Exeter Advocate, 1903-5-21, Page 3THle POOR DYSPEPTIC. OLD -AGE PENSIOnTS, Ifs the Most Miserable of Marta —Only Similar Sufferer's Cart Understand Ha."s Houre Ageety, There is no mortal more misera than the poor dyepeptic. Ile is ne er health,y, never happy—always a alwayS out of sorts. leve mouthhours of trese--evem ry oment et the day spoiled and soured, If you are a dyepeiitio, you Im sionis - the nOateti terneue t Australia, and especially New is Smith Wales, is becetaing heartily sick of the oltleage pension lewe whielx is now regarded it§ an almost intolerable anemia burden. The payments amount to five per cent. Me of the entire revenue. Irt New .7.eSt- y- land last year it amounted to 3/ it per cent. and in Victoria to 4. per ry Ont. In New South Wales this year the payments will aulount tO ..9,,- is 70'0,000. The celonial treasurer in his as statement said that the re- st was little less Ciao. appalling, be I Willie the pension list is steadily he mounting bleier, and the cost ot nt administration inereasing proper tionately, the saving on subsidized as institutions is almost nil and the or goveniment „asylums have not been Tiat effeeted. in the let. In effect the dull besidaches, tee beartburu. t biliousness, the persistent torme after meals, the eopeless despon eeney. Any otee of these signs ppil to indigestion. The one sure cure f indigestion is ler. Williams. Pi Pills. They realm new blood—that the whole secret. Through the bio they brace up your strengtn. waken your liver AM Set your stove - at% right. E you ash your neighr bo you will And proof of this right at your own borne. Mr. Charles Wood, ;ars, Ont., one of the thousands of dYstreeties cured by the use of these, Pills, says :—"For upwards of twelve yeers I waS a greet eafferer trom indigestion and nervousnesa. Everything I ate tortured me. I doetored almost continuously, and tired almost. everything reclaim:Needed for tbis troubie, but never got more than temporary relief until I began the of Dr. Wimps* Pink Pills. 'Weeds cannot express the good there pilis here one me. I am in better health than ev lie mijoyed in years before, end I have proved that Pr. Williams' Pink Pills cure when ether Medicines fail." Pad blood is *be mother of fifty diseases. and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure them all. bemuse they convert bad blood into good, rich, red blood. without which there can he neither health nor strength. Don't be peretteded to try something else—tae Cothlug but the genuine Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by medicine dealers rent post paid at nate n box. or etc boxes for itee „ eildeesseig the lie, lie limes" Medicine tni., lerocrivilla On 911=.11=•111.0".1 meratie eabie fur given the Emprees of Itnesia on her co onatiou wan veltuel at $00,000. It Is COWAN of eelite met weighe wily la oacc4-N. Results from common soap eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes: shrunken flannels, REDucEs zi),E.Prss 1st eis 4fteersfeeltvirbiedirtelTtugt, .itsk tee tee "toe pee twenty-nYe inches wide, and, owing tf to the hardness of the wood, weighe over 100 pounds. A GHOSTLY vzsrrAwr. A GROWN ARAI-CHAIR. A very curious triumph nes just been achieved by a 0oreen gardener, gamely, an arm-cliair of natural growth ; that is to say, formed of a vine which the gardener had bent or twisted so as to produce chair, It is also studded with seeds of the gingko tree, which ,had growa into the fibre of the vine. After the chair was fashioued in this way'it was cut from the ground, dried, and Oat There was a solemn look on th young mants face when he requeste .e law has created a new class of state a, couple of days' leave in order tbat od dependents at an Mormons addlehe might attend the last sad rites et his father's funeral, and the leave waa rant ed tamed expenditure. HONORED ABROAD. Word has recently been received tbat Idaseey-tlerits Company, Ltd.. have, added another laurel to their ntiany successes. 'rids time the "Vie - tory was scored in Australia, 1 'Tile Massey -Harris Stripper-llar- Tester. in competition with some ten other types scored a signal success at Smithfield, South Australia. on ;25th Noveethea, 1902, being award - 1 ed a total of 4711 points, and hav- ing only 474 lbs. draught. Tile figures given of the next gotta petitor were 467 ilta points mid 672 Its. draught. The Stripper-Ilarvester is pot used in Canada—It is not suited to the conditions of the climate ; hut in Australia. there are 4core Stripper- Irarvesters used than there are Pittders. This repes ort only go; to show that Massey -Harris innehines lead where - ever they are. They would not do ea if they were pot built well aud with good materiali, .•••• rgr.......,..***.P+F..m. The Church of the Holy Ghost at Preidelherg is the only one in the wieriti in which both Protestont and 1. Roman Catholic earvices are held at a the earize lime. A partition wall in the centre separates the two congre- ti to gaons. r.. .........,--4--.--. BABY'S BEST FRIEND. Steele:1N OP ennisTIAN ENDEA VOR. DENVER, 1903. The lieteetieer liepartnient of ill (MIK° tt; Northwestern Ili:Owe 3ui it,54¢eall a very interesting tolde on the euedect of the Chrietialt E deavor meeting to be held at Den tier July Oth to 1th. together 'witi g information as to reduced mites an 1 bleeping ear terviceas well as short deeeriptIon of the variou points of interest in Colorado read etamp to W. II. lenfoliern, Ilaetenge Traffic ID/Pager, Chicago, for copy. The hest friend baby eau have is a simple eine' that will relieve and " re the Minor ailments that maim Us little life ofteri very ;Wearable. 0 Such a friend is Baby's Own Tab- lets. They cure indigestion, sour r !stomach. cotipation, simple fevers, chleliarrItteea. and allay the irritation accompaneing the cutting of teeth. t 1AB mothers who have used these " idettilets praine them. Airs. F. 1.4 Bourgeois, Eastern Harbor, N.S.. s says have need 33aby's Own Tateleta and look upon them as baby's; best friend. I bawl found iy visited by toureleitie Send -cent Rawl -wood lasts perfectly undere grotind for twenty-flve yearn. Jarrah. Another Australian thriber, has tested for thirty-three years beneatInti bee the sea, and found sound at the end of that time. There never wee, end never will h, a tinlyersel penacea, in one remedy, for all' lile to which flesh is heir—the very nature f many euretivea Mein each that were he germs of other anti -differently seated 1.504SeS :rooted in the syteein of the. patient—what would relieve one ill, in tarn would aggravate the other. eVii is inve,however, in Quinine Wine, when brain able in a sound unadulterated tate, It remedy for many and ;parlous ills. t y its gradual and ititlicione use, the evillest systems arca led into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Quet bine exerts onNature's own restoratives. iitrelieves the droopingthose ith whom a chronic tato of morbid des - cadency anti lack of interest in life it le 'ease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, ilisposes to sound and refreshing sleep -1 imparts vigor to the action of the blood,. ;which being stenulated, courses through, out the veins. strengthening the healthy lanimallunctions of the system, therabil making activity a necessaryresultj strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturaill les:land increased substance --result. imi roved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of 'I:wont% have given to the public thell imperior Quinine Wine at the usual ratel Rid, ganged by the opinion of scientistsj this wine approaches nearest perfectioa of any in die marlies. 411 drineguits sell it. them an excellent rexuedy for colic, and they hneee done our baby much good in many ways." Little ones take these Tablets as readily as eardita and the mother bits a guar- antee that they contain no opiate or other harmrul drug. Once used al- ways used where there are little ones in the home. Sold by druggists or sent by snail at 25 cents a box by writing direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont, A.—"Did Smith's father leave hire 4 anything ?" 11.—"Only his debts." A.--eilrow is Stnith getting along ?" ,I1.—"Wel1, he has greatly increased his inheritance." Victim—"Ooo 1 Phew You charge double price for this kind of a. shampoo, don't you ?" Barber— Victim—"So 1 thought. I *notice that you are making me suffer twice as much.'. The greatest medical authorities say that when food is not thorough- ly digested it leaves a mass of un- digested matter at a standstill, when immediately fermentation sets in, and which thrives from various gases and poisonous vapours, creating ful- ness of the stomach and bowels, bad breath, furred -tongue, dizeiness, but the worst of all is this generated poison passes into the blood, from which it is carried to the brain, nerves, kidneys, and every import- ant part of the human anatomy. Cases of this kind are dangerous, and should be treated by a remedy of reputation. We have such a re- medy in Dr. August Koenig's Ham- burg Drops, which has been success- fully prescribed by the medical pro- fession throughout the world for more than GO years?"' It is a phar- maceutical preparation of the high- est possible order of merit. St. acobs Oil, Ltd„ of 13altimore, aro the solo proprietors, 50 cents. Di- rections in eleven languages: oak' melts ot it,temperature of 1,240 degrees Cent., or 2,264 de- gvees Fehr. Lead melts at 626 de- greei Fehr., and wax at 149 degrees lVahr. The great opra owned by the „Atm- trian Emperor weighs 17oz., being nearly six times as heavy as the leoh-latoor diamond. SrareO thuo. CITY or Tomei, LUCAS COUNTY» FRANK .1. CHENEY maLe. oath that, he la senior partner of the Arm of .1. CHENDIE t'e CO.. doing business In Cha" o, County and State aforesaid. and that said .firm wjft paythe sum of °NE nuRnnkm LABS for each and every ease of OA- TAREIL that cannot, bo cured by the use of BALL'S CATARRH OURS. FltA NE .I. 011EN SY, orn o before me and subscribed in iny presence. this Gth day of December. A.D. 156. A. W. GLEASON, SELL Notary Publia Catarrh Curo Is taken Inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces or the system. Send for testimendals, free. F. J. 0.11ENSY & UO., Toledo, 0. sold by all Druggists, 75c. 31811's Family Pills are the best, "Where's your boy going after he Thews the model school?" "To some school that ain't model, I guess, to hal% reading, writing, and figures." Severe colds are easily cured by the use of Bickle's Auti-Consumptive Syrup, a medicine of extraordinary penetrating and healing properties. 11 is acknowledged by those who have used it as being the nest medicine sold for coughs, colds, iu flammation of the lungs, and all affection of the throat and chest. Its agreeablenes to the taste makes it a favourite with ladies and children. An earthquake wave has been known Ib travel across the- Pacific Ocean in 12 hours and 16 rub:lutes— that is, at the rate of 6 miles a minute, c Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect - Ant Soap Powderis a boon to any theme. It disinfects and cleans atl the same time. Mayme "I.hear you are going to bo married again." Edyth — "Again'? Why I've never been tied up as yet." Mayme No ebut can't recall the number of times you n fl were goipg to be." „ But the eext day an elderly gentle- • ,inan .called to see M. A. "Ile is away, ” explained the chief of the department. "He is attending bis father's intleral." "That's strange." said the elderly man "considering I am his father,,," "Very strange, as you SaZi.". egrood the chief. • His. leave expiredthe young =aft returned, and WAS requested to in, terview his chieh "Allow me to sympathize with you, A. said the latter. I hadn't the pleasure of your father's SC- conintance during his lifetime, but he calledleere a f.eiv days after his: death. Mill 1 bad a short converea.- Alen with him. You meat feel his ISM But the *wet time the poor old man die; try and arrange to have him buried SO that you ina,y be haelt • here tO meet bite, in ease he calla will you ?" LARGEST INSECT. The stick insect of Marilee Is the largest meet known. Specimens 13 incites in length hare been captured. The insect exactly reeembles a, piece roughAide and when resting on the bough of a tree it is extremely difficult to distinguish between the aninial and the bait. A Small Pill. but Powerfult—They that !liege of tee powera of a Oil by its size weal ceaseler Parmelee's Vegetable Pins to le:citing. le is a little weeder among pills, What it lacks In aim it mattes up in peteney. The remedies which It carries ara put up in these marldose, doses, because they are so _powerful that only small does arerequired. The full Strength of the extracts IS secured thil form and do their work thoroughly, em"...•••1110•11•1 The salmon can, for short dis- temes. travel At 2 miles an hour : the swiftest of marine creatures are thine of the whole family. Alfred A. Taylor, of Margaree, says "One bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT cured a swelling et the gamble joint, and- saved a home worth $140.00." Thos. W. Payne. ot Bathurit. SaY- ad the ilk of a valuable horse that the Vett had given up, with a few bottles of IIIINARD'S LINXMEene 7-50 A. SCARE.AT SEA. Little Think Throw the Passengers Into a Panic. "Strange, what a, little thing evil throw people into a. panic, especial ly at sea." said an old traveler t a group of friends the other day "Last November I crossed from Liv- erpool to New York on the Oceanic. We had beastly weather from the time we left Queenstown — heavy head seas, gales,. and snow and hail. The decks were not to be thought of un- der the conditions, as -the seas would come tumbling over the bows, sending the spray clear over the lofty stacks. "It was just coming dusk, of the ffourtll daar y out, and clank sudolletty greatth engines suddenly ceased, and for a. moment everything was still throughout the ship, except for the straining and squeaking caused by her violent pitcbing. Then the pas- sengers commenced to pour from their state -rooms, and through the saloons of the deck, with the gal- lant men of the smoking room in the lead."here they stood, pale -faced and holding on to the rails, asking each other what was the matter, all the while getting drenched with the fly- ing spray. The ship fell off in the trough of the sea, while the excited passengers appealed vainly to stew- ards and offfcers for information and advance?! all sorts of theories to each other. In about ten min- utes the engines started up again. When we were once more -under way the explanation was sent round that Captain Cameron was afraid the donkey engines way up in the bows would freeze, and to prevent this he ordered them started up. It was necessary to oil these engines before starting them. As no one could live up in the bows the way the water was coming over, the „pip was stopped while the engines were being oiled." Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. ''Love le els all things," sighed he sad -eyed swain,. with a pang of pain, as his sweetheart sat on his ew high silk hat and smashed it at. 931.12114....erfluel age Metal Gates Single or double—light, strong, durable, aeon- omioal. Will not sag or get rickety. Fitted with self-acting latches, which open either way. A child can open or okirSe in a strong wind—no eurfaee to resist. Hest farm gato made. "Use Page Fences and Poultry Netting. The PageWire Fence Co,Limited,Waikerville, , lit. John, I.B. For Ores Sixty cars. AN OLD ASO iVELL•TAIED RNXED1r. Mrs Winslow's EoothIng Syrup has been used for over sixty years by ru, Miens of Mothers for their ohildren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the goals, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the boot remedy for Inserlicea. Is pleasant to 'the two. .Sold by druggists in every pan of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its Value is inealoulable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winshiw's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. 1-19 20-03 OFFEBED FOR SIX YEARS DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS GUJED MRS. eilareFAIAN, OP 1TA- RANEE. 'I...7,P, • MO NOW' Sie Recemeeende The to 'Other Youag Leedies. Ifierried Women, NaPenee, Ont.. April 27.--(Secoiel) That Dodd' a Kidney Pills are one of the greateet 'boons ever conferred srfiering womankind is tile ex - of Aire. John O. Roffman. of this place, For the benefit of her sister women she has given the lowing statement for publication "I have been troubled for about six years with Kidney Disease and the pain was so greet I could not stand it. I could not entertain any company. "One night when I was feeling inieerahle, I read EMU° wonderful cures by Dteld'a Kidney Pills and decided to try them. The first box brought an improvement, and by the tints 1 had taken six boe 1 wan completely cured. "I can recommene Dedd's Kidney Pills to any person suffering froat lidhettse. and I make this statement hoping it will help other young ladies or married women." Mrs. thxtirnan Is orily one of melte! women who have proved that =ex y female compleinte are the result of (Reordered Kidneys and are as such asily curable by Ming Dodds Tice largest avalaelehe ever nieasued fell In the Italian Alps in 1855. It contained 2110.000 tons of S00% Mieard's Liniment CMS Dandruff, Madame Rosa Bonheur was seventy years ale when elle painted her best pleture—"Borses Trampling Out Wheat." She refueed e60,000 fo it. Minard's Liniment far sale everywhere The value of granite as a building material is 10 to 25 times as great as that ot brick. After granite come in the following order limestone slate, and sandstone. .11••••••••ff.ma Hellas Tried le—Air. John Anderson Kinloss, writes: "I venture to nay few, if any, 1iiw received greater benefit from the use of Dr. Thomas' Falectric Oil, than I have. I have used it regularly for over ten years, and ]save recommended it to all sufferers I knew df, and they also found it of great virtue in eases of severe bronchitis and incipient consutrautione •••=11.1•111 Editar—"Does it pay to advertise M my paper? Well, 1 should say it does. Look at Smith, the grocer, for instance. Ea advertised for a boy last week, and the very next day Mrs. Smith bad twins — both boys." 1, Shouting Isn't Proving In the matter of the so-called Catarrh Cures: Others prate and promise; we per- form and prove. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is a powder put in the nostril, not in the mouth. It is not a remedy but the cure, and the healing effect is felt at once. The breath will come freely, filling the system with a new vigor. Colds and Catarrh are relieved, anclithadache fully cured in ten minutes. Catarrh of twenty years' standing cured in a few days. Hon. George Taylor, the well known politician, of Sgrantou, Pa., writes: Effect of Dr./MVPS CATARRHAL POWDER can truly say was inattical. First applica- tion cleared my head instantly. I used it according to directions, and I have not had the slightest symptoms since." Dr. AChiEW'S LIVER PILLS make even a higE liver a long liver. • Por dullness of the skin, eruptions, languor and bowel irregularities, i) every pill is as good as a physi- , 0 eims, although - they cost only 0 ten cents for forty doses. 18, 1•110.1E1.10. t -f GLASS THAT WILL NOT 'CRACK. A. new kind of glass that resists great heat as well as sudden changes of temperature is made from Brazilian quartz pebbles. Tho pebbles are heated red-hot and then thrown into distilled water. The purest spices are next selected, and welded with the oxyhydrogen blow pipe into long steins like knitting, - needles, from which glass vessels of any shape can be made. At pre- sent the quartz glass is chiefly em- ployed ,for malting laboratory appar- atus. Into a test-tube made in this way a white-hot coal can be drop- ped without, breaking it. Vessels of other forms Can be heated white, hot and then plunged into cold WO - ter willhout eracking. -41414,44.414,4444.41r14,4",1.444,14,14.•11441,1444, ---...44.444414.4.44aermer414 Because we are great believers in qual- ity, we secure the best tea grown in Ceylon,—sealed in lead, and that's I R ue on j4n Tea Toll get a little snore value than you expect when rots buv this tea. We want "Pour continued orders. Black. Mixed., Ceylon Green. Mk for Rod 1,41414 yen:Tv eENTS—sa0V1.30 t -f 1524adittuw?tlilgeft/Trgelthics4 et role; ter fresbneee, beeetz istreagth. TOkeep TOMB HOUSE raw- tal see teleeli tbeteeheet tone triezauG wietea • To brazed TOUR If Cilleflt with a • quiet elegem» arectigat lei Price limb debt for tee purtet aed belie Write for or bOatlet gr telling allebeut k Rmany & Sam Mmtreal, Esti Me, FAINT MAKERS HULL, CIC,'AT"rpJ IN FRANCE. issaalbssalt *co ePealainaatisentee ny mat tity et dry. mixed word. 'Weibel for igarettes smoked in France repre- ftraleatiletZrrerel./gTol" tit: d.iire T. s. hist year the cigars and tricklurting. ter early detivtry. ewe Matt lain Ti seated the respectable total of 4,050 phopealc.42m., tons. It is noticed that the emelt- 7 19 ing habits of the French people ba.vo 1 45—. undergone a, great change during the vanced. Ca and cigarettes have trapitily ad- We have Mexicana WE steadily declined in popular favor Valencia*, and TUE Navels, HAVE ORANGES 1 LEMONS ' past twenty years. Cigars have Aliel in Their Action—Parmelee% Vag Seville. BEST etable Pills are very mild in their action. They do not cause griping in the stomach pilis do. Therefore, the most delicate Carlpacl every week. ,All tee above at or cause disturbances there as so many can t•ake of implement market pnces. We can also handl* your thetn without fear results. They can too, be administered Butter, Eggs, Poultry, ttioescewillclarechniovalcvmutleimvpscr olifigpitilise npoetnaslo- Maple Syrup and other produce to advani carefully prepared. tage for you. tHE CARSON COMMISSION CO., Llitilted., A man of 70 has renewed his 'In- as...mm=0 Cor. West Market It., TOXONTo. ger nails no fewer than ISO Vines. Taking the length of each nail as half an inch, the total length grown on each finger has been 7 feet 9 RE SWANTEII ' inches. GENERAL ASSEMBLY PRESBY- TERIAN CHURCH, LOS ANGE- LES, CALIFORNIA. For General Assembly Presbyterian Church in the United States, May 21 to June 2, the Union -Southern Pacific will Sell very much reduced round trip tickets to Los Angeles, going via New Orleans or via Den - 'ver, Salt Lake City and San Fran- cisco, returning same or diverse route. As this is an open rate it will give the public and delegates to -the Presbyterian Assembly at Van- cou.ver an opportunity to attend 'that convention returning. 'rickets on sale May 2 and May 11 to 17 inclusive, good for return un- til July 15. Liberal stop -over pri- vileges going and returning. For rates and further information, address, H. F. CARTER, T. P. A., Union Pacific R. R., 14 Janes Building, Toronto, Ont. SITUATION FOR 104 YEARS. The oldest negro in Louisiana has just died, leaving a remarkable re- cord, Born in 1709, he served as slave and freeman with the McCall family of New Orleans all his life. Ills one situation lasted him 104 years. Minard's Liniment Believes tieuratgla She --"Who is that?" He — "Mr. Mashem." She — "Row sad he looks! Has he been disappointed in love?" He — "Yes; the girl's fath- er failed the week after Mash= Mat' i'ied her?' Apply at Raven, Lake Siding neap Victoria Road, or at 16 Xig St, West, Toronto. 19.20 Raven Lake Portland Cement Co., Limited Put a variety into Summer living—it's not the time of year to live near the kitchen range. Libby's Veal Loaf Potted Turkey Deviled Ham Ox Tongue, 6:c. quickly made ready to serve Send to -day for the little booklet, "Hose' to Make Good Things to Eat," full of ideas on quick, de- licious lunch serving. Libby's Atlas of the World mailed free for 5 two -cent stamps. Libby, McNeill S. Libby Chicago, U.S. A. COEN, t --f The greatest number of deatcs -take place not just after midnight, as popularly supposed, but between 5 and 6 o'clock in the morning. "t4 i'141 ‘ti 11 etreai teni I +4.%*."4•-•-,`til-,%44,.',.pito,,;,-A,y,i,r,14.1,,y,,,,rok ""` • We malie Granby Rubbers and Overshoes out of pure new rubber. Can as much be said of any other make? .) _ - cost the maker more, but they cost the wearer less, for one pair does the work of two pairs of ordinary rubbers. "Granby Rubbers wear like iron." T U 4-4 age , • • • ori." n.on , ro, ..4v it4,4;4., wit. *5004, gaint MIEN maim ok. ma .,tett reieltet ei tee , name tiOnn .,.. i 12•1111114 wn. ,641., fAVI,V :11/41 „ e ;.:r A 41113 1 ... . ' Titirt's ViVigatevre.CIALVAMIWAitiiniV. age Metal Gates Single or double—light, strong, durable, aeon- omioal. Will not sag or get rickety. Fitted with self-acting latches, which open either way. A child can open or okirSe in a strong wind—no eurfaee to resist. Hest farm gato made. "Use Page Fences and Poultry Netting. The PageWire Fence Co,Limited,Waikerville, , lit. John, I.B. For Ores Sixty cars. AN OLD ASO iVELL•TAIED RNXED1r. Mrs Winslow's EoothIng Syrup has been used for over sixty years by ru, Miens of Mothers for their ohildren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the goals, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the boot remedy for Inserlicea. Is pleasant to 'the two. .Sold by druggists in every pan of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its Value is inealoulable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winshiw's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. 1-19 20-03 OFFEBED FOR SIX YEARS DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS GUJED MRS. eilareFAIAN, OP 1TA- RANEE. 'I...7,P, • MO NOW' Sie Recemeeende The to 'Other Youag Leedies. Ifierried Women, NaPenee, Ont.. April 27.--(Secoiel) That Dodd' a Kidney Pills are one of the greateet 'boons ever conferred srfiering womankind is tile ex - of Aire. John O. Roffman. of this place, For the benefit of her sister women she has given the lowing statement for publication "I have been troubled for about six years with Kidney Disease and the pain was so greet I could not stand it. I could not entertain any company. "One night when I was feeling inieerahle, I read EMU° wonderful cures by Dteld'a Kidney Pills and decided to try them. The first box brought an improvement, and by the tints 1 had taken six boe 1 wan completely cured. "I can recommene Dedd's Kidney Pills to any person suffering froat lidhettse. and I make this statement hoping it will help other young ladies or married women." Mrs. thxtirnan Is orily one of melte! women who have proved that =ex y female compleinte are the result of (Reordered Kidneys and are as such asily curable by Ming Dodds Tice largest avalaelehe ever nieasued fell In the Italian Alps in 1855. It contained 2110.000 tons of S00% Mieard's Liniment CMS Dandruff, Madame Rosa Bonheur was seventy years ale when elle painted her best pleture—"Borses Trampling Out Wheat." She refueed e60,000 fo it. Minard's Liniment far sale everywhere The value of granite as a building material is 10 to 25 times as great as that ot brick. After granite come in the following order limestone slate, and sandstone. .11••••••••ff.ma Hellas Tried le—Air. John Anderson Kinloss, writes: "I venture to nay few, if any, 1iiw received greater benefit from the use of Dr. Thomas' Falectric Oil, than I have. I have used it regularly for over ten years, and ]save recommended it to all sufferers I knew df, and they also found it of great virtue in eases of severe bronchitis and incipient consutrautione •••=11.1•111 Editar—"Does it pay to advertise M my paper? Well, 1 should say it does. Look at Smith, the grocer, for instance. Ea advertised for a boy last week, and the very next day Mrs. Smith bad twins — both boys." 1, Shouting Isn't Proving In the matter of the so-called Catarrh Cures: Others prate and promise; we per- form and prove. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is a powder put in the nostril, not in the mouth. It is not a remedy but the cure, and the healing effect is felt at once. The breath will come freely, filling the system with a new vigor. Colds and Catarrh are relieved, anclithadache fully cured in ten minutes. Catarrh of twenty years' standing cured in a few days. Hon. George Taylor, the well known politician, of Sgrantou, Pa., writes: Effect of Dr./MVPS CATARRHAL POWDER can truly say was inattical. First applica- tion cleared my head instantly. I used it according to directions, and I have not had the slightest symptoms since." Dr. AChiEW'S LIVER PILLS make even a higE liver a long liver. • Por dullness of the skin, eruptions, languor and bowel irregularities, i) every pill is as good as a physi- , 0 eims, although - they cost only 0 ten cents for forty doses. 18, 1•110.1E1.10. t -f GLASS THAT WILL NOT 'CRACK. A. new kind of glass that resists great heat as well as sudden changes of temperature is made from Brazilian quartz pebbles. Tho pebbles are heated red-hot and then thrown into distilled water. The purest spices are next selected, and welded with the oxyhydrogen blow pipe into long steins like knitting, - needles, from which glass vessels of any shape can be made. At pre- sent the quartz glass is chiefly em- ployed ,for malting laboratory appar- atus. Into a test-tube made in this way a white-hot coal can be drop- ped without, breaking it. Vessels of other forms Can be heated white, hot and then plunged into cold WO - ter willhout eracking. -41414,44.414,4444.41r14,4",1.444,14,14.•11441,1444, ---...44.444414.4.44aermer414 Because we are great believers in qual- ity, we secure the best tea grown in Ceylon,—sealed in lead, and that's I R ue on j4n Tea Toll get a little snore value than you expect when rots buv this tea. We want "Pour continued orders. Black. Mixed., Ceylon Green. Mk for Rod 1,41414 yen:Tv eENTS—sa0V1.30 t -f 1524adittuw?tlilgeft/Trgelthics4 et role; ter fresbneee, beeetz istreagth. TOkeep TOMB HOUSE raw- tal see teleeli tbeteeheet tone triezauG wietea • To brazed TOUR If Cilleflt with a • quiet elegem» arectigat lei Price limb debt for tee purtet aed belie Write for or bOatlet gr telling allebeut k Rmany & Sam Mmtreal, Esti Me, FAINT MAKERS HULL, CIC,'AT"rpJ IN FRANCE. issaalbssalt *co ePealainaatisentee ny mat tity et dry. mixed word. 'Weibel for igarettes smoked in France repre- ftraleatiletZrrerel./gTol" tit: d.iire T. s. hist year the cigars and tricklurting. ter early detivtry. ewe Matt lain Ti seated the respectable total of 4,050 phopealc.42m., tons. It is noticed that the emelt- 7 19 ing habits of the French people ba.vo 1 45—. undergone a, great change during the vanced. Ca and cigarettes have trapitily ad- We have Mexicana WE steadily declined in popular favor Valencia*, and TUE Navels, HAVE ORANGES 1 LEMONS ' past twenty years. Cigars have Aliel in Their Action—Parmelee% Vag Seville. BEST etable Pills are very mild in their action. They do not cause griping in the stomach pilis do. Therefore, the most delicate Carlpacl every week. ,All tee above at or cause disturbances there as so many can t•ake of implement market pnces. We can also handl* your thetn without fear results. They can too, be administered Butter, Eggs, Poultry, ttioescewillclarechniovalcvmutleimvpscr olifigpitilise npoetnaslo- Maple Syrup and other produce to advani carefully prepared. tage for you. tHE CARSON COMMISSION CO., Llitilted., A man of 70 has renewed his 'In- as...mm=0 Cor. West Market It., TOXONTo. ger nails no fewer than ISO Vines. Taking the length of each nail as half an inch, the total length grown on each finger has been 7 feet 9 RE SWANTEII ' inches. GENERAL ASSEMBLY PRESBY- TERIAN CHURCH, LOS ANGE- LES, CALIFORNIA. For General Assembly Presbyterian Church in the United States, May 21 to June 2, the Union -Southern Pacific will Sell very much reduced round trip tickets to Los Angeles, going via New Orleans or via Den - 'ver, Salt Lake City and San Fran- cisco, returning same or diverse route. As this is an open rate it will give the public and delegates to -the Presbyterian Assembly at Van- cou.ver an opportunity to attend 'that convention returning. 'rickets on sale May 2 and May 11 to 17 inclusive, good for return un- til July 15. Liberal stop -over pri- vileges going and returning. For rates and further information, address, H. F. CARTER, T. P. A., Union Pacific R. R., 14 Janes Building, Toronto, Ont. SITUATION FOR 104 YEARS. The oldest negro in Louisiana has just died, leaving a remarkable re- cord, Born in 1709, he served as slave and freeman with the McCall family of New Orleans all his life. Ills one situation lasted him 104 years. Minard's Liniment Believes tieuratgla She --"Who is that?" He — "Mr. Mashem." She — "Row sad he looks! Has he been disappointed in love?" He — "Yes; the girl's fath- er failed the week after Mash= Mat' i'ied her?' Apply at Raven, Lake Siding neap Victoria Road, or at 16 Xig St, West, Toronto. 19.20 Raven Lake Portland Cement Co., Limited Put a variety into Summer living—it's not the time of year to live near the kitchen range. Libby's Veal Loaf Potted Turkey Deviled Ham Ox Tongue, 6:c. quickly made ready to serve Send to -day for the little booklet, "Hose' to Make Good Things to Eat," full of ideas on quick, de- licious lunch serving. Libby's Atlas of the World mailed free for 5 two -cent stamps. Libby, McNeill S. Libby Chicago, U.S. A. COEN, t --f The greatest number of deatcs -take place not just after midnight, as popularly supposed, but between 5 and 6 o'clock in the morning. "t4 i'141 ‘ti 11 etreai teni I +4.%*."4•-•-,`til-,%44,.',.pito,,;,-A,y,i,r,14.1,,y,,,,rok ""` • We malie Granby Rubbers and Overshoes out of pure new rubber. Can as much be said of any other make? .) _ - cost the maker more, but they cost the wearer less, for one pair does the work of two pairs of ordinary rubbers. "Granby Rubbers wear like iron." T U 4-4 age , • • •