HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-5-21, Page 21 He strove nugrile• with the weahrie5n lind the coward whe threw th Iliu4111 0001. Two colettorien ago. ore you, old thap 7'1 I aeelev ! eried Jim sure • • • 41:44:t•;s41 .... :!: The Strike at 4. .s. 4:. ... ea ea t 4 * lee ea e sently the three men sallied forth, and made for the committee -room, around ethich. a noisy and excited crowd lead assemidea-mea. women. and children seizirog aid absorbing eagerly every scrap of information and cons et it with vehement ges- tures and no ., nosy tongues Jiro, Wisha.rt was in the centre of an exited group, reasoniug, ex- horting ; aye, pleading with them to refrain from pushing the matter Parbrigton s •,_ that was flying about, and feeling en to ee;tremes for So slight aacause- SI a, vague, indelinite way that Mr. for no cause at all, indeed. To no e-ame to an untimely end thet even- ing ; its last act. being. on the chairmants motion, to tender an apology to Jim Wishart for the manner in which. he had been treat- ed. -London Tit -Bits. fedhit'reat:**:**hdtdetthehi'ded":";":":":":"h Partington, whom they had hitherto purpose. Jim's action of last night CROWDED CONSTANTINOPLE. Jim Nitishart was secretary of thea regarded as -their best friend, was 1 they held to be both cowardly and To walla in Constantinople is like 33011Yhridge Millworkers" Union, and 1 in reality a slave -driving tyrant. treaelnerous ; and black, threatening, a Remo and active struggle. One 9u that g"teut it hem"). the meet grown, supercilioue and lentightY he- hoots and blatant clles or "'ram"' should iceek- at once before'. bebind. (-nee. Preiteoree.o.a.. ib., mat few coat !" "Traitor I" and the like and underneath one's feet; before, -;-- et--":- t't---- --- -i- tontonnl thing in the world that be cause of the wealt/e which. their should drop in. of an eveaing at hearts* blood had earned. Were showered upon bent from all ,bebind, and underneath one's feet. wee`' °1 spring. rhubarb has a' -"°' least one size larger than the so - Pete Carlow's. to smoke a pipe and That was the feeling which domin- sides. lie quickly grew excited un- 1 some danger or disgust is always lielous fruity flavor which appears called "easy lit" This rule should discuss mateers affectind the welt lated the mth meeting of e committee. der the stone. of epithets. and they 1 k threatening. I never n. walked up the later oThe wise home caterer will , logo road which lerhis from the 1 t fail to utilize this at the right- to grow. The esult would be good until the foot bee ceased lase a the associatiou:to say no- i thing of the' opportunities which in consequence came in for many goee hard with Jiro, but juet then a to Vera without the feeling • watch cannot be znistanen, f -or 'generatiou of healthier, better-tenee r 0. Jim Wishart urged moderation. awl 'began to hustle him. It might have i!steep zonte daughter. lenteeda-aud elim al- k and he grew etch and an,ary When it !It WS Ned Peaseley, looting 1 bridge ly thigh.. enough to be removed, time sometimes cropped up for a. de- menacing; scowls from. Slocum; but stalwart :figure horst through the .that 1 was sgaling. my way through ilO it Is at its best the root end i ring and took his place beside him. ffe, hostile city. A horn bleeies fur- a pinkish Ilue and the shin is women, pered and more graceful mete and lightful chat with Nellie. Pete's wine :his •counsel was utterly disregarded, cool , leash«. arid a black man rolls up the with a glint 011 ' hill, viewing away before the dash- A dish clear to the eye and delight - ways blushiel eeinen elle thought oe- was resolved to present Jr. Part- nue business...me. 1 eux•red to bine-but for love of Nell o !Osten with an ultimatum at the , steel in his eyes. !fing and struggling horses of the ful to the palate may be made by grregEw uCONOIVY, with he on he would heve refused point-blank ,breakfaet Inoue next morning. the "'Pine fellows who try to maltreat tram. At the sante moment a cob combiniug gelatine trbubarb. The econejeal woman will use to o e o t. V eCoie nvolved in the ative of weh were. t , and the horses set their feet on the nos is ealled glace rhubarb. even leer bread crumbs. She will do the drives at full speed doenqa the hitt, hnicterms in recthaq jun Wishart aae-e, gt. WOOS, of tbe %Chime, for lie believed i wont would inetantly cease pending hsarne to me," he enid, "and I reckon ' Peel a dome stalks of young but heat the crumbs in the oven mem that the toilers of Dollebtidge bad Slocura's reinste.temeort ; the chair- I won't be standieg idle at the tie. 1 payment, in grout, og you. A mum not thin rhubarb, and cut ado good crisp, then roll awl put them away aot tuea-aug never erode leave so ream a young firebrand ranged Wilde iSeems to me nian's showing you tire i balances slices of offal on a long sized pieces. which, while not large until needed in a glees jer. Tho loug as Alr. rartington lived -any And Jim Wishart 'Wing aPeointe4'1straight course, and you're fools if pole across his shoulder; they dangle enough to be clumsy, will retain possibilities in bits of bread are by real hastiflcation for instituting pro-. delnhates. you don't tae it. What's the row 11 before and behind; he swings ebeer.- their shape while coaing. They Ino means confined to the familiar teetive measures. At this Jim rose. "Mates," he about, anyway ? If Slocuza had i laity with his burden through the should All a quart measure. Lay bread pudding. avor aSg For more than twenty years the „said. etbeen ternly, "rn be no party o ea. met -- n in the meter and knoeired down ;crowd. A Kurd, stooping under a Any vegetable of SertiVe reletions leetween the mitlowner awe ?suck foolery. I hold Mr. Partiagton his officer bed bagot a sight reeire weight higher than bimself, gonoves„ bis worlipeople had been ideal, and e was in the right. and---" , than his waling ticket, and .eerve etep by step, behind you. your It was only with the advent or n ; A jeering laugh from Slocum in- 11.1in jolly well right. Stand, bade 1 feet slip in elueby :mud, and cateb Worthy. sinister-looliing man named Iterrunted hint- 'There's h ehtennue 'eat*. Ah. would You. Abe Jennies ?r'on the cobbles or in the gaps of the Alt Sh-a into the secluded worn} "eart for you, gents. I votes 'we It you will have it, bere eons ti" road.. A dog with a red wound fee. of Dellet ridge that the first cloud "chuck 'Ira out so's he can go right Tioere canie a rush. and with his ;bind bis tiemawith a firm niefith, ear, and a long strip of anrearai on the intlustriai horizon. aawayawayto the big 'Ouse au a lien 'is Wileuce le came no oee Innew, He igiernmeans boots !" had elle,: ared a dilepideted tramp -I dim fiasned rowel and let drive ON InolatAs before the date of our Ibis net. straight :Across the table at Story, he d :mewed work in the venial Sloenro. who thac4041. anti to a‘tt "heeded to sew dieeouteut !stant Jim was etruggling helplessly litt**efttitteet4tt****1 I About the 4 t....House I. $PIIINO DINNER TAI314E. shoe fits snugly, no matter how soft it is, the sole is sure to prees into. the sensitive flesh and irritahe te ten temper. it not actually inteue the nerves. Baby flesh is so soft that mothers or nurses often do not notice how badly the little foot is being crowd- ed until impeded circulation tells the story of suffering. And small stoch- iugs are as frequently a means eg injury as are small shoes. Always buy both shoes and stockings at a them he a crock or saucepan large ough for them to cook In a single lent he Unproved for persons who ayer. This is inepertarat cooing are inclined to acorn it: by firet pare aU safflower fruits and Suet% a broad- limiting it. Cabbage vitt he found far mined saucepan ehould always be more delicate it R is treated in this ept in Moen. way. groona Mau. Pete earlow fell an easy victim to Slocum's faseinatiug doctrine, and the momeet the idea. of a union was euggested be went entheelostleally to worn, called a ewes ineetirg of the wornimen, and in lielf anhor the union was an accomplished fact. in the grasp or two powerful peire 1 of arms. , "Jim Wiebart." eaid Peter, cold - y, "1 reekoned you was a man that . uld be trusted to stand by his u, ti mates in me like this. I .eea was mistaken. You're no frieuti ef and mine atter this-rnyou hear with Ina:self as enetraian and nim - i Yon can clear out, and my Wishart. who at. the moment Wasi,iadViVe to you Is to (VII, 1/014"14ridgo thiukteg more of a woman's eluile1, for good l't than tint, rights of main as eee- retary. One eveuing Jim had gone boniee * Ir.Va ti t o. Si air ol3 n trove. the Mai UOCOUScIOUS. of . VMS.' eyee that twinnled goeenb navum edIy tning ing °mrr aed to ecriously enernee his tees.svereceiven the =danger the exieting relations be-"'"*"- tweert master ant men. and efter tea found biteeenif. usttel. cheer- fully whistling his way down the delegates geraelly. "You wish to hove a tell; with ? Corteiuly. gentlemen- Always d to nave you vome direct t non reel now. !ed." ee . InItOnf wrirvuerhAvr TO „Meet on his way to Carlouna beluga-N(41e when anything MRS nnenff4n. a!d. helteelly, SCIKXCE. At was duele and n. MAN, curreing s intsulentel bis hands toerether with eognet titan's ell • but 4 century opt, tl,e wort; 451 tht, teg. appreeebeil-ie letraigbt. ecol-1 iielt.ed chwhie NIA Cover the rhubarb v;•ittla a. pin 09 The odor from, /milting cabbages or cautionary words Ned placeil his mangy sem on his back, loes asieep ,cold water, stew gently and when onious may tre preveetee to e great back to dims and proceeded, with Iin the middle of the pavement. You it. begins to soften, sprinnlo aenni degree by eaaleing either vegetable in, the utmost clieerinhiens, to hit out ; step into tee road to avoid ttie 1 of sugar owe all. Stew again gent -;cold wager orte ;hoer eegoeo Jipl. goer/en to -frenzy. 'doing like- doge end the laernels, and wheels 11.e. shening a little until Ilbo Bogen lcoonen. and then boiling it in treat wise. Tbe human %vivo molten ; and barses are epee yon'. Yon sten 'melts. Try the iratit with a forte keter French salad for use with cold 'nfoileil tongue is reede by adding tee ;r: reenter nnench dressing mustard lend holt a smell onion. ein rennin:Mee but stiddelny a stone. e.laang wen been into the ualilst of the dogs and land whey: tender remove from to venom, by Slocum 'wilt) fro= ilaraais; QS you stand asene for se-rafp einglee tenting care to limp sleirts of the crowd had Veen , a moment, begger with hand- teech-plece whole, toad MY in a brood hirig for an °peeing, buried lees arm rounded int° a stomp, hallow glass mon ough the air, etreen Jinn on the I-VonfAan with lier ke0 eaten away I Put a, tablespoonful of grautolated I oral eon sprigs of parsley chopped le, and seat bjva reeling, Ned the cavity of tbe hood which she tine in a bowl and Olin with j rine, Lay the tongue in delicate 'Pled and put an arm around him, II draws beet; before you. appears sud ough cold water to soften K. slices on a, platter wed pour the 'Inn all right. Ned." was deffite filling ieloat had eeeoleol the Pin to rearieley'a inquiry, •Titea Ned ouh alley Of escape. Tito ham eoans aced tbe mob with the glare of n dfri:31 Int° the ooee°w street: the and told them his eennuone smell of the muil rises up Into your In the choicest barraclerona n°strtis. t'tit'gled with thee before whoee teething un- known smells which. to Coostootl. hey enarnt. oway ashamed.. nople. EN= to ooze upwarele out off met his, arid the dee:- 'the ground" atut steam 6mtw‘trds erten at that moment Irmo every door and window, and Mftnartolner.ush a'"1 tbu ;;Pa :law out 0r oat of 'very .f the bre'a'tland r and of netanny Jim to a 'mei fouluene of tne people,--Artber at and hound nri the thounttaan ,SlriBer4S, Itarperne llogartne. 11-ovith his benenerehier, 1 • Viinne feve. 'then etopped end held Pete Caticnv '3•11tIlelttY "t" htls solar- lile "WIng 9" --'444PP. ? Pete '? 41-51v3t ''''''114""11 4'314rg'-'41151 17644 ANCet 114M 411e''' slierditie figure, who peered Into r ' who' 1 11,y tImarlogimg3. %to out his hand. 1.11-1U t)/7.,e er..0.74 1,11tylere.„Weee' "None Yon 3iniod. old anis. Jt then rafted manhind, as audacious in- ent ngt(141 TO %** ntIt' "Ig ft""1"." YOU Mt lienin golng to truster:9 into tile enchieive ,611.11Sdik7v "Thought 'twee you, 'intim. How Phulgt4 into the nt°14(.7`. "Ind if thPret NIIPW the Conn ti4r Ot the fent:est. IhiCe the man "Noe e wend, skaning heartily the t Cart`theva*ete Ne "rile with himenliollon (Welt heaven-, nof etiONCC who would take out the pro-- to teak about Alf Sleetna'S Ogairs" who's that beetle Varlove. uog elevera of a ;non, cut out their die - fend band, gled to se you 1;e hehorh; Jim ?" tere•, and put them bade would have again. But, wbero did you drop "ilia I'm glad of that" Fab! the -That's an ^ 41. a memo he said, t tre igen fortunate to eevape the eta el front ? never heard %of were :raillowner. "xt gretiees MO man they're golree to etrike for." ''!or tee teeete But tbe andaCIOU8 inv.1 coating home." Then gradnolly stir in the boiling rbutterb Juice. Allow it to cool little. and then pour over the fruit 1 awl place in the refrigerator for hours. At the end of that thine' tender pieres of rhubarb will lie 1 ineOsed in 2elly or just the . enCY. which is slightly ' I an the white ot an egg. i eoneeleed form is neeired. 1 1 heap the spoon with deleetaro, ' Gretteneted gettitine is the neree prier, as the eotteeer sort, but as it , IVINis llo PreviairS St,411Pa. it NSin il'e fOtald Conr6.11r.elzt. C5STirailly for fruit deeterte. j Itened PeArs,-ne alemeed for frailly ulleeseete batere neerlee are on ; the itiorket foreee the eorteewife , corivo3 pan:It:able dieeco tcotat Itie ' Leiter greitee or dried 441Ida eteigeoret- ed ir449- neavori grosere ore otinring for In mete a, poend that enow each ball eeetion yarn eitoreamon, At ane of *leen in pertert condition. A pond 14141M3 Gione In 41 ninnie day fis coal to about a dem peare„ andp many on ntneflo cattle. ninonn hogo, for a fandin of ilVe or at half thio1 and 117.00.0 eleap, o total en quantity will be seta:keit. If a, giVi, 41Ver SOJAKI will arrive In range fu wed only one limner ehould the otoenyarilfe /he cattl°. ebeep„ he lighted, and tide terned au low as ;11,0atlidlit(tigstealeXI:ittiolo ttongdofediZsa. Vr'the pears over ninht and ;led Meat dietvilouted onions the eon- epread ion a emall hohitog diele meet- simile,: of the World in one day Ihd met' to tante with inolaesen or tang- hi: Monte' linferdneh lonehet Tho ar. Half a cup of water and a meet would fill e eft igerat or t rain whole eke and einneatelb should be 4even milen long, and the ani - added. the whole covered with a, Mals an received would Inane e maid eleeenittiug plate or lid and baked; PrOvession ninnle dle estending in the fdOW OVell for forte minutee.1.0nee Minn. Serve with hut gitea•rliread mad41 aftez.• this recipe : rn WO a VaiNifl'.% one aeupful of inelatetet, oneetuarn•ri An EOfaitill visitor at Geneva luta mind ohiortening. boiling hot and Lad cistious ewer/cum As he compile'sd of half butter and balie was enteilng his hotel In company lurd. one teatqlOonful of ground gin- wi.11 hiA4 a btranger walked up ger, ilia grated yellow rind of half a to him, and. handing him a packet, lemon and one large tablespoonful of quickly disappeared. On °peeing Blend together, but do not the packet the Itriglishoom was ;w- heat, If you deeire the cake to ne prieed to dud it was his notebook, ruin dark. Now IniX smeothly Wein contained title deeds nod without beating two even teaspoon- Ames worth maw thotnands fuls of flour, sifted, with a teaspoon- poends. The contents had not been ful Of soda -not baking powder. Dane taut:had, and on eXamillthlr ills In- o. shallow pan, or in patty pans, side coat pocket he found it cut about twenty minutes. The crust open. The thief, not finding any 1 Ink notes in the pocket -book, had evidently thought the rest a the ontents worthless, and returned the ocket-book to Its owner. dreesieg over. DLO 0 reeellent scene took. ptace before tho Bey of Tunis recently, It was the huckstering for a linnWO We. in the, presence of the eking- Ire woe an Arab neaten 1•"erclitclui, %vim bed :nein a rival in love and was. fen-. 'leveed to die, when, almost at the hone need for rot:anion. the :114nt. deecil ineen"e father oneecel to treat, weeerning to the Berme, for Ito Slice adaPd, The DargaiPiag wee ceriiiatcloill tto Beene panaefee, nut ae tee notene.rerte famine weerld not go lieeond • *Int* to rols,,^1% 'MO dtROUU,d Pian. otter e glergn of holm* waened tie:. eallowe and Imeged. CI! 1 int. it 0 ST OPUS alt pee, a brand of evaporated rearfj 710 OOLPutor a t'llitetio Moen* 'huow. that our Feufiment's a`vrec' "Slocona ! :Sloe= No, uot.eader of the eeerets of the bode, the. that !" Ned's eyes wero rivetan' toerelicieut healer who, uith hie 1 fiercely upon Sloeum's race. hide ;pied. or Me hnife, leeeens the 1111157.' minds me of—oh, if he'd epran ',ilea 4:g lemeanity, di:Make:en. or de - I'd hnow in a moment. And he'a ge, eeroyn pain, prolonge life and Mg to. by Jupiter Listen V' ,emoothea ine pathway to the grave To their ears same the strident -thin in now tee mari who appetite eke 0C;131ovuru. : "Gent% The great most, strongly to his felloa-beinge. foment has come, and'-" ver bier and his Mining the vain oins of industry are pouring out one millions, building him eolleges t laboratories, endowing proinse , tips. While the world at laege balls bim as the man of power anal miming and when men are not aying.-liarper's Weekly. "1 hilrt/IT haw rtInell'.. laughed ',the matter. and 1 tane it tf;rat yo tie the war was comfortably finished. -"" Peaseley. ntify time expired Pet nen, en roma but, om you know, sto.yen th ehe i,Four fellows with poor Itcheineola bit With the idea. of finding a crib who, 1 nr" saY1 js "'they fieri°9slY es soon as things had &batten down Pete's companions grinned uneasily t each other ; this was hardly what hey had bargained for. Peto him - en turned purple_ "Nhno." he stammered "we ditirn come for that at all. We are here representing the Illillworkerrn linion to state a grievance." Well, pray continue." Pete cleared his throat. "We want to linow wby you saelied Slocum," he saki. "Ile's oue of us, and the men, tbrough rue, say they won't have him, nor no one, sacked with - oat having a, say in it -might be anyone's turn next since this sort of thing's begun." Pete paused and nervousty wiped his brow, while Mr. Partington eyed each of the shuttling delegates in turn with a. sraile. "Dear me dear MO 1" he said ; "this is a most regrettable matter - unprecedented, indeed, in our annals. But really, Mr. Carlow- and gentle- men, I hardly think this is a ques- tion that affects your interests in the slightest. I fancy I engaged the man and paid his wages. You will admit that e" "Of 'course you did, sir." "Thanks 'That admitted, you tan hardly question. my right to dis- miss him, when I' choose. more espe- dotty when I find him shirking the work which he is paid for doing, us- ing physical violence against the foretaan when called in question for skulking, and doing. his best gener- ally to destroy the haretiony which Inas al' along existed between us."' "That's not the question, sir," said Pete, hotly. "We must have Stamm back. He's outside now ready to start, and we're deputed to say that if you refuse our gequest we stop work until you change your minel.'' Mr. Partington's lips clipped to- gether. "In plain English -strike I" he said, slowly. His few saddened, then he leant forward and resumed : "Have you considered what your resolve may entail upon your wive and children 7 I think not. But I have. Listen 1 You are aware we lia-ee been working an hour per day less for three weeks least. Do you know that every other manufacturer in the county' is working halatime only ? Do you% know that for months ray stock of goods has been steadily accumulating ; that I couldn't sell ott just now, and I'm afraid for many months to some, at the cost of the material ? Do you know that I am keeping the place going at present at a cost to my- self of, roughly, a Itundred pounds weekly 7 Of course, you don't, but I wish to be quite frank with you. Do not let me detain you now, but il by the dinner hour you have foun.d no cause to alter your plans the gates will he closed, to open again -- Heaven only knows when. ' He waved his hand, and the dele- gates retired, crestfallen and angry. into the- old groove. But atter eoutile of years veldt-traraping a fel w does, sigh for a. look at an Eng- ) Meadow. Then there's mother - how is she, Jim 9" eltell and hearty, Ned, I'm glad to say," answered Jim. 'Thanks for that, old ehap. I've got some hair-ralsers to tell you but you'll excuse Mg to -night." They parted, and Jim resumed bis way to Carlow's. Nellie was stand- ing on the doorstep with a shawl over her Leath and the moment he appeared slue came eagerly to meet hint. "Why, Nell, lass," he said. as he fobied his arms about her, "this is indeed nk•e of you. Were you really waiting for me ?" "Yes. Jira. dear : and if you'll atop kissing me -now, you must !- IT tell you why. I'm awfulle? wor- ried." Something in the tone vaguely alarmed Jim. "Yes 9 Tell me, then, lass," he said, peering into bis sweetheart's upturned face. Tense anxiety, even fear, was plainly vis- ible there. Besides, she was trem- bling in Ids arms. "Something happened at the rain to -night, Jim, after you left." she said. "Sloeum"-.Tim started vita lentIy-"yes, Alf Slocum got into a row with the foreman and knocked bine down. Mr. Partiogton saw hira no it and dismissed hint on the. Foot. Oh, Jim, I'm afraid to think of what may be the upshot. Slo- cuett's raging mad. Ile's -upstairs with dad now, and they have sent Tommy round to call a meeting of the union committee for to -night. They are waiting for you -the two of them -and I came out to tell you about it first. What's to be done, Jim ? Dorx't let them strike, for that's what Slocum wants." . Jim smiled reassuringly. Said he : f'Strike because Slocum has got What he deserves ? Our chaps are not such fools. I tell you he's a born skulker-the sort that never did MIL honest day's work ; unless, may- be, 'twere in prison with the warder looking on. No, no, lass ; we don't strike for such as he." 'et wish, I could think with you, 'Jim," said the girl, sighing ; "but dad's sidileg with him, ein.d you know what that means." rer'all his brave words Jim Wis- hart groaned inwardly as he mount- ed the stair, for he knew that if Pete used his uriftuence with the men in Slocum's favor, as appeared like- ly from Nell's wiorlds, the affair might sone becorae serious enough. Pete was listening with a flushed mid frowning face, while Slocum slashed the ,air with his arms, de- nouncing masters in •general and Mr. Partington in particular, in strong terms. Pete eaeeted jim with a nod of relief, ''Ha, lad," he said, "we've got business on tand now." Then he rapidly .repeated the sub- - stance of Neil's story. "Now," he coneluded. with a gran laugh, "let's go down to the institute, and, by Lueifer, Partiegtornli soon lind thee, we're both fit and willing to etend rer our rights !" j'ini made no conunent, and pre- * * * Around the mill gates the men were assembled to await the result of the fateful interview. Not quiet- ly, for the situation was a novel one to them, and they discussed the peas .„ 1 Ned sprang to his feet with sp. "Darner. the vanr&rin oundrel, by all that's wonderful !' he cried. 'Ile next instant be gave vent to a great Omen and dashed forwent full speed towards Or Oat. I influence at a time Will% wealth form. It was an .ear -compelling ers, and Slocum paused in his oration and glared at the nalting Ned. But at the first glance his whole body eeem- ed to grow limp. Ills face, a mo- ment before so flushed with dogged purpose, grew livid with fear ; theu, with a. yell of unmistakable terror he turned, rushed from the platform, and, tlx men failing back amazed, darted through the crowd and scud- ded off like the Ned pulled up with a grim laugh, the astonished unionists surging around him. "It's no use one trying to catch him," he said. "lle was always good at running, was running away. He's good for five miles at that pace." Pete Carlow squeezed through and faced Ned, wonder -stricken. "What's the meaning o' this ?" he demanded. Ned's lip curled. "Well," he said, "you're a sweet lot of innocents to let Barker lead you by the nose 1 And his cbeek's a caution, too, though I guess he's busy regretting it now. He was in our corps down South -an out -and out wrong 'un. Loot I My word QUITE HARMLESS. A Londoner Just arrived at Seott6h town, and on his way to an hotel, addressed the porter who led the way : "Xot a large place this?" "Ego' verre," was the anewer. Next flirtation came "Ilas it a orporation ?" nit what, sir ?" inquired the bag gage -bearer. "1 mean who rifles it ?" "Rules it ? dist the provost." "Ale the provost. Like our Lord Mayor. Ilas he any insignia ?" r Marked the Cockney. ! what d'ye mean 7 quoth the puzzled Scotsmnn. "Yes, hisignia ; that is to say, has he a chain ?" the polite visitor hinted. Whereupon the almost dumfounded native g-asped out : "A chain, sir ? The provost chained ? Na, na, he gangs loose ; but dima be feared, he's quith harmless." CURIOUS COSSACK. CUSTOMS Many queer -customs and usages dead Boer if he'd thought there heal ha' stolen the whiskers °ff a 'aro prevalent among the Cossacks of was market for 'em 1" His eyes flashed. "33y Heaven," he continued, "Lootenant Jones, as de- cent a chap as ever dived, .caught bine one night in a Kaffir settlement outside the lines after loot, whieb was against the rules -but that was the least of it. The beggar had found a fat old nigger hiding, and thinking, no doubt, the chap had something put away for a rainy dayt he had trussed him up to see wheth- er a good welting would loosen his tongue. The lootenant tried to ar- rest him, of course, and asked him to hand o -ver his rine. When the skunk saw his game was spoilt, d'ye know what he did 7" "Go on," cried the listeners, in an lomatient chorus, as Ned paused. 'Cracked his officer's head e with the butt of his gun and bolted to the Boer lines . . Jones ? He re- covered all right, but Barker doesn't know that" The befooled unionists looked sheepishly at each other, and at that moment the starting whistle souilded. "Halloa. I" cried Ned ; "you chaps can strike or no, as you like, but here's one as is going in to see after that job of Barker's, and stop him who can." There' was no strike at Dollybride, and Mr.,Partington, to whom Ned applieciefor the vacant post, enjoyed his recital of the hour's proceedings so much that tee vowed it had added years to hie life, "You may start now if you choose, my lad," he The DollylDridge Millworkers: Union the Don. No man changes his clothing on a Monday, If he -did it is believed that he would stoffer from a severe skin disease. On Thursday no fat or flesh must be pickled or corned. If anyone neglected this the meat would be full of worms in fortnight. Wool is not spun on holiday, else the cattle will sic,ken and die. A hen is always given an uneven number of eggs to hatch, never an even number. Bones left from a dinner at a funeral are thrown into the river, else the dead will appear to the living in fearful shape. And at the same meal no one dare cut bread -it must always be broken. THE FIRM'S GOOD NAME. A shopkeeper of an excitable tem- perament, hearing his assistant say to a customer, "No, we have not had any for a long time," was un- able to countenance such an admis- sion. ' He fixed his eye on the assistant and said to the customer: - "We have plenty in reserve, ma'am plenty upstairs." The customer looked daeed for a xnoment, and the shopkeeper did not seem happy, when his assistant in- formed hint that tine customer was speaking about the weather, and had remarked, "We haven't had any rain lately.". Guatemala has the highest death - rate of aey civilized country. Tts death -rate is 41 per 1,000. At the other end of the scale comes New Zealand, with 51 per 1,000. RETURNS A POCICIninDOON. will be crisp if the recipe is closely followed. raw mos. Whan. raw eggs ere ordered for an invalid to whom they are objection- able, make as palatable as poss-ible by having the egt as cold as one can make it and then serve it from a cold glass as soon as it is opened, 'writes a physician's wife. 'bf course it is useless to serve any sago per- fectly' fresh eggs. If the white alone is to be taken, it should be beaten with a whisk until very stiff and frothy, then sea- soned with salt, or sugar, which- ever is preferred, and eaten with a spoon. This can be flavored with a. few drops of brandy if the patient likes the taste. Some who object to an egg beaten in a glass of milk sweetened and flavored, can take the egg if the sugar is omitted and the flavoring extract replaced by brandy. A spoonful of rich. thick <cream added to the white of an egg beaten stiff and flavored with a spoonful of brandy is palatable and- nutritious for an invalid or anyone whose health is impaired. A good "pick- me-up" is needed in every fatally from time to time, and wise people understand that it is far better to spend. a little time and trouble in this way rather than to. -resort to stimulants of any kind. An egg, beaten in a cup and the cup filled with coffee should be given to one -with a jaded appetite for breakfast. Stir the egg rapidly while pouring the coffee over it to prevent its curellitg. Cream or ne.eillt and sugar should then be added as usual, ABOUT CHILDREN'S FEET. It seenes almost absurd to advise mothers not to pinch babies' feet, and yet physicians say that much of the fretfulness and irritation of babyhood is due to tight shoes and stocaings. Not tight, perbaps from a grown-up standpoint but sufficiently snug to hurt the tender, soft flesh of baby feet. The shoes that are gotten for the very little During the past year 14,380 Lone *baby are very often. 'actual instru- don children were taught to wish* ments pf torture because of some out of 44,354 rho were beineg her slight roughness or pressure. If thte.stiticted in- that art. e---- dht BOTH MISTAKEN. An Irish merchant, who had more money in his pocket than his in- pertrance denoted, took a seat in a nrst-class carriage. A dandy fellow - passenger was much annoyed at Pat's presence; and, missing his handkerchief, taxed him with haviikh, picked his pocket. After recovering the handkerchief, which he had put in his hat, he made a lame apology. ! but Pat stopped him with the re- mnrk :73 Mak ,yourself easy, dar/int'; ; don't bother about the matter, You took me for a thole, I took you for a gentleman. We were both of us mistaken, that's all, me honey." • , est COMMEMORA.TIPE ATTIRE. ' The black silk handkerchief which British bluejackets wea.t was first tied round the sailor's throat in mourning for Nelson, and it was never , dropped. So in a sense, though unconsciously, we still _mourn for Nelson. In the same way the ' white stripes round the collar of the sailor's jumper -commemorate the - victories of Trafalgar, Copenhagen, and the Nile. DOG CLOTHES. The latest society fad in Paris is for dog clothiug. No four -looted pet of any family pretensions now thinke of taking the air unlash "dressed" in a well -fitting overcoat, with a small pocket for a smart -looking - han.d.kerchief. The other day a do ig was seen n a, motor -car with a welt" fitting pair of blue spectaclea to protect his eyes. A New Zealand butcher once ad* vertised:-"Having now secured the services of a University man fog our small godds department, we ea* supply real Cambridge and Oxforgl sausages . at three pounds for 'one shilling.'t