HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-5-28, Page 4eineastreneeteeeetesieheeaeneaerte .
eneh wen
' ' •seasee aeneeee. eee.
Oxilter brinate,
Oleos, Sanders,Eclitor and Prop
TIHIRSDAY, HAY 2.8,. 1903
Miss Mosure, of Dathwood. seene
few clays be tiering the week.—Mr„
Andrew Elliott, let' Woleelye N. W,T,„
Deer.n.--With a life that wae bright
and promising .Miss MeLaeghlin was
the lieht Ana life of het, home only a
few agort daye ago, To -day she lies
cold emenilent iu death, the sad and
sudden eallingeoming on Weduesday,
at the home of her pArents. Mr. and
Mes, Edward AfeLateghlue Lot, 26, Con,
0, Ottly it few days previoes to her de.
/Wee site heel bei attending the High
is spending a few days with friends in $°1'`)Q1 11"1"11 aaa was alwaYe
aaet emend ceeeeet. is many eriee„le deemed a general faVeri.teonly
are pleased, to meet hitn en hope, e
h with the scholars, but with 'the teach -
will have a pleasant tune, }ie intends
tahing a car of borses back with him.
—At the last meeting of the quererly
Hoavd of the Methodist chnrcb,a, hear-
ty invitation was extended to thelet.,
A. Thibandeau to remain for anotber
year. That Rev. Thibateleati and hies
worthy family are bighly esteemed a na
esteemed goes without saying, and we
siocerele,, hope and trust that be will
Mr, and Mos, W. T. Viens and eland -
rein accompanied Lev Mies 31. Bi•own,
spent Sunday with by
in Sarnia.
and M. R. English and sou,
Sellierne. visited Mr, mei hits, ?debt -
taste in port, Huron during tile boll-
dayn—Mies P.. H. Teas attended the
Tetiehere Association at Exeter and
spent the• holidays with her eisten
Mrs.. Mooe. of Lotielesbero.—Miss Up-
eball spent the holiday* visiting rent-
tivee new Springbanh.--illie and Mrs,
W. A. Wilson, of Lontiou, tieemilpeei•
led by Mies Cerrle E. 'Wilson spent the
holitioye here with tbeir parents. Mr.
and ire'. W. J. Wilson.—Rev, S. A,.
Carriere is to address the Maecabees
on the evening of Jime 7e. h. at 7.30 p.
en., in the tioetoo Methodiet ebureh.
— -
Mr. and Mrs. James Cawphefl spent
Sunday in the village.--eelis$ be
Tintellison is spending a few days wit
ber sister. l'kfre. Rolainne-Mr. F. D.
Hatehinson, *Pent Thursday m Strat-
for4.—Mtss Mabel Miller spent laet
week here with her eonsin. Wee Ada
Norris. --F. A. Howley and w:f spent
Sundae in Soatorth.—A wand er trom
he toot'. in the spot e et Mitchell on
Mondeee--The Rev. Mr. elarbett,
-Doreen preached the Epwortli Leanne
annie'et'Sall'Y 6ereleeSn theMethailist
demote His eernione both morning
and evening were hem inetruetive r49 wheel Rieder ended, in hos death. at the , holm ha which the children ere allow.
even 444 intereetiug.— I. Role and wileh 4.'44 of 52 'e.The deceased bee* ed to rual without. any 1, yetraint. Oar
of livrA su-nt 1"."' t411". APLA-tollig freerldelat thhe tlewm5MP .etreets are lined with them at night ;
ers as well, and an she passed to ssusi
from school her huoyeat spb•its were
Always revealed and many the pleas-
antword escaped hex" lips, Her an
in life was always to please °there he -
fore hese lf and by tbet she won many
friends who will be sorely grieved to
leoro of tier death, ".The Rose is fair-
est when its building," which ea p tru-
ly he Applied. to Temperance Elizatiethe
as she was almost budding Into wo-
manhood, she being in her 17th. year.
The funeral took place on Friday froio
the family residence at 9 aan, to St'.
Petrieles church, ancl the large with-
ering showed very empbatimile. the
profound latpresenee her death made
Amon all claws of the community'.
We bespeak for Mr, andhlefeennhe
ha the sympAthy a an.
Junes eliavin, son of Me, JOhle
in, of the townline between Stefthen
and hleGillivary, underwent a, exilic -el
operation at the hand of Dr. Wisharte
or London, and Dte Rollins of Exeter.
for appendleitis. file ease bad deveh
o into a most critical, oiae but the
operation Was sitecosinily performed
innt the patient is now doing nicely
with every hope and bulication of re-
our sad ditty to tword that once more
has the grun reimer with hia sickle
keen invaded our midst, Ott Tneeday
just, as the sun had kissed the world a
smiling good. night and sunk to rest lu
its bed of crimeou and gold» the epirit
of our esteemed fellow eitizen, Mr.
Richavd O'Hara, of the inth concession,
after an illneee extending over a year,
vacated its habitation of clay and
wended its way to the land of light to
walk forever 41111 the Rimy lit hille of
immortality'. Deceased was attacked
altatit a year ago by la grippe and a
complicatieu of disease$ followed
10 -
young people. As is (lanai the briies.
are showered. with presents told the I
presene one was not ftwgotten, as was
uoticed by the reagnificeot spread,
testifying to. the hign esteem iu Which
she was beld. Her weleenee smile will
be ntiseee here nod, we. will el ways have
a warm spoe and tot open clooe
ever she panees thia way.
tilegi.*e and :Moral Training.,
At the session of theTeiebers' Oen-
veneion weeutly held in Exeter te,
wnich discipline and moral trail/big
Itzaends l‘sveeumsserlasiavlseledia twoh:eohbakatenrla
higher moral etAtes among the popile
Of (Ale publie sehoele severel state.
ments were made by mar experienced
teechere regerding the melee for SQ
much trouble in ono/ming the doe re.
specte obedienee and diegeoce from
the pupils of tonley, Some suggee7
tions were also made AS to the way
thie could he remedied;
An were atreed that it is the duty
of the teiteber to help bend up the
character of the child aed to enable
him to become on industrione, law
abiding, Ged-feAtiog citheee; it was
aleo Ceeeeded that there werg great
tally wbich *teid. in the
way of the teacher tryiug to accom-
plish thin These may 1.ie et wale le-
steurerrostutnedtibn; poaltuolinttE;;of Exeter and the
A line per centage of aux pupils
have little or no home treiniog; these
come into our echoole indieertminately
with children from the eery beet
chtletien home, In order Wet the
latter may receive no harm from the
former the teseher hes to he continn-
idly on the alert to dieetwer their eon-
versittton, to group °et -the nee a pro.
blue litnguegentrel, if neceoary, to so
seat the pupils aud oeersee them that
theY may nut Verne in conteet with
mob other, this reqttiree the tit-
umet dillgenoe on the part a the.
teacher. Again pupils go home with
wonderful tales ef Seho01 troublee in
which they (as they say) haye received
gross injustice from the teacher, ne
parente often forget that there are two
sides to a story and directly oppose
the teacher, holdiug hitt/ up for diems'.
son before the children. hithae is the
result: The vhildren hack to eebool
quite prepand to repeat the former
ads -conduct and show defiance to the
teacher because the,y have been upheld
at home.
Thew are also tile long evening
giitet4S 4.7illr• and M". rilliloam— anal wee knowta and reepeeted by the etae awes en the camera enoeenh area
Sinai tee with anal •;les. veil., or ,sielefies-e weer ont tne eon Led" 'with ant lenity. the gh,h1 ere eet, „pea
r. -otit ms; Jai:ph Walden •Vent men -trite of lts reeidento Veers, Or accrue -lief to vecent, statement -4 nettle
at Sell 441ii h, and "meaty it in the then, but the gelltee exeluded Dorsi this evil peaetlee
iredeemei and senetificen tirequis to Its °rho passor..by, tevglituy It he er ehe
!tee arwie, "n wither titrmgfat and • be a, timelier. Is not infrequently met
irshorne bewaty for the resurreetion of the by smile Inipudent remark from them,
DrItNairt.11.-=-0a Th'IlFs1143. Ile It'aVeS nid'ettu tielniae , One method seggested for neeemg;
mealii;ca' 13'4 114.11wve" Taw 4" t"" beIrmteed locatser in fife, an:I five thee enTheagees ai the euehreete,e,
enee one of hhe trune e„nt eot e tree end eind huebenil and roughe about by what cilia he tom-
4*'61'047:17`1" ri74S 1.17''5"*E"*" 1/"1/21'44 4-"hii3ren wile feel that ileY hare terente and teachers. This cootie h
tee !pa eeneeeeion, med befall e ankh loving father. The ftilleral thlt Flitlar ed a 1,944 hoes oweau.„-- for It ie, (Tr.
there; eeelit he dem' the erain hobo- was a spirtia.,shwt v.111111ar @ante of Wilily a feet that tiolimme tr.li:Ilimr
twg wa.: 4.fleviope1 in tlittps. The lite noveyeaet• ;Ina .yaspatny. whers• there is any) is left to the
s. oi t au , 1 t, i h t
sown sr,. oil to the adherent hien, and i Rione-Inet 'even WO Mille neither. At these theetiuge the patents'
— ' " "" •- - - --°'.' -'e-- - "- - / ' '• "9' e/' mention id a pretty wielding on the mai teeehers would meet on equal feta-
. enelter with an !leer sennenae, ineltel. t hilt volivessiatii, wbile this week it ing both as teachersand trainer...4'01e
ing eittilee. mower, tomr,v. rake 14iLiut . give,4 w, @ greet u' -e to reveril the eallte children. There views anil Cots,
I, , • 1 .• .. .. , e.h
a ,,i;1„A, atti e.i.1,1,1 tl,tene t ie tied: phw e:it @lb` 110elIe Of twilit Le atterehaeged loud, le 0
, yilm,, e4e, tee, 0.
4.31,, :, eel ateeet eaa a 'wee; dela mane Me. ani Mee, !toAileilt, ltO'eal, ai4'the elth teetient or Nall 'pallet% The n,,,,s,-ity,
other al *him, law wee i'lli whieh the. '.14"ne'oS444'nis Ott NolStlaY OfternOtal, of regularity and met
innelity 4 ,4111.1
ea., .e eemeeee wee, 0.41044 elk31ale Intle k being :the israriage tit made plain to tbe pirente. Then I
tee! to !matting i4, hank utaterneoth ft. 1h411* evened :a enghtee. ,Miee Esthete ' tidal, re
idl, to a gat Min
e, the parents,'
bet tow Ihe tire etarted is a myetet e !Om sel wished to eve, the Inine happy, . eonld do away with so fiequenny eit'l. i
. ne the meat.; aesentliled on the fog of notes of wilieli the follewing 64
e eee ep et- lewn. Vix• 11,1, I t"*ti-i tUvmunlile: leaee le:weer MO11.4.
t`o. 'aux ee eiteu and let him Intrbluni; at fenr ail thie
Metiregor, of Pavkhill, het made Ma week caul oblige Mtn.
join) le 14toleo Mieq, Rethei item or etuirse there will be always some
3 tosigttrvilliv. 111,.: awl wit..., ill,. shunt, tot tit in all his eases in whieh the e Maor-
i Z. „F Mu& _114,,,tb luey and Lally dewed uith Joy ally Villyward and ore beyond the eon -
nae eleluwd :Mother a the oiejeet '& "Z "ntl I.hh "E""nY tOldt WV- tt'01 helh Parents and teat:hem. One
end peeps at, the neppy couple, whose ease Was cited in Whitill matibuother
eente of of Roeerville, in the person of
,•, feelings. The bride. wbo was beeum. who had sixty pupils in her intim ; tlie
thild WnS IntrntitIeell With the ft)llow-1
ing remark; ":"We have tried every
means at home to control him but we
can do nothing with him; we want you
to take bin and keep him straight."
Now how did that far-seeing, Judicious
parent think that that teacher could
ly 4,, 4% 4,1 1.40 ; 44veutt tilt dr It' llrin p1 e' alpf where t 11...mystic tillitnie in his enograpby mid veiling,
toe bright couuteneeees betrayed thoir brungbt her geandeon to a tearber
Martha, MeMilon, relict of the
Matthew Ingle' attired, was aereated tinough,
rewind on Fled ty List to the great age the trying ordeal by her sister, while
of 00 years and 0 months. The de- the p,T00111 was ably supported by 'Mr.
teased enjoyed remarkably good Steeper, The eeremouy being over,
health until a, short time previous to
the bride duly kiesed and the happy
her death wheu she was attacked with couple heertily congratulated, the
la grippe, and the ravages 4A the dis-
ears company, to the number of abont for -
ease, coupled with her ads:nice ty sat down to one of the beet peovid- "keep straight" that obild along witb
eaused a general breaking up of the
suffering ed hanchemie that ever a wedding her. her slaty?
system and after nine days
she was ealled to her long home. The ty had the eirivilege to enjoy, it belting Let me just state in conclusion that
deceased was a- native of neotiand,
coming ea Canada, with her husband
over sixty years ago. They fleet set-
tled in London townsbip and ahema
few years residence there moved to
this locality, which was then a vast
-wilderness with scarcely a trace of the
woodman's axe to mark any progress we bestow on her every good wish for
k °wards transforming the broken for- her future happiness and that of her
ast into the now well tilled fields and
beantifel surrounding country worthy husha,nd. Mr. Stokes is em -
much enjoyed by all. Our little -burg
derived its namefrom that of Mr Rog-
ers, who predeceased his wife about
served in a most up-to-date style, main- the teachers ere working for the best
tattling for Mr. and Mrs. Reid the en- interests of the pupils and if the par -
viable reputation as host and 'hostess. ents do not to -operate with them the
The bride 'seine of McGillivray's hdr- desired end will certainly notbe reach -
est daughter, and while we are loth ed. ,
to part froiu her, we 'muse not be sel- • OteLooKEit.
fish, and as We see her carried away to
brighten Mr. Stokes' home in Petrelea, Arthur Blow while at work at a ma
ployed on the Michigan Central Rail-
way, at Petrolea, and is a shrewd,busi-
rtess-like and amiable young man, and
we have every reason to believe that
seven years. The funeral took place the sail over the matrimonial sea will
to the R,ogerville cemetery on Satur- be pleasant and prosperous to these
chine in John Webb's planing mill,
Woodstock, was caught in n, belt which
carried him to within a. couple of feet
of the ceiling. His clothes tore and
be fell to bhe floor. Be was badly put
and sustained serious internal initirieS.
Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat
ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene
tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists
Sten -hen Council TT .cLeaven-Directed
'The Council of the township of Step-
• hen cona,-ened in the Town Hall, ()red -
iton, on Tuesday, May 26th, at 10 a.in.
All present. Minutes of previous meet -
e Clerk of this Mimicipality notify 1 "
the different pathmasters, who draw '1111.11E'S CEO/
bag read and approvecl. Resolved that
gravel out of Huston's pit that they -
are to leave the pit in the same condi-
tion as it was 'when their Division et,
commenced doing their statute labor. n • • • i
The following °rulers were granted:— brOUgiiii Bail To Perfect Health From -What Promiced - To
Municipal World, forms for Assessor,
ae equalizing U.S.S. Wee P. Shenk,
f r -
vep. eaIvert. $1;E. Hill, do., $1; Do.,
do., on S. Boundary, $1.50; Do., de.,
and lumber, Eastern Boundary, $6.50;
J. Baxter, refund of statute labor, e12;
Do, rep. bridge:Ind work, $8; George
O'Leary, prating in culvert, $1.25: 0.
Baumgarten, rep. 8rd side road,$11.50;
G. Wein and others, ditching, con. 6,
$6, R. Hodgins, ditch, $2; W. White,
rep. grade, 00n. 4, $4; J. Statton, eul-
culvert, Con. 22, $2; H. Essery, clear-
ing right of way on Con. 1, $5.50; G.
Ford, working at ditch and road N.B.,
$1e.55; Do., gravel froth pit, N.B.$2.80;
F. Page, rep. culvert on River road$1;
J. Houlahan, putting in two boxes and
hauling. plank, $1.50; A. Morenz fiill-
ing in road and rel. hridg,e, $3; G. K.
Kienzle, grading, N'. B., $28.80; De., dd.,
township, $44.85; sundry persons, do.,
enense; A. Morrison, do., $8.75; Schroe-
der & McPhee, bridge on Cons. 16, 17,
$10; S. Schroeder,' putting in culvert
and drawing box, $2, Gravel contracts
to the amount of $803.00 were let.
Coencil ad-jOurfled to meet again on
Monday at 1 o'clock pen.
Eilber, Clerk.
Be A Fatal Termination.
Thousands of estimable and promin-
ent people uninfluenced by newspaper
notices or even the advice of friends,
have, in some Heaven -directed way
ased Paine's Celery Compound and
saved themselves from sufferings tied
Would to Heaven that the thousands -
burdened and oppressed with physical
agonies, wearied, despondent, sleep-
less and weak in this month of May,
could hear that mysterious whisper,
"Man! Womaell Paine's Celery. COM -
poll ad will banish thy disease and give
nnto thee that perfect health and life
which lead to happiness and oaten t-
Take courage afflicted one; though
physicians have pronounced you m-
ei:rattle, let us assure you of positive
aid and cure. The virtues of Paine's
Celery Compound will give you, in cis
large, a measure,- the -same blessed re-
sults that were experienced by Mr. T.
Partnedo catteee Fatalitiee in Web -
Hastings Neb., May 406--e•A series of
heavy stOeme„ two which. develoeed
trite the tveret ternadeee that have vis -
ted Southern Nebraska for years, pees -
ed t;Ver Portielle Of Clay, Franklin and
Kearney Counties yesterday, Fit -
teen poems, are heowa to have leet
their lives, and ever Seen. of. per -
Solas were more er hen eerieuely
in -
Le dead teehlor Norman—
Daniel,McCuuly, Robert MeChhdhs
hire. john Weblever. Mrs, Rad Dame
Mrs. C. A.. Tipple, Near Upland--
hutherAn minister, name unicnown ;
Mrs, John -Peters, fareimhs
Curtis Lamers and roether. At Paul-
ine—Mr. mid Mrs, jarnes Mentew and
child, Frank Quigg, Flere Palmer.
Jahn Palmer,
NeAr Norman, At the home of Daniel'
McCurdy, a number ef relativo and
friends were spending the day, and net
en e in the house ocaped cloth or ser -
u5 injury. Two mike emelt of Upland
German Lutheran services were being
held in a eishocil house when the storm
struek and dernelished it, killing four
ef the oecupants inehiding the min-
ister. and inuring a member of others.
The storm was equally destrective
Fairfield, but the people were warned
o ite coming and soeght eellars for
eefety. dwellinge were klown to
3ieces at that p/aee, but their /mu-
pents eseaped irijory with a few excep-
none, Every dwelling and outbuilding
ht the Path of the tornado was blown
to Owe, and the financial lose Ulu*
far accoented for will reaeh about
Sitnons, ofEverton, Ont., who grate,
fully writes as follows:—
"I have suffered from neevousness,
run-down system and heart weakness
for a loeg time. Very often spells of
unconsciousness cattle over me, and
last for an hour or more each thne.
When consciousness returned, I vvOuld
find myself exhausted and quite sick
at my stomaeh. I doctored long with-
out any good results. I then heneilY
commenced with Paine's Celery Com-
pound, and soon became a new man.
•I am feeling splendid just now, and as
strong as ever before in my lifteehanks
to your great medicine. I advise all
sick people to use the great compound
that did such a grand work for tile."
If you are in' need of free medical
advice, write to Consul ting Physician's
Depaatinent, The Wells & Richardson
Co., Limited, Montveal, Que. All cor-
responcledce is sacredly eoafidential.
Firemen Called Out to Assist the
Montreal, May n5. ---The steps taken
:he the Authorities to prevent buther
rouble have beet/ effective. Not oely "
were the pence eupplied With reveivers
for der duty, but fifty firemeo. armed.
with batons and revolvers, went on
luty to 05541 in keeping the peace.
Thee bad instructionsto tura the bosh
on city body .of chimes in the streets
that Avail refuse to disperse. The
..hiee-oe empowered the Chief of POliee
to peeving any :furthee attemut to forte '
p puede of the etrikees and to .hrreat
the leaders. Dail was refused to
men who Were arreeted yesterday, and ,
they will be hept in the cell4 until their
caste.- have been ineeetigewd. There -
was little lawleseilete en the sureeee
leg sonic of • the melte were tarn
2.Thirty-sie care were operat-
ed eTeeteriley,. ane Senator. PQMet,
ihreie of dmpany, promisee o
Dearger windier toelay, whieh will
be tun on a epeciel eehedule. - No at
tempt will be made to rem the care aro;
ter earn,
Th6" Power Comprny Wee been able :
10 Iteep the city Hee aed, end the liatt-
aita• says he V.lil hat e no trouble nerin
llaeinit the men, 'Sferater Fort .sayt.
.t,tt more mon than ean be wed at
sweet are offering, but all the cars
,an be supple, with moil& po•
ileetavn t preteet die crews, anti the
p;ihlic will be keet going until the
etrincre nivein.Serie of them have
elree..v enre so, nee many applica-
tiere teem relion. who wish to eater as
feleee ere heine eeevived. The 'revs
111 operation teelay were Well patron-
ize'. Every eihot vl e mole to pro-
ven: a repetition of the SCOW'S of yes: -
A Wife Saw Her Husband Kill Her °
Fattier. i
Portland, Ore., lily e6.—Crazed by 1
the fact that his wit'e had obtained a i
divorce frren him, M. V. Leasia has ;
shot and killed his father-in-law, F. H.
Drews. Leasia's fOriner wife witnessed
the shooting, and later was compelled i
to accompany Leash to parts unknown.
Before disappearing Leasia and his
former wife appeared at the 'residence
of a neighbor. whom Leasia asked to
are for his babies for an hour or two.
Leasia alleg,ed that Drews was instru-
metital in starting the divorce proceed-
ings, and for this reason he shot him.
Death of Dr. Gillen.
Belleville, May 2.5.—(Special.)—Dr.
Erastus Gillen, M.D., aged 38 years,
died last night at the family residence
from rheumatism, with which he had
long been afflict ^ 1. He was widower
and leaves no family.
Tee Gamey Case.
TorontO, May 26.—Mr. Johnston fin-
ished his -argument in he Gamey case
on Saturday, and Mr. Wake replied,
after which Chief Justice Falcon -bridge
aura en -ed that the tommissioners.
wcee. report to the Legislature early
in June.
Parliament re.ssembles bi-day. • .
Frost has 'damaged crops in parts of
Wreckage from a largo steamer Is com-
ing ashore at Meat Cove, Cape Breton. ,
Mr. George Hatton' s residence at Fet- '
erboro' was destroyed by fire. ••...oss 110,-
000. • ,
R J. Rose, 'a contractor, fell from a
flagpole In North Dovercourt and vas
killed, ' •
A mOnument to the late, Capt. Milligan
was unveiled at Newtonville by Col.
Cotton. .
The Governthent of the- Mals, States is
taking action t check an attetA, 'zed com-
bine in the tin ore trada. ,
The Swedish Consul at Nystad, Finland.
has been dismissed for participation in
the anti -Russian agitation. ' •
The arrest of Coreans who sold land
and buildings at WIJu 'to- Chinese and
Russians has been ordered.
Mrs. F. Beck, Senator Samos McMullen
and' Dr. Beattie, Nesbitt, M.P.P., and Pr.
S. M. yenry. of TTarrIstonlaid cornor-
eteneS of the new Mothodlet cb at
Harriston, •
!finis for Weak Stomachs
Rai slowly, masticating the food thoroughly, even more if
possible, than is recelli,red, in health. Tile more time the I404:1
spends in the mouth the less it will spend in the etonlaell "
,Avoid drinking at meals in general,
dyspeptic stomachs manage dry food
better than that containing much
fluid. Uat neither very hot Uor cold
food- The best teMperattire is that
of the body. Ile careful to avoid
exeese ila eating. E"at no more than
the wants of the s?rStent Tefilliee.
SOhlatitnes lese than is really needed
must be taken when digestion is very
weak- strength depends not on what
is eaten, but an 'what is digested.
Never take violent exercise of any
sort, either mental gr physical, either
just before or just after a mak
Never eat more than three timea
day, and make the la.t meal very
light. Vor many dy-r,‘,.pticS,. twe
legate are better than more. Never
eat a morsel of any sort between
meals. Never eat when very tired,
whether exhausted front mental or
physical labor, Never eat 'When the e
mind ia worried or the temper rurt edk't
tree if you can possibly avoid it gat only
food that is easy of digestion, avoid.
lug eomplicated and indigestible
dishes, and taking but Me to three
courms at a meal,
After Meale take two ST. JAMES
WAT141161 telleve Ot• Jatoelt W.,a,fer0
t n a Atte nte moot e9mptete soe.q.,
half 01904:144.11114 Alnat
glassful lritek" lee Itnt
Of. lefat X)r. ° 44° 7°*
Price la Canada $1.00; iteleatititg,neottatat.
She bottles tor $5.00 They
help staunch, digeSt food and.send
the, nutriment throtilt the blood,
and this is filo honest way to get
health and strength*, the kind that
lasts, develops and breeds the energy
which accomplishes much.
48 liffiaai5 5 etas
Si Irmo If lif$41. are note ecorrt
tonne"; to thenunceeent 44104 ie...
(QIIIrlelfdp1g ibcnr 44.ein /agents
we wail the forniul„.4 Oen moot.
where deaTeasere uet eeltineehe '
Woke*. thee ere mailed wee
eche of iariee at the Cattaeli-e. •
brasell; St. •Joriet Vattra Cee
- St,. lecelat;2.
41.**** ve*NPRIA,
eleee." seeeniene,
• e 4"844'9¼.'
finurcursei.,2$1140- lba. whole milt; par ;mar.
owls -vs* ;ma 1,4 44 *0 4* **
lalialleal No. a - aeo
0-1UMV$It , %Gag te
oiaellta7"Ventettela 1020
44 44 44 44
44 4.1, 44
84 4* ' 4*
44 44 44 0
Q Ga
There le a big eLETerearo tatweea ties mivertice,t and
actual caeaeity of the arlereitaueoun tot or eeeetetera reel
to•dae• but pleans remember that Us Laval corac'13ea
Guctia.kees3 cabl aMizr:sp„.;;10 Gerysterga;ai,or4pat:;:jerealtiaca
to nt,,re /awn UG,rt, 1,,Lc r4,1;„,arent 18
,g,crktru To:: Co., 71 Vora Se., Tomato.
T,to emitter tate eerie eau time etiffered e'r here barbatottoly yen lieveteen treated be
sureeotts,, by cutting. stretching and burni ore, we ask yott to ititestigatc our rtsvir
ete root) of curing; it. Our treatment its Original with ourselves, and Id the result
of 30 years' experience ie these special diseases, Thestricture tisetteln the canal is
painiesgy absorbed rind Itence removed forever. Anydischarge,which often sc.
companies stricture, disappears...the inflad surface is healed up, Mises:Ming and
burning sensations cease; the Kidneys ands'Bladder becoras strong and normal, the
;sexual organs rceain vigor and vitality and the patient feels as though life were
worth living, A11 cases are treated under a
OUR NEW METHOD TREATAIMNT will cure you, and make a man
of you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purdiee so that all
pimples, blotches arid ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel so that
xiervousuess, bashfulness and despondency ditappear; the eyes become britht, the
face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical an sexual
'systems are invigorated; all drains cease—no more vita.1 waste from the System,
The various organs become natural and manly. Yon feel yourself a man and know
marriage cannot be a failure. We invite all the afflicted to censult us confidentially
and free of charge. Don't* let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earned
dollars. WE WILL CURB YOU on NO PAY.
BLADDER DISEASES, and all diseases peculiar to men and women.
If unable to call, write for Question Elan& for MOMS TreefrAestf,
148 Shaky Sf., DETIMIT, AGM
26 Years in Detroit. 2500:1.00 Cured. nun& Security.
We are giving excellOn
satisfactiOn • since Re-
-frodlling ou.i. mill.
belies, colds, hoarseness, and other throat
tilments are Quickly relieved.by Vapo-Cresd-t
tette tablets. ten cents Per bee All druggiste,
MoroPtaitis Book iCaptalla
077I011, M0NT118AT,
Capital Paid tip - 6,000,000
nest' - - 2,700,900
A general
- Banking buin(s8
llo v ed on
Commercialtetters of recitissued, sifable in •
China, lapa n 'and other foreign conntries
Travelling Letters of Credit isaued to travellers In
all parts of the world,
NV. S. CHISilotm,
rei ger,