HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-5-28, Page 7CLERGYX,,�X ON TIT..E TjZt*XV.. LiTrLVA TITOUGMS. To test the; charitypf OPollitit ia brother ovi pair his 0ock, I todes A gent Is, an abbreviated. gentle- the gov. Xr. Xecum, ','of Independ- recontly dugulsed biLA It is the second taste that 4de- self as a tramp, and I begged. from RIN FOR OLEVER. PE!!,LjE` se, tqpta the chestnut, door to 4o9r, At the first h9li A SHARki SometiWC4 the statp of matrimony dob wals that of a 11jechanic, be has no, cApital, r -m-" Was giveA three doughnuts, At the It *hc?q1d be qasy for pcop!o who drink delicious B140 14$bon Red Idlengs , key*o lana Coylors To* Is the floost no*t. h9use, tile people of whicli lI-V__ I I cq �.ndo to, tTY it ,s ft the beggary� jAbej Tea tosa . do y something that wil.1 in their fr! -'the root of 411 evii� timei To 41 kthe, world, produce,41 b, very condortable circum - A inau who Always, Acts tu; has s 1, =es,� t,110 lady timned A dog up., . .... . bixt, the� apimul recogiiiy ofterwArda to, fhx4 reopo and I* only In. load Aw 'The best cure for a maw's go4c-cit sa#sfqcfiou of llav�og thl t hi'o Ao� 0 in Cash ml $.ter, wbo went Away inn- Ar I% ;1� wQ2AaWF, laughter, t1aS Ug dorl4� 4%y, burti. Continuing his tour., he was , " early in tile X4A rogArds hiinign, ii priiered by the next bou-,eholder to Ature As ��i, d 40CA aro,00* Und $,5 W.01 dane, b�_Q, to to pile%w M.TIA� .93 every go O.Avay under pain of Ar paohxwmiul� 04, which re,5t. At V Wlem, esA burns Its bri(.1 �es be,-- 144A !4 444M #V 1QXM Ok Per Of SWO& SQaP. ;@Mother house he was alrectod to hind, fear. the 'a 'dgc Mlon for paupers. A institu t the Twcntyiftv,� cash will be aw, s WQr Pxl Aided in ordf;r of rwtit W tho!M No Inan w4a ever 41scon CA tented fifth he was, turnel, away. At t sending in The bost Advertiselliclits for BluO V4bbon Red TAW T, With the world it be 4W Mo. duty house he wms given a hearty my 114 it. bill ton wetepine, tbe Ireapie recognizing Man *Wnkr - mor Nox-t day lie wrote @6 oerwo.n. First Prize .0 of the, 49:0� 0% him, IR �han of the, box he pays Y1 � a a .1 _V13 Debulf QW] .. 0; 1 PATEKS sixth tht, R. R =a 9 An oloqqelit pie' Frizo Second for. FUL&COV941141 OV M44-14 1-4,001104 of tramps. Third FriZe 40XQ Some things that Are recolved as ;Z4,avt, T.Anii. pxtw 0004*6-y, gifts are really inte-1wed As javest- Alop 4TOOK FtA131M IKU�LFM BY YAWNING. i6o ) -3th FrIzes, $10.00 each Jad a* rwft of FLITURB 51; Vp%gn ft , P -4,F ft�a44LAUP i isconsin, eomwk INS 4th 4 -E - you con From Osbll�osb, W quer XoUrL enemy by 0 -q X# _44414#-6,14,16V44 - h to 2$th, $5.00 each force, li4� better part reinainq uv- AA orfull w",_Pr�x of th�� mi4l Qt.hltr the remarkable story lot a WOM44 who yawned herself to deatb� For PQPV*7 X=NjP-T 7ILT-9 0=31) lihrery wba man UvA 4, p4mehitAq three, days sho, yawned 'without in- = LVP1B,&Q0 AxD :PM " Is of prudence attached to his b4_11pon, decided that- 0 4N. qu� A enthusiasm. she was *U rjering frog j6Qp, beenning sith Mo week ending AFTH 4, a SP=Ial I obscure lesion 1p add The folindation of gelPmpezt 14 a WC61417 rxi= of $5,09 will be given to,the am* szmding in tbo b -ca Of the train, producing laryngeal GrautaA ZT= Shout t u, Good wor1r. Work Is the pAren -S$45 t of enter. spAsins. Remedios 404 41, ent du U*. ldlenc-,A Is, 0;e, parent 91 -ilic N�PVA th;Lt Whom i 4 IQUgo fqT ripg that we$,, n4azing for tho nine =4 -00 pr - A tul-wr of hazq A 4 - were a n ect� -four CA X-5, U45, %%,_btr_hg eg %,5tes; Ii -Q gocQ4 d_ouisterg4 without off in sp%-'441 pfinF, -Pr a gmad total of thigy ��511 F47 text raw. t� �l; - I - Xid:407 lwseaso AuA th4t C14TV nut� Th6 Irdion #'basella,­ A iine, 'Unable, to sleep, she NTAWP� Until ASAWTIS CRARX, bas blw5som IA -e an arbuttle she could 40 so ack Moro fr9m. 10% 1* niftoy W115. CONDITIONS fruit like a blaefterry bush h Ah. The spasyns Vantilined. QrAUta4, Op t, " 4 _(SVgcjV at stifeng Q) - A cloar Own, Rosy 0b".U3 aud and flually. p4ter hours of There fr* no urworta�n SQUIAd eboU0 wl'atf, Am "ono VQnAt"tta dingtly at InXigmly Wit sU(VqrIUi;# dissolation occurred. ft, Ulrc 1041h2u T44 Compuy MAY COMTOIN 13 -emo �lLtcl gright Syca compel Adtt&4- BALDNESS CAUSED -BY I PF AU tb;� 'AM , Pt of John r ner of uws, not c4uuiia wofc 044 54) worils.,;wd libates units Afe; this PlAim. "I Am glad to lot thli tAQA, Several carefully Observed c _s am of BOY'S V.DWAl1KADLN ITRAD. nubllv� kuciw, that 'Padmi xwpoy Woo 111bkon Ard TAW:TVA-*40 age i�o woulau needs to be told -the falling hair IrQr art .4 emotion )'I've M10 death beg just occurred in, Dills li%.Nro cured pie of Lumbago, Ont Of tho CAT45 wma in PuRiag two 1.0 ea --h paekago-=4z be oncl=-A 104h cath taull Qf,%dV4;I1w Chaim of A clear camplosiou, Xf, been i0corded, but the following I* North Cgrollua, of& buy aged six and now I AM PQrfcV0Y 40UH(l." th,%t mclits Sept, man can be blind to the beauty of probably Quo of tue most curious. years, the aft o of who.se lim, 4th. The campWdan dc, -o J440 1, 1943, andalt 4 e,.%ceed� I* tl'.o Way be puts it. Pliwatloried al distw4w4wo.t. rosy cjjevl;,,q, or the power , of A nQr�,MAIIY AQ41thy farmer, thirty, jil all records. jiti total Iveight fa the partiqulars of. his cur.4a mr, gg_- eight 'yeara of age, smy big child qpt�Qf o; Nrfore*M 141arh1hig eyes. And every woman- was 6-5 Pounds. Iiis, tvad, which Flatebwr imid no na tit -ter What hot reaturea may be tbrawn QVt of a �art And traulplell was 4.6 inches M' olreumferenco, "I had tronbled for a. y4mr Blue 1,kibbon Tect Co., Winnipeg, 144n. --Van have a 1*1104 comploglon. upon by a mulo. He aupposod, it welsb4d 00 Pounds. 'With Lumbago ard Xidney Troublo.e. Slue Rlbbon Teo Co-, Toronto, Out - Bright eyes And P. perfect com- killed. and oNperienced in his fright W urine w4a, of *1 very, ba4 color come from Viiia blood -And And anguish V. seilsation at guiltiness VI'Verbrolm-47 want to PAY you end I could get ndthiog to help m?". Blue Rlbbou Tea Co-, V1%nCQUV1er, MC, Pie" And tension in ee bead and face. something on aceg 1we"bilood come.5 from Dr. AfflilauW uijt.** Tallor (rab- "I mmultell 4ovtors but they Pink Pills. Bv ouritbing the blood The child escap;�d witlL A few bruises. lift Uja I'm glad to could not me, Aud I wo'g, E -C avfuacd M.Pro ttm 'Pac of tuc mirm pdzcss tut WAT not in. or Mwo wc;.My pr=%, WilliAm' rjuk Vills ghle vig(ir- but the lathQr's belir. board, and,$etl I Want aVcry chov-0ul frme of X4441d. vvhc-A Ili ft Advatintacutug4witted 14"�Zvf QU Argugth, health. ThappintrM And eyabrows commenced to drop QW10 pay YOU a compligieut an your I deddod to try Dodd's Kiduoy, cqwpoton fit qq4twom 14vaitty. Rom is a bit of proof - the next doy. And by the end of 4 t1atic way of dunpiag. Sh- Pat A P1110. p. Wipxllpq Ttl-�ataul, bu kiadly waiiatei to 1444p "For upwards of threo xQuirs, 1. swi Qr- week be wati entirely bald. A now awrard-Tan deeervo It. Good worn. '"But It was A lact-y day for =,% Mary arowth of hair Apj;learell In,* time, inw. w -hen I did, Alvioat f-mai. tbe arat ed frora anaeuda." 5a�vfl Miss 141 but ninolk thlor, 't V 's "on tuftli 1*11 towln� A vrftv. Uut Voutou Jackson. at NlorniandDlo" Out., ?t� e.V gave rv,� rflic .144 1 wix a4vo-& 14ad no color In rily face, my lips We Lover4s Dry Soap (!a powder) 24tively curko, a" good anoultuto Ue acgovktad ror VV.%U1tQ,*UQ= and gum were, bloadlciss, and I grow VAMY'S UEAZT3L to wa�b voolpati "d flaunets4- , "Ves, =y Lmmi-ago is go;;e ; my V0111 be P044 for 24 the raAct or 02400 *44;b. so Aveak, I could scarcely walk About Y01411 IWO it, Kidney 0044plQInt Is Ror;e at'd unlcsi r:r�7.cvly rcj-�,Xzslt a to thz coizl=y. wo um C420o r.'Ur4ims V. ubtm, V10 house. I doctorc� a good deal Mothers All over the PonilnlOu will Tod4l's Rldney Pillsdid it joll'A' to putlish itz tsm A of r4av viurwm b jolmsolk-'W got to bentfit Until, I beg" be rpareql gjapy gA. anxiong hour it 'lie MW I WAS an addle- Vaild'a uijne�v PME inever faa to it do whral *0 I; ]Dr. AVIlliaras' Pink Vill%. Av- t iwqp always at hand letter with a4dreis arA dato fmz� one, wl.9 ,bey will A, pated jaclzays. 11h. you advise care XldwT Opnniplaint, ,r that Wro I bad tahen them more than a box at Baby% Own Tablets and give RIO to do About It '210 jaeLT_-Ou­11Se0 compl.11fit tates the foriu Q4 UrlRbtla. couple ot'wceus X could am A change tile= to their littip Ones 43 acca,61op a good veterinary.*, DIMM. 112atiptes, propry. Vhoum- ngt gwoatc ivith it, evca try contrast, any un ew.qnt idia, Tho for Via bettor, and continuing the uiW. require. These Tablets bave 'ittt.,W, 844tuca, LAVAO Baeg" at�_ ment I% the coo d -,At Will 104=0 t1c awit. rtoprol to try (he afticlo givefill-ta. We Of the Pills lot some 01100 1009- Paved t6ousands of little baby lives Verit"005 Cannot =4 VMma, �! . or my strength returned, the color And grateful mothers everywhere ac- local 41 leatiows an they eltilnot + �Iyl M1 Caller - "I mWt this -your AsWr'a seen VaqXr Inspirution In A cup of DIU* tAnio bad,. to n4l, face. and I gained knowledge the good they have done 'ch Vle di;QVXd Portion of the t4r. fourteen pounds In weight. I con their little ones. Mrs. B. J. Mc- '110re Is Only, ONO wayto cur* dearness, btrthiwl'', 1-Ittlo ;gid that Is by couMlituttonal rvatedica. Wbban Red L^b*X Tom ancl the rozoulmond Dr. 'Williatus' Pink, Pills rarlaud# NNI ylle, out., writes --"I Dcafness In cauned by un indamed con- tbir, but N.,ou. inutWt atbk ine how Marxer is zrours. ,dition of tho MUC0118 Iklifig Of the Vub- Old tbo 1414. 'cauthe I progniti,ed not to liverY Weak ailing girt or We- canuot praltia Baby's Own Tablets lAchion, Tube. AvIben thiti tutift V$ influm. n"R40 U. ... en got them my baby pa you bavo 4rualt'll"F; 50mad or tin- to tell." e'so viliq are good for all tron- parfect boaring, and whell it Is Irl as very bad twith whooping eloico. li'valroti in t4ho result, And ull. bles due to poor blood or weak con 4. and cutting her teeth besides. les%tue hinammatiou can be tak4a out nerves. Don't take any other niedl- With both thezo troubim at the Game and thia tubi reutorett to normul Mloafd's Uailaput Do Dandful. cluo-sw that the full flame,- Dr. titile she was in cL bad way and co,141tion, begring wilt be deb 'ed to t over� Nino Cases out Of ft ro ca ed I'Villiums' Pink Pills for Palo People" slept 'but little either day Qr nigh, . Catarrh. which to nothillf; latt An Decimal fraotious were Invented by 4. a b (koled Condition of the 01.1r, a Gerition, Johann Itueller, of Is"ut- Is found on the wrapper around Qv- After the second dose of the TAMA MO ery box. It fit doubt saud dirett to I found there was alrea4y a change viceii. the Dr. Wlllfums� Alediclue Co,, for U , NNIQ Will fivei Ono Hundred Dollars for emborg, in tlia year 1464. the better. She slept 'we quy case o pealness (cautmd by catarr ) I BrocIt'ville. Oat.. and the pills will throughtho day And nearly all night that cannot be curcd by Hall's Cat Upre. .3clic for circulars free. be mailed. at 4110 cents Per box or -J3c antl tills was A, great relief to vic. as & L-6..,xoledo. Ang., 110. boxes for $20.50. 1 was nearly worn out losing so 0. R10flAkRD9 & Co - Vy�l boy, 4 yea," much -rest At night. She cried al- ArO tha bott., Gontlqlueu� A old, fell tata a tub of baillug wawr an( M& MONT PAINT TO PA NT RIGHT TBM RAGGED SCILOOL. most jrLemaittly before I began giv- dayii late it maldeil fearfully.. A few va at Ing her the "I'ablets, but in a short IfIggs-l'Your friend Dobbs scomsto f(is legs swello4 to three titues tboir tin Sixty oue years ago we made the best paint v a u zorfR 11OW the Polytechnic Institute Was time U16 COV1911 ceased- S110 cat six be a very 'well educated man fural ijm nail brokeout lit va tit -"X should SaY lie Is ptrotts could got nothingto Iml Ill Founded. teeth, grow cheerful and began to Boggs 4 Is 310 VINI ve kuevv how-knowledgeallaexperlence bave gain wolldorfully. In fact, I believe knows so much that he doZ,#t be- Pill I rocominended WINAUD'S Quintin Irogg. who died rqcantl�r. 3, *wa her Ill.* to Baby's Own Tub- lieve anything.*, 111hWT, which. after us' -pi two bo '! "I plimplevoly, curail blin, and know Oi alother cosea around herealinost aq, Is been aading value to it ever sjuee-iti$ the best 'k�tts� tile founder of tile Volytocludo let$, As I do not t1linic She' would er Institute In London. *Two years have pulled through had it not been Wbeu All other corn preparations fail warkal,le, cured by the saino Valme - paint wo kutw how to make now. An4 just a ago, sAys the London Telegraph, he for t1lem. I con recommend the Tab- try Holloway's Cora Cure. No pain what, and I c-lu truly GAY'l ucvgr bl%ndIft#1 A In was Pressed by his boys to tell tho lots to Any mother who has a cross, over, and no luconvoulance In using It. g1loine wlhlt�h has bAA as good a $silo 0, Ivan such imlyorsal satistaction. little better tban the beSt.L story of his ]lie. 10on be at last fretful, sicIlly child. 11. HIB'ERT, Geuerall1deroba-it complied -reluctantly with their wisli, These Tablets will. cut'* all the San Francisco holds the record of wtitt us, =tutionIng tlits wer. for booklet sbaivinsr howsouto beautt* 7.59 fat homes &Terallaed with Xavitisy's ftiuL& tile story came out of his first Of' minor allments of little ones - 1110Y baving one publio-bouse for every 22 - forts to help tho London boy, are guaraliteed to contain no �plato, grown, loon of its Population. Sir Iforaco Walpole held tka un- A. PAIASAY & SON, PaiAt m0tilts, 110 got two crossing sweepers and and can be given with advantage to beaten record of having been Prijua VONTMAL� Offered to teitch them to read, With the youngest and most delicate For ovrr s;Ixty, 'rears. Minister of n- ugland for,, in all, 21 an empty beer bottle for a candle- An Ozo Awn Wxtz-Tj"zv RnxzDr. - Via child Sold by till druggists or sent w1milow*0 liaotbings years Ily millions of tgarough" baonmeg for over AIM7 Years. stick and a tallow dip for light, by ;jail, at 25c, a box, by writing ers for their children while W15'. two swoopors for pupils, and 131bles the Dr. WilliamW 310diclue Co., Gcod Digestion to I xintrur4sinda tolickani Shoul'I walb 0.1 Appe as reading books, he really founded the t a for lot a leslaut .10 tba tlte.�-To 1mve the stomach well is to have the jb_-t8CbniC ` Illigtitldtti in the, Brockvillo, Ont. le, ISS 92 in tit t a 61'. 'Very delicate E do 1-fivecau 3 Is. is It us Is In to M'._ tbonervous system well. Street. furs an for 3 1 a lot 0 are the digestive Organs. In some so son� 1103M or, AIVISICAL VISIL E-Ighteen. obreirmtorles are at woric One night, when they' were engaged 111tow about the rent of this house u sm* or Otiva are they that atmospheric oil= Lake ilatticaloa, Ceylon, has the On charting the stars. The Anisbed In reading. Mgg noticed a light tit of yours, Flitter? Doestet the lanti- 23-74 affeetthow. 'When they bpeoine bably unique distinction of being map Nvill contain 13 million stars. ilit- I -Raged no better r(unedV Is rocurnbli, pro tho end of the arch where they were lord ask a good deal for it?" r R the home of musical fish. The ter - "Yes; be often asU. fivo and than Parillolee's VogetaLle P1 Is-, sitting - one of the d1odelplit, arches, . Jones - "ItOs a mistake to juidge will assist the digestion so that the hNilty, sounds emitted by these are said to which, before the Thames embWa- six times a month for It." a man by his clothes." jVrs. Jones eitter will suffer no Inconvenience Ana be as sweet and mal6dious as those Mloafd's LIDIMORt hr silo flefilhelo ment was built, opened between the -"That's so, be ought to be judged will derive all the benefits oi his fooa� which would be. produced by a series ptreot And the river, A Cure for RlieuninVisin�-Theintru�slon One of the boys gavo the slang cry 'Of nric ricid Into the blood vessels is , a by his wife's clothes." -3)o �!ou take this intornally?0I of Aeolian harps. Crosslng.,��ho lake fruitf ill cause of rheurnatic pAhis. This in a boat one can plainly disti 'riguisil 0 R AN GOES LEMM 14 fori the police, "dousing the gum, Irregularity is owing to a deranged and These two desirable qualifications,plens, asked the customer. as he put the the pleasant sounds. If an our is boVod with his companion. leaving unhealthy condition of the liver. Any Ant tothe taste and at the same thne ef- bottle in his pocket and took his dipped in the water the melody be- We have Nilexicans, WE the teacher alone In darkness. The one subjeeb to this nalliful affectiou Ivill fectual, are to be fonrid in Mother GraVeal change. "Ale?" said the chomist's conics loader andmore dfstinct. California 'Navelsv HAVE empty , beer bottle and the candle fluda remedy in Parnielee's Vegetnble WorniVi xterniiiiator. Children like it, new assistant. "Great Scott, no! Valencias, and THE aroused the sruspicion of the police- Tills. Theiraction upon the kidneys is I sell it." Sevilles. BEST man, whose light it wal; that had Pronounced and inosb beneficial, and by ! a restoring healthy Retioij,. they correct im- TMT WAS CEPMAIN. 3M.�L:lNT_AL1%T-A-0_ appeared in the arch. He flashed purities Ili the bloorl. The tivo youngsters were neigh- Carlpad every week. All the above at his bull'"ye into Rogg'r face and bors. The one owned a mischie"us market prices. We can also handle your after it niomant's scrutinj moved on. Mrs. Askitt - "I understand your fox torrier, the other a cat. A day The -United Kingdom has only 2,- eir, Eggs, Poultry, Soon after this Rbgg i�ied a novol son is an artist. I)oes he paint or two ago the owner of the dog 800,000 acres of woodland out of its Butt plan.. 11e bought a bootblack's out- total area of 771- million acres.. Afaple Syrup and other produce to advan. landscapes?" 31ra. Rafferty ­"Faith, carme over t4e Avall with a sad coun- fit, sivuhg. the,strap over his shoulv, an' lie do.,not. ge paints fofr-wh- tenance, -And after'some 'ittgultory tage for you. Is t, I THE, nAWSoN CONTAISSION 00., LIMIted., der, and for the next six months wentlout three might capes." conveigation, said: Totally Deaf.-NNIrs. S. X Crandall, For 0- Perry, writest 11contracteda severe cot, a a week, black- "You knomr my dog Floss and .1.1 ted in wybecoin car. West Market St., TOZONT0. 4 Ing boats and sleeping out with the last Nv hi ter, 'Wh lei' resul, 4 your cat Joey?" in,, totally dent ju one ear and partialls boys. M3 object was to find out in the other; After trying various 0 so bow the boys lived, wfiat they fed * "Weli, my dog bad a piece of meat reinedies,andconsuldlig severatdoctors, l)n, what it cost them to live, and 0, and lie. thought'yo-ur cat was going ON withoutobtaining any relief, I WasAd- A -BOUT WE ow they coula'best be reached AMERi vised to try Dr. 111toittis' Eolectric Oil. I : ST 0 to take it away from, him." ind puured � OWN The next winter the raggeii school warined the Oil , a little of it a "Tboughtl" c;claimed the other. nto iny.ear, and before one-lialf the bot- BONDS. A 0 "What inakes you say that the dog began in earnest i7i a litile room J . 0 tie was used my hearing Vnis cOVIPIOWY 9 ACOBS : wbicli,cost,,only,sixty doliars a.year thouglit? You know dogs dbn't - restored. 'I have heard Of Othcr cilses Of NUMBER -and. dearnessbeing curea by the useofthis down Lin allek off the Sti 0 think,,. they instinct," In '1881 the Pofyiecb�nic Was 'for 9 "Anyhow," said Vie owner Mr a of the sale and Hogg bouglit it. The -new a dog "I . don't care . whether he Of is I sues of Cavern - OIL GOING TO T L IT. Mr. i-lowell-"MaVs all the school was opened on Sunday, Sep -m 1b 0 it or�whetber he merelyin- d 11 - went :and MunlalPal tember.25, 1882. The first night a 0 -illed The Great South' mekcan screarning in the parl6r V 9x s, '�o�gl't tho-usand membei's we're' b6oked. .0 POSITr&- Y Cm. stili.ted- it-, bl�t, anyhow). he h 1�fieuwatlstn Curt.; 'the kind that Nowell-" Carrie is singing till debentures purchased 9 your cat." after thorough expert During the first winter the number cares in a few days the most ob- CharleY C011leS-7iUSt to. kill time." FOr 0 , . Investigation. so on tho7usarid.,.When *I I �iate and pailikul, t , ird-Liched'nearly v 01 st I cases. -Xowell--�-"Time seems o die a COULDN'T STqAND RAQS. Mr. I people who Want an -�ffbgk ivrote his a,ccount� year or 0 If you have A friend suffeting hard.'? tibsolutelystire Invest, 0 from that horror, or froni himbago dt be 1�wo ago, the nuVxbbr inciea:sed 0 LumbailJ6 0 One of -the -leading generals, on big I ment they oann to I 6igllte6n t4ousiand. 0 return from South Africa, brought or neuralgia, it is your duty at ly welled. We have 16 will, iiim a flag all tattered and least to offer itto him. 1twillre- �vj' *ill you altow it cough to lacerabe 4 1 torn and riddled with,bullets, w-lilch i- yonr tbroat and langs and run the risk ot other good Bonds rains Ieve, with the first dose.. Yo h1ling'a coasumptive's gra-ve, - NvIleu, by yielding attvaotive 10- IGHT�I�D,W VEGETABLYS E a lie had c4ptured from the enemy, William Marsball, of Varney the Minely use of Bickle's Jknti-consulllp- terest rates -as hilgh mgllt 10 Unit_ ID 'and which -he shoNO.d with pride to -rUP t1ld' -ed and the veg'6tablet;,new to tl 0c) Post Office, , Ootinty of Gray, tive % pain can be alla3 as 6 per oent. ed States are being cultivated ' in 0 ilis family and ho-usehold. Ontario, 'writes: ditilgel, ,-,voided. Thissyrupitpleasautto Minent,experiment. stations, 'norning t1lis trophy was to was continually juslij,ptissed for relieving MTE FOR LIST. ihe gove Next] I "Fortheliat year I the taste, and i Ing till affections of the -h refereac6 to intraft6nur them, be presentecl to the COJ�1.1111ELjj�her_jn_ !abed. I spont 1juridreds of dollara fr. heahng %nd,cm wit ing and modieines -wMeb proved throut and hings, colds, coughs, bron dbotori tO the truck gardemrs.. A�Thuy are 0 Chief. � Wben lie came to look', for of little relief.' The'first d,)sa of South !hibs, etc., ew, V ro 0 described as , f�llows. Pean tbe flag it ,vas missin American RhouninJe Cure gave rne hi- o1cra"61 'giant propoi-,iions; is a val- 0 'Iftere' is iny flag?�' he cried in slant rolief. . I am completely cured." Live cattle were first landed in DOMINION C 0 N Q U E"N' ha, liable starch producer. , From Alex- 0 cotisternation. s become 0 bi�ilds up into vigor -and health.the, England froin Ameriea in May, SECURITIES -affic, did not ico is a pepper laFgely used. in that 6 Of f0?1 br6ugbt it to blin ei i861, but the regular ti countr ;. a#,d a "h1usk toynato," il� TTI6 110u'solcoepci most sh. ttered systems, It is un Corporation$,. y 0 matched in feinale codi�laints, or begin until 1876. akes delicious, sweet p4cklas� 4 witli a, smile iq -tftion. al debility idefther se' of rxnll�l Sal , f"Iftion. whith in, P I A T 'A ativ vine is a A "I S"It 11p '131 rigl,.t mid rn�,tvdod ener. test[ an X. &doi e and medicinal iluadreds of I 61S f om the 23 King St. East, Toronto. I dis- 'IS, 900d cucuraber, ;also, Mexican, wbicl 0 it, naid -now it lool- 11,L -Ll :Urcd ozes, 0 1 1 O'� , 1 ;".1 In 3 I'd's UnImInt Rolleves trfliutc-s its seeds broadly when ripe -0068 C6,2'st, 0 P as new, $ho sa i d by vloioT�tly expladinq. Chevril, a N U sede(, piant fro,�tt FEurope, pro - Ani ADA LTO & ;