HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-5-28, Page 6el Christ as did that little band of REDENFTIoN OF TilE woRLik.yeira.hxl.bu:rn tiatincia. :tzar i.n the up - E SIMI OF VICTORY. The heal redenention a the world, would not be far off if we could +ha only bring Jeses in touch with, all Brought 41,1P inalinied, An imaginative eeligious Commercial Supremacy as writer once had this beentifill dreafn Nations Together 0.4 how the world w * as /Malin toe be conquered for Jesus, It was. 1 believe, to be ie. the year 2001. A great internatioeal war was about tEnteand wording to Aot of thlh 1.;.airlal Chic:eke., Then all the Intel-. to burst over Europe, een the AA"' 1TroixesnAtAr Ntrea°114,61,41retclac4,1r0n3.11;oeligent members of the Auglonhaxon, tious of that couttnent were divided by wet. Bailee et 'reroute, at tho re,P0 realized as never betore that into two sides. England. (ermann, neeertmentf griculture. Ottawa-) 1 tbe gospel tit Jeeue Christ was not Norway, Sweden. llelgium end 1101 - only the best of all religions, but lend were on the one side. France ,A. deepateli from Chicago see'm also that it is the only gospel Spain„ Italy, Turkeer. Austria and Rev, Freon Ile 'dint Talmage preach.- width peoratees perfectpeace this Russia were upon the other side. The ed from the following text: Exo- side of the grave as well as salve- „eget armies were oniarshaled into dus "AV,ii "*8p..E.0.1. unto the child- tion beyond. two mighty hosts, the treed of whose rev, of Israel Viet they go forwerd." a feet a.nd the rumble of whose cannon ehi The divine coliunand given to tho E. dam Arnold's "'Light of Asia. mane the earth, shake. The Mebt be - 1( lof Israel htbat they go for- unght burn brightly when fed by - fore the decisive battle was to open ward, is applicable to the etehtten the on of the poetic inmginatier, of the camp tires nt the sleeping soh, of God at the present time. I bee the gifted English writer, who mare lieve we are at a crisis in the 'led A dark sitioned daughter of tbe wortirs history. be 1890 my lath- east, nut Arnoldes nLight of Asia" was tound to be as darn as India. diers stretched for mile& and miles away. But the night before thet er preacbed a sermon entitled "41 OA battle operied a strange beteg was sten to go rapidly through the dif- Decade of the Century." By it, he with, its teeming =Mons fax utter tried /o shrew how easily the world darknets darleness black. as that fereut °f the °41°113- -UP°11 enastlan: would ee itunnot beings who. as cannibatsh badge or P. sign. The next morn - ns the eintight, the breast of emit soldier he pinned could be brought to Christ within of Africa. or as darn. ten yeers if every annually bring only oue soul to are be.nqueting off human flesh, As ing the bugles sounded, nIld the Christ and these new converts in all peoples must believe in a God a .armies were drulry4. up in battle ar- tear. would also tndividuefey neinn wine sort, so today, as never be- ray. But wheo the geoernis gave Pre soul to Christ every gonoonh fore, the intelligent, civilized 7aa- 1dte cement:led "Fire I" end "Charge!' year. But today I want to ehow tions hnew that the gospel of JeSns IP" ono gun spoke. net ope soldier that the world cen be. brought to Chriet is the only gospel which will Imoval. „Then the geneeals began to Christ even in Ittts time than that if bring true pow and progress 00)4 quire the cause. They fouod out thp dliristian church win only reel,. Woild. When lIaliVe elder °shed the reeson. The straugo being wit° lee its full oppontuMty and grasp Omen* Victoria the mem* of pug,. the before went from camp to it. I want to dhow this because e lainha strength she lianden camp was Jesus Christ. The badge heneve all the ginat preliminary Mk- $O„ tO-daY. IlloSt, Of the (eve which was pinned upon every sol. battles beve been fought and won wl eh are neceniary for this final tihuirple As Coneord and Lexing- ton and Mom. Hill anti Princeton and Saeatoga had to prevede- the Yerntown stereo -Woe so would trace the great ouwand movements ef the Minion rate to show how We are fast approaebing the _golden milestone where the worm can be redionied from sin. Then I would trh to SLOW how the Angto-Saxon as a human ageneh• can take the chief part in thie gladsome and worldwide trmit if We wia only deed races are ready to confess that dier's breaSt Was the sean of the the streagth of the Inightiea earth- cross. Jestls' lInd at last Conquered. iy govertiments is ceirtered in the Wool of God. Where the Bible is net, there are superstition and ig- norance and brutalizing ernoe. dheis many prelim -Mary battler:leery of peace. There is only one have already been fought and womiway I would. change that wonderful Now comes the practical queetion.jdream of the gospel writer. le ehe at race of people is going to I last great battle of sinful war I The sign of forgiveness and of love and pardon and biall3SSIleSS bad at last spiked the gulls. of War ad tinned every soldier into an weds - grieved and God ,disleoriored. We are augat in these verses that the old iuful natere never can be improved, ever cau he seleject to iji.e lam a God, but when. we receive Christ we •eceive a new nature, a divine "m- ere, are bora frOM above, end Tve, nuat let Christ have full control. 10. 11. But if the. Spirit of Hine iltat raised up Jesus from the dead dwell to you Be that raised up Christ from the dead shall ;deo quieltee your inertal bodies by Ilia Spirit that dwelleth. in you. The words "lit Chris d" and "Chrtet n you" deeerihe the believer, the metified person who bas passed row death to life and Abell not mile into "judgment ter ein (John 24), but it* the resurrectiou hotly Alan, appear before the indguent of fehriet to To judged for ser- vice, our works as saints tried and either approved and .rewortied, else rejected (Rom, NiV, ; or. v. 10; I Cor. lel, 15; ix. R.V.) -the body that becomee a, temple of the Indy Spirit ellen by the 'Spirit in due time become an Marnortel body like untie elirist's glorious bedY, and her this we wait AO Wenn (wine 23; Phil. 20, 21 1 John iii. 2), but it wine to nie that there is in thin eleventh veree some reference to the present body in which the Spirit hats come to dwell and MS power and weguesa to keep it it only We Will be willing and obedient. 12-14. For as mony ae are led by the Spirit et- t.400. they are the SOUS of God. The spirit of adoption which we bone received beareth witnees that W e are the children of God. Seine auk, Ilow does the Spirit, bear wit - 110F5 ? And they twig ler the wit - Yana of the Spirit, supposing it to be Senile tfeeling cre vomit/Mr eat perioice. II is ere^ eo plein in John v, 10,13, then any one who is toss lightly with a fork until wen butter, willing to be taught by the Spirit ,ePated, then add three tablespoons Talhe 13Pleore glves tits meth* foe euti:trotversalull:eaneceie wi4t1.,13010t1:4 tonlv sboalt leviitrotidie rocritrswviinnliero rx,s,7ittloistswaogatain., tnrieuingthe c4oliffaehet: bTethaere. Tbe sctoeficels. HOME. ************ DOMESTIC RECIPES. , Brown Bread. e- Three coffee cup- flels Qf thiele sour leilk or batter- Intin; one teeettpful cookneg owil- aeses, one teaspeoeful salt, three teaepeontule eeleratus, Quo coffee cupful Denial* meel, erne coffee imp- ful white floor and shalicieet Gra- ben), flour to melte A real, Aid bate ter. lialte in three brick -shaped loevee, one and One -halt hours moderate oven. Fruit Cookies, .-- One and elle=bfdi cupfel light browo sugar, one cupful butter, three eggs, eine teaspoonful of einnamou, eloyee and nutmeg uneeiconleiletedi and tbe basting threads tel, one cupful of reisinen one cupful are reetotael, The oiled paper that Of currents, (me cupful of broken Hues coraciker-haxe$ hest f°rei.bis use. oree in narrow str..pa gay, over the seams and baste. --eon of o tailor, mid it It away in the' . 1).(1, sewing room where it will always at had whet). one finds it peceeser* to take importaut inetteutemente„,_ One mother. eau) had a great deal, ef sewing to do for tier large foetal of etneill children, did. away amen nuttorilude mantas; en every, deer treusere for the boyby Sewing: brass ringer ot different eizes to tied bends tit gerenents, awl using thean place of buttonholes in exactly,: tbe , seam way. A short piece of linen tape (ereteetimee dombled) Was passe d through the ringe mid thia tape was sewed bendy to the clothe holding the ring in piece. lethal stitching the seems of an' ergandY. or AMY other kind of Ginn goods tat bothers by eetching lie the machine needle and puctariege cut. strips of paper and baste them - to the goods, when the edges are basted together. The paper is eesily Milled away wlien the stitching is walnut mettle, one teaspoon(ul bane Mg powder and flour to min stiff en- ough to roll nicely, ehiciten Fatties. eo Cut the breast of a boiled chicken lot° small pieees. Put over the Are teecupful of chicken broth, melt A teblespooniul of butter, stir hito it a tablespoon:W. of butter, etrain the broth over it, add half A cupful of creara set over HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. A. useful little thing is the little brvsli that comes for lhe purpotee brushing out the fringed edges ot towels and napkins, which is said to beat the COarSe COlub dot*, the fire to cook till Odd:, then add bign41:scsa'n blench and salt her Own. the phicken and let heat. Beat theletbutinda and peanuts at borne so yolks of tWO eggs and stir in, thee quichly end cheaply that it Madly fill the patty ehelle with the Min-, menus worth while to pay the gee. tore. Season, While cooking, with eer a, double price for doing it. Just POI, and pepper. pour boiling water over the ale Cabboge Soled. — Remove the minds. let stand two minutes, lay! Outer leaves (NM small, firm white a cloth ,and rub the ekins offd head of cabbage- cut it In quarters, Let thein dry, spread in a baking, remove the hard center, then ehave tin with bit of melted better,' the cabbage very fine. Put it in a sPrinkle with line ealteesalt that is salad bowl, sensen with MR, and salt -and brown them in the oven. lune ler four tablespeona of oil and Olive all is used by Peony In place of, tart forth to lead in the laet great ,would not haste the imeriliere of the for me that I might not Perish, ebel..T.P°"" of Ua""t° gatSuP Red say me tableeptionfuls, or whatever humidity is required for brealrfast, etas, whieli is to be fought for tlielArigloddienon race participants. The , (dolm 111. IA). 1 bhileve this Rua ""' (e" ..., Two Is stirred up with tbe beaten white talon of the world !Or ellriSt? 1, night before tha battle was to open receive Chalet end then take Ilia Mock ellieken CraqUettes. I1a8 Jesas a right to leek IT would Waxer Jesus cilriSt go , word for it that it is all as Honeys. cups of rye bread — hoineemade is °f an egg- Put int° a small e"rth' h bone toweed any peopled through the camp of the slay, the ;it is .• that by Itis seedlike for ina 1 the best — chopped. eine one cup of 4 t'a dishy our two Qui"; of "hi wa• naive forward in God's name. more 'nomidently than to the matey and all the peoples ot the I reeeiviog Iiiiii, .,Xlit h o ad Ille eh na mitt, Min to ani a c tide t fe elle ed ;gaol- , 1 .,, -ler over it, COW nn r a d let eta d till morning. Then put into tlie coffee Anglo-Samm race . I° oin vault earth. led by a endue skinned guide. / (John I. 12), eThus I, receiving nod i nether end chop again with a table- aver It . . INTOLERANCE OVER'PITROWN. The great f r the world s rave came the capeadees. Godfrey ghat haw e would have the ruddy, ireeting on the word of the Spirit, :h4:0000nuM :ft buttetir1 all ohm taw, pot. pour creer it the desire(' ant - t mint of boiling water, let boil up battle0 - . ' ' and Freilerhede Barba roesa ;mil Rani- eleaelt wadi enewasion, the guije 1 have the S i "V dedemenion Was fought am won wm of Fieutiene and !Reliant the int= I would call the Anginheahnu tness, net the spirit benairitsyllvitil:tB.essabz latellscrxpluaboiersgroollift iontaizitte3;eilitt 4"5‘' "re' e p le s testimony or wit- ,. grate onion, a scan ,„ t dash half a cup of cold rnifoilerthe frowning l f li ' ' wthis o- re -g -ons ,{Lion Hearted wed Vredvvick. IL ? 'rare. Oli, inv brother anti sister. by ITN word. Feelings water into it, let stand a few mita Ihdlr-nOtbe coneeeration of ;your lives and mace were battered down and :From ulna rave came tipe e the torture duzigeoes of the dead; Igo. but the wore abidee and changes `a Faueepaa with half a tablespoon. Ades to Nettle, thenserve. 1 1 f fl and just helleviug God, we rejoice a cup of itieh milk; wilefi this sonnet; CUTTING A CIIEESE. t, iat tem. who ceoesed the retie line (prayers will Yen Mit bele maim not. ClOing on though this cheater ,1" ° mIr anti add gradually to It ties were forever o retied do i-ne , nuoiing light• Ah, the battle for the chief et which was to cam the we are Joint hews lo a boil add the other illgredinits, The art of elating a W11010 (levee religtoue liberty was a long arid a gospel of Jesus Monet to the fare4illileelirr, and, now Mein forth, by God's 'Gilt in Christ salt and pepper to taste, then stir i into lialvee is known to few. Usual-, hitter etnugglei It was not won in to courtlier in the near future ;with Hint of all that He is heir to thorniest ends of the oath 1 Aleolog - and that freely we receive in lulu In two well beaten eggs, relBOVO"ly it is attempted with a knife. and day. *Wendt., a generation or a the hearts of what people wes the all thins (verses 3,7, 32). from the fire and add a tablespoonful, the result Is Hot sticcessful, The pre - re, hued with Many noble aMhilianS.Inki scene [loran& h nen voo uot, r s couture:. It fought its way through the tieing stones and the bloody *AWNS and the spears and the mar- terdores of Cluintiaus of apostolic times. The tight for emancipation went on anioug tbe crackling flames cf turning Rome. It clutehed by their throats the man eating mon- eters that leaped into the Roman Coliseum. It defied the lowering loohe and the blaephemous oaths of the mobs that gathered in the Flor- entine square of beautiful Italy to tee Saeonarole. die. It folderol all the al:mutes which Fox reeorded in great foreign eeesionary catne first born ? Who tonlity are striving mast t all to chine° and. Christian - he wield at iarge ? it not t members of the Ainlo-Saxon roe ? Are there any people who eaa Ix' more justly called a Chribtlan e than the Anglo-Saxons ? DOMINANT ANGLO-SAXON. The Anglo-Saxon race Is best qualified to lead In this great for- ward movement for Monet also be - cense In this etntury It bolds a, po- sition of dominant power and in- t owe among t natione analogous death. feelings And Triumphant Deaths of t the • ot lemon juice; turn out on a platter per way to do it is to UFO a gm HAMLETS OF ENGLAND,. to cool, form into cylinders, dip in wire. Take a, length of It eefikient egg and bread minutia as WOW, and to go round the cheese and with fry in boiling fat. Unlettered Folk in English Vile stewed Rhubarb. tr., -mut buti,esaoelnhe ortothessepa ereedastremacul(11eaule4lottTi-ei? loges and Their Wages. TILE SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LESSON, ITAY 31. Text of the Lesson, ROM. Viii., 1- 14. Goldep. Text, Rom. viii., 14. 1, 2, There is therefore uow eo condenniation to them that are iu Christ Jesus, for the law of the Spirit of life .in Christ Jesus made .1 et * History of the LiVeS and Sud- iii 1 1 MO free from the law of sin and of the Primitive as Weil as the itroteste to that held hy ancient Rohne a lee may be very thankful for one ant Martyrs." It steeled the back- birth . of Cinestianity. Ethel Foot letstet from this glorious portion of bone of lion hearted Martin Luther gruphically hold the stratenie points pcehauee, but we trust that no l f al the world. as welt as of John Truss. It fought oopen Ole map of ' teacher will be content with the its battle until at last the opened tbe world where You will and droll verses assigned as a lessen, but will Bible was placed in the hand of the dtour liege!. at random. Oilirltear, not only read the whale tempter. as 40288200 people Ann every man was tee key of the Mediterranean. beld seggi, Englund'. Suez canal and extede hut will ‘study the whole free to worship God according to by the thapter. Dr. David Brown extys: the dietates of his conseienee, whe- sovereignty of Egypt by England. olo this .surprisSing chapter the se' - as well as northern Alnico eral Weenie of the preeeding argu,- thee in the hbristian church, the Jewish temple or the Mohammedan utesque. 1 So Bible is fall of the gospel in - ons "to come." "Come, for all tbings are now ready. Come tome, come!" But upon no page of the Bible can you find anywhere the words written: "Come to Christ against your will:" deem° with hate in your heart!" "Come with defeing sin on your lips!" "Come as a trembling murderer is led to the scaffold or to incarceration for life:" Thus we Ind that the second great onward movement for the world's redemption was taken wbee. .bigotry's swarthy limbs were man- arled, wimn the hissing tongue of persecution was stilled and ween re- ligious liberty could lift epther dominated by England. The islands if tile Pacific held by Ovonany, england and the United States. North and Sandi America dominated by the United States government by its Monroe 'doctrine. Europe for the mast part controlled or influenced by C,ermany or England. Both supreme in their own ways—England by her navy, Germany by her army. The whale and the Boil practically' un- conquerable in their own domains. Then where can you find a people Mentally and spiritually and pled- eically better equipped to carry forth this gospel message than the memhera at the Anglo-Saxon race 7 To conquer the world ,for Christ. God is going to Use giants now as he used giants of old. "Cod made smiling face toward the heavens and the violin," Stradivarius used to 1 stretch forth her white hands to say, "but God had to first make fin lead, as well as to, protect, a. free Antonio Stradivarius before he human race. could put together his best violins." 13,et from a spiritual standpoint Under the power of the Holy Spirit why do we say that a great battle the apestolic messengers weee able was won because commercialism has brought all the world into sympa- thetic touch? Is tbe cable stmken under the seas, the telegraphic wires strung overhead, the railroad lines bringing New York and San Fran- cisco int() closer communize., eon than were once New York and Georgiat and the great stearinioet lines turning all oceans into ferries —are any of these to have anything to do with the advent of -the millen- nial dawn? Is that wonderful M- vention of Johannes Gutenberg call- ed printing, the outgrowth of which is the.modern newspaper .press, to have no part in the world's redernp- ' tion? _Oh, yes: The Bible does not say that the world shall grow grad- ually better and better, but it does say that when the gospel of the great movement in the World's his kingdom shall be preached in all the tory has be -en humble and -lacen- worbd for a witness unto all na- spicuous. The origin of the Chris- -lions then shall the end come." And tian ceurcli itself, now numbering how can that gospel be preached its millions in all lands, -was in a euicker to all people than through single room; • in which, all told, tl'e medium of the telegraph and. thee,' :Vero only 1:20 persons. Where telephone and railroad train one, eee eae movement . for the final meet ineet and flow in one river of the water of life, dear as crystal, proceeding opt of the throne of God arid of the Lanfb' metil it Weals to &se itself in the ocean of a bittsful °agility." I have quoted these two verses from the R. V., and they .state the complete absolution from condemnation of all believers in Christ. The sting of death Is sin, arel the strength of sea is the law, but theedes be to.Oodt who giveth us' the victory tbrougheour Lord jesue Christ I Cor. xv, 5(1, 57). 8, 4, That the righteousness of the law might. be fUlfilled‘ hi us 'Wt.C1 Welk not after tbeetleshe huh _after the- Spirit. The law of God is holy and just and goal; it is perfect as God Him- self, but because of our sinfulness and inability to keep 1t it becomes to the sinner the eninistration of condemnation and of death, shut- ting our mouths if we would at- tempt to plead anything but our to scatter the gospel messages ev- gent and pointing us to Christ, who was .made a sin offering for us,. the end of the law .for aightemigness to every one that believeth (II ther. Lindh 9fte 21; Rom. iii, 19; oil, 12; x, Gal. iii, 21, 22). Coming as when he sent. forth Paul ? And sinners, having. nothing but win and where can God got better modern revolving Christ as our Saviour, Fie emissariesl if we ore willing to do is made aintei us rilsiateausnese, and what we ought te do, than among thus we are accepted in Him beeore the members of the Anglo-Saxon God, nen that, We may be fit for Ills race .? presence only, but that eve may by GOSPEL MUST TRIUMPH. righteousness before Men commend This glorious consummation of G131110 men (I dore i, 30; Eplo 6; Matt. v, 16; 'Tit. iii, 8); teat Christ's earthly- kingdom. I believe, people reading us -may see God. will be achieved under Cod's Omni- • 5-9. ,For they that are after the potent power, working throughthe fiese ao miud the things of .t -he flesih, Anglo-Saxon race. Who will lead but they Clot are after the Spitia the way .? The begin nib g of every gs of the Spi .* * d But ye are not in the flesh, but itt the lt; If so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. P meth. and Spirit, carnally n ded and spiritually mindedor (as 111 Eph. iv, 22, 24; Col. in, 9; 10) the old man and the new men are other ways .of saying unsaved and raved, unrighteous and right- eous. The unsaved live unto them - enjoying the pleasures of sin For a. season. .They are in bovdage, to the world, the flesh and the 'devil. . saved nye ne more unto them - f -01.1:0., hat 'uiito Ilim who has re- deemed, us ' by Hes blood and ,has given as _His Sara to live in us,". Ina g '.5 1. 6111 pie s of . the Inoly Spirit (I (ldr. vi, 19,•20;. Cor. iv, 14. 15). This is -the way that it sh.ouid iyut .it is often not so.. erywhere, llut how could suck won- ders hare been hecompliehed in, eso short a time unless God had first sent forth a- messenger, mentally and. -spiritually gigantic, ea ha did p sen ger steamboat lin es an d t ? inay be in such frcight hoats? When the eenision Of a church as this, but it will be Ile New Testaiiient was completed eoieewhcre Where there in ce bend some Years ago' was not the hook of earneSt, consecrated, praying ti legraphed ,Terbatim in onel;night 80;11s: ---men and :women Self sac:rifle- from New York to Chicago?- And 114 ardent. ngoniOng 11 euppliCa- zlan we not, through the conquest mon to Ged for mover. There is an ce a etercennry tommercialion; scateeted proverwiete goce something: El ' *. e• I !Iy in th1 w ot e this --the 'beet -way ler a city eu eye the 1.3,0spo1 of esus Clpist to ito tteon its streetS C.Wan is foe ev- e farthormost Pil.rts. or 11°, Oa 21 hi,ierv 1110i) . (.0 ciebt.b. th0 sidewalk in eo -feet whole rat -lions shall he, born 004„ ,f ,,aa, h The best ' for the Ji nelo-Saxen race to JO a' (ley': "Cii-NIVI:',fl,c;Ar.., PF CF ';',.tet oil this WOrldWide, 1111581011 is hecaese arler we receive Christ the .,,,, not-he,g; ee t.„ 1 yrjjwino,y bra lac , fee vs, os indiviatlnis, 10 810.11 here I•esh, or old i'n!mao, is st11in e, a. nd 'el tie 120 114 e 1eei ,e' wns ad start ierwA little handfel, en- inst?ad of being reekoned dead, pkt 1 tneon een troiceth power of thi., IToly !,--',pirit, we I off, cliet,ifed, it yielded to, indolgied, 221 religions aFe em bled ei tim ‘Vorld's may acc.001pliith nt least as ,mtech for pampered, ;and thus ,the Spirit is do not peel. Cut into ;limb lengthe ,Id211") as to r°V°1 two haadk's' gr"P world without tones a. long time to heaping teaspoonful of soda, then. quart sptinkle over ni these bandies the hand, loop the wire around the cheese and with Nowa from the great, troublous., and to each impess Itself on the inhaldtants. all Stand about ten minutes* r reach our hamlet, or, at any hate, cover with balling water, and let a will; the elweee will loll apart In then cleanly exit halves. Tms method Immo the bulk al them know naught drain off. Mix a generous bait cup of the new Education .et and the , of sugar with a. teaspoonful of corn - county rate, mut so forth. I &lade starch for each quart of pot, My indeed, whether it will :affect ns , using soda you save almost bait the InUell, writes a correspondent of the quantity of auger). Stir all to- gether, cover and kit them cook London Express. All told, the Inhabitants, includ- ing tbe folk at the little beerebouse up the winding lane and the Septet- -lean and his family at tbe 16th cell-. tury farm, number about a hund- red. Of these we mut count just un- der forty adults, of whom eight can- not write or read their own nettles. The shepherd, for instance, can- not, though be is only 36, and doe not therefore belong to a dark age in education matters. The hamlet is, I should say, on the whole, set in a fahly happy village. There is npbody out of work with IIS, and some calculations we have been making tend to show that the folk are not so ill -off - 1 believe that the Weekly wage of the Men, taking the year through, and mak- ing allowance for the perquisites and presents they get, is equal to about nineteen cadtwerity shillings. THEY PAY THE FARMER or the squire a, shilling a tytlek for their cottages, whereas the rent 'would, be half a crown 1!. their land- lords were small and eager capital- ists. The head. dairyman gets -six- teen shillidgs a week, with a -quart of milk „every day; the underdairy- man gets a shilling or so less, and also their quart of milk. „The shepherd has 16s., with 6d. for every lamb he tails.— he has been very fortunate with his hunbs this season,,whicle I hear, is not a universal experience. The carter has 15s., with "wagon money," i.e., so much for every wagon of, farm pro- duce that he takes to the nearest railway station, whence it is des- patched to the junction, and thence to the great city, of which he him- self has only 'hearl tell." Then there is the hiring money at Michaelmas, as much as £4, made in a lump. At Christ/has one of the farmers gave a couple of rabbits to every man who worked on the place; another always gives a joint of beef —the people look on a supper' of beef and ham combined as the greatest treat -possible, so far as eatables are concerned. Of course, we must not forget that there are certain con- siderable expenses. • There is beer. Some of the men say that they could drink four and a half gallons "of a hot day. "% That is- exaggeration. But ten or twelve glasses of beer are not out of ' the questien. By about the teeth glass they of- ten get talkative, so an expert in the trade tells me. After, say, the twelfth, they are apt to be rude in Iangeage. So, now that thelicens- ing laws are becoming very strict, the sixteenth.glass of beer is not often to be reached, save by a man of proved capacity to drink and not be drunk. He—'Yon know, if you • worry about Levery little thing, it's bound to affect your. health.°'.., His "yes, I, know. That's . one of the things.I worry about." . . You„can sernetimes avoid. a lot of ,trouble by not .saying what you think, also excellent if bars of soap are to be cut. CllilLtREN AND LATE 1101111.S. Put children to bed early. It you Istepe to look after your children slowly, either on back of the stove, yourself, don't let them alt up late or in the oven, until tender and sepe ; as a rule on any terms, you need *nate. By adding a little water arid, and ought to have SOIlle time to a little more cornstarch a (kliehn's /tscrurself for rest and recreation, and pudding can be made to eat with it will be bad for tbe childeen as whipped cream, A. STRAllmomnr 'DAINTY. Strawberries In timbales is a nice way of sertiug this delielous fruit, and one destined to become very popular with the progressive cook. Fruit, fish, flesh and fowl are all so especially delicious wben served in crisp, delicate, timbale shells that every woman alio does not patronize the delicatessen stores sbuuld quire the art of malting them for her own housebold. bare in fol- lowing the directions and a little practice will soon make one's ef- forts delightfully successful. For fruit timbales, the followigg in an exeellent recipe: Sift. togeth- er h cup flour, teespoon salt and 1 teaspoon. granulated" sugar:. Beat 1 egg a little with tt fork, niten- ough to get air in it, but -just suf- ficiently to separate the particles. Add the egg with cup anilk to the dry ingredients. Mix until perfect- ly smooth, then add I: tablespoon- ful olive all. The batter should be thin and perfectly free from lumps. Have ready a tkettle of hot nooking oil or fat. To test the heat, drop a piece of bread in the fat, and if it will brown while 60 is being count- ed, the temperature is right for the timbales. Put- the timbale iron' into the grease to get hot, and when heated sinleit inter the timbale batter to three-fourths of its depth. Put it into the fat .again with the batter clinging to it, and cook to a delicate brown. Then lift the iron from the kettle and shake the shell tiff onto brown paper to draM. Keep the fat at an even temperature, and be careful not to drop the iron to the bottom of the kettle, or the tie:a- bides Will have holes in the bot- tom. If the iron is too hot ot not hot enough, the batter will not cling to it, but this will very soon be dis- covered by a little practice. ^ Dust the timbales with Pbwdered sugar, and fill with fine, ripe, sweet- ened strawberries mixed with whip- ped, -dream. Heap whipped cream over the top, and senee whenever a very nice strawberry dish Ss wanted. , ,SEWINp 'Room NOTES. A Small pair of pointed scissors, hung from the setting machine by means 'of a long ribbon tape, will prove very useful in coaxing the fine corners' and particular edges under- neath the presser foot, holding them down, . an11 lt.coPing them in good shape. They also save very much fine basting which would be neces- sary without their 'use. One thing the home dressmaker ought altvays. to possess, and that is a tailor's tape -measure. The ques- tion of -"fit" is so very important in these -days that one cannot afford to make a mistake because of an inac- curate tape-meaSure. Purchase one well as yourselt if you don't get it. The linportaet thing is, get your thoughts directed into fresh cheered nes. or in time yea will 111141 it dire; lienit" to talk or think of anything' except the house and the children. THE PULLMAN SLEEPER. Experience, of a Nan Who nes Been There, "Soine folks sleep in sleeping ears —any ono who has ears can nwear; to that — but 1 ant not so gifted,."1 says Mr. rOrd. "1 attribUfe thisr mainly to the blankets (sh-celled!).. Bret. Mule says a sleeping cars blanket is of the size and eonsisteecd, of a cold buckwheat calm and sits equally well upon. .yon. Certainly .thq are eaMposed of spine. weird. ,uncanny sunetanee, hot in summer, cold in winter, and maddening ig spring and fall. For a man of three; , „feet six they are of ample propoodt tions; for a man of six feet three - they leave much to be desired, and the tall man is kept all night in suspense as to whether he had best pull up the blanket and freeze his feet or pull it down and die of pneumonia. "And then the joy ol getting your clothes on in the morning, especial- ly in an upper berth! To balance' yourself on, the neck of your neck turd While in this constrained atti- tude to adjust one's pants, without spilling out one's change or offend- ing the lady in the adjoining sec- tion, requires gymnastie ability of no mean order. You are at liberty to vary this exercise, however, by lying on your stoma on the bot- tom of the car, and groping under the berth for your shoes; which the African potentate has, in the • still watches of the night, smeared with blacking and artfully eoncealed. "But what a change comes o'er the dusky despot as you approach your destination." That frown before which you have learned to tremble is replaced by, a smile of childlike blandneSs. His solicitation regard- ing your comfOrt during the last ten initiates of the 'journey is really touc.hing. And when,, at last, he draws his deadly :whiskbroom upon you, all your resentment disap- pears and you freely bestow upon him the money which you have been saving am to give your oldest daughter music. lessons." JUST LUCE A ClIBLe "Poor fellow," she said: ,"Ile pro- posed, but. e.:.E have had to refuse ``Ali 1'' exclairned her dearest friend. "Then that explains it." "Explains what ?" . "Brother Tom said the men at t.%e club were all congratulstitg something or other hest Aigiet..