Exeter Advocate, 1903-5-21, Page 6Ita,liens was at the wheel on the eiee<Cei.efe.e,414K 4<iZetd.Q.Etiefgg'040E,fteCegd*4E4e4ietig4E,444,444,'4,% bridge, while the other senor was wItefr lounging in the bows- The e.ugineer ‘: A Talc* WaS PreeolilablY attending to his te 1;du^tdeleoswb,e"ic)Iw'said, peinting to a cell d If wIt w an W et ef rope lying under the bulwarks sti ef it iust forward a the bridge, go end ef Ye of toe w A it on me epe. The frst ove riM= eit Ve it tnent Yon Make. Or the first At- ve ilt w w w A A you, are a is A tempt to speak to the Otelians. eddi 13 kr row tf; Roiling Wave t um dead max. The moon. and I shood, toiss," Ile shrugged his shoulders, and le kl, A sitting down on the coil began to 1%14 leo „ bhinifeef.upwibuitsoiawtorkentleuriltu; Nitv:tueditheoll,; CRA.PTER XVIIL 1 baited by my own People. and I him I then iveut up on tie tbe bridge. e do not know if 1 $1,411 be bee eletet suppose that you, with your , and tatang tee teitow at the wheel precious amateur detective shall)," by ihe collar slung leim down, giving lieved, but it is solemn feet that the ettee tem e ecereliine to uederstaud by a PientihAl Out of those murderous eyes behind i ,:,:r_„,- ,-, one where you 1)"1"" ' to7nevs.h;31:re"efOouu IltIt* .:1:s. IkeitaleaueIletle. ' ttsPsilatYstill en the opposite side to the pistol barrel brought, nee of My revolver that he bad the relief. There had been too touch hole-and-corner mystery in my did lemetic front the Convent or Santa Vizard. The man in the bows seemed Lucia, ? Our story that you hid to be grasped the eetuotion and eiuring the last fele days to suit rev urseit on board the Mirande and !discreetly reume' ined 'Wre Ile was. tempererwarde jmored overboard lu ament. and I welcomed the a ', while the engineer 'ores attending to change that gave me an open foe. a e. , nee wilt lae-„so eircluastandae tn4j, , his,didies below. in happy ignorance last, even though he had Me at C C die..adtiantage that threatened instau deetit. "I do not, profess to. pit cuanleg- egainst that of a .professiorial crime seed few leis taunt bad goaded eite. but if you will owe there will be one lett who will prove. ard, by reltiug, got the flees before Ois departure. bed not put me to the iuconveitieuce of having to visit the stokehole at once ; but I dein posed that in his haste to get away evea hie fiendish ingenuity -had Over- looked the point. I did him sore iniustice. as X Was SO011 to learn. The head ot steam, lasted fOr art hear Or, sq after he had gene, and tben I coule tell by the slackening speed that the fue- eeee must be coaled 'We were net te come to a standstill. The two No set %Ides Can be laid 'down ter Itallen sailors were etill eleeping, the Proper feeeing of a dairy.) herd, a)Ad tbinelog tbeto best left es they but smile of the essential points may were, X ren doevo to do the eatielness be meutioeed, etteit ete a fair iteowl- Myself. The engine -room betch Was edge of the chereetor aed eoostitti- 1Mere manbole. wale an iroo tedt elltS. Of the ellifereet feeds, and ca der' running down to the well in ful obeetwotion mid judgment, writea which tile enewhittery played, a sec. Prot J. Fra,eer. Afuch depeada ond ladder leediag to the stokebole uldne the peeve of the different feeele. below, had nearly emceed the .140o:ideality of the animal,. and leottom of this seeetwl desceet when length titiee icain calving' To aOtwed that the stokehole eves lit feed tutelligently and obtale the up with ether light then wbet came hest reeults, thee° things must be from the 14Arnaee door, and looleing taken into consideration and each for the emerge I found it in Candle Animal feel egeording to its iudivit dual ueeds. This- cermet be learned froM boOks. but comes only from close observetioe and actual pree- The feed of dairy cows sbould at any folly believiog Ideelleitrs elon small provOcatlen. Instinctively T rustled " eat. II timea suencient SOROS alitt nou• lie,s. With 14.enteard and lotoself For eeveral hours tbe Miranda for X heel sea that tbe explosien Ple taiurishioeot. The amOunt your ndelela Your earetor cusation against the "tirm" would nee arising beyond unceaeieg eigilitetept to [MOW the candle. and 1...t• 'toof c1174eullrsetli; 4117Vr°yrdginlregaltalY ti'11.4):11441:11:117nti: 0.... of the, way, every source of ac-hipeodecd IwithOat AXIty diMaalga Was too near at belie for me *o as ended, and you Tintow have been scotched, and their ses•J once and an occasional twist to the Was we that 7, Old K!, bad Itlf 4°M 411° VOWS °r° PrtlduviPg'' bre laughed scOrnIltdi3r. "1 Mee neost • ' " '" —long after tte. eiceittes of the pre*. q not th atilt; and giving from eve to shir Viten a good cow is in the flush of rdb „ t Awn], ought tee carded on indefitueelea.spolfes of the wheel, Video! eat `seArCelY pat the length of the shi, eeta. eThet is What loon •,,Arr ten!, " A k e of robe. Wed frPra betreon and the engine -hatch. „ „ r. det as *; ?.stele -vadage had I•eett forgotten. Lies wooed° eeelned tee shouth?r, II when the powder went off witb Ig„„ed4reiessaieeeet*taYth,Pdh*elleeettiellinel; 1,113;ff' tioleetion your frierel he -IP -410 otone with it, wben Pieey blurted out %The man's subtle brein, I litad - -0 -a e'ote' ee---"h' win): about to bid bee shoot tend hathaugll I !Melt' better thau eht ilitudogrest?Qtrzi.leaxtebdeadroccilitipewlan:r over — agilsk)ina day s wIteIrsetTittairntel•Ylet"Tn'ers Fog FARmERs 0 hi d P flt eas os e an r0 zi • flints fOr the llasy Tilters 7t= ."o the $011, It,"AE•tif,P4X.gliti.eilf,,./.*******114*,ilf OARE OP A DeaIRY ITEM), our disappearance evill be accounted of whet was going on on deck !close to tbe /side of the veeeel. But in the most natural meaner. I Then. with a glance at the binnacle that Wee net the Worst. The eandie A promise you." to see that the 'course was right for was stueh nee!. of gunpowder, It was true enough. and X could Cagliati. toa, the wheel. pistol in which the flame was Nat reechleg ave -coshed uty toth with rage at „hand and ready to Iwo tt, ver3,. ;as / lotetod, ttrttt4e You by hitalerg whatY°11.loi, ineesee oath et his constrained doubt. woe already hard at work air. and the sound of rushine water axe eleaeed to cull my eareer—lo'ale cresitene ehnising schemes for liestfug sge, or. told mo that the ateatner's Zie was Ineke 4 tilt"' recd 41:1 of th° ,, test ? ' ve added. "I'm getting; The two Italian sailors gaae f'r;:rdtil:'S11190fIletlifleilfri4k or IZI 1-11X13 jolt any such consideration as that i ...wee dee% - sump the lead 'at least for eecape before I herded sliattered—thet she was Mains,. . , % • '-!:, :teu'e\i, trotr,hie ;lot:* 11414.sigittul.311,411to blue mister, and give us a Jam over to the law (To Re (entinued.) wait the eaidefaction ebdtbineing this dhatt wad... ete alive that as like. as not ERVANTS IR ECIRIDO at Ka. praciice is not only far from ego- • jand what they um prodeeing. Such not wish You 10 go out of the woree eowelotottel—eereed-teeled againet .trootee, but etreteeed theireeohe thet." ed inornical, but it is poeitively If ii ..oate out thete and go on ilett.j j,gentnne. While of the stricken The INJURJOUS TO SOME COWS. "1 4-441"t till" it : 1 'Illin V"t611 4th /11 sae! \heard. 'It 1'6 tette e course there was no sign. awl 3: did not inn Traveler is roved to Eire'Wbert a cow Is giving a large doer milelle should not only be It. Nentlard has as good as bream s attended ;Intl I want to . blow whether be was alive or dead. Nally to Servo Hon. up your come/nee:en already." I rt ,. ieeptain Forrester a lane morr„,The engineer made !ouin tsell acquaint- i , more feed. but it should be in a ii el k given ItLeil dfdlerdlee I 'Now vnglue4" that ' or 1 tizeisit hen, itp,. must bear. oe with the change of eseadter,0 al you were liviug in Ecuador and .more concentrated form; that is. if I coula proloeg the wrangle. by , his sweetheart is to falre fatst.” 'dearth* ;after I too} e the wleel by II wisitea to hire a servant you could ithe .grain portion a tee ratioe eptirtoltgeilvehtettaerzt. ritiVrellIci: 11.0`nr4ra ititoWc:itotcto' :si44:1.4,:ttiliatililt414,sal:444,:it'od '„ labitr:114_tftoliag_toilelislylleuartufirler:v Op! sbr:"04-; 11 rhealrf,dltutgettvoounide hebY vt;ceillie. dot% take I:410'711s irit noUluc•riteaeaerd'theatiedur of therQ The orawnwas male et Teem bi his valet he algrat la have had a pege!)41sy h.veulled reroverdeunt he dhoethd :le? with a drove of them, prfobaility dactation peter fiti, them eittiootegoo; favor. hio own eine:eta-Note? Was '15h -ray elk,ar 1,4th whthant interferiag no re,,,,,,,nament. and when / tettai hit , ar outnumbering emir OW41 ant Yi k Wain May , '1,1; 4 pro , readY "` 3a°4 111 iewds Pec41' 111' ' with his ellalhtoYer* 4'401' 13Ut4 likY ,SalvVienee 4 givlug 'MAI an (.1;4'1% dralielisibiatt cinteorrcostdilt:n• dIetnetr er:iet iothptlePiwIlltah. lotidet'deo'ntliriolt?lifIg the "Iv is ill - . 14s111,,:wina-42,4Wt itt,44,1,-1:,411it"-t721iscioxagt Itlit1111ittorol, h:0"' ltTec.14411.1:10a :14;:i,ournmstrizttly tvohntid,,yie°;I:raellt ben '111 15:;'w !a cook yent would have leit receive As a rille1 nutrialtent an be "I'''. enkr chance laa in creating a diveedat t t ez f il 14 VI "I 1 eeol s , ,', ker husband and children, kind per- plied much more cheaply in the r as 4 4"'gr'' r e' o IV r° 4 i 0 111441,14VS were when ot 04 i haps oleo her father and mother, in-) form of roughage than in grate, and 61"4 er 10 'F'iti4rg 50"0W "ne"4""li Stillifk3411 hianva•if„ ;led thus montent-tii two fin tbe =Imam a lubberiy brigtOto eour tioneo to bed and , „ •;had c4-,n-gp„ Vizatel shouted at hintt,t1conrfi,, tied by wrongly portieg 1 i hoard. I for Ibis reason we eitould at all ! advantage llefore he tirod of letting 4..thi,„. came eetweela us, we 1 his toevetaehlie run. theettee.;eutine come staggering ethwart our 1 and club would being along an his times feed as mach raugham as is ! -"'Pl, or her portable property, consisting consistent with good rettelts. Since 1 lid would "eve lavls„ ,Itit'ere,4a 141,1T ientiit a curse. to. stand natild?... but he helot at a erlticel moment need I mainly in domestic pets, such ofi 1 roughage is the nlefit ecOnOinical 44" 311° as A 6"n-41' 44U'' 44c Wa".. ;;WaS 114140 late. I sprang' forword. and 1 nearly bronght about a Celli -ion, Ipigs, eldeheite. rabbits, dogs and Ipootion of a e/aW. feed, it is tit tite , dims thaire thet I ehotatt, die 1W1,10r- 41,j,taito Pieo..y Illy thr back toed high 'Alter half a Joainntiv the steering. ., nr!other elive steek,i,. The husband utmost importance that all of the ewe got the better of his• prudence, 1, , .., .41 1,1, 11 I . /Liebe, .„ , A , P • : 4' . I 4 . 4 A my tlin 1 . t =ay lime eorne trade which he fele' bay, cornstalks, etc., be stored in '1 tau Set', nu:', ItinIci;erat4;crl sai1t4-• ',bend I drew my pistol. Sinuillede ,ottteution, but theaugh it was toudhe 1 lows during the day, but at meal tao best poselble condition. Too 1 that ;eau •are not that I then have to e.1147.1374" ,a;dlit'lhi'elf.*04e..lef Vienni tired, holdeg. I oneedantago my efforts successfully avert- ;times and when night comes he re- much stress cannot be laid On having 1 baltits.°' h to bit p.ionte Part of Ille that i; ed the danger. and the brigantine turns to the boson) of his family the best quality of these feeds, for , oe ehi"el• *X11,411v the„11 was uot hiddeu by Igeey's botte ; ,' went on her way in safety. llat her and yours. It would be considered ,ana the shot teak effect in MY /Meaner;•1 loolied again at. the spot ite- ; food and shelter, and not a servant consume large quantities of It and if there is an abundance of this &Ass! inehes of cold eteel settled Neree that iL is Ilar" 4°11Y °°1gr° 5"fiCe tal'':, bat in the, !hater he Inleealculated. telumsieees had a serious result. ;downright inhumantty to rehtse tem of feed In good condition. vows willd nerd's hash Miee for all. The laud- )Iliall arniorplate. The shipper of 'low Me where Vizard should have in Ecuador would work for so Mean °rah° on the heach at Le'jhitru have the Micandu. tireoteed limply adainet I been It was vacant, nor totilid I see" O Mester, Or Mistress. The child. Iliad(' a 3/4"s of Ms i°°tit'1; l`Y n°w to, but still holding hint I tired over lihn anywhere on deck. —just as ihe deep-sea ones will bealba hit Vizor.' in the i It win be readily seen that bis dis- /moiling your ingenuous features ten 1,/i1g5ht°1fleatirtr. hatt1O was ovee.lappearance did not add to my vont- minutes hence. We tio not leave i.,. , traces. my mates and I. The eNeei., 41.:ir. (AVM tvn harojlet;siF to thc,fort. I did not name whether lamed ing the baby; but the numerous lent Dicey here nnows me too well '''''" was still on board or had managed brood is apt to be "light fingered" Allowing Dicey to eine down, in a ;to leap on to the brigantine as eke leaod certain to be lousy, dirty and to elate and as for the Italians— !toddled heap I aimed straight fold Allayed our taunter. She ball Inissed probably diseased. There is no help well, they are all wanted for Varlinin Vleartra head, lle glared at me like is() close that I thought it just pos. for it, however. beeause "el coetuno 'crimes already, anti are too bighly t wounded tiger. the blood pouringesible he might have done so ; but. bre" lies deereed that for every Ser. - from his wrist, anal for one eeeoeld 1 on tbe other baud. it was more than vent, you biro won must espect at I thought he was going to spring at probable he Oad only taken advent- least a dozen extra mouths to feed. Nor is this the worst of it. Oc- - --- htd- age of ray preoccupation to conceal DR, A. W. CHASE'S himself somewhere out of range of easlealallY the wok's relatives from another 'village come to pay her a my pittol with a view to hatching visit. of a fortnight or two—lasting some fresh devilry, He might bare h stet direct to tin diseased slipeed down the companion to the• " long as you will tolerate it— men, women and eltildren, bringing Pjitgilisblibelo utile= jursed /Iraaire• dd into the stokehole and X more dogs, pigs, chickens, etc., to CU y, or . , rh.,,r..n,,jor,,pirtroziptryivrcii: had now to be prepared for a sud- be housed and fed. Fortunately, emetAradeakttrt.torhavrhatwe..treas: liend attack from any dark earner. I ea removed the weapons 'from his they aro not accustomed to "downy bods of ease" or sumptuous living, Medicine Co., Termite ate Beitale person, it was true, but that was no reason wily there should not be more below. . I steered onwards, literally keeping my eyes all round my head. 'Un- fortunately the moon's light had become fitful, being obscured now and again •by passing clouds ; but It was neadly always bright en- ough to distinguish moving objects on deck, had there been such. Yet for over an hour I saw nothing and heard nothing to prove Vizard's pre- sence on board. At the end of that time the rattling of the tackle On the davit, that c.arried our only boat told me what was up. 13y some means Vizard had contrived to lower the boat, and was leaiving the steamer, but his wounded arm suge gested that he must have help, and I waited anxiously till the boat Children% ArroMents.i, fillonyoe's Remedies for Children( "Trete 'MI:Ahem toe intelligently look tfter the health their families and lb,._„earVen-being of a nation is af,,nttted:'' Jt bee as-ogee:le Peen laber or Wye. • foe ale to stidy the diseaseS of ebildreel Fite, a vinw tbeir VOW cnO, tenra.„ *Tani' groNta peOnte 7701, ntnotaly eltac to OW fiehilitatIng drugs and negtmni lbot nl'e a welie et hark:les:eta, "put k te# bat It ahnest a grime to give thatil ebiltiree at tee riot; 0 1341tIvat •anst, ent 4egeneration. ety remedies Zr reedreree eieeaxes are egeetive ADO reenet. but ibex ere enttrely tkaTlateXo. every tboughtne tnett4er 61101414 beve a. tuneon Family Se t antti hoMd never fall to eve? it *PiPolloo runyo:hreat gore. Fever Cure P P. C Tee-, net Cold Cure. dough Curt. soro ene. Croup Cure. Chole4 P. D. Coattl)tien Cote, IiiirorM Cum, Vace Riacil. 011,17ot:owe eautororee Teem *zee eleake sl 4411t7 Ttig III' firgtv an T. a tin it need, .6 few cleeee Of the peeper remed tilVell at Woe tight time wilt prevent le nd dengertme epees et elekeeee. a e e REMM)IgS, lattrYOteia Ca*Rft, 411 and etunyeree Cold Cure prevent* PT4011• mgala, and 1:?re3Ita up a cella he a la belint. Price ele. Pereanui letters aestreteett 49 Pion AtInlyen. Phileeelphte, V. S. centelnd tug de eleknees. will be aos97§X1, cd, peon and free advice aft to treae meet w Oren, ewe =Any ilectore' Wee. Of the nests. Lice won't tarry long, lettere thew are. 'Ile poults should' be given a drop o sweet oil on the head and wit, under the wings and (vetoed thete vent ono week e Titis should lee applied with -the finger and rubbed on net the skin. The first seed should he dry bread. Take one quart twit or corn meal, Middlings and bran and one pint of *Med ground oats. 'Season with Fait. Mkt a little pepper, relo up with water or Four milk and add enough ealeratue to ralve it. Bane unui done. Enough von be baked at one time to laflt several days. M-0 ter the potato aro reveled days cad moifiten the hard cruets in sweet milk, squeeze out dry and feed. Mr* a little every tWO 11104nrO. Feed on. a clean board and be sure that none Is left. over to sour. Feed everythiree as dry as pose4 ble, as sloppy or uncoohed food is injurious. After tise turibn aro a week old tbe feed may be scalded. The saleratus and sour milk stould be left out and a little moat added, or cook a piece of fresh lean meat and feed a little of it oneo a day. Ground bone may be put in the feed at all times if it is sweet and good., 'When the pouIts am ten days old, commence to feed whole wheat for isupper and when a Month old feed! cracked corn for supper and wheat at noon. During all this time keep on with the scalded feed between tier times wben wheat or eorn is given. After four week e old feed only four times a dny. When four menthe old twice daily is suinclent and the feed may consist of whole grains. width should be kept up until killing tine it you want to inwe the stock large.. FEED VERY x,rrme CORN, ion of your cook may be Utilized for light services, such as running er- rands, weeding the garden and tend- paul to talk about a piece of wort', that would be as had for #18112 08 for me. I dill not (*house my crew among the slums of Naples on ac- count of their moral rectitude. you; will understand. So you ire. Forms- CATARRH CURE . C. ter. that Zavertal and I shall soon' be busy among the passengers of the" Queen of Night with no prying ayes and ears to obstruct us. Shall I take any inquiries from you to Miss Challenor—as to the state of lwr health?-* The news of Nennard's murder, and, the thought that Aline would soon. me. nut controlling himself with an be at the mercy of these diabolical effort that sent a muscular spasen wretches, staggered inc ear a room- rippling over his handsome 'fiendish ente but seeing that my dear girl's, lace. he even fOreed his features only hope of life lay in my besting! into a. Mtn now, X mode a mighty (Mort to "The honors of war are with control myself, and still to fight for you, Captain,'" he said. "What is delay. All this time Dicey remained to he the programme ?" flattened out against the wall, 'env- You will right -about face and ing a clear line for Vizard's pistol, stand with your back to we, and but he was in an uncomfortable at- your face to the cabin wall," I said. titude, from which I hoped much. "Aad loop your hand straight down "I may be powerless to prevent and joined behind you." your next crimes," I said, replying Somewhat to nev surprise be to the arch -villain, "but they will be obeyed, and walking up to him. I your last. Do you imagine that I felt him all over in case he should have no friends who will make in- tave a second weapon. Sure enough quiry for me? I shall be traced on he had a long clasp dagger, of beard this vessel, which it will be which I relieved him, and then, after proved was hired or bought by picking up his dropped pistol, I you." bade him precede me up the cone- should appear astern to see if he was accompanied. In a. second or "Dont make any such mistake," panion. Arrived an deck a hasty two I caught sight of her, bobbing retorted Vizard. "The trap was glance showed that one of the in 'tho Miranda's wake, and the. se- cret, of Vieard's escape wa.s solved by the presence of a second person who was pulling the oars. At first I thought this must In Dicey, but remembering the grievous nature of bis wound My suspicions turned to 'Ttte Broken Health of School Life 41ose Confinement, over Exertion at Study and Worry over Exatraina.) the engineer ; and were instantly tionstoo great a strain 'ler tho Nerves—nr. Chase's Nerve rood. confirmed by my giving a signal to the engine -room which met with no So many school girls and school using -this preparation we are more response. ,boys, too, are pale,. languid and run than pleased with the improvement It was dear enough now what had 'down in health, subject to weak which has been needle in' her health. happened. • While I was oeenpied in ;spells and nervous headache, and She looks one hundred per cent, bete averting collisiondw -victims of Sleeplessness, that we no ter, her nerves are steadier, she is tine, bitohitedthiteitobrigt.a4- Vizard longer realize the folly of developing not bothered with headaches and is stokeliole hatch, ' and had enlisted the mind at the expense of the body. gradually increasing in flesa and the aid of the engineer in lowering i It is on the mothers mot fathers weight." the boat, which they must have .that falls the responsibility of look- Mrs. P.. -Wareham; 267 Sherbrooke reached unseen by me while the moon •;Inge after the health of their children, street, Peterboroe • Ont., states :-- was under e. cloud. On the whole I and to them' we suggest the wisdom "One of my children has suffered a was rather relieved than otherwise let having the health of their chil- great deal with nervous headaches, to be quit of the strain of watching, ,dren kept at the high water mark dizziness and sleeplessness, and, in t for on attack, and when Vizard 'thy using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. fact, 'was all run down, pale anci shouted a derieive farewell from tile This great food cure is so gentle languid. These trouble§ were at- fast receding boat I returned it with tend natural in action as to be ad- tributed to over -study and Confine- interest. I made no doubt that on ,xninably Suited to the requirements merit at school. She began using Dr. the information I should lay he ehildren. The benefits to be de- Chase's Nerve Food, and I can say woeld be speedily traced wherever. ')rived from its use are certain and that we have found this treatment he might land, and in any case his lasting, as it goes to • form new red exceedingly helpful. It has relieved light seemed to be a confession lent stilted in an order being isSued to tcotpuseles in the blood, and create her of headache, steadied her nerves, his -power of evil was broken.. aones to, put up the board. new nerve force. and built up her system wonderfully. The only thing that troubld me Jones shut his teeth hard when he Mrs. T. Dalzell, 21 Charles street, We can see a great change in her, as now was the need of some ole to heard the result but the next day, iliingston, Ont., states :—"My inc color is returning to her facee loOk after the engines and furnace. ,daughter suffered very much with and she is gaining in flesh and At eresent, in the open sea, so long . head aches, caused no doubt from weight," , s the re did not want replan ish- 'over-study and a run down con- Dr, Chase's Nerve rood, 50 centsinging and n, full 'head p'.1 steam was tempt to defeat the ends of justice, :dition of the nervous •system. These a box, 6 boxes for $2.60, at alb on T was all right, but the tine be was astonished at what he saw. 'attacks of headache were very try-, dealers, or nimanson. Dates Co.,would soon come when L should The •board • had been replaced., in ,ing on her and, I noticed that She Toronto. To proteot you against either have to lash the hole are gb due order ; but under the words was gradually geowing weaker and imitations, the portrait and signa- anTi strike the fire myself, or nralte enore nervous. About two months- ture of Dr, •A. W. Chase, tho fa. one of the sailors do it foe me, both iaeo I gee her a boe, of Dr. chases !mous reecipt-book author, are 03 of which alternativel3 Ime aloe- lFferee Fleece, and since? ehe has beetelevetee box of hie remeddee., - risks. I rather wenclered that. Teee' produce milk much more economical- iy than if tee a heavy grain ration. Under ordinary eireunistanees, at least half, by weight, of the dry matter composing a coeds ration should be roughage; as bay. Corn stover* etc., and in some eases it may be more economical to feed all rougbage. When halt the ration is oaf tido nature, the remainder should consist of goncentrates; as grain, oil meal, gluten meal, etc. rille pro- portion between these will depend upon the condition of the cows, the amount of milk they are producing, and the Comparative value of feeds. It is of the utmost importance that cows be reasonably well fed at an times and never allowed tO be - ton* poor. It they shrink in now of milk sooner than they should, as they will do if not properly fed, it is plentifully supplied with beans, corn- - almost Impossible to bring them *up themselves but consider in clover if again during this period of lacte.- sleep contentedly on the stones of don, and a considerable meal and Potato soup, and will LOSS IS THE RESULT. the patio or the straw of the sta- ble. The danger is that some of Shortage of feed occasionally e not conies toward spring, before time to the stranger bangers -on may supposed to be, turn on to pasture, and farmers hes- be as honest as the cook herself is itate to purchase 3nore, but this is the, poorest kind of econOnly, for we where thieves and even murderers and eases are known must at all times give caws a 'stir thus gained admission to the inside ration to obtain the best result. of the caste with disastrous results. i! , A shortage of feed rase frequently occurs during the hot, dry weather GRAINS OF GOLD. of summer, when pastures are short. At this time it is of great import- dre.bit is the deepest law of humen am° that the pasture be supple- nadeted with some other green feed. nature.—Carlyle. -Good nature is stronger tban. tom- All farmers should raise a small ahawks.—Ernerson. amount of soil crops for this Tablebearers aro just as bad as purpose, but if this has not been talemakers.--Sherida.n. done, it is smith more economical to Those who complain most are feed from the general crop, of clover, most to be complainea of. --M. oats or corn, whichever IS in the proper coudition for feeding, rather 11°nlmo rY. st always the most, intligent than ' allow the cows to go without A sufficient feed and suffer the results are the most gene.rous.—Stataislaus. True gentleness is native feeling of an aecessivd shrinkage in the flow which is bound to follow if 'lightened and improved by prin- of milk, t: the cows do not-Itave suificient feed ciple.—Blair. He that thdlIcs he can afford. to be in the hot weather, when the flies are so troublesome. negligent is not far from beteg poor. .Another important matter which —Johnson. dairymen fail to realize ie that cows He who commits injustice is ever shouldat all eines be treated with made more wretched than he who [dullness and gentleness to get the suffers lt.—Plato. best results. One occasionally vis. Persistent people begin their tuc- its a dairy farm 'where the cows are cess where others end in failure. — brought up from the pasture on` a Edward Eggleston. .• A friend that you have to buy run, driven to the barn by a dog or - hired man on horseback, like steers ,won't be Worth what you pay for into a slaughter house. The 'best bird, no matter what they may be. results can never be accomplished in —Gr . D. ',Prentice.• this way. This is not a mere theory - • ------+ but a matter of dollars and cents, for cows will. give much more milk NOT "TO DE I.,' ET"—ALONE. when gently handled then when Jones was leaving his house ; but roug,bly treated. he very strongly objected to tho planting of a "To lee Let" board in CARE OF YOUNG TURKEYS. his front garden. After the young are 86 hours old Ilis landloiel, however, ivae equally remove all td a good sized coop and strenuous in insisting • that this place the coop where there is plenty should be done. Lawyers were con- of grass. If the grass is long mow suited, and the ensuiug action re -,-- it off. For early in the season be sure to have a movable board bot- tom to the coop and clean this off and sand every day. Dampness arid wil en the tri u inphant landlord took pfill:th mean death. After the weath- eel t [es and the, ground warms ep a wall( pest the house in order to I see that there waS no further at- ant. by simply moving it to Cal t eoe in tFe ground or grass frof-..b ground. Lice are the eatiee of nearly all the ills of turkeydom and kilt more young ones than all ' else "this Tfotoe To Be Let" there 60 mb in ed , 0 et rid, of the li ce and was the old birds first by dusting them attached anothel bill, which iced : every week, while sitting, with- in- ''Presen t tenant leaving ori ac- sect powder an (1 place green cedar , „ eee branches 1/1 the- 1)ottone •drealt. unless you 'want to fatten them for market. Give a variety, if possible.' such as wheat, oats, buckwheat and. barley. Wheat is the best food U$ only one idnd is given. Procure! solue whole black pepper and -every( morning look over the little ones, and whenever one is noticed to ap- pear droopy pick it up and look for1 lice, and at the same time give it tt? grain of the ,pepper. After turkeys "shoot the red," or are full feathered, they will largely take care of themselves, but liefore* they will require constant watebinge' Build a little pen with some ehort boards, in front af each coop and/ don't let the little fellows out of this for the first four or five doyse After that they may be let out met' every fair day —after the dew is off.. Also let the hen out with her -brood after the seventh day. Always know where your turkeys are and 11 a shower comes up get them Intder cover as soon as possible. BEAT WIPE FOR HONOR. , — Called. Hine a Coward and as a. Soldier He Beat Her. A Prussian officer stationed nee Strastairg appeared before the court; at IColnear, In Saxony, and gave the following evidence in support of 1 his demand to be divorced from bis, wife: "One night," he said, "I had a quarrel with My wife, in the, course of which she exclaimed: 'Yout are too much of a coward to strike reel' What could. 3:, as a, Prussian' officer; do when Any wife accused mei of cowardice?, If the wife of anoth- er officer lidel thus insulted me,' could at least have challenged • 'lee, husband to a duel, but 3: could not challenge myself,, because my own' wife insulted nte., "I got," continued the officer,, "into a state of intense excitement, over this terrible dilemma. I lit) the candle and requested my wife,. formally three times to withdraw) the insulting expression, Which was, lecompatible with my dignity [Inch honor, as • a Prussian officer. My? wife Sulked, and did not withclravd the trisult. As it -was my- duty to cefoce •satisfaction for the inseet seized a stick and beat my wife." The trial was adjourned. LIFE'S FREE HAND-OUT. Jerry—"Don't you ever borrow trouble :?'N"o, 'indeed ; everybody run up against gives it to me."