HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-5-21, Page 8CM '="4611481MSZVAISMOSSVOINIV2/9 I PERSONAL. , ki gammnsmeakandaseasems • • TO taint Tk1ii io OlotMog always to be found at this Tailoring Estab- lishment. If you are looking for one„ try us. One trial will convince you that you cannot get better satisthetiou for the same money than w will give you. W, W. Taman, erb Tailo For yang pigs and calves nottheg coaa Walden I A coo e wari 0( a once at the . a . merciel House, Exeter,. Good, wages °ere -AL Perkins, rector of the egnels Etiolisle Steck Food Give it a trait Sold by C.Latz, Exeter. 0 Trivitt efeworiel church will reeeive the congratulations a many friends , Ma Sone T. Westeott hes beautified .t, n / . on his return to town with his bride his premises me Rump street by the - s- ae a orr s taaree. r There seems to be every probability Anse oasseo, au estimable aud popule,, that the raspberree crop las been se- Twang 1,dy a Lindsay% the mereion' le erectien of a pew wire fence. autisagooloadenasIvaiyiearn, oyoetatetiepeQbaeletzt‘y, W. Eggs swienlyg.injagdZietsheolcatttferoosttisthobletlziois ceremony having taken place in that town yesterday, (Wednesday.) 1 t 1 t aouaratelations. 21 0 Illas He Dressed . Tint heqr t11‘.%,:c4 vet ev. aneo ere aq,na ta ot elotbee they at. V a PO at, 071 Di esReel Whalit yon vault to be well dinsea.d (elaae and Ieave saait ineale to PrAer. new garada 41 Sfetilind. Poulin! OrerriJo i it. " 7...alea saseattaaasateaaa T, JOH T A. I Li 0 it *Enete neee-eai. tateA A woman book agent. N;a mind s shallow pewee. Tom. life is no Ton think it is. A clerk resigns his position and ; laborer quits hie job. It is eaeier to raise eerie than t =Mg:Igo•on the fai•tn. A !awl mouth is not so bad th 15 for $1,00. jaSnneoli, sqtrered Mai and seine patchee' 1111 Mr. Ronn Hicks has been leavieg the not produce a single berry., Tee other W.M.S- Catkaaattaa• baterior ha jewelry store alai tele- MRS where the canedo -not appear The Exeter District of the Women's phone ofncereeovated and remodelle& to leave been ineered a is feared (het Allesioriery SoeietY met i conyeatiop Tao opera Rouse paa up for eete ey the blossoms may have been hart, It Qa TnesclaY• .*°Y 12411e in J411)". 84eet auction on Saterdao la,st waa eot SOIL ta however, too ezarly to. definitely state delegateswe lertrp.rescOnar Toano -zieailte41 4, the =omit of OK; teservea bid. pot what the (outcome will be. SeSSIOR opened at 10 a.m. with Mrs hoslog been reached, taandays tor tetia. M, Mrs, Tbos. Mararsnall, the District Organizerin riott, a brother of May be of interest to know the , Mrs. Tolt• Of We leleeel died lo elhe- daY 9f the week 9f t4e benaeYs fet‘ etuoerigicatievil JytiMegeSuliitelgrielfee.reiMsesii7g n, tolast -Wednesday. Aire. Tait who 1,00a, •T,he Minor eY comes an Sun - bee been visiting in St. Paid, atteuded goy, ono so wial, be legodlY observed on 14st ccalven4a4And ""ted' tile timeline on Teeneen„ the following day; Deminion Day on :pftepneialeinehnelTy'seTi,Dears").•en; (Ithen1=4; year. Roll call was responded to An the form a reports from the different auxiliaries which was very satisfactory representatives being present frere every auxiliary in the district, Kirk - ton iiiixtliary treeing the Ingest moo- bersleipe The general satisfaction with our district organizer was slump in the feet the t Mrs Marshall was re-elect- ed for the ensuing, year with a very large apaeority. The following cow- Mitteee were appointed, via; Noodle. Meng emu, Mrs. (Revel Mime% Mrs. (Do.) Medd. Alrn (Die) Rilborn ; Cour. tesy coma Mrs, Inamphrien Alre,?Inta ray. Men Saunderson ; Finance coma ars $lierrit t, Mrs. Stewart. elm Und. sou. Airs. Marshall gave ber report for the year. :Slips were distrileated for Qnestion Drawer. Mrs, Cobble- diek. president of Exeter auxiliary, ;TAW the address of welcomebringing into her address the work of worneu, %Leanne -1i Weeley, Darbara Welt• , Francis Willerd and others, making it a very instruetive and. pleasing ad. dreee, It was replied to by Mrs. Mine raes in a very tamehlog matinee. Mrs. Gordon Wright and Mrs. Murray were appointed to answer questions in. Qnee- twa Danwer. Afternoon opened at 2 p. m. neva- exeralses conducted by Miss Wilson, Minutes of morning seesion read and adopted. A paper entitled "Outelde of Myself" was raven by Ms. • Linnsay, an excellent paper. Airs. Meet) .Anderson read a paper on the "Claims ot the bone." Papers were given on the work in Japan. China, the Freneb and Indian work by repre- sentatives flaw the ittaZilliary of wbieh :Airs. Anderson is president. ;after whieb a very pretty volo Wm% eimg by Mrs. tRera PreAtivlit'6 een- ferenee, eouitucted to- el ae. (Rev./ Ilart SOUU, lie10111 Siggttions were given. Some tittlt0 MIS Sipa iti goOrratnalscia 1Loil weak. tare. (Loam Wright arialreeeen •the onivention un the eaalenen of "Mee-ion:try Inteeature _en land how to cirealete it and eetnire pPletir-311." KM (MT} Medd then sang a mat appreeinted redo. Tho. ninln- online (nom thee pteaented their maw, Wedededay; -Labor Day 4 ZanlithiT• The Rev. J. W. Ten End; OCCkr nooembet. nnetennee New, py tbe pulpit of t be Trnitt, Memorial yoal.a are Friday, /rile ujag.a birth. day, es,oveinber tO. is Monday, but that. is not ,a legothelidaer in Cialieda. Th vtratoilt,141y!a1.1701.1. Sundaav, • - te tbe weather sboulel turn out rave orableeeverything poiets to a right royal celebration of .Seictoria Day how 911 uext. A Spleadiel program. of sport a bee been prepared awl moth - leg will be laelting.to tna.ke it on inter- otitig day for all those who attend. The foot -ball games promine to be ex- citing and will benteresting Loafltov- es of this kind of sport. The progratie is lengthy and veiled tberefere eannot help but please all. It. is to be :hoped that the efforts of the connui etee will be appreeiated by all taming ,ietalt and enjoning the. day's ; program. In the young a grand concert will be given Where Opera House, whiele prom,. ee. to conclude One of the most Inter - sting days •eeete boa in Exeter. neduallore • The meeting for the nomination of omwillor to till the:vocaney on the Exeter Cooed/ Board, cowed by the absence et Me. jobn ele Waning, was held Ia. the .Towit Hall Monday ho• .tweee the boars •of Wave and one o'clock. Drily two notteinations were recorded. that of Mr. • C. Sender.% Editor Atevoolerie, and Mr, James •Creeclo the former by M. Joe. Senior and Me. Thos. Hawkins ann the ,latter by nfr, Wm. Harding and Mr, jos, MO% At the conchtsain or the nom- inatioas Mr. Sanders' .being present withdrew, Gene ;allowing Mr, fereeela to lie elected by acclamation. Mo Creeelt is a man of varied nondelpel experieuee and will danalatlees he a vel4 irk aegaisit lot; to t Mead. ta Itelp Year kapPr. There atiV Other ways hi •whielt. read ,4 trewepapar can old it teeth; ItneetelF RI:mew-a pirave,4 • saillwerzhong for asir. F.17,03, On 0.; •church on Sunda,y next and the follow- ing Sunday, in the absence of the rec- tor, R. J. M. Perkins, wbo is enjoying bis honeymoon trip. The Foreet Standen/. of last Week: says:—F. It bas dispned of his photograph hnsiness here to Mr, Car• tete of Clinton, who will take poses- sion June I. Mr. Willis inteeds going West and engagieg in the lamber busi- ness along Witte his brother. The brink work or ar. Rensell's new dwelling on Main street. is being rapidly pusben forward. When cone- pleted elte Russell will bave one of the finest and moss upoo-date dwellinges in town, being all red Week and of the meet modern 0ICititeettaral design., The monthly meetiags of the Wo - melee Institute will he held ou Fridey, May e2nd, at n p.m., in the Library. All the members are requested to at. tend; also any other lathee of the vi. inity are welcome. Penhole, Seceee Mn, Range delighted the emigre - tion ef the Trivitt Memorial church o Sutra t'y evening lest, with a bona,. • rendered elene Ake. E., we an. and, intende leaving town shea- r. consequeutla tate win be much aissed in the Trivitt Memorial chola, a Mr. Sanaiel Fanson received word row London. on Sueday last that leis i daughter Maud. was dangerously ill, iseeering from a eevere attack of moo eipalee, Mr. Feaneon at once left, for the title. Ward has since Wen receive al Thal lit ba' bat; mut imprinted and ie now int a fele way to recovery. The many ftienda of Mt...Iola). Willi% el Eattet villa, formerly of Veneta% WM testa WWI tertielt thai. he is at present lin a save ilaw condition. For S011it!, A 10,,, 113=3 tWli Utleilergaiirlig the r i.a• tas Mutest nt Lant ism; UR* V a ..,==g01EM,147figli=4*Iik. T .6.1I 46 1'4 ey may be rep tint it has n •orth unitee; tongue meet get lost in it, Manse for liten• or Retit--S rooms. Apply to Thos. Dearing Exeter. A splendid anal tun& needed ram felt in tbis district Tuesday night. Miss Oertie Melts 'rendered a beauti- ful solo at James street church on Sun- day evening. The shadows that ovohang man s life are caused by himself standing in his own. light. • Mrs. E. Jones has opened up a gro- cery. in the tame recently vacated by Mr. P. P. Kexight. Banes not take a man longto undo 'with his tongue all the good, he has done with bis hands, For Ieme back or derangements of the kidneys use Dix Kidney Pills. 2.5c. a.box. Sold by Ce Lutz. You can unlock a boy's whole life by watching the company he keeps and listen to the words he uses most, Many amen who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth was unable to produce the spoon in after years. Eggs for hatching from pure bred chicken. White and Golden Wyan- dottes eggs, 15 for $1.00. j. Snaron. Whether or not a woman declines her fast offer of marriage depends al- together on what age she is when it occurs. The teachers of South Huron will • hold their annual convention here, on the 21st and 22nd of May in the Exeter Public School. Owleg to the utiavoidable absence of some of the council, the meeting called for Wednesday has been postponed to Friday, May 22nd. Mr. W. G. Bissett has added anoth- er up-to-date rig to his already well equipped livery barn, being a wagon- ettesof comfortable and easy propor- tions. Daring hot weather do you suffer from burning, tired, sore or perspiring feet? If so use Foot Ease. It will give You relief. Sold by C. Luta Price 25 cents. It is a law of our intellectual and naoral being that we promote our own •real happiness in the exact proportions we contribute tb the comfort and hap- piness of others. The many friends of Mrs. James Tierney, of Stepaen, *ill learn with regret that she is suffering from a le- • rtevved attack of erysipelas and is at present dangerously ill. Dr. Ovens, of London, surgeon, ocu- list and specialisa diseases eye, ear, nose and throat, will be at the 0011)- -mercial Hotel, Exeter, Wed., J one 3rd, 1903. Glasses properly fitted. Any person wishing to have their • cemetery lot clipped and lawn mowed ran make the necessary arrangements by applying to the caretaker of the cemetery. By orcler of Cemetery cern- inittee, afianstinatemperary eila4nrze. Thee teen help it by spoil -nem' A pramthent yetatig lady in WWII tea made the valnable dieetwory that fi and s igiaana applieation In the tor 114113COrivening is a bUre 1,:eurf' for ...atentlettien salierits Fiippe. many are gfiliete,1 11.o 1110 and ineepeueive erineout erniVenlent. t5e1:10. te--t ealfezWy Of the young diseovery. Viebusere, Huron street, lilt a very painful evident on Thettley laat. :die was washing eonie int 'WA when how pin in one of the litetR ran int; a bee right hand at the . t. id the thumb, line -doling itself at ail length. Tbe pin was speedily' re - waved and the injured hand is doing although painful and badly swollen. S. Sanders, whom we made 4tion some tituengo as having rent - ,is farm, has moved to town and aken bis residence west of the tunes street church, and will com- e his duties in the sale of stock nt ztuo to appoint agents for the ame porpose throughout the County of Huron for the Farmers' Co-operat- ive Harvesting Machine Co., Limited, f Toronto. Life will soon not be worth living. Time and again we have been told that kissing is unhealtby arid that we must stop it, and now Dr. J. AL Ilirseb, of Chicago, in "Popular Alechantes," classes hand•sliaking with kissing as a means of spreading disease. Thegerms he says, are blown upou the hands in coughing, or transmitted from tbe touch of a handkerchief, and this is an epidemic or grip, it is spread by a grip of tbe hand. Diphtheria eczema and other cliaeases are spreadinthe same way. Candidates for municipal or po- litical honors will have a. hard time if they can no longer extend the "glad hand" to the father or kiss the baby. An Albion (Mich.) paper in alengthy article, commenting on a number of bunches of cattle and their various and remarkable high averages, gives the laurels to a former Canadian and resident of Exeter, Mr. Harry Hatton, who has gained considerable fame in that state for his excellent results as a stock raiser. It says: Last Saturday Harry Halton shipped seventeen fat steers that weighed in the bunch 25,720 pounds, an average of 1513 pounds, Mr. Harton fed them on his farm south of town, and it is doubtful if a finer lot was ever seen in one drove in Albion. They were two.year-olds and past, and their average weight when he began to feed them last fall was 820 pounds, thus showing a gain of 693 pounds, or 8ta- per cent. They will net him 5 cents here, f. o. b. • It would be interesting to know the ex- act cost of feeding and see how it com- pares with the price which the added weight will now bring. Mr. Hartou bas four rnore of the sande lot left back on his farm, to be shipped at a later date. House or Sale or neut. Frame house on Huron street, con- taining six room. Apply to Mr. John Snell. Wool! Weill!! 12,000 lbs. of wool wanted at the Ex- eter Woollen Mills. Either wasbed was tendered. them tuid elabaeate unwashed. Highest cash price paid': spread was prepared for the occasion, Muir & Co. Plant; for Sale. • We are headquarters for Tomato plants, cabbage, canliflower, Bruesell aprontsacelery, pepper, Stocks, Asters and all kinds of late cobbage plants. • L. Day, gardener, Exeter. well of it. and •olea famnishing it) wait news. The iaowepapersare the cool/eel.- ore and distrilauttae of newsound there are peeple who are hind in cOmpi if an item of lecal neWS is t( ab' loa met often fawnieh one. ',Rep:4;11-s r suppooael tub' hotline-310re and FA eta ate little iarattere of interne ita eonuntinity with+ solliethmte taa Callas notice, but einild be gleaned if ulaseriliere would anther band the in- ormation to a reportee or the ofileveoe gIVP hint as to where the infotana. tion vould be obtained, There e. a largo Close of this kind but their tIt1114- bet• might be inereasea with advant- age to the 101.1t1 11PwIttpor aud ‘Ite readers. Dersta at Mims Marten. The sudden and unexpected death of Miss Easily Jane elartyn, beloved daughter of Air. and Alin.T. le, Anateen, corner of Sanders and Gielley streets, came as a shock to her manat friends on Thmatlay morning last. The de- ceased luta been ailing for several mouths from a complication of diseas- es and was failing fain but her condi- tion a few minutes before death was no worse than usnal, in fact she was engaged in performing some light household duties when she was eeized with a severe attack of bemorrbage of the lungs and before medical aid ar- rived life was extinct. She was a young ladv of estimable qualities, energetic and industrious and much respected by those who had formed her acquaint- ance. Her age was 28 years, months and IS days. The funeral took place to the Exeter cemetery on Satutelay last, The family will have the sym- pathy of all in their bereavement. Preseatery.ot Huron This Presbytery neet in Clinton, on the 12th inst. A motion was passed congratulating the clerk on the honor conferred on him by the Senate of the University of Qneen's College, King- ston. Mr. John Fraser, elder of Bay- field, and Mr. John Balfour, elder, of Kippen, were appointed commission- ers to Assembly, in the place of Messrs. Reid and McManus, the former of whom resigned and the latter died. A resolution was passed expressing sym- pathy with Mr. Musgrave in his pres- ent illness. Consideration of statisti- cal and financial returns were delayed till the September meeting. The Sab- bath school report was submitted by Mr. Hamilton and adopted with its recommendations. Mr. W. W. Atch- eson, a graduate of Knes,College, hav- ing undergone his examination; was cordially licensed to preach the gospel. The next meeting of Presbyteay will be held in. Clintou on September ath. Married itt London. • .A. quiet but happy wedding was sol- emnized at the home of Dr. Ovens, London, at high noon,en Wednesday,' May 13th, by the Rev. Dr. Sowerby, when Mr. Wm. J. Nicols,. only son' of Mr. Janaes Nicols, of near Moores.ville, was married. to - Miss Mary, . third daughter of Mr. Matthew Finkbeinea of Stephen. After the nuptial knot was tied and the usual congratalatione were papa they all eat clown to a sump- tuous wedding dinner: Thealiappy couple took the afternoon train for Ex- eter., tlaen to the home �f Mr. and Mrs: :W.H.Dearing, the latter beings), sister of the bride, where a erand redeptiOn .E. SEEDS ,..GROW The farmer who passes us by when in need Q' Garden or Field Seeds is dead to his own interests. We carry nothing but the Best Seeds that can be bought, consequently the man who buys from us is as - aural of good results. Try our Corn—Feed and Ensil- age. 'Potatoes, early ancl late, PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a complete assortment in 00191'8 of Sherwin & Paints—the best on the market. Take Notice, Having clisposecl of nay barbering business and will be leaving for the West about June ist, I respectfully_ re- quest all parties indebted to me to set- tle theft.' eceeente before that date. Edgar 1Vesteott. which did great, credit- to those who 'provided it. They visited their rela- tives and friends aroancl here for a few days before settling on their beautiful 100 -acre farm on the 4th of MoGillie- ray, where Mr. Nicols is a prosperous young farmer. The gifts received by the bride fora:ed. a magnificent ata ray, conaprising articles of Ilse ana value, which was a tangible way the many friends had of expressing •their honor and respect for her. The happy couple have the best wishes of a host of friends for their future happiness and prosperity. CENIENTS—National, Portland and Star brand. LAWN )10WERS—Woodyatt. T. HAWKINS 84 SON. miAm Iron $17 Whatever Your Fancy, Be Sure You'll Find It Here lahiN "Shirt Waists An the New Ideas, Molallon Trimmings, lineT of en/atone, Embroidery. IneertIons, Laces, the finest rauge of Shirt Waists in town. en Corm Covers. 17114erAirtS, Xightgowns, we have seen Jammer Corsets g, Trimming No donbe Straight Front Coreets. al n thee, etly eorreet. we here a large variety. Special hats of no -.4 toogitit. loves nowt; wid it EQ141, in Silk,. Tetlita. 1;4, eael " Umbrellas oweri 112,,ap of Gloria „Vat -tole Cloth. Ile rola e new, ha asear styles of Congo. Cherry, Peern Ilona leeway, ate, nem le tbe time to tiny otol get the aeeortneeta, wheel •elowed Mr . s2v.wor:. of Po-- jammer kfosiery hill, to have been appeiuted tepreeent. An eaeellent *smelt of Cashmere. aria Cott ti Mete ee a p ,,„31,.,, ;give to Distriet meeting. and Mrs'. and tehildrezes weal., Very 11041 even time ea. saaiiihas foot, a , alibson, of "mean, repro. meuta I in e to satiereetory ;article for SO III Uhl %VW r. Eliwort h Leal.sle. Illtla : tem ana 1,1,-ood,. ham exteaded lwat ty melte tiene tor an, Zglitincry Poparfment nem year'e convent km, but :after voila. Is showing a special line Of Nene Hat, met eelj dieeueebni and 0 Cott% It nu; de.•itied to Meet in \Nemeth:mt. Seven minieters v -t 7 See Lbem. within the eireuite were premed and tts • J. ),_PAC.SIVIANI expessed !wart y greetings and peat neteeparters for the Celebrated W. U. Sandford Reath' Arad • Chi hinge nestle -a to the Weel,S.; the Exeter W. .0-4511.41•60..W V.T.r. aVo sent greeting- anti the , , _ _ __ . .. , atk.iSsailLeac.,12it. *.tc;•21..wle Presbyterian Miestron lewd, the fon mar berg represented by Mee, Hooper and the hatter 1)y Miss Dawden. (ems - Lions from the gnestiou drawer were •••••••MavralnOlormin answered by Mrs. Weigld. Her an- swers were roncise awl to the point .....naen..........—.., and showed that she most thoroughly 4110.--.ArainorrmonIcsemoormnewk. understood the work. Worker's testi- UNDERTAKING 311011y meeting was conducted by Mrs. wallinnINCOOCONE..-...X.ir tingly paned the way far the adminia.Zli'llgotenolSua.p.tietmelt,ttless and 14 bo Sideboards from... ....... 0.00 up : tration of the Sacrament by Rev. Dr. Hannon. The afternoon session then I Coaches from..... .... ... 0.00 up Hudson whose touehing address flt- tion. Beautiful Parini Suite. ..... 21.00 Roek,„ .409410** 1,11 clOsed with the doxology and benedic• from - . 713C. , r Evening session opened at a quarter a -n5 lk 't ling and everything round in a, first-class Punitive store ean be had. Repairing of all kinds attended to. 4 W. 0. HU ST 0 PI LOidley's Block. ea- se -as ase to eight with a song servile, led. by Mrs. 3. C. Stoneman, Hensall. Prayer by Rev. Henderson. The James stheet choir was in atteudance and sang several selections. Mrs. (Dr.) Orme sang a solo entitled "Just for To -day" very acceptably. The chairman, Dr. Hannon,. theta called on Mrs. 'Wright, Vice Pres. of the London Branch of the W.M.S., to address the meeting. Mrs. 1Vright is a very talented speak- er and showed by a half-hour's talk that she thoroughly understood her subject, "Why women as women should do missionary work. Her ad- dress was followed by a quartette en- titled, "Scattering Flowers in May," by Misses Davidson and Gill and Mr. Heywood and Dr. Anderson, the ren- dering of whicb brought forth much praise from the chatrruara. Rev. Mr. Mellott, of Hensall, then addressedthe meeting in his fluent, forceful style, taking as his theme woman's duties in regard to rhissionary work. The ses- sion olosed by an anthem from the choir and benediction by Rev.Knowles, of Crediton. "Em Miss Louise Sweet is visiting friends inaLondon. Frank Ross, of .Chatham, is yisiting ariends in town. • Miss L. Haynes, of St. Marys, is the guest of Miss .Atla Mitchell. Mrs. A. Sheere left Wednesday to spend a few weeks in Brantferd. Mr. P. CaDignan, of London, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents Mrs. Wm. Pickard, •ef Seaforth, is visiting friends in town, the guest of Mrs. Kemp. Miss L. Hardy, of the Conservatory of Mnsic, Toronto, is visiting -at her home here. Mrs. A. Hastings left Tuesday morn- ing to attend the fiineral of a relative at Bressels. Mr: Will Hill, who has been visiting his father here, left Monday Monday for the West. Miss Amoy ,Tohns has accepted a call as soloist in the Presbyterian church at -Woodstock, Miss P. Moore, who has been the guest of Miss Higgins, returned to her home in Hensall Tuesday, • • Mr. One Powell, who bas been in different parts of Uncle Sam's danaitins, returned fibnae Saturday. soorarmuumensamarsorwort Practical Embalmer. 'is. ":.X' 'IV 1e, Having purchased tbe Furniture and Undertaking business o R. N. Rowe, we announce to the public that we have on hand without a doubt the largest and best assorted stock of furniture in the county. A visit to our store will convince that we are selling at the closest margin possible. It will pay inthnaing purchasers to call and inspect our stock and get our maces before placing orders elsewhere. We do all kinds of ordered work, repairing and picture faanaing on the shortest notice at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed with every purchase. • Thidertakers and Funeral Directors. FURNITU FURNITURE! • J. _ . 9 of Enabalmiug College, Toronto. D ATKINSON TZINS1 Practical Embalmer. Gracluath ROW E & eaS.,trassaaa ' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Martin, of Sea - forth, spent Sanday here, the guests of Mr; and Mrs. Hugh Oke. , Miss Annie McCord hes returned -to her home near Ilaeston'after a few days' visit with friends here.. a Ma. and Mrs. Joseph Peart spent Sat- urday and Sunday in Mitchell, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Thorn. Mr. Alf. 13owey left Monday morn- ing for Winnipeg, Man., where he will spend the season working at his trade. Mr. john Spackman, after a pleas- ant visit witb friends at St. Thomas, Fingal! and Talbotville, returned home Thursday. Russell Southcott, who has been vis- iting at his home here for the past few days, left Tuesday for London, accom- panied by his mother. Mr. A. 11,1cDonell, who has been on a several weeks' visit at varioais points in the West, returned home Tuesday evening, reporting a pleasant trip and visit.' Aaalicksawho bits been On a11 extended visit With friends in Chat -- limn:, returned here last 'week; • MistiaalltiaaaLtiXtee,, Who has been ell. - gaga'. with Mbs Torn tia dresSn)440r, . for some titteabias teterpedto her home ha liklea for the -Sum mar. ' ;Mr. Geo. Martin, 1;00 in the " M61- scag Bealt, here; Petalaied fr,ore a iil‘vo we' boliday trip ta Montreal' the :- latter -part of last week. Mr. A. Hastings. left Monday,. for Crossbill to visit ;his old home; Mr. Edgar Westcort having charge of bis ba -thea altop duting his absence. Miss Cora Manning attended tbe Distriet meeting at Parkhill on Tues- day nail Wednesday of this week, she being a delegate facet' the jellies street a League. She is ,also visiting .fsienda there this Week, Children Ory for CASTOR IA.