Exeter Advocate, 1903-5-21, Page 1SIXTEENTH - SIXTEENTH YEAR, ere""aseree. EXETER,..• ONTARIO, THURSDAY,: :MAY 21, 1...03.. C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. ya,rainething Useful/ Telt arie age yogr Satins. nack earniacTa cane trwatt eeel C7ra'T aZ)=1\4.271\7= „ we wilt pay yon for ;he prleilege of earfirr; for your or.nney. A DOLLAR 'Val alive yea an PR4COTIO WOOS at ihmter, Creallkon; Ckinkon or znima Praan Ipes. . . THE SOVEHBON BANK OF CANADA, GIADWAN STANOURY, P. 5, KUM. Soliektera, nV.444.81• xf MILEY ro0A.N. . • .41. ' — . We Zieve Ilasaitee foveae %vett:teat a op Van tevereet retee of t aas, for eroeert . ;- ii FieN & C41214.42.40. , ° (t, 133,442i,,;4'nra'.eke..1:42etnr. TM 4 ..-0E.,.. "ft) LOAN. 12,441,rzek pah,Tne, j.K;.2'0724,hrs-44 ra4,44-, Celrt114.1-AN.C-: tereaattarta rerizza-a, ratalearenalta a.. Peter ewe tiattea4exttza-, gt'le prh ea. • Ve8tUa DR: ORME, ("04trallm, 'editott Lab nt,V4', Sar., taeNly.ea altattla 1231 t..---112e4242414.,tatatee eeeta A Brase Band bite bee .:leieed le tenses zest oivee reastees teeettt ea,1 aet ea our eillegte Tiesel:ey iooe 4 1 /0 sv (4"Vm "84"88.4..„ r,,,,,i.ill 440%4 triT-44,t, eVir 4 errr, ; taliing,,, have 14.441 4 LT.:4,41 :411,-341,00 easeaseaeueote Nene-wee; . Wis itope the boys will z-,.• et 4,01^ 44 Wit. 1.1 'aka ice' tate ea a 1 St. 4osepb Ass Lillian Willson, teacher S. S. No, 1. $pent Saturday with her parents at Holmesrlite.-Miss Bertha O'Brien spent lest week visiting her brother at l3rucefield,--Mr. and Mrs, J., J. Taylor, of Bisewster, visited the latter's par- fr. end Mrsellobt.Sermison here 4 Similay.-- We lea: pleaeed to stete that Master Adelple Beachour,who has Le* very sick levith inailsoulation of the hotels, is recovering, tkraDd Mrs 13renner is impel:seiner his ouse with to. coae of paint. Mr7Staeley. a klensidl, io1ng the sod -3h John Speekntan,o Pete, was in the vill- a Monday. -Mr. and Mie. Ridle3e, a „ yeas here Thureelay ei1 the t'inei-il of 3,1r$,. Viola Oliver. • ss. Dent. of ,:elitehell, Wa$ ill QUI,' 111.-c,.14444s4t.w.-Ileataa's. N. D. 1). re a 1:S:eters, lenient Satottiliar hete Sant P.'aller, 1 Cra1g, ept S4m413.1,4, ! 14; 4.,^„ -NV). WM. Mk,1,414 13 tot the sesi; ilea We Sere g,11,g1. wl1ROM re. eaver.--ther 111 111 1t18,-8" titter -4r nets in and reputt geed. . Z 2- . • MR, Ztlriveit wa-• itt Landau Mory iota !teen la, aele hint, yriet•14; foe lee- ', enliven onr gatita eveutteee.-.4r. tie:h. it sal: 1%./laea'a' aateanfi liatuiford, tet Ventralia. late a, et. draw- IV. Iitatteedet teae tetielt lea -we -Levan tat t unty 0ounou lug Avot 4442 0214` 2 2.2,0 Imr-.2 W. tl. 1:,-4,1 .2 re 4° 4422-t,-.42,4,42-ke•py /al.& led t,4 weele.-The dee' teNe°,32114'4* ik•ki 2'44,24S'e:kt i,V11•42 1404 Vve4F t`glaCIA:CS.- I Kine4,71;; 4.3reeuway Rev. Mr. An•lerson, ef Kirktoe, call- ed on friendeta this vteinity Tuesdaaa -Miss Js1Weeder. of DetrOit, is visite leg het eleter, Mre, Wm, Belee-Mr. Janees Brophy delivered a large load of pickerel and white fish Monday. - Mr. Willere with o, gang of Inen /lave eounateleed work on Mr. C. If. Wen eon's barn. --Miss Alice Wileen attends ed the Bpworth Leagee district cone ventiori held at. Parkhill Wednesday, )3rins1ey, Corbett WB ad es severe electric stserne in Mr. ,Tobtx English has moved to Mr - them, parts en Tneeday eveninge-Mes- ,1 Stain Betniee 11041.61.•, 24101°L11 of here, ree sis, Christopher and Lester Lewis cis- centler vacated by Mr. Jaa.S\ 1sou friends near Moray and Corbett- Word was received be 04 few daye ville one (lay bst weekeseWe are pleas- raga of the went tge o 314,s Aunnie, eel to etate that Mr, Geo, Corbett is re- Whitesides, to Mr. Neil Munroe, at covering from his illness. -Miss Stella , Bessevain Man., on Moly 2ed, at tbe• simpsnn sinitqd friends in this vicinity Mettiodieepattamege ley tare Rea. on Sunday -7 -We. A. B. Gilbert and „Somerville. We understand Mr. the Misses Misses Jennie Neil and Mabel Gil- , roe IS a prosperous farmer end lives a bed, oPavishill, were the guests of !few miles out of Beesevale. All join. etre, A, e„ eadeee attended the w el Mr. and Mre. Tilos. Gilbert °a Sunday, int mashing them suceese.-Mr. Jetties' s.convenseen hod in Exeter i.4ec week. Mesers. Alvin Amos and Lester Lewis ; MePliereonour poptilar blacksmith,ise left ViredneetlaY moraine-, for the Weele " we ar'e pleas,ed to learn eettiog arouniZ. We will 2145S their smiling faee rn this " gam, After his sermq$ itInes$0t sew. 'ehay°, taut we. WISb tb inElICCeSS, /malls &ration. and Mrs. Will 1•144kalS kierkd family ailed on friends in tide vivinity last • '1''.411 It" the 11-Aal.54* klulte 4.1it,,,tr.411„1-11,1v4dv" xi3511,Et Ilfgr 111',,,.sinhltsija3/4:11Aught 1, Ma. °Llama of Clinton. wae- -4;11‘.mids are fililbt p,„ai- ,.../,fraintiita business._ Wt. 4re pleetaeo to in the village on Sunday. Mr. Grae .13,,e5.1.1ye,,..20_14:,,49,?,71, 1444T, 7v1,41. teewt. t,augnIt,f; timais 11! nTIPTIOI'stirg 411.0itu"- -r-•";"11'" 14,41 .."te airen1e 'ilaGVUI$V1141e44 Leren :Anarvakatfliitit9.4rIst341:444s41:4.511,44:1Pit0Legg7 ,FrAvo'l a" liar well314.1fogll; Wooilbam fiaereer la we are pleased to !2, to If? croolnd again. He hae th1afF41ttr4h •the fuonlver-lry of her twf•Ifth I146,,h4e. iiie,Mant ;4- wi.„411.3m meth", I r.,;.tt,,1133, ovule es-mgra ChatNiott 4 le mt (weal, isa nese 11e -$o11 gzutztil t4.18t8r,t,I 441 0,, a, t"*10.' rL MaY 211. IvIt'14 1%'',1 nil who in4(11 the honor oti:.:Lin invitation. tiny with I !ealtee aerie, - leer. eute, 414. T itryatifit44111. iftgli 4.220. itieb, wines_ weeding etas feetezeitt ' at the Y. A• nteeting out iiiitrellay •-•04 11, pr,w4cheal by Roc. !dr. la reat;up,a,te lumr. • 1iU d1'1,E.rsed ter Geiger and 112:10Lat'l'e liktett• At there &alit loe the of- i niftily happy 1..V.grgis of °be tIty.-- Mr. tNenhat. -Tie, "J., ---11..-a. ilailZe• •in Sue - „ea ae, a 111a58 111P8.1482.4 1,14,.litpm., tie. i ,,A,E.,‘,,r, a :I', 30....1,1,- fl.h, 44. th?.,- 1,1,-844, '4 -4,0•104,--t, • !;:„; ,D-,0 D ?. :7- I, _,.1, :':20';'g: 2.,' 1-• la 14 1:t4 EulaIrcessillIty Rev., :' 141201443 tatting hie eeleel-ta - t ''' (4r It a 111". "'"''''''''''''' ' 4 t'a4 3flamilaP. 3,laY On M,,ly ::391. "Whieb will 174 . F,1w.4.1, th- of• -7 ,i. ,: lit Mt Ben. . • eatpie. --Mr. Jelin 116.1":14.:"411 'eSi_l'.4 ha 1.,:r •„ta,,ottier rrmittlog. zi 3 don 11.(In ',day 111 Ino,,ioes.R., t ng eat Dinner eet-v St ark, leatt.7t1itietir8 e 1441e.la 8z88e.IS8•t r I lne1, DI .?1 zor streets tohtneeerdost's110P141,1114al14*1114antv11^^ ,„ -t.! •-• e , 4"veaeoshh.wetlrggtitiom1t414Iigsneo• 18rStet44 fla. I•tltSy ▪ •aV.tit(1l.!eie81r8 r.4 zt ,pa 014 ,:1,4.41 ra-11444 044 -74)-14)1aF Not114 o',Va Eforagth 1.,024,1nr. 14441 1^x'90,;4)4'4 314 ,Tv'4213tY Medwa 4, D• -• ------------------ter. /4 Min 4.10;14:2•44 11-4, ietataa• iteer-tag cerag'4.,,,,tc. '744 na: z from legereofi eta 31 waaKv, gee ie Nee ie- leNot"'as 0outt of Revision. 44 14 s n Ta4,3 -atkivil TroUinq St .. 0, 'D. .1 , • 4338 1101"1" 44844* hee lesen visit4ier, relatitese.- -Mr. 48141 "neve in tiaie ea ..aE V.4-. ofe.1 .. ... , -- , atoned ;18E4.4e-seizes spi'f!'!Eit Ft.I Vt;N:',',4 841 •- di !$"4.,.,I'm .7g;”. CICItI15.484.1 ii.F., ta te. eaa, 2dt,,,.., 3i441310...w. m8,4.114.1,4 „...„,,,, 3 _ . . * ..• „. _ . . " ,, . • ' . . ' An, •444 ,4 '''-na '44 44 At WAtteellstit" 1.18; , . ... ....• 8 ' * ,4 .4,4 a1Fur,i In. al 4,14 2 '• • 1 ""ki•'""'' ilVaY. ;r1440 1 44'!'"4) '''.''A''''' uokAllr70'411 tnent ttestr - . _ ... '. ' I ee - eels :.e . ,Aza,5v „.ig.4. :14414 4444 -g ek444 • 0,,,!, ., -, - ..e- .4.,.. iNg i'la' .‘41015Va. ill,. tide 4'4,-4-•%. 1188 Vi'',iit ' Vi55t ne ft.:Per,4e :La lg':allor!'"4:4;t4!.---Nr..10141) !NI114'; ''' ,;:. 4-'•Z 4 1111 P 8.6.'"ii.T.'"Ir" ;the ';',,T.'5 -.J. te:a wilt lt% sTI“,41 411* ar. 'I'`I's r"fill- , 1*" l' '4' 4-141;•''4" 5)-84484 11144. their eltildiett. We wish elees14 a 44 4]'8 1 L4 411 12.' - '' ''P' "t" ''''',-'4°44 t4" UV!' lauryov..^^ • ''.'...."... Pv07.4b07-1tt 04-',9•'„ ol,.l4 gt,4a42,141‘. fi•-;,811 4i, -t. tut p -,,,go!, 411441 vl.. 44).z.i. 444"?.‘,804 •,,0 Lei W44;44 4 - ,likatatutea' lanai Ira% tties wall epjo); ';iitias, A•F rf,,.]sz F.1,,, 14, - -,111,,E,*,1 ,4441,1,-4-. go;414..t., *V•4 -4 Z; 4 1.4%.10,4 ZN, N14.1",,,111141i41"44,-,,.4 4)4431 14 ,8 g4i,,,.-11,,4•48.g,,,m444 1,-; r.4/0:.:AN• • 1'1* 444.'.44% iit laie a it.P.44 4.4 144.1/e.,sZli,:4. theatevitaa.-- Alia; inear• Va'7i3141 ileiveria, steed 11441 1440 14Wiet 88448181.1*4,1 41184148T " 1131181864 L'I's ttglia 44 ' 7 ..4 Sl'a-.t't-0-I'ti''4' ttk.li-'t°8.`'•.;'4-.1•,••,''14i" -.'je''' ' '••,••rq..,,' 5 --V. . 4. .41!r4•.tI`P. .1'.•at1,.:,4 ,- " . '...'• , ' -i .,''0','' t ' r1 +,, 'a o • .!.7s'.4U•, 34Lsr a/.t„.01a LAn S.• '- •nt1l44.1rinTten'.inolarj ,e,T„4.9,88,,.0?l,8'•-01.1It IN'13i-l.0 147 -.,; , 4 •,1 .-1L,)0, . vt4(-:^ I•^ ,•• -, 8" 'v,` . , ' -,-', V•',.44F•4V3 " *4' Ot.7.314; :44jdf010; ,teenwe,14 alfr10Q1 441,„-,,8V47,,„r O4.4.I q2i14414424 trne .4 ;4k14 14" 1431444441 40134 ' '4444 4 '-'I 44,84)44l44 400 044 4904, 413441s4 c41184T,iI V •iniV,44''1421414122r,,-.4„" 81'4' 114- -- 41" -"11"im"y' ,41184 onaantalay :$ -,,tiov .,' -114iv-v 1 4-4 .1k14tf'104n'6-?'-1t4i;:nkl.et,'74".41.;t411 114)48 11438' 41- 14-14ti41e 4ateaiaaaa &Ia;24415141.42,44. t 1„ to! ak #4-41 ^2' beer Winl 4 • . '11 , - ErInttt 14vItr..^ IA 4.1a z4Lm2 ,i4618 44,14 eieake 44u 4)4" ea -ea -a.% eanareee of teee, aowt47, 1-,1„419 4 4e6 3 -4 lv.:(1.1o., 1,0 .144,05,7"4 1141)4.402i. ; „ 14411 41 Vre 1,?!.024 C't,1444;.; [1i44"' tf,. a, el -4 it. tile' ii1,3"..0411.nallik, • 4114,7,•,' r gra;e4-40:c4 404 47 ''""1 41 44474 444 44 11' 1, 1941, 41. 1,104, ite , et' lit,11,4'`Q' t V r..1 L'' on-nlen-uniwn 1411,', 4" 0611 t ul 4;tr e p- p.,,.,y01 1 44.. • 4*: le teeeeeleute-,,L.1 0444 14 44 0 '5 94 4`)*7 0mo h .4 a ., 4 44 •9-4 ,1.40, r- . ' a . • -,.0• ,...,414t '!a •g 4,22g4,,Fi224a4N,4D2-t44&g4e . 4 44a44' 1'19I11la!a1oi - •g ,2 4,o1 '1ag'r' 'a 1'4 7 ' ''''n i 81 1'105 g ,.X)'4 -°„,,g,.,. , .'. .l-il'1,,g4,34,,z11:4 ' 4' -' ' 7- tg,,44868,409fIiMi1,1 •S!zrcer.i,4ftNet towe eatea i 1 1;4 4 -4 L" 444' ); ;!';,'i. , 0D.IV,C,,aa,aiel„afTie•.,Vkaaai4aaate7,..4444ili,,,:s,,,„ieg., ,e " '"1'V. the 344 14. .:"eeaPC80aV011'„14414!41144'4944 '18859 Jlee 44 "DDID '/1,:441:m84 44Let (1‘.41.4"'"4" ""1 rr "4•• efee 04 'ie. iZt- e• Little, it ettea. 1--8-J(.-1,. s. 44 If .4 15. 14191. Ile•• el, 0,, -2 44.7,31 Q544tb4ra Wt"g • , Q1' ;A :44 -44 ▪ , e a ale' La.' •,2" - Me, eopleoel e, 44;kagg 444:11.'4',2242,2. 2,4 tk&i.eto 1- i'- 4)141'4)r19 (ha 64- s'` 4 ' SI444. 1)-4, 114).4; `011) 114,2 g fee. 144-4 rc6411.44J2'71,Vilt r V. 4/44,0144 , 441T,10":••41,BV. 1144- 1, fro, ii"' 4 ariilite 14144114 t". X"eaatie-v fl- 74 Do ta;li leave eteartlea titatue W".1%". 7, . 1.01 4140' 41, "-'44,1:, gi A'T,1,,lfaiIyy6 1et . 0064 gr4 Ir14.2.2r.;4,t,0441°,e 24ht4, ,18r44..4481)-8IdDs ef:40;4 t V • i t Ti4,u.at4:8;4,.21g,4D2.411,*:4•1teV'it,,ra*t▪ s1'6eg , 44 „t4.1l*., fr-.• etlt):,N,`?' .4, • ;id isuicie t bolt, vault. b000k. .rio„,,,, 5, nee 1* MN 41F OV 43 :11 a t? it,:31, the / 11:4)1I'Vt14 al) 4144,:ta I:4 i /4)4. CI g4oal 11341412, re L.et,t, „,ehe.„,,,,,„13, of out, town Ler ,Nkkiillikf421 444 "( Aka* Itp higaluel. " Th It .,.) ,",‘ V.81'2. II:414 Air --Aldo t ;g4at.. f i 01 been eon s ,A :17 4 1/4-* " ., ,, , ,..; , ,, Fst vow,. lilis. boors only in her ;, fined to lee] mese lee The time, The " ` .." °. '4°'"""' ." ....""" . -4' ',eiltit year.sheedd les veiled aWay .t.t-111, issi.oz..i .44.. k 44. 44* 2. 'Ma e* 0021411aq 041 ta, Fit. I' valaY.-:kle. lielmul 1 5. le 1st 4 4i. 111144- !Awl'. '.,!1l aclutee a hictele. tree. hot we 44,cci."31t411.1rdttlott:t t'lloilYtt'o..,Vtolto4t;:ee" i a InlOset, *tun tern:Iliac nai‘t.if (01)4^4.atiegli nitrtins 4.t); ,11:112:144.)0):.:.vel,i14)!;,,111. Ss .',,,iti:r..$) 11.11., 71:1 tr41.1 taynAil...4_:: Wcaltl. IlaS moveti into the dwelling Va- trust It Aid soms be better. ..o. siut nattang. 114 ( i .1. a: 1.1.1 Di ill :ell) (I i II .) ta,a, , la t: ilk. :hill essetelt, ;mil 'Ii. .'1'. *4444444444(44. midst.- 31r.Jv+Igss i Neftillivraf litA' A' 11' Pal`k 1'1 imp"Villg "8 "I." but by a host of twit e as will , t te ,y e tom een e, -ss e• e. e ":,.k b at, e.tti he espected. le (levees to be T Maiitee4r) Will 111114, be ettinuitted to, .4 iteadeeteei d if tql,athl. Tao as -select he 44 4444.44(1 by :Am JIM. WI: welcome Mr. It r altl':Vg.'1'itiVieti.IrIltfilinst f;liallinttlifil.lialloefiVii:13411 111Willi. /ler 14 444416 kluffilit. us silft vu" i m''1124.11, 311 -- '-‘1'1,31 1"41 lr'''" hl`hl l'Y le:doted, thus otitlilpt .10,.,Nit,,IY tt,i ilt4 ;all' coneession, who was suddenly token , .of the eervices here anti at ilenfielti 1 , if" 1-1/41114.3t1j" Is liaviug 111'3 (tv"1124 Ire- I :di" Milinle AieEwen* 41f the ' 11 --"'-----* - - -:----- •:-4 '(44. ill ----:- ------` deared'hermolf (4) 411114.1sSt,sWIAIL 'W1144141 (14,4 .p. ulio, knew 10,14 I ;pat ea'as xvoir, ,- MF. It".1441 l';',' %,V4411" '13? . ill last Wifeli, is convalescing. '*14'. 44 : mita gist-414:4E1w 144111444* IT As EII61 wilTfall,...<4 ways brought, iler Taaa:,- (4 tw *, Mitt) attkInflt zi tiw ilmor.-1 to te,ty tt lasr sae Canal in e411.1(4tel, 1101' :.,W),M; alai +111)))1if).24•411 irS the 7.',17 1.41V)) lillialset 1414-4-1- 144 ,l tut; 1101444 at 4.4“)) i warn( mg tore rasa, Allier( Artnsttnng and 'T'llt114141.9 1.111-14.111 will) :an a photograph liuhiness here friends; whit dviltly 1.44141•44( her death. :1 tribute of tvspeet atoll affeetio on to one artist.-Alr. Jacolt Hoist is reeoverinf Mr. Armstrong took up a homestead 4 his 1,4)44ily (0 .tyltater. where they o ill from his illness. Ile iutends spent 7 --- r Friday zuld interrtel in the Stall'a eon- 4 Hem ,^ Mow, Sr. IroN,,,la IC,8914. W0844 t48 • iroller f. Senate:Fan rt. 't° '• "I` ' '414 lot ten r .8:4 .4244/ V4.2;.* , PE+ .i, eta ea 1 44 awl let oreapledloy Mr. 34- 44144114' Dltzutt Iattalan, teethaunet 'maxi +IMP 10114.1. AMU Mr. Rieltat a 11 deer mei hes cold - Mr. Le riik, aug.who era Ned a blow his in Y to Mr. John notgleflt.--O over the eve% by being 9444 .t by an Mts. A, J. Hill moved to Parkhill (111 41141111441 in betcliert tson's blacksmith H.,' , , iara; f4 40, 44.44 (4. Wre t:eo -v.:, r twee, sato-tea eteet, T40 Al+.18 req. etaita letelat neon item teAt• Veva - ea Vete, ,-eitinv, SAY,' .0,4-.4044,1a44),, .244444 Jt•-.1184Iti-8" .4'4,•311.114,18 24448 z. r12, 144 InAte2,444.2.141,,nr.4 41144 • i'1,4,444I-4.:,114,,,ao44-..-71.40i4;•.: khr 4,,244nte. .42.44.•t°,24 tt•i'',,a4P' gat k 24..,4142,,,14aar,* 4., I ),a, we-1.am. pi‘tt lens 'nddri,Sli, 14 • Al4LCSW4 WM, 134awis1)414e, Ott W. R. has purchased a nice driver from T. Berry. -Harry Hum of Beaton. is visiting at his home bete. - John Weistnill and wife havereturned from Welisley, where they have been visiting friends. --W. J. Miller has pur- chased a due driver from Mr. Norris, of near Dublin. -F. Welford, of 'Woodstock, bas taken a position as junior in the M(Asons Dank here. -Mr. Thomas ,Hallantyues son, Alowatt, is seriously ill, at their new home near Carberry, Man., suffering front ma at- tack of typhoid fever. --Manager Hugs, of the Molsons Bank sports a new emdup-to-date driyingoutfit thesedays- ea-We regret to state that Sohn Willis, of whose recovery good -hopes were en. tertained tin with the last few weeks, has had a relapse and is losing the use Of bis lower limbs. -Mr. Miller, sr., of Staffa, is the guest of his son, W. 3. Miner. The old. geutleman has recov- ered partially from the severe illness with which he was attacked when vis- iting here last week -The sale of Mr. F. Rine's household effects on Saturday waslargely attended and good prices were realized. B. S. weilded the bamtuet -Mrs. Thomas Horton held an auction sale cf her household effects OD TheSday. The effects brought good prices. -Mr. W. Moir is ,Visiting his daughter, Mrs. Soe Oase,, in -Toron- to. His health has not been Very good of late and. we trust, the change will benefit.him and that when he returns his health may continue to improve. - Oliver Geiger, who has been on- the Molsons Bank staff. for' the - past, two years, has been. transferred to London, which means a promotion. Oliaer is a good steady boy and we can heartily reccuntuend him to the people of Lon- don. He will bo much missed in con- nectien Nvith the 'Epworth League in . which he took an active interest. -Me. Frank is recovering from his recent illness. ' Ho has been sufferiog from an a tielek of appendicitiettiad. it was feared at one time that an operetion woOld be necessary. but fortunately bis tine censtitution o vercalne the. disease. - Out- football team have received all in- vitation from e coin ttee in' con- nection -with the celebration ,ateExeter on eday 25114. They haveeccented and will probably play against Zurich tonal,' provided the weather is favor- alde.-LAssessOr Colwill hes completed , his erdeous andeomewhet withal) kf „etask aod.reporte as follows: - Popula- 72,5, total ASSeSSITleilt $273565, 14) - crease over last year $17215, personal and Weenie $20550, increase over last year t1;230, children of school age 174; Dogs 40, , late, 4.44•3 ,i',.•••;‘ --g -24244r, " A tea 4441*-- - e thee CW•°,1•.. :,v,e4 • PVVOW.• i.14 4o4;'- 441 -•'i1 14 14;34 let44, tkl,02'7 1%1' (*Pk 41311111"11"4.14".(11111 414Sileiltikl 1"ft 1414 11 44.k fel' New thltati41 where Lit't fvw Yezw' liti'ved with k The remains weep brought here on whom they 44eb44l4.41) a una ho.va in life to fat •It‘!. resule.-Mr. anti. Mrs. ('44.43114. 2411.4'. alto have been residents Alt the 'VOLT' for year Or inure shipped the is-i'ttrnitttre lo Goderich last week, whet, Mr. Cochrane has securtel ein- ployieent -The District meeting of the Methodist dumb was held at IkarLhill on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Rev. Stephen Knott and Mr. Chas. Edwaistis represented the Ailea Craig Circuit. -111tessts,, Cam. (Ton and Crawford returned Wednes- (lay from Wiarton, where they have been overlooking the marl beds and plant of the Colonial Cement Company which bas been represented in this vi- cinity by Mr. Young. --Jas. Anderson, youngest son -of Dr. Anderson, who underwent an operation for a growth on the neck, at the hospital, Loudon, on W-ednesday is getting along as well AS Call be expected.-1Irs. Wood, who intended moving here from London, has decided to renutin there, owing to the illness of her son. -Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Gillies and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Roseer attended the 200 anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs, D. 11. Gillies, at London an Thursday. -On Wednesday Thos. G. I -Tarlton appear- ed before Police Magistrate Smith to Answer to tt charge of assault preferred went 'West about twenty years ago. hog a. few weeks in the Ontario lauds next month. -Mr. 81..rt Clark was 111cliVOSt'd last week and was ob. liged to lay off work at lfaibt's We. yarAls for a few days. He has since commenced work again and feels bet- ter than ever. --Mr. Gottlieb Morlock is having gravel drawn for the cement foundation of his new dwelling.- Mes- srs. Eilber and Eau have just Bashed the digging of a 51 -foot well on Mr. Kuhn's lot. -Mr. W. .A. Sanibrook wheeled to London on Tuesday. -Mm. Pedlar, Mrs. Staubus and their fami- lies of Pigeon, Mich., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Wurtz.-Mr. S. S.• Henderson, Con. 10, had a barn raising on Saturday. Messrs. Fist and Wurtn were chosen captains. After a very exciting race Ezra's side won by a close. margin. A splendid supper was pre- pared, to which all did. justice. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heylock returned to London Tuesday, after visiting Mr. •and Mrs. Matthew Wein for a week. - Next Sunday the Y.P.A., of the Evan- gelical church, will celebrate their an- nual Rally Day. Rev. Damm will preach a sermon in the interests of the young people in the morning and in the evening a program will he render- ed. by the Junior and Senior members of the Alliance. The selections will be given in both languages. Everybody welcome. Special collections will be taken up at ;both services. OBIT. -The grim reaper has entered the familycircleaod taken away a jew- el from the home of Mr.• and Mrs. Geo. Mawhinney, of the 10th con., it being their daughter, Vera• E., who passed away on Mopday at the age of 10 years and 1 month. Deceased bad only been ill a feW days, but the preniptest and MI; careful measures that medi- cal skill could suggest were enremit. tingly applied, hutin her 'Masten deemed it otherwise and in Ilia elI-wise -Provideuce celled- Vera to 'Himself. Although but 10 yeavs of age she was a wonderfully popular and beloved child, litiewn ,to both old and yonng •of all clases, and 130 one. failed to greet' her With a smile .ind kind word. Cle- ver and n tel lig en t beyond her yero she was the idol of the housebolca, and their grief is teit the MOM painful be- cause of her death. The fuom'al took p4Lee Wednesday to the Exeter ceme- tery, the Rev. Knowles officiating. The bereaved family have the sympa- thy of the community in this their sad bereavement. No written words can convey to them the condolence extend- ed in their:behalf, nor will words afford them anY measure,:of relief from the severe shock and profound affliction to which they have just been subjected. silver m the cloud, • last falle-Alex. tree er has been beau - Messing his farm on the (kb, by plant - i fug a tine row of maples around it. STOgEe-Rnia.-ruder a clear Star- f lit sky, and tile silvet y moon coureing , ma the .,141t( 17 benne of Mr. and Mrs. 1 John Reid, of the 10th coneeesion, was q a scene of gay and enchanting beauty', i ou Wednesday evening, May 0, as fig- 4 (ups gracefully and fantastically drop- i ed in beautiful costumes flitted here and there throughout the pacious home. It was the scene of an interest- ing. event, it being the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mttggie, to Mr. Walter L. Stokes, of 13rinsley. At 8 as the soft and dulcet strains of the wedding tnarch, played by Mrs. Wm. Reid, floated through the parler, the bridal party entered and stood beneath a, beautiful arch of green leaves and blossoms and "Before the alter now they stand - The bridegroom and the bride, And who can tell what lovers feel - In this theireonr of pride." The nuptial knot was securely tied by the Rev. S. A. Caariere, and as the bride was aware of the fact that ,she was the cynosure of all eyes of those present, evinced remarkable coin- posore throughout the trying ordeal. Miss Reid's wedding gown was of white organdie, trimmed with lace.and chiffon, and carried a. bouquet of white roses, while directly over her head hung a basket of beautiful red and white roses, and as she came forward leaning oh the arm of hoe father, no fairer bride was ever beheld. Miss JenaleReid, of Tecsevater, cousin of the bride, also dressed in White, and carrying a bouquet of white carnations acted as bridesmaid, while the groom was ably suppprted- by Mr. Alexander Wed. Leamediatela after the -cere- mony, the happy coeple were heartily congrattllatecl, after which all reptared to the dining room where they majoyeci a daintily served banquet. After all had done jnstice to the good things provided, a move was made to. where the presents vvere spread, and we may here state that no bride ever received a more bean tiful display that the prese dot one did, they. comprising ertieles of use and value. The remainder of the evening was plea,sautly spent 10 90- (11411 intercourse. As the young couple ltre widly known and highly esteemed in this locality their manylriends join in wishing theth a life of peace ancl happiness, coupled with health and prosperity, and 3149 they journey on througte life, many dark clouds may flit across their pathway, but we tenst they may ever be able to -behold the Rosseidale istery, her eix comems acting as pall 1 beaters. She leaves to mourn her de- Mr. Nelcon Kilt. 6 the newly ap- mise her pax ellte,tWo brotlwrS and 0110 minted stock empuundar.-Crops are -.Or, who have the deep sympathy doing, well in this vicinity in spite ot the dry weather.-Mte J. r rollaun a laid up this week with an attack ot rhenroatism.-Mrs. James Pal k is ai: present waiting on her daughter, Mrs: : Juo. Levey, who is seriously ill. Shc underwent an (operation a short titne since, and at tune of writing slight hopes are held for her recovery. Her many friends sincerely bope that she , may be spared many years to her hus- band and young family. -The members of Roy church are enlarging theta church sheds. -Mr. W. Pridham had? two caeload of export cattle delivereal here ou Mondayfor shipment. the community. , Rippen Rev. Mr. Daman, of St.. Andrews' ebruch exchanged pulpits with Rev. Dr. Stewart, of Clinton, on Sabbath last Dr. Stewart delivered two very instructive and impressive address, se- lectiug for his morning discourse the benediction, II. Con 1.3-1=1.-51r. R. D. McLean, of the London Road left last week for the Old Country, taking with him a carload of fat cattle. He goes by way of Montreal and will likely be one three months. He intends spend- ing a good part of his thne in Scotland. We wish him a pleasant and enjoyable trip and trust that it may be benificial to hishealth, which has not been the best of late. -Our teachers in Hay and DIED. --Last week brief mention W8 - made of the death of Helen, beloveti, wife of Mr. 3.0. Balfour, TharnesRoadee A few weeks ago the deceased lady. underwent a surgical operation for ane Stanley are this week attending the affection of the spine of long standing,. West Huron Teachers' Association at and from the effects of which and oth- Exeter.--Mr. Donald Grassick has re- er internal complications she gradual- ceivecl the sad. news of the death of his ly succumbed to her earthly sufferings brother, Mr. John Grassick, who was on Sunday, May 10th, at the age of 51 well known in this neighborhood. He -yeaas,7 months,15 days. Deceased was - a second daughter of Mr. Edward Cor - Dish, of Fullarten township. An earn- est and devoted Christian and posses-. sed of a kind and loving disposition the lately departed endeared herself:. to all who -had the pleasure of her Acquaintence. She leaves a husbanctr. and only son, the former to mourn. over the loss ot a faithful wile, and the latter that of an affectionate mother, and needless to add the entire corn - inanity extends to them a full measure of sympathy in this the hour of be- reaVement. The funeral on Tuesday to the Russeldale cemetery was the largest nnmber cf relatives andfriends• 'Seen together in these parts for mane -- yeses. Both at the family residenee and beside her last resting place appro- priate sermons were rendered by the Revds. Baker and Marshall. by his father, ThoS. Harlton, who also laiki a eamplaint-,Against his son for se- curities for the peace. Upon the cases being called, the father swore that he had to evidence.to offer a.gainsthis son and both charges were disinissed with costs. PRETTT WtD1)IliG).-A very pretty weddiug was solemnized on Tuesday, May, 121h, at the home of Mrs. Over- holt, when her youngest daughter, Miss Jennie, was nnited in marriage to Mr. E. S. Mell'arlane, of McGillivray. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. H. Geddes, in the presence of the immediate keen& of both families. The bride was becomingly attired in white mosseline de soie, the bodice and sleeves being of embroidered ehiffon. She carried a, handsome shower bou- quet of lily of the valley and maiden buir fern. The hoose was tastefully decorated witbi carnations and en -Alex and baggage car left the track, the and ab the close of the ceremony a former ploughing up several feet of temptine wedding repast WaS„ served. earth. Although an unusually large Afterwards the bridal party drove to number of passengers were on the Denfleld wbere they took the train for train no one was hurt and. Were soon' London. They will visit Toronto, conveyed on their way by a train from Hamilton and Buffalo before they re- Clinton. The wrecking train from turn. The bride's going away gowu London arrived on the scene about was of black and white cheviot. On noon and. succeeded in clearing away their return Mr. and Mits. McFarlane the wreck so that the evenio„e• trains will take up their residence in town at suffered no inconvenience. Mr. Ricker_ the corner of church and Queen street. our enterprising carriage maker, took We join with their host of friends in a snap shot of the wreck and is in a p0 - wishing them every happiness and sition to supply all who wish with cop - prosperity through life, ies of same. Mr. Grassick was just in the prime of life, and his early calling away will be regretted by many. -Mr. Gilbert Mc- Donald still continues to improve in health, much to the pleastme of his friends. -The farmers are busy these days sowing the root crop. -We are pleased to see Mr. Squires around again after bis recent illness. Mr. Squires is the oldest man in the village, having reached his S6th birthday on Saturday and. is still wonderfully smart. TEE WRNox.--Grent excitement, was caused in our little burgh on Tuesday morning of last week, when it became known that the north bound train had been partially wrecked when nearing this station. The switch ha.d opened in some unknown way and although the engineer noticed it and immediate- ly reversed WS engine, it was too late to avoid trouble. The engine, tender BIRTHS. 011APMAN-In Hay, on May 10, to Me, and Mrs. Will Chttpman, it son. • DEATHS MA,R7VN-In Exeter, O'n May 14,Enaily Jane, daughter of Thos. B. and Sarah, Mertyn, aged 28 years, 3 months, days MA.winNNEY.---In Stephen, on May Vera E., beloved daughter, of Geo. and l‘label Arm Mawhinney, aged lop years, 1 month, 14 days. es