HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-5-21, Page 41,:te .7,ivervirokty ,fearitzt.zt• Vroutaity :Miss Spicer, ot Exeter, t•pent part of Ast week vting M. and Mi. An - we. -Nell Gillespie left Monday fur eitoba, where he intends eperding e w weeks will relatives aod friends. Rel.\ Mr. Cranston Spent part a Last wtek withhis parents.- Miss Mary ei iehas. ret awned home, boxing been away for a few days, attending her catiet, Mrs. OW:atter. Of Ft:x(1141dr, who 1.• 41;4:Z ".:1,. .7:'.'llez1'44'-, 1:eve.itetEi^ is .a":44.11,11i5 tt•1' -4Th'''''S 04)0e Interm' Asavnif-r. In a for England. Mise Genie has inet.x.t . • . • quite a. number of fciends :end relatives • e: wee 1 e tie e- :, •. .,...- t 44. 44 . a.t°, Or. .Z. pet, • t kakere, and expeete, ea beeteeey the great tiesh e.r.e.1 ''..o at ten- i;er genet of th): etanuatee..-Me. O. 4i'. Wit- . .; -,.^e. ef tS'Aft, ‘?, :h. who represente the . hen Mfg. 4'4- Weadotal, rondo a few t:it e ..- ., e ..,?,•.. ,l .0,,41.,':'S,4OIR 5,:i t-414,ViWing, ,nt jet ti, crane, J.A. a:le in e vieinity Letely anta lave:been N. ris fee e, 1r.^...--; power alete) a iirteid .. - .wee. grintler. and cutting box from _ ernes ' • :,.:7, ., P 1 :',,,,•' .!.: ':: .,•h.,,, 1•.* U A Ohl Walker. Sr.-- nr elitereh le, ene- - et ,..: ..te 4,..a :::s a it 1.14.'ile,14.,- ertainvel the Aiiiiii.' itnti ii te•V 'Mt' I e A gaii.:s at in estett.-David 1 -. righe o' tieing yet. t "'wads ot hie auntie ma Friday evening tien wasiitileott!:•xir- asItIltpir4.4s; g.i.ilZ y. "fie " a ;s it•Q•'"fiAsl 'I , • e.k;,,,a,-,1v 4.,,,cist4,hrrhev the advise- , ,^- ete.---irte nieteeeers k0 „le . ..... . . 1 takiteg ,te, 1,1f e reeve; ce? expee--- f,,,, write of having i^. lawn sceetsti ut t Z ' - ' • '` • i*- '- - ''' " ^^-• ttetil . " .... • . . . 2 ee Vela' iiirtt-e --tl.nt, a nit:take. rof ex- - 'i '-' ' * - * ^ee,et mule ate- Eielitg kitrcrlieteil '2LSt • t _- 1- t'''Ight e.,,cl*ntirT"'"' :•'i'ettr ilaye. The rat ,lee itatS teett ittbOtAt ✓ at ok•kr, y tee'. ^il' t" neat Vi."' re reen3Prs• i -4.. cent--; per Poaml- i ,eexp Tri.. veer: in/el, ..te tee :,,,, peetzne oreenoy„ , .111 --, tee..;h, 3. -teer,Tieettiat'hig feer- ye- --z .Th71,11)2. eert ^".. ▪ 4 W11", rePlwer,r r , , . . .,„ • 44,1th -144 ,tRz1c"• ''"" • P"'' rerent illittee'ea,,, 111,4'; 1%11;40 '44111*^^R° EY 'in -4:"4 Mr. Win, 2 1,^^ittainy little so if evtIT 104'm uto,410Intor ie :deom frAnt the t4feets ooptie,‘„4 t ;.,4„434UJ te,,eent iteeident. Although sutler- . „ Rug emelt pain lee lexere it bravely for :s tr,r - „ t n t. wk. ito , - 4-1.• °•,.•1 E tt, •,:eif.ieffiete;11 e* pet. !i ,eoa tletet the tle fellow will elaani. v,-.31 aea reps atiets with the oritr :wowed zke we tg4i.3s ItiR Mak. 73,1,0 it. WO -1: e;:enty wal a -n., 7/0141110T '4 Itiong wt., Mr. Will Love, seng4 tele IWtert Vt701,. 4:0131C:aleziellig. Ciott441T.'4 i44 4r irtcchtre.1114 ,4:41•• titlt the tteee 5r leeee-, will eel eta, "41,131t anti titt•.' tlt ittricte%-s teb , eel:ea eleareh it'. natty evelattITS.---Mr. ra° w11)411''v ••-- t %1.11-;$1 C.103'4 KNOCKED DOWN Br A WINK ..„ „. •, ilk? ;4 et tr:ia4,141faIr4r,. MakY 11,4$-"Ati, -- 1 - ltar ;tete al -eh AIWA 1,-;,1 anal 1,114,Iva2 tinAttv afa. .2 %:,,„ t, ;.,rg T.t"° &.'44114-,th O!when Tvadie. he bright tat‘ilt, e4.,‘1 """ 411 the1h2it --Mies H. 3,1ax.weill has returned home ▪ .-Mr. AIL 110i-1all how Pithcaso, nee; bieggy.,--Illev. F. E. Mallon vall te lit tbo- • • 44" ..:••,' "1 Suffered terribly and was ex- tremely -weak 1042 yens., The derMIS Said tnay blonc. was sil turning to Water. - At last I triekl Ayer's Sarsaparills„ arid Was seen •Q Wing ell Tight; again." Mite J. W. II Hadlynte, C.„ No t ter how -ionz yz,.,141 : 'aye been • - nor how .r11.7 y,ou may b,netlay), barsarwilla IneCillaile• you v.'. for puraying itanA g • the blood. ft doubtit, put your st in it drew rway everything else. v.cta1^:^33tt. 40.4-wee,le 0w:s z whigt 410tte.: r c: tteErte. id% 4.‘, r svrer. FATALLY CRVSIIED. 10, May II, -A ppm ems) o2lt1 Cortiele was ihtroiy waaz,,,,It Chi's lornIng. Ile had 'wen rldinq on a ago%wbie2i was taking, extrth off ort street hill and fell otr the wag,m d before the (laver could eteop it he eraehed between the hex and wheel. The Skull 'Was tettired and his shoulders and chest e:n lIe was taken to the buspital, where bellied this afternoon. lie wa- about yeatrs of age and very eeeetiere. Rome. and its OnlY about thre* -5-Pars Mace he tact one of his strati bring ram over ity a train, 1424144-22821: .l40 2,281`1,:‘ r_N ctIrftlelit.:1:fiIS11441141t?:47,21111;t74:145i;t3i't.f't • „ ' '' )2..14,-1,-z fat fiettall aeitho itelftt:•. 'anti Wag '44.1 ,...eetaerete; !dlen-ea, The Levee Iteeattire tame et:4e - are.- 1W414 the v,.71.,--1-1.4. air tip, vrce.s. 2 MA° !A• :4 AAVier the % 4211.105,AV ‘,..;Awithosigr;444'. !nee.ifi ately seentainetel w`41A •cl r . „ 1414: 1414 • •A ' lk .,q. niii ,1 alt ',Ill! la . %; 14- -` 4-"I'' 1 1 .4,,,Wo` It" 04:34 l'A 14149 '414 t . 'AI 24 '--14 :144 ' t94.414 reale, leo the little MeV, 1 4. 4i41 - 429114:e2 eleanit ti trAliomti. Tii.lre 2^3 te a , e' , . ? el 1 ,' ene , 144-24 '4. 1",, fee Ole ,,Lee,,I.V.iiit„ .1 11, ,,2 "" °I, 3 ' ea tIte 1: 44-1i te,,,'e tto,..v.• 4144% to. • U, *14____4-14 _-_-*----*4- 4' ' ''4-4„" Chet eu: Atatethor of irta' r ‘‘ ty : le, i•:e, „. 4'4,4 Ilep m coli 14" itIt4t,444:., ' • 1441.4'..a" 1, ri.,11 of f Latter Ilfetl,iini. at ;,,, 4-1,1t, 7. 4 it;or ,i T.,3 4- 1414 1414 42 a u. '4 41449 6 9' W.A.* ti":-7?:.:42;t%), et t eome here it ith hi--; 4-I8r. ' .1:. t . , , , ,„ t - 7,, w ,,ti. , viWny thetet„ 44 whoa,. to 10.42 tenovoel the- t twit 11311 -of 21424-1 3. St. 1i „., •• ,• "It • 9it.it. 4.t, t". : 7••-•',!':1 • 7.10-ti•d" •Lt• •• t4t !,..••• 3 '42atel -4 we- • illto attatite.t.t.;'142 1422 , •rr!: ot ,•, itt tratet , la nip- a tito k.if ; 14'. 41,i, ,A1,44111t.,t.t., , .4 • 4-V11414'4 Lev,. Ole -.tit:4-417dr 111444'1 Parkhill !',4414,•!.•14411 ThAtt•.4.4.,y 1, Na.rtla • "' Mal.:,eltien. tie 1414 f) .40,11 .14 4- ZlItteet. ti rue- 41i4111 114.S, • - cr4,1 tt V1-11 it% Wyau- ttAtte.1.has ll-.4:1414•4-ieril home. '14'4 grantiaanghter.- IL Mille, lof TAO 111214' 14. •epent, Li toWit 4121.:141:4 title . 1444 y1444 L8. :ettaranel "alter te; the the Leaarlad .1,r 11,4+41141 left ', '4.4-23144-'4I '4, Man. -Mrs. ' tof iitr the gitst of her Mt... Geo. Tudor. ---Mr. Norman ArtwArongt .vent it fewdaysitt St. 31-arye •diaring the week. --Miss Wilson, cif 'Cireenway, Wad. the gnest of Miss Della Piaci for a few. days last v,:eek.-Fred Tuck, whohas been sail- ing the past month,has returned to tw,vn and 149111 resume his occupation as tulson.-J. A. McLeish, V. S., has. nuiVed his offiee to the apartments above A. .1. thttden's store.- -Neil Mc- Icin non has moved his family front the "lasting House to his residence.., -Mrs. Maki -Ain Morri)n, of 'Dullish, lm,* meved to town and is occupying Sohn ffooveFs house. We welcome her to onr tohist.-fieo. A.. Fraser, of Strat- ford, the dentiSt -Mast is taking over Pr. Mullin's practice here, has arrived w it h •rtt,4. ing the Brigeel reeele-eet . took charge of the business on Monday. We are ex- tremely sorry to see Dr. Mullin leav. log as a result of the change, but we welcoute his successor to our Midst 1149(1 hope that it will be hiS good fortune to control the large practice and make the friends which Dr. Mullin did. - Miss Gentle IdeKone is visiting friends in.Ingersoll.--Ben, Dempsey' hits one to aartiti, where he has accepted a ..pce si thin. 4-214'-' Wee .71.14leeple4-e.e, l• .1,V. it till 44 au.r.at 7 „Lee - ee • tet,.tried 2141441 Mise 1.ire1414e4 liv14 ;.4ee4 , th141414 p141tea., ,• • 42.41 2714.144- ;"t iltri•tce pc- .‘rit•tti1 tta *Loth° •:*-4 12*. HUNDREDS WERE SLAM ,Pg$PERATR ENGAGEmwrs IN VENUTIELA. AutheatIe Reports Reach Washington of Battles- in Which Over z.orm Men We se Lost; They ale 316-4,4 TAtira. IC,'4924,44-n 49144-14 Vitra% Two ware ago The :MeV-emu • Alone tho fl4 ; .1214 4-41 42 1424i144-4-44-14' 4-14142224'2'4 411%•.;14 . epet 4.1 hie bady and $luttl. 11 - f114111 thi'q rittSteli. - 1414 4-9 141414314 1 Wad lato,,,sme c,4 •.911441 pri•Vetl. 1,44,1 tithe, :V+ he" 144 t tea q.,e e`. • seeet., 1.7-14,e211 a2214"1 teter or °41.011 tof24-221414 - lee of the leely last Pnom nrzookr.s. rcu. Gix,401, m.ty 1 1.---YeAet day tfterm..in. !ovate hats were bath - :zee in ;•:t,-. • Itiver. 1.,rne Ropey, - of .1. Valet:V. bed a nay: env eseape "Teal 42 .wning. lie had mane amass - eivez. 1414442 ('-1414 retuening he vele sup. eeted to :lee taken cramps, and had at le-et:tie s,f times when one of cottry:i. mons named' Ben Brut -ate. Tailatielly etyma to his 8s:414'4t4112214e and zot ont. Ropily was- unconscious seen reenvered and was aide to go WON RA.CE. Pet orhoro, May 18, Saturday morn- ': ng. about 10 t)'el.tek, a fatal runaway 14 tieident oelturred in South Monagbe.a, (es:nit:big in the death of Arthur nom., ,°.artu hand employed by Mr. Robert -^ Wier, ex -Warden of Northumberland Durham, who resides in South Annaghan, near Bensfort. The de- eetised, who was 10 years of age, and. '-elenged to Garden Hill, was emp1oy- 4-141 with another man, in drawing ma- eenre from the barns to the fields, The ewo drivers It is said, engaged in a race :o see which would reaeh the barn Irste ROWe's team became unmanage- e,i,ifie and ran away, with the result that young man was killed. +=A. 'Keep tile Balance Up. It has been truthfully said that any eItisterbance of the even balance nf relealth cau.ses serious trouble. Nobody --..ean be too coreful to keep this balance ;ay. When people begin to lose appe- elite, or get tired pasily, the least un- tidence. brings OD sickness, 'weakness eer debility. The system needs a tonic, ceravies it, and should not be denied it; eend the best topic of which we. have - any knowledge is Litiod's Se rsaparil la. -,7,7hat this medicine has done in keep- .eleg healthy people healthy, in keepthg eep the even balance of health, gives it `the same distinction as a preventive T at it enjoys as te cure. Its early Ilse ',aas illustrated the wisdom of the old ..eteeeing the t a stitch in tithe saves nine. • Hood's for appetite,strength and , eeset3ar-trice. DE.ITIL-That very insidious disease consamption,has again left its mark of sadness and bereavement on the home of Mrs. Catherine Babson. On Sun. clay, Miss Lavina, passed over the bounds of thne, at the age of 22 years. Miss Robson -was a victim of that dread disease, which had already carried off two sisters and a brother, and her ill- ness was of long duration, borne pa- tiently, however, arid with Christian fortitude. The bereaved mother has indeed been sorely tried and afflicted for during the short space of five years the Atig,e1 of Death has cnreied away foul of her children, and now only 1.,hree are left to brighten and cheer her sad life. Deceased was a bright and intelligent young women and by her sunny disposition and winning ways won the high esteem of a hest of blends, who are deeply *grieved at her death. The funeral, which was priv- ate took place on Tuesday afternoon, service being conducted at the 'home by the Rev, R. Aylward, the inter - 1110122 afterwards taking place in Park- hill cemetery. The grief-strieleen moth- er has the sincere sympathy of the entire conimunity. _Sio Diving ItCO. 'oust; a a awing. Rear re liarlding Wives and moth= in May. ^c shingto e reliable clizzacker received Wa.,hingtOn ternfer elete of 'Mae* s'eeete: tit:it the Venezuelan revolutione net,: are pot oily F.e_ehline• their own but nee raa;ring- cortsitlerable headway. The e?.y ruile-s of La Gua r; M tile Cie 0 Oistrict, the -eeg.;:utioniets are holding forth, and, ltliongla the Government a feW We'eC$ sC32 no, ')41414 4i014'4 there to drive aela out, they succeeded in ordy mak- .eg ;heel retreat, and in a few days aley were aain back. A battle took 'lace Covernment lost over r„coo ra41. and aliont ,3,90 w011311ded were brought back to Le1 tu-ra after two daTs' fight. On the other hand. revolotioaists have not succeeded the Cownrintent or in wiu- ;ling atiy particular fight." _ WILD TLNIE IN DUBLIN. lteriab?rs of the Caelie, Leaguetke Tronhie. Dublin, May eNtreme i.e..etle'r were witued cans' zens llere th rOtiunla pport &it the Irl3la rarliaraestary owing to the presellee'Qt mem- 4 the, Gaelic League axe op- leoseel gaviing King Kilward friett welcome on 'his coming visit to Ire- land. Timothy Harrington, Lord May - (01 MAN% Wai 11II the chair. While , Reklsawsiel wee 414r -424-28 Un- an- c.;,7.t;7- Mt's. '41Leitride, formeirlY Ilonkie Gonn4. i.-„witived lo th0 pkae- ;eel •;fet,.,1 , asttirig Lord .1\lalior _Harrington 2;44;44 011 th* 1140221g.i- I-i',1t4 4- 14- 442e 2011,4e2144 ileinietetteit rep.1*41 lin an evasaa-e 2444144e in.ske'l on a direct 11'4S4114r \4)r14114?:'4TL --1414144214 14144-14 e 4-.0,,-,•,,,,,e144-ee 1 14.221 161159W J:47%In 144- i 2 «141414e...plo4 hits evete-eh. .• 4c7411 tla Cierio ;I 1 4494 -Li 4741 42114 14141-,6".,4114„ ;pd.". 42140114- iaArte" Fieroe 1:1141994-1 111, t....Tda;aor (Jul Ito a 14. 14 t 2. t 9ti144 the plc 14922 4- M,11,;kr ,,,q1e. cor ,3.41 CV!" ca car rartiz a,Ita 4114 (114,494, w adly iniured en. e" 21,844 etc tiq.. IL 144-'11147 - 41., a ir 0.1 1 11. ulttave l..13.2 v, *14121 1 ,iI 21 4-4. 5914'1414"44 3.1 " *lcrle4t ,4 11%.',;:tiit9-1444-169-2. wag cr. DOC' -.14'O R. BADLY BURINIED. 21 4'ci2i-1e22t to114r.ht.I. Itryzer Pal;-,rz.r,ie, Pal County. 'foronto. :any ro.,-Ttr, F. 144-42:'4-'14(1 . I, eriti Cot:, lititt :A clitt irt.'11,4•4ltel 11 34-14212 142 , 14t114-1 •.•14 crti. ; '"t. ildrr 4-4-AP:0'1 "-eel 1 14• tailtemi oNsTituno fl 1,0 Mica 1t Canal 2txbetILls lc; No remedY 'Covers so large a field of usefulness as Sr-. JABXAS VITARuRs. They are indicated wheiAeTer them is a 'weak condon, as they tone up the flifereyt organs and briug strength to the tIFsnes. Fella:AU= of the heart, noor 4221-. geFtion, :;;Itplestmess, wealCuerves, f-xteentia, chlorc---ts, are quickly by ST'. j-.1-7•I2i5. WAF13,115 ; they J-or_pair the v.-zste catat:e.d by lrard LI; and fatigue. S. JAZ1*14 WAFT:RS 142e1 41144tfeed and, 14944 the, nutriment through the blood, and this is the 17,0;4 -c.!, -t way to gct beathandt=trength, the land that awelops mid ecds the o. aeeont, p282e 211%2. inutca"Vrafe.rs fernieli p-cgSt eiFUIVAce c•P the vaatlylunvva Ps^4 iiaaweir def =eine vesuwat voulibtreati.9v. et" IF-41111aq1411019 tuttreera. times. .4 ba‘t4 litSell 't114e/A-16'4217 gertall auvevealeattea uty veto/ft mewled Catrengita.” Pr. Vlietler) Xolverrard,gleg„ •5i,„/:46:r.t; IVk6SS 1241cl rfoti'yll tint. ;074i:eget:a. Air.; rtl,se,tartItfcrO, ' 9e14e4a $1: gt,itkr: ree:. 44,4••••14-4- ceituvo• NiTereiteeters. atettat settirgthe werete4 itel; are csnitedllt:•.411• - rft;tt prra et tee 94-1414-094-24 144 . 1.:Z176.11, t. James Vetere Co.. 11144 1. CtV',!flira 14142., 11244-14a14. 124.144,. ',..lir 4 ,' L., .,, I.Urti %-,; 4 2 , o 149147 2-144' 41)' tic, Vit.° t• 4. ta 1-4 i 'I. ' 14-. I -4 ' .. -*,i At r'l r • : t" 0.1' 31144 f..e. *tent:Leal , 3 een. I ILL, .i.,,, ;a tit.> 2 .....A. , 2. 11,4-14-l(1, ill, .94111; 1 -le fet "' ni..el 491 14124- a s„.4 -,rt 141144.0 it „.20 as tht1nr42l the iloclor nould be 111114221414 to i'coth. rt.,"i'... 14975 panel the el, -..' 1-.4.- ftr.-tt iti-- i Ti-mt.t -T-T.I si.t.r--„ '.41 tLe lime:, out. but iv.: I'm'. 611e he had b.„,qa k..7,2y httry, I .12b--229 ate :net. , Ile was Iv tr.tig,ht to 1%.r9.4-14149.* last ta Tliat --..--- EArtnER, cot.I.D szoar. 1 Paine's Celery Comeionad does It wondrous work for sick and half dead 4-144-0124-11.1.1 in May. The conditions of winter have beell detrimental to the, health of women end girl-( eVrrvirlaerPa they have declined in me voile vigor, the blood is reeking with impurities, the excretory organs de not perform their work, and the digestive maehin- ery is sadly out of gear. The human machinery Must be cleansed. repaired and strengthened in May. 1-/aine'8 Celery Compound does the work snr- prisingly fast, and gives a gearantee of permanent health and long- life. It is the one spring medicine thatfolly nourishes, regrdates and invigorat es the entire nervons system from the brain to the minutest sleeve filament. It gives a full, rich supply of energizing blood, it clears the muddy, unhealthy skin, it g,Ives increti'se in Weight, and more refreshing sleep. Vi7lint- ever be your iicondtonunhappy suf- fever, we give you &blessed. essnrance of a new and lasting health throngh aka use of Paine's Celery Componnd, Its. Flora S. Brantley, Levis, P.Q., writes thus: `-1E2ghteen months ago 1 was terribly afflicted with daily headaches and 1,:vas despondent, nervous and weal:. 'Medi - Cal assistance and patent medicines failed to bring we relief. My suffer- ings increased, and I was told triAt would not get better again. I was suffering SO much that I was satisfied to die if it was God's will. A. neigh - 14100 kindly sitggested the use of Paine's Celery Compound, and to please her, I consented to try it, The first few doses seemed to send a feeling of new life into my blood, and I went on using the compound, I have taken flee bottles and can honestly say 14 am fully cured. I am sleeping well, appetite iu good condition, getting back lost flesh, and feel as active as a girl of fifteen. I think my cure is a permanent one. 14 thank God for •Paine's Celery Com- pound., it saved my life to my busband and children." If you are in need of free medical advice, warlte to,Consulting Phyeieian's Department, The Wells & Ric:hat-risen Col, Limited, Montreal, Que. All Gov -- respondence is siteredly confidefitial. Put Five Bullets in Ills Om/out:net; Body. Thibodeaux, La., May z9. -A Shoot- I big affray which reenhed in the death of former Lieut. -Governor Clay Knob- lock occurred. The shooting was tIone by James Garault. a barber, in a section of :Jein street usually crowded. but es tlee hour was early a few people only wcfC ort the street. Several witnesses ••.i the shooting were foetid, but they reiie,ed to talk, further than to say that 1-7erattlt shot in self- defence. The inen had been talking -to- gether, when suddenly Knoblock drew lus revolver. It appeared that he ex- perienced some trouble with the .weapon and the cartridge failed to ex- plode. Before Knoblock could make another attempt to shoot Gerault whip- ped out Ins revolver and opened fire. filet Ins aim was trtie was established by the autopsy held by the Coroner, who found live woundsin the dead man's body. Any one of the WOUnds would have proved fatal. Gerault sur- rendered to the authorities immediate - 27. but it is believed he will 'be allowed, bond. Henry Clay Knoblock was a native of Louisiana, and served as Lieutenant -Governor- under Governor Samuel. De MeEnery, now' United States Senator. He has been practis- ing law here. GORED BY TI -IE BULLS. Twelve ,Persons Killed and Many In- ' . jured. London, May special despatch from Madrid anotinces that during a bull fight yesterday at" Algeciras the aliniihitheatre collapsed and twelve per- sons tvere killed and fifty, were in- jured. Several wonien and children' were gored by the' bulls. Tug. Cut in Vivo, -Cook Drowned. Duluth, Minn., I.Vray x8, -As tile big 'freighter IVIanualoa was coming in- to -port 20 day she- collided with the tug Edward Gillen at the Superior mtry; cutting' her in two, end sende. -frig her to the botten. The cenk was drowned; the others saved., 14 16 E LAVAL Stands for eve*thing that is a any real value Cent Sepa.rator, for back of the mime is Qtt tiaapproachnble reputation extending over a perioz1 of nearly a quarter century and a guarantee that the DE LAVAL is the BEST my particular, or Itti sale. For proof of this rito os or,eAr gents, rirn ,DE Lwii SEPARATOR CO, Yea,: St., Toroom 4-14 14, • 1414 94- ty.L..,,,14.121(ia. ,:e1nten . .1214 , they ot-.- 2r!%,atitlt'lvtiEs9t' flre gam.: out, • • "11 LA.= mett3 titzi.x.r.il it, whether :ToTith, e,?!.4 „et 3 thing r yott ",h) eoi5 to gat tlic! vini, the vivadt 14 4-24-1 niatahrod. 2701.4-r.rd2 en life. drIzete crz p:2,1den years , yeiateelly ilc.t.telp. We. tot1 t..,1111 or1417 14. 4- you, hilt auto V' 143014.4-11(49211. Curling diseases and W82('- .i of t.3 nervous I and germal 11q111. 111511,:2e2140ur entilitsivebnainess for the vs.t, ZO years, doting -which tline WC have cured enough fallen. *nett to tittlie an army. orzt. tax/ BriallOD TRI2A,T1Mtil't will restore to you vralmt yon ,1414 have: lost. 1.14 It pludfies and. etudelles tlae BLOOD, strengtheits the ii-RRVES% vitalizes tile sermal organs, cheeks all unnatural tifrainp and lopes and EtS a man for the active -duties of life. 00.3V-0 Mearamaleed esfi- D3o We treat and etwo. 4-1410041 2Po14tam:1, Vetrieoeene, Strficturz, It.trAntarzt,tear.tereit "Voaltneen. actil rt.:udder diseases. CONZNI.Itir Alttirrt•I rtitEF.1. If unable te eali, write for a ettiectlea, fur Mosti:.) Teentaxmrct. "51,, ` Shalay Stf., 07.7716,470 25 Tertro in Detroit. 250,000 Cured. Dards. Security. WEAK LUNGS ,,..,..t0.mtenem.•=. LEAD T stim don. feoctiAtAtec.(a.(eWlrit...-40.4 • .19410.en:11.1r601.1e..10110 TI-E01.18ANDS P25.91516 ARE HASTE-RINI.) 70 ARDS THEIR GliZAVES AS A RESULT OF THIS DREAD DISEASE within the rea.c.la of Pul-Mo stands alone -the use of any other medicine as an assistant is not tiecessary. Eat ...tied, plain, nourishing A cure is now every sufferer : if used as directed will check the progress of -this fatal disease and restore the afflict- ed to perfect health, Do not go to Florida, Madeira, California, Mexico or the Rocky Mountains. Remain al home with friends and horne'corriforts around you and use Pul-Mo, which is the achievement of the century in medical science. Pul-mo is an absolute cure for Consumption,. Throat and Lung Troubles, Coug-hs, Colds and all other consumptive symptoms. • 611....1111•PIMGDWPWC. food, get plenty of fresh air and rale door exercise, and use Pul-Mo as directed, that is all -Nature will do the rest. Ptal-Mo is inexpensive, being sold by drug -gists at $1.00 per large bottle or you may procure a sample bottle for 15 cents. if your druggist has net got Pial.Me in stock, a sample bottle will be delivered to any address - FREE' OF "ALL CHARGE. address 114 totters to ' The Put -Trio Co.,„ Toronto, Oat. liticiga--", (16111 on the Great North West( ege in the Qu'Appelle 42)4-1411(14.A 4-14:14114!914(6)1 throuriti Grand It'ere Friable tires ere causing tutieli 1-'111^2-11 (-1r *1' ote One bunched a t[cl fifty earlienters e, ellgit' 0'I311QO, 114110 -------1. N.,11 ,,,;: (14- C1 lig ii•N; 14* 14 11111441140141er VS a g4 i rig pie:0)111.)1was killed,