-, ?
Johnnie trp-to-Clate-Naw xf'd rather be a bunetantan an' git the
Money. at,' 1.10c10
be a
farmer an ' make 1 o ts
Men's suits can be renovated 430
thoroughly and well as to $ave buy-
ing uew ones, and as a melt of
good quality of cloth is expensive,
11 is „
through rthlwitite e of010343210gcelaeaTireigtibfenlit
is necessary to economize. A Coat
vest or pair of pants thot is tO be
tehle:trleteidsnlAtts.t the well dusted first.. Ha,
set the patch neatly, taking care tte
match the twill or check, and Sew it
down so as to make it as oearly in-
visible es possible, then dampea on
the wrang side and press on the
right over a. thick cloth. If the
collar As badly soiled lay it on the
table and .Feratia with a small brush,
clipped in street suds to vidcl
. a
gives no guardian t he right, to de a lit tie ammonia has been added and
prive his ward of liberty. Ilan old tooth braish is excellent to.
"On her twenty-fdret birthday, do the ea -ening witn, If the lining
however. sbe 1N.,,,airVeAred and dee; is worn in the coat. rip le out. irou
mantled the restitueion of her for-, the pieees smooth and uso for
meat that collects in the platter ar,ei instead of spending balf hou
the meat is cut, is esteemed a great,erawling aindeesly about through the
delleacy by roast beef connoissetire. jungle Mad NO 1 asked Inn hunter
Dalsmsne for on explonetion. Ho reolled, that
the pythoo Was "Ilea eneart
Drina Apple lereit„ cake, seeaa, $marter than. a•Witele elector evenp
ethbroe: fi'enuep.sano: hileoure$0141,' and that 41°wiug frOln exPer1Q°r°
water over night, In tee morning. that goats are SMnetinaes char,ge,
og of shepherds aid beeng ftequently,
two cups et molasses. Beat a eup;rObbed. of their Prey by Pilferingo,
D butter and two came of etegee• tleoparde and other eatedvores, tit
cream, and a eup of milk with Otte11Y01011. after killing the animate
teeepoenful of NOda, disSOI'Ved in it.'nonlees e, habit of going', (to a teler,
and two eggs well beaten: three antliof recenoulesance through the forest
a half cups of !lour, reserving coneelto ascertain whether or not there
half cup to dredge tbe apples. Add are any men or leopards about bee-
ope grated nutmeg and a teosteeenn fore swallowing its prey, a procesail
ful of cinnamon and cloves, mixed, that oecupies conenterabie, time, D.**4
i3ake ow el ear an IRlor and a• bo• • Ilka the four -legged beasts ot preye
571ix,:ta,cawke istualar°Ze_s byhticitecollotth 144 tQhae tPorihtsoulahhainnoopte rag %ea Ypieetcl
agrQiltdb btQbjellned Pt°btett'lleosppl nettiQ tvdhicites 3%1; Inuit :et elpeoftstur a3ncliesotrddinerr4; 3:X1141
tbreo bardebolled eggs. Mix thethunter, it tekes this precoution
yolks and a, scent teaspoonful of dry P
mustard. and stir into it a large cup!"0°I.r°etartalitellhaoVeltitchileeiZg Ntlitle.e:,bp'Ytenlyethid elle
(14 sour rreuul: add a' iltti° With, and often $lain outright bti•
paprika. pour the dressing ever tae'leoperds, Ile stated that if leop.
potato and mix gentle, No salt is
required if the potatoes are boiled in 0rd °r
salted water. This is a very aC-t, wthhelr wthouns1:44:oiuleFiLuleed.1:10111t0Pngthr.etheePeZ
ceptable sated.
18:Zen:oxen Inapvi,4 1.0pIcelt,,,renu ,%,,,rs ,:. icii,tdel,gcralr(3.1t. itnhotireehnuesteeTornent ilaiintga
reed from all oil and holeea, and thri5 ea' -e " °P??4/1's not to baro
a a salad howl, The fish should lle a Wed of what it had kilied. In
ganed,, poor over tt, a mayomod§0.110tired US. IIIIIS WON a laeW and ex.
dressing and garnish wog ones of traordinery story, which I had never
eggs an lemon.
'I iltlooly he t.reze. . . know,
, g^
"VW African python is the largest
Walther of the Nfialta kind. I met
it BYTRO 1 B ITB Berea „Lithe' Inielions thirty and thirtenone
'RV 110iiVeS who said they had eeen tend
!feet in length, but rover saw any
.S.VORITE Tr.IOK Or THE that long myself. The python in
tune. But she would give no ace teen for a new lining, which moy be, o
count of her wbereabouts during herieut Irma a good quality of faralerls
alwenee from my hoUse Until onloYe, The eesiest way to eleen f
where $he declared that she had found suit that is noale la to then
refugo the tirtlaovneglie Hospital. I rip eut the hems of VI* sli.aves and
have sent for you to eorriatiOrate her pants and wesh each piece in hot!
story. Deetor Walker, have you ever ends until clean. then rinse through
met iny ward before?" two evoria Watern. The garments
Doctor Will's 'due eyes met the, must he bronght in before they are
frightened gene of Letdine's dark orate: (Mite dr,r and be thoroughly pressed
they drooped. How emelt' be answer on the sullen' side with a ivat ir011,
that epleetion? Slue OrONO to licth then rOVer the riglat ;fide with a
"Yes. Deetor tralher has met Ine the iron before the SWAM ceases t 01
before, 1 ion Parke Halton." Her rite* to prevent the cloth from _being
AM' Was glu3`413,` widte now, and Miley. A rusty black malt was me
feet. Melt cloth mut Press. but remove r,
SNARE Tee LITRE Get.,Ams,, rlmtiort meaextred about taventemt
feet In leuetle. I considered it a, very
She 'trembled perceptibly. "I was: colored, 0 144 him*and will* new Sw31t Worl: of tile xeptiiie large reptile
very igoorant of the world'et waye.!' linings, braid arid buttons, it looked THE END Or 'FINLAND,
as my guardiett acknewledges - as Mee as new suit. Tee unlined
friendless. orphan - or 1 would long spring anal SO Omer coats ere easily
t Vestige of Indenendence Hag
Ocetuluct Aftor the Death ol
Its Victim,
ago have appealed to the law for washed. 0114(1 11 the alpaca or cloth
limitation from hs ner--;,rmions In
"Only twenty milen distant front
Casio are holed or streaked Ihey can the Liberian caoltal I found venself
tile wardrobe of the room wbere I be colonel any elerher shade ley (UR.' 4 • - ' ' The eear of iteeela lost month
woe imprinoned I found a, ;mit of, plug thent lee flee.. hut in Preallingl061„eouetaeare",„4111tt',11,4,3°„1;1,hil,,itItt,4,11;m!„5 f^igerie41 a rozi,iript ti441t 4.110kS the
Inetes (^lathing: 1 featlehead to alter it tawft germ gets Uwe' e31tteuld elware r"'" -;°;" "*"'" `.."."‘" government of Violated ie vifelnal dice
ling idnull"ts t°Willt"r), shale'. A atraer hat may lie freelheilcI4110111 at MmrevLa' L'Vilr`r4°"eiffeenioretlenerid. now teeer-
lweahieg nay area* in vey flight, hadi dye of the ooller wonted, in a little allf°41 err" Ilvtlr *lath.° oozy departZUVUt Of tho grand
ty-tirst 145rIliday •Aitti3 F.13nie aft"Miltint-, soa and when drea the hat est AfIrric4, nil/P-1°41 a aatIht4 Tr1314 effairs of tho communes or ti,lo
ancee at tie. fartner end of the My, ! [least he gleen Ceat Of thin vor-,""'"jus: 1E143 itIgg5" (AI t"-QVY 1441441" Thus 1-4343sitiliM Ow last livetiw of
latit when* Mated the noxtee it wtts1 with mative villegen enattered at
aliened amel the Weenie- gone nieronel. wide lettherols throughout thh thhhht. knonsh. indoponironee. The pledgee al
••1 wan lin terriible pail) Win) 111,F1 SWFTIlikING ) MISTING. About, 3300o on tile thint day oat 4333 •- 310 (oafs b" 3* 41*
Juno, arid Haat. With the flea attl.otioo waa attracted hy whht Idlxvra.tat: intiAbon mat the 431331 3d
11 wint rent overen a. jet. it A groat Many pierple have 4131 idea' ah hu • weed was a I inhabittnittS Of a. region that 1104
of ilie United titatt-i (imerei BetnriLpf4. cova-
r0 tilia I could it: nn(i. knot,. joplguimprffervp *hp :tan' °
finally coveted freve the window', eneel by elietiolving 'genie of the eanienteniT 01 tl• buutln7 tri/ft II"' j -ds iwrzonal tauthoriity over
boioli fwiri rofuro until My tWeri-1 aleeiell and applying te the eat with ' Mad ismteal. "it wgs dad.- duchy. armi may va:4,rai the
f hetet pl tit that every 'mammal Immo how to 'Doug lament the /gnat of brave de -
Lite!) art. now on a. political level
selth the ptatearats of Rialto. proper.
promeneet Lennie whose preeenee may
1131 elevated wok siruble are banished
without neeleeateola and without
C8UW 141334, 0, Sit y elan eating
pilot. Yon hnow the rest. 410elneeif;,1;:‘,.1,41,eu„../td. ..r,nteVr„flePr,r,!,n, the leaves of a tall letesh groeneete
Can you CV4,1* forgive my -unwomanly "1" l"`"'"."4""" "" 'Ina" "" 7"T the side of a hanger tree, about ltOn
such is not the eitee. 4310 calpeC
Tietetoe W*11 took both little1 temda ou'rf.Frr 1 lnllorSavIng bkie.ant gititesbitilrn.d. I Te°alfttele sOeie ttbh: bP al
in Ids own and trii boy from the tbit, Plt;eanrplpvtt," wilt wed a thorough ehnhienk end cohild alto hear the trail. hue thhoots tiro hong Russian
room. Sweening with itraom orcesiellollY•!./t/°" 6°"'Imne uffn"1"g the" teed It let consideted Moly that
"I hnow Ole." be said, in a low, - „, ., • .119 anima], whatml,„ wit3, Levi,- •
nenniekr, upnenstereo euroieure oat, t •ex. en the national church of Finiatid
tender tone. "that I love you 053'
the roman if eonvenient. but if 310t,' ntr up 0. most. pyre:n..414 rattling ; will he tatphreghed.
man never loved woman before."
pasedonate gine.
Her (one drooped from Wore .e°v" them what% swcelulug' in") 1“siaraler1.41ettnbuythaatalt/Tithitaig, to°Elaw.:/%11, „Nobody tweet* 30 know why the
t• nothing so deatruetive to the beauty
to allow thent to legume cocoa ;Joints have been crushed. They were
*hormleee enough In nil appearances
eyeS firet (Misled from that 4331,42033 1311.31333' • . g . . . . IISc•
the hospital..sin' iohood, eandiht,twhlers am1 doors, aoh sveep andwasimpuingtoohmi;dqbefeneelnorevolutions.Per-
nearly drove me distracted to witIt
(iuh'13113411 i,that
.I, ,e 31na ea motet hats the t ear s rahLeers tbought
13403 upon mMan position. cleanth°el"wtl°ut iniurfug it' j33ll1101 Inc 0/1 l'hu shuuld" uud di' etnhc"t lint* Panlianrlg"d rilw4oltlisltielpre:o)fvel.macee
eurhy cannot inho or rehoret woe If the broom is dampened frequently vett-4 Me 1,0 look upward into the e
Ihrt them was no (loot of the love. it Will not raise a doted of duet. Or limbs of the big 'greasy -ea wig tree of disquirtudt` In 1* SS fuxuml 434341".
plan nould he to sprinLle Instead of at, the bush. As I did so itQ,11.s,,of,„,/hird i•It.://,1,1:,1,1,7.1 a0r
salt on the carpet before sweeping.,I heheld a siglet that almost, took 10-14- r'"'''''' - ---; -4-" 11°e:1411 11:4;
which filled his heart, and with true a Ihtter
Milt IN M. 014, a 1,, t 0 perfert lea
ove reepeet cotne.s itlenevs
it, cleanses the carpet beentifullylmy breath, There, on it largi, Bab , now iem hom,gmeity Of 1111F910. in
my friend Wallter found his wife. rusdt biLilgsht:enttsieter lea()111101311.e. the
And time lytni the stay in which
covers angles to the main trunk, Y .,,,,;Eurare. A glance at the map in sug.
When the that grew outward almost ut right 1 -
from the furniture, and dust the heython. the larteSt Mlake 1 ever lald . e, .
la- a 11`"''' ' geAirve. Pinlat01 is the Only pOrt
London Tit-Ilits.
------+—. „_ na lemma that horders on Norway
nr,vENTIPT). flevalervitistee"r 11'01\11•1411.1.1c-10T-slewee4 sa°1Ifftl ,ItelY•ottenyerst1;e1P°1113;i1aUtecitlialyitics°11111111, littru'le--:";nalntltn8telvijrlalioantelautxlela" 11;altrtalsetaTilleTter.
,, vases: a large "square of eheeseeloth 'nig flown and touching too hush belvians titan like Russians. Moreover.
There was a dinner-PartY at toe is better for other articles, whenilow. With his tail lee was vigorous-,Finhind used to beenh to swede!).
Smiths.. and Mrs. 8. wan dosirous dust has settled on the walls, wraDily stirring and lashing the shrub in
of duly impressing her guests. And a cloth about the brush part of a Imitation of the no's. • •
a a 1i 1lett 40 4( %e hroom and wipe it off. 1of some ruminant Ming there.
angelic, auburn-haiend little, Tommy There is a great deal of diflerence
Smith, who had 3;4'('l1 allowed at the in the quality of work that a broom A GOAT IN TUE TOILS.
table on condition that he behaved will do and the length of timo it "We were then on the outskirt of
himself. Wonderful to say, he did will last. One that is used every la native village. The python had
so till the sweets came on. Then he day should lee washed once a week.1evidentlyfailed to notice our ap.
'could hold out no longer, and he Prepare a bucketful of hot suds, and;proach, and, following my hunter's
neked for - nay, demanded - a dip the broom up and down in it un-sideeice and example. I stepped be -
third helping of apple -charlotte. tt
%VOA refused, and then the childish
treble WOS ralSOLI.
"Very well," he said, "111 can't
have another piece I OMR
"Leave the room, sir!" stormed
Smith senior; and obedientl;!,"Ponuny
slipped from his seat and betook
himSelf to the door.
Before he opened it, however, he
"My, knickerbockers are made out
of the old dining-room.curtains!" he
cried; and he swung open the door
and vanished.
' That synoperne, of strength -Gib-
raltar -is no tneiger as strong as
most. people think. British critics
have•'disCovered that the harbor on
the west side of the Rock, where
Great Britain has expended $22,500,-
000 in the last fow years, is well
within range of the Spanish hills to
the north Unless the.' concentrated
fire of the guns of the Rock could
,prevent the Spaniards from estab-
lishing batteries the naval works,
docks, and shipping in the harbor
would be mucW endangered in time,of
war. The discovery oi • tine situa-
tion has led 'a British naval com-
mission to .recommend the. construc-
tion of a harbor on the east side of
the Rock, where the threat of Span-
ish guns woeld be minimized. Gib-
raltar, of course, doee not fully com-
mand the straits, which are twelve
miles across. Its value is that of a
strong naval station. Modero armor-
ed warships could pasS the Straits
without much fear of Gibraltar's
Arthur Barron, a NOW York youth.
devotes practically the, Whele, Of • his
time to Sleep. Becalm his mother
endeavored to arouse him for a meal
he knocked her down. When charged
at the police court with the offence
he yawned violently, and fell into a
deep slurnber in the dock.
.Dorothy- "I do wish .we wore
rich, father." Her .Fath.ex•
rich NVOOld 37011 like to be?" Doro.
thy - "Olv awfully rich; rich en-
Ough to snub people andstW b;)
od ogreea1310• .
t13 the straws look clean and new. bend a convenient tree to await *5,...
It may well be true that Ihrtnia is
tateng to Ilussianive Vinland in
order to weld the grand duchy
more firmly to the Ihnpire, just o.s
Germany has attempted over since
the lernneo-Prusslan ever to Ger-
manize Alsace and Lorraine.
Rinse well rued hang it up until veloPments. 'While watching the rep- 1 "Yee," said he, "lite is eta lone
ditryw.fillinhotits biloeuagkheenassiityli.e sattowbroaonidu
the my native hunter told me this 1Y•:',. ,
was a favorite trick of the python .-4t Is 1913tilt "Inetil"44'' - she "
ShOtild never be set down in the to lure goats, antelopes and other swered in her most affeetionatt
corner after it is used, bending tbe small artinutls within. his reach,
and tones.
that if we waited it would not be
Wouldn't it be sweet to have a
straws over and making the broom
oim-sided. Rave a book screwed in long, goaton.g.Purilonrs4 before some ingtrisi-
littlcottage with all the front
11330(110,the end of the andle, and iup
nsist - villagers
and grazing some distance and roses?"
herd belonging to tile covered with ivy and honeysuckle
on. baling the broom hung up when
not in use. It will greatly lengthen to our right would come within sight "Oh, wouldn't it!"
its period of usefulness, and the and investigate the noise. "And when a fellow comes home
sweeping will be easier. "Well, it was not long before . a tired from business to have (1.n1r4
— young female goat came in view little wife; t,ohmeet him at the door
and, h ' tl ' '
caring ie noise, pricked up' oh.t:h a kiss,
Captain Joshua Slocum, the old its ears and for sorae few
minutes "And then, the winter nights, tht,
New England seaman who made a trotted rapidly about the bush, eye -
voyage around -3-3m world in a sloop ing it from all sides, as though try- fire blazing brightly in the cozy par -
forty feet long, entirely alone, says: ing•hard to catch a glimpse of what lor, and you - I mean a wife -at
the piano, singing in the gloaming,
"Very few people know how to treat
evidently it mistook for 'another
a salt codfish properly. To freshen goat. Each time it drew a little
it they let it stand in water half a nearer, until finally it made bold to
day or more and, it may be, use in proceed directly up to the bush and
several Waters. That takes all the under the python, which was on the
goat like a flash, seizing it by the
neck and wrapping its mighty coils
about the pOor creature's body,
crushing it out straight, fiat and
hands - just shaking it up and
lifeless in the space of a. few sec -
down in the water. Then put it
onds. It was the quickest perform -
right into the pot and boil for fifteen
minutes. When you get it 'ready for
the table acid butter, and pepper,
and chop up a herd boiled egg and
put on -top. You take codfish cook-
ed that way and 1 wont to sit. down
premixed' to hoist in a Meal Of it;
and all want besides is potatoes,
coffee and breed and butter."
Our .roast beef is generally baked
beef, and tbere is a right .and
wrong way to bake it. The right
way is toeput the roast, after it has
goodness out. You can get red of
the salt just as effectively and with-
out hurting the lish, by picking it
to pieces and washing it with your
ance 1 ever witnessed in my life.
Looking at the python a moment be-
fore I would never have suspected it
of being endowed with such activity,
but when finally it went into action
it did so with a, lightning -like ra-
pidity that was awe inspiring.
"But the performance Was not yet
over. My African hunter begged me
to remain. Silent and not to be im-
patient, saying that something more
was to follow. This 'I was guile
been carefully wiped, into a pretty willing to do. Sure enough, in the
and keeps the ,juices of the meat leased its folds from about the lifo-
hot oven. This sears tbe outside. next few minutes the serpent re.
within.After the first browning it less corpse of the goat and ahawled
should bh frequently.- basted.* Do not off through tlee bushan 'lVe followed
salt the raeate *1soly* t1i alt hi; etes'S we could through the
boiling when. anu' DO. "(!)Ver• it; t:-..611 vordure. It remained absent
ae you baste it, the sot •graduale nearly thiri,Y Minutes, making a
ly taken up by the meat.
A six -pound roast of beef requires wide circuit of deteer before ree
turning to the eoet. Wben cenie -"Did you hear that there Wee te
about two hours in the oven; a ten- back it licked tile 'animal -over f;om k t .t1 '9" ` ci
s e e nn 1132 1 S 3, . as ce
It would be lovely1"
"I think it would be sweet!"
"And then—"
At this point a, careworn woman
came round the corner wheeling
twins in a perambulator. A dead
silence fell upon the air. Then they,
hanged tho subject.
The seedy diner was enjoying him,
self vastly.
"Waiter," he called, "Reich a nice
piece of boiled turbot."
The dish was obtained, placed be.
fore the costoiner, constuned, and
then he called again:
nnadter, fetch a choice portion ol
curried fowl -and, oh, waiter, fetch
Tet still int
seaetdybctoc:e calle,dat1„1:aanti
At last lie • t- '
one dAlniY aithr. another
hi. .
r 3314(1
vv.aiter, he called, fetch--"
"Yeetir,- said the waiter, 'hetce
you yoor bill?"
"No," came *the languid answer,
"fetch a policeman; I haven't got a
pound roast ewill cook in about
three. The larger the roast the
better it will cook. The expense is
considerable at first, end whether
one gets her full 'vain° out of it or
not -depends -upon the (flspOSition
1iat is made of what is left over. A
need soup inay be made from the
head to ft and comMeaced the */0110.s•'. "Y" dron't,„isvahyerc7,!'' ,,..`,Z
Swallowing* ,process. At this j tine" sClicr'10i111071 :.1354 IV1f°'
tura my hunler sent a 1)ullet through Smith," replied Jones. And
the inonster'shead putting an end then be chuckled iclieilcallY.
' >,
to it S further depredations, )
CAUTION OF TIIE DIG S NA le -E. I e?i,t1)837 et' 3 338mTilto°31aacerle.cse °of f Geerie,lt 1•13,h1.,(i
"I had read enough to know some- 1110 farmed by the owners .