Exeter Advocate, 1903-5-14, Page 5THE
exam . . atel
Published every Thursday Morning et the Ohlee.
-By the -m, -
Cine Wier per annum if paid in Advance. *LSO
if net €o, bald,
A,caasertra =4 ' atvs ora ..aF ce:-
No paper diseontinueduntileltarreara^es are paid.
Advertisemente withoutspeeifieddirections will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
L iberatdi eoautmadefor£raus,>lenti relverti.ements
inserted for lona periods; Eters. description of JOA
PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at
moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, ,4`e., for
advertising,,subseriptiona, etc., to be made payable
i llas. H. Sanders,
Pr`o:resfetOatr42 Vases.
B. 'KINSMAN. 1a.RS . $4 DR, A, R. ESNS-
MAN, I.D.S,. D.D.S„ honor grsdeete of
Toronto ii'niver,St'
Teeth extratted without any pain. air any bad egeepe
Mee le FaEt€oa°a P4oek, west side Bain G•aaeet
DR. 1l, ALTON ANDERSON (ln,O,S. i�.P.S
Sonororaduate otTamntol.'niversity and Royel
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. ,Also pose
Oradaate of Chie;.p sehaol of Prosthetic Iaentister7
(with henoreble mention.)
.Wurainuw, G?cid and Vulcanite Plates made lathe
aeateatrammer possible. A perfectly hannfess are
& .thetle used for painless extraction of teeth.
Wee sae doer south cd Carlisle Brea stere, Exeter,
1.7 College at Phyeicie as and Surgeons Datario.
Playeklan Sd Accoucheur: Dike, Dash.
wood, Ont. mi
r. John P. Wilaan. Olrr^e and Re deuce, '300
oaee gates ltean o =sebum, 1 t) rateto
er. dt diseases
D 10ESON ds CARLI G. 1'tATi1t15'r IPA, Scum
torn. Notaries, Catavoyaaeere t eaurt salmees.
£inciters for Maim, Reels rte. 3leues to lean01'
owest tuxes of interest. 421^.ea, Main Inteet.l seter.ad friend wile ft a e e to 4 ptomaine poi
eniuLs� t N
Scott's Emulsion is the
means of life and athe en-
joyment of life of thousands of
men, wornert and children,
To the men Scott's Emul-
sion gives the flesh and
strength so necessary for the
cure of consumption and the
repairing of body losses from
any wasting disease.
For women Scott's Emul-
sion does this and mom it is
a most sustaining food andtonic for the special trials that
women have to bear.
To children Scott's Enna.
sion gives food and strength
for growth of flesh and bone
and blood. For pale girls.
for thin and sickly boys Scott'
Emulsion is a great help.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT !k BOWNi , Chen -slats,
Toronto. Ontario.
60o, and $1.40; all druggists,
The Social Demser.
The Social laa"tnnper (to timid young
lady who is seated next to her at table)
---and you never beard what caused Mr.
Ge de
e'a sudden aat
"No, madam."
"It was eating{ lolsster salad matte ex -
/icily like this. They always nee tinned
lobster to snake salads with, and the
tin la aura to be poisoneue, Oh, by the
way, have you heard that the .Jones's
have lost their Label"
"No, indeed. liar it been toundr
«it dial; aanffered awfully, and went
into eonn.sions at the lust. No, thank
flow, Mr. Mean, 1 ;lever take ma. l
Iad• .d
L R, VAra1..tsa. It,11, l., it. P3e'Fsnx
Weary to Loan. leuraerly Met
Oladman, Male Street, Exeter.
y Rows, winehehies. I.il tied Aarrttmncer
.f l . firths Oamtie* of Path aced Aird+lles:x.
arse for the Conatsh4p el 1'dlwraie, Sxles It oarp1ly
attended to oast terms reesenable. Sales arranged
ist fest Qct e, Winebetsea. -
The Motsons Bank;
(Chartered toy Parliament,
Read Oxine, Montreal
Paid up Capital $2,500,000
Reserve Fund... 2,230,000,
JAS. ELLIOT'r, Gs w'lalia kL MANAGER.
*Aloe hours: -10 a.m. to a p.m; Saturdays 10 ram
to 1 p.m.
A general banking business transacted
Money advanced to good Fanners at lowest rates.
Savings Bank Deposits from $1 and upwards reeely-
ed. Interest allowed at highest current rates.
DICKSON ,S CAMASo, N,1).1lrnaoe,
Solicitors. Mann er,
The silent messenger has been busy
in this and other communities and the
helpless humanity would fain hold
back from the awful gulf of Death its
loved sten dew one, who pass away,
nevertheles,$, over the dark bring,
though every heart string is rent.
This week it frills our sad lot to record
the death of another of our higbly re-
spected residents, in the person of Mrs.
John Granger, who was residing at
what is known as Dixie. Deceased
though ailing for some years, had only
been compelled to take her bed about
a week previous to her deatt. She
was well known by a large circle of
friends and was possessed of a kindly
`disposition and will be much missed,
vhot only by her bereaved husband. but
in the community also, where she had
resided for so many years. She was a
devoted member of the Hensali Meth-
odist church, and had attained theage
of 56 years. The funeral, which took
place to Ttansville cemetery on Tues-
day, was attended by a large number
of sorrowing friends and relatives, who
deeply sympathize with Mr. Granger
in his advancing years.
sorting ;:ter eating an
"I)° take one," lr lai-ts lir. Jubutu.
But the Social Damper re+f lSte to be poi-
soned, and, having utterly routed, the
timid ,young lardy, els barna to ler next
"Feeling well,' Jr. Brown'!"
�1 b
"Yes -no. y do you ask?"
"Because you look so deadly pale.
Haven't a pant in your heart, have your'
"No, ma'am; I never felt better 1n my
lite than I do at this moment."
"Dear, dear! how strange! It must ba
your liveri I've seen people, with the
complexion you have, here one day and
done tiro next! There was my Airco who
ied last year -aro they rising':"
"Yea -thank goodness!" says Mr.
Brown in an undertone; "1 have suety an
appetite," Ile explains in an aside to tbo
Social Damper.
"Another 'bad symptom," answvera, tlio
Social Damper cheerfully; "wish you
would consult my doctor. (11, efts
Smith, have Fou heard what ails Mr.
IIall? Ile isn't expected to live. I al-
ways sa'aid that lean was living too fast.
Well, his wife will make a gay widow.
Don't sit in the draught. I had a friend
once who sat in a draught "
(Drowned out by music.)
A Pointer Towards Happiness.
" "The only absolutely infallible rule for
how to be happy though married is to
stag' single," says "Dorothy Dix" in an
lrticle entitled "A (guide to Il ropiness.»
There is never a roan or woman like
the one we did not marry, and it is only
in old bachelors* and old maids' dreams
of wedded life that there are no family
jars and scrapping matches. There is
trouble aplenty xn married life. There
is loneliness without it. It is one of the
Bungs that, whether you do or you do
not, you are apt to regret. But happi-
ness in matrimony, like happiness else-
where in life, must be manntactured by
the individual for his own use. To do
this ono has only to love much, and get
a little love in return, to give without
demanding compound interest; to be
quick to praise and slow to blame; to be
kind to virtues and blind to faults: to
give to others the charity we expoet our-
selves. No man or woman who does this
finds marriage a failure. The trouble is,
we think matrimonial happiness is an
orchid to be found only in strange places,
whereas it is it domestic plant That
flourishes best in a well -tended kitchen
An l ehison husband hovered at death's
door so long his wife remarked that she
supposed he was having his usual trouble
finding the keyhole-_lteliison "Globe"
Results That Astonished Relatives atal Friends
Miss Barbara M. Standfold, a Victim of Anaemia,
Imperfect Circulation and Debility Is Cured by
In the month of May, it is an abso-
lute necessity that the body should be
furnished with a ridher and purer sup-
ply of blood for the ,establishtrrent of a
health that can successfully cope with
the enervating effects of hot summer
weather. Poor blood in. May produces
listless, ambitionless, sleepless and sal-
low -faced men and women, who quick-
ly become victims of some organic
disease that ends life.
Intelligent recognize people the ne-
cessity cessity of cleansing and fortifying the
system in May by using Paine's Celery
Compound, which speedily removes
all poisons from the system, gives to
the thin, watery blood a larger propos-
tion of red corpuscles;.and rouses all
' me organs of the body to a health ac-
tion. Paine's Celery' Compound does
a work for victims of impure; watery
and stagnant blood that commands
the attention of the most, eminent
medical -men in -the world. Miss Bar-
bara 1I. Sta nfolcl, Hetniltou, Ont.,
S,.t:ys :
Forover a year my health was in
bad condition, and I became very weak
and much depressed in spirits. My
troubles arose from poor and watery
blood and imperfect errculation. My
appetite was almost gone; and I was
afflicted with insomnia. After several
doctors had done all they could for me
I was weaker thanwhen they first.
began to treat me, and my family be-
came anxious about my condition. A
neighhor advised my mother to have
Inc use Paine's Celery Compound.
Before I finished. the; second bottle, my
aPPetite was better; I felt stronger and
couldd sleep soundly five or six hours
each night. I .had so much faith in the
wended nl contpound that I continued
with it until I was perfectly cured;
Todcty, after using six bottles, I aim as
well and strong es ever Before: I
thank you with all'rny heart for such
a r edieine;. it saved my, life when other
medicines failed.. All my friends are
astonished at my happy epee."
If you are in need of free medical
advice; write to COnsul ting Physician's
Deptirtntent, The Wells & Richardson
Co.; Limited', Montrenl, Que..-All coy
respondence is sacredly confidential..
ew Carnegie is Decidedly Out-
London, May 12. -Andrew Carnegie
pours vitriol upon Canada in an inter-
view with The Ironmongers' Journal,
in connection with his Presidency of
the Iron and Steel Institute. When
asked whether Canada, grown populous
by immigration, spiritually British but
materially American, might not hring
about a union of England with Am-
erica, Carnegie replied ; "Certainly not.
Canada has no future except as a part
01 the States. Her native population
increases more s;,,wvly than that of
Scotland. She only added s36,000 to
her popvention in ten years, and of
these 44o,000 came front abroad. Can-
ada, standing alone, can never become
a great industrial nation. Her steel
industry is a figment, and Cape Bretons
a mirage. Nothing there need ever
trouble the United States. In no cost-
ceivabfe circumstances can your col-
onies ever have a population approach-
ing that of the States. and your colon.,
ial empire, what is it but a Polatidan's
catchword r
A welt -known An ;la-Canac'ian, after
reading the interview, excitimed
'Don't fancy Canadians will accept an=
other cent of this man's money."
The Murder of boa Chinese Was
San Francisco, May la. -•Four of the
eleven. Presidents of the See Yup Soci-
ety have Leen arrested for censiair-
ing to {murder she 30o members of
the Chinese Society of English Edu-
cation. and two of them -Gee Hong
On, who is not only the president of
the On. Yick Highbinder Tong. but of
the See Yttps, and Lee Ying, Presi-
dent of the Bow Leong Tong .are said
to have made compleFe confessions to
the p01101. Tile other seven Presidents
are in hiding, but of found will be
charged with COnsl+ireey to comratit
murder. It is believed that the evi-
dence already obtained is F auaieaent to
send them all to the petn;entiary for,
long terms. The Alen under doe ban
of the See Yep Society were star-
peete1 of giving the authorities m-
frirmation reQara._ng gambling under
Felice proteetann in Chinatown.
British and Canadian Live Stoc
Trade ,Wheat is Dull The .fit.
est Quotations.
Monday Evening, May 16.
T9ronto St. Lawrence Market,
The total grain receipts amounted to
bee rebel. T
Der bushel,
wo hundred bushels sold at .430
eats -Three hundred 'bushels sold at
341fic to 35%e per bushel.
• Dressed Hogs -The market war quiet
and quotations are unchanged at is to
i8 v0 perto37c,7) wt for for lightheavies.-weight hogs and
Hay -About 29 loads were on the mar-
ket, No. 1 timothy is quoted at $L to
elh per ton, and :nixed or clover at 56 to
Straw One load was toured. and sold.
at $8 per ton.
The Visible SuPPIy.
May 11,"03 May12;02 May 13.'91
Wheat . ....3446.000 35.323.040 45.76.1,004
Corn ... .. 6.210.o90 5;877.000 17,335,042
Elate .. . ';.34 dr.0 2'1.917.00 11,449.40)
Rye ........ 1,1`5 ., 604 963.000
Barley.., 1 t a ei 719,449
r heat decreased 1.019.000. bushels the
past week. A year ago wheat deereeee,.
.11',020.000 brrshele. .
Cheese Markets.
Bill to Amend the County Councils
Act -Railway Case.
Toronto, May ci.-Private mem-
bers had a , day to themselves
in the Legislature yesterday,
and many bilis were advanced a stage.
A lengthy discussion took place on
Mr. 11. 11. Teylor's bill to amend the
County Coutleiis act, by making a re-
version to the old system of appoint-
ment optional. Premier Ross said he
was in favor of the bill, and thought
the optional principle would meet tile"
demand of public opinionin many
quarters. In saying that. the Govern-
ment were not necessarily retreating
fromtheir former position. Mr. Whit-
ney objected to the reform being made
optional. and said that if the princi-
ple was admitted the change should be
made general.
The committees will settle down to
business with great earnestness to -day;
The Public Accounts Committee will
hear further evidence respecting Pat-
rick Shannon's timber limit, The Mu-
nicipal Committee will organize, and
the Standing Orders, Ratlwat's and
PrivatemeetBills Committees will also
The railways will present their ease
before the special Assessment Com-
mittee on Friday. Arrangements have
been made that the farmers' associa-
tions and other like bodies favoring
the bill will be heard by the commit-
tee a week from to -day. A call has
been sent out for a full representation,
and it is expected that the farmer?'
case will be presented with force and
Famous French Swindlers to be
Paris, May 12. - Magistrate Leydat
has concluded Isis investigation of the
Humbert fraud case, and has decided
to commit Therese Humbert, her hus-
band Frederick, and her brother for
trial on the charges of forgery, the
of forged documents and swin-
dling. The Magistrate dismisses the
cases against Eve Humbert, Therese's
daughter, and Marie Daurignac, her
sister. The case against Mine. Hum-
bert, her husband and brother pro-
bably will he heard in July.
Withdrawal From Manchuria is De- 1
London, May r2. -The Under For-
eign Secretary, Lord Cranborne, ane:
nounced -in- the House .of Commons,
that the British - Consul at
Newchwang reported that there, had
been no reoccupation of Newchwang
by the Russians. Friendly communi-
cations on the "subject, Lord Cran-
borne added, had been addressed to •
the Russian Government during the
past few days by Great Britain and the
United 'States independently, and the
Russian Government;• in reply, had in-
timated that it would adhere to its
engagements to eyacetate Manchuria,
although the evacuation was tempor-
arily delayed. Russia had also' ex-
plained that she `.had no intention of
adopting any measure tending to, ex-
foreign -Consuls or obstruct for-
eign commerce or the use of the
ports.Under these circumstances
the British Government saw no suffi-
cient reason for securing concerted
action between the United States,
Japan and Great Britain.
A Switchman's Death.
Windsor,' May I2. -Milton lton Dunn,- a
Grand Trunk switchman, was run over Pittsburg; May tr.-Delegates to the.
in the company's yards here at 5 biennial. convention of the Order of
o'clock yesterday and terribly man Railway Conductors of America, Can
eked, The unfortunate' fellow died at ada and Mexico„ opens here to
8 o'clock. at the Hotel Dieu. De- 'morrow, are arriving on every train.
ceased threw a switch leading to the The convention will open to=morrow
ferry slip and stepped, as he supposed, afternoon, and: will continue at old
out of harms way, but he was knock- I Cita Hall ten das. About Soo dele-
ed down and run over. He was 27 , gates are expected The Ladies' Auxil-
years of age and resided at London. iary
eery will meet in another hall.
Vaca, May 1t -Sales of cheese 4n the
tltic Dairy Beard of Trade to --day were
U tote of teal boxes of cheese Large
Ohl at, Ria end 5104311 at 11' to; creamery
putter, 16o packages. At g'o.
British Cattle Markets.
"GG}an' Cannn.deans. °A with,,vs. ± cat-
sheep. C-e:.8.rgent#r,e cattio again pr0-
Whitedl. Cargoes afloat admitted 4ub1ec&
to special examination.
Iaiverpool, May IL -Canadian cattle, Gd
to 140d.
Montreal Live Stock,
45Montreal. head butchers` cattle wereaave and
150 sheop and. lambs littered for sale at
tits i,aat err
to-day. The
Matchers were out strong, but trade was
not lirislt. as the prices of cattle were
Wgher all Num). Prime hooves sold at
tram 5c to 5ie per pound. pretty good
animals from «sic to (le and the com-
mon stock from 2#ic to Mc per pound.
Calves 51014,1 front iii
lambet sold Afrom t;Z evSe a to 04.50 pound.
eet Rand
h'e'aps sold et4 frontri*0.40 to ;6•f4 per Fat
pounds, weis.bedoff the care.
East Bu1alo Cattle Market.
Est Brtl7alo, N.Y-. May IL -Cattle -Re..
oefists, .1('19 Stead; 14e4v3". slaw; hoteliers'
titeady t.a strong pante steera. Sa. to
E.tia1; sl711r:aa stcrr,e, til;)+ tw 03.15; butch.
era sleeve. ;i•1. 9 to SZe. betters. 0*.' 0 to
KZ: cowls. 00 to 544-45; I+utls„ °.., to 3#,W;
feeders, Si to 5150) storlors. 11.00 to $4,35;
Steil h': :f m. 52..5 to 00.79; stock steer
eels �e'1, 21 7 311•x.!, extra fresh caws and
steady; °there. 52 to Ri per head
lower; sae d to choice. 1;19 to 556: medium
to guild. 5--J to 340: common. 3«5 to TU.
cateolteee3pt5. 1,0 head; 250 lower:
tops. SS.:.0 to 55.3; common to goose 14.59
t0 ii:.s3. Hogs -Receipts. 15.010 (read: ac-
tive: pigs. 5c w 10a higher- others Ge to
10c lower. heavy. 52.00 to 5.&
$,llO; Yorltera. trirc 6et5, iti,a90; iew Ppi�ss57;.
00.50 to 37; roughs, 53.75 to 56; stags, ie to
05.25. Sheep and lambs--lteceipta, 19.700
hoard; aetivn, 20. to 231e higher; top Iambs,
57.60 to $7.7.); suite to goad, 04.50 to 07.50;
sheepnr;3, 5 .io to 56.50• owes. S5 to 55.1.:
sheep, top mixed, 53.23 to 56,310; culla t0
good. fa to 05.15.
' Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, May 11. -Cattle - Receipts, =-
040..a;oacty; c ase slow; good to prlaro
steers. 55IO tt, 5,,GO; poor to medium, 04
to $5.10; stockers and feeders, 53 to 34ag;
eowty; 51 w4 to 14 60: #ICIrons , 02.50 to b ,
caises. 3311.50
0`5 to $6; i2.15;
oxaaife�d steers $4 to
ia,cu. Hoa;s-Recelpts to -day. 42.000; to-
morrow, 20,000; left over, 10,090: 150 to 200
lower; mixed and butehera', $045 to 40.7:;
good to choice, 30.70 to 36.03; rough hoary,
30.50 to 56.63; light. $0.00 to 30.60• bulk of
sales at $6.315 to $4.70. Sheer -Receipts,
aheop steady to 15c lowor; lambs
strong to a sii;tde higher; good to eholce
wether) $5 to $5.S5; fair to choice mixed.
13.30 to 51,75; native lambs. $4.50 to $7.35.
Leading Wheat Markets.
Closing previous day. Closing to-daY.
Cash. May. Cash. May.
Chicago .........• 7Sla .. 75x5
Nov York .•.�
62}2T+I •do ..q7y
77Milneapolis .. este if
Duluth, 1 hard..7911 ,. SOs,g ..
do No. 1 nor. w.. ,Iii iia 78'I 7$;'g
Milwaukee, 2 nor. 79;500%
Detr!alt, 2 red .... 77 77 77 7
St. Louis 11
British Markets.
Liverpool, May D. -Opening -Wheat.
spot steady; No. 1 standard California,
per coital, Gs Seed to 6s 9d; alalia, as 6yd
to 65 7d; No. 2 red winter, 6s 15ad to Gs
OA; No. 1 northern Manitoba, no stock;
futures nominal; May, 6s 5540 nominal;
July, ss 41ed nominal. Corn, spot weak;
mixed American; per cental, new, 4s 7d
to 4s Sd; futures nominal; May, 4s 6540
nominal; June, 4s 50 nominal; July. 4s 434d
nominal. Flour, Minneapolis, 20s 9d to
Liverpool -Close -Wheat, spot steady;
No. 1 standard California, per cental, es
551eLdo wn9des ad6s t6o'{460s to3;7dNoN. o1
northern Manitoba.
no stock; futures
steady; May, 6s 5?td value; July, 6s 45d
value. Corn, spot weak; mixed American,
per cental, new, 4s ld to 4s Sd; futures
quiet; May, 4s Gd value; July, 4s 4-k„d
value; July, 4s 4540 value. ]:'lour, Minne-
apolis, 20s 9d to 22s.
London, May 11. -Opening -Wheat, on
ed and
assage, 3quiet 0steady;
tea/ 0 paid;
; LaPlata,
steam, fine, March, 26s 6d paid, for
sailing vessel. Wheat, parcel No. 1 north-
ern Duluth, just sailed, 30s 6d paid. Corn,
on passage, quiet and steady. Monday's
Indian shipments wheat to United King-
dom, 312,000 bushels; to continent, 32,000
bushels. Monday's Danubian shipments,
wheat, 992,000 bushels; corn, 704,000 bush-
els. Weather in England cloudy. Russian
shipments, wheat. 2,512,096 bushels; corn,
162,000 bushels. English country wheat
markets of Saturday steady.
• London -Close -Number of cargoes of
wheat waiting at outports offered for
sale. three. Wheat, on passage, buyers
indifferent operators; LaPlata, f.o.r.t.,
steam, passage, 27s 30540 paid, above aver-
age equality; April, 27s 9d paid; five par-
cels No. 1 hard Manitoba,. May. 304 440
paid: shipment within a week, 30s 6d
paid; passage, 30s 9d paid. Corn, on pas-
sage, quieter •and hardly any demand.
Corn, parcel mixed American, passage, 20s
3d paid. and shipment within a week, 19s
71hd Paid.
'Mark Lane Miller market: -Wheat, for-
eign firmer at an advance of 41,4d; Eng-
lish firm at an advance, of 00. Corn, Am-
erican better demend at fuller rates; Dan-
ubian steady. Flour, American firm,
with a fair, oesiness; English firm.
• Antwerp, , May 11, -Close -Wheat, spot
steady, 16%f.' Corn, snot American mixed,
21f 9e. Flour, snot Minneapolis, 254 9c.
parts, May 11. -Opening -Tone steady;
May. 25f 20c; September and December,
22f 70c. Flour. tone steady: May, 33f, 85c;
September and December. 31f 25c. Weath-
er in France cloudy. French, country
markets quint' but steady..
Paris -Close -Wheat, tone firm; . May.
25f 21c: September and December, 22f
76c. Flour, tone firm; Mny, 334 95c; Sep-
tember and December, 31f•40c.
to ale each. Sheep
Railway Conductors' Convention.
Wheat,. _ -, . 6'I '70
Barley 388. 42
tO)ats 20 80
Potatoes, per bag . , .. , , 1 25 1 85.
Hay, per tots. ,.., ..... 7 00 8 00
Flour, per ew:t., roller.... 165 2 00
Butter. 15 10
Eggs. -... - ..,.... 11
Bides, per 100(lre.,,,... 500 5 50
Live bogs,. per cwt 5 75
Dressed Hogs ,,.... 7 70 7 75
Shorts per cwt 1 00
Bran per cwt.. 80
H1crc4agts llrikot Cauda
Hi:AA oFFiCE, SfoNTitEAo,
Gupiitat PAM Up • 6,w0t00,00/0
Ron - - - 2, .00,000
,A genera3 Ranking business transacted.
Interest at most tarsral ie cement rates shower{ on
Sayings Bank aeecarats and Repesit. Iteeeiptw,
Conimere.al Letters cf Credrt r a sod ar ileble In
Chrra, Japan and other fareigncosaarks.
Tri.. velliog Lettere el Credit is-ased tA-trar-eliere itt
Ail parte of the .rink),
TIM FTSHS, Grilnsam.Italraolle.
1 11 AltN, Suer or D8430113 & Cwxr *seraeroc
CR DITON, t. T..
Keep titch Balance Up.
It has been truthfully said .that 4117
distnrb;ance of the even batlance of
health causes serious trouble: Nobody
can be too careful to keep this Winne
up. When people begin to lose atppe•
site, or get tired easily. the least Im-
prudence brings an sickncas. weakness
or debility. The syatent needs a tonic, 1
eraves it. and should not be denied
and the !rest tonic of which we have
rots' knowledge is 11.*ud'S Saeaarraat'illa,
What this uneelicine has done in keep
ing healthy people healthy. in keeping.'
up the even h:rltrnce of health. gives it,;
the saint' diStinetion iib it preventive
that it enjoys as n care, Its early use
has illustrated the wisdom of the Bald.
saying that a Stitch in tiiitc saves nine.
Take .Ilond'r for appetite, strength and
i.rE MEN Jet M +'t= R1:;
Sire have for sale
1 Boller 80 b. p..
1 Boiler 40 b. p,
1 Boiler art Engine
1 Boiler and Engine
Castings of every Description its
Brass and Iran to order.
Pipe and Fitting) of all sizes kept
eottatautly in stock,
?ortiand Gement
We have just received a quan.
tity of the best grade of Part.
laud Cement which we are selling
at $2.50 per barrel for present de.
livery, Cloth Sacks to be return-
ed free. Can be had at either
Centralia or Exeter Staarehong:•s,
Fool panted
5000 lbs, wool wwgalot+'al. for
which the highest an::rkrt la lee
will be paid.
Received s*t Exeter and Ceu-
Jos. Oobbiedick.
EDITOR'S NOTE. -The Slocum
System of Treatment for the cure of
Consumption, Pulmonary Troubles,
Catarrh, General Debility, and
nearly all the ills of life, is medicine
reduced to an exact science by the
world's foremost specialist.
By its timely use thousands of
apparently hopeless cases have been
permanently cured.
The Emulsion of Cod Liver 011
is needed by some, the Tonic by
others, the Expectorant
by others,
the Oxojell by others still, and all
four, or any three, or two, or any
one, may be used singly or in com-
bination, according to the needs of
the case.
Full instructions with each set of
four free remedies illustrated here.
Our treaders are urged to take
advantage of Dr. Sloct,rn's generous
ft 4:g
S4 a
The honor of thus effectively arresting
the progress of this fatal malady rests
With the wonderful system of treatment
which bas been reduced to an exact
science for the cure of Consumption and
for the cure of Catarrh and other prevalent
conditions which pave the way for Con-
sumption -that successful method evolved
by America's greatest scientific physician,
Dr. T. A. Slocum, whose great liberality,
through his Free Trial Treatment, sent
broadcast throughout this broad land, has
contributed most to the rout of the most
potent agency in the destruction of human
life in this hemisphere. ,
His Free System of Treatment' has
arrested the hand of death in the cases of
thousands of consumptives and has pre-
vented the disease in countless instances.
The Slocum Treatment consists of four
distinct remedies for the cure of Con-
sumption, Weak Lungs, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, and all pulmonary and wast-
rag diseases, and is based upon principles
essential to the correction of function, the
rebuilding of the tissues, the overthrow of
parasitic animal organisms and the estab-
lishment of health in all the departments
of the human body.
The four preparations embody all the
necessary elements of a complete treat
:trent for Consumption -its cure and pre-
vention -as well as for most of the chronic
and wasting ills of life. Apparently hope-
less cases are cured by their timely use.
These free remedies comprise the great
curative forces discovered by the emi•
nent physician, Dr, Slocum, they represent
'the acme of the pharmacist's skill and
with them will be found explicit directions
for their use in any case.
You are invited to test what this system
will do for you, if you are sick, by writing
the Four Free Preparations will be for-
warded you at once with complete direc-
tions for use.
Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemi-
cal Company, Limited, 179 Icing Street
West, Toronto, giving post office and
express address, and the free medicine
(the. Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent.
Persons in Canada seeing Slocum's fret.
offer in American papers will please send
for samples to Toronto.