HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-6-11, Page 5,r^
le*eter Npaorate,
published every Thursday Morning at the Odica
"s^ -Bs, the—
Tneees Q SC1350RIPTION.
Openerlier per annum if paid in a4vance, $1,50
n eo pad,
zodeiroxieteel=ge, emo:teso eteo ele-x%e4o0.-
No peperdieeontinaed mutilate arreereacsareK
advextteemeets witaoses speed direchr
ens I be
Published until forbid and charged According/Y.
14berat diseema made for transeient Advertisements
° inserted for loag period. 0Aery deseripriou ot JOB
PRINTING terned.out in the finest stele, and at
moderaterates. Chmues, money orders, .ete. for
advertleine, subseriptiens, ete., to be =de mask!,
Chas H. Sanders,
Proreseional Cards.
Get the Most
()tit of roar Food
You don't and can't if your etornach
weale. A weak stomachdoee not die
flet all Beat i ordinarily token into it.
It gets tired easilY, and what It folio to
digeet ia wasted.
Among the signa of aweak stomach
are aneaemese after eatiog, is oner.
Irelle headache, and disagreeable belch,
"I bare be troubled with dyspepsia to
neere. And tried every eemerly 1 hearil of,
hut -Hever got anythiug tbat geveize isellet
Until I took good% Sareaparille. I cannot
Praise this medicine tee hietbly for the good
it has done me. 1 alWaYS Mite le in the
opring and fall and Would Trot be without
it." W. A, NessaleT, BelleVille, Out.
BroOdPS erariSaParilia
Strengthens and tones the stomach and
the whole digestive eystene.
Mainly About People
3Lvg. Lam.. apA, Going graleate of
•tb extras:tot witheut any plea or eery tea eds
09esein Paneeres lasses,
we esele Mein street,
IX AWN eeneneetselen tneee.e.
ellser DENTIST—a*
leaner Oradeete of Toxento leniversity sina level
College et 'Rental Surgeons et °atoll% Also Pest
Graduate of Cleeeem Selene of Frosthelia, nentletery
(with eonorable mentio9
Alleminum. Gold end A talmnite reeve Nettie le tire
Peatest manner pease e. pi, ;.•
AtbIlictic tiseit tor painless eetraetion ot teetee
,Office one door eetab of Cannes nreeelsore, reecter.
College ot Pir,esitsiarie ;lawn= Ogiarin.
MO. Surecen suid Acoeuebeur. peee.
r. JONI PWitsan, (Neve and Reselenee, teas
• fereerreAve., lonion Oat. le;reelei attention
dIsease el ustmee. Oasts beers,I0.to 4
EATILISSO„ nant5rEits. •5lIrttel,
fere Nerselee,. feseveyeresers, Ceseetreeieners.
_lases tsr SSolvets hank, etss Missey te lean et
rstes of interest, '0see, Slain street
(*taus% DA, L Prawn
.0, ELLIN/T. nenneeenne sor.letT01;,;:ty
Meaty ta tee% terse, Caw:eels, 120,Ist
Geeslin -use Itain V.latcr.
Marshall P. Wfider tells of a eert a
Irishman, fooled, for hard drinking, N
was asked Irby he 'did oot take inee on
drink each dey ape' let it, go at tha,
-$1turef answered Pat, "w4 good would
Iwan be? A bird voilit fly With wan
cries &Mee Fox was, on ono
ohm, a meat at a dinuer perty et Hee
Walpole's, where, ot the bet, 1,119wen
: Charles Selwyn, the relest of wite,
whose strange weakneee was attending
executions, etrolled in. 'George /coke as il
Cheerful as though he had euet come
from an execution," remarked Horace
"Walpolee and Fox geld, ernilingly; "A
Inemeeake of wipe Wee le be Wined at
burn to -day, I euppoae you were in
the death, tie:holm?" "No, my friend,j'
fielwou, promptly, "1 Make a point
ever frequenting reheareale."
llarry Sohernbeimer, a Philadelphia
truant officer, recently made a eel' at
lie home of a pupil whoee abeenee hall
extended over a week, end en9oired oi
the lad's mother, a genie?: looking Iresh. 1
women, the ealliP., t`WL:.".' sile ettid.
("hes Mae poet lite tliiiteeoth year, an' r
zee and lele fether-r alieele Lees ofter-r
. e, • ..., ,-,,, , o„. • • • • ,
ing etiouglie" riveted the Oleo:, "Why, 1
11 did not liiiiela nty eilnextion until 11 ells
twenty.threP." "De th,11
nails as a Table Pelleacy,,
I is only within the hist thirk.y years
Sr so that frogs were univer,41/4,, Markets. Actic Grata LOWer• ..
zonaidered a delicacy, and until re-
pritish Live Stock Trade,-Canadlart ' alel,A.NGTeD BAOH WED.N.ESDA.Y
- Monday Evening, June 8. ; Barley„ , ,. „ _ , . , S8 42,
TorOnto St. LaWreilee Market. i Oats .. ..... 20 80
. The tidal grate reeelpta 'were lights ' potatoes pep bag 1 2.5 I 35
ali,VgettlegOntge ruzitiveijel gig:111'0 red, solei •EfoTt Per too
and is atiotee unebenged at 47.SO to SS Pet m ps •
Pres4e4 1 -10 -e -Th 'get I let, ' utter.... , ... - . - ...- 7 100o 8 al:61
4 74S/so to 75%e per bushel. [ViOtir, per cwt., roller1 Oil ,,, 00
to ss tor heaviee. 1 -"Plides. per lot) AOs .-.,, 00 I g 7505 owl igr Obelee liglItwemht hOga, 47411 144 •,," ' -- -
1-147-0a account othe ain ao r r 1147 hos er , Live ..-pewt
1 was oil the roar/wt. Quotatiees are was , pseasgss tioss 70 7 7.
Inal and unehesiged. 0 ..' C
traw--Quotations are nominal and on. i Shorts Per cwt.^ • • • - -- I '
change4. Ttgre wee twee on ties market. = Brap, per cwt.,"
tently follee who relished: enaile. Were
iooked upon ps. little short Of bottioriteoe,
Mat"' notien 'has ehangede howeeer„ says
41.4e140'itWeeklye" ad a the present
.„iine not only are. onaits eerved eeinmone
ty at all the' cafee, and hotelsbut they
TO Inee frequently seen upon toe table
el the etedixtery beborer . geeae bM
„seen tbe .deteand for this nutritiMee
shelled deliceee' that during the past few
7eare seail ranches have eome into exist,
eiteee•.and are Oooriedtietos variOes per -
done of the Westernslope, • and the
".tteitty snelloniserse are reelizing, fair
c toes w th little or no lolune It ie. ale
most eidieutously ,easy to maintain one .
of • theee • indostelee; ealt telee Ole
rest euro whileein full ,Charge of a. million
)r so a the evelisheh.ared little creatures.
all that is necessary to go itidiO, busineee,
, to huport from Vrauce or Italy 4. few
aundred enaile, pot theiu in a bat tornetl
. one side, or even under a- beard or
'ewe of .shingle. If there are a few
lonba or green vegetables growing in
the innuelliete vicinity, it will net. be
eceeeeary to fornish egeed at all, The
zeornmeclating ereaLures will keke eere
tbemedves awl will grow largo aitd.
elenep :no time, In :red, .orle could
etsset eendeet feral in an .ordinsleree wine
ilowelitederre so small a epaneisrequire:1.
.5-Ithse redine of ten feet, ten them-
e mil or more snacils earl vieit their next -
.r ueighbers aai.gossip :about their
eorefortable oeerters iti tho broad- ex-
itse el their acre..
not a bad We for a boy or girl
Se melt or frog Tana, for an -
0O 08 4 small tapitale cOit soon realize
.48 4OD8M without; thework serimolv
..terfering with other 'duties, Seale Ithive
beet in mellow elimates with plenty of
: fog or dew. The mattet price of the jai -
Petted emit ranges. eli the way from. one
dollar' to 'two dollaraatild sixty collie, ace
estrditeg to else, The native American
thet le, the wild -arety s not
• by 'the epieureau palate. In
pito of protracted beilimo it etill
rearms tough ate4 leatter7,while on tho.
other hard the foreiga areiele with
e'er)" Wight couliinele beeonie tender and
ready to servo- Foga mei terrapin re-
dre larger epee and pleuty. .ot foosh
t teeter. no ordinary fro rati:eit is a
t t teto
and thiety in letvoth zed perbepe three .
11 in depth, Tail Om% lee -A:leered loes
5t0ut wire, eetreen to preterit the lotto-
eioei of the vorieeteelsiedeoilei evialeee with -
freelisitotle. lastete - Watercress snel
Weekly ollowateee of teleepped, raw iiver
'mid laced erettubs. eititee as feted.
another, in ainazomeut.
I Ingle', ;after it thonOtti!
payee: "'Well, yee &Se .that bey or
ours lice lor.r•raine."
In Ms rengnieeeneee, tleariee 1404.
Auctioneers field, the vetired odor, tops:
"My falber was dialeo Linden 0E0
night fit ilse Oxford ond Cambridge nub
With Tennyson and two or three others.
After dinner, the poet insisted on putting
his feet on the table, tilting back Ids
IV "more Amerivator There were
Ju the room, and he was ex-
postulated with for Ws uncouthness, but
in vain. "Do put down your !tett" plead-
ed WS boat. 61d'hy 81400h1 It" retorted
Tennyien; Wm Very etenfortable I
am," °Everyone's staring at your said
another. "Let 'ern starer replied the
poet, placidly. "Alfred," v.tid my father.
°people• will think you're Longfellow."
Down went the feet.
unolom, Ltseisst auetlereer r.
fartbe Muncie* 04 Ph M
also for tbetcesathip of Valk-woet4alrti prOsuptly
att2roir4 to owl term* renttanable. Sales atrarsed
at Pest Wise, Wineltelsea.
We are still in tlas DieVele trade
and this year show some fine speel.
the Ideal wheel to ride. Prices mod-
New Pianos!
Several New Pianos jog put In
stock; newest styles .and the best
rnakes. It will pay you to see them.
You will be surprised nt the LOW
PRICES at winch we sell .thern.
Organs of the Latest
makes always M stock
Sewing Machines Sac.
We ore leaders in Sewing Ma-
chines -the best machines that the
trndeaproduces aor re on our flofor
your oispection ; also repairs Need. -
les, etc., for all kinds of sewing ma-
chines, always ou band.
Call and SEC us if in need of
any of the above.
S. M A RI" 1
F0 .ffigiglittburglr.:maikbiza°,4
ITS ,T,Eitawirtirpt,„%rd.3..t tattarj
' od. Ulan duffer Atm
..er Imo children or relatives thetas. 30. or sorer a
r ertriena tears afflicted, then sand Ora Tree trial bottle
_and it.
It win be seistilYnleil
Annomid, Ithascuredwhareaverr
limn_ gelsobsefalled.
. When writing mention this
paper, and give Ildt address to
THE LIEBIG GO.. rse rang Street west, Toronto.
y .
Twenty-four houses were burned at
blioletiel O'Brien, of Peterboroe WAS
thrown out of hie cart And killed.
Forest fires are raging in Qttebee,
and the Ashes and smoke darkened the
City Of. Mont teal yesterday.
Ex -Chief ',every of New York: never
misses alit opportunity to cepress hie
pleasure At the failure of David 11. 11111
as a Democratic boss of New York
State. The other day he charaeterized
him as "a political hold.out man, wbo
wouldn't go into the game unlees lie
could feel the ruarke of the nerds through
a pair of boxing glovesS"Ifill," be said,
liad the cards marked all right, but one
night be had been smoliiug dope, oud
while lle WaS Shaking hands with himself
in the White House, somebody stole tbe
deck from under his liver.pad and
changed the inarke Devery added:
rung the bell a the front door of the
morgue the day he reseed me along in
the Saratoga convention. After thie hie
address is 'D. B. Hill, Dead Houee, com-
partment Thirteen. Handle with care:"
Ever since his resignation anecdotes
of Lord Salisbury have been printed in
the English press. Among tbe moat
striking appreciations is the following,
on Ins constitutional aversion to society;
'He has the detachment of a hermit.
Ile has attended the House of Lords
many hundreds of times, but be knows
few of the members, outside his own'
family, by sight. Ile once startled the
political world by admitting, in an aside
that he had never set eyes on Mr. Par-
nell. Everyone knows how, on receiv-
ing a gracious salute from Walter Long,
one of Ins own ministers, he asked a
neighbor: Who is thatei It may be
doubted, indeed, whether he knew by
sight the whole of the -enormous cabinet
with welch he surrounded himself. Be
disliked now faces, and shrank from in-
troductions. The story goes that when
he found himself once traveling to Hat-
field in the same carriage with Oujda,
and a common friend suggested an intro-
duction, Lord Salisbury shrank back into
his corner, and hid himself behind a
CheeSe Marketa,
ssiodsay, June S. -The Victoria Obeeeo
Board met ti -ay at le etelack. •T4le4seett
factorise be-art/ed. 1416 hose*, and the
Deg Zit. iptt Bugg. Pgft!'
, ea ,
sespie. Howes. -The selectiens SOldatWV.
oard adjourned wall June
British Cattle Marltete.
TA/laden, June S.--Clioice ear/set:lean awl:,
On/tat:Ian cattle, eeed; Argentitse-S. e%sll
n.eett %/11'
Jeze eieetieReide
Montreal Livo Stock
Igentrealt .Inne 8, -Trade at the east.
ern abaticeir eattZe aiarrset was geed to-
day, awe erleea were far. Cassie -Re -
Ora Mace -need to Sal tree& was of
h h were afgoed ellealitee tee deriMeel
r, them evesgeo,e •ao4 at Peen Ul re.
;TeeseaSeett. VnceS ranged es
-Che ateliers% 41So to5o seed.
4o to 4o; meditm. zAie to ; analQ1/4
4 Celses-Eiseelpta unwonted to
the t
. •
Iran-, es
have Uset your flair Vigor
fivo years and am _greatly
a8tOre7 4Weo
l bi' il
tka color 1;1 Yg crals.
bir.Iiliceps my hair soft,' --Mrs.
F -r
Ayr's Hair Vigor
been restoring eolor to
gray hair for fifty years
atid it never fails to
this work, either.
You can rely upon
y c Ill• '-
. The demand woo semi, and at mon ss tor 0
your ha r
remainee oreo161. Poor stoek esed r from rsiling for keepin
;I to *--tfse-. eirel -ewe ot ea to $7. Good ' t! 44 / -
nlalld ler cakes. Sheep and iambs,- , ' sI
velots of sizeep am000to to 499 hem. your sea p clean, and fur
ottbt It“rt 4,,,,,ie to 4o. Lambs selling', ` ••••*"1""•42 I '''" h--- v---.
ee of lamas if] M head. The elle* 1 s ma Innt arnrir hair emu?
Ail irsiptb.
Vbae for sale
1 Boiler 30 h.
1 oiler 40 h. 1).
1 Boiler zd 71.4g1ji
30 b. p.
1 Boilerane igiu
16 b
eastiosgs ever's' Dessiiiirtion
Braise' mud Iton to nat.er.
ipa nod Fitt Eugs all kzes 1.;ep
comtatatly in stock.
.te l. Tile demand. wan good,
gs-Reeelptsf A-gs anie lilted to SAM
ead, The demo/0 was geed. and prices
sanded frem -2 to-ee.-ee. Among the
staernente were tee following te,L. De.'
liermee 459 lime cattle. Aleatreal ; AL
cent, lee beach elontreel ; Brown 45: eles
Lean, 23 heed. Perth ; W. ,Iehaston,
head et eattie,
Eget Buffalo roaute Market.
W 11. RCM
o Enit
eaaa; agnply
an wo wfl':ess
na nire tips nom
rr oruce. Address.
wen, Mass.
reelpeees - ,
eede telapeeesee
Seeena . sa0
Wrest. a a . -
gsk Betfale, Jane a. - cattle - 4 • V THQU%liT- 4 Arcola,
celpte, ieee head: Plow tat lee lower ; .. 'i Aleseeerein... cer4sy.ts a 0
PrbeK) W'eem VetI 'le ,Ver•e's4e sl4491,GS 9.• ! re IMO is useless It; this world w . weetiatteee, a ens- ---
SIA9 to I-11-; 1"'"irre-.Is oef,e4•;„4., ,igbtous the butelto of it for anether.
blab. taeZ e`e Zs: feolers. et to Wee); ' We Attract bearta by *be oualiteee wo Ana:4 view.,
beepere. geoe te • -4; ees-oz. *,"*.,. .s. ; ; 11 tlie5ae-ihes Fee e•eve• ,I 4
SISALIRl'r;:r14,s 0
ael*ere. za-ii:, :,, 4a -To,' tgc-te,g teltero
to teetle; g
U'.1 lispl41ill ay; we tat there by to ,ortutles zeosi Faxen,•
„etwee •
11 free:: cewe e-erinetv dell at ' " e ' '''
es1 Ise een easeor; o, ter etriee leee 11"
eneallsres n t",e emzemen. /IZ Though wo travel the world over to Clad
,1 to $.2, 'role ell'enelatts. fee: head; eieeePt the beaglittal we mug earTy LWitTe81
minsta tNall
; five; sdsre wrestle,' its44465Ail-ren° ii"42
lower; 14e4,67 no to ' Though Co Wily may !shirk laher,
Y9114' Linda is not Wit. If it dere nee nerves
Mega t-,-3 to 4,,t,:k4 1,11; at.v.zi5,1 *4,4 cora it will grow thietles.
1%. to
tirr-ing"RegrolPht hullt(alov:irrlYwIter itt arilliatitriror"butleittractlitwirtlft
Fefintint4"; j"'7'104,P,11%;Ittel'a46.V:, tko.,,,,,21, • temperance, extravagance, and folly.
owes. Ilk.Q to Kees Moro. tcp mIxed.11 ititigoed discretion na to nolo too
*t.i;.• to to'; oults to good, to 41.41. much, of any man at tho fIrsty, IleVglad
Chre4g0 Live Stock, ' one ortonot hold on; that proportion.
manot deuce. steady ; seta,. eeto,, Nothing more destructive or Individ.
ea June 8"-4"3"te-IteevIPtles egni character than for n man to lose ail
prime swop, sixo to ten; roue to Inca,. faith In bls own abilltle,s for, th9 prem.
Inns 1 tO SIM; sterkera and feeders, 33, adieu of bis work.
to $4 e0; cewa and teem. else to te can. i! Deride Dot new mutes dotenniiiss, but
nere, elaG to : V.,50 to MIA sIA
calvee, 12.C.a It1.7.7 ; treXa%l
5sted steere. el elimi ad ot theT aro nYOUri, 4 d, 08
to StuIllitna-Itecetots SZ,000 answer at that's har fur their vielinia
to-msrretv, Ssteee ; left over, eMo I mars/ hablie but not for their natural Inver
Kot /Ready to Se lower; raixesi rani
buteliertS, IltSI to •$5.53; good to ehoice• seessule.
hoary. 15,13 to ;SOT'S; rough heavy. P.G/ Now what id tst an fOuretiliteeo: )X 61110331!
ifst4,10$3: to; j.
54% shegtv±ne. cove." goon tbe.regiCOni Whl !Maze •0. t
atoaily to %Vont: ; geed 1.0 onoica teeth.; anti great? Work. Not maeldne work;
errs ;COS to 1.7.S.S.; fair to elioleo mixed.' but work intO which tIce Worker puts his
14.0e to el.21; native1nrn1a,SISA to 37.1% pews. Ids joy, his happiness.
Montreal Grain and Produce. To C1011nlit the execution of a purpese
efentrent, June S. -Grain --There in afar,11° one erh° ilt-r°1114eves of the rann
derisind for bueltwIteat for (=Port. sac., le to timploy but one-third of ibis man;
count of vbeat ofierings are ibnited and his heart and likt hesd are against you,
pieta n are firmer at 'Cele afloat. We' you hues commanded only Ms bands.
'quote c. -Peas, 73e to ...See ; rs'e. tVass 20.1
1 oats, 3Se to 3$e; No, 2 oats, 37e to437isse The great moments a Deo are but mo.
4akh'‘,0;.bariuctikwli::0c7atIl. ?meet Nilo eleG1 liear ne hIttS1 ica,,T140 ipamenketen 1In a ,,Al.toordotoliretn4.0.17oAursthilgoniontwot
$ essra barley. tie to erne afloat.
Piour-The demand is good, and an ac -feels 1110 0Se9$ a mere Presstlre of the
*lee bueinees Is onseing on both local' ai1 aydeedo It; or of tbelips, though
and country aceount. We quote s --Mans 'my %Annus speak,
hobs spring wheat patente. SLIO LTC*
ondov..i.E0; strong. halters, 13.40: 'winter
wheat 'Patents, Slioto Mite straight MI-
LTS ; extra, $1.S6 to SLOS. :wen...state and territory of the 'United
lerss gc.33 to In 50; do. in bags, $I.S1 to
Misa-The market la quiet, with priors 'hates bas an experiment station, the
steady at *3.60 to S3.05 per bbl. and $L70
number being
to 11.75 per bag. total OM
Ablifeed--Tbere is an active inquiry for Tho spring sales ot Abiadeen Angus
bran and shorts, but owing to the small bulls in England show an average of 4102
greetings buyers are paying all kinds of kr 230 animas.
prie in order to secure them. Therefore
ft le difficult at present to give stetter- Tho wheat crop of South America bus
ate quotations. We quote as follows steadily increased from 49,830,000 bushels
521sIlitnAlestra.altotbre,°nannitatIdlibuits'glloburlinliSe,it:$44b;lugtilstiLli°,71t.541 Iteowilt°41rare AbgrusliteeltlistInstlizt 1893.soeletio
to quality. which Is In debt, recently arranged for
cbeese-Owino to tbe improved export
Inquiry prices have strengthened all tho sale or 201000 tickets to the people of
round, and to -day It would be bard to Des Moines,
buy finest Ontario colored less than lesie. Tho price of first-class 'mutton sheep
or with° less than 10:Ste. Townships could
not be bad under letee. and Iambs on the great markets is deeid.
Uutter-The butter market le quiet and • idly encouraging to the friends of mutton
Massachusetts creameriesare eatehtng
the spirit of organization, and are mov-
Ing for an associetion similar to t/aose
to 1.4e. while No. 2 stock in round lots
sold nt sic, and in a small way at 11Sec to elswhero formed.
The bill prohibiting adulterations in
butter and cheese has been signed by the
Governor of Missouri, and is therefore a
haw Of that State,
The Ontario experiment station advises
ihat apple trees bo planted far enough
apart so that when lull grown they will
not Much each other.
Cut-tle feeders in the West have used
cottonseed more hearily than ever before,
and it is reported that they are quite
Well pleased with its use.
Kentuttky exchange note's the- fade
that cattle were selling for export pur-
poses at flee cents a pound, live Weight
in the bine grass countries.
Unigrairs. st.e..,ter,TaarMeElehtlxmaacrurffet,1.2,..ilf
in Summer Time.
.PPINES 0E111U 0001P011111
Tones and Strengthens Every Weak
Organ and invigorates the
• Whole System.
Paine's Celery Compound has been
specially prepared for tbe relief and
cure of the many ailments that afflict
wonaen, aud it never fails to give a
new and healthy tone to the fernale
• orgales; it removes relaxed debility and
unhealthy secretions; it purifies the
bleed iied establishes a perfect and
avigorons health. Mrs.Percy S. Brown -
log, of Provenclaer, Man., writes as
follows: --
"After deriving such wonderful
good freern the use of Paine's Celery
Compound, I consider it my duty to
let suffering women know sOrnething
about the nedy medicine in the NVorld
that elm banish female Unable& and
give to women that heulth and
strength that makes it a pleasure to
live. I suffered for a -long time from
falling of the womb, irregularities, ner-
vousness and headache. Jely doctor
could not do much for me, and illy
relatives thonghb I would become a
confirmed invalid. My sister in d need
me at last to tey Paine's Celery Coin-
pound,and I thank God it was brought
to nry notice. After the use of seven
bottles I em a well woman end as
healthy as any oe my fiinds, Paine's
Celery Compound is evenly the -ined-
iclue for every •stele and suffering
women,"ani I-retcnninend, it with all
iirlY heart."
At a Concert.
llandie, le it yonl"
"Why, Nellit-is it possiWel"
"How did you happen to get the tie
:text to minor
"I don't know, really. Jack got the
oat for mer
"liow perfectly lovely!
"Oh„ excruciatingly so."
"I've Jost been wondering. who would
t not *0 me; and to think it's you."
Tin ever so &III"
"I'm more than glad. And I've %whole
found of caramels."
"And MO ehocolate creams In this
btllritrow foray!"
"It's too lovely to think of our having
cats together."
"I've dozens of things to tell you."
"And I vou. And I don't rare a bit.
i for this stupid concert."
1 "Nor L I oubr came because every -
body else did, and beeause Madame
Screamer is to wear two new costumes."
"Is She? How lovelyi lira so glad 1
1 041140." am I -particularly since you're
, here."
'14 "How good of you to say so."
i "I've been counting the new winter
"Hove you? I 'counted a hundred
, our Church yeaterday."
l "There are more than that here to-
' lay. And sorne of them nre just lovely.
' Pll show you where they are, There's
one at the end of the first row, on the
left side in the dress circle."
"Isn't it lovele;t"
'Perfectly so.'
"les; and here co es :Madame
„ Screamer. How do you like her cos -
i tomer
t "Do you like itt"
not mucli."
"I think it's horrid."
"So do L Do -take some more cara-
"I will if you'll take some More of my
ehoeolate creams."
"Don't let as stay any longer."
"Very well. We'll go out and look at
the new bonnets in Regent street."'
"That'll be lovely."
"So it will."
.And they go.
Which is "too lovely" for all Nybo sat
• within fifteen feet of them.- Tick -Me.
Dog Wisdoin.
A gentleman was staying this enturan
M Wales. Smoking and chatting one
evening with it local farmer the talk fell
apon dogs. The farmer's sheepdog lay
before the fixe, and thi
ealarmer nstanced
is sagacity. He made an exclamation
in 'Welsh. At ore e the dog rose and
went to the door. "You might kt him
but," said the farmer. "'The sheep are
in the corn' is what I said to him.' The
dog passed eagerly out. In a few min-
ates there was a scratching at the door.
The dog entered panting and lay down
tt the fire again. Shortly afterwards
Lha farmer repeated his Welsh remark.
Again the dog ran to the door and my
friend let him out. Again in, it few min-
ates was the seratcbing at the door, and
errain he lay down before the fire pant -
big. After an Interval the farmer re-
marked in` Welsh, quite in the way of
eonversation, "I am ot easyabout those
sheep, I do believe they're n the corn."
The dog without rising looked up at the
farmer, gave two sharp yelps, and turned
round to his sleep again. He said as
plainly as though it had 'been in words,
4Doret- be a fool; I've been twice and
they're not in the corn."
• They Toasted Him.
A would-be poet recently remarked at
his club: "I have written a great Innen
ber of poerns, but I do not propose to
have • them published until after my
death." "ITurrah!" shouted a chorus of
friends, raising their glasses, "here's long
life to you, old Man!"
When you tire lonesome you realize
What poor eompany you are.
steady, th prices held at iSe,
eggs -The local trade to -day was quiet.
and prices were unchanged. Sales of
round lots of No. 1 stock were madO at
nent to 13c, and In a Jobbing way at 131ke
12e per dozen,
Beans - The undertone to the bean
mareet liras at the present advance in
prices. Primes in ear lots are quoted at
e1.72le to $1.75 per busbel, and in it jobbing
'way 31.90 to 31.90.
Provisions -Market rules steady under
a fair demand for harts, bacon and lard.
117e quote e -Heavy Canada short cut
mess pork, 322:50 to 323; Canada short
cut back pork, $22 to 22.50;1,light Canada.
short Clear pork, $21.50 to $22 ; iinest keta
tie lard in 20-1b pails, 103-ic to 11o; choice
refined compound lard, Sefic to 9o; hams,
12%c to 14c, and baeon, 14c to 15c.
British Markets.
Liverpool, June 3, -Opening --Wheat -
Spot quiet ,• No. 1 standard California.
Per cental, 6s s%a to es 3d; Walla, 63 64
to Gs elkA No. 2 red winter, 6s to 6s 54;
No. 1 northern Manitoba, Gs 6%4 to es 74 ;
futures dull; Stay, es 4sed. nominal; Sept.,
6s 24 nominal. Corn -Spot firm; mixed
futures firm ; June,
American per cental, 4nse1w045ds vedattueee;s Jeueeldy! hEfaka nesgptgrea.nd wiving go bs destiny.-
4s S%d value • Sept. 4s 6%d value. Flour •
-Minneapolis; 21s to 22s 3d. Be scatters enjoyment who enjoys
Liverpool, cloSe-Wheat-Spot quiet; much,-Leetteter.
No. 1 standard California per eental, Gs Life has no blessing like a prudent
81,44 to Gs 94 ; Walla, Gs 64 to Gs eled ; No. -
manitoba, Gs 6Sed to Gs 7d • futures quiet etd.o'-gfvuersiPaidetrth
'ifte meanly is meaner
2 red vvtriter, 65 Gs 6d ; No. 1 northern
July, es 3Sed value ; Sept, Gs 1%dvalue.
cental, new, 5s 14 to 5s lead ; futures iirm; than the trille.-Lavater.
Love looks not with the eyes, but with
Corn -Spot. firm ; mixed American per
June, 4s 103/44 value; July, 4s Weil value;
21s to 22s 2d. Every man is it volume if you. know
the mind. -Shakespeare.
Sept, llse6%cl value. Flour-Minnealeohs.
London, June 8. -Opening -Wheat on how to read him. -Channing.
lerargaetheiiieLVetils, 8ttrolirAa:r4Doennii)Iiisa71 There can he no high civility- without a
shipments, wheat, 400,000.bushe1s ; corn, dttep naorality.--Emerson.
712,000 bushels. Weather in mnglanel fair.
nnglish country wheet markets of sat- Prodigality is the vice of a weak nature,
muredThaty8, qw-uhieeta.t, 021,3o7n,odocayb'sushReluss;sicaonrn,s64hic eill• yaovatriel'ehlaspoplyalestorfoli fagr oilet-08,7;seTgauYerri%er*
o000 bnudsonels.elose-Number ot cargoes or ,to the worshipers of &Fallon than to ap-
wonheea; wheatarrived
elf cargejesthlacewitisetatresvpaort: Cis°litre' man that has found his.
in g at • outports offered for
sPle'll)rel:e work. One monster there is in the world
Wheat on passage, less o ering. ve
parcels No. 1 eard aboue due, 29s 93 .-the idle rictan.-Carlyie.
paidWheat pa cel No. 1 northern Man -
Bo gambling we lose both our time and
itob , about due„29s 3d paid. Wheat par- s
celsNo..2 Calcutta, June, 29s 4%d paid; treasure, two things most preeious to the
July, 29s 3d paid. Cern on passage rather Me oitan:-Lavater.
easier. Corn cargoes, La Plata, July, •• • •
August, 20s 64. paid; July, 20s 3d paid,
parcel. • • • •
, • .--., American mixed, 231R
Antwerp, June 8. -Close -Wheat -Holl -
day. Cor -5isiencifolfilserposscetrieme
9c, Flour -Spot, Minneapolis patents, 26fr.
Paris, close -Wheat -Tone firm; June. • ,
rm.; June 33fr 15c ; Sept. and Debs
lady shOuld useft. Used successfullybythou.
925r 20c; Sept, and Dec,„' 21fr 70c. Flour-'-
Tone80fre .c. sands of ladies. use. size for sale by all Druggists. or direct„
,. I LADIES, lennAtigis°
is; s".e. One: ra ;ere, al.:77,es
, . .
ernes. acrseeee: : ' • ;
C•174,21 40,-fla-MPZ r!..7
';v2.4 440.V
rail sale... .eses
eaaave7a1leneessee 9'seseerf,f7,
-) 2ociir
A. It. %OMAN.
Assslstssr.;'esrse 41,44.;
(Breakfast Fooilt
A good supply of Mill ed
and Chop always on hand.
Give our Flour and Feed
ft trial and be convineed that
it is all right.
Roller and Plate gi'iiiaes in
use to suit customers.
Harvey Bros.
$ueessnni to 3. Cobblediek Se Son
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill
14. SlAtEITZEn
Mr. Wm. Armstrong Of Hastings
was thrown out of his wagon and kill-
Garfield Frazer, of Own pbellford,
aged 11, lost his life by falling into it
chute at Fowld's elevator.
Seafortb, June 7.-A very severe
electrical stoem passed over here this
afternoon. Rain fell in torrents,
which was badly needed. The Pres-
byteeian church in Egmoodville was
struck by lightning, demolishing the
steeple and a portion of the roof, ren-
dering it unfit for the evening service.
The poet's exclamation: "0 Life! I
feel thee bounding in my veins," is a
joyous one. Persons that car: earely
or never make it, in honesty to them-
selves, are among the xpos untt3rtun-
4e. They do not live 'hoe exite for to
life implies more than tie be. • To live
is to be well and strong,-th arise feel-
ing equal to the ordinary duties of the
day, and to retire ,not overborne by -
them -to feel life IFounding in •the
veins. A rnedieioo that has made
thousands of peop1e,7 nienoetid women, .
well and strong,ha,s aecomplished
great work, bestowing theeichest bles-
sings, and that Medicine is flood' e Sar-
sapitrilla. The weak run-down or de-
bilitated, from any cantse should net
fail to take it. elt builds up the whole
system, changes existence into life,
and makes life more abounding. We
are glad to say these words in it favot
to the readers of our columns.