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Exeter Advocate, 1903-5-7, Page 7
130W TO • GAIL,' $FALTH. :A Simple Pian that Should Be Followed by 411 Who Are Sick: Ti you could buy back your health 'on the instalment plant --say 50 cents (a week, fora limited number of !weeks until cured—would, you do it ? Mere is a plan worth trying :-.Tal:r ling into Aecoarnt trheir, power to ict>r°. Dr, Williams" Pink Pills, are !the most economical medicine, with, :out exception, `!'hese pills have of fleeted mires in. cases of rheuinattatn. artful paraly.is, St. Vitus dance, r'ntligeetion, kidney trouble, Anaemia, sand ether serious diseases et the Mood and nerves, They have cured teilundee4s of cases where ordinary 'medicine lead been tried and failed, !They have restored helpless invalids Ito MU use of limbs that had long -been powerless, That is the best ',guarantee that these pills will not idisappoint when used for simpler laiim,en s. 'raking one pill lifter :ett,.eh meal, (as Ic*quired for minor, troubles) a fifty -cent box of pills !gives nearly two weeps` treatment. Vol' chronic diseases. when the ;larger dose is required. the cost of ;treatment sloes not usually exceed alley cents a week. 1f you are sick or ailing. is it not. worth your w 4 e ''tt„�,, give so effective a, medicine AS ice. Williams' Pink, Fills a1, iriel 2 mins t the pills have slopes for other ptple they can do for you. Every, dose mama the new rich, rod blood that brings robust health and etreegth. They are the -test tonic medicine to take tit, this time of the year when the blood is Sluggish And itunoverishcd. . Do ]lot waste Inoney sirs °whimsy --medicines, or eubstitlitne ; See that it1w frill name. "Dr, Williams' Fink Pills for Pale People." is printed en' the wrapper around every loon. Sold by MI medicine dealers paid at O ceo s a box, or six boxes dor $2.60. by addressing the lar, lfilliarm' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Nelly ---"What kind of a letter did your husband write when he was away? V' W1fe--Milo 'started. 'My Precious 0 -Treasure.' and waded by asendlug 'lois•," " "liow dial you answer ?" 41 started with 'icy Pre- cious 'Treasurer,' and ended with Wend rue five dollar's." " Employer -••-"What makes you think llr s new hand is likely to rise rapid 3y over the other mea in the fac- tory ?" Foreman —444 noticed last sight that he worked nearly four seconds after the whistle blew." Green.--"Ilid you see Jones when he camp :in from fishing ?" Brown- 1'Yes, 1: was close to the boat." n—"Were there any fish lying c gout him ?" Brown—"No ; .Iona was lying about the fish." Mrs Winks—"What .kind of a. girl have you now 2" Mrs. Minks—"A veno nice ons: -over so much nicer' than the others. She doesn't seetn to object to 1utving4us live in the house with Iter at tt11." "Tommy," exclaimed firs. Fogg, "don't you know it is Sunday ? Don't you know it is naughty to make a kite to -day 2" "But, my dear," Interposed log. "don't you. see he is making It out of a re- ligious paper ?" 440bi" said Mrs, F., III didn't notice that." SAVE THE BABY. ... "X can truly say that bad it not been for Baby's Own Tablets. I do not believe my baby would have been alive to -day." So writes Mrs. 'Albert Luddington, of St. Mary's Wver, N.S., and she adds :—"'IIs is now growing nicely ; is good nese 'Lured and is getting fat." It is gratifying to know that in all parts of Canada, Baby's Own Tablets are proving a real blessing to children and a boon to mothers. These Tab- lets aro a speedy relief and prompt cure for constipation, sour stomach, wind colic, diarrhoea, worms, and simple fevers. They break up cold, prevent croup and allay the irrita- tion aocoanpanying the cutting of teeth. Baby's Own Tablets are goad for children of all ages from birth upwards, and are guaranteed to con- 0;tin no opiate or harmful drug. old by medicine dealers, or sent by mail, post paid, at 25 cents a box, by writing direct to the Dr. .Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, pnt. Selling is easy if the prices are right. I know MtiNARD'S LINIAiTINT ;will cure Diphtheria. JOHN D. BOUTILLIER. French Village, I know MINARD'S LINIi1IENT will cure Croup. J. F. CUNNINGHAM. Ca Island. I know MINAliD'S LINIMENT Is the best remedy on earth. JOSEPH A. S10W. Norway, Me. 8-59 "Afraid you're going to have iii= sonvnia ? What are the symptoms?" L'Twins." Ti eherre, Jan. 6, 1902. Massey -Harris,' Co: LinYi'ted; Winnipeg, Man. Gentlemen.—It gives mo very much pleasure to inform you that the No. d Binder which I, purchased from your Agent here last summer has dven thevery best of satisfaction, osing its work to perfection and tirwring light — very much lighter than I expected. . My crop was very eavy, and some of it very badly down, but; your binder did its work 1entlid. I' had no trouble ` what- ever; I hope you will sell lots of binders for 1903 and save my bro- ther farmers lots of trouble I wish i!ou every ;success. T3: M. FErtltiC, BRIER`' BUT PERTINENT. A good business man knows what to say in an advertisement. Goods should give satisfaction if they are to retain customers. When a. business man lets up on advertising, his business, will let up on hint. What appeals to the customer isto know that site will get the worth of her cash. The easiest way to. ,ell good things Is to have it -mown you have good things to sell. The way to save a dollar is what should lao ncivertiseil to the :or4ivary customer. Profits is the fruit that grows on the trce of good advertising; now is tine blossoming season, Advertising IS worth all it sorts if the merchant can get that Hauch value into the space he uses. Silany merchants waste money in advertisiug; some by -doing too much of it and soave by not doing enough, Don't try to expand the business so rapidly that it becomes neces,:ar•3 to abandon the defence of that al- ready established. Some people like to buy wrier goods are fine and some where goo n'e cheap.. It pays to appeal t all and make the publicity inritin to all. It. takes an inducement to rna "Pure soap 1" You've heard. the Word's, In Sunlight Soap you have the fact. SIINLIGNT lI ES 1$s1 fer tete Octagon, Bea. tf. WORSE TILS,N WASTED, 1 There is.a rather widely diffusedbelief that women do vera; .amusing things with telegraph forms end cheque books. But a young woman, on one occasion, at least, .displayed in the use of the telegraph a more Wiennaaraculine brevity, thriftiness s and sang-froid. A, young man, who was -deeply in love with this fair lady. who Jived ,, , another #o�rn # e In , c,erlde d diet the els only thing for him was to offer los hand. and heart .So he went to the o ' telegr'.eph office and sent this mes- l sage: lie you marry me? Twenty, somtie people buy and the best way to insure their buying is to anal`e them appreciate the greatness et your Jtnditeeiuent. No article is so cheap that people will want it just because ef the low price, Tt must have a quality that makes it worth tho price if people expected to buy and appreciate t, "Nare the world's greatest come Toeee." said the musical instructor. (Chloroform , promptly replied the young elan who had studied medicine. YOEE FROM IRE PUBES S TELLS OF TEE GREAT WO= DONE BY Bows ETnNE ' PILLS. Thos. L. Eubbs Tells 'flow Kidney Strain Vanielted, Wbe; If* Used the great Kidney Re- medy. Kenna, N.W.T., April IB,--QSpe- cirtll�-lin this new country where medical attt'ntlanwe is often hard to Oct the notion of special prepara- tions IS carefully watched and the results ttre carefully noted. Comes tmently, conelnsions are arrived at that are of value to the public. And the almost unanimous conclusion is that as a family medicine there is nothing to compare with Dodd's Kidney Pills. As a tonic It has made a name for Itreu, while its euro of all stages of Kidney Disease from Ilriglit's Dis- ease to liacieaehe might be consider-, ed nliraeulous it their frequency did not make them almost common. The following story told by Thos. L. Ifubbs, a farmer in Indian head municipality. is ono of the many that Ir .ve given Dodd's Kidney Pills their reputation. "About one year ago," says Mr. Hobbs, "I was thrown from a wag- gon,causing g some strain an Iny Kidneys. X tried several medicines but could get no relief till I was in- duced 1-duced to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. "1/odd's Kidney Pills relieved me almost from. the start and by the time X had finished one box my pains were gone. They have not come back either." i` Tile deepest Atlantic sounding yet discovered is 27,806 feet, It was taken 100 miles north of Porto Rica, The Pacifichas a, spot near Civani 4,300 feet deeper. world answer paid for," An hour later he got his answer. "Yen are extravagant, Why ptiy for teineteea words ton many? No. A. new safety -dress for elertrieai engineer's is ane ie o wire gattee,. weighs but Mr pounds. and .enables currents of 1:10,000 volts to be re- volved with absolute impunity. Tell the Deaf. --Mr. J. P: ]sedlocle. Druggist, Perth. writee; "A easterner u urine baring been cured ot4eatness by the trse Of 1?r, Thomas' Neleetric Oil, wrote to Ireland. telling his friends there of the re. In consequence I received an or'cler to send half a dozen by express to Wex- ford. Ireland. -Ade week.." Ambigernis 9Inw are you, old fellow? Are yen keeping strong?" "No; only Iliad, n anagln to keep out of any grave." "Oh, fill Sorry, to bear that." \wttttrTt«lila leaner. Nit aialaaa t Bea to est far mat stmt r r ekilsirt;ai ekes tiiw `•s% the ;kilt era 4194 a-aaa t aria W441,1 sista1-4 vc-Iiisrrtmaal- la S ^ea"m ta, the oai a:ta lea 'arm snare Gt ate erasbongo. So seam la U4040;41 d, Mer lira leir4oe 4 ttePllstsX Sync& lininkiaa . 1.0 Oil City, Feb. 5, 1903. Massey -Harris Co., L'u:titetl, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen.—Please send me one of your 1903 catalogues of farm lute• chinory. I have used no machinery that gives as much satisfaction as Massey -II ail is. The Strait of Canso, between Cape Breton and the mainland of Nava Scotia, is about to be bridged with a cantilever having the record span of 1,800 feet. re lI th i S 1,d T ,S cos, d S 17.1 e 0 a TO PREVENT PNEUMONIA. Now this cleans a lot, Pneumonia nce established, must run its course nd when statistics show us that tore people die annually throughout c Northern, Middle and Western tates from this, than from any ther disease, it becomes us to stir urselves and ascertain what rein- ies we can adopt to prevent a cold eveloping into pneumonia. I give you these right here Dr, August oenig's I3binilburg Breast Tea and t. Jacobs Oil, the former taken at on the approach oa pp ell of the first Ynipt'oms' of a cold—for pneumonia oes not come first, it is a 'neglected id and exposure that precedes pneumonia. In conjunction apply t. Jacobs Oil across the top por- on of the chest and- throat, cover i�th oil skin, on top of ,which , put t flannel cloths ; place feet in hot nustard and water, take ti. hot monade with a dash of Jamaica, ot Medford, oh; dear no) rum, and u will be all right, most likely in day or two. A few years ago the United States exported all its cotton. , Last year, out of a total crop of nide million bales, it kept for home manufacture over four million, of which northern mills are using 2,200,000. A l'OIt,CIltLF3 BE/ENDER, Au official visitor to an asylum was surprised in the course of his Inspection to find urneng the in mates a gentleman who complained , that he was unlawfully confined there by his relatives, who wanted his money. The official took bila aside and heard him lady his ease very lucidly and sensibly before him. The roan seemed to be so remark- ably clear headed that the commis- sioner made notes of the case and promised that he should not long bo detained. Ile spent Wile hours in making an inspection of the institu- tion, after which be again saw the unfortunate palmist( and expre sed. the dearest sympathy with him, con- fined there sane among the mad. "But do not fear," he added, "your case will be gone into at once. and your discharge wilt be sl eedy , There Is no doubt about your sanity." "Thank you! A thousand tilncs thank your" said the gentleman. "Yott will never regret the trouble you are tailing." 'They walked to anti gate together, chatting as they went, and shook hands , Cordially at parting. The commissioner was parsing through the gate when lie was violently Mak- ed from behind and prostrated in the mud. He rose with difficulty, and, supporting himself by the gate, gasped: "What --what was that for?" "That," said the gentleman, now grinning through the bars, "that's le,St you forget!" Sleeplessness,—When the nerves are tin strunn and the whole body given up to wretchedness, when the mind is filled with gloom and dismal forebodings, the result of derangement of the digestive organs, sleeplessness comes to add to the distress. If only the subject could sleep there would be oblivion for a while and temporary relief. Parmelee's Vegetable acitlsowbea efciallyithat thee subject vtId wake refreshed and restored to happiness The populationof the countries using metric weights and measures aggregate 483 millions, Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- fects. "Whatever became of that grey- hound you had?:""IU led himself." "Really?" "Yes; tried to catch a fly on the small of his back anis mis- calculateed. Bit himself in two." Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia TItUE IIAPPINESS. Dora -- "I' hear your sister Mag- gie is: very happily, inariied;,,.., Flora — "Indeed, she is. Her hus- band daren't :'open his mouth in her presence.", Mincrd's Lioimeat Cures. Burs' etc, Up to July 9th last 571 asteroids diad been discovered. Asteroids are the smaller members of this uni- verse. None of them are as large as ' ur moon. In summer the COlitnnuons coil Page Woven Wire Fence ' take© up the slack, All fences slacken in warm weather and tighten in cold -except the Page Fence. In the winter season pays it back.. �' Page: spring coil takesup the slack in sum- "Le"s mer and lets it out in winter. No loosesagging in summer, no straining or breaking in win - tor. Common crimped wire is not storing tempered and if it slackens it stars slackened • 1111 tightens it loosen3 again worse than ever. Page wire ;is tempered to regulate its own tension summer and winter. 60,00umiles of Page wire fence in use now. The Pa a Wife Fence nl Page Co,,',baited, r -_.... _.. ... . , Walken-0e, filo. Montreal, P ... d. ,Q., and St. 9 t-�= ', HARDLY A LOVE. MATCH. Miss. Smilax—"And so Bliss Passe and Mr, Gotnix really got married. Was it a love match? Mary --••On the contrary, 1 should call it a hate match," -Miss Smilax --"Why? I don't un- derstand you." Mary—"Why, she hated to be an old maid andhe hated to be poor," NON -COMMITTAL, "Pardon me, sir, but isn't there another artist in this building?" "Well, that is a. matter of One ion. There is another fellow who paints," STATE Or --labii, CITY j`OZ$n 1.1)(74$ Coi�NI+r. o' f ss liAN3L 1, t;717:NI:X makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of 1•, ,1 01fl;Nh1Y t (0 , in the City"! of "1'oicoo,. doinCog; unbusiness ty and taid, and that saki tirgite aforesaid, will pay the sunt of ()NB 411ii,,f)ll:i::ll not. - LADS for each and -every case of CA `1'Al;ltii that cannot be cured by the use of MALLS C4'fARRti dune% «sworn to before zuelaiid"sttut r ser 'iu ear presence, tills Gth day of Decernher, .feet;, 4. W. 01,4£0xs. SCAT, Nctealt -rub? 310?I's • t•'starrit Cure is tneee inter - ;tally. end alts directly en t a bleed wind mucous serfacee of the system, Bona for testheontaie, free. F..1, t%1•i1,; i;'# 4 CQ., Toledo, 0. s+otd by alt Druggists, Tae. Ball's k'ntelly Villa ere the Crest, A tallo s ,,,......,, f oot results from 'the attuning, of 100 to of coal, Dickie's :tnti,Cen- sumptls eSyis p st.3nds tit the held. of rhe list for all dtsrnsee of the throat owl lungs, It acts like magic in breaking up ,i cold. A eongh is soon subdued, tesliaaivsa of timeliest i;relieved, even rhe worst case of consumption le re. !lewd, whiie fit recent cases it uiay be said never to tail. it is a medicine pre- pared from tbeaeruve principles or virtues of several n edieteal herbs, and can be de- Fended upon for all pulmonary cant- plaints, A large sassing makes of attention ii'ossible. wide circle Minard's liniment Cures kaudrut Since 1S air the number of lunatic n Scotlumt has insrreused by 18 per cent , while in the eaute deal the populitlurt has increased only 4 per cent. There several wys of adultrating teas—an inferior brand mied in is the usual ^, V.a. BIueRi Ceylon is a uniform tea of a special age growth. We -value your continued orders too much to adulterate in any way, 331a4, Mixed. Ceylon Green. . Ask for Red Isabel rort.TY CENTS—vfOTJLD BE MirrY 3 h;'re stood the test of summer sun for 6d bears, They stand for eeenaaar and. dara- iility, will not creel;. blister er fall. away. They preserve your house and keep it bear tiful throughout the lifet+'ule • of pure paint. Being made right, they are easy to words, last longer, look better and et Suet the right price. Ask Your dealer. Write us for "Booklet i3." free, shoring haw same Mousse are painted with Pslusay'e Pairite. A. S AA1S4T 4 SON, Zst.tliti ed PAINT nM0NTaIUi4Z. =842 axe ?s>Rs 14-26 CANADA The Doctor Leads Him by the Nose Ninety-nine hearts out of a hundred are failing to da their work. There may be no painthere, but it is felt at+te:oh'ere for some organ is robbed of he pulpa need of '.blood by this insidious heart failure, and distress follows. Common sense says, cure where the trouble and pain begin. Use DR. AGNEW'S HEART CURE, because it begins. at the blood's distributing organ, healing that rapidly and making it ttrong and: able, quickly sends strength and health to every other organ. Itis the only way that combines science and sense and relieves and cures. ilmotYAnay, of Teterboro, Ont, writes: "I geared with my heart, nerves and general de, Utley. The best doctors said I must die within a month. On my wife's advice I tried'. DR. AGNEW'B HEART CURE. Relief from the first dose. 1 am fully cured. Weighed 128 pounds —note 180 pounds. t t i ea Mewse n at. Sppsednnremmove salt away forever. lad. p1 ns ass, tatter, salt rheum ate. Pelee 95e. 15 t -f On the Lan. Libby luncheons We sell the product in key -opening cans. Turn a key and. you find the meat exactly as it left us. We put them up in this way: Potted Ham, Beef and Tongue Ox Tongue (Whole), Veal Loaf Deviled Ila m, Brisket Beef Sliced Smoked Beef, Etc. All natural flavor foods—palatable and wholesome. Your grocer should have them "How to Make Good Things to Eat" will be sent free to any address for tho asking Libby,,. McNeill & Libby Chicago, Illinois t- f. STATISTICS Or SUICIDE. Statistics of suicide in the Austro- Hungarian - army tell' a` dark story. Even among the civilian population of that empire the percentage of sui- cides is high — 1.63 per 10,000 in- habitants, as against 0.76 in End -incl, though sltill lower than Ger- many, whose percentage is 2.71. Austrian array suicides, however, are equal to those of any three other European armies put together. Eng- land's army of free men does not weary of its own existence. The per;entage is 2.06 per 10,000, while iu t' o Austrian army it rises to 12.3'3, even double that of the Ger- man army, which may be described secondwith a rate of 6:33, 18-93 PILLS L AND ( NTM ENT should be in EVERT CANADIAN HOUSEHOLD. Cr 4 •f � PILLS S33,OXFORO ST- at" -2 noxnox.D' ctpi, 1- IOC • REDUCED COPIES QF 0,ENUINE LABELS. Pills -•Black on Green. Ointment ;—Brown and Green on White. HOLLOWAY'S FILLS are of immense value to the weak and ailing. Aithough thoroughly searching, their action is so gentle that delicate persons need have no hesitation in, taking them; indeed, they should never be without a supply. The Pills give speedy relief In cases of Headache, Biliousness, Nausea, Dizziness and Trembling Sensations. Females will find them highly efficacious. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT is pre-eminently a household remedy; once used it is sure to hsye a permanent place in the family medicine cupboard. it quickly allays inflammation and irritation, and is in the highest degree soothing and healing. Apply it to Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Wounds, Boils, Abscesses, &c. it also relieves and cures Bronchitis, Asthma, Sore Throat, Quinsy, and other affections of the Throat & Chest. ':?`...5`: l'es'ser. ,Ataitrieri4 `er :iC:'4th a ,ri7rW'sell i.'n:,es4 • ` p4 essaaeNtesesaaattereiereeeti i- 13-33 Knox — "Why do you always put 'dictated' at the bottom of your let- ters'? You have no shorthand clerk ters? You have no shorthand clerk." Brox — "Weil, you see, I'm a very poor speller." Bil.,usuess Burdens Lite, —The bilious man is never a companionable lnan be cause his ailmentent renders him morose and gloomy. The complaint is not so clanger ous as it is disagreeable. Yet no one need suffer from it who can procure Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. By regulating the liver and obv ating the effects of bile in the stomach they restore men to cheerfulness and full vigor of action. Greenland never had a printing press until 1861. The first was im- ported by Dr. Rurbe. Mloard's Liniment for sale everywhere The ,healthiest spot in the world appears to be the small village of n in France..Of o eits Aumt , 40 in- habitant?, 25 are over 80 years of age. VAZTesat®e3 Ib0 32zarollaaasea 4ny quantity oL dry, mixed war d; suitable for brick burning, for early deliv, ry, lisle res}}� pprice, f.o.b. yank wa:ion. .Address. SIME$Cif BRIOIt CO.. i Toronto St., Toronto. Tele. phone alliin 707, _ 7-19 ORANGES I LEMONS Wehave ltlexicans, WE California Navels, HAVE Valencias, and TIIE Sevilles. BEST Carlpad every week. All the above at market prices. We can also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syrup andother produce to.advan- tage for you. ' THE CAISSON COMMISSION 00,, Limited., Cor. West market St., TOM ONTO. Hamburg has 148 chemical 'mantle factoring: establishments, employing in all 4,669 persons. Borax, mil= phuric acid, matches, fireworks, camphor, gelatine, ether, and chloro- form are a few of the variorns ar- ticles turned out. �..x .. . ,.a,. .":4:5,' J+ <:a5''.at:4'i'-`;:-Mahssi It is not any because of their great wearingqualities that you are recommended to wear Style, fit and finish are almost as important. GRANBY RUBBERS havep a stylish, clean cut appearance eararlce anther: own, and are made in all thedifferent shoe shapes. hapes. "Granby Rubhers wear Elie iron." T N, TJ ul ifS*"Yfi r741 r. tc2 - t -X