HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-5-7, Page 6JJA SMFIIL TENIPTA,TIOAS
ea side oi the gravel Oen, a tiger bzing this yoong man unto thee,
change his stiiped fur? Can a wolf who bath something to say unto
have his heir bleached into the Thus said the centurion who
brought the young man to the chief
contain. The expression "Paul the
pristmer- eel/rinds us that Paul was
many times a prisoner aud n setup
of his letters spoke of him,
aeth Is the sold that must suffer the O•eirlirista,?-' raPisriasneeover aL otjestuhse
restate 0( its sins unless Christ fore Lord," "Paul the aged and DOW also
gives tho,Se ;LIS and washes theind a prisoAer of Jesus Christ" (]ph
CIU in the blood of the Aral iii, ; iv, 1 ; ?hi. 9), In the list
mere whenever there is sin, Whether in oe his trials he says, "In stripes
tack the more dangerous this world or the xtext, there is above measure, in persons more fre-
t; fact that the quick -smuts 1"k "k‘l egoy, 'do not care whether You !quent, in eleotbs oft." end yet he
the ImPraetleed ere as strong as. eau ale paace of eternal pads:I:neat could say. "I take pleasere in per-
Ithe rock under your f,reet makes theie a eoteee of fire and brimstone." a ';see-utione. in distresses for Owlet's
itations to step upon theta the gnat, leaving, moltea ree burn-oseeeo tee C. xi. 23; xii. 10). Ile
more fatel. , tog lava. a dungenn or raethe hauntIo:41,'Imew that Ao stifiering could be cone-
:STRIES KTHE WFASele$T 1,0eT. N,e,oas of ritemory. Tho sinaer dr- pared with the g1o17, and that all
Ego temptations alwaes nesedi ing unreperdont -must suffer rout suf- the suffering was working out a far
‘ktitas utecur weakest tier and sailer fox -ever. Tbe Biblb, more exceeding end eternal Weight'
poiots. Is them any inan foolish. ee1gres it. We must believe d.
enough to think. that his character . eu'ICIDAL poreev,e of glory (Rom. Neil, 18; II Cor. iv,
whtte wool of a lamb? Can a luau
bOrni Sipreared in sia and living
in sin and dying in sin be ateanek"
paled fPfazu sin merely beeause lds
They Assail a .4,,au at the Weakest Point
body slee s for a tittle elate tbe
tomb? Oh, no! Ile Soul that szna
of Itis Character.
(Watered According' to Act ott4lt
nawade., u the Year 91:3,*
Theesane num tkusdred an lihreiz.
1.0, I. insallY. vi l'ereato. e•t, L21%
velavAMeez, AgrxcetVere. t.Ktti.We.
A desPatelt from Chicago aa,yS
Rer.vradi., Pr: Witt Talmage preach-
ed from the following text :----Pro-
eneas V, 'Fool..s 7,1,1ke, a.mock
at sin."
There are eeztes alien bits and
delicate preretevoiogy are ina:loottate
for :reefed porpose, and wizva the
kindest anti Wisestcour.-,:e Itc) us
eeespeleen, characterieatiou
shoe fortit on arrows et deometie-
tam: and exkuriatii.ion. Sk-n inow wet
SaySuhthat the nee-ai
aho raociee ean is a fool. deiae:
tte Ortzetan: body is eiceed,o sede-
ale:rog cozen ap by a ceetae. tt is
time to use the 'flee
gangrened limb afeeds me.
aoe et• E•o - • te ,erE ."•
or Sean. 47,20z iala1117.14 A=01
11.40i ;.',G0e:41 W4.0.4i.t.341 •ootei
- iieln.ereettke I leave tizemeeleve
zo cc Eiedeion W^"e.••' Irt'l." t744.0:47
tlitn• eVtl:41 tialf4100140,..4`,.
.e. nano ncries of t'eet carotea
O faeol 14.enee coPeor
243.-4 sawe orao :54:111,4.3 :
•; iJa 1
itC*. 1;CA
0:4 ti07' CrlAt44,..7.3 4),-7.1::1F3 tit li!i7"",
Ttey can 1.1141
ea, eveire obi re they no Of
le•• . den otle- woe; as teen por;
1.- Tr. oo!!
wroditiogs wIiee„.• oeee
ioelfol tee ir. n
o‘yfinta. Tizey
R.,t 41h-,,
-1 wr:.4:. -.tea
e • Ord ti--" mkt.'
i^ q%'D1 It4411 t11 '44u'
til?ern th,fle are
' ,en to 6\ `40M'50,
a 0;\ anoi etzlit4,43,
tve.,f, have coefeetie'
der heeti:•er of tree fel
eaa VW. t heir own 1'u4,,
feeliela Wc0'1"1
•%tea wee, i101
•g, (if it
r el. 0 threw be aleart oier-
vi oe,.; hell hie es see a
la ego voell'EllS All:: l'oa'''Ls•
A • •• tanneettione :Lever ;at 1;..-
• 1,„top„otic!...f. !w,y
r,..,4:0.146.on',544 • '
•.g,*4 :itat %IS t";..'noi...-.„
• IrroadU ; ‘,idt
aor•on t C.'. 'Pr clav
OM, ;A%
11, 1,4 get eater
ore% tit ell 1," iota, 1,0 a,
.1) cz..twnll..;.s of
re Pet arto•iedeeti if
• ; • with the eia fee eel
1 e peonee. ter:too:OA of the Lath
eche:, t0itt a.i,,,t1.• :ti,"ir
eteine raeloit,
nt ti• 3 -las :eight re.r. n
.174 in the Iteatia dui a...era:ant
' ;teat to ,atti feete
l'hty cote, with ell tee (ea-
. -a., ie. tit., letieeeattes kelf 11
41 • 4:7kahli *ft t7lit'ls,): 11".41
it. 15'. Voyier i..ete 0
e,•,.711,01:11 41•••.,eaiptiou ••'; i
; t.0a0 ^1 tnes. a;•ti:. the
• -.Lae nee. Ire void Ilto• It' • toli •
• f this It..? Are ef leilliiant
• l'1' r; fur aird
^1-9," 1•1 Ilion* flowers attn.: .1 • tee
71', Yet "every lee :e.isa
in 5 ore!: of honey thot alights
fe-.0„. tee 1,losetims iteldines talt,01
44114: drops to the Leeve. Be-
oltie entieing toe: the earl':
re ter. da wail: In lints o; its
fetal fasination." That fatal ;
i a ;hid aymbol of the way ticuollo
• Crat appeale to its victims.
i1.*tho begnanixtg faseigiateS the eyes
as with the brighttat of Vocal
colors. it faeninates the fer as with
the ezweeteet of It
soothes the sense of touch as with
the velvety softness of a tiger's
paw, while beneath is concealed the
sharp claev. It first wows its !
victim to pillow his bead upon the
• lap of a bea.utiful Delilah. and while ,
the sinner sleeps his lips are parted
in a smile as Ile dreams the happiest
af dreame.
is so perfectly forrizod that Mune is my brothers anl sistess, who have, 20.21. Rut do not thou yield vitt°
50IN-10701,,t. f}oint in his moral eliefor ? eeretofore been 11100011g at efot es them, for there lie in wait for hint
A constructor who Weald not try to bave Leen r,aietieg fee yen A piAPIre, of them more than forty men which
strengthen his segoing girder is a :with the daric, bae1gakn f wan-lbane bound themselves with ag oath
Awfiell wits the catastroing. i11 you pot let nie paint ill4that they will neither eat nor drink
,071 -ten a fele years ago a great tae bright foregeound a sweet. di -z till they have killed bbn. steed miter lona which. you have
„ .
gg Tilnweo--43eg.),t, six eggs until
"Pentad can be telsen withoet
Stringing', Add Went teaepoonful
of *nit, oneefourth teespoenbal of
pepper,. g(), d.ropa of Palen iklice and
ono and Onedielf wapfula of 4011 tailk
idtrain tate MWed tieabale Armada,
stead thetle A Pen of hot water
and beim ter aleout minutes O
until the mixtener is Orne to the
tonehe Toro froin the moulds on -to
a hot platter, Sierrouted. with a
limed SanCO And sprinkle wieh half
a PURtal of tine bread eeenebe brew -
is butter,
Mexican Recipea-Tho Mexicalla have
a Way of cOoleing eggs that will
please you if you give, it a OW.
Chop iine oneapearter of a00,FIr
idge the k'. eine Wili yon not let tEe
talti",010* feet cf the meltitudes Ilecribe fOr yon the Christ who is ,
tactreid: u•se 4-1 the Iron' klako • ready to stand between you and :
•etieneer oor is eke- geoeral who( futnre tearotation. the ChriSt who
teotild he vigilant anoot the vaill not only forgive tbe pont, but
• foe:dee:a part of his fortilcations. Lsy 1.4s rowel, will eeep you in the
teao after the- fariums maw was • futore? the Is he? •The rifteeong-;
f 77t0...1 Eirder tiee caorthworks of Roc%, e Likv of the Valliey the
P4.'1,7er•Aktorg that the reeleral toeope'llree t and Adorning Star. the Gee '
WOO altntt" to tirkst. leach Robert who IS illtOgetter lovelF. the VIN-'
needs fosees into gaehnlond. WW1 is aoW standing ley. yew eizie,
can it ke trial wilth yorr brain: you ee vice Idea? UM 'roll Beet
el force and past everlMre /et Cl 14 COMP inte your heart?
• et, net there ie fame help- ye mockeos 'al% I WO11141 :;74.144
feine Weatioess. in Your with yoe 4150. Como ta the foant- •
•initura ? Itave 'You row hce-0 Ain of which if oryrinlyie e;t1cii•
ireitspted in 11:e post veil over.: titer thitst an i
a.yoo may be teettetel agent ia the reare? thaateep lame: that melee
tlarrover "e Can yoti sae ritetitee that l'as 1-Afee aeeer pleaded tedne.
future and ovetthrown in the W.inge rour srezne and LAI -Water y011 I are a t
Wiay 2 linow that eou
are at lofaeft weary of e -our ein of ;
We would like to lamow mere of ,previously t4eta the eevea. Put, it
title yomeag man who coteid thus ad-, into a Satieepalt with ene table-
viee the chief captain as well as epooeful of butter and gook slowly
state 'his •facts so clearly. but etere for abcalt, five minutes. Add +me liELPIe,UL WNW,
nity will give some astonishing se- 'copied of tomatoea cut line, one Fo ee , ea
Terffillingtoof 14,"..01"4,611edluenirlivilioul, eth.e. taeniactsp9olout3elduol zgifl nifininevlys ceittitolionfatead ooturilopas ,g1 litta:WIrteht:oxiitilrlatErpt'arlexu4tte:e,iatnaciaPili4riaceoev7art
loaves fed the A.000, anti, 1114 the pelt fresh anueltroonas ar double the
Lord has used, we leacall Samuel. and cook slowly until (pate %Iola. case igtharrolusloyr 19,aurtordkreonsiinownitra:44174,:nlYn
leaeld, Joseph and the Ind whose Then add half a, dOZeil finely ChOp-' f p
neeter. we would fajta be ins fully in ,number of CATITi011 OAPS And cook they°470-Ildilpi::: itnheviln6tergolaer :Or iesonloal:
thed 4.31111.-a )-141"ials as were
Ytheo l'ioalitelts IfIllt‘hrilse.elt totaste.•14)71414:61;jt .:1-441165°141/1unt' j:lea: 1:TaitInliQeitilitatile:7(t:941V:1:1:4:1°" It
to Him Wile C01414 SO MUltiply them. tee ball a (Weft eliCeS of Stale
p„2, so the ewe/ captain let the bread. Poach aix eggs •in milk. slip
'young Mart depart and charged him, onQ nil each, slice Of toast. Pour
See thou tell no Man that thou bast 01,0r a silOoliftil of tie gatICQ Will If one care use glyeeline, a good
showed these tili.ngS to me. • 1,sceel, at once to table.
otion tar the bands is one pert
emphor and three parts glycerine.
A good gargle for sore throat is
made op. as the cloth should Ire
placed in a frame while working tri,f
keep it frou. pm/rode-1g and polling,
put of shape.
AnOther spieler wale trimming cone
sista of ribbon, eithe.: of velvet on
Wein sewed together te form small
squares. with an open, nlmace in the
ceeter, tilled in with epider, The
Square is basted Cke.UP a piece of
stiffening, while filling to the center.
The above, developed ni black vele
vet ribbon Mut coot's:: black silk
thread. makes a pretty facing foe
the tinder side Of a hat brim, wit*
white satin pieced, underoeathe
Irish eroebet, in a deep eerti
may be effeetively used in the Sante
way. If the desired color of thread
is not to be had. use white Cotton,
which comes on spools. No. 16 or
eoarser, and dye it after crocheting
to a light coffee colon or any 21rade
desired. Lace that matches in color
the gown or bat Iviiieh it trims is
notch worn at present, A •cape cede
lat- recently seen Wa$ covered en-
tirely- with lace, Very wearse.
creebet applimie, the seine color as
the gown, which was gray. A hat
to weer with this Was e0Vieret1 .111S0
with the same shetle of et)allia gray
-TO Clean Wilton; Chairs use sat
rel water, apply with a. brush, rub
41 said titat when
'With 1:401r,ca ecter elln rat dread its seinistment.
in be is a food. I heard(one. tbee. and let Cioist ease yon.
rkfix-i-sx,4 John Clough. ;after he Ina net he I.eet bark by the theeget,
ce, l•,rty years a teetotaler. thtt ;re': are too hadtoI
zoo; ditateen, than eat a reeve or Yon are ire.iteal glad tatitit a sans
That very night Paul is started off A Tasty Olela--A particularly
0 COMIrea, under thfe care of seven -i tasty dish of eggs is marle in this
ty ItOreemen. 409 SlIdierS aCC0111. way : rry two stno,11 named onions
. .ta e or emeger and a tattle red
pan'iugg ' . far as An ilia 1 s, n butter mate brown. theta noxlivereer 'JINNI' with water.
i c op el etteee hill*, hounan- with them a deeeereepoonful of vine -
y epeating. in the bands of Felix, , gar, a litt10 salt, and PePFee. Ilate
he Roman goveroor. who eeid that '' ter a dieh, spread the onions over
le• would tear leen When his ile,• It, hreak over them a half dozen
Aelove pee 1:asored with nronely tireesei that none that, come to Lion c
14aking. $oda, ,IS one of the best
known remedies for burns and ecatale.
It should be immediately applied
vetoer wet with mak or weter,
users were come. Rot be is in laugh- eggs and put into a het OVen. WIlen par tip, ,,,,,i,p1.,,,, m.o.... ,tepevs..
r bands than litefee: of man. even in 1 the eggs are coohed to 'your taste she; in a- 51.10;11`pTivc:";;F-co‘a,,-n. bat'
he hands of 11111t wive has aill raver them With bread erunitie that title4 fill with black' pepper and af-
ower in loeaven alad on eerth. who.eltave been fried in butter and are ter dipping the ball in sweet oil.
ottit ACCOriling to Ilia will in tie lain. hot and serve. ThiS IS a Vega' insert into the ear using a halide&
nay of heaven and oolong the i litilehe011 dial:. to Leep in pitwee if toceceeary.
CLOS og Any littlit arm. ie Cast Ont. 1 teil you thie';
urodee no ere te, a, le ewhee pnvitetion is for all, Yee. it IF four
ritlr leitreittat onoi more\ aseednifees,all• 11 is for Yon lit7a1 as It Wa'. Ior „
tor drifilt.
zh Ewould i that 100r dr:m1te/1 loafer
le• zeilleae to taiaaaeia 10,..litotit CraWieil U 10 the altar in Pins -
eve lo to 0 heee •of eteatatoteriered la;•rtl' ItuOV ;Wars ago. "That
• 11 5 551155e5 113.4,Ne 1414 tu sag the nodell of toeving to IFIlVe
orapa ,•01-4 tiage it ie to tight f1,11.,L Cod 001111,3 men raid to 1'ralle15 '10141V4V.
ga-oe o s two fa -et as wen ale two' ".%-" MUrPlin
01'",IF. That oneane thee tee, ceeteie ree t taw to FAVe Lhu, but it a
elm Cfi when We 5' 0alai fee frOut, 1=00d to let (413trr." AB4 (1411
lerafernatiom Vat we r,ould did rave, lib put hie rtIlvbe. loeioee.
anew eieretette5 to lie ;laved ag feegiving arm about Captain flal
peeitiaan wl tee we may be ;tempted.: tour atoll' the =weer at sin leeeme
'rouge:vier, athetaye ilereneely teriees tedeemed chilli in the Eing'e reel-
ite e a firm int 1i weaeeet IN int. are. Olo 51V einfid, Sort-ow:Ng
e eeore 'let hint that 'Minket!' he fru'utir9* Will You ceueu to 1°11/ftw "ulf
Is 'fas Win :VOTa here Atilt POW sue-re:ale;
1,'• -fl 1ijvIr.yotor life, ;your broken life. into the
;am s iI.SiQl
1.7-1021301 tbiltUX or %le ItwalereL at that glad tucnitent, all the
It. of the naval the tial chimes will ring oat the tifliage
tooteh of tin /tatty he reera in the late that an intmortal is born ngeini
of 0 cot:titre: hoe V,:ho has tooee to I
"Sin is a sweet poison," once
wrote Anthony Burgess. It tirk-
leth while it stabbeth. The first
thing it does is to bewitch, then
-to put out the eyes, then to take
away the sense of feeling." It is
when the temptation is concealed
and hidden among attractive sur-
noteoclings that it has its greateet
Manner The -mighty furred Merin of
the ltoriky mountains is not caught,
by the ettzel trap lying unconcealed
in tie opened pathway. He sham-
bles along, sniffs' it, plashes it aside
with his paw, moves round it or
leaps over it, but when that trap is
concealed miner the green grass a
shalt distance from the tempting
meat then the mountain bear has
need to fear. No sootier is the
great paw placed upon that harm-
lesa. looking covering than the steel
teeth of that trap spring shot_ The
3neseive limb is held ir• a vise, and
the great beast is as helpless as the
murderer about to be execeted
the in•lson yard. The •wild turkey
will not “oop .loWn 01 his own ac-
coPd and enter the snail aperture of
the l'atal trap, but after the hunter
has scattered along the forest path
tne many grains. of. corn this wild
fowl will Tower his head and eat
.3rd OA until he is confined within
the v, ire screen8 from which will
I 1•a'k On dut to his death. My
eether and sister, are you among
tow, whom Kirsg Solomon desig-
ee '(5 010015 ? Do you moek at
ie me rf. ly hoe:yore' it comes around
0 htrinicss way ? The mere fact
foe hi,:rhIA'a,vnian Cr 0 ches be-
Inal,•es his sudden at-
aitants Of the CArth, opal pope $or le Plate -Butter an earthen ple
• c
an stay ills hand or may pato plate tioiclt with three tableepeon-
Elm. "What doest thou ?" Matt. fuls ef butter. Break intO the die!)
=loll, 12. Pan. iv, 35.) Ire who very easefully eix fresh eggs.
3 61110011; the prison founeations at Sprinkle salt mod replace over this.
Philippi And °peeled all the doors Put the diSh moderate oven
awe loosed every pae•fi bands, who and tha OM of the Waite
selLuilenen ptvtaenr engwailenan;110bwrogleta foinrtodh do ituitiltien ersoininehelyoattielivneentmeottit. the
to two soldiers (Acta) xvi, 20: xii, For lemela-Another et a different
(L 7). cinfld with a word have de- character may pleaee you even het -
layered: Paul from his present cap- ter for band). Take some thin slices
• tors. but it was not in plan. of bread, trim off the crusts. lay
When we (etyma understand why them on a well butter dish anal
God sontetioleS delicecS foul some. cover with thin Slices of Welt. but
thrieS MUMS the OPPreSSOrS 10 e0/1- Mild. dices** Beat up enough eggs
tintie to oppress, We 1*nI51 rentellaber to cover the bread, seareut with
thatth"113.8 for God, Nis way is per- 5811 and little cayenne pepper,
feet.° mid just hear Ilint SaY,
lilt and know that I em God.
will he malted among the heathen.
I will be exalted in the eerth" (Fs.
viH1;10; 1;0.) "Sou may Use grated Parmesan
• ehoote sprinkled over tbe sliced
!bread if you prefer,
1 14 ers Bne onFemme—Peel two
And Set It Going Again After It onions. slice and fry them brown In
Mad Run Down. butter. Then mix in a dersenepoon-
fel of vinegar. Butter a dith and
At a recent clinic In England the spread .the onions over it. Break
optrator ectually started at man's; over them the imam, of ems re.
Lar "rhiltg awl' Its 'm40°119 quired for your trunil,y and place
bad eeasell mesenbig the vital all in a brisk oven. When the eggs
organ with his hands, it was at a are cooked cover with a layer of
meeting or the Society of Anesthet- bread crunabS fried in butter and
Isis In Engituid the otlier day that term
lir. E. A. Starling reported this 00. Luncheon Recipe—This lune -been
;,4%.• 411 s*:.*.' 40'07 Weeto ti g
;i•Q1,0g to aa left. : ta l•r was as I THE SUNDAY scifooL
.ieter or Lis Hagler. tiej
iteal tomb. lit °
.0 , toetneguieli a ag ona tang
o. as .1 trateaei ao tiers eee
tan tedi tee karmony of colots or t
za, e iodates Par Vtila at the
1 14.l04t Mit after o while
et' ne must afeene liLirieel to
Le ie 1 Leo queei iottral n 11.414147.•1N.
lo' dr,st taw enchatitime f in a
MAY 10.
Text of the Lemon, Acts =Hi.
12-22. Golden Text, Acts
xxiii., 11.
tee Walsh matetle•I bis ee. Hall -
teller aeleage / s •15. And when it WrI9
evil le so loeger taendeRe tee ten the Jews Welded together and
Lim: be beghe 10
,k41.(4 at 113'Lonumu
d theselves ndr ea ,curse,
0,4/.0 2„ny Lave a 1:4,:micial eaeleg that they would neither eat
eat e, 001*agee for it with a nor (Link till they had killed Paul.
Clear eee (33111lovely bearthat, a Ware than forty thus bound theta -
aft. r dwi 1"4. eau go tool with tee. seleee eith this oath of exe.eation
to-tia in Int (ombes or ' upbraidiuge of la "warrilk), unit theY a' plan
Yea 11100 an :+1; MO !Well to the that the chief captain ebould be
%Hest of' tong: wl telt are beinfe. otter- Wee 1 to bring him again la:We the
the mew,: oh,re with that the might inquire
o ne *53'ey 5510 w; e ea, mole perfectly of some things, and
UM' ,i:s1,013;g0 ebat :be sees and then tate' would fall 11;1011 him and
Pews than is her masculine emeriti Iki-1 Vinatever they might pro -
Tee faet teat ale. young won is aloe ie religiouely, their conduct made
trg'•0 with you dmi that he $170Si it manifett that they me e children
t Arong wetthing 0, sinm ony him of whom the Lord Jesus said,
rienee beyrivol dotibt that he has "Ce tt as a murde.er from the begin-
% init.:tele of the emo. a Enrolling of , Ling" (John \ 11), "II hosoeve-
the man al Fen Militias, an Inability doeth not righteousnees is not of
to soiritetely distingeha right from Pod, oe'ther he that loveth not his
wrong. What rolor Idinth:CES iS 1,:ralltsr" (1 John iii, 10). "The
the lora:no:he engicer who is un- wicked plotteth against the just and
able to eistingulah warning eignals gnasheth upon him with his teeth,
alorg ide the reilroail track spirit- The Lord shell hrugh at him" (Ps.
ual (WO: blintiness is to the sinful- xsrsreli, 12, 13). "The Lord bring-
soel. After awhiW
:e by the toueh of e the couroel of the heathen to
:in the Firmer loses his capacity to naught. Ile inaketh the devices of
anningtish right from wrorg and, the ;Toole of none. eifeet. The counsel
like tz-e eyeless ground. mole. is un- of the Lord standoth forever, the
able to tell the brightness of mid- thoughts of Ms 1104531 to all genera
noon from the darkness of midnight, lions" (Ps. xxxiii,
10, 11). We
?MST STEPS. have the thoughts of His heext in
eerie 11, which, though not in the
The first steps to moral destruc- le son, is in thnportion assigned for
tion may wind through a garden, study, and every teacher would do
but that floral pathay i.oan well to sreud much, if not all, of
changes into the road coverea the thre for the lemon upon it.
with jagged rocks and running by Note the Lord's vileit to him in the
the site of the yawning precipices,. castle. No prison walls or soldiers
The bi atelets of gold we soon can keep bira out. Note the werde
changed into the btu -incur% of steel. dThe- Lord stood by him" and cem-
Tile merrymakers will soon bear the pare IT. Tim. iv, 17; Zech.-iii, 5.
echoes of their laughter in the Nothe the Lord's "Be of good
sluices of the doomed and the lost. cheer" and look up similar words in
Thei.e is no permanent naiveness in the gospel and in the Acts and note
sin. Mark that,- my brother -- no also the Lord's purpote that Paul
ieal happiness in sled should testify of Hem at Rome as he
len me, 0 drunkard, that you are had at Jerusalem and see jer. 11,
happy? No, no! Any one who has 20, with Isa, xiy, 24; My, 17.
heard John B. Gough deF.,cribe the • 16, 17. And when Paul's sister's
miseries of his past life knows that son heard of their lying in wait he
no drunkard is happy. Tell me went and entered into the castle and
that the libertinew
Is happy aen d NA
by told
his crimes he lost the respect of all lt 'evil be a pleasure some day to
goal. men and women? Tell roe that get acquainted with Paul's sister, le
e gam .01 18 0.appy? o, no! for we trust she is among the re -
When he sat at the'sgambling table, deemed, as well as with the other
Le not only lost his honor, but his membere of his family and thes ne-
home, his business, his ah. 1 -le can- phew who here plays an important
not even buy a pair of shoes for his part and is sent by Paul to the
feet or a rmat for his back. •Thomas chief captain, with the tidings,. Paul
Guthrie once described the cup •ofjrnight have said: "There is no den -
:in as a beaufill
beautiful cbalice ed with, ge my boy. Go :home and tell
• •
wine, but at the bottom of the cup eyour dear mother not to be trou-
ay col cc a sa.pent. And so after I b'led, for the Lord crone to me last
we have sipped for a little while the 'night and said that, I should yet
cup of pleasure, then the evil ser- witness for Hm
Himin :Rome" DA
pent will appear and sting as and' paie. saw nothing inconsistent with
bite 1.7S as we put the chalice to our faith in God and taking all possible
Let no man consentto be precaution. to keep out of the ene-
an evil Lida ever brings happiness right,
a mocking fool bY sepposing •that otos hands, and surely he was
this side of the grave. thee.
Thit how znuch more awful must 18, 9.-gPau1 the prisoner called
be the evil results of sin on the oth- me unto shim and prayed me ...to
and pour aver the, shoi. rot tho
dish in it rilederitte Oven And bake
till the %%II are Set. Serve whik
very loot and from the same Mei*.
curt ence.1—ecipe ntny also be served as entree
The ease was one of appendicitis. at dinner, Dave a pint of rich to -
The Patkillt WI'S luau ef 65 Yettra mato puree and cork in it balf a
of age. Edaer and nitrous
e the anaesthetics employed te whole
(55140 doyen well amnion eggs ; pour the
into a, deep dish and serve
tender him unconscious. It is al- with it bread croutons.
wakes considered a risky matter to
5180 the knife exclusively upon a, per-
son °eel, CO, and in this instance
the operators were well prepared for
emergencies. Therefore, when, after
the operation had proceeded for
some rainutos, the subject's pulse
began to slacken and his breath to
come very faintly there was no
flurry among the surgeons or nurses
assisting. At first they tried artifi-
cial respiration, drawing the tongue
in and out to induce restunption. 01
the natural functions. But the lungs
failed to respond, and finally both
pulse and respiration ceased.
Then the surgeon, W. Arbuthnot
Lane, pushed his hand up through
the abdominal wound and grasped
the motionless heart through the
diaphragna. Ile squeexed it and felt
it start pulsating, though no radi-
cal pulse could be felt. Artificial
respiration and other restoratives
were continued, and in about twelve
minutes natural respiration reap-
peared and the pulse became per-
ceptible at the wrist.
After that the surgeon wielded his
knife as before the interruption and
proceeded to complete his work in
businesslike fashion. He did not use
an anaesthetic while performing:the
final work.
There was no complication in the
case, and the old man made what
the doctor's call "a good recovery."
Commenting on the sucleess of the
experiment in this ease the Journal
of the American Medical Associa-
tion, says : •
"This rough-and-ready method and
its success in this case are sugges-
tive of important possibilities, and
demonstrates that cutting opera-
tions in these -oases age not essen-
tial and can be avoided.
"The previous failures followed ex-
tensive exposures of the heart either
by rib resection or -incision through
the diaphragm, as recommended by
Mauelaire (in two cases). This of
Itself introduces a serious complica-
tion, and Lane's success was pro-
bably mainly due to his avoidance
of this. The ease, as the Laneet re-
marks, "justifiee us in saying that
if during laparotomy the patient's
heart stops, the ease should never
be abandoned as •hopeless until
rna'nual compression, of the heart
through -the diaphragm has been pee -
formed." "'
In many homes there Is In the'
ing lust over the dining table
hook thal, was originally intended
for a chandelier or a balmier; inlIbp.
A pretty use ib*- Gals boa* during
animater is to hang 1r1.010 It, her
n3e451l5 Of email brows chains that
• can be bought at a dry goods store,
• a small haeket er other receptacle,
which will hold a dish or a NW.
In thite one can keep wit flowers.
rose bowl . in a round basket
used in One Wine With good effect.
All kinds of flowers are kept In it
us 'they come along, either wild or
from the garden, and long grasses
r vines are sometimes need, the
long ends reaching ta the table-
cloth. A bonging bouquet of this
min leaves room on the table, at
:which a large family gathers, for
other things, and is less opt to be
tipped over with alinastrous con-
etuences to the table linen.
Cutting From Japan Nail on
Canadian Enterprise.
Canada has nurde giant etrides et
late years. This fact has been ap-
parent to the most casual observer,
while to the student taking an inter -
in the coonoinie development of
a people there is abundant evideace
of material protegees which augurs
well for the immediate future of the
country. Comparatively young
business nen in Canada have a, re-
collection of geography leesons at
DIMS$ ¶riti3flhINcs school in which it was set forth that
the two chief items of export in
Certain kinds of artilicial flowers
axo Much used for trimming waists Canadian trade woe fish and nun -
ler. it is hate:tasting now to note
that in the list of exports for the
first quarter of the present fisettl
year fish stood sixth and lumber
seventh, animals and their produce
and products "of the mines in first
cowl second places respectively, re-
placing fish and lumber, which wet°
formerly the only two really MI.
portant staple exports of the lilt/ -
minion. Although there has been a
remarkable expansion in nearly all
departments of Canadian trade the
past year or two, the greatest de-
velopment has been in connecition
with the iron and steel industries
and in agriculture. When the end of
the current half-year is reached it
will be found that the results of the
operations in these branches of in-
dustry have caused very suhfitarl-
tial additions to the domestic trade,
of the country.—Japan Mail.
In the way of collars and belt de-
corations, and those that have been
used in trionning hats may be
utilized in this way, after re-dyeling
and pressing, or painting with wa-
ter colors. Some may even be
fashioned out of silk and stiffened
by means of starch or gum arable.
Daisies in ribbon work, using -the
narrow white satin baby ribbon,
make a "pretty ornamentation for a
stock collar of black silk. The rib-
bon is threaded into a wide-eyed
needle, and each stitch taken forms
a petal of the flower. The center
may be filled in with yellow French
knots, made by bringing the needle
up throug'h the goods, after knot-
ting the thread, holding it in the
left hand with the thread in the
right, and winding it ten tines
around the needle ; then, still keep-
ing a firm hold on the thread to
prevent it from unwinding, putting
the needle through the g,00de a
short distance from where it was
brought mi. The size of the knots
depends upon the thickness of the
thread the number of times it is
wound around the needle, the dis-
tance between where it is put
through and brought up again, and
the size of the needle.
Where the collar is fastened at
the ba,elo a small rosette, which
represents a daisy formed out of
loops of the ribbon, with a piece
of yellow silk for the center is
placed on at the top and one at the
base of the collar. A belt to match
is finished at the front with a large
rosette, from the center of which
loops of ribbon, varying in length,
'dangle, • each one finished with a
ribbon daisy. Any preferred color
may be Substituted for the bloat,
•the light shades being prettier, al-
though not as serviceable.
A new way of working the lacy
spider web stitch for wearing ap-
parel, is to work it directly on the
cloth it is to adorn without cutting
away the goods underneath. A
web t of blue ard white checked
gingham may be decorated in tills
way, the spider web:, outlining or
filling in the yoke.. This deem -mina,
must be done before the waist is
• The advertiser should guard his
English. He must, be careful not to
write in high-flowo sentences which
will offend the ignorant, but he
must not write so carelessly that he
will offend the people who know
things. There is a middle ground of
good English, • pure words and
sensible thoughts that should be
used in all business writing. The
care with which good advertisements
aro written wotild astonish the aver-
age writer. It is not that the man
who writes is so much a stickler for
good style, but that he wants to ex-
press certain ideas and he wante to
make the meaning clear. Good lan-
guage is necessary to do this. Good
language betokens the clean store,
the attractive stock, and presup-
Poses • excellence throughout. It
would not be expected that careless,
talk, obscure expression, or confuse'
ing expla"vations would, attract good'
people to a store, neither should it
be thought that careless language,
will give the people the right itega.
of the stock or the establishndari.
Keep the stock clean, and the editor-,
tising style geod, .and see, that thel
salesOople talk as well as the, ad-
vertieement writer talks; that' will,
do the business for the eeore,