Exeter Advocate, 1903-5-21, Page 5THE exeter buocate., peblished every linneday Morning a the Oi 4l4,4111-$T1EBT', EXBTER. the— AO.YOGATR QOMPAellf. IF,RMS SUOSCitIPTiON. 'One Dolle.rper annine if paid la Aclionee *1.50 if net gap*. • .4.4drere4t„.,e.e, :F.Z.9.teteet :Co paper diseontinued antiltald arreariges ore paid. „Advertisements without speellieddireetions wilt he published natit s14 citerged rzeontiealy. Jr discount merle ferttauseient advertisentint5 blurted ler long yeriode Eeery deseriptien f JOID PRINTING terued one in the Aneet style,„and at moderateretes. Cheepaes, mene2.- orders, aett, for • Advertising, lettbseriptiens, ete„, to he nude paxable Ohas.11. Sailers, Rprroa AND VW IGINSIIVS. ALAN,. I.R.S.. D.D.S.. Toronto reiveristr. DENTISTS. Tsithent nay 333,43.. 9r AnY bad effects ea's irest ssie 3.X.AErt 4tett. 9r graelqato 4NDIUR5ON (PP. LAS — DENTIST Itotar Graduate at Toronto tradavvity Prol Royal eallev el Rental Surgeons of °ataxia 4.15.:a wat Graduate at eltlealeScikaal Proglketie Pentistery wIt bonotable na Mien.) Allatolutuo, Gold and Vuleaelte Voles made in the neatest eiamicrposs. ible. A, perfectly harnalese szbetlo used for pallth'eseKtracction of teeth, anise one doer ei Catlin Prra Mere, Cseler. 3tedlca1 , r RelAri31111,.1N. Nitalllfift Or T Mysleiens mut teig;teins °uteri% Sargon etei .4ceandwur, Mee, Mite O. Jel!ut 1/, OT.,.c. end IttcrensS..Ilia::d:74 0.7ke. spell attentien ref 417.e..o.:eset fer,esetette, ge 4 vrrt., l''17-11-11'^':-1,,ritr-A- S17,;.:,:,-.cra ter i‘.1-sl'es Peet, et,.. 04 len tit c-a•cer rele.5.4 40111;717.:!,1a eitivt,lgie,,ter. I, IL ,V4- ,,4-, I, It. ift.17,ws,. trna,Trz, 11r3 -el, ore (3%113M13,3313','1‘3r1-f1, r, * 4 r cr. Anetioneera Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding. Call the disease rickets if you at to The orowinos child must eat the right food for growth. Bones' BOARD OF CONCILATION. 'ME MARKET REPORTS, I EXETER MARKETS. Mr. Latchford's Bill to Settle Labor British Live Sto*-Grain Markets - 0,EIANGED EACH WEDNESDAY EXETER changed -The Latest Quotations. biett`- Monday Evening M I " - Disputes, Tor6nto, May K9, --Tile sultry air pf the outside pervaded the Parliament buildings yesterday, and was probably responsible for 1 the absence of all contention from the proceedings of the Legislature, Sum- mer clothes made their ap earance 1 earnest and SYe must have bone -food blood roust have blood food and so on through the list. Scott's Emulsion is the right' treatment for soft bones in children. Littledoseseveryday elve the stiffness and shope that healthy bones should hava. BOW legs become straighter, loose joints grow strong...a-and firmness comes to the soft heads., Wrong food caused the trouble. Right food. will cure it, In thousands of oases Scott's Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in childhood, se,nit for free sample. SCOTT 4 SOWNE, Chemtsta• Toronto. Orstarlo pc. MA ',Loa; druzgiats. 'e•iforthi Mr. Dennis 44otivews, 411 umloyee of the Stewart Milling *et with a painfol aceldent the ulgpt the OM ,A. se ive fell, striking him n the hand, severing an artery gold Billeting a very 'vel wound. Toronto St. Lawrence Market. Peas- • ..• • . • • - ..• - • rade at St. Lawrence Meadtet te-daY Potatoes, per bag.. - rAllet and rs dots were feW• OrdY 11.4Y' Per t°11 tea bushels or get were ort the market. Fleur. per e)vt.. roller- Wheat -One bandied buSliele et aetWo Butter sold at 0/0 per bushel. -u uneleapged. Choice lipit weighege t liaro Iiides Per 100 lbs. - • • Preseed lioge---The market eon -names gga" ' ' **'*.** lth tboults eted 9- Irls pwr qWt. and le- , Live hogs, per Cwt...... ted to aprina work pressin at home 11.2Y-Tlie early or-uin in it •Dx•essed • . g ept ree. celpts Nett mad moat was on. tbe marluet Shorts per ONVt.. streitgthening the movement for an wAs 111,Ftly er poor quality. Five load,e Bran per e,wt.... r, r on timotbv and be r,Itspesc.K1 of i$ 11‘3t very heavy. ; to Z•••• evr maxed or (+weir, F.% M. Pettibone, of rnellsville, N. and by the e.nd or next Week there will Straw-r.one load t-st.H. Quotations c otattnitted SuiCido titillflaF lit 2 be little, ef it kit. ,•jr. Latch- aro sze-imi ti's ler ton. wantford liotel by taking inorphine. ford _yesterday introkluced the COile Britislt Cattle Markets, • cio„,,,ing. The bill of farostiL wre,re mad onot-ineirs ore steads" at,: 67 -70 38 42;. 29 30 00. 60 25 133 700 00 1 3 00 . 10 11 4 00 ',15 .50 ,5 4 44, 100 wJ • Allan Oiltuar • • ' romubet btr_% 4rigo, In, cal,ivIonadio44, 61,1c1: 'ally shot biwseif tlitOlithtiasw;:ze'vaolevtl.tirezilit bill, a which he gave notice disiplitietesmeisuit_e?friausrtit-7,117°,,rA In 1r4de5 ttip.1.7?"1:;;;.,1.17:1); Ili7.--e-- ..aZtan- '' ea' :17644- i Tiitelenosatio:::::::::111:)E17 111tir". create a Provincial Baetard Qr cacti_ i . 4 e Winnipeg burg itrriewho confesSed to tweuty-live burg. iation and Ai-bitration I ti 1 4,,,,in,le41k.:°,une,try7„-„I_LT1,,.164,4SatZetk; ,.s.tera . $' has"bee" sent to Pe°14'°"4447 nient of differences betQufecialeenteeptlet ye: 1".' .. . as the trades disPetes act its -It bl r 4g.Iti: (le "ze 414'314' the' P34;110 40 la4t i )313ra.disawanesRdoedantrZesalthayrn liahLtoiltitulg, elattillgelx:vntlatillbennfkrelist lirosr ae°1fwlotrike: p amiwatIrlithiehelPrt3;ere"Ino-guXateda e.tutirty.t741" TuesdaY' night with seven horses and 1 able. The board is to be appointed ,,,I Ma rematrireEMAgs 2.Pc4" allrflantra"4 ;(111411titY°f- st°i'k' ' chi,_-, the 1,sietailelneaonat-sqisotl-trbtfuren Crain: i L,,olltyw,S,:-Ch,,_,,,,Lete..0.kultell.e,,414,e4.407.10,11? k•Iiehi ( Wm. McIntyre of St. Thomas. engi. ivirs. note of whom must 0 a 1 11174: 1,,,;1144Trv.i 1.tirclualzkitu Totnl,: ' neer on the M.C.R„ was killed in a * ‘4 collision near Perry. Thirteen ea er of laber q b n "IP 44Y- VatUr4.' rs rs emproyees." it Willt heqcriovie antt tf4r 4:4.uk a'4r4et r41?Cl rev tei Yen"' ant one ail eicaployee. C4IVV.7-"Rerellfita eano t Fhe °"3"Pltion oi the third member tte 44411tY telr "9 4" Ileaci* Wel'e Wleekeil "a 1411rnea. UMW wte nr"'$tilr good. Vie 4.4 - tug stnotelated. Had at noon 5i/e rernalned, The body" of Miss Annie Orr, provgicial Duman 75(7:3‘1)"0";,` Cai i'&7,,ruatrer seld at 41 tO UM, ana in the pest face • f• tU present Mr. Rohen Glocklin valve* " '4-4°.' °41Q41 4e41444 1Qc w4s t'un I" .11e. Secretary of the board, and for th " "/1 guati L'"unt " r .eceipts of Sheep 1 "1 at been nthising since Stmday. gttham ott Site purposes of (be Oet the "Ivag"ttl 14! he3a' r,4ioncr led be:44. Ti; h W of Public ‘1,,°•ort,-,s b„ kruivol a5 tu e*-44'ttitei," -1171/4egWet Irmn rat° Tocra'satt)11E117:11)nec Tilt) 4) :`,Nlinister of 1.abor, The secretary Iivad r ,e‘e..5.-'othgeg4sta'rialt.Q.'"Untat .ntA Rlycerine in an old lam that he wgts he bnarl when requested, inter- vene in !labor difficulties, and should 1:e fail to bring abaut an amicable ettlement. the board shall then act 115 arbitrators. If, after a thornugb investigation of the dispute, the arbi- 4411 afid pikes preparing to 1160 water trough. ransvit •,cr ..7‘e 1.$ 0.4e. East Ruffalo Cattle Market. Itching Skin slow, 34.'e tow - 14.S.4 toutelterw 14444;!kg for Iwo years' on both part. bliv.o. are so unfortunate as tO be afflicted er: prime ewers, of.liap1Pg, do Distress by flay and nigIttr- • „ ratnt'S tnolie an „4,2311 Lere 43 3: s.)!, 4/aQtr tste eon:plaint of tli0Se who I - 6[0110418 00 0 Oaltag " lilkgeet to notice of sixty days by th:liety after feat', Fear. Eliiiploy- gteelir jai:,7'n;•-1 toe live. *31) tti,i the ap.,,r4r.4 not,. ar,.. 4.4 ;1111 en. plee,-op,e, o ce,* Pretvi4'^r1 ; 0E4a; tietan?S. prippzer4 piwpoly th gCZeltla or S.alt Rheum -and Ont. come' ward aPplications uot 1,(0,4 . to They can't. .. • 1. Capitol Vold Up tl...,,i,:. 1.•"1.7.,:dlie eint pure nnil tWS Ea31., .1:!..'5. ' - ,.71. .9, •!,- -o IN -T. burning,. itaiii4 sidn disease will 44P11. ' dliarliParss as 111 ti•e not, male I, v.beto t•-• •..thate oR1 ation or 'fte .4 a • A The souree of the trouble is in the Gie00,(33) 2-,70.01OR trait fool supply• aul maize a reconnuanla-. Ilion. - fun F.0 1\11111 'JAS.; MURRAY. & 11 5,14NXFACTUDERS OF 74444 0 RINGS AND MENT "MIXERS r aye for sale Boiler 80 11, p. 1 Boiler 40 11. p. 1 Boiler and Engine 80 IL p. 1 Boiler and Engine 161a,p. Castings of every Description Brass and Iron to order. Pipe and FittiOge a all sizes k eonstantly in stock. JAS. MURRAY 86 vn,c7-ar,-nan, .1471; r, ^ ' lterCeo. iee4e,e, eeed t • ,a)) 4 ft3 "t Wien with ntl Ming on my :3; anne Vrre-eill very tiLear:fre.ealge. 1 INGS a -wed' AS 1,1,FAVED X clEP 7,4:A NY. eue4,4 C lins (.;:ont.k1444,4 •t.:;.;4:4 4,43t V.V15:74 and Lavinia a , bratie"et .1Ioas Sarsanarilla, two day$ attor tritP. 44114.1 it 4.4-14t 1474,ier ar.d. it • xiet,y. Derlin, wit:4 fire at Porita444 , pt.„1-•?nte Cor,, c I retai.7 Cirmiberiain in reeent co)n-ies at an in- 018114mme Otte. 1;,r Citamellor Von. Ilvie:t,w, a fre,./.1 problem arises. just es the, r.t.".111-drtleniOn nr the egilltnere cotheZ pe.k eteFeez 1":1=ter • 04 • , 14 - Chicago) Lir never 1Dad y- , us. . eitr*M. IltwO 174a Ettl•:Trt, elIl.V. ; 2.;',..*.g 1.4.74:111 ' 1V.o.nri, Cove Point* Rd. l:,-;";;Iel '1,;";-.7g1.-er 13,0, 'est to 4-.11-LC:11413114 4 4 .e r?,4.1.4 arr.;-;,.11 • 1"W 1,4 1,4 114116 titia bit -4011 0f. 11114 '111,14,4 1NS111C.0 414o,-.-vi14 3 544434' z4 Ifood's Sarsawrilla , 13l 3111I411Q13 • a le4-41/Y. Id.' eurea ail cruptiOnS. - I ElDri ON, OAT* W. S. CHISHOLM, Manage 4.4 II rai-••re•i; t iznolevis stInk plp4oki 10 1,, 11,01,,,e V..1:4,ouvor that '?",-.Ah!siv?;,I 0,1;o0e It-telf to tile traditional ••:, • 1 i ---4.34e," 044 the animal 044433' -4!o% 34,,s1;:e.er;ti, 17 !"...11 p •Ir . '' . '' JAS. 11.1.11 Yr r, oiNK:1;AL 31 ANAGER. I. rtr -1.0 a re 3 p,ro: n a 10 3.13 tk. I itva. tgenoral h t 111: ing letsi Bess trangoeted -4 Age • I, 03.1 0, te-, 4 Wit4 f-eaetert)flal earrt)t It e a!, ;,-.0.1 4,4 v....44(,:"k • ,;200!,,,i0 a an ale,,,,tite ;r irg mixed. , „ 4 . Lor co 47.al; I 1410 1% o, 194.1 Iv 14 lebroe,- Vereert ,,vorg e4„ ne147,, 444 fr.:444 4 amit ant:Ards reeeit- ' VIC I1M irtA 14A11,4: 14141a.-3 010. 0404 IlrufaN, Mannar minehes in the • iiC3193.4. W:1113. the 341031e3(.3r ttial I try hor,-.. ia that Premier Balfour Vr.p IM1,70 the %;;:i a.- "A Cline to follow Mr. Chamberkill's ,fiedgee ,stIgNeSti011. and th•It he will be e•1 to leave th,.? One students nre 4305 g on rant eed inejobs,lin after a, entirse thi.: it will be TROLiBLE FORilliti TO 11010 110 POSIMI, oht them, if possible to obtain employment. Ltd we first Nnip them to maintain the high. reputation this seboul has aequired. WILL RUN J. W. WESTRIWELT, Vtinelpal. Romeseekors' gy Bouillons TO THE CANADIAN RE -URN Winnipeg' Wastada „... I Estevan Elgin Wawanesa Minh:de. Rinscarth Grand View., 1 Swan NORTH-WEST AT eaina . aloosejaw.. } $30 Pr, Albert,.,1 35 Macleod.... Rec Dear,. 40 Strath cone Going Jnxn Atli, 'returning ACCIUST 4th (all rail orS.S. Atli:di:Iva." Going J1.7.NE 18th, retaining until AITGI*ST leth till rail or SA Athalwasea.) -Going:Jinx dth, returning until SEPTEMBER. Sth (all mil or %S. Manitoba.)- Tirkets arena gond on "linperitil Limited." For tieltet5 and pamphlet g3- ini pilipartieulars apply to .3mar nearet4 Canadian Ramie Agra, or to A. H. NOT:datf, Assistant General Passenger Aetna To Twinge Tronta. CPC"Di 0 eq. ROLLER MILL& ooDDNIDDo-tv,wmc-ocriccet-Ipoo ,Wa are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- mod.olling our mill. GRI$TING and CHOPPING - DONE PROMPTLY. SWEITZER , Clinton; Dr. .A° -new has taken into, Partnership Dr. ow er , of Senforth, who comes well recommended. The patronage enjoyed by- the office .Was too great for Dr. Agnew to attend to alone, so he had 1,6 have assistance. Mitchell: While walking butside of her home the other evening, Mrs:',Tno. Dale, West Wald, fell and fiactnred one of her arms. ()ply a few months et.go her husband met 1151 a similar ttccident. tbe lady is well advanced iq years it will take some time for the bones to knit, but the arm Will be all right tinTle boughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Vapo-Creso- tene tablets, ten cents Der box All druggists. Daniel C. 3IcLend, the only smallpox pat lent at Winnipeg is dead. The Dominion Elevator Company's elevator at Nesbit, Man., was burin d with B.,000 bushels -of wheat. A farmer named C. Fontaine eves robbed of $7.10 in $10 bills while board- ing C.P.R. train at Calgary. Thos. Arnold, a, former PrOprietor Or the Columbia, Hotel, St. Thomas, wt.s drowned ut Sarnia on "Wednesday. A ''' --• ,. ce..._..s. 1.3 4\ S-37., ...:... '.'''-'•& 4 -41-, A, . OdeS -13: not Sc'em '2110re effeCtiVe 1.0 breathe in a remedy, to cure clieeaSe of i the breathing organs than -lb. -take the remedy into, the sibinech? '• , -. EseabZisiiedz879. Cures Willie You Sleep It cureS because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased sur- face with every 1)reath, givillgprorOtiged and constant treatment. II: is •inyaItt- , abie to mothers with r' 4.11 children. , s a boon, to asthrnat:cs. Whooping Poonchitis C:...onp Coughs „, Catarrh, Colds Cr.:olio and raYnr.Te'.:7 The Vftpori xr and nmp, which should 1.3441 a lift time, together with a lw tie of Cr,..%,olene, $X.5o. 'Extra supplies or C'resolime 2444241 and cent's. Write for clescriptivo beelder conta,in,t mg. highest testimony as 114 141 value. ',14P0 414144401 1",,:11 IS SOLD P,Y 01406131S L13R ewiliti.c. Vapo.Cre:„-elene Co. x8o Ful 041 Street xC5.1. Notre Dame Street New York Montreal • i 4/.1111 x',,'4 1,`I s.,i.ak ; ° 38. 1 'hi* tr-741141 in the eity to tietMin 2.1outrea1 Grain and Produce, i 1.;,...., ',i,•••0. a dei• It or Po of the -,0 in 11.e , , i inia.t.... of tae , •' , 1 4 1 , ; U"u.;uMftTr)'4.•'1d.:,.•l'iia,., 4d)•y.itN0.4 1 i,ib hey r lig 1: eata J 1 1 threvent ad- ,tertent iake Or tilit rrllyll''''1'''.:i"2'41114rN:iz lb. ,,i0,t•.A .bo entneipate it -'-'h .e . •,..';t r.. n •a3,tt.i. '"t Z,a,tar i, tt.s ;.t i3,tc -W - ,l 0,o11'', " . , e, i45,n '•-.':'•1 T`,toa4,a,u'l4ia4," . . .i t t ronint4arsi,y. f tile toenteftW31a.0v,yw,iarnsJBefichr w:l tiand f4riays tm .gd1 la 1 i2, Na n pwIittI -S llatlatholh,ut4111iAllt tl ilat nv Atomeoi part othe ritLdt 11') 11 it d- e1-1 t 1.itio (24)8 1,, it 'blid that 11111 also 141441 n to tthtt4wat.%alle 43 13 1.3 . NO. 1 kr.13:4:Rol.ytu4.4.11. The t:,,v. inia.ttt t: IA Mr1.111333- :3-" 0 .331 N. JOIP"VattIVIt t,theranconqrastt.i theIlviiii •1.i71turv••'''•""'"t..1;t°tw""'''uj*Itw°l'";:'.1mil''“'.r Irprdmlguati . ”- '-. fCtiair rt:a1f'1s. :$ . k Y ` n l r f e . ed (14431:it Cana:la is tioleeent • in commercial p . - 3 4 Can,n1 , her own iralle a .4 n , e ,og 4N; ik '.v..-.„) ret.4411kmiu c ga iet ou1 . ituie1 ainCerny:1y 14; .ht44 ....,-11-^l'*,... ,,,, ..y: 7 1..” . .11 ,1;14 II ifitylli•e Or t110 tilltply of dieap power for info, Great Britain's ,eint,ientt . • and M.,. tu.•it:,4. '....21. with torf,--4 101111, 1, Lie: p:1; PP32 1+ r ...7- ;,''.1,..1 ). .'balled, 3104 441. „ I T;te newspapers Lere, which u are i" a nr,red-raistnes; cmtintif•s CM•Er .1r- 1.smallest things %i-ible. ai the g'ye are Ilk', f.4.75 lo.r . ?..tf". 'eW n.r..,.73 1/-; wi):2.1 ...•':e,...i atat 1.1,L, tidily ready to avail then:Selves f.f any rina .,„•,d.),.,,j ..... ,,,,..,,t v„e 11 .rtunity to at 4.C!4 Great Britain or c,,:ote:-Manit...•Ild In:•ka; "'1112-. 5.4-11.41"1 111 1;P:4 -j4-, XO -4 44,7 1: 1a444berla443, either „i•ay nothi.14 401110. nd 1,e1 tun; (8 11 11:11‘r,,,ktin2 i.1en: vi.birell inogreattkille n the subject or el,4e use inolleratz ',11•„ etimn"• -eetion of the British ,eiati,mi at Bel- C...t a- ri,any ot Ovst,,,rs 4. 1:: utile' niaguitude. their distant.e i o im- mense that then' angular eham,:ter It,- frenn the FOTel11 nrace here to Vie 1'1:les-The tun.. titn e I" st,,,aay., comes irn!ensible, and they approach the, eoudition of geonietriml porats, The editon to say encling wraich u^eler 31. Mir demaed, and RAIN.: of NA, irritate the unduly and to snn- S811bi8ia. .w.lY "11°6'1 'n c mintitt 461" that -they .kppektr to have angu•Kie in contending that faerniany Cheesn•-New to can int ire British traile more tIN:i • w ex;iern. 111 to 11'....";in eatultrr, Ile Great Britain en in5ure Gerrium.'• " 111:!'i•e• r tter-rresb crearefey finest. 151;.'e to trakie, !tint Feems to have n',on`>• "' ''‘:!• 1 1.4111 A. it ti;d.4. 2. at llo 111;),a per dezQn. are spurious, au effect of irradiation. ply wait and see what happens in the The tions are volt if present British er- Cabinet. Sonie of the papers rivals iteep up prices will be easier in the affirm that Great Britain will be jai:tat- 'Veer nrils-tarAsiness in ing a tariff war on all exporting coma:d - ices un benns is quiet and changed at S-1.75 to 31.143 per tries, including the, United States, if. Provisions -The de --,and for all lines Is she supports her colonies in impos- . hsomewhat quiet at steady prices, We ing preferential tariffs. , (mote heavy Canadion short cut mese Will Be Trie I. at Montreal. Washington, Alt13, r8. -The State Department has iss-teci a warrant for the 81.f -render to the British authori- ties of Pasgtele Parise, charged with murder coinmitted in Montreal and now under arrest in Bosto1. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. The riallroail strikers of Victoria deeided to return to work. 'e , Militiameii in camp will be allowed to wear straw hats. • .elr, $23 to $2.3,50: Canada short eixt baelt lorle, $22.50 to $22; light Canada. short roe•er pork, $22 to F22.50; finest ltettle herd le 20 -lb pails, 11401o; extra pure lard, hi . pails, 1.0110 to Ilc: eludee refined compound lard, We to 9c; Tletu"s Head hrin, 20-10 wood trails, SIAS to 31.93; Globe. 31.75 to 31 53; 20-10 tin pans, de le..5S rtgr131111;.01elrallba: 1211c 6:3' 14o, a'31 bacon, 14o ), British Markets:* Liverpool, May "S. -Opening -Wheat. spot steady; No 1 standard California o- centaj,tis S.kia to .0s 9d; Walla, es No. 1* Jorthe.r'n ta,.1 nsoldstotneic(7. fog-, weeks since, 031 the ItildS011 River, the - tures inactive- May Gs 58`cl nominal' July. 65 Vied nominal. Corn_spot quiet; mixed American, per coated, 414 Gd to -Is 7d; fu- tures leo etiVe; JUne, 4s 5%d nominal; Jury, ds 431c1 nominal; September, 4s 2,74id nom- inal. Flour, Alinneapolis, Otis 9d to 22s. Liverpool -Close -Wheat, spot steade; No. 1 standard California, Per contal, 341 61,4a to Gs 9d; Walla, Is 6htl to Is id; No. 2 red winter, Gs 1c1 to es 5d; 1' north- ern 1VIanitoba, no stock; futures quiet.; Mey, nominal; July, Gs Aid. Corn, spot quiet; mixed..Amerloarl, per contal, ne.w, 4s Gcl to 4s id; 'futures steady; June, 441 value;, July, ds 4r)fed value; Septem- bet') 4s 294.4 value: Flour, Minneapolis, 205 9..1 to 22s. London, May 18. -Opening -Wheat, on passage, quiet and steady. Corn, on pas- sage': rather firmer; La Plata yellow, rye terms: passage, 21s sa paid; patsage, 2141 1341 naktr passage, 21s sa paid; due to load, 19s 9t1 paid. Monday's Danubian. shipments of :wheat, 760,000 bushels; corn; 136;000 bushels. Weather in England cloudy. 1Vianday's Russian shifamonts of wheat, 3,- 15GiltsGeCcyo.billinst4r ye sw; hceoartn markets40bushels.'900ofSe,tuEr dnagy- I.ondon--Clese.-.1•Tumber of cargoes of wheat arrived off coast since last report, six; number of -cargoes of wheat waiting at outports offered for sale, ohm. "Wheal, on passage, buyers indifferent operators; pLaaktPolantasaaftiowret; ,steam loading, 283 Manitoba, about duo, 30s 1-Neagid; No. 2 Calcutta Club, May, June, 3041 3d paid, for Antwerp. corn, on Passage, lIltiler term s, Isnsibaegro.;, 12,1 e Plata11/2palycie;i1Ola,y. (2370: 10V,d paid. Corn, parcel mixed A.merican, PMaali al tgoeb a , JWU 113/, aSt s 14)4ndcelspaid; 1\ TSou.1;, 00bsa rUad paid; iirst 30s 3d paid; parcels No. 2 C'eleutta Club, May and June, 3014 paid. wheat, parcel No. northern Manitoba-, July, 30s 1M>el Corn. cargoes Odessa, f.o,r.t., steam, loadieg, 2243- 9d Paid. 'Mark Lane Miller Market- -Wheat, for- eign dun; English cfule.t but steady. corn, American firm; Dant,bien nem and rather dearer. Flour, American firm and rather dearer. English firm and rather dearer, Some curious statistics relating to hair have been colleeted by the school au- thorities at Lille, France. Thus, tlii au- hurn-haired boys are generally at the head of the recitation classes and the blonde girls learn their lessons best. An - burn boys and blonde lasses come out highest as arithmeticians. But in com- position they are nowhere. The dark- haired children of both sexes have the quality of imagination, and in their com- positions know bow not to fatigue the attention. They have movement and. or- iginality. In short, they seem as com- pared to the auburns and blondes, born stylists. The fastest steam vessel in tbe world is now' au American 'precinct. A few Montreal Street Railway employees 01.40 still talking Strie. Justice 1:-Jsb1tt was sworn in as a member of the Supreme Court Denali at Ottawa. ' Blizzards are raging in 1VIontana., while in soma parts of New 'York State summer The by-law to raise 2100,000 for civic im- provements was carried 1.1y the tette- payers of lIa.milton. AL. confe.rence of Catholio Bishops is to be held at Ottawa to consider the Mani- toba school question-. Toltio papers say that Britain. and Japan ii;re working together in regard to developments in China. Arch.. I-Iunter, undertaker, East Toron- to, died of smalipox, contracted while burying a woman who died of that dis- ease. ' Tho Ilebrews of Montreal raised 3175 in cash and 1150 in Subscriptions for the relief of their persecuted brethren in Ithesia. In the speech frorn the throne to iho Spanish Cortes, Eing _Alfonso asked the aid of the nienibere to revivify the, iife of the nation. Many fishermen arc tmavvare that the close 44(4341311 1.13 bass includes rock bass. The season extends until June 5, and many young, men who go fly- ; fishing at the Island for rock has are in- danger of lean] prosecution. ' new yacht Arrow, built for two New Inirk „qentlemen,: beat the record of 'the torpede-destroyer "Viper" by al- most three miles an hour: The "Arrow" ran a mile in less than One mintite •and twenty seconds, or at late rata of 45.66 miles per hour. The record of the f"Vip- er" is 42.25 milesper hour. The. "Ar- row" is 130 feet long, 327 feet 6 ,inches heath, 4 feet 7 inches draft, With- a dis- placement of 66 tons, Her quadruple ex... paneion engines Cam produce 4,00 horse - A rich than in a certain: New England city died, leaving his entire fortune to his second tvife. A newspaper sensation was manufactured of the case. The -vvicl- ow was heart -broken at her husband's death, and was scarcely able to attend to ,the ordinary demands upon her judgment and courage. Two clays after the funeral a min a.ppeared at her house and insisted that his 'business was of the first bit- portanee, and that he must see the lady, at the door f or a siiigle monient. Al- though. she was half4dased by grief, she W1143 struck by the unusualness of the re- quest, an 1. glancing from the Nvhulow, saw- two men posted across the street with a ea,mera, ready to take EL snapshot of her in her widow's garb for the benefit of one of the yellow journals! Could vnlgar intrusion ee) further? No Appeal. Meeker---Ary-wife,a,nd I always .S'ettle tr differences by arbitration. Bradley -Who is tile arbit,rator? "Mrwife, 01 course." • Portland Cement bave just received a iplan• tity of the best grade. of 1411' 1811(1 Cement for present delivery.. cloth Sacks to be returned free. Can be had at either Centralia or Exeter Storebousi.s. ool Want d :kattf4 Vi 741 vs Whi0.4, 14;4411;it .4 pp, will Fe paid. Deceived at il-eetor ant, Wat eh, Jos .0obb --.-.------ . 41(Eitil 1. To WL FOR PURE MA!' OE FLOLV (Star; BEST PE1311 WHEAT:VET t Pi•inee. tBreakfast Food; and Chop always on hand. A good supply of Minfeea Give our Flour 1411d Feed tin1 and he col:\ that it is all right. liolleVand Plate gi Alas in use to snit custoi,:ers. Harvey Bl'OS. Sureess i••• to Culibb•dick & Sou Bicycles We are still in the Bicycle trade and this year show some line speci- mens. The CCSHION FRAME is the Ideal wheel to ykle. Prices mod- . ernte. New -Pianos! Several New Pianos just put in -stock ; newest stylus and the best makes, It will pay you to StV1.11P131. Y011 will be surprisod 81 the LOW - PRICES at winch we sell thein.: Organs of the Latest makes always in stock Sewing Machines 80c. We are leaders in Sewing Ma- chines -the best tnachineS that the tracle.prodoces are on our floor for your inspection ; also repairs Need- les, etc., for all kinds of sewing lam - chines, alWaye on hand. Call and see us if in need of any of the above. S MARTEN )11 gww2BITGG-IES 7 BUGGIES!! - The undersigned will -have carload of Canada 'Carriage 00ainany's Buggies arrive on '-April 1st. If you 3141.nt 1, first- ' class buggy call at the McCor- mick shop before you buy. These are a n extutt gra de of - buggies and be in assorte'd colors: Don't ...forget the stand. McCORMICK SHOP EXETER EiROVV