HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-5-14, Page 7HEART DISEASE. iT5rouble Much, More Commee Than Xs Generally Supposed, A healthy person does not feel the "east at all. If the heart snakes i t. elf felt it is a sure sign of some one et the many phases of heart !trouble. Some of the symptome, oe eseert trouble are shortness Off tereath trembling of the *tads, via- xrt aha oohing or fluttering of the earl, sharp spasms of pain, opp - s, tom on the chest, dizziness and laim.nay sweating, irregular pulse, and the alarming palpitation. that is aorto* felt most in the head or at the• le -rises. Of course people suffering rout heat trouble ]Haven't, all these 3'mPtenes, but if you hays any of Nu it is a sign of heart trouble n4 should; not be neglected for' a imontent. 66 iwst of the troubles affecting the earl are caw d by auaerrate, ladle estion or awervetieneee, andi wwtien near y T .,_ these he se crsrases lie at the root 1pof the trouble it can be surely cured the OPP or Dr, Will- , y :aa2axs rink Pills, You Hatchet trifle with gam— in-ton medicines, and above all you ;shouldn't further weaken. yaw heart: `by osteo otesee estee '.lion[ must rFtlre your heart diseaee through the 'blood with Dr. Williams" Peck Pills. 'on con easilly ems why titin is the 'hely way t€1 salvo yosi:re,;,;t. The �heart tiriw-es your bleed to all parts, pof the body. Every drop at your load flaw as through. your !*cart, If 'New bleed is thin or impure your llteert is bound to be weak end die leased; if your blood is pure, liken daxed healthy, ie will nuterally make our heart Bound and Strang. Dr. il 11anns" Pink Palls; aretumlly, melte ewi, rich, red blend. And that .know, rich. red blood otreugthena our atoin*wl*, stlinulatess your liver, clothes yowtt' nerves and drives out not your systc:na all the dieerdere; hetet helped to dstttrb your heart, `Tills hila hem proved In duan ods f cases. I-lere is a craw: le point - a 41 1'i d LaVoie, O m re .�,'1t, F4 .a• Pa _ rn R lie, • S.S.4 'R. "For T y nearly three years was greatly troubled with a weak rt, and in eonetent fa<awr that My would come at any dank; the ems[ exertion would overcome ala "say heart would palpitate eioleantl7 duel I would soinetireen Lave a, feel- . [,tag of ;saotrocetion. I was under the Parts of a doctor, but dill root get ro- iief. and eventually my condition 0.re'ante so bad that I had to dis]e tine work. While at my worst ,. neighbor advisee me to try Dr.' 111°illlams' Pink Pills. I dial so, and hey ell -elder worked wonders. In my" ase. I used only half a dozen, oxen when T was able to return to" '3" work, strong and healthy, and I lave not since had any align of aha lel trouble." Wo would again impress upon hose who are ailing that they must tt t the genuine pills with the fall fame, "'Dr. Wllifauns' fink Pills for ala People," on the wrapper round ovary* box. Sold by ail dealers or by :nail at ,4 cental a bog r six boxes for $2.50 by writing ` o the Dr. Wfllianue Tedichte Co., perockville, Ont. Ceylon. 'ea .la the finest Tea the world Produeest and is spial only gp lead packets, Black* l�ceti an Green, '`pan tam de farm t`n, s°Saliaa,r" Gree., >lwe Manitoba and N.o hes Lands 7tte y@EAT' PRltet m! eg.RTi OST COMPANY, 'Winnipeg, have opened an office sale of their stroll And Manitoba, Northwest lazed. at 71 Victe street. The Manager. Me, J. 33orebani., will be pleased to any information to intending pu chasers or investors in the We either in stock, houtesteaads, heap. ed or unimproved, ernns. P'roa'l�tue feranisl ed amen can€a�ga. Pondeta selleitet1. Sunlll7t p will not injure your blanket;; or harden them, It 'still Hake thea[ soft, white and fleecy. y tri ..__ COUNCIL REGULATIONS. The Governor of Westphalia, Ger... Tinny, has ordered that a town councillor of the little town of Aileen' who does not attend the meetings of tine council • shall be frne<i sixpences the forst tinea be is absent teed p itve for lshillnngs the second. Councillors and i who tall; nonsense may be ordere.l rte. to -keep sment for one or amore •sit. J. tinge, Tlnoeo who divulge the doe sa vin o � ta$ f the council tg ealtsialersa inky r.. , st, ro'4 T1U LOOKING 1fl GLASS. much time dries a WO More her loolaifag glass? estimates that a girl of o tent speuaa €an average 9f €o minutes at day before a mirror, f. ten to fifteen a quartet' of an bo is consurned, daily, and front eft to twenty, twenty-two minute -s. I, dies from twenty to twenty-five adenyl twenty 1ly0 minutes; from t age to thirty they are at least h n hour at their toilette. Thence there is a decline in coquetry: Froin, thirty to t1?irt � JAY j e the t • knee occu- pied cone~ down to twenty $our .minutes, front thirty-five to forty it is only eighteen Minutes; from forty tan tlfty. twelve tealiwtes; and front fifty` to sixty. only Birt minutes. A woman of t•eventy has thea spent 0,802 hours before tike glass; in otka- r wiat•als bigli[ months, caauinting light and day. 1kl.tltaiaa , innate and nd sbtaer eause varus efollewaay's tarn Caro la ;tae article to use talet a bottle at once mid cure 'tour' cellae lie excluded *tor etT, months, and those who are fouurul to be ""disturb- ing ele :ierds" may be exeluded ace cording to the will. of the chairman. Ilam"I saappoee now that I shalt have to lists your father for his con*. sent ?" She --"No, Harry ; after the first tlsa you called pa said I man Might have you if 1 wanted. I'a. a1. nand I hexa understood it for a long, AIN ji tense." eel. roax1 Dr, August Eoenig's Hentliur ur g eke Drops is the oldest and most rem naualed bleed purifier and health re storar in the world. To ensure tier-' d [Oe - tat feet health, take Dr. August geek f alit leis as Iaatrtlaura Dreps. A VALUABLE. CARPET. One of the most remarkable car- pets in existence is the Lahore car- pet owned by the Girdlers' them -- party, London. It is 2G'I years, old, and was presented to the company by a man muted Bell, svho original- ly purchased. the carpet front tete Best India. Company, and, strange to say, the price at the time of pur- chase was not definitely fixed. Bell, however, gave security for $1,000, and then took away his carpet. There is no record that the securities were ever called in or that the money was paid for the carpet, so that, taking the price to 'have been $1,000. the amount now due with compound- interest would be *260.- 000 — certainly Csrnrsiderably niche than the truest valuable carpet in the world is worth. STATE of Orn:o, Crn Tor.iTno t in:d:3s t,aa: err. ' f ss Pne it J. C#HENEY =ekes seta treat he r6 EC74ior partner or the. firm of 1 , J. conseetay tsa. L'0., doing business ra tae tato of "Yotetaa. County and. State aforesaid. and that said *ran eett! pay the suet of 01;1: fiF NItitem "Lod;,: LiAllti for enc and every ease_ of PA• '1`A1tlttt that cannot to +car. d I y the case of 11ALUS e.s ,w:BItil 4talt1$. Sworn tca beforeF'IttA3 K .1. C',HF,NKY. nee and saaiascrieed to ray prescr.ce. tithe lath noY of Dexram4er. a.D. ease. A, W. 61, ASON. arsaar, Actury -POW limey.!'#a n ee S dare tlystien se hie kind n a roes aawrfaa ;r sof the ey:stetre. e0d for testiralonials free. P. ,t. tR1St k.Y t.'0.. Tcleado, ?0. s+old� byeat Iireggists, 75c. 7daJi as Fuariiy Mills are ttae boat. I,IGI1TIi:+G FIRES. A new method of lighting than Are frown the top ,SO that it may burn owwuwerds is ;timed tea economize than int, Title is arranged by l.aytrig the coal a&t, the bottom — always leaav- g spaces for air. Mix with a, few od winders, then put the wood at r with . t h 3 another layer a of coed, sumo paper over it, Light the e in the naynrl way, and it will bunt dawnaa to a very good 1t is natural that the man wlnp gives ltindself away should feet `cheap, T1'eherne. jun, 0, 1202. 3lassey Idaarrls Co., Limited* Winnipeg'. ;elan. Gentie:lien. —It gives, me very numb, pleasure to inform you that the No. Binder which I purehaased iron* your algent !aero last Simmer bas given the very best of mat -faction. doing it;i work to lienee: tion and drawing light — very match lighter titan I expected. .ley crop was very *easy, and some of it very badly down, but your binder did its work splendid. I bad no trouble what- ever. I hope you will sell lots of binders for 1908 and save my bro- ther fanners lots of trouble. I wish you every success. R, M. FERRIS. -ENGLAND'S "BLACK COUNTRY." In central England there is a' broad region among the mining and manufacturing districts which lies 'snore or less continuously under a pall of smoke, and where an area of lend, estimated to cover 11,000 ,acres, .is burled with ash heaps and refuse, on which a little grass 'grows. This is signiiicantly called the "Blanc Country:," and many think that its gloom and desolation react 'physically andmentally upon Its inhabitants, A movement is how on foot to regenerate this dark region by covering its wastes with dorosts, Mr. W. Schnell, a European authority on forestry, thinks that tte plan at besides co uld hCarriede so the int nded t esthetic effect. good financial returns would be retained from the sale of timber, A BLESSING TO CHILDREN. Strong words, but truthful, an4 the experience of a mother who h ai thoroughly tested the value of Baby's Own Tablets. Giving her experience with the use of this me diciae, Mrs. Geo. Hardy, of Four. claim, N. S., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and find then a blessing to children, and I am not satisfied without a box in the lions( at all tithes." These Tablets cur( all the minor troubles of babyhood and childhood. They are prompt and bal"ective in their action, and aro guaranteed to contain no opiate or barmfal drug, They always do good — they cannot possibly do harm. Good-natured, healthy child ren are found in all homes where Baby's Ow -n Tablets aro used. You ran get these Tablets from any drug- gist, or by mail at 25 cents, a box by writing direct to the Dr. Wit- !lams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Diet. What a good world this would be It all `nen did what they boast of. :Minard`s Liniment Cures Dandruff, .A sure way to beat the profes- sional gambler: Don't play. Useful At All Times.-Inwinter or in jummer Paarmelee's Vegetable Pills will 1,eopo with and overcome any irregularl ies of the digestive organs which change i~ diet, change of residence, or variation f temperature may bring about. They ould be always°kePt at hand; and. once air beneficial action becomes known, no e' will be without them. There is no - Ing nauseating in their structure, and be most delicate can use them confident- , A laugh is worth ahundred groans In any market. { Oil City, Feb. 5. 1903 Massey -Harris Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Geptiemen.—Please send me one of rour 1903 catalogues of farm • ink+ bbinei•y. I have used no machinery 'that given as much satisfaction 49 31te...a..Y•Hltrtis. NO VEL TELEG RAPHY„ A new system hafi been testes! b etw •eefn tee p ut roiiices of London and Glasgow. By the new method twelve messages can be sent over the same wire simultane- ously, and the lrtunber can be doubled by the duplex method of transmission. There are cases of consumption so far advanced that Biddies Anti-Coasumpt1ro i tail l not love relief. For but coughs, aghsd that and all affections of the throat, lungs and chest, it le a specific which has never been known to fail. It promotes a free and easy expectoration, thereby removing the phlegm, andive.; the diseased parts a chance to hem A postponed task more toil be- gets, and borrowed. money pays no debts. SOCIETY OF CleT,ISTIAN ENDEA- VOR, DENVER, 1903. The Passenger Department of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway has issued a very interesting tnldcr on the subject of the Christian En- deavor sheeting to be held at Den- ver July 9th to 13th, together with information as to reduced rates and sleeping ear service, as well as a short description of the various points of interest in Colorado usual- ly visited by tourists. Send 2 -cent stamp to W. 13. IKniskern, Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago, for copy. The only difference between black and white pepper is that the form- er has not been stripped of the out- er skin of the berry before grinding. Unequalled—Mr. Thos. Brunt, Tyend- inaga, Ont., writes:—"I have to thank von for recommendingDr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for bleeing piles. I was troubled with them for nearly fifteen years, and tried almost everything I could hear or think of. Some of them would give me temporary relief, but none would effect n cure. I have now been free from the distressing complaint for near! eighteen y g ht een months; you I leo a i continue to recommend. it." P 3 will There are now between 3,500 and 3,600 light -houses in -the world. No less than 14 pa tee apple. ce., o :a s of Loral Kelvin's s 1e ay laR toted r1 the latest warships, Tar Over Steer Seeps. lira ASO Wrta.•7fanea Ammar. a,.L:laacdrr.a kaat:eaeel ortre,.�.- sopc�.,maid s, of =am far A4211.axiare4 vzaie� s Ca.r'S�.<-^aaeaa. 14, ,..n .a „ha s'aaf1,. 4;4,7 1%gaaa:441i. raalc;.ar.a ?t;,;:n ar awa.b.a:' 1Omani d the toast ee r V14nafeaa 14ah Omanito ahs take a 4a4A tantdratianl to iota? .w. vers., AveatpCrese,11eea14;,e. 14a ira.aa Ha amawarataC,e- *LOOM tan tans* tar .111b W Inf,aw 8eettaag aurae .r1;.tse wnekrxrkale. 1.11 ""Isn't that mere idleone. ?"" "Gossip, my dear," unstverr it hillier Cayenne. "is never idle. It is the most. industrious thing on earth." GENERAL ASSEMBLY PRESBY- TERIAN CHURCH. LOS ANGE- LES, CALIFORNIA. For General Assembly Presbyterian Church in the United States May 21. to June 2, the Union>Southern Pacific well sell very much reduced roundd trip tickets to Los atngelce, going vial NOW Orleans or via Den. tier, Salt Lake City and San Fran- cisco, returning wane or divers© route. As this in an open rata it will give the public and: delegates to the Presbyterian Assembly at Van- couvcr an opportunity to attend that convention returning. Tickets on sale May 2 and 3ray 11 to 17 inclusive, good for return un- til July 15. Liberal stop -over pri- vileges going and returning. For rates and further information, address, IT. F. CARTER, T. P. 4,,, anion Pacific R. 11., 14 Janes Building, Toronto, Ont. A pigmy camel has been sent by the Skala of Persia to the Zoo at Berlin, which is only 27 inches Nigh and weighs 61 pounds. It is snow white. ]Port i3fulgrave, June 5, 1897. C. C. RIC CARDS & CO. Dear Sirs, -- IsiINAItD`S LINT. 31rrf:NT is my remedy for colds, etc. It is the best liniment X have ever used, 3UtS JOSIAII ITAUT. '7-59 Some people got credit for broken hearts when they have simply lost their nerve. Lifebuoy Soap--alisiafectant - is strongly recommended by the meth" cal profession as a safeguard algainst infections diseases, Roumania, Servia, and Greece all have more mon than women. They Wake the Torpid Energies.—Mat chinery not properly supervised. and lets to run itself, very soon shows fault in its working. It is the same with the diges five organs. Unregulated from time to time they are 1 kely to become torpid and throw the whole system out oPear. Partnelee's Vegetable Pills were made to meet such cases. They restore to the full flagging faculties; anal bring itnme Teacher — "Johnny, why were you late this morning?" Johnny — "I had to take care of pa. Teacher — "What's ailing him?, Johnny — "`He stayed up with a sick friend last night, and when ma got through 1 had to stay up with hien." St. Jacobs is the greatest remedy ill the world for ell bodily Aches and P v. for hlbich all external remedy may be rued. Price, 25c and 50c. ei as x i, , .ee+,. sefeeeettellYSese refere t -f Time 19 melting equal to Nether ayes' Norm E.xtern:skitter for desIras wormus, No nrciele of Its head hue lvaaan.eisela eaai+sl-ae:Peaa. It takes one to make aka, railed. twaw a snake n bargain, three to melte as ararriago. Mud's LinirrFent Cures J Durnst Eta "Why don't you marry?" asked one Freateitrnan of another. "Be- cause I lankiest do it on certain con- ditions." "Wheat contlitions?" 'Well. you know, the lady marsh be beautiful, rich, and a fool. If she isn't rieli and beautiful i won't take' her, and If she tan'[ fa fool she won't take nae"" �S1irsivotOok ixea "<aa•ca7latawaFo Seek burning.Arat early do a rr.„ State cos tf iudfe 00„1 To flsirto St., 1 Taro tto.di ee phontaM Maio 107 ' ?-1L 1 45 ORANGES LEMONS We have Mexicans, NR California Navels, HAVE Lnkncias, and. THE Seville% ry� /� �`�• /� BEST ��:. 1 .iiia ..i.,1. i,1.Or Cardgad every week. All the above at market prices. SVe can also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Matte Syrupand other produce to advan- tage for you. THE EAWS0H COti1G11SSIOH Cte,, Limited., Car. Wost Market 8t., TOICONTO. STONE MASONS Nifr'.Ak.1%Taa3E17:10- At Rare, Late aiding, now Victoria }load, Oki Apply at works, prat nuke, 16 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO. 110.24 Raven Lake Portland Cement Oa., LImIt.a] ABOUTtr "7 BONDS. AWN NUMBER gpmfeanamsesesuir Of issues of Govern- ment and tdunielpal dabanturespurchased after thorough expert investigation. F o r people who want an absolutelystireinvest. mint they cannot bo exoelled. We have other good Bonds yielding atteaotive in- terest rates -as high as 6 per cent. WR TE FOR LIST. DOMINION SECURITIES Corporatio n, Limited, 20 King st. East, Toronto. x •2 13-25 WORTH WAITING FOR. Pat was late again, and the fore- man was dealing out the usual rep- rimand. "Nine o'clock!" he snarled. "What d'yer mean by corning at this time of day? It's a wonder a man , of your means troubles about coming at all. Now, then, what's your ex- cuse?" Pat considered for a moment, and at last the excuse came. "Sure, sol," he said,. "I drained last night I was at a football match, which ended in a draw. So the ref- eree ordered an extra half hour to he played, and, begorra, sor, I only stopped to see the finish!" _ . 19-03 03 A CHANCE FO CLEVER PEQP , It should .be easy for poop!e who drink delicious Blue Ribbon Red Lt ei Tea to say something that will induce their friends to try it Cis izes Twenty-five cash Prizes will be awarded in order of merit to diose sending in the best ..advrtiserents for Mae Ribbon Reti Label re.. First ?rite Second Prize Third hll'd Prize 4th to I th Prizes, IO. Io each i4th to 25th, 43'Qe each $200.00 '* 100,0 40.00 XOO,Q}0 Fh addition, beginning with the week ending. April riie a s peen it weedy prize of $S.00 will be given to the one sending in the best advertdsennent during ib t wreeh, making for the nine weeks $45,00 ispecial prizes, or a grand total of ttlirty4our cash ptiees, d • CONDITIONS ITIONS N€ol�rofessuonel ad. writer, nor anycnc c:itiaeste.d directly or ind:r l aavith tine lllme lural n Tea Ccnq ntny may crap:eke. ^nd. drones:mecits;nett net corataae mete (1153 5o wonts, and sbnt*er ones ate ppreferable. Mrd. Qae of the cards seed la pecking,. Wear Ililabcnt Red Label,Teaotliree era two iia Bash package— rust he vecles, l tied* each bsteh oaf eciverdise- mote sae. 4lb. The comp,±itioa elcsseeene t, n03, god alt clm a$s asl6srtas as cta snzznst reach elle of the following a4dre4i:sen or bo are teat date. Hine Ribbon, Tea Co., Winnipeg, Mau. Dine Ribbon sea Teaa Co., 'Toronto, Qnt, Bj',ee iibbort>a, Tea Co.,Van .. iwQu B.C. Vancouver, 5t12. 1,..:.011:150a gate as ceded amore token arae of Lee amain prisss, bet may also 140 94al or tame wweeely whets ib. keen of a de. deceive ;till he las^ d en ail the eiventiteme ars 4;,t fitted. lir• the caintg tltrk;s LZ qm short. Mr. Il, M. T. Evans, of the Win:.V; Te;rdraa t, last lately eserent;d teeteee tee esIventiten tants and award esker.. �° AAII. advortexemerst* *beet foil to witta a ,rix , lbtlat vNiaio x, aaaa o 1food arsong]ia to bier acC,rxteoli bU town" u'catioraa .wit3. Tao paid torr at theareata cat die«Cilli Oa;caRal. 171111sCsa” expressly r nj*trslad to the castr.•asy, we will costars eanelves aka Keay to publish [IPP =MI Of viz. winucrs, AgOod adventis.s*emt Blas. ld kik traatlafaal arilmta,in an idea b e Illy anal foreibly express+, Ahura file si,;ucd letter with cadres and dam fain ane wee has tested the use, is a gets! foram. An attlreat tenant fir enarto,le of fed elfauld not asteretttt with it, cwcn by Caldani, any unpleasant idea. I'hc h.:.r" ads raise• [meat is the one that will .bat e�t, the MOs! prole a to try to arlicie ei erdtvl, 1 .ilolaon in a. Cup or altIC 1 Ton, and the High Carbon Lateral Wire and Heavy Hard Vertical Wire Not the cheap t but the arm quality for the money. If your Dealer does not keep LAMB FENCE write us direct. The Ha R. LAMB FENCE CO., Limited, London, Ont t That label is only put on the best paints made—Rarsay's Paints. We make them and guaran- tee them for value, strength, beauty, durability and economy. Send psoio�elbutifosh booklet hwg hws mentioning b been painted with oar paints. A. RAMSAY & SON, Paint marcors, 31pNlR8AL. Rstd. =8�. 14-26 Ethel—"Mother, when I got mar- ried. shall I have a husband like father ?" Mamma—"Certainly, my dear." Ethel—"And if I stay single, shall 1 be an old maid like Aunt Anna ?" 1.fanuna—"I think you will." Ethel (with a deep sigh)— "Well. I am in a nix 1" Mlnard's inIn ent for sale everywhere Flying fish do not usually rise more than three feet above the sea, but they have been known to fall on a dec]c as !much as 20 feet above the water. Johnny — "Grandma, I wish you'd give me some cake." Mother "Johnny! Didn't I tell you not to ask your grandma for cake?" John- ny—"'I didn't ask for anything. I'M just wishin'." Minard's Liniment Rams NeuraIEii "Papa," said the little boy, look- ing up from his book, "what is a curio?" "A curio," replied tb- fat - then, thoughtfully, "is somethini that • costs ten times what it is worth." r Q That's. « the greatest thing in the .world,"—in anything that's worn. You get style, fit and finish too, in - o ut t e one thing we emphasize is theirs M=, Wearing Qualities. "Granby Rubbers weal, life iron." N U427 i