HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-5-14, Page 1• • • SIXTEENTH YEAR, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1903, C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. MMRIMetienetsetoonnene Something Useful You Con Oet our Savings wad eantings eared o a"4:1=IVZZLZsT=) and we will pay you for the prhilege of raring for your money. notxAR will gire sou an amount mith ua at Exeter. Creditor*. Clinton or Zuthil Emaehea for and paid bath to Tea THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA. DLADWAN STANBURY, P4 S. KARN, ,Solietters, )141nerr, Eiceter. Atannele TO LOAN% We have unlimited private funds eee vq(eL.T,ent upon far= op villt*go property, a ,71t. rates of ftraNrest. - pae4seiR, /darrasters.eto-, Oeeter. 4/NET TO LOAN. have a 4rgeq.nr5-zr,rnt et private fund, to leAa troau and propestte$ lew sates ot Inter. MADMAN e.:SrAERVILY, Earrlbtvrfpotirdilters,Itain st., Exeter opt. .ERNEST ELLIOTT Wel Esteteand insurance Agent Etna% endxill.44,9e,prgpnties 11:night end sold on rea,sanable tame. dieveral4w41sa ka4gt5 twee% Leonel parts ed Maelteha Ow Nor/beam forbade. St, Josel)14 Grand Bend I McGillivray Council Ansa 1 Crae aio, 1 meo 11. O'Brien. who bee spent the This wee tt becomes our sao clay' Council met Joirsnatut to adjoerne Mrs. Edward Teylor, accompenied weev past three ks isiting friends in to record the deSundaon Sunda ja,st of went in Town kin% Meadlioretese May ' lin her daughterem-law, Mrs. Frank ntlilaime dilitiovoineng pdailliistelcaileatsoreaenuarnel dve it well-known iesident of this neigh- 5, Present* AL Miller, reeve; a. Dor- ' TikYlor. or Port Ieloroo* 18 sPeodlun A 1or,olnase,-h1Z. ,cilmodut:rehieg.rojanngd.towtiLte,e up lor7bElooedailiine Gati:sple;ist7itofsMacItnee. sr aanrde levcrna.415,1Aaint.,sEreonH, c4oiclugnienr.daJr.s.31c?triellguotte,sa n(414 freinwgidnagteisn hoterrev.--uhnin;eelettlinsgwebeeklis pa.44ree. the Or, and his estimable wife to our midst, and nape the) may loug con- tinue to reside among use -Our Ottawa,half- have removed their bousehold Oliver, relict of the late Ware Oliver. oecupied by Mr, Spenser. We welcome tbeir residence in the bouse recently signed. Grevel contracts for the sev- i closed down for the seeson -Ale- last naeeeing read, approved a and 1 dollars next week. --The gee ram bee to game with any in the comae'. DOW haven track that will rant second There is also sorne swife horses in and spoken of as a friend and neighbor. roastel'si as read a first and er"nd Around here and some fast driving can Aktul many ireleed are these who can i thee he nuw read a third time aid fin- rsborne ncnv be 1°°ked for lo the neor fla "le. teStifY to her good mialitieo The de. ally passed. -Carried. Hodgins-31aw. ceased doubtless had her share of liOes Si --that By -Law No.5,10e3, to amend gloom, nue the read earcumetancee sere roundipg thisparticonarcaseletensifies the 'sadness and adds bitter pain and aotTOW tc -the ineneetete relatives, awl facade. • As. eleceased bad not been land. aside from active ditties or life by. .any leegthy illness. tbe oewoof he deo-010404e as a shock. She is bighly erej divisions arid k,ectioos were let. 31ef.e.ean has accepted a positiou at Dorvaan-e3lawson--that accounto °Mies' mill. -Mies Cele, Hutchinson is amounting in all to $102.85, be passed recovering from her attack of grip.- or end dere issued in payment. -Carni A, J. elm* bAs retiarned flout Credi. ried. IneGregor-Dorman -that By- ton, where he has been assistiog at LawNO.4. 1003, dividing the towaship r stocktaking for his fetcher. who has into road divisionsa net appointing pee h- ' bought out his opposition t that place. - Mrs. Dowdell has moved to Lendon,. wItere she intends req,dirig.-Nre. T. ,Scafe is visititig friends in nla oekville. Dare Edwards has gone to Londoo, thSeetuf•ep°0°4Rofr.S1%..TN'-o,T6h,efot)tnliTinklogletlies Mr. Allen °Billa;ttenktui-eellj„ t'oYf el -44 ndon. is Shtairvlecleonst irts(Thealrn n,Lobehnelelioneenoir euisot latrare0b; trLSealdeaa4taltitlettiaralleti sgirptlastismede: lro AbneariebAirolfe7171a1V-Qinikg)engaV-s- of April. Names are in order of merit. 1 hoire visitin oth 131. k itue,peininuentea and in bet, w000 ley.1,,ane No, 2, 1903, passed on bate f, where he boa accepted a positione- V.-e3lay JDA/es. Peihrftige. 31aller well.-31iss Hattie Jell, Iola° has been farewell t" Iler loved ones and then 11 -C3rrled• Iledgl"se°"M'Gr':g4n*--i Mrs. Meliann left last week to SawYer. SE% - MaggPee Coward, epentling the past month with frieede take the fatal dreolola'whiell brOtIgilt bat e°"tocil roltouttt to meet. tbo :,10in her latisliand Grettfell.--Mies i Charlie Ondlailt. qay Vellaridge. Jr. in Loudon, weaned home lost week. 8bant tier untlIneir end* . ' • ' - • .. • • • " • rown Hell the not Monnav in Jame 1' Wyllie adVertitel the W P 11 S At IV.---ittlale Jolene, Vera Waehlaw», MINA. ;NI onro. of Aliso tering, ealled on . at one o eluele p.m., and Court of Re. ' eifelpla last week. 1 Willie Plford. Sr III. -Nettie Cant = friends here on Mortality --Mrs forte• vision op,a,_.0.,_,Iaca tavn 0_1004. p.ro.- —wee- --- Cerricel. 'War. FRASER. Tp. C.lerlo ma jar wc,Dli,floStiltsW40000:11), low uveu U-1'eenway here the past week working for the We are sorry to bear of the /lineal; I.O.F,, end eneeeeeee aa4ung eff,,,ht Of Miss Mithel Fileter, We trust sbe new ttlembeps to this court.... i1 r, win soon recover. -31r. Stenley Wan °III/tearing has mow al with ileanally to lie spent. Sendey with his pereots here, lienN111.—Afiss Welper, he eeth „Mester Gorden 1., wale had hiA IlAnd etineeseion, Hay, avaae walled in the tn lean mower liaturdey.- Mr, "W., outherese church Tneeday evening J. Wilsou vielted his eon, W. A.. lo , to a gentleman front ludienua. The London over Sainday.-Little Idiss Rand e as ettg4„014-1 gxelksion. Adel) McPherson left lest week on a Next r atruiay will le** • vcal as Rally siSit to her eister, Mee. W. Shetler, Day hi the Evangeiice church here. of Buffalo. A good program is beieg prepared.:- Wureeteo.-A very pretty anel nevend feign btbre attended toe eenerea terestiag eVePt tont: Phiee at the 1,,Intoe ef the tete Henry Wolf et Crediton ou 14 Mr, end .1311`s, WI% Ileanter on Tome- nenday afternoato- 'Mies Lamm eleeto 133117e; $.1:11'.3YE7nalte.witet.eials1 tnb.:tilidetItivtigo143".iirei Th.44;t4eliela1441443f:‘..Insf(iivreene.O,.traelitweriareal*tri*toife"d1 Wilbert Youeg. of Corbett. Lenteriag in timeliest serald„- alliezes Ilwittra. mad the pallor to the st mine' of a wethrion hie Welter mid 1 rotten., Arthur. et 4 re toerelt. len !dins leIlY POW% ) L1140111 DVe 551Satialeing ganist of the Donau Methodist claurelo Neither, whet rIti.-11:71151a,g /*allege in the lariabal party took thole places an. !that eitv.-Ilee..1. MaostAeR pleaelte der at 1.9ectit stf evergvenas mad ire! a vetiy pl 40;1'4 P,Pt Molt ifOnd isho5slaUli 44 It woe indeed a timely advice. Wineltelsea beautiful bouquet of white roses nod 31re. Thos. Vile, of Newago, S., carnatione, the gift of the groom Lit. who has been attending the funeral of tle era Belliug made a cute her sister. Mrs. Meyers, of nirand meld of tanner, and was also dressed in Rapids, Mich., atnd who wee burled in white and earried a basket of beaten- Kiritton cemetery, returned to her ful flowers which contained the ring. borne in Newago Sattuday. the Otb. After congratulations had been ex- inst. Mrs. Vile spent smut' time visit- . tended to the happy couple the coin. hag friends and relatives in Kiekton, pany, which consisted of relatives and Winehelsea and "Woodlumi, At the friends, repaired to the dining room, same time sho and Violet Cock - where a dainty teo was served. The will, of Maguire, bee Meter, tonk thie groom's gift to the maid of honor was opportunity to visit another Oster who a pretty gold bracelet. Many hand- resides about thirty miles from Wier - some mid useful gifts were received. ton. Thi e sister is Mrs. Flitch, whom Mr. and Atm Young are very popular fis. Vile has not seen for 29 years. and highly esteemed in this vicinity The meeting of these three sistersafter and their really feiends join in wish- soch long lapse of time Wil8 most ing tbem a pleasant and prosperous pleasent, and WaS MOSt particularly voyege over the mattrImonialesen. appreciated, and the thoeglat that such another meeting ;night never occur again, added pleasing tbougli melan- Grediton, choly zest to jones was in London and St. Thomas during the early part of the week, combining business with pleasure.-Mes. R. Rob- inson visited friends in London foe a Tann NOriCs-Maing sold my entirostArk to .1Itt few days this week, - Mr. Fenton. Jas. Clark, and Immune going West MO° near of his dwelling by adding to it a neat Brown has improved the appearance feeturere,.ia4ent,,st as. lt GE,IaDt.,n1K1‘,eywc.oLztistidata:etissiembaueeir.m1d kitchen and re•shiugling the cottege. Messrs. Edward Sweitzer and Chas. -If Yon want to are 8, nice foneo.)ost the play ground of S.S. leo. 6 Fulmer left for New Liskheardy, New agn°dbsYee that erected by Jas. Sanders, Ontario, on Monday. If the country of Exeter. The fence is of wire, with suits there, they will take up land wooden slats painted red, white and. there. -Mr. Richard Baker,of London, blue, and is au emblem of petrintistn was in the village Tuesday on business, 'which should be instilled into the heart of every true British subject. The workmanship is well done and re- flects much credit on Mr. Sanders. hell, May Cooper. EVerett ShInner, Lewhe of Brockway, Miele, vole over Wax -rearing the paet, tete yea•rs jr, Roorie jr. IIO-Nelle Heywood, etteending the funeral of her taller* there lets liven at speedy renewal of the V .41 Fill Ell 11 d et et?, I , 4 t) trots tile late 31r. Jeteefill Tennis.- Mr. lint.- earlier eettlers of tbis vicinity. One II--Litura node, Ielle aslibern, don„-Tlie e_ehool teallt tend 4110 4ce/leS Or' their toil orul experience to Sawyer, Lillie Oodbolt /mule 11141,1 ott .Montlits. but the High enhool labors remein cleareal„ well.eultivat. IL -Ulla eywood 1 14[100414A jr Hodgi ss e t Wed d 1 Lo • y o 41 o- by ono have they posseal from the Halbert Jones. Sr, Piot a -Ton-tum Web Nine of Lucen pleyed game of toe glove Anirn nber of the glom Thew hell. Wffe Nethndl'it ed forme a nd emidealable haulm Tbey D. M. McDolagell eburch 114.141a, big entertainieene Wed- have left to their eons and dam bters Teache of Centralia. called on friends hm's well fought battles of life. .A.nother has jolt departed in the persoo of Mr. , 4inua E. Martha 1.$•• nesslay tweialuse-31r. Perey Simpson. a legacy worthy the onteatne 14 the Court of Revision. Geo. Robinsoo. who departed this life MERFIV: g• S. Ir nr [la Varna • Thursealie-Miee Blanche SittinSolt left OD MOIldaY fiat' Edmonton for at six months' visite-Mr. Abel. of Toronto. 117e1iv is tetchy even that tke Ceeet emelewen Syr the Asat-Esnuent toe el elle Teinme4i.ed texelieti, tom in. ors,11 reiveige f-7 r ttze Frei yA.•:.,rge: the TAT.) OA esetirdvn. Vat. ilte t't 47.44,9*/4. 4434. 111E,N111' C11.1DER.Certe c-aAgiee.,1314 C111, 4910, Dissolution of Partnershi glsvcn !tat Ow pann-...p.t4za term, teee tedr.."„'Veea. Qt? 411A4Vieif:A".4:'2 g tit' id - Lige ct ExIcicr ems rntatcal cazuret- ddr., G d rx5k s.-3,114,'T'V.aan4e ttt, 11'7.77.:1;•741.7$ 0,V3 WE talc ell aiiairad the eatetarolmal, r.X1 Viror.AnIotiaLlir 14 yarPArr-. Q8 to to paA t..±.11a5te. 711101.148 OGDEN, liEttfaifd tqtAWI,V.V. Itievi at Pater, thi$14 day el MaF, aah, Beatty Bros, are improving their on Standee-, elt the age of iniyearo He store by pottmg or a iiet,e verandeb. celled on trieudeliereim PridatY.--Mies ima be.c.n no imae health foe ten or Mr. Wilson Coek, proprieter of the 110111010 411,ei t`raig, ttfter a pleaiiailt bie room a tew tleye litefore Ins death. self, eire Blaine, Malt tree !teen tlie -Ills% 4"entate Lewis sports a neweeiieel 1 i 1 • . Kees ete the contract,- Basle Cobbledieli lute reterned 441 her twelve Fear.; hut lead been confined to hotel bere. 19 now oretipyirag It WM. Visit Jaffe o ith low sister MI& eateter, one Robinson hae always resided here ane wee 4 g ale eeteemed by his WWII, ntndloin foe the wiet y1 -ie. left the il Meet* dayeee -Mize lends Mount la Ven friend& The Otte Mr. Robinette woe other eyelike; far vales mot:mown and a COVelling roam her 1 414' ilhilt45.-Mr• lir a ;wattle mid teenevoleut disposition it Malin MOH laT tot 01004,1Hre tlatlakw. 1 anti Mrs. K ilmer leave avonened to their and wee met peoeceo ey oie teem& r me theaneenily.-Out elemee,alter bat; 14•0911e in Detruin idler a 0%530 lita and ail with 11130 33 he einne WO cant *male lale fortune ann HO town nen oith foie:elle. Cwt. Of hien it might truly be eaid quietly as he cerae 0 ;ten 1 thee aga,- 1 --rae- --- that in all One acte Inetiee was temper- ed with nierey. Ile leaves to moorn L818 &nine his grief etrieken wife. Theo were devotedly tettached to each other 8881 110 man Wee more domestic in his Metes than the deceased. The bereaved widow has the ouripathy of the community. Parkhill Miss Sadie MeInnis, who Waft here ;Mending the funeral of her sieter, the latte Alias Mary McInnes, left for her home ira Illinneapolis. Minn., on Thurs. Owing to ill health Mr. JalittPi Mite etenSte al 0 hoe had fo return front eallege NI Mr. EL Khmer. who 34 350801 bought wow under the parental roole-The the form 441311% W. Belfoine lin 3115. trueteee of Varna camel, section No. posed of it the former owner. -Mr. it Woolen have derided to tweet a new Saninel Williams. of Carberry, Man„ briek school building, and am calling a filmset, resident of this vicinity, is for tenders for the Mirk, to be wetly- renewing acoluaintences around here. - Me, D. %Volker is naming his house and. lot for sale. Ile purposes 'moving to firanton.-Mrs. 3,14. Russel bad the misfortune to fall and sprain ber arm on Monday last. -Mrs. Oire Thomp. emu who has been waiting on her mother. Mrs. Clark, for the past feW NI up to tlie:ndli "Aloe*. The new Ist e u , 21 lin every reepeet 434 and when completed building, we believe, o ill be up-toelate ar m 795 The Phenomenal We - re B d of pleasure to the people:Ind a comfort. teaciterand This step was tam not baleen any too soon as the TWIT • 10 I I will be a coedit to the eectinia, a scniree Standard Trotting S linilding is neaten reoplired. ',rags rill etberStalllans ln Vatia,la der .eitina PV, Immo teited, Awl highelepittier, eaten ter ram! Anil cArrickge pereosee. Tarmattin ba4 now 313.11:1 t4 three ohm ehewing Exeter than ale writ, illitt gainfi A Mlle In Vt), Ichl Eft now ente.ree la OUT t25.10M In 1040i 1,10W171 i_ I , ,_. . ,,, , , A ,, :Mr` j°11n S' Glinn' a f illinneSICItt21:: the lOtia e011eeESt011 Of flibbert, tOOk ..„ the Omni Viretti4 Ham la comatearcattwOrand woo Ono moo° 8‘41. ntung L'ue ' l'Ar‘t' Is place on Wednesclaty. The retanins , ed a. position with Mr. en. "W. Smith, were inteiTed in Roy church cemetery secret) stakee and ale) in the2.14edealatakes and then goei down lb!! Grand Ore* through oilier , i‘i I ,,,, r _ toe xrp \. un iligii„. h.. services being contlected by the _ Rey. huge atahtv. Tarteatunt is the (3 1. mallien I413an.} 04 1 PAU .1.%1( • •'•• '•• • ••" •••••• R. A. Cranston. Minh sympatIty is le .•.-.4., AzIA thAt h31 Madura! a ealt. Stenamdaatial tut, 1110ved int() tile premises vecated by ein V. has taken extended to tbe liereaved parents.- cumigh to face the ttranil Cirenit lam wort envie . u,., el. a _ V. bb .e-„, money in his serand martin a rare stMemphls in a ;;,' f.' ,.. -..7-1..7.1'd -e' /recto int° 311,8. T. 'Mr. Ferguson still continues very. ill: rteldot eleven motive?, allserely oats, Dorthy Wit.' 'AT "U"''")4 ' a 1 t Lnean . day. Her sister, Miss Ella, left for her weeks. has returned to her home m home In Bessemer, woe. Tuesday,- Ilickeon. The latter, we are, DI sed • -ea -- Truman Mare end family left last week to teem is improving as favorable as for London, where they will reside.- possiblo--The funeral of the infaut Miss Jennie Watson is visiting her child of Mr. mid Mts. John Dow, of virmit at mien% the eViettatamberaud Coln- College, has returned and atecepte ten having get a mark at Iwngten, Ettatteke, the NN obble resitieuce.-Mr. Tames O'Shea. proleng week in ZANI.A. In this rate Orin It„ hy has 13 know that tbe encouragement and r.ni money, Dorothy Wilton .Ith money, lime2,094 TuForogoninaprgelsuenidetsioniosg.taeicitshwereew(m Attic vicinity have been enmewhn rensta,nts and etee. ed of ]at.—Mr. C. McRoberts spent Liter n nienennt visit berei bay° return: Sunday at his home pear London. -It seem 3Y 83111911 MegentIes, Tnekeramitli, noon: I - . His many friends are sorry m eet o improved the impearance of h hopes for a speedy recovery, villa ticraM:14,11.,r1%trt'Inr4‘1,011. 112%1r sulIZIAtililtrrnal residence and shop by repainting them, were entertained by the peoVe of this ItOtTE Malsness and son, Howat ea to thew home m Stratford. -1.1m is with deep regret and •sorrow that we learn of the death of Mrs. Z.O.Balfour, geme a baseball whigh WAS being PI' 1.1ibbert. She was a, kind friend and ranged between Cargill. and the Irish neighbor. The funeral. took place on Nine to be played at illiklmay op May Tuesday to ntov church cemetery. Her •25th bas been -called off as Miaow did not feel like matting up the requir- family and frie:nds have tbe sympathy ed amount -A friendly and interest- of all in their bereavement. ing game of ball was pleyed Wednes- day afternoon between nine, most from the Irish Nine and a nine from the Iligh Scitool staff and students in- cluded. The game although not quite as fast as some played in former years, was a, fair start for the season. At, the end of the 511) innings the score stood 4 to 230 favor of the former. ACCIDENTS. -Mr. Sohn Piper met with an a.ccident a few days ego. It appears be was using a knife when it slipped, inflicting e. gash in his leg, and as a consequence he is now nurs- ing a lame leg. Fortunately the wound is not a dangerous one, but he will feel its effects for seem time.-elr. Geo. A. Stanley had the misfortune to step on rusty spike, making a very nasty wound in hisfoot, which has necessi- tated his taking partial rest for a few days. Under Dr. Orme% manipuletion he as rapidly recovering. Doormeo WEDDING. -Mr. and Mrs. Gen.. Seale, Mean Crossing, celebrated the 60th anniversary of their inapriage at their residence on 1Vednesday, May Oth in a roost becoming manner. Six- ty years ago Ittst Wednesday this ven- erable old couple were married. It was a happy event, and the ypung peo- ple started on the tempestuous sea of life with great expectations. Time sped on, and as the years rolled by the fam- ily circle grew until their union was blessed by the advent of nine children, all of whom were present at this me- morial event, besides a number of their Malts niglth Trissnav-Zurielt noun; Creditmi 348131, WatiNuseaT-'Exeter noon: Farquhar night, Turnspo-lly way of Staffa to Dublin noon;liam 1114131, 351 -At his OWII Egmendellle. esti nivert-at his own stable, Elonondville. Fanners' cal:Amon 111M04, els to insure; well-bred and etandant.brea mares elle by the season. and VII to Insure: stud fees due January Ist, 1901. For tabu- lated pedigree see large posters, 03. 1111433(154,, A. ClIAIILESIVOILTII, Egraondrdle, Ont. Miss Pearl. Harris is visiting friends in Parkbill.-431r. George Corbett is laid up with rt severe ill o ess. We hope he will soon recover. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor passed through here on Sun- day. -We are pleased to bear that Mrs. J. Amos, who has been ill, is cou- veaescing.-The young men of this vi- cinity seem to he going east lately. -Alex. McRae, 7th concession, moved to London last week, where be will xneke his home in the futaire.-Miss Ciceley Peiterson hes accepted a posi- tion as leader of tbe choir in St. Mat- thew's church, Smith Falls. -Mr. and Miss McNaughton, who have been spending the winter in Michigan, bave returned home. -The wedding of Mr. eValter Stokes and Miss Reid, of Lieury took place on Wednesday. We wish the young couple every happiness and prosperity. • DEATH OF ME. JOsEER LEWIS. -On e by one our old residents are fast pas- sing away and soon there beno one left to relate the hardships of pioneer life. A well-known resident of this township, in the person` of Mr. Joseph Lewis, of the lst concession, IVIcGilliv- ray, having: been suddenly called away to pay neture's debt on Monday last. Deceased had been a life long resident in this township, and had attained the great age of 85 years, the immediate cause of death being the infirmities of old age, He was o, robust and sturdy farmer and knew what pioneer life Was and from a busla harm he succeed- ed in making one of the rnost comfort- able homesteads in the country, besides making a compel ency for himself and Hewas industrious, shrewd and careful and possessed in a wonder- ful degree the qualities which almost invariably bring success in this life. He was also thoroughly upright and honorable in all his dealings and des- pised anything in the shape of sham and hypocrisy. In short, he was in every respect a worthy and useful cit- izen and a kind and obliging neighbor. lie was among the few who spent s in a locality without engender- ing the ill will of anyone. _lie will be niuch missed here,not only by his fam- ily but by a, host ef friends. The fun- eral took place on Thursday to the Lewis' burying ground, and was one of the largest ever seen here for seine . • . Eden Weather Lust lovely I Crops flour- ishing Again Dame Nature is sbow- ing her handiwork as a, landscape painter, for is she not covering the bare fields in a mantle of green, and beautifying our gardens and orchards by the perfumed varigation of the cherry, plum and peach trees Po- Our League met last week and appointed the following officers for the ensuing year : President, Rev. Ilettoto first vice, Miss Ida Cave; second vice. Miss M. S. Luxton; third via-, Miss Blanche Rooke; treasurer, Mr. Homer 13nswell; Rec.-Sec., Mr. A. Coates; Cor.-Seey, Miss Minnie loixton; organist, Miss M. Toixton. We expect some good tneetings, as our officers are enthusias- tic it their work. -Mr. Geo. Harrnatri arrived home last Friday evening. lie is not in the style in tbis burgh as he sports a frill growth of whiskers, while some of our men have resumed their boyhood appearance again. --Hot weather has come. -Who will say our neighborhood lacks industry? No one for see what is taking place : Mr. G. Busvvell has his barn down preparing to enlarge` and put it on a foundation. Mr. Wm. Coates has laiS moved and ready for the masons. -Me. Geo. Rook erected a (Inc new wind -power on his barn. -Mr. Fred Luxton has made a very essential addition to his house, namely, a, pantry. -The trustees of mu' school have had a new well sunk, which now contains plenty of water. - grandchildren. During all these six- Mr. John Essery had the misfortune ty years this worthy couple have to get one of his young horses hurt. - journeyed down life's pathway togeth- Wheelers very often have to visit one er fulfilling the marriage vows and day longer than they expect to on atc- happy in administering each to the count of rain storms. -Arbor Day was other, and tbough sorrow has sadden- observed in our school on May 8th hi- ed their pathway at times yet a firm stead of May lst, on account of the in - and never faltering faith in Him who clement weather. -Rev. lYfilyard, of doeth all thiegs for the best bas enab- Exeter Main St. church, preached here elecl them to see the silver linipg to last Sunday and gavea very impressive the clouds, and we find them on Wed- and reasterly sermon. -Several were nesday active and happy, snerounded away lastSundayi-Miss Lawson visit- hy a host of warm friends, celebrating ed at her borne in Stepben; Mr. and their diamond wedding. The sub- Mrs. Paul Coates visited friends at jects this sketch came from A.ugh- Crediton; Mr. and Mrs. F. Coates to rim County, Galway, Ireland, and set- Sauble Line, Biddulph; Mr. -John and tled in the township of McGillivray in Misses Jessie and Clara Luxton visited 1810 and have lived continuously in the friends on Sauble Line, Biddulph.-- same locality with the exception of six Mr. R. Hamilton was seen sailing years spent in Vienna. While there southward towards Bidclulpla Monday Mr. Seale was engaged in the timber evening. -Mr. Malcolm Dempsey had business. Mr. an Mrs. Seale although the misfortune of getting his hand in their 80th year are both enjoying caught between the holster and wheel good health and hid fair to See several of a truck the other day and thus sus - more birthdays. This estimable coin,- tanned a severe bruise. Ile now carries le ni.e to be Oongratillated on seeing the injured member in a.slitig.-Mrs. their diamond wedding an enjoyment John EsSery was grille ill this week. few are spared to see. She is now convalescent. ..7.0„0„oseeeAroneeez,_eeene OSeeeeneeee brother in Wyandotte, Mich. -George Murch boaegeue to Port Huron, where he has accepted a position. --Miss nlinat Boer has taken at position on the Post et:tit-Percy Aleredish has returned from Victoria Hospital, London, and although he is minus a toe and has A de- eitled limp, be looks well and will soon be 0.1e. --H. Hodgins, of Lucan,bas re- sumed his practice with Dr. Mullin, hawing completed his course at the dental college, Toronto for a term. - Albert E. Fessant, of Hamilton, has accepted a position on the Post staff, D. McColl will leave in a few days fm. New Ontario. -john Semple, of St. Mateyo spent a few days here during the week with his hontly.-Mrs. John who has been suffering from an attack of grippe and bronchitis, is con- valeseing.-Tlae partnership beretofore existing between N. lfferhe,e and N. OtHanley, in the furniture and under- taking business, has been dissolved. Mr. 011anley is now sole proprietor. 31r. McPhee has foiand his other busi- ness ditties pressing on him so bard that he has found it 'necessary to step out of the Orm.-Norman Armstrong spent at few days in St. Marys during the week with his parents. -Mrs. El- liott spent a few days in Guelph at- tending the W.F.M.S.-Arthur John- ston has gone to St. Marys. -S. Holt, of Sarnia, has opened up a barber shop in town. -N. Cross is the name of the new photographer who has opened up a studio over Breen's store. -Dr. dentist, leaves for Sarnia in a few days where he will enter upon bis profession on a largeO settle. 1)r. Fraser is his successor here -.The dates of the fall fair are Thursday and Friday, Oct. lst and 2nd. DEATH. -One of the saddest deaths which it has been our duty to record, occurred at the residence of Miss Mc- Innis, Ann street, on Friday evening, when Miss Mary McInnes, daughter of Mr. Daniel McInnis, formerly of Stephen township, but now of Mar- quette, Mich., .passed to her reward. The deceased girl was the victim of a pectiliar accident, which was the cause of death. It appears she was in her aunt's stable about three weeks ago bunting for eggs, and when jumping off a box landed on a board from which a rusty nail was protruding. This en- tered her foot, and although remedies were provided and the wound seemed to heal, blood .poisouing set in on the Monday previous to her death and lockjaw soon followed, bringing terri- ble agony and untimely death. The deceased bas been living evith her aunt for some years, her mother being dead and has been attending High School here, being a bright and cheerful schol- ar, and will be greatly missed by her young friends at school. Mr. McInnis arrived here about two hours before the end came, and has much sympathy hi his affliction. Two sisters, one from Ressemer, Mich., and one from Minne- apolis, Minn., also attended the funer- al, which took place on Monday to the church of the Sacred Heart, where the pastor, Rev. Father McRae, celebrated a solemn requiem mass, the solemn cortege afterwards wending its way to Mt. Carmel cemetery, where the in- terment took place in the plot where her mother was laid away soine ten years ago. Among the many beauti- ful floral decorations laid on the casket was a handsome floral. cross, a last tri- bute from the High School teachers to a faithful scholar. ' white blossom% There the Roo. A..1 Sothday eeengoos 01,0„,,oeu, 14,1 tog Thiliandeans eke the words that made them imetem and wille nee het& mma very bevomingly gowned in a vety dainty •costume of White and wore the customary bridal veil and caeried 31 SEED FOE SALE, The undenlpell bas tor sale a quantity of Nery 3.19013.41 133.43 Clover, Alsike and Timothy Seel at use amiable prima C. Welter, Mr. Ruchte, of Oebewating, Mach., vis- ited relatives here last week. -Mrs. Dora Link is having a wirefenceerecte ed in front of her lot, which will add greatly to the appearance of the same. The game of croquet bats agein be- come quite popular. Some of our pro- fessionals have had to use lanterns to finish their games. -Rev. Sam. Krupp, of Caro, Mich.. has purchased the dwel- ling occupied by Mr. W. S. Chisholm. Rev. Krupp will not move here until next spring. -Mr. and Mrs. Ttuemer, of Petrolea, have been visiting Mrs. David Stahl the past week, who, we are pleased to say, is slowly recovering from her illness. -Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dick, of Kippen, visited Mr. Matthew Winer on Sunday. Mr. Winer has been very ill of late, but now seems to be on the mend. -Mr. Ben Eilber, of Ubly, Mich., Mr. Victor Bertrand, of Sehewaing, Mich., and Ed. Bertrand, of Detroit, have returned. to their re- spective homes, after attending the funeral of the late A. L. Bertrand. - Mr. Frank Northcott, is learning the tinsmithing at Mears. John Yonng & Son's. -Major Beck, of Goderich and Mr. .Henry Willert, of Dashwood, were in the village Tuesday. -The Misses Salem& Tiernan and Mary Young have a dressmaking shop in the rooms for- merly occupied by Miss Wolf. -Mr. W. S. Chisholm, and Mr. Art. Zwicker of hill), but God willed it otherwise, and he was called home. As a farmer spent Sunday in London. --Mrs. Louis Mr. Baker had few equals, acqniring Staubus and family, of Pigeon, Mich., va noble estate by his skill and energy are visi tin gMr. and Mrs. Tobias Wurtz. -Miss Lizzieleatz and Mr. Jacob Rat; aswainfears leiccounl da t i snaa t ll . gOroiswsnu_urvpifvaemd ibiyy Chas. Zwieker on Sunday.-Pos of Parkhill, visited their 'sister' Mps*rnas- acab° will hm ave the keenest sypathy t of all in their bereavement. The funeral took place from his late resi- dence .. The •remains Centralia DR, J. W. ORME, Centralia Mee hours to 10 aan.o. to sand/ th Telephone communication with Luean and Mount Cannel. DEATH or WM. BAKER -There pass- ed away at his peaceful home here on Monday morning last, William Baker, one of the early settlers of Stephen township, a, successful farmer and a man noted for his strict integrity. Mr. Baker had been in failing health sever- al months from stomach trouble, but the seriousness of his trouble was not manifest until a few days previous to his death, when the gravity of his situation was unmistakable and sink.- ing, slowly but sorely the curtain was rung down on his brave and kindly life. Deceased was born in England, and came to this country when quite young, and was among the early settlers who did so much towards transforming the unbroken forest into well -tilled fields. He was a man of un- usual strength and energy and had every appearance of a long life ahead ter Brown has just received an up-to- date desk for his post office work. Tuesdaywere Doe:Tee-The body of Mr. Henry takenconducted by the pastor, Rev. Hutton, to the3 church were service was Wolf, who died in the hospital at ond Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., arrived at aftwhich they were conveyed to the Aliso Craig on Sunday noon. The bur- Exeter cemetery, followed by a large ial took place in the cemetery here in concourse of people, many of whorn the afternoon, the Rev. Damm officio- recounted plea.sant reminiscences of tine. Mr, Wolf, being a member of social intercourse with their deceased tlietK.O.T.M., the local Tent selected friend. the pall bearers out of their members. The deceased was raised here and bad many warm friends. He was sent to the Soo last fall by e hotelkeeper in KooHnare-IIARTMAH.-At St. Boni Detroit to act as cook in one of his face church, Zurich, by Father Aloi- hotels. Before he died he joined the sins, on May 5th, Mr. Valentine Maccabees, who did everything hi Kochetris, to Miss Mary Hartman, their power while sick and after his death. He was only 28 years of age. Mr. Chas. Wolf has indeed received a severe blow, having lost a wife and a son in one week. We sincerely sym- BAKER -In Centrttlia, on May 11, Win. patbize with him and his family in Baker, aged 67 ,years, 7 months and this their hour of trial and afflictione 6 attys. . MARRIAGES. both of Zurich. DEATHS 1;4