Exeter Advocate, 1903-6-11, Page 2,,,--.... V V *11 * V * * VP Se IV t4 A Talc Cd rt arid i eim, te al to, , a la a ...110 kti '44 of the ,.. Th Pt* W V ✓ .ack Arrowlw Rolling Wave el. )11 et V ITV w PA el V ofs V - eograworev*.asaaaeinnwnne.we.we,reameaa-eanien.e.annaeas.a.nreheaiee, cuxr-TEn XXI. say. He was alone ia the boat when ...(Captaio Forrester's narrative eon. picked up, which loons Vi,'ry inUeli aS batted.) if he hod two twarders to arcount The horror of hearing that Aline Mr during the last thee datn. ne Wes ill aridthat Zavertal had. been innst bay° thkea 4 $11"t wav of go anywhere on the ship without in- curring suspicion. After what p ed this morning, though, I must negative that impression by vial :,es ,. YOU too frequently. Expeet use w 1 bow) delinito neevs, and in meanwhile don't be afraid of y food. "they 'won t have two (ea on bend at once." Grippiog me by the hand, which was more than I deserved after tn mistrust, he slipped out of the caliinY, and I was left alone to my thoughts. They were brighter far than any I had had Mr days or though anxiety would last tilt those two- tlends were openly accused. I could not help feel- ing confident •that Kennard would beat them. TWIT. And e*et. so long an there remained the possibility of a hitch In the arratigenients-of some coiled in to attend her left me for a, destroe-ang, evidence. I think, too, I n;l.evilis_h detitenery whieli should ballIe mainate stunned and helpless. but, etn etitnnt his teppetitien that h, ;ars: aueo newrth's watchfulness and e the shutting and locking of the sur- ilad done for me. After chaniging the dtective's foresight-iny mind ollowed by the gery doorouni not be but in a turmoil r, feound of back int° al"'' W°1171° get -11111 of a receding footstep, roused OW to the el°tIn's 'in wlvil 14'-' saw u14.' in iinPa;"ellee micldre4d. action. The doctor was already the train to o. loafer on the beach. After a mid-day meal, winch was starting to visit bis patient. I The Poor beggar !oust have pet them served to rae, as may breakfast had I sprang to the door or my ,,,,bin, ou and paid for them with his life. been, by one of the doorkee sers. I ciady to /Ind it loenced ; but one of I t•hose him for the gift because he fed onleein. utterly wearied1 and worn tile sailors oa 'guard oneeed it in was geout lay height, and build. But out by the experience of the pre- answee to joy appeal, stamono. in hush tenot a word -there is Za,ver- ious insist. For some time rins tile entrance so as to block ea pos- • tai i'c'-`13.' nt the s"rger7.'brain enjoyed but aa re.ster a I pito gcompiete sible exit. Prom. behind hint the .f The 4"9P-4 1111 of the next door being no oblielon. twhilo tom bleed:a-bearded face of his at. peered ' ttsl,selic41ull'nued• awl re:locoed reach, ; to dreamt. and a vision of strange and I ,s047 that two og th,.. ed as, ;sod ot, tilo same irioment Nen, seenery ond fantastic shapes ionised het; been select. 4 for the post off n nosittioss-wall. Intoning his Iland ` .os peweeed seamen n; the cre,w tiara; olithel awross the cabin to tho (betrnit'ioraLs17..gehlt4ite":771;,3 mockups,. ,,,,, ,,,,,,,, „„...ee gp,_,,,g.,, T. :I fOy. over the panewieg„ in stooned sthene grew •tise ootline of il, gigtitithi ga t`i;e* a"rus*r7-1,3,1. ;;;;10ouint",.".0o4,41,1 0,)1;:,,, , et a Nem, siq vorvcmi fc,..„„r% Inver opreripiee running elieor down to end in diaconasiture. ;Ilti. wiesieemati, examined it easient., hoilirat Sea stiontell with taggea fangs ally men ; there's a- ' and then titLitsg a penknife front Me of reek. On the top ot tio clin, bent hundred pounds non", roe you if ' 'Wain. t »l!y tasselled the blade in 0.1shufttl ltn the fore o of a, thousand -you'll just forget it zoned that doora ono of the notes, to winch at tio, grilles, etooti a solitary dr tree, ond way for a. mintare" 1 ailed, oand 1 , same tins:. Ise applied: Ms eye. a few f wt, front itti hasp two Meal wili guarantee that you ellen never , After a toug gat. apparently Into were lotted together in neadly strog- Itnow what it is to want a good the iliiincrees of the wertition. ite gio, their bodies swaying isither tool beet It again." ;turnedand with a Mager on Lis thither on the brink of tbe aloes. `Ilse foremost man mene a way Ines. beenconed use to join him. Still Its th" vinion grow clearer. 1 Ktw tr.-It mid gave a r.,,.a_.1.51.2,411;,,,. •• Very 40 cenog hie Oust,. An the hole. he thot nested Ilse treenrtittle was ;Nude 0Orr,1,.'„ (!g,ptein," hp, Hew. ,,,we nijoit inotionkil ine to pidee niy i',Y4, whore fest :4 rope, COPM1P end of Whitt 1 Of P a i be the Nee ors it e you'd be collared ayertnre into the aliment', its iutrz-' W'Maan• ttli at once a, blood-r)d. and broterht bark afore youat get tiOn 11A/,,g VIIMA•Eded frout any oe- 1 moon aiTedred in the shy and sited I o bon the length of the shin." .cupant of my reatiin ny a peen% of: a Pinti light onttlie struggling nom. Tizero was, a geed dee.I of rude eloth. tie) color of the Pitinqs. whtehn I .l5ilnIV,Ing le the r4e''.3 Dt Vaveri411 eenteo in bis way of ItmOing ist it. iSitinerci bed salead alienate' with altd si:mnsell- Even as 1 Do n lat Itivati, I felt that at aearo cie I Immh•Ife f,54fir". VOreV4011 woe etimitirif at ;4avertal seemed to proviti t ot 11 wall 11.7..;„.. rrinklvvrtil eeteinst cat tto diei,tteorty thtt. ooth las wee, , aseing lieurearit free bonen Isinlit i P-' 10Wing reArertal aecoes to7Alitee. anci to tirA. SP4-4"*IntJtUl liSET a,* TtPOM‘, S. 41%er the Proetitiee. Then ao 1 accornineny onterioil :ley taetiee. ti oeotetna noty ;mown! on a ivpip. inairange !min.. in li;inti„ tOWards -0 I -d gS“il igin- au; itun, cook nvilyili. t-,,,,,uta,.41 stroireng rile.. 1 receognired in Ito ; 'Would you tente a note Mr no-- at.' ' ' n n DC of toz.,,, Leda. leseentoere w. 1 ii Lis pave al the Incienevotilting in-lInsu.sttlig finStro-oftlfto- a . teeny tor sadly toe essersisa.e. At Ileeji I attune. with a cry of loorror 0 ed tti whisvet to hit 5 p.t.1,,o I ow ;It t ia4.,4 Ito team gay wit fe.,, awe lipa. to find Wifilevre Martini) ; , ,. . intone Twiny tad co:no to, drew ti1 . fainst, allowirsie tte eltaili!Hee 44;"* 0, ,i1TWAY 6:rutPathetie i• thna into the collie. encl. 4U•t.4.%F' 11,7,' sitild. 1,,1,3t4nitigi .1 Pasitlril ;van too roughly," lise• lin charaeler of a pi -Connate; Issanhi' 'eke', ei:eard weeertoi fame. ! Font in a Maine tone. "Inn u, , Float t he door in t tear fesear• , a.'no .I . 1 he reateere and go out. tat- II thifthing that you hear malice ow al; right." lo. eatal, seeing ile4 lie3 us -WA hiri;;%-iataion of Ilw,•%ing , this aulair, ea) I poet Monet; in 1 asS- not tiug waox TFCE PARISIANS LIKED hen AND DISLIKED. the our Xing _Alfonso MI. Was Almost ZIobleed.-Visit of the Queen and Prince Albert. MIEN RINGS VISIT PARIS 114214. Og it, if SO b... 'it wus going, IPA nano and I ituniedialtay saw dsugi"d iiftY fest down iho sido to do you any goode last what eid that the onus/ie.:it eimply covered ow the Oh'. soPPorting the form On Just on twenty years ago Xing -Strome:. XU. ot Spain went, from Berne. to Paris. All the city wile On top -too of expectation, Flowers strewed tbe streets, bunting flaunted ,..............i.*„....... , FARMERS 1 4 ic FOR l'" • .x.:, ..!4 Seasonable and Protitable) e, ilints for the Bony Ttilers of the Soil. 4.***Nid'Xrindlg's4***:;o:***04iStaNtd* ECONOMICAL USE OF LIAM, In considering the question, the and fluttered aloft; guards of honor most econouticel method of using were eYerywhere; bands entailed wen. lime fertilizer, we have come to the Conies, and bugles blared. Every- conclusion that cornposting M the thing proraised in,agnincent reeep- ittost economical, writes Mr. R. W. lion. But, unfortima.tely, just prior Carson. The following; are a fee to bis entry, there came flashing the methods of ire l'ia OVer Lae wires the news that ho had soil, atom suede, by the Emperor William, 1. Some fanners have the practie a colonel of Inslans. of putting lime out on the fields i It was a little thing; but it was ,small heaps, leaving it exposed t etrendguhitesTehfeliFole"niistiaalnitsy*,1°421ertitfit'iti•noa-f 'ttillienesweisatrilleznt. into a, solid mass b for days, and it aom tional amity, of everything in fact rano. tbie condition it is eprea ,..jaineitratutztlell,raiblelitodAilfiaaltirstalsosfnatilites thwitittghs plaurettipasi htehree 1:andd tldoe'ree reeilings and hisses. But for the 'got reeeiee any, • troops the ling would undoubtedlyo This I consider to be very waste - basis beer! mobbed. Perhh.ps murder: MI way of applying lime to the land ed. As lt was the atoll was man a. Others first put the lime ou gaientne alarming, and for it few ;in sonai heaps. two, by going eve weens the miestion ot peace or waritthe fogd with A water cart, nate, tretranbLeodoi,IIVItenbt,41:1171sceer.ond 1.1-,,a11Gw-ed to remain tone. int il th the lime, and. cover with clay. It thrertialfieorpittle;°mIaln'itItti7n1;:tneenill tittte.eSttt, eraser instils time to spread it. I ed heads wore assembled Otero at etahis4 Wit"4"i's it is 11101.,r4rtille,4 one time. They incitined. antoogi other Neste' polletdates. the Kings of land' and" '1"4 la‘fare slated. a larg Green.. lielgoon, Prussia and fews...; Part does not receive any tatiTo" 0111;g:1,r:0°10r 'Stitt; otlfh* Khe- fro Otieheerlts1:13:eceil*r7elltnitzigt shoo; titithee Ley. and the Emperor of 41iStria. The scene at their se ception was' Yard, by inahing Leon tan to et oneoetepie4 op000loo. Ten fifteen :verde in lenetit Throti"li this indium of (relies were spent, by the heap they mane trenels with the ntimieipality in entertaining them., Plough. Into the trench they then rnfort moil My, however, the come, (Iona) t 111110 curt loads. pleto swaps)), of the gathering was !I This they then cover 'with clay and nuarreel by the attempted aesassinan Jame tiso beep in thia condition for tion Of the Czar by One Ilerezowski.II a minnow of days. after which the ,,worie of mixing is carried out, A POLISII IIEFUGEE. t 4. I have made a prectice of gatin I'rior this - me summer of tering cloy aa aforeaaki, and udaing lann - another Ing Paint -400n hail ono barrel of linto with one antl'onee Igen held. and tad been visited by half loads. mom or Ie-. of cley. Queen Victoria awl Princo AtirottnI First I put a smell heap of lime. It was a notowOrting event. if onlYn which I cower with a loyer of clay. Iteeanee no English tiovieviipt boa then olteinate, layers of lame and eet foot in Paris for more than four.ehtie onto on:tooth allow th"ast. o , Wise OYSPE SIAT Tho Miseries of This Teerioto DJtoa cured hy fliunven's Dyspepsia, Cum. aroyueeene 15 tne par4Ot xatiunt and the' harvester of blasted hopee."- e Munyort. n If I tried I de not helleve 1 could cored o estimate the value el roy Dyspepsia cure, ee It has brought peace and happiness hag y ihOIMIldS hentre where ail bad been 41" ifitEld1.95T:41;Irsilill!Lios° 3 fg1QPI, diseress After eating, bicattna- of elenalion of the bean.; shortness of breatb, anil erfectiona of On heart caused by IndiaeatIon. wine •it stonmea, helehing wind CO' sour e t oat bad taste. offensive breath. Ices or ppetite. taintriess or wealawire 9£ the r improper circulatIon Coated *00550. heertbura or watererash. innam- s e id or saceratea atom:ache, shoos:len petits. lan-,11;ey.stoleat anellia;ecsaii4etZtrleigott-ers:QQ:ealinved; e POW0b. elizeinees faintneee and n o melt:see the waete eyetem. Sinnies elOs r tret worn -test ts49;704:143 eimest aped; e u new. Permite you to eet wisat • want mad ell yeo went..-Mouyeto NIUNYON'S REMEDIES, pespepela Cure relieve'''. meek (natives isestantly. Priee tite. ; Personel lettere addreeee4 te Profn Munyers. Philedelphle. 13. goateltoi Ing details of !acetifies. will ne anaweao co promptly este) free tiennee as to treat.P n. 1 to 1 stenci for a 611Ort time benne they :Jere washed and .econded. When the cons hoot rn 11 f• tOry they ehould not be allowed to:, starsd in the sun until the mill; driesi on. fee. as with the pail% it is therd ; bard to remove. If they aro at orate ,eraptied and rinsed in cold water tIte, I rank all conies off easily, If it 'II not convenient it will do them no. particuler berm to stand a shorti a time beSore ;wing washed. but it is lItetter to (-,tasit and &veld them at:I oan.. The 'neat water worsts to be , not and a littio sal eoda should be; ; added (never two any Foup around', rniJk veseelis). After they are thor- ouently walled, both !tondo and out, they elsould he realded with very ;Ilan water or Meanie Now torn theta ;bottom Nide up draM for a time itclroaetnetritilseibtatint ri;wirt 1,1aelliseitt d:;•iel'a.t1411 tblate, Or if you ORO steam there will Ise very little moisture. to wire offi. Mr the Steal of the cane WIII casters it to evaporate. eenteiries proevroserly. NaPoleou. laver of clay. on Use top of tile • too. ciossrions Of litn ftyredwith" 0'. to he front nines tO tWorive liana's in . IO3 tenere of the throne. end wen moan. of Ile itaportanoe to him of , noTisblies. tap et the liters is then the reeognition iniptied by ll* visit, trampled onto it 19 hard. in otter dill ver' id° Ir°:."11 to throw oft the rain. It is trattipeil WW1% Palle (4 vomiter -41;g :Veit- slor ware gieen both ir Paris and 4-45 44.1°14 anY °Peaings in the ellaY' 4 'tI 11) Banners Kentoird petsted ine oil Ito fon Moe pacfOlicist. mai ro-I,Innete".00 on hie rugged Stench fare, •• hat 1 1„..,at „beat th tb,„ tlp again. the ilk., 41. 1,,iUutt iOut. I IN /foga wfol,31.40 ;Von Et tiirri tO Yos oup,,,,?;;t le Lave trussed me, ,,flied ewey in the three/lion of thee hodYc Von Insve. moldtart. hear Sine:41y. Porreeter. to Snow that "IMM '14 ,ent`'S 4,11-1.1 that the young lady. Mieti Challersee I was twiny Minting, when I was hive!' "Ile hat Son" below with fir` nn bow Th•ro, wet; a very ':eine." void heaaard,, "Riot he will! '31sli4.lsre was right in suppoqis, mot yoneertel was wolehiug teat Meer eseeitrion by 'seminally ad. tied1 fon no rad-auto:out again, grand reee.w. when the nen% ree idled 01) by tho eslalicti limo abovo.1 at %%weenie% and their wto3 ateo a oloPenr. %Odell WV, Mien tramped. -tented non. ehe bad not ben (.11 exerpt the outer layer, on WWI) if! 15 d horseback, though the day was wetn svg.,41 tramPed. the WOstO UndlUtniki• With the Queen and tho Prince. will hs, caroParativelY nothing. (filo nonsort was the prince of wont 1rnameauttioanntattese elis4t,Ne.letelaaef-eerlao; allinmleva piett.; 1;17. Mot e 111:1.n"Zor s41. Nwi al f). 1 11.,7 015 Method a WO or fere" Imosly &Raided with the gaiety auti 'Meer is Made to suit any soil, es- sploudor of Use French caPital. and. Penally light soils having a gravelly ltsTip.nertnIsteaclaintlieleermepitvonngieLlftleentiarietcaln,nutittirst:I0a,• hept aessenheasoeiltrL otuleatioallianse retain him and his nister, "Just 41111°I541111alleee; used tide compolit on land 1 t 'while longer." cited whirls lied been limed. twice in the. ttlitiaet WI'41rntesleisn.eN '-'4;o1411r4)..ra' other, comae of twenty-five yearn and coold not spare you." have good results. Of course it was "MI, yes, she could." ProlindlY re -"a. beim, roil. I think lime should plied the Prince. "she has got six be applied to the land M a. powdery more at home." IN TUE SISMIIIM OF ISSO rio ninny foreign sovereigns were so. oat linening to every word that mowing:no st. Should he try to no inin for iiinoitintary usurpatio,*. P''3. from theeurgeryeetent as ro, Mrs. Brinnworth has her in e And Le Wit3 ld ten ,yeara oer than oeio 'Whew Ite toot; food; of t -on etroetioue mai is quite enrol to the e'en'. it married man mat Inte father Nat haunt ofnee thwitigh the Misch 'tweanion." II of a family, ?so that I could- acolit $ea chart int Ow day they engag,s1 "Aline -nits Challenore as not still trout ass frienaliy interest lehat you, 1 ma not ea the balm of neon f: nonlife' emeonsciottenees n" 1 W.k4(1 1 :Wahl. hose M,•-inilied citt log soy friends." for the idea of nay :meat girt bonne: iitipertitieht from ten- eescoudo wew to Monte u.o." 1 SPRIP,i.Vtl'e; to all this WAlb 11111 riblo to , other. sena. otereoyed at the diteetivaty of ine. "Yen" I replied ; nI have Leard ol any mistake, "lost pat russet reutent-; "Oh. 436 al% non' replied Kennard n it• Is elle e" her what tortures of melons,. isni "that would lima neon trng yihere! **It's joet that that hrings men unilergoing, and forgive nee why too Sle. partially Weectvered. Neal with increased Sublimity. even stow that %Main has gone litt. before Zavertane host wan. eheonEvery une, on the Chip knows you IOW to hie deadly wean' elee, rly ittameeed to look quite 331 W.'8' sweethearts. and I was think - "It ie oi Unit that I come to tell otiough for tlie purpose." ling it riot fate for yeu net, to you.' !Kt said, "twee ma:nor is a. -pews elle 12201A7 1 ant Mt 1,e. her, mad sh. so tonne brave and williog pea keit in his. board ?" I eking Wit h zao end take you to band% with a Mil hnowledge of ' "Yes. tho news of your 6.1111;114w.. designs." And he wont ou to d,a picked up furnished an exeellent, (13'4911 13 agitated I rose to follow sernie the trig) (bat he and airs, conese for the feint," veld Ken -i him, though as the good felicity was Briuliworth had laid, and to aesure pawl. "I have no doubt • that Vai- „clearly Peting on Isis own reepon. me that oothing would pass Alin*"s ti• nt'. having tot opportunity ready;81Isility and in ignorauee of the ruse , lips thatcould possibly harm her. .0 ade for Inio, will reverse his intend -o that was being played. I could not 'All I want is to get a Femme of I progranone and devote Ida devil -l believe that there wee real rause the doctor's medicine for analysis, ish cmsaing to her ease before tnk-d for alarm. Still, the awful chance and then my ease against him and ing on. Lord Parrainmorelie-and that vigilance had lean eluded hy Vizard will be complete," he said. yours, which In. most certainly 1 professional cunning was ever "1 ani am a fairly good chernist, and means sltall follow. The villains will g sent, and as I paused out of the as soon as 1117 tests hove found too er last tilt you aro as dead as t "cabin witit my conductor I braced poison I shall go to McIntyre and am supposed 1-o be ; for then with myeelf for what in any citse must be lay the facts before him. Unless he the exeoption of the man Dicey, they an ordeal. wants to risk being tried as an tie- wotild he free, or believe themselves That McIntyre was not yet in cessory iie will have those two put to be free, from all source* of ac Kennard's confidenee, and still tinder lock and key, and start Immo cuSatiOn." thought ma mad, was proved by with them without, more ado. Andt "They will probably settle Picea the fact that 1-1*e two semen fon now what really happened on the too," said I, thinking of the disap- lowed us at, a. respectful distance, Miranda . bo far I only have Wiz- Ipeartince of the Miranda's engineer. doubtless by his instructions. There ard's version, you known' I "That is quite on the cards," re- were no passengers about, turd the I shortly recounted what had be -,Plied Kennard, "and 1 am keeping clock on the companion -stairs fur - fallen smco patting with him 0.t, an anxious watch for his return to meshed the reason by proclaiming Pisa, not forgetting to mention Viz- !some. The delirium is already abet- that it as the saloon dinner -hour ard's triumphant assertion that he, ling, and as soon as possible I shall At. thr foot of the stairs wo turned Kennard, had been killed by him at I try and frighten him into rounding aft into the corridor, and here again Leghorn. Re listened intently to an his employers. Now that Zaver- there was no one to be seen. Only the end, and then said : tal believes, from his observation from the open door of niumber 17 "Re left the Miranda in the com-I through that fretwork, that 'Waldo' Stat -room came the sound of a, patty of the Italian engineer, you is obnoxious to you, I can come and woman's weeping. "I fear she is worse," said Mc- Intyre, hastening his steps. But the sound of crying was too much for me, and springing past hm him I rushed to the state-roodoor, en 0Aline lay in her berth, her features serenely calm in waxen whiteness, while Mrs. Brinkeyorth was en- deavoring hysterically to prevent Zavertal from approaching the bed. "You shall not touch her," she cried frantically. "My darling girl is dead, and no hands but mine shall rt ASE'S OHITIVIENT. tend.. her. Co away, 1 say,. and leave nee to close her eyes." "it is usual for the doctor to verify a decease, but I can see that there is no room for doubt in this case," Zavertal replied. "I leave you, modem, with my deepest syno pathy.'' Then ho turned to come away, and saw Inc. Iris hand -went to his breast ,pocket, but r was too quick for him, and clutching Ms collar I dragged him from that saCred pre - apnea, to pin him by the throat to tbe corridor wall outside :with fin- gers keen to strangle. As I gazed into hie fast -purpling face, all the agony of jenowing that he had pre- vailed broke from me in the, ono hissed evord-"Morderer." (To •I3e Continued.) "I never waste words on a 1061," Said tho POMpOOS. Person. "That doesn't -correspond with your wife's Statement," replied a member of the sceptical faction. "What did inn wife say ?" queried the P.P. "That inoi, 'Worn in the habit of talking to yourself," answered the other, as Cure Se of Hes ears Chronic Case of 'Twenty Years' Standing Cured Permanently by Piles or hemorrhoids are among recommendation I took a box the most common as well as the "Alter three applications I felt bet - most torturing ailments that afflict ter, and by the time I had esed one humanity. The keen distress caused box I was on a fair way to recov- by the itching, especially when, the ery. I continued the treatment tire body gets warm, is almost beyond tit thoroughly cured, and 1 have not the powers of .description, suffered any since. I am Orally con - Tho very mention of Piles suggests viriced that the ointment read° a Dr. Chase's Ointraent as it is beyond perfect cure, denial the only actual cure for this "I consider Dr. Chaee's Ointment loathsome disease, If you ask your an invaluable treatment for piles. In doctor, your druggist or your friends my case 1 think the cure was re - what to use for piles they will in tnarkable wben you consider that I nine cases out of ten advise Dram getting up in years, and had Chase's Ointment. been so long a sufferer from this dis- ' Mr.) Alex. McLaughlin, for 80 years ease." - a resident of Ilownta.nville, Ont., Dr. Cbase's Ointment is the only writes: . absolute and guaranteed cure for "For twenty long years I suffered every form Of piles. It, has a record from). itching piles, and only peeson,s of cures unparalleled in the history wbo have been troubled with that of medicine. 60 cents, a box, at all annoying disease can imagine what I dealers, or Edmanson, Bates and ,enclored during that time. About Co., Toronto. To protect" you seven years ago I asked a druggist against Imitations the portrait and if he had anything to cure me. Ile signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the aid. that Dr. Chase's Ointment was famous receipt book author, are ota most favorably spoken, of, and on his every box. state, or us fine as possible. Great loss is sustained by not, preparing the land in this manner. On sods limed twico in a course 0 gathered together in Paris that a ten or twenty-five years we use floe special building, hnOwntT, the set. apart "II°'" barrels of lime to ten loads of clay tel of the Enmerore." ‘co noflillininefel, uso tine to to the acre, On heavy clay soils, for them Externally this unkple "'hotel" was not especially pretext-'tennot Liar eneri au 81 ; on light soils 'limas; but internally it was a dream ", of splendor and of beauty, the fur. $* n'n et seven. nishing alone costing over £186,000, while £80,0O more of the city's money went in decorating it and in service. To it there come the Shah iota weather is poorly washed milk did fetes were organized, followed by and pails. Too much pains furlo,ersia, in honor of whom splen - peen kings, princes, grand 'cannot be takin en washing the cans l dukes. and Annamite, Tunisian, dairy tinware in hot weather, or at Moorish, and Egyptian potentates any tnne of year for that matter galore. Paris got something suUniantial, however. in return for her expendi- ture in this connection. The Siren alone spent 4.:100,000 3m threo days" shopping; a record whicb, though, was easily beaters later on by tho Czar, during his memorable visit to the city in the autumn. of 1896„ This latter was perhaps the most gorgeous as well as the most hilari- ous of all similar functions. The Franco-Russian' Alliance was a new wine to the Parisian then, and they bastened to make themselves drunk with it. For three days and nights -October 5th, lith and .7th - the city neither rested nor tired. The hours of ought -to -have -been darkness we rb as the hours of daylight, with open-air balls on every boulevard, and farandoles and orchestras at ALL TEE STREET CORNERS. The Rue de la Paix was decorated with ropes and sails, stretched across the street like the rigging of a vast vessel, in honor of -the Russian sailors. Nothing was to be seen anywhere save flags, scarves, cock- ades and badges, and colors of the two friendly nations. When all was over twenty tons of confetti were swot and carted away from. a single main thoroughfare, What a contrast this to the visit of King 'David Kalalcua, Soveriegn of the Sandwich Islands, le 1883. Bo arrived one morning unexpected- ly with a Gladstone bag and £250 in gold, and: the city was so im- mensely amused and tickled that it treated him to all sorts of mock royal honors; which he mistook for real, and sent him, on. leis way re- joicing. Another contrast also, but a pa- thetic one, was afforded by tne visit, a year or two back, of the unhaPP3'" nana,valona, ex,7ineen of Madagas- car. The president cansod her poises to be paid at a second-rate betel, and the Parleians subscribed and bought her a new dress. But it is doubtful if even these little court- esies, kindly intended though • they doubtless were, quite atooed to her for tbe loss of her queendeno-Pear- San's ' There aro e1)7 tobacco mants:fac- tortes in Great nritain. cAusr, OF SOUR MILK. Too frequent cause of sour milk in And really it is not so very much of a job to keep everything clean. It Ls as much itt knowing how, how- ever, as in the work. Milk pails and cans, and all tin 'vessels used to hold milk, should ho rinsed in cold water and every bit of intik removed. This is readily done if they aro not left utitil the milk dries on. After it has dried it is not as easily removed. As soon as the milking is done rinse the pails and strainer, also the strainer cloth, in cold water. The milk Will all come on easily and quickly. The milkers should always do this oven if the pails are washed in the house, because it should be done at once and the men can do it readily. The women „folks are not always ready to wash the pails just as soon as the milking is done and the men are. When well rinsed it will do the pails no particular harm ne-egreateesepeetee 2 To mows di roe Met Da the reannfaztureas 'have irderinieed IL :.e4tsio I 1 4,03 end atealtila tow tor cad, (lawn (gement Not:ea:110 and every fonn of Octane 1)1093ineand erternaktroller, tialorsiall in Elio dal' rrecs Not aele youraacie bore whet they neat; o rik Ion can welt mei netyour moue? bark If not cured. Mother. at all etcetera or Eneteuement rens 4:n1,u:era% Oro Citasez Ogrrtme,nt cAlui OF x.,,,,satits. In the case of tWi, it 113Well to Itne them witlt the mother in . a mall pen, for a. doer or 'Ma . in order that they may boom ae- quainted, and to avoid the claimer of one of the lambs straying away'. Which may cauee trouble. IShets lambs aro born weenie', mon. care is required, unities the shepherd is will* them to see that they tire eueliled oon efter birth, they are liable to become chilled and die. If theb lam is too weak to stand up and such; it s iou be held up and some milk milked into its mouth, when, it will loon take the teat and Lens itselL or tho ewe may be gently laid upon her side and the lamb brought to the teat on its knees or side, and helped as above indicated. NEW WAY OF MILKING. A nnw method of milking has beeti creating some Interest of Into in Scandinavian circles. The main point of the method consists in fol- lowing up the regular milking by a series of manipulations of the udder at the time of milking. The ordin- ary -method of stripping fails to re-' move the portion, which is doubly, valuable on account of its high; fat contents. It is estimated that the increased yield of milk by this new • method is about one to three pounds at work NPeelw' cdomn engine 11 aye ----+-as been Near Glasgow an old-fashioned at a mine ' continuously since 1800. It develops 27 horse -power. Jim Dumps a little girl poseessed Whom loss of appetite distressed. "I des tan't eat!" the chnd wont& scream. nine fixed a dish of "Force" with cream; She tasted it, then, joy for him! She begged for more from "Sunny Imo" W-5 The ready -to -Serve °wee a demi fatry to all yoangsters. Poefece wood for teWlieat LI a perfect summer cereal, and efferts should be made to teach childrca to eat LotriSs E. Tioa.vs, In "Hos' to Peed Onikiven.a