HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-6-11, Page 3THE GHOST THAT FAILED, Brown is a very good, fellow ; brat, alas 1 he has one bad habit, It is that of never reaching home until the smell our of the morning,. But one day last week Mrs. B. hit upon a plan. If she could not per - amide kiln out of the habit, perhaps; elm could frighfer him out of it, And, consequently, when he reached. home that t co o ed h t nigh h0 was nfr Tat by a tall, wwhitealtroudecl hgttate. which glided towards him. " Wh-xvlaw+t-wl at"p that ?" gasped poor (frown, "I am the fancily ghost 1" replied sepulchral voice. " Drown heaved a sigh of relief. -"great Scott '," he said, "How you frightened nye 1 I tleougitt 'vas the Wawa t" THE WAY TO Bk... =Poe. the Blood ATust Be Kept Bich and Pure and the $`eovea Strong. ! Good health is the most precious ieasure any man or wordan ran ravBut good benith can only bfa pad .- e y keepielg the blood rich. anal are, anti the nerves strong. If thef "aloof) is allowed to become weal; land wratery, the whole syetexrr le '1xea13ened and falls an easy prey to disease. There is alts Medicine cava ual qtr. Williams' rink Pills In eping the blood rich and. Imre, and aaerves vigorous .and strong, Eve i' dose belps to create new blood, nand by a fair use of the pills, pat.le. biddy people .are made bright, active and. strong. Here is proof. air. nob ert Leo New Westminster, B.C.. oras :®-""Before I began using Die illitizzs` Pink. Fills, my blood was In a.. very impure state, and ata fa re- mit pirepl1s that were very itchy, !woke out all over my body. My op.petite was fickle, and I was easily tire& lily wife urged nae to try Da 1Villiams" Pints Pills. and I Bart half a dozen boxes. By the time I had need thein 1 was completely restored to health. nay shin was smooth and clear, and my appetite good." ' Dr. Wi11lanee' Palk Pills do no purge -'they simply make pure, rich blood. That is why they core suet troubles as indigestion, neuralgia, rheumatism. tanaennla, partial para. - heels. St. Vitae" dance. scrofula. er,y*- fipielas. and the ailments so com- mon to women. young and old. Sold by all dealers or sent post pad, at lit) cents a box.- or six boxes for • 1x2,50, by writing the Dr. Williams" Medicine Co,, llrockville, Qnta ON TT1L EARTH'S ;Artie schoolmaster In a country dls- .r/trict tells many amusing stories of answers given by rural children. The inspector dropped into the school Unawares one day, and, as a class was in the midst of its geography lesson, be thought be would test its knowledge by a few rnndotu ques- tions. "Now, children," be sad, "X will put ono or two simple questions to There are veryfew cleans, Ing operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advent, age, It makes the home brigili and dean.. 'Miry dirnexasions, being no less than 25 feat in diameter, with ribµ 12. feet 6 inches long. They are made of lancewood, and the covering is of gorgeously .colored cbintz, in varied sections of srtn son, yellow, and blue. The opening is performed by means of pulleys and ropes attached to the "runner," this operation.. re glaring the servicesof three or four then. The, pole, or handle, is tie birch, "and is about 14 feet or 15 feet high. MIR Deafness Cannot .co ietrl'atr Tey local aglpoe4tions a9 they census* "reedy. tise dt:-ea,seal portaoaa nt tine ear, ytaere is n!143ir One wruy to cath deafness, ped that ie by constitutional rercre.t:Q,. A�ersfaaeso r eau ae(1 by inn #'lition of tAe anslcotts ItfcfngAaaetio 1cauo tecltien Tana. When th arto4ae ed you have a rumbling .sound or ire. 4+erfi'ct, laeariMQ, awntl 'steel; a . to cntlrety t:lgsed, irei+Qaoum Is ti;e resttlk, eirtl nen• less tat this Pun he sal en out nett _ this tuba+ restored to its normal cortftttiom, ltPuring wait be destroyed ffor- ever, l+lme teats out tri tt.n arta cuitsetl try Cataarh. wQh4e14 is nothipg lrut ntra lraflareed coalition et tine unneane cer- VieeS. e We '111 give One hundred fretless iqg tow Cage of ne"'4.tr1ess tC,.Use(I: by cnt.rriatl that cannot be cured by Dell's Catarrh $.fere. need for circuiere.. free. P. J. CHF Nur : Ore Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists.:;nC. Are tree bees r ,,,,• 'tnusi�- Witte Eighty-seven per cent. of the tim- lien ilritnin imports consists of line and 'fir. elievo IifINARD'S LI:ti'EUENT twill Lire every case of Diphtherial. NHS. It,EI 1LEN IlA ElTt Rivtaa"thele, neve INARp'S LINI9MNT I1 parodwreo growth of hair. MRS. CHAS, ANDERSON. 410Y, I,".F,l. IlelieveflINARD'S LIY!MF N" the brat household remedy o lt, MA'1`TIUTA$ ('©LEY, 1 City, Out, • e� "0 say, LAIullagan, pbwaat !Mind se. a foreigner is that iiliow sellin' Tropp ?" "'fi're's a Turk, rno iWO* " "Well, 1 tallied to lana ler tin min- utes 4WD giver a word hos be sphoken." "Iledad ! maybe hews phwat they cal! the 'unspeakable Turf:' 1" Ceylon Tea is the blest Tea the world prod aceaf and is soli: only in lead. packets. Black, Mixed anti Green. va!n tea Moils s try' a1a44'.. C ,t N tat, ; .3CAREFUL, Cs R CO4S..ANT CONCENTRATION Qn Your Wert.- yiritia the 0011 11011 Lorre QM1eR 'O E e w4ia1 orenteek�ly� rscaRA813 VOt7n l \Ct??<tE and sATLSSY Yea: i A?l MW:Z. Write ler,Free pooldet, Agents Wanted Caroas:tan Corlrospoticlenpa Collage, e35r ung West. TQRQ TO.ONT. TM FIRST L?s-W 4P NA...rimy: Two Irish soldiers stationed in the West Indies were accustomed to bathe daily ire ,a, little bay 'chicle was [generally supposed to has free trona t t laarl s. °Thoeagh on metal terms with each other. they were not what anlght htr c:atie:l fast friends, n`0'roe doy, as they were swimming about one huna e:i yards from the shore. I'at obeervesl alike suddenly uaal*ing for ,the land as hard as he could, without a,tying n word. iron• geeing wwbatt wee the n ;face, Pat etract; out vigorously after hhn and landed at his conapanlota's heels. "Is there su5'thing wrong wwid ye ?" inquired Vat, feelingly, Not hin'—nothin" at all," •replied flee other. "Thin what did ,-ata ata;alto such as saitldint retr ate for a au' lave acne ?" a tenth ued Pat. "`Iltallaa(1 l" an ;w'en'd ?idl e. wearily, "I spied tine tort av a trig shark Omit twenty* feet, ahead, eta' I thought 'while be was Iola; h'will you it wound give neo time to reach the . lora." ONE FOR TUF C'IIAPI"-.I',3 tin nannying• the elaaple g slyaaVed folt5ido hie t regimental badge', Who chewed rtty- A NATION OF SMOKERS. Although one often hears that the tobacco habit prevails universally in Spain it is impossible to know howl general that habit is unta one visits there. People smoke incessantly, mat der all conditions, at au hours and? to all places — excepting the church, e%ten smoke in the railway carriages; ; they smoke la all the train ears; they smoke Y in all the ntiaoa' thea- tres; they smoke in all the res- taurants, in the hotel dining rooms,'. and, of course, in the cafes. In the f business (Alice the merchant and his. elerl;:s smoke, In shops the shop- man. 'while trying to sell goods to lady. will stop to roil a cigarette. which,. when lighted, he will pug h her face. Yon see wend. ietorn and , drivers "of tram cars smoking. All, the baekney . cabmen smoke all thea , time, while even coachmen and foot- men of private carriages someti•fnesg smoke oat the box. Beggars ap-; proach you, cigarettes in mouth, to. whin for glens. If you ask for tick- ets at a railway office the cleric Jays doe 1 his dgarette as he hands your the dingy bits of pasteboard. Thea innumerable peddlers all smoke rig-) arettes all the the. The lower- class ':dame re including the gypsy igen, see freely on tine streets. Ui Wl'l AUT HIS GOAT 0 ytE1ti111ItItazx.E CURE QP AI+GP. ST T BOSS'S KIi k' :la'1I,L,ci, ,oberinson, srf oaatreal, a Wree3;, Restored Health by the great :sdney Remedy. rrt&l, May 1t3.- -($peeled ho of tieorge Iiober'tson, of 3:)1;, alttrarroe street. this city, Is lootsed upon by those iraterestect in reedicei :natters' us one of the 1nost interest- iaag on reeerd. Mr. Robertson was a sufferer from Dropsy and was so batt l' at tapping saa°a resorted *O. Btaaltl'a „After Ville ;awed fano. Interviewed regarding Ids cure, Vic. Robertson salt ; ""I was tro abled rye»frit Drope,y and Rhetaaaaatient for eve years, 1 woe a total w.i-a ;. bt4 li;oro 1 started to use Pedal's Kidney 1'1115, 8 stere if got. out of brei .iso iho morning 1 could Lewdly put any ,Ileot- on the door. they were, swollen o + 1 A ariucin f areae. Baro j s p. In wars itsz, " :' 111wi used to swell tat. tinwv lent by ting to that I meld not phut lay so at tan. Before 1 had taken two he 6sttal;aeile a an that Ito was uta,. I111add s Kidney Pills 1 Mt. greatl Il by dissipation an the w- orm might. As (night he anticipated, the chap -1 in wag cut, and Wood flowed fret'0 from his chin. lie molted up r-e- roaebiulay at the artist in hair and field "Von ser, my man, what eoastcu of bard thinking." "Yes, sate" replied the bather con- solln,glwr, "it do mak© the skin very tender.' Nota Nauseatirg 1?il'i. 'I'1i© excipient you. I wonder," he added, "if any- one pill is the sa bvtance which enfolds one can tell nye what the axis of a the ingredients and nuthe tap the nil the earth is ? meas. That of I armeleo s Vegetable B IIs Immediately a hand went up, sand ;*.. is ,!.o compounded as to preserve their �. rk;' t n:oi.tnre, and they, can be cereal into any Ilse clever boy of the class answered latitude without iter»airing their stren ;th. words which showed a close ! ^ fat Mug 111111, 1st order to keels them from ad - familiarity with the text -book ;, s kering, are rolled in powders,'which prove "An imaginary lino passing r i Wash. nauseating to the taste. Parmelee's 'ego• one t?oI table Pills are so prepared that they aro Let the Children e to lite outer on 'which the earth revolves." "Quite right," replied thein- spector ; but wvislting to test his 1q owledgc move accurately he said, '$Could you hong a bat on it ?" "Yes, sir," came tho answer, al- most without premeditation. "Indeed I" exclaimed the inspec- tor, "and what kind of a flat, pray 7" "An imaginary bat, sir,," was the reply. GODS AS CHURCH BELLS. ' missionary in Travancore, 7n -- ilia, saw ono morning a native com- ing to, his house with. a heavy bur- den, On reaching it he laid on the ground a sack. Unfastening it, he', emptied it of its contents -- a num- bor of idols. "What have your brought these here for?" asked the missionary. "I don't. want there." "rte 'You have taught us tliat wo do not want them, sir," said the na- tive; "but wo think they might be put to some good use. Could they not bo melted down and formed in- to a bell to call us to church?" The hint was taken; they were sent to a bell founder and niade into a bell, which now summons the native con- verts to praise and prayer. A LIFE SAVER. Baby's Own Tablets Make Chil- dren Well and Keep Them Well Emergencies come quickly in the lives of little ones, and the wise mother will alwayg keep at hand a reliable medicine to cope with them. Belay may mean the loss of a pre- Dious little life. There is no needle eine can -take the place of Baby's Own Tablets in relieving, curing and. preventing the minor ailments' of Children. "If you could .see my paby now," . writes Mrs_ James ?, poviah, of French. River,. Ont., "and pompare him with his condition be-' fore I began giving him Baby's Own Tablets, you would not know it was the same child. From the age of four up to twenty -ono months he Was constantly ill, and was wasted away to e. skel eta^. I gave him a kreat many medicines, but always without . result, until I heard of 'baby's Own Tablets and began giv- ing there to him: Almost at • once they helped hiin and he is now a fine, ,fat, healthy child. I now al- Rvays+ keep the Tablets in the kio;iee." The Tablets Contain none of the ,poisonous drugs' found in "sooth- ing" , medicines, and can be given With : absolute safety to a 'new -horn babe. ,Said by all druggists or sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writ - leg to the Dr. ° Williams' Medicine au., BI•ocl(,ville, Ont. • They crtn do it , easily" and quickly too with the , New Century Bali Bearing Washings Machine. Five minutes work will thor ougltly clean a tubfui of clothes -- no handling of the garments or rubbing an the board necessary.. Your dealer can get it for you or we will send you a booklet fully describing it. TIIE.DOWSWELL MFG. CO., Lid., HAMILTON, ONT. ..."i.,... ,, , ro.- ,.....s. Sybil—"You saY Jack owes every- thing ne S -thing he has to you ?" Bob— "Worse than that --he owes more i" Jupiter has 4,500 eclipses of its various moons in one of its years. BINDER TALK. A SIMPLE SHEAF OR BUNDLE CARRIEI1. is one of the many good features of the MASSEY HARIRIS (Binder. You can see by the cut how vveyr simple and light it is. It bas great capacity, nevertheless,, and is strong and well made. It; drops hack from under the sheaves when 'dumping, without damaging( the heads of grain. FOLDING, DIVIDERS -Simplest of all. A child can unlatch thein and turn them in. Many other manufacturer/ are trying• to copy this folding de- vice -because it is so good. But MASSEY-HARRIS patents prevent them duplicating ft. TIHIB REEL on the ,MASSEY warm RIS has a splendid range. It will handle short grain, long grain, or :badly tangled and 'laid grain. No- thing escapes it. , Remember, it is the MASSEY. (HARRIS,. Out of one pound of cotton, 4,770 miles of thread have-, been spun. T.NU. , X131. agreeable to tine most delicate, snuggling into Britain increas last year. 4,158 cases came light. $chewed. fe^even boxes cured roe COM-. le1.e11,r. X also had Lumbega, but incl+ I used Dodd's Kidney ('ills 1 a n"t know wwba:t it is to ae side." Itrtrpsy. Lumbago and liheuntatleen' aro all caused by diseased kidneys. 'neve can he no allsctwceil Kidneys when Dodd's Kidney Pills are used. �lvo o'c1ociteas and social fuactiOns, of any sort are incomplete without e egion on By giving your guests the best YOU flatter them and are commended for 70ur own. good taste. 131,001t. ixe(w, Ceylon +Orcein. Ash for Lsbel,1. WaaaseTY CENT - 110M D $ 'iEi"3rlai' OUR !NANO%%. IGg EON `� nendilght" 4t ERgls IS '**""10.=744:11 44 Viii " >;s tittle CO Paris hos the biggest debt of any ity in the world. It aautounts to if08,00 ,I XO. - It may be only a trilling cold, but seg leer it; and it will fasten its fang" t in your lungs, and you will seen be ".trraesl to an trntintels' grave. In this country we intro sudden chana;ee and must ex rete to bare co elan an(! colds, \\'e cannot avoid diene, but we can effect a cure by using Dickies Anti•t'onsumptive Syrup, the medicine that uas never been known to fail In cur- ing coughs, Bolds, branehitik awl ail rat- (ectiutta (dale thltenti iuugi and c'.rest. The St. Lawrence River is closed 1 ! by ice four months in ow•eiy year. For 'elimination of the 1;.1 es.—Among the many hood qualities which Pawnee lee's Vegetable Pills possesa, besides r:tt. ulating the digestive organs, is their elll- cacs* 3n reducing inllaiumation of the eyes. It has called forth many letters of recommendation from those who were afflicted with this rpm plaint and found a cumin the pills. They affect the nerve centres and the blood in a surprisingly active way, and the result is nonose im- ntediateit seen. Sugar beet bavo been grown in California 5 feet long, and weighing 200 pounds. Alatly'rrites : "I was enabled to remove the corns, root and branch, by the use of Holloway's Corn Cure." Otherswho have tried it have the same eexperience. PERILOUS ATTENTION, Bob—"Talk is cheap." Joe—"Yes ; but listening often costs as much as a fiver, too." Minard's t.lnimnnt Cures giahthstit, City . Guest—"Why don't. you have your windows washed, landlord 2 I can't see out," Country Innkeeper-- ' "No, don't want 'ern cleaned—if they were clean I'dhave to get curtains to keep the sun out 1" Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has the largest sale of any sin liar prepay- action sold in Canada. It always gives atF taetion by restoring health to the 11:t1e folks. $'i,500 worth of feathers have been taken from a single ostrich during its lifetime. For Orr! Sixty Years. A,< OLD AND WZLL•TJUSD RIDIEWI . — litre Winslow's soothing Syrup has been used for over slaty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. it soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo, and 1s the bast remedy for Dlarrhma, Is pleasant to the tas,o.. Sold by druggists In every part of the word. Twent r-tl a cents a boccie, Its value is incalculable. ;ge ewe and ask for Airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other tied. !Mood's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, 23-74 Pat --"You say if I use ono these patent dampers I save my coal 2" Agent—"Exaetly, exactly." Pal: -"Be gobs, I'll two."- ARTIFICIAL BUTTERFLIES.* of Collectors of butterflies will be in - half terested in the report that there aro sir, persons now making an excellent liv- take ing by selling artificial butterflies. This is a new industry. Pleasant ..,, work it is, and especially adapted for young girls, since it mainly con- sists in spreading with a carrel's- hair brush very thin gum or paste over the wings of ordinary butter- flies and then sprinkling over this certain delicate Metallic powders of various colors. By this deft manip- r; ulation a common butterfly can be transformed into one that is ex- tremely rare. FOR :WEDDING PURPOSES. A Bengali gentleman of means very much wanted his daughter's wedding to be something of a mili- tary pageant. Being a man of business, he wrote this letter to the general commanding, . the station: to r—I begmost respectfully Si draw your kind attention, that if you would let me know at. your ear- liest convenience the rate of charge for the following, for wedding pur- poses: Three dozen English cavalry; one military band; three' dozen na- tive (Sikh) cavalry; one military band (Sikh); three dozen English infalitry.'' - Mistress (who had given her maid a ticket for the theatre)—" Well, how did you like the performance, Jane?" Jane -"Oh 1' It was splendid, ma'am. You should beta heard how. a, servant -girl sauced her misses 1" 00000. 000000000 0 •a iTbe old. tnvarlabie'vlril a et StJac�bsOiIc. ,,,,, r.sicor'itthsktnecaraod `� r s � . M 6' 0' O 0 0, O O 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e Bruises 0 j O 0 a 1/Price, ';Ac. sr4ir1'a 5000 0 h c'<,C OdC.f O••. 000,..J.0' 0O<00,,,!!). z.; 0 23-03 PAi RiCillx Raid do it c eepily tee. toeless they're this paarct and beat is the n'al' ea gaunt wk. >r S" Tkaeg eantioet cheap read, taald eOst le a to peat ole-,c�,aa2ialtasra +y ars tao1 Y" armee and targe severe, Year t"eatla'a' will tsll yo i tte 741M, out it its't Ab':.S.lir. you dab •ta IRA Write to tat for our ""Deckled D ' fr cl:v'rirat lore' sccac Iaota aro Fair. e wvi ll��ayyraa sa r a Paints. SON, A. RAMS. Y t SO ,a' mitt Mailers, Btilr'ai A&i«, DIONTI Uti.14. tp1U 4tT PRAISE. "I bavo always beard it said that your wife is, a woman of her word," said Conant to ilielicrrr. "That's quite right," added Bich - ere, "quite right. $he is not only a wolntin of lu'r word. but a woman of a Vied many wort!'a." Wasit greasy dishes, pots or .pante pith Lever's Dry Soap, ra powder. It will remove the grease with the greatest ease. THE DEFERRED VISIT. 3ifartka—"X meant to COMO to see you while you were :melt, Mary." Mary—"Well, I wouldn't stay sick all summer to oblige you." Skepticism.—This is unhappily on ag of skepticism, but there is one point upon which persons acquainted with the tenb, ect agree. namely, that Ila Thomas, Eclectrlc 011 is a mode:riue which cart be relied upon to euro a cough, remove pain, beat. sores of various kinds, and benefit stay inflamed portion et the body to which t is applied. (;yet' --"Bald heads remindme of kind words." 1tlyer—"What's the answer ?'" Uyer-"They can never dye." Mlaard`s Liniment Cans Distetopei. way them: on which all) a the (ifs fir;%lit utas - caw to ga s. I The test of love is not feelin iledience. William Bernard horse. dew Flies last year Ido Files ibis year fit' you use Of Germany's 56 - million people, just under 52. millions speak Ger- man only ; 3 millions speaks Polish, 140,000 Danish only ; 200,000 French, 100,000 Dutch, 52,000 Czech and Russian. Wendish, Mitsurian, Kassubian, Moravian, and other languages each have a coxrsiderable number of adherents. 3 HUSH! THESE MAIDS KNOW that the long agony of female weaknesses, the torture of their more mature sisters, may be all avoided by the use of the great South American Nervine Tonic which gives impulse, power, vigor and vim to every vital organ, thus producing or preserving BEAUTY of FACE and FORM by feeding the nerves tput the sys- tem 1y until l n r they in order. Edward Purr y, of Sydney Centre, British Columbia, states: "My -wife was taken down with nervous pros- tration which later developed' into paralysis of one side. Three bottles of SOUTH AlyinttICAN NERVINE worked wonders for her. We can- not speak foq htlily of the remedy." Dr. Von Stan's Pineappie Tablets digest the food in • the stomach without the aid of the stomach, Tgiving the stomach a rest.- .. hey heal the stomach by the best cure—the rest cure. Price, 8Sc. 21,, r ORANGES 6 LEMONS We have Mexicans, WE California Navels, HAVE Vaiencias, and THE 5evflles. BEST Carload every week. All the above at market prices. We can also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Ioiaple Syrup and other produce to advan- tage for you, effIE DAWSON COIYallSSION CO., Limited., I Cor. West Market 8t., TOISONTQ. 21.--03 pATENTsSMITH do ( Bui1*0tt bolio:tbrs of Patenrls. Canada Iifo Bu'sldg, Tomato. annanineenneenSnana iiyjtefol tee— 6 EtiVioo it -2-55 ABOUT BONDS, WE OWN A NUMBER Of Issues of Govern. meet . and Municipal debentures purchased after thorough expert Investigation. F o r people who want an afssoiutelysure infest• meat they Gannet be excelled. We have other goodRends s yielding attc'aotive in- terest rates—as high as 6 per aunt, WRITE FOR LIST, DOMINION( SECURITIES Corporation, Limited, 20 King St, East, Toronto.