HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-5-14, Page 3el 'diKq'etd.‹.d.'de‹.4.ieitiEcnie4edfien ,dieeteeadQ,O4OO‹<<€.n.O.n<dleddiden%
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ksi; A Tale
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w a with Mr, Mayfield," I replied,
of the
4, Al 4 . .1, ,4 /..„ k 4
A ike ttlnled teed put hia iteall bace
F Ikacli, Arro '
:Roilinor Wave A "You won't And no luxuries on
Aok scheciois e,dser,e ths et nemi:ey:c:10,14te oadiditoti :
A . d
a ea.° tee cornpariioneeatee, .or two
g eece and invited me 'to step abear .
2 I crossed tile plank, "bet ellete
Nv Y,
it. w
--es31,303iD.O?Opai)),0›),”!),P,P)),*non43in-,e>"-nni>n•ail-..311/ fin,v4otnnol.:c'aptaia pcoy, 1 now,
-0)EtApTiat„ XVII. a by-etreet in the crowded pert ot with
Peee ?" I saitl, es he received MO
the back of the barber, I wee ria a rough handshake.
I was not destined to leaprove my ' ' "That'a eilaaillitewise uot much to
minded by the sight et a small res- hook at but 4 4otii to ga,„ was
ttcoaaancg with Mr, Matthew tolerant that I had been too OC-, bis re'ply. ogeopro prepared, to
31. aylield, I would giVe a good deali
ed to think of food since break -
is interview ealli hand over tile dibse 'cording to con -
for a quiet half-hourfast, and 1 welet in and oaf down at...tract -«
with now, in some doom with
the door locked and tee key thtiown one of the emelt tables. 1 I put the stipulated amount in hiS
OUt of the window ; but on that The renni W" a. inng °Ile,* Wilb a grimy 'halal, and was proceeding te
was tentratonti en_ a door the far end f t
"nag A 5". USSure him that be stoned. hovth
e e
eventful day I
Quoit jest as pleased with the ond entrance from another street,
be other twenty preemie en landing.
greasy sato bo soot too ot tho ens and at that beer was unoecupied provided I caught the Queen of
lei the hour as I should bate) been 6"A's:13 bY 'the IVAiterr'' Alla co4PIA Night, when be eat me short with
n p. er eteraers Seated' tlegetber °Ver thm
e rental*: that he mede eto bloo
With his eeappearanee iersonI -
ain, errand 1 Ana/. (lad bus maker too a bottle a wine at a distant table. ing itoobt oboot tolottita tto um,
lightly os a means to art cad. and The Patr bei"g zellaMtell fr-pelk 411e bi ance. t it was as god as in bin
though Within 10111'4 1 Wee right,. I tbe length of the rooto, 1 old not, on .ttehot aimotky,
came nigh to polies downy foe toy entering, nay any attention to then.i. r''''''..laiel nOtr, seeing as the corgo*e
disrespect. but after giving my Order. end while
abound. theres nothing to binder us
head eelonged to the rougbearal-
tumble individual whom I had, seep
half en hour before in the institute
ant tete-a-tete with Mayfield.
"Candle Forrester ?" Perna out -
I ani, here by errengement
The note was as follows
Sire -,I have treen called
away to ViSit 4 dying eeenian-poor
(Chew. 3 fear he is unrepentant -at
the far end of the liny, and ehell
therefore not he able to give royeelf
elle Otenstare of Welting, upon you.
"But in the ineforabile I have
be left eloue in, even for 4 Minute-. :a•Sti.•***I'Yk•iir:or:X4i"))i,vii(94(4P3144"..
had got the feeling that I wanted
o ERs
s. all that went on on board FoR
the Miranda, and above all to be ei
Dicey's stumpe, grime -stained fin-
gere fumbled. with a matelabox, And Seseenable and Prefitlible
itlata for the ousyTitlem
soon the wing -lamp over the centre •
table brake into brilliant glovil 9f the Soil. se,
that ler the ilientent cift-400 " •
tailing, as it 4.4 fafl f
kkero ray ace.
%leen, while my eyes were etill strug- SUCCESS IN FAIIMING
gling with the sudden glare, Dicey - '
stepped quickly baca from me, and a A. great many farreerso-I think I
sternly neelodieus voiee from the ma)" Weld' saY tnaluritY Of these
idarkness of the recess bellied, the Of MY enejuililitance-every etroeglY
least toi(l thot ilie crisie bad resemble cattle in some or their
habits, writes Q. T., Leonard. A
dc:540arrestine my friend." caw (Wry of cows tram* the leanth of
the welleceneenthnred tones, "the next tbe ancient "ecav lane" yeax• alter
thee I promised you hes arrieecl, Year. following. PrecluelY aloun' the
you see --in spite of your clumsy et- old Path, stepping exactly in 'UM
forts it) pOstpone it," stelns left Ly Pmteding "vnemtions,.
And 'then my eyes. grown accus- never realieing that little aside
tared to the change of light. at last from the old path the way is sineotli
efrter itt un awny. iiirdsritAiszAtclorgiesollicelot. ;Veit, eirtliouxitligeyeer"exertetig: tfrhoenlir
straig3xt rey bead, while pkey reason. In the eection of the coma
flattened himself againet the nAll to teY in wldelt 1 reide the' farws are
let tlie bullet pass. only tWO or three generatione old.
(To Be Continued.) The herdte pioneers who cleared away
he trees neat from neeessity. plant-
RERSONAL rOrtrIT0RS ed germ venally "cliopping it
with axes • then as soon an then'
— could serat'ch the surface a little
waiting to be served. I allowel nlY an,tttu.g. ander weet.o be widen. Totes latereet About Soon ith tbeiir Aeshaped harrowe. sowed
eyes to stray their way. One of esiou - Igaililag Teeple.
etas with wheat. From this ellinose
els orating the stumps and followed
limn heti niscai and was burl-le:11Y -ille irierelilutl,4nItilwillise:Ict:nrEelvItilirineetilr do
of ' Mexim eiceedi tbe Russian %Voila iiemssary. pructic0 arose the woudoe„
putting on his hat preen:ma to de- port Ill show von' sow bunk and nevelist. wh ' treinely poor f e " h
maitre. A eecond later he had ibt, saloon o ' - more he ,
necahur nigilur his it writ' ! hi:v.1 n trirgrocurciery tittlroitQv IA" trwohnrra;
vanished through the door near hien I „ . „. • , , .
Imo tho atmtt. but not boom 3 until ta,Onig forward. he snouted to bis er. 'Ws Now purchaeo one og the ,enely d oy to th 0 provot, ti mo by
ell -totes on the 'Winn 'nineeteutlis of the farniera of my an
ewe, Itellan. and when they nem most ancient
intercepted a furtive glance cast ot
owsen, and ilad recognized in .tho al, their posts the mooring rope was for 6140.000, Anatatance. in those early Ones
Fetit Captain Dicey of the Miranda, tu*gitive Mr. Matthew blayfien ettet og end we were soon steaming Lord Spencer wed to he triown as rho farmers needed the corn and
Mal he Will be willing to oblige Yen Ina ' • b 1 d across the Day towarila the declin- the iied Earl. 9n. attempt of hie wheat for bread and the Ckata to feed
. SIM. Dicey Itimeelf &Wren frolh splendid heard. which cOntriblited 'their Caen. They were
igeacue Puesionaly w o Intr. •
en the ternie reentioeed. le idle?. email me ueseege t „i.e _mon otoo.loo, motile to bo
in iXing off the Little Mole, and will good wtio, according. to ids own c..4114:1 brilge.tioenvi of the ttni7
sail for Cagliari punetually at mx statement.
°Milt to - llave 14.e° oil, and seating myeelf in the stern
hI E"1,113g.y 'You sbuuld be DiePev4 nentlting the leet melnebl" °4 41'S' I paid critietti attention to the
b°arki or. - tug seautail at,the furtlre.r eke of te
ot a little to his great atr of dig.
nity and dietinction, Even now the
description may lie found occallitele
in 1*WQ 55 ally 'Applied to lilin in the ileWs
rays be can't wait. The run Will Bv. latealeing eaPaeitY ef the vessel. The papers. lie might more proper-,
They were etrictly and exclueively
engaged in how -making. Though
a large majority et farmer* forever
'Mini about twententive houre, and i ottednited ids busty mot ond opinion I formed. us SOon oS n'e ly be eti; white stars During pursue tho tomo 014 courso, It is
Nun tlItin atone! a, great chance of .,ovi.dent. desire to avow tuo to a not were at "full speed ahead." was the laet two or three years tbe 'ii true that our environments and ,of successful, lamas of your aa„
been Onarket facilities for transportation. Ininaiotance, If ;Int are a. Mall fare
liniling tile Queen of Night stilt on unnatural disme to sage the d,s, , that the Phrase "a good'un to go" ruddy nue or hts beard lies
...`,1)i as applied to the Ntironda Wan 4 de- gradually disappearing. and a feivO deteands of wealth. ete., d eh off
crepaney detected. I cameo*. N days ago„ when be /entered kr &Mae; and the fanners WIWI are alive to the ;viciriity
do ea.-eR taxer, it is eesy to find Men W. plat
WhO =atm a thouFonal dobo
that, the sight of hira holmobbitig tided 114"4°4161er' lier englhe's were
thete la a. restaurant, so far front enues :lora or more from their little thirtii
better than might bare been expect- time, in the Commits' Lobby, it was'idemancle of the times aro the
ed from ber dilapideted aPPeamilee• observed tbat it tied Deentan klattl9St who win 'And nninef tine fruits U1 114g.' 't1 to fifty acre forme. It WA are ace'
his seippoeed sphere of duty. caused 'yew, Then here arises e.ezoir quexn;e0eapnetneg nothing except minnally
0 ,.. .
e actral umeatdrieee but it certein- but she m1°1114 wan nag fast, and while.
y mine me loon lilt ids conipaanot ec - • • ...r. neerholun Tree tells a story a• 1 °WWII" do Innrgrn IP V'St 'need ?"1, becoming a little older. Make *
tiFe MOO anewer with toe ewe word 'neieuge py come ewe, oteleen ono
1 begeit to grow MiNion9 as to the XV 1")
OL an interest 1 sbould not other- rerld" the atteraPt 14ead n13 taY
ti eineniee, lamentetione rat atlOrd no c,I.tif•Siac.
wise have felt. The now solitary oc. on oth„r, groom, too a. ferevaig ofTo he a nuccessful farmer a man ,eore reggvft, nee eau tatting
cement of the distant table sat , . •• '* *
tiMils.#110•S ttote over tee, now that ntInnid luive n000 liatural ohilitre rite earner grocery eveey elect -11140
I e
etill, Steadily finishing the bottle of 1 u 1 .
at time to calmly consider the
eirenitiStMeeS under which I found land then he ehnuld leave sunit lt iferalirat fault with the Governmerit
trebling daring h
-in enriF :Imam ffmt 'make your lives any broader or vpovo
mese:if on this strange craft. 1 bad
not been much inaltten with, Mr.
Matthew inti.t,ineld'a Manners and
appearance. and it had only been the
eervIce be cattle to render that re-
conciled nee to hint. My confidence
in him had received a rude shock
in his desire to avoid me at the
restaurant, and really, nOW that 3.
mime to thinit of it, had his mount
of himself been correet, there would
have been no retteon for Such avOid-
ance 'Ile evoultl, if everything had
been above -board, have ramie some
eXeliSe for his chauge of plans and
4 portion eft least of the tun° tnIght _,... _late of a teargil 6tearaor„ //avow litive come fen:exit to intrOduee rile
Le profitably event in the selectien Iv"'
itunyou's Nerve Our&
"I believe that more than
.ent. of beeineas failures can
ed .W.rh.14.144."fntty.9.M.
NOVvenn 4Ssorders, especial:17 faM,..PPN
armee, are teeeeting aieredreein Veen*"
Ont. In -noir trek, ere flitted tr,e.eauita„
oteleneholio„ nearainie, epileney and law
agnate 1 feel prowl to Iblna lieet tet
my Nerve Cure I. lame at;WitacIt nere
:feet been to . sugerteta immenity,
wig thet win Uve tee- beeris and kriVft
64 114e FO,1:1* term after t eta geee. te
eno Ara tirela4i.ed wahnervo,y,spess, it yea
.41.449;t Weft, if yoa feel leriteele if nee
ieel weak aae, eatievetea ines't esrai.
eelt )'OS .0 Or my ;1,icrvo Carom,
Anyone* Nerve Cure. Ve via
ineapepela Cure relieve*
Omani dietraie MAndy. Pries Vp•
etuoyen's File Qintepeet peettlenly ettte.4
an knee ef. pis. ledge Va
ltersenel lettere eedresseil to. Fret
ittitnron. Adbilatleiptia, ceptelae
iiie deitille et eiclieeee. will no gnawer*
ed"..gresentf.y and free nitylee a.a. !Teo...
Meat be given.
the port. Wishing you a speedy pas.
tinge mid* a happy reunion with
your friends, also assuring you et
the priVilege which 1 real it to have
Lem of SVOVICQ to YOU.
"I remain.
"Yours obediently.
.aritav-rumv MAYFIVel.
'1'.S.-Captatin 'Dicey is an excel-
lent. fellow, and as limiest as the
day, nut of course. as the master of „.,. T „cif eense,
a smell steam-yaebt, Is riot, a roan ,w"4",iihriii,"s"tents'ar.otniotor
cern in me or in roy
Ile wee a heavy, squat -Wilt Man
f the hull-410ff type. Mid though be
bout a dog rained Argus, who used
regularly to accompanen hint to the
theatre. and pactieularly objected 10
eiiSational scenes. 'When Mr. 'rive
was playing in "Captain Swift." Ar-
gus used to tate iiis place in the
wings apd toplow ids ovary word nod ihe will he able to run his "tbinking entiefactov, Tout lutist tiunr.; plA
hi " ith fal t of end
of much culture and refinement."
"Culture and refinement be hanged,
SO long as be runs inc across to
Cugliari before the Cieleen leaves tliti w -ns too far off for me to ante more
ieland," I cried, and I hurried off to ,tiiiin the mantle of hie features or
the hotel hermit to square my se- ii to judge of hls espeest.las, he game
t want. and give up my room. M3rk
leneettge did not trouble me, since I In° the general idea ot his being
what is linown as an "ugly cus-
Ihad nothing but a few articles I hail tomer.. Net meal was to ,be
purchased for present regairments,
and theee were comfortably stowed learned fenm Itln nineah•lr* ill-fitting
irlillultli pigilreliU'aniTo»sR,11Iltiloguirdattileiat -"II ls.11110etit Illtelle"e2een. tiltiterd (11471101n" I;
bad still thrill hours to kill before .tteIjirineereiirt oelriantro„. except that be was a
the laid. sailed. and I decided that '''`" t very extinct rank,
and I ticked him off as the enginee
and purchase of a revolver, tor I did outstayed M.e^ 3.1iittbew MaiVile1141 1-1. 11°AlgtictZ•tho Miranda and her crew
ot know whnt was before sue when "me 114-e mull"' be eleuthed "N.- emoted up a wide field of tonjecture
ily througli tbe further doors mei '
I should again stand face to face that was not very reaSsuring. The
With 'Ineartal end Vizard. idiaapeearcd. vetsel inight have been ueed as a
I went for the purpose to the ieel,/,-YeetletenetIntee,, In.11,nd Pkneislif,d_ 2n,Ye 'yacht at some early stage in ber
shops on the Steidle, Chiaja, and ""ervTha" P"`T 1 "ns‘"" lv hietory. but there was certainly no-'
Little Mole to have a look At the the mister of the Miranda bed come She gave me More the impression of
aboord. 'rho miions had knocked off a. seperannuated steamer tbat had
work and were loungles in the
, been "Ittelpg up" for sale, and that
bby° was. taNlviltiteire 411115'elly, 515005inTnitjaterin, ,she had been hurriedly prepared tor
Fea a short notice, The hands, too,
awl, tren3 hls greasy* "'she -begrime with the exception of the skipper,
eel clothes, probably the cm hi d
n-dle- were ell Italitene, which, to say the
after providing myself With a very was vie o -e unx mat e my way thing owns hos to show thut she
goon weapon. strolled along to tau back to the 'Mole in the hope that had been "in commission" lately.
Miranda. With my limited capabili-
ties for asking my way, I had some
little difficulty in finding her among
the eeowils of shipping, end when I
did 1 can't say that I. thought much
of lier. She With very small, being , „ „ „ _ , . i
tinder a hundred tons, and her ap- "P:111"r 0.1trill.ritkatl °I 11118 c11.119..Ur least of it, was an Incongautty in an
ly mannto and niece -Worn "yeteht, ' ,,Iraiglislatiwned yacht, and wits
pearanee did not suggest thot the - ..
i es iikr?,::71itItnioretinntqlIatit:cli 'the theory tbat the boat lual been
good deal more in accordanee with
To in•ovo to you that, Dr.
P i hired or purchased for 0, special pena wrote at home in Dean's °Yard be because their efforts are not proper -
refit she bad been undergoing ha
been very exttnsive, A couple of
swarthy sailors, eertainly not Eng -
Batmen, were busy furbishing up her
dingy brass -work, and a etreani of
smoke from a black and rather
rusty funnel eliowed that Om fires
were alight and steam In, process of
being got up. After all, the capa-
bilities. of her engine -room were winet
I was most interested in. and though
the boat was anything but the small
craft had expected, there was no-
thing to show that she was not
By a frequent repetition of the
word "capitano" I managed to
make one of the sailors 'understand
that I wanted the captain, and be-
ing informed by gesture that he was
on shore, I decided to take a walk
in the neighborhood till he should
put in an appearonce. Turning alto a shock. The reason was thie the
loot until the aelculal 5Ituation was Fear own Onanciel to.45,taitio% set
bot and power in properly Selected chan- with fear and tremblieg. but with a
Relied. The Moment Mr. Tree
Thoiigh claeeleal and mien- deter
'iiiiiietiOn to conquer your own
for bis pistol Argue used to rueli nels•
into the darkest corner he could find title education is not absolutely c prOidices and break through the
pa4nwd.s.buryitsitnegahisfohreathde trdweeont 1"sonethlaall,,iy,eetat ..17nniellanonY be ansared that bltell of habit within Wh" "3
will not hurt 0, have beeonie incrusted. If you Eve
Mall. At indeed. be 104204 tO be Mese around you oecupyliee, feriae
a great tid in keeping off the cruet about the Mee of your elan who are
of Inherited custonis and habits. It doing better than you do. We ',come
conies In at the right time of life to self if there is not somethiren wrong
prevent a Man front beeorning fic5- ,with man or =mum*, instmd oi
sUlzed ; from becoming an :Latham- the loudness. Esercifo your OMR*
ton, guided by the maxims and pre- tion. Think 1 Think 2 Thinli 1
ner's fail. After that the dog
would eraW1 back to meet his Mas-
ter with a bowl of joy at Mr. Tree's
pparent return to lite.
Sir Frederick 11older, the first
Speaker of the Commonwenith
Muse of liepresentativee. started „„„n„ n. generation that had =-
lite as a schoolmaster in South
thing In common with the present.
Australia, of which Colony he was
Wenner when federation was =one-
plielted, lie bas been for mew las in every other occupation, de -
years a Methodist lay preacher. and Ipends upon. the man. Inver,y aoldier
be has never permitted any political .cannOt become a Ileniiihal or
work to interfere with his Prettelling Bonaparte. every inventor an Fell -
engagements. The first Coninioner 8011, even' statesman a Gladstone,
of the Commonwealth intepiently nor every financier a Morgan. 'We
figures in the pulpits or the Mel-
bourne Methodist churches.
The late Dean Farrar leas an in-
defatigable worker. His working
day when he was at Westminster be-
gan at half -past eight o'clock and
lasted until ten at night, when he
used to allow himself an bow or so
with, n. novel or some other form ot
mention. A good dent of his work
WAS done in the library of the
Athenaeum Club, where be was se-
cure :from interruption when he
shall alwitys see every degree of suc-
cess demonstrated in every occupe... sirable Nave to live. Among Amin -
ler surroundings, performing a few
tion in which men engage. While
some farmewev
rs oo oidd of the mazy accustomed testis, rest -
tower above atilbeove those about them it set ing tinder the Shade (a trees be bits
planted and cherished, enjoying their
down anywhere there are others wIth
who luscious fruit, the old korner will
equal /width and strength
would scarcely Inttke a living in the not rust out and will pot urea to
seek further to find bappinese during
Gamlen of Eden. Why this difference
between men of the same nationality 1118 declining Years.
which Ire
and surrounding opportunities Any branch of farming
eases the general fertility of the
It IS not so muck because they
ds" not labor bard enough t
farm land while paying a living pro-
as iis
fit is worth more than another which
steadily decreases the productivity
of the soil. 'lobbing the land to
lake present profit is an UnwiSe In-
vestment. Sooner or later we pay
for it, and sometimes dearly. Dairy-
ing of all branches of fanning stands
first in this respect. It ran be ton -
ducted so that theefarm land wilt!
steadily degenerate until the place
is on the verge of ruin and abandon-
ment, or it can be made to improve,
the soil year by year.
An acre of grass land, according to',
experiments, -gives off not less thani
6,400 quarts of water in twenty -d
four hours, and an acre of sun -I
flowers would give a relatively great-
er quantity. In facts, swamps have
been reclaimed and malarial marshes
rendered inocuous by planting sun-,
flowers or eucalyptus trees, Wiiich
are great pumpers of water, and(
also exert other influences counter-
acting baneful conditions of air,
earth and water.
A clover crop when well grown'
exhausts rauch of the mineral fer-
tilizers in the soil. and the phos-
phoric acid, potash, and lime, but
they are the cheapest fertilizers we
can buy, while the nitrogen, which
Is increased by clover, even where
only the roots decay in the soil,
costs more than anything else, if we
have to buy it in chemicals. There-
fore to buy the cheaper fertilizer,'
and grow clover to enrich the soil,
is the economical way a doing it. :
Investigations at varions experi-
ment stations indicate that it re -1
quires about three pounds of pota-
toes to equal One pound of hay, and
for hordes standing idle in the barn,
potatoes may be used to some ex-
tent where refuse ones can be had
very cheap.
The hotel which advertises home
coixdorts does not always specify the
kind of home.
Many a true word is spoken in
jest, and many a false statement is
made in deadly earnest.
The man who fights to preserve
the peace may be inconsistent, but
he is sometimes effective.
A -Jackass is not generally credited
with too much 'wisdom, but he can
make a tremendous noise witl, his,
Becauve lie can no longer do hard
work the farmer teniietilliee Move*.
from the farm to town. Few are
contented in town. The old term le
the only illace that ceents like IMMO.
Ire bas learned to love the rural
home during the inany years of
hard labor spent in maklug it a de -
what, was directed. There are some to
useci to sit at an upright desk near 1Y
ble-dingandnrotredinipnes .P.One. If so. that. purpose
the window, with his constant ma- whim. I ean
the esanutacturers have guaranteed it. eetee: likely to be ? Was It oossible that
a ;ingot, close by. Polly point *alio begin to
bias what they think of it. Ton Oral AlS0 It and - .,,,. ,., aiid , .... _
iMaylield and Dicey were emissaries sonieis
zeatital, attested used often to break in upon her nuts- work at the earliest dawn they
pound. and dig and serape till dark-
unieniels in the dsily press and ask, Tearneleh•
get your mealy back it not cured. ine a box, al et elan o
upon perching on his finger, and her scarcely clothe themselves in denim
settles over them, and still can
endeaiers orrouetisoceBaers & Coenbronto, . with the duty of luring Inc into an- tees train of thought by insisting nens
'Or= Chases OIrstrnent e'tber trap ?
1 These impleosant reflections were antics lent a. curiously humorous and gingham and feed themselves on
O11 this occasion my appearance et interrupted by the approach of one
the gong -plank seemed to excite of their subjects. 1Vo were llow well
some interest amoog the crew, and clear of the land, and the lights of
almost before I song out my word 1 the port, just beginning to twinkle
of inquiry, 'Tenet -alio ?" one of iin the fast-ghthering twilight, would
them rose and ohouted through a /be soon left farbehind. Dicey gave
seylight, the others eyeing me ;the helm to one of the nien, and
strangely the while. The man's sum- !come lurching aft, a figure far more
mons met with an answering hall ' suggestive of* a waterside bully or
from below, and immediately a head loafer than of a gentleman's sailing-
s protruded froni the- compan ion- master.
hatch that caused 17,10 something of "Now, Cup'n, maybe you'd like to
go below for a bite end a sup," he
said. "I'm on board wages, and
No Energy F r
nut Rich Blood Makes the Weak Strong armi the
Blood is Made Rich by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
You aro tired, listless, weak and gold and miserable most of the time,
itinguid; have no interest in your
(Work; lack the energy required for
going• about your usual occupation;
your appetite is not good, and your
Meals have no attraction for you;
You have headaches, it may be, and
spells of weakness, and dizzineSs;
you feel down -hearted and discour-
aged, and wonder what causes you
to be so miserable.
i It is the blood. The blood is
bin, weak and watery, and lacking
n the qualities which go to for
ervous energy, the vital force which
ins the machinery of the body.
our health has become run down,
ad you cannot get better without
he assistance of some reStorative.
this eennten eetwg peentioo Dr.
base's Neve Food, 'beeauee It has
tet•oven itself to be tee m,ost satie-
ifactory sewing .medicine and system -
builder that can be obtained.
i Mrs. G. M. Brown, Cobourg,
{Ont., states: "I was completely
e'en down in health last spring, and
- kolald not do one day's work with-
out being laid up for about two
days afterward. 1 telt weak, lan- author, are on every bps.
and was often blue and discouraged
because of my continued ill -health. night was falling only the hare
When in • this state I was advised desolation of- the place was visible.
to try Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and 'Dicey kicked open the, door of one of
did so, with most satisfactory re- the cabins, whioh, so far as I could
elicits. It built up my system won- '' see, was devoid of all furniture save
.derfully, strengthened and fostered 'a bodeplace and a bench
my nerves, and took away all feeling I 'There's your quarters," he said.
of languor and fatigue. I cannot , "Eleld on while I light the eucicly
say anything too good about Dr. :lamp, so as you can, stow your
Chase's Nerve Food, and hope that bag,' i
others may preen, by my experience." I There was a certain tremor, not
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is bound exactly nervous, but rather of
to prove beneficial to you, for it is , eepategg in les voice that somehow
composed of nature's greatest re- I put me on my guard against I knew
storatives, and acts in accordance, net what. It was as though he had
with natere's laws. Gradually and b•een working up ao a crisis which
, ,
certainly it increases flesh and was now at hand, and he wished to
weight,,, adds new, firni muscles and :be through with it. At least that
tiseeed to the body, roands out the was the way it took me in nay sus --
form, and inStils new energy and nicious frarne of mind, and it had
vigor into the system.. 50 cents a the efrect of making me follow him
'box, 6 boxes for $2.50, at, all deal- out of the cabin into the CaddY
ers, or Edin,anson, Bates & Co., To- while he bit the lamp.
1 had already
1' 011t0 . ' 1 register -ad an intention to spend the
To peotect you against imitationa, night on deck, for the narrow cabin.
the portrait and signature of De. A.
t-tm famous ree,ipt ta9ok barely flee feet across, was much
W. Chase, too much of a cul-de-sac for a men
label:Alaunder mir anneaeeneinna te
tbe steward is on leave, so there's
the steward is on leave, so there's
im table -sloths nor finger-geasses,
you understand."
the mouldy, evil -smelling den into
wbich he ushered me, and probalbly
never had been. The middy was not
more than fifteen feet long, and the
narrow, ladder -like etair ran atraigla
down into it. A couple ot cabins on
either side blocked all source of day-
light except such as filtered through
the dusty skylight, and now that
touch to the bookish interior.
The death of Afr. George Clunk
Ross, conunonly known as Xing
Ross, draws attention to the almost
unique British possession in the In-
dian Oceano-the Cocos or Heeling
potatoes, bread and salt pork. 'leo-
thing that they handle seems to
thrive. If they ever have anything
to sell the PACO iS low, and of what
they are forced to buy the price is
high. If the season Tains the milk
Ross found them uninlurbited in 11325
Kew and honey of prosperity their pails
Islands. The grandfather of
and barrels leak or, for some other
and hurried back to Scotland to in- reason,
no good comes to them,
out as settlers. Many went ; but in Within the same community are ether
nien who do not work so batrd Ted
duce his fellow -countrymen to go
turer named Alexander Hare had touch
the meantime a notorious adven-
their bands, but everything they
taker' possession of the islands with 1 APPEARS TO Turtx TO GOOD
a 'number of natives from the j Now, I say to my readers, and 1
Straits Settlements. Tim majority ask you to carry the thought with
of Ross's followers returned to Scot- :you end let it dwell in your minds,
laud, but some remained to support that constant labor is not the price
him. For some time the two fan- of success. True it is that no
tious lived on bad terms ; but amount of planning and praying will
Ross's influence gradually asserted produce a crop of corn or potatoes
itself, and ITare, deserted by his fol- or wheat. We must do a proper
lowers, lett the place and died' at amount of brain week, and "do our
Singapore. Since then the prosperity -nraying between the rows" ; but
of the island has been assured, and n
we must have gumption enough in
it has yielded a eine revenue to the the Met place to determine what we
Ross family,. chiefly from the pro- shall produce to bring us the best
ducts of the cocoanut. There is no pay for the thought and labor in. -
legislation, no rates or taxes, and Tested. If your neighbor owning two
nothing really disturbs the serenity hundred or three hundred acres of
of the inhabitants but an occasional land is providing the comforts and
cyclone or earthquake. luxuries of life for his family by
The Duke of Devonshire has in his keeping a dairy, don't imagine that
possession acopy of Claude Ler- you can do the same from a little
rain's "Book of Truth," the rarest patch of thirty or forty acres. This
book in Europe. It is an heirloom is a, common practice in every cona
in the family, and the duke's father minty y,
t If the large farmers pur-
on One occasion refused an offer of Sue a system of mixed farming, .the
$100,000 for it.,
inert around them, with their twenty
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, the Pre- or thirty or forty eicre homes, like-
sident of the Canadian Pacific Rail- wise keep from two to four cattle,
way, keeps his fiftieth birthday this perhaps a pair of horses, raise an
year, and Irishmen will be gl.a.d to acre or two of wheat to eat, potae
know thathe comes of Irieh stock, toes for the family, a few oats or
though born far away in Milwaukeethe hog and eaf lEe hog. That is
He began lki's successful career in the all' there is to it. At the end of each
office of a Chicago railway, ad rose year they are twelve months nearsr
to be general store -keeper of the the end of life's journey , without
line. in this, capacity he attracted having seen a; dollar which they could
the attention of the then manager freely spend for their Owe pleasure.
of the Canadian Pacific line, who All that . this little narrow condi-
incluced him to go to Montreal as then of existeece is to
gerieral purchasing agent of the EXERCISE HIS "GtTAIPTION."
trans -continental railway. In' two
years he was assistant manager. and If you are not original in thought,
he has since become the bead of tee
or if you don't know how to 'think,
look around and co1).5I the mothoea
He is happy whose circumstances
suit les temper, but he is more ex -
(Trent who can ouit ,his 'temper te