HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-5-14, Page 4• neeeeeofeee-an,, Mrs. Rae leeves behied aeorrowleg Jeeeneeensent.“-e beame& on eon and one doinghter. MI° have the synnetthy of the =tire tentes, H. Standees, Editenc and, Prop villaga-At her residence here op Thursday. April 30. Mtn. Walter Han - eon passed to the pe.rat beyond, The deceased wile was tid yeara age sure vive her hnshottud just alma eight inonthe. Prior to the death of Airs. Anson site bed be very feebte ARA An^ WS ltISS 110 d011bt hastened ber de- eerture. She was horn near Hull, Eng- lan& and was brought on to Canada by her husband who returned for her m dandl. They lived on a farm near Kip** till 14- yeare ago whet) they moved to Heusall. The deemed WAS who knew bee epeak or io terms of highest regard. She leaves no rela- tives in this country excepting by mar - risme, The remains Trete baterred in Rensotil Union Cemetery on Saturday aiternoen, after': an approlwat ie sete mon eeedeate.1 by Rev, Mr- Doherty. St. Paul's ebtuatt of which she WaS consmem istent ber. TIKURSDAY, "NUT 14,1903 NOTES A» COMMENTS BIG netnTION FOR LIBEL Mr. n M. Cantina, of St. Joseph. has broughta an ction at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, for $40.009 damages against the Toranto News far altegted setting, forth in tbe statement of Oahu that the News maliciously ileeried (tini traduced the town of, SLjo,eph, ht a t nutty Industrious woman wbooi all 1111AVA et-MI[1in, whethe plaentiff ler:tette Interested As owner, and tonere tease stoning thatsp..eteal inipary W44$ inflieted Innen the rientitiff hy /ion lea pea- th tinevs e .e.prit Inth of an article entitled aced sukelteaded. Rotualtee of St, Josepb,H uoiConnty -City on Feper-a. Strange Story from the Shores of Like Iftwon-A City with os Harber-Toe fs a Pore Myth au4 tbe other en Inmessibility.” Mr. Comtine elaimaseanteges forspernal lose in his basiness and pnofeesion as peontoter of the nown of So JosFpb. end a o emal neeepoteer wIneit ts to nnini emillat at or ineat. S. Juslilt pint (an Lake Erie. rsborne CouTkeil, Council met Moty 2, parsuant to edjourinuent, All the membets were presertre Minute* of the last meeting were read. appritved and stgneti toy the Itineve. leylew No• 1103, confirming he appointment or petbutasters. WAS passea and Agreed. The Court. of 1e- Bli1deld)11.. vision or tbe eeeeenntent roll for 1003, wL ne held et Township Heti" Mitre idle, on Setitrottee June dth, at 10 otelottk in the forenoon, „e, resoletion 1$ pewit recommending that no icai Ire taken by the Cottntv Connell Ile matter of the Pooblic Ilighway VIPPROCU AO, Ma a copy fors d to the Comity Clerk. The a of Robert Gardiner and and also 041 of Robert Mn 14 Piters, ftw drainage work the Drainage, Act of 'A were iproved. and the Conned tieeided to ore &Imo competent Ontario land and wa5 a L-; ;LT well.known resident Nor or engineer to each. "Tip deatib 4b is part." Th the uNW4$ that were spnlien niarriageof Mr. and Mrs. E. *bent fifty YeAtd ago and death did ttPrf sepetette them very long being only four days genet. Levitt ween, Mot deo/ the death of Mr. Brown ati4 the StVintlei Illness of Mrs, tirown, This week We. are vaned upon reeord her eleeth which took tileere April 30, at St. Merys. Deeeesed had been alliteg fros some time with Ora dived dieeese, ptionmentie. Like her Itnsirkficl $110 witfi initive of County Kenny, Ireland, -e of thla towaship. Swee united in area to he he drained. to prepare plans. in -:writ -ow tattle. Moven to Massoichns.ilVe'`,1ftcatious, &..ood to wake on as. i • nitaut nay Tang were 1 6"Sqllllent the ent ler,ds fomed, n rte. Orta ititatactSt. fittchstrtozt,-.:. eelepte ton, 11 Cora.meo with the provIsions 04 Lee ed herd togettiett eezr$3:it tbeirqs'ad -141. Aeeu'lmti ottloontiPgto lives. in death they ware no nivinnit, )§74,55 were pas ied, anti orders visaed Mrs, Brawn 1;44 heee told of her /sus. PoPneot. Council then adlanrned, h.oions =,0,th„ Inn eilte was pia taro( to Meet Sativeday, Jutie fith, after wee net titereelat eteaneeezted it. She Vantl; Rev'Noo. F. Mont.tw, N5 -vi -'1, 6,14144 nee Uuflett outl oia.1 olettgla et at ei-,04tworFA01,,v4n, e f; aeets and those 7411.48 E. ("Arter is learning the drei az,,.ndavv, np,n4 hnr„ jia nitnto. 0nionor with Miss Shiplee of Clinton tt hip edit* mule a innit of finuenlQ. who NItt it-1414,mo to Lana oit, where sEnvotIttlY r442irtl tn of fat'z' tee:witted peeittea the rain nen yene,. 4 cy„, togor,,,at JoIrat liattio And 10344glialilii, gilVta Alatle tat eitt1440htt' whet leave bent very ill.arernot"4:Ting. Cetittlf447,, ST. Matr,F-3, 1'3 Tilio the' -Mu-. Eh II -train% who has, been re. pinneers n ro:F thing. peisteleeperetieg heeitb at Seltftnel fo fele lie the teeming ot ty. p.iss ' the p .st few win.ki,litts Ilvt Parnell trawlt itriproved health. -Me. A. Welinter .11ezisall 3. P. weffi :1,r-1et21htl Ole tennleaeo owe be the tete lira Hatamn rind ton,re thereon slooirity.-Aritirew xualow p.„.;(0.ipz_whun afp. Wm. wo,411, J..left a fow ono for tie' Hilev was lonsily engaged in righting' Atex- 1,41,Y tie -'1 the tarn tioo farm of Mr. Thomas 'Cole. Von. It. ;t few days ago be came Alefetallti at V. it ee atm inmy Witt ;MVP within on nve, nt losing. bin band. A. toWtt. Ifo -Kay. rPirmkp3) olir Ch! w.. indng used io bWing• Palle potudeteeti toe intuit. bud turn afnund to 1,ineo sy, os to and two i4r‘le7„"' IP' rt.°741e4- ill" fste :an tie' the bitilding of tends improi -.rnr rank; fii:10,1 irs,,,n; tin:LT /G. lincaM0 fuSt0111.40 .7.40:44,Taa4,x.4•44n44111-12; tw,-in the effects in it board that MI S being used to bold of ble reeent ;evident. -At the tneetiatt te on. stepped up to fix it, and bad c't the °Mehl 1i :rd Ilt41'.3111 chore naught hold of the chain when the Mr. 11. Philips was elee.ted dele. Imatn snapped, a piece flying within gate to the Dien ict meeting to ne behl cease peeenutsy ei The reeewrelepe heed • Parthill•-•Mr. Smith has leased tbe whc, was assistiogami tho chain sod. p Inni.e from tl•C• PettY awl denly Went unto Mr. Riley's hand, and inteetle *tatting a brash ntetori, eel" tightening up drewitterose the back ploving half a dozen hal3ds, nhoot, toe of it, rmoving every particle of flesh June. $lehmazie hos RV- *bat form the sopport of the band. It olLosed t tritiltiling outfit of ate- w a pilau atm alai tote, Riley sue - Rehm cind intends netting tete of a fine tee el extreme agony from the, were. gslitlea 1» 1"1`ge f`letturs Ile was Odom to tho donor and had it ud rst.44.1S $14 4PS• siettllal ttdressed, anwil d l in coesequenee be left lest week tn. Toronto ',unction, tete up for stone than. Iri!k tatt,4.11 t ttllatinn in a d▪ t.nr ntion,n-Mr. James W. Bell, %vino ipo attending the dental college at Phil- atielphia, and %elm tecently passed a very erieliteltle examinatio1o. is home for the etuttnier vaeittion.-Mr. Frank Ruse is itsta leering flout his recent Ills neea as is iiISf Mr. Arnald.-1)r. Sae- vy has enitl. hie &leer to T. Murdock. MAItnIED.-The home of Mr. Frank Upstialt, near Iiiippen, teas the scene or a pretty eveuteon Wednesday. tWth. ult., %then his eistete Miss Henrietta, was nnited u merriage to Mr. John westey French. tor Poet Elgin, The intereStinut, yet soleturt teremony was p rformed by Rev. lir-McLennan, and wee witnessen only by immediate re. latives. The gowu worn by the bride was very pretty and he looked indeed c harming. The bride is a danghter of Mr. Joseph rpshall, of this place, and le very nuee asnice a young lady as noted be foetid in all broad Ontario, and that is seying geoddeal. When too, a young lady is ince, the applica- tion of the word to her is very nice also. The groom is spoken of as an exemplary young man and we extend to them the hest wishes for their fit- tnre Imppiness. The happy couple left the following day for Port Elgin, wii.,ro they will settle down to the sterner realities of life. The preseuts received were numerous, costly ttud useful. nee. sale ints in:04:mA in the bonne Arm to his hrothernla men, ond left On Wed- nesidey fior Manitokt.-Mr. and Mrs. 'Waite left Wednesday fur .Valgary,' DILITITS.-The grave bas again hid from our vision another form, and as we hear the words "0 death where is thy sting? 0 grave where is thy vie - tory" we are more and more impres- sed that Death is ever busy and our lives brit fleeting. On Friday, May 1, our village was shocked when the news spread that the spirit of Mrs. Francis Rae had taken its flight a,nd gone to the Maker who gave it. Mrs, Rae, who had only been ill a little over a tveek, was the picture of health and strength to all appearance and her friends, who so assiduously lavished all care upon her, little tbought that she would pass away so soon, but the all -seeing One wined that it should be so, and on the above day she closed her eyes on earth to open them in Hee- yen. Her illness proved very serious from the beginning, and although all medical skill, the family and kind neighbors and friends could do was done. Mrs. Rae's ailment was perito- netis and she suffered greatly, and con- tinued from dey to day to grow weak- er until death ensued, and in ber dy- ing hour she gave expression of great joy and comfort, through trusting in Christ, to depart and be with Him for ever. She was a kind neighbor end friend to those in sickness and made many friends while here. The remains Were taken to Oil Springs, the deceased's former home, where they were in- terred in the family plot on Sunday. Dintea-The past spring bas Leong t Meant many deaths mw midst, and the latest to have paid nature's debt was Ma Elijah Townsend, a highly tespeetetil resident of this section. Lest winter be had au attack of pleura- pnentuonia, and though he has not been confined to his bed since then, yet had not felt like his former self. A. few days ago he eontracted a chill and gradually grew worse until the death summons came on Friday, thim -robing an afflicted wife of a husband with paralysis and nine children of a loving father. Mr.' Totensend WAS a thorough Englisinnotri having been born at Norfolk and mune to this coun- try withhis parents, first settling In Brampton lima then moved to Hoillett: Ile WRS an indristrious and intelligent farmer, of expanded. views,fixed and decided opinions and. was in his own district a man of influence and weight. Like :nose of his countryman he was intensely patriotic, yet with the liber- ality of spirit and broadness of yiew of the cosmopolitan. His views of life, the result, of experience and thought, when once formed, were steedfastly maintained with the eonsisteney of a mature and ow. f.; Inn judgmen t. politics were not those of parties, but of measures, the good of his comitry and his fellow citizens. A vein of gen- ial humor lay under the grave and thoughtful exterior. With pleasant people around him he formed a most agreeable and entertaining as well as instructive companion. The deep sym- patby of the community is extended to the bereaved ones. botiglis, colds, hoarseness, and other throat silments are Quickly relieved by Vapo-Creso- tene tablets. ten cents Der box All druggists. Aching joints In the fingers, toes, arms, and other parts of the body, are joints that are inflamed and swollen by rheumatism - that acid condition of the blood which affects the muscles also. Sufferers dread to move, especially • after sitting or lying long, and their condition is .commonly worse in wet weather. "1 suffered dreadfully from rhetunattsrn, but have been completely cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I am deeply grate- ful," MISS FEMMES SMITE, Prescott, Ont, "1 bad an attack of the grip which lett me weak and helpless and suffering from rheu- matism. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa- rilla and this medicine has entirely cnred me. I have no hesitation in saying it saved 'My life;" M. J. MODosims, 'Trenton, Ont. Hood's Sarsaparilla Removes the cause of rheumatism -no outward application can. Take it. 1 mins ii,,t IllifcommoNs. Early Adjournment to Attend JIIStic'° Mills' Funeral% Ottawa, May i ---Th e noose of Commons adjourned at 6 pen, yester- .. date on motion ot the Premier, is seconded by the leader of the Opposi- 1 tion, Qt of respect to tbe memory of the late J'ustice Mills and to give the members an opportunity of attending the feezeral services. A Iturabr of pri- A'ate hill had previouely been advanc- Cti a Stage, a4eeverel motions for papers atid correaptuidence were ellenn 44 to ttas e withoUt Objection. Yeeterdey Mr. McCreeree hill Zeerkil Severe' inmortant additions wen.: made to our business institutions wir- ing the past week. The Sovereign Bank of (tamale, B4011111(1 & 00., Reotl Estate Mad Insurance Agents, and Dr. G. Hamilton, Veterinary St i rgeomb av e all opened for businesa-ltir. Samuel Dietz, of tint Brooson line, is erecting a Atte residence on his farne-Mr. Fred Hess & Sou are having a cement walk put in their store room.-MaSehwart- eetxtruber. of tbe Itronson line, is ham- ing astotie wall erected ender his barn, ate, et. eleidipger has the work in band. -Ma Wm. flees has had a tine cement 001)Q1.down in his eellsoe-Air.Roin, stete,,r,„ who lies been suffering from an attack of mumps, has 'nearly recovernn,-nir., smith, of Bayfield. has con - :Incorporating it. Northern Bp*, and sented to take Dr, Campbell a protetice. ., Guthrie'ei bill respeeting the during the lattee's absence in tate ote eulea Roes. of Canada,. ww.. poled., COUntry, it Will be in Dr. Oallipheirs me. following biii5 were rowed wit:face. Zurich. every Tuesday and Sat- comoutteee ;,-....To lont corirate the Que., MAR)" Z2ifter0901),-Mr. 3110. 15A011' IS be4wlaLkx1704$coti4 i to reeetve Slo for the Aeendent Inset. R7a;cozm,1canee as a partial nompensation for the ,0R epecting the Quebec ntido company awe lost, foto account of the accident 4,4 to change it. name to *In Quebec to his shoulder. ---W, It Bender bas ., • sold his property and coofeeteanery Ponejtel. 4ReepReac.ftquwgaY the:MTPciarlIQYZA" g mbilliseSiliSptiQp, sell' blue aeneefer:sluty GretteeThb'e-it, He 33:pilb:141, TRoat ;41rpgraCtrtge"Hr-a!lt silimagetf,)4hvZ.ellicerr.ngheers, nootorpeteltrotoittlros toonw, ;t1r)l...._inur84. c Czialinorr000dinRcoarilp; the ge t or het. mother, fx•s*Slipple it c es . . ate the- Columbia River futp,rovement rneftnNA41,Gete•vigiillen cowhlreghea? ellPeeenn aAttefileav; Company, Li :e Gailther. To clnys here doting the ;reek. Prior to cinea7.7X,,,raythceoluSp°1410,Lomer.v _ozstiri Central . Pt' Irezi.; gstoont; elh.is ne w fl,eld of labor in 'Pt'tat the Ninar4, 011ttlnlial 4 Mattrozo...-The St,Boniface church, . Catharines Railway Company-4de, of this place. was the seene of a pretty (3Crntgat, To incorporate the Mien- and interesting event on TuesdaY;:kfltY reol-lionguctoil J1&© Company -Mr. ii. when Mr. Valentine Eochems W415 Geeffrien. To inemporete the Bran- united M marriage to Miss Mary gad - don, Saskatchewan fii Hudson Say 11140, The ceremony, which was wit 1Y Company --Mr. DaVIS. To in. nessed by a number of friends, WaS cl,IrpTQle ille Canadian Yllk00 West. performed by Father Aloisins, and we nut Railway Company -Mr. Davis, To aught say it WAS done up to perfection. ncornerote the Stewart River Develop- The bride was ttired in a well-becom- not CoroPanY----Mr. Davis. To eons ing and neat tittmg :costume and was aoinpthoeuvCr30MkstptShicerterroci:f Poti stetntse, indeed very charitung. The happy- fl couple are highly respected and very noir Valve Gm Com any Mr. net- popular here told its thee' enter 1111011 come Respecting' the itaroiltOn dr the eterner realities of bie llaay they Lake Elle fknWer COMPRIl3•. and toj find their pathway strewn with roses ,;itoinge its non.: to law oloolan Light. i and maY they live UMW years to en. Neat & Power Companr--Mr. G. 1 j°Y ilealtki hol3Phms And ProsPeric,Y man. ' together, is tbe earnest wish a their n ,Fir. Acitirt, ttrakt4Inzairt gpit twist Minty friends, WO can hardly des. ei Iles the preseate as epotee will not sneet immigrant; lancling ajohns ittit, but we can Fay that they WPro N.M. Hanno; and Quebec. 1,111 tht 1 magnificent ;aid tuainertma 'They will ;-.0c cz 07 4 haTI vh:iielsoclegszroteilsibv.)1.4 ttne c,r, 11:4sig;eo.tt the bottle of the bride in this •••••••••••••IIMIN VI =MP, ...ca3•Men.•=s••••••• an ' AetnnusTs.--The tive-yeat.-old sou THE GAMEY INVESTIGATION ,'l 2111.11'11112:1:711171354nufalIf Ilacveati'iciluelf;;: ILI' " A . COMMI:gtO unC rr:$ GRaemauvrrieReThtuirns am.nlYissli4otgaiy en.g1Palerr in dartandr4 et:la:till- ial to Wild a foundation under his house, when the end of a atiek of tint- TO:ore:Ito. May jla,....,Mr., R. R, her swung around and gruel; t be ure. a . m, p„ peel:mimed from fortunate child, who WaS playing WM' ' , bte zip injurio initialed were severe. litendlin yeeterdaY and tile Medical aid was summoned. and uPori ;omission will resume work this examination it MIS Snood that one leg morning. It is not probable that ' %vas splintered obove the ankle, and , mionh time Will he taken up with es,i. the knee severely fractured, while the ' &nen. There may he some explana. '1 other le5 was broken below the Itnen. , tions A$ to certain accounts t --Mr. V, nu Slack bed two bones of liTio in the books of the Ontario ' foot broken, recently, while engagt a Danke and possibly a few ' ilt operstiug the portable sotw mill which is getting out lumber for Fred Bess & Con of this village. Mr. Slack is getting Worm as well as valid be ex - peeled, bet will be unable to do any- thing at his lousiness for some time. Dtristox COCRT.-There were five eases dieposed or at the sittings of the Court here on Monday week. In the suit of Hildebrend vs. Tiedeman and Ilartlelb for wages of son, judgment wits given for plaintiff for $20.81 and COSttt, li. J. D. Cooke for plaintiff; L. ft Dickson for defendant. Miller vs. Babcock, was a. ease WhiCh WAS only argent as to jurisdiction of the court. 11 is 1141001•, Judge Bolt reserving judg- ment. L. I-1. Dickson for MT., W. Pnaudfoot, for deft. Prirnean vs Roo - thine was All action for wages, but iiti defendant is now living at Ottawa aud has lieen under the doctor's care for some weekto, the case wits adjourned till next court. 1.I.J.D. Cooke for plif; W. Proudfoot for deft Ortwein vs. Becker, was a suit for store account, perioo has just returned from the and as Items seedier were not correct 1 wretk of the C•nadian passenger judgment was given for defendant stonier Algoma, which was lost nine- with costs. Plaintiff pleaded his own teen yars ago, with lifty-two lives. ease. W. Proudfoot for deft. Ort - went vs. MeOlinehy was another suit for clothes bought about nine years ago. and wbich defendant said were paid. He also pleaded the statute of limitations, and the pleintiff was non - suited, Mr. Ortwein, the plaintiff, in these two cases also acted as interpre- ter between Hildebrand and t -he court, and fnlfilled this trying duty in a very satisfactory manner. wonames sem Manitoulin as to what course Mr. Gamey took during the campaign. If ueither side apin calls Mr. Gamey it is pessible that the cotaratissioners may do so. At least that was the tenor of their re- marks before adjournment. Mr. D. A. jOileS of Breton may also be call- ed by the commissioners. The argu- ment of counsel will then begin, lir. Blake speaking first. Mr. Johnston will speak on behalf of Mr. Strat- ton, and Mr. Blake may reply. AMONG DEAD MEN'S BONES. Gruesome Work on Wreolt of the Algoma. Duluth, Minn., May i. -The steam- er C. Suit, which has been chartered Lor the season to be used in stripping some of the old wrecks on Lake Su- "Vt hat is left of the steamer as on the south coast of Isle Royale. The wreckers worked among the bones of The dead when taking up the iso tons of iron which formed part of the ship's cargo. The Suit will at once return to the wreck and remove the bar iron in the hold of the lost ship. • ; • TELEGRAPH BREVITIES. There are twenty-two eases of smallpox In Detroit. The report of the death of Joaquin Miller, the poet, *W untrue etusiriess In Victoria, Australia, is at a standstill, owing to the railway strike. Lord and Lady Minto and party were heartily welcomed at Guelph and Ber- lin. Tie striking engineers of the Greenock district, Glasgow, resolved to ), mune work. lilr.*A. H. Dymond, ex-M.P., Principal •of the Institute for the Blind at Brant- ford, is dead. Captain Pennee, Chief of Police of Quebec, died suddenly on. a train be- tween Toledo and St. Louis. Forest fires are raging In the vicinity of Folger Station and Westbrook Vil- lages, north and west of Ningston. Mr. Justice Britton has decided that the Ontario Power Co. had authority to expropriate land necessary for its work. Despatches say. that President Marro - men of Colombia has been compelled to resign office on account •of political troubles. Nine Aldermen and ex -Aldermen of Saginaw, Mich., ware indieted on charges of bribery •in connection with various contracts. A, young man named Donald Bothwell of Perth was struck by a train while rid- ing his bicycle on the track at Lancaster and killed. Lord Dundonald has presented a trophy to the EM. C.,, to be competed for by cadets, with a view to gaining proficiency in mounted patrol work • A new case of smallpox is reported from Holland Township in Grey County. During April there were 134 eases reported in Ontario; nee. Oswald Rigby, Dean of Trinity Collegehas been chosen as head master of Trinity College School, to succeed Rev. Dr, Symonds. t • •<,1,0 enees,ke Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into the stomach? Ne4 7...; aate" Established:r879. Cures While You Sleep It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased sur- face with every breath, giving prolonged ' and constant treatment. It is invalu- able to mothers with small children. Is a boon to asthmatics. Whooping Cough Bronchitis Croup Coughs Catarrh, Colds Grippe and Efayrever The Vaporizer and Lamp, which should last $ 25 a lifetime, together with a bottle of Cresolene, 1.50. Extra supplies of Cresolene cents and 50 cents. Write for descriptive booklet contain. ing highest testimony as to Its value. woo.cutsoLEAA IS SOLD sv DRUGGISTS EVIIRYWIIERZ. Vapo.Cresoiene Co. z8o Fulton Street 265r Notre Dame Street New Vatic Montreal .01.5X1111191.1•K Aeateetue 411-10,1107:4 Cillite'ittebeg t•coli$Ttilivoti orr1k• aCriT,r BRITAIN4,f-mativqk 9Druggsanaeor A remedy which acts through the fonetions otrition, by the building up of now and Loalthy tissues is r ot •to ,..,:s:ig,t-etea to mti anifest it acon a fere days. • When tis.. dionase is of recent or-- grim 1 carly- and inimedi Ate action (.74-eax be, met with, Otherwise, Wirell it has already listed notne time, the action of the remedy must be c:Ironio like the eiscase This Ashy the lorgih 02 the nee o S -t. jAzz.ns Mats will vaal ry Ali vory ewe ; it is 0fi faCt 41011..e. uow deny that ii hz1teeatment of generalthbiliiy S'. Js W.A.annns produce. remarknble, tIna, 1 ca-rr, innrn.-2diate effects. j..1,:nns . .•ip stomach, digent food and ..o o nutriment through tint blood, and this is the honest way to get health ;ma strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which aceomplishen much. .4iri 415eAstlil of Mesta:hoc Javate eitetera are remoet ir •gene bee§ gzeet tuith In them." Dr.D4ward A. RQ131:1§0n, Corti Z;•elainl. riWert aloe net a nvr‘ thenawerourffolgr.tre4 ./rtnuardrvititem tlreir patient; wait tt4e Prancla :.;pon repot. Where dt4ICIP,AIVUOt ing the Wafer% ihry AM' mailed upon fe• celpt of erne at ute eanarittu teuelt St, Jorries Wafece Coe in* t, gratirriati Ste firearm* Pftiiitt 1,7 OUR MACRINUS Wert awarded tbe 0,547..Y Gold Medal on Cream Separator& at the Pen•Americon, end our record there for clean skimming woe in keeping with the award. The cadet records showed our average for the entire time to be nearly so per seat. better than competitors* machines. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR Cot, 77 YORK sr.. TORONTO,. WA!, s71101 Por Over thirty Year% we have treated and cured ell forms of Blood diseases, both hereditary and acquired. OM Or New Method Treatment is , with ourselvesand never falls to eradicate the poison from the eYsteme Beware of mercury and other mineral poisone, welch so many doctors preseribe for this terrible disease. as they will ruin the sySteni. Other treatments drive the peiseri into the system, whereas our treat- • ment destrcys the virus cr poison in the bleed and removes it from the System entirely, to the symptoms cart never return. If you have any of the felloWIng semi -items consult us before It is to late: Blotches, • erne:Ions or. pimples; falling out a the hair, itellinerts of the skin, rtiffness or pains in the joints, eoreness in the muscles, sore throat, uleers or bad taste in the mouth, sore tongue, sourness of the stonuich, enlarged reneds. running ors. ete. Me Our New thod Treatment will purify the blood, heat up the sores. remove all pains; the hair will grow in again, all organs will be restored to their normal condition. and the patient prepared :to renew the duties and pleasures of life. We guarantee marriage possible with absolute safety. CURES CUARANTEED OP, MO PAY We treat and cure 'Feeler/cello, 7_,Tervons Debility, Stricture, Meet, Blood Poison, Urinary Drains and Mosses. Midney caul Madden Diseases. a tire? Have you lost hope? Are you con - READER AreyouIrgarriage? Has your blood been. diseased? * Have you any weakness?Our New Method Treatment will cure you. Confirmation Pre°. No matter who has treated you, -write for an honest opinion 'Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. Books rree.-"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated) on Diseases of -men. "Diseases of Women," "Varlcocele, Strict.= and Gleet." All sent :MM.'S sealed. No mE01010E SEH? 0. 0. 0. HO NAMES ON BOXES OS ENVELOPES. EVERYTIIING COWIDENTIAL, QUESTION LIST AM COST QF TREATMENT, F , FOR HOMECU 115 DRS L._ 148 SHELBY ST. DETROUT, MOH. serl fl$1 n'te 444\ PIANOS and ORGANS. lAre have just received a new stock of • ' PIANOS and ORGAITS„gm of the hest wakes and will sell them at, prices and terms that will enable anyone to place in their home one of those Beautiful instruments. In Sewing Machines we carry a large stook of the best makes, at prices that will surprise you, n.lso, rope its, needles and oil for 101 makes of ma- chines. Sheet and Book einsie, Ilynin Books, Bibles, etc., always in stock. We Will be pleased to show you our ,goods. PLEASE CALL. 6. A RT I N GO TO THE EXETER llOilfR 1111.8 FOR' PURE MANITOBA CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR - (S tar) BEST PASTRY (Princess) • WHEATLEY (Breakfast Food) A good Supply of Millfeed and Chop always on hand. Give our Flour and Feed a trial and be convinced that it is all right. . Boller and Plate grinders in use to suit customers. Harvey Bros. Suecessore to .1. Cobbleclick & Son