HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-5-7, Page 3atee-eee<ee-eee....g.g<•efecogg.<4*. ‹Iggrs' tv- ".' • V, • PA ✓ if W NI Wki W/ .yf A Tale V V IV V V' 15 and V A A ✓ %eV of te wA V A V11:411 lib il A A T w A's, T1 _ ac riuyi i Rolling Wave 2 sla V V it RI NkS-)D,NY),"))),.))3)..,..,.44•)›.,..tPi4 0 1-1 APTER XVI. !of rooms on the ground floor itest mit ,,R inside the inaial exatrauce. Assunalug It' was tbe laaraing 44 1417 sec— 0 a confideet Air. I walked into the flay in Naplee. and no news hard outer orace. and found it a ooley reached me of Nennard, or of the tittle mace. with an enensplashed niqa Irma whase elatigv hin Mete:3v' counter running from well to wall. We fleet' througlx the railway ca- - c - A middle-aged, seedy -looking Italian riage at INSe. bed saved me. I had Icicle,: was writing at a desk behind put op at 1,he Ifotel Victoria oil the i the counter. but the back part. of t3araseacP43 (44144,Y" mlicace 1 c°31dIthe room was mostly‘laidden from watch the lelue waters of the Ismaili- ',,rit,,,r by a portable Japanese screen fal Gulf for the conileg of the Qesell1;betereau gee and six feet high,- 47d Night, and all throesh the k after my arrival I had been tiarreig oir'''then aateae ct:si.ftilue elelst folg . Itt71;eh4;74.,f 1rs into a fever eveti ry me the smoke of icsvol Of tbe who 0000, 1.0,,cod an incoming steamer appeared on the horizen, But I Was doomed to dis- with 3IacritY" appointment ; none of the re$geisj "Yase. ser--Afr. 'Volpe is agent," EfVeking harbor proved to be the, was the neeply whieh prannised a SAM" graceftill craft which the tietecatree deed, knowledge of Ittaglieh for my had called a "seurderetrap." Purpose, My impatienve Was hecoming al ,... ...' 1( ship ?" I proecedel, adopting -the most ^unbearable. Not only dee .1, 400roo,v, of Abe firaheibie Drawn on chafe against the delay he the arefAlis travels, -liens licteee I been wait - rival of the slip. but I leered front ing et for her 'eel. since yesterday Ilfcentr.ertfalitnebtsittunteeautolrel satoilirile .1daareal ,n4 atot:n01:170. 13,1 t3,1,0veraciaUL .uticealielera: Aline let:: ShOUld never be able to cope with Aline't.iit to in her bere, for toe rest the difficulties that. beget me. Acting of the trip, 'rice delay is very am On the advice he had given, I had noteing.tt ethansioneel disguise and remained my that monieet 1 caught eight of own garirtents before engaging o the shining top of a bald bead. r°°)31 'at: the hetel' and I was he- riiint•ti an inch above the ticreen as gintting to consider Wiletlierin - Y lir some one behind it were changing' ito t's (4 041 Larf* would not be to militate Ian oositien. fl. disappeared so ney position and anxiety to the Eng-ei woody as Rot, to eirestraet lily ot- l'ish Ca4541" ia, the h"""t he lention front the clerla's reply. would be More aelpful than hie col.. "It is most nntorehnit. var. that leagw at °*4134°' ()"e 1 Irnt' °A 11.11,3! 1'4 you should be SO tliSCOMIPOtt;".” he cap to go to the eoendate. bot toe raaio, °I rearet ver ocooell that ticonett of the storm cell at lite Con- tt there eato be no boobiog 1.1,•ar fhovn Wilt of Santa Lticia overcame nue, t Night from Naples. After leaving and 1 tomcat again to volute an Tibor the sheelioe levywed the Roy. a, she call for orders at Leg- . andi twelve inetraretimie by frein the ()tweeter to proeeed to tail in Sardinia. vrlalzm ,1•110 1115r1:41 tol Alloxamlale. Ste aot ,eleaen where the devil is th In the ordinary coact* the Queen of Night should hare arrived at Naples early on the previous day. awl as the weather was fine and come to Naples at aliee calm the thelay was quite luexpliee awe wee terra& sewfa, one I was able. It was NOW eleven OVeek in so overcome Met I nearly betrayei, the fOreniaelt. FO that the was warty ntereelf., The 119141191S ball eviJettOF thirty Overtilie,, arranged that the Ship tni having Something had happened. WaS Oat Of all proportion to any legitimate de - hi so ehort a voyage. To my otlier allaelOtioS began to be added wild thoughts of collieions, fire. eldpwrechs, and a hundred other verde of the deep. gramme :of vieiting ; but if At last I mated emit a pitch anything elmuld have lame wropg that to stay kicking nty beets about woe Abate plane with regard .to the the hetet and staring out to sea tintaing of nreeele puralit on ION wog no longer pomade to Sae. 1 'part was to , he Moiled off by the efeeirled to go down to the quays leimple prams of avoiding the port and entleavor to find mine one who 'where eemee pelted to find the could ;lid my inquiries by interpret- Tho latter Muth -agency had Ing for Ine. and glad to he up and 'occurred., and by this time the doing' anything I rallied forth at :Queen of mot must be nearing °nee. Passing through the Via Neel, whenee in a. few lame rite Moja, chanced to notice a name •ould start for Alexandria. alai Ovi`e 'doorway which filled Me With COMMOIWO that portion of the vior• a sedilen inspiration -Oa name of tt the agent Wi101a Nathan bad men - Oared ea " his correspondent in Naples, one :Mellor Libelant° Volpe. 11 any one in the city was :likely to be able to give news of the this wus the man, and at all risks I -determined to try him. 1 oay all Asks, because there win every limitability that if be knew who I was he would serve my en- emies rather than myself by taking gaps to curtail toy liberty. Thank if still n free agent, baying seen me on iny way south, would have been Collecting' senee enough to hurl a certain to apprise their corresponthe few anathemas at the (eerie 1 belt ent of the fact, with instructious to the office and wall.eiL slowly back to throw obstacles in my way, if no- the hotel. One ray uf Comfort was thing worse, and it would not there- alone granted to me. I remembered fore be safe to Make inquiry in my that Plea, where Kennard and Viz - own mune and person. As I was ard had both .so mysteriously dis- still wearing the mercalltile uniform appeared, Was the junction with the in. which bad gone ashore at short line running to Leghorn, and Genoa, Went first to a clothier's I reflected that if Vizard bad got on and bought it ready-made tourist board there the detective would suit, changiag into it. by permission have the chance of doing so too. of the proprietor, in a room behind hoped frantically thnt he had avail - the shop. Then, having given in- ed himself of it, and that his non-. structions for my uniform to be conummication with me was due to sent to the hotel, I returned to the . his having gone to those who needed • Gioja. his protection so notch more urgent - The offices of Mr. Girolamo Volpe, ler. This thought, however, though though in a large and handsome it lifted a little ot load, did not building, were not themselves on a compensate for being left high and lordly settle, Consisting, so far as dry where I was powerless mytelf to was able to Judge during nay brief aid ; and directly I reached the acquaintance -with them, of a couple hotel I inquired if there were any Genoa, should call at Leghorn, so 'that Vinvertal could Ite informee whether woe still safely out of the way at the Convent. In this eafla 111141? could, without rish of eompli- 'cations. cella? out the oriainal pro - 11. A. W. CHASES ATARRII We. fa vet divert to tlio direastil mull the Improved Illovor, iltabi tho ulcers, ;clean the al: puranemeers drr.pplo a In the *neat zed prim:mon y suitz Catarrh end tray Fever. Illowcr fere. All &Oen, ba A. W. Chase Lltdlcine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. age over which hung the foreehatiow- ing of *melt dreadful ray.sterv. lood is In Harr it is Lacking the EssentiaP, Life-giving Principle which is Best Obtained by the Use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Fo d. The tired, languid, and depressed ,, feelings which come with spring are the outward indication of the weak- lened condition of the blood and the low state of vitality. When the blood gets thin and wat- pry the waste of the human body is More rapid than the process of re- tonstruction. Gradually the action of the heart grows wbaker and weak- er, the lungs do not work to their full capacity, the stomach, and other digestive organs fail to perform their duties, and the result is all iiorts-of bodily derangements. Aching head, dizzy spells, indiges- ition, feelings of weakness and de- ;cponcieney, lack of energy to per- form the duties of the day, loss of appetite, failing memory and power Of concentrating the mind, irritabil- ity, nervousness, and sleepleasness jare aino-ng the 'syniptoms which dis- tress you, and all can be avoided by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. There is no prepkwation to be com- pared to Dr. Chase's Nemo Food as a spring restorative. It does not etimulate and so whip the organs of the body to over-exertion, but by enriching the blood, instils new vigor into the nerves and builds up the whole system. By noting your increa,se in weight while using this great food cure you oan prove that new, firm flesh and tissue is being added to the body. To awaken the liver, invigorate the kidneys and regulate the bowels, use Dr. Chase's ICiclneY-I-Aver All dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co,, Toronlo. To protect you against imitations the poftrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Cha.se, the faMous receipt book author, are on every - box of his remedies. boats leaving for Caglari whiele would give Me a chneve of catching up the Queen a Night before ehe sailed. Again I met with a reintii• The day was Thureclay. The etearn- er for Sardinia would not. lea.ve till Saturday, weet up to neer room, well-nigh in deOPair, and racked' with doubt whether 1 bad better go to the. Con- sulate or try the Italiarn police au- thorities. I had nearly, after my last experienee, decided in raver of the latter. when a waiter blocked fit the door and said that a sigoor--aa English signoe-was inquiring for 113001V. Who illy visitor could. he, un- less et was either Kennard or Viz- unser seeders froart. the owner to 4-1M.x3oules wal. introduced, Oee aril, I had no idea, but, glad at the Proceed to Oegliari this very night. °.t "IC $reakoza t'econneended the es- Prosicatet of any sort of chative froM Ur- Sadth is not en heard, as ho 'zahliShotent tit a depot for eeceleing Polishing the top of his shining head with a, red handkerchief, he rose as to go, then tioPPed Own ia his chair again, tapping his fore- head ane koitting his brows with the air of A man who was trying to remember. "Yes, it WAS this evening," he said Aloud to hilaseif at last. "My dear sir," be went on. "it is just possible that I MAY be of assistance to yon after ell. There is a steene-yacht here beloug- beg to a. London gentleman pained Smith, She is nemed the giv33(10e. and I know her skipper, Ceptaio DiceY, very well. Bat whet is more to the point. I believe that site A•i4E-5*-3v,,,ifE,«34E•pif•eic.4-***;*!, 4 LAD E ED • VA ARMLnS )11 - Seasenabie and Profitablo # Hints for tile Bilsy 0311 of the $0, a e ot*****etWee,34,4*eaYgesithie*teriihetli 1liTTER-13LENDINGt At the recent discussioa upon the eo-oPeretien of farmers, at the Cherober of Apieultere at Carlisle, land. the question of coeneerite blank inaction, 1 gate orders for liPuiposes zonring the yacht. in Sae,. ;Ale to be ieneetty zhewn up, pat dinia. where he has been shooting iiiinute later I was more inystided she 'came Naples to refit. than. ever. for on the jugh,vidual 1,3140 thi.otz I can induce Captain Dicey to CAM° tripping obsegniously into the ;She You A paeeetiga-on thor, quiets -- roam 1 had certehey never mt, eyes Jse,r. e. ten -pound note car sO. beforo. ye was middleaigea, retie. lie shall have twenty if he will the. butter Vent farmers. cenverting it into .one Wand, eud placing it .upett the market. Thie induatry hies " Met received .rettention at the hands of threee who are concereed tbe co-operative better- business. The Danish system has succeeded in the Foglish. market, to a larger extent dinsipatoo,400,41 shataily4ressePput me across," snot eagerly, "wed than tee 4,reach system. The former se di hint ainvo, uwkir Ismevonableieolillaulitle4-wastterylirsittJure ibe ojarroh.temNg;te. ygt hos et ;it ee, atilvneedsr.:Trici 'Irlseeztectiors_e:vbfre-atptliSouthePeiespfaraotriensci.d waeiiieetLeey. atthhreee it bail not been announce& Stranger though be was. thereaMea und.," on etyma „0„bllgatl" ? 'French s,yetera, which is chiefly con - wan something aleont es siBi go at °nee. WAS the re' neeted with the blealing busteess. red that struck a reeent chord 103'; iS ono of the sweetest Plea,'" conaned almoet to the purchasn of 115' flienlorer. and 1 seenthalzed idea sures voucitsafed to as poor labor- farsteIs" butter ba the mareet en a. more closet,. to iao was eon- ;ers in the vineyard to befriend our woo. grading it. into quality,. olut frOnteii with ,yet. another dise-nise- fellic°33tvXmeil in lleiv need- It blesdirag the various lots of eacle the notion was no wearier Lone D'°W AearlY one- :ExPecf, hack quality for despatch the *awe dity ed than it WAS dispelled by the die- an hour tram POW. I for the tra•het, The Preach blend- rovery of what; had _seemed 1,4miliar. And he went out. leaving Me ed butter is march mote nalatable ;in him. it was the ang top of ,le•nilleTing at the combination or roil than tee paaish, am it Isthe rnBd pais doiateelaaped. hold bead which lunch llislliteresled goodness with on unesafted French. brawl which holds Pled revelled the bald head setle by teliiremely meoreposeessieg exterior. its own in the hotels and on the t cro Do (ontinued.) me an boar 'alma-) over the screen iill VoliVo Oillre. and suspicious as I 'was growing of everything and eve ore -body. I recognized that it eresuld he ridiculous to asSunte that le was thO SOOle. 1 Ire advanced into the room endling' 'tied rail..ng his bands. and the mo- ,ncent be opened bis mouth he chaSed ,c ;away all inelinetion to n00'01114 441"414, with its three lit'll a h°1f 1 oi i, "0 ftligllitY. C4wIrg to 114°4eut ti millious of Sttilar0 miles, awl less S i:i. fallaOst all factories work on iiiiin with any one else. t ^than five and a, ball millione of the oanie system; Leine they pro -duce LOOK FOR, RETURN hat 1ust 'n Receive ceethwot. 'rice London, Daily Mail says blee of the better .ciaces of vonsumere 'hO purchaee for Vet Lonlon trade.: PANTSII SYSTEM s that which is so widely practiced in beand. Tina farmere 'deliver heir milk to the erearaeriee. row h creamery is therefore able to dote a Wand which is invariably thokm-t in the at twenty pereltha.t .seretem. and is ractre or less saw him in Leghorn yeseal,RtsaP ca' 439 P. CI!, 41‘lt-leadlitt,a,DiociaT,111;„ fattlIceaateeettof uottlyNbleg.it_t '444 (a, ern ,valcute or the averae Englitt; con - 44445 teraltaaries. too. for whiela fellowecoulitayloan Of yOure to en-, late5t. v4414gratrgs ore boom. there 'I come from Mr. Kennard."' he t at room to weer, butter which ie cliaracteristie of iterdnY nu/ruing sleortlY before be 4,13a4rUurban popubwon Moue hog :identical. It. theeefore. suits the Minter, and coneequeatin raevts tee. 4eqtAirennealft Of the a,verege lbitish leader. Fo ler as I.:teen-1i farm - trust we with a tWe'sag° to Yo°' Re are 44110IV Vela a million of weitarce one Or 10.405 faciog the Bay." h g •,5014 ansiouhil prolcably find you at roh,9 oad land awaiting cowers era are concereed it is a geteetion of and on the whole meleg to the Itilet profit. Win the eireanwieS 110 P4a.F• dOwn. andMate ;:billoi,04 viand, Avbich bzioxv warm I t,te hest bar the !arisen, Or will he irostrelf collifortable," I eaiii, 5 wheel-1mm the radon over a tie/mem:ion reallee a larger profit be: unthing laie ing (chair Air Mat. "1 have twee in the litcay vionatatait/45, it ammo own butter end sendong' it 1140 a neat weviotie Mr. Kennard. whien is not loom severe than that micSirg bielldirg house. W.:winging end at my wits' end as to how to ot aaarzi of the united staton. The that &tell an establislonenT were worked by the farmers tremenivee acting in combination? excalcing. all &rends upon the shill of them who make the farmers' butter. Thoee who make a fine brand of banter can 'do better by rearlseting it, themselves; hut, It is alonest ueele's to Urge, *hie was t;:t.:isg oh l'oarda, 31114 4:tila,t; al'initmitrblirp,k)svuse. are gilt in"' SO much hitril31111, °If`,%9bIlitittensTi rjner ennieltril..1 of 1 hpoes.re- was cunning fat to Aal"es• he °S'e" of our best. to Canadit,Dthe Untie who macho butter make any attempt ilnatt:tvig lanik4t)ttr.%litrititir'uit,:ffroorntfoltiiirlin tticae tk.„,iini to be coming nearer wbeo to obtain to, you in ther wont, that the !ift'I.111Oztviatutt;tilltoliasNs'e. tsougaies•eovenoatzetlific:)gr RETAIL. CUSTOMERS, d to desVateh ti eir iiareelo altered he thought it best. tgo ga !t:IetNtivtlitiee141:: Itt'Xi' to ti°t°1141 on her to various parts of the country. her. cerecieelally as he had aecertoinee trusting to the mothertt-he, e butteroutking ferment re - that a rertain oersoineyou would galartrY la sareiCuarll her. Canada,eiOe Withill a ..,.nalletriet it le es- • railways of Canada are being anything rapld- 01 the eiretunfitalliM UMW b developied, and the wide" along which we parted et Visa?" miles of navigable rivers will "Not a wordeeand for the reation hoth teed rad tap them. Taxation that, there was no (Ime," replied my in canada is at a, tolotowjo ; NAN teener. "I made r. Kennard's ae- though arduous, is free, anti every- quaintance (mite casually in a. hotel thing, mem to be on the .side of • • • g in fact, spends lees -taan two shit-ea-eat:II to the SUCCOSS Of VW blerod- MiderStalld who -had ,gone on board. Ile concluded by begging we to lines a bead on ber defence ; bow [ling bleinees Oat they should make ' much loterecr is Great Britain to provide the leelance ?" a good article; otherwille, rafter urge you to join hint at emeliari, grading, the quality ntight be con - even if you had to hire a, tiperial beat th get there, as be had evet7 hope at that port of Winging mat- ters to an iSSUe and of inducing rec.- Vein Inixtunt Meads, I. think he said, to leave the ship." This was good news indeed. The person alluded to as Laving gone on board at Legitorn was evidently Vizead, but neither he nor 7,avertel would be half so dangerous with the detective at hand to watch their every Move. A great deal would depend, however, on whether he was. on board in his own character, or stlfl succeesfully disguised as the old American General, and I questioned my visitor as to how Mr. Neebersi was deersed. . “You require proof of my having met Mre Kennard ?" he said, sham- ing at once by his in:inner that he had put upon nay question it con- struction 1 had net intentkd it 10 bear. The information he brought tallied so exectly with' my Oreeious surmise, and with what I had learn- ed at Volpe's , office, that to doubt him after he had made his statement never crossed my mind, and I has- tened to disclaim any such inten- tion. "I am glad to hear you say that," he replied, "for it would be hard to meet with such it reception after going to the expense of considerable time and trouble to do it Service to strangers. I am sorry to say that I suffer Vein shortness of sight, and did not take particular notice of your friend's costume. By the way, allow me to rectify an omission --I should have introduced myself on entering: My name. is :Matthew May- field. I am a missionary working among the English sailors who fre- quent Italian ports." I should certainly never have guessed Mr. Mayfield's profession from his appearance, though I had had enough experience of longshore preachers to know that they do not usually wear purple and fine linen. Thp disclosure of his avocation in- spired me with a- new idea, and promptly asked him if he knew of,, any private boat on the point ot sailing for Cagliari, or which :could be chartered for that purpose at a moderate figure. I had taken the precaution on the previous day to wire horee to the bankers who had iny modest savings in their Charge end they had cabled beak a credit Of two hundred pounds for me to, their local agents.. I was willing, neer, eager,. to spend every penny of it in getting to Cagliari. But Mr. Mayfield shook his head. palling vesselcould easily be procu-red at a metal sum to put you Across to the Island, but it would not take let's than two and a half days under the most favorablecon- ditions of wind and tide. That, I understand, Would be too late to catch the Queen of Night. There are no. .small steamers here ;disengaged which. could he got ready for sea At Sneh ,Short fined to second or third, omitting fir:4 quality altogetter. If. there- TELEBRITIS1 AT SOKOTO. Ifore, the large majority of waters pronucedthe first brand, blending would probably prove the most toe- ces;110, for the reason that the con- sumer would obtain really fresh but- ter, which would in coneequa n- e re - 500,000 Square Niles Added to the Empire. For veveral years it considerable blotch of fee on the map of Africa 4uize a higher price than panith and lias 'militated British predominan,ee other creameey butte:, this bring rae over 1140 region 1.1.109 Niger'4' cessity produced from raeteurieed r11,0 makers of ine Attleall UO1I cream for keeping purpose; however, often deal in futures, and British control of Nigeria Las until long French blended butter will not keep recently been more of an intention , nor is it intended to keep. it rewires London as quickly as would than an actuality. •°rhat's mine," toys John Bull, laying it broad fin- ger on the .1cligerian num. Frame and Germany, the only other inter- ested /rallies to the situation, nod their acauiesceece, anal the redoubt- able John continues; "That's mine. I'll govern it as soon as I can. Meanwhile, I reierve it." The time has come when British control is to be made something more than a few residences in the in- terior and trading 'stations on tile coast. A little more titan a month be the ettFc if it were made in Cum. be lard; but it is quite dilTerent with Danish and Australian. Hence we contend that fine, mild, unsalted, or very slightly salted butter ehould always realize a better price; arid it is teat better price which might be obtained if the blending serstew could. be conducted by farmers who all produce a ane article. CROSSBRED MI -MATS. In productiveness, one of the ago a. 'British column captured So- crosses named Preston has taeen koto, the capital of the great Fula the lead, writes Prof. 'William Salm- lempire, anti four days later Sir ders. This is a (Toes of the Red Frederick Lugard, Commissioner of Fife with the Russian variety La - Northern Nigeria, entered the city. Coga. Ladoga is a week earlier in British journals recognize tbe change ricening than ]led Fife. Preston' is in the ritnation by stating that the about fear days earlier. During a occupation of Sokoto means the ad- test of six: years it has given an dition of 500,000 square miles and 20,000,000 or more blacks to the Empire. DINTS TO 110US1IREEPERS. An exchange says a line, white straw hat can be cleaned beautifully by malcing a paste of lemon juice and flowers of sulphur. The paste is to be applied to the straw with a brush, being careful that every place is covered ; allow it to dry and then brush it out with a dry brush. In the same article it is stated that a white straw hat may be colored black, or any bright color, by dis- solving diamond dye for black, or the color wanted, in a little alcohol and applying with a, soft brush. A coat of very thin shelle,e varnish is given .after the hat is dry. Baked pieplant is much more ap- petizing than that stewed in wa- ter. Cut in sniall pieces, leaving the skin on if the stalks are young and tender, as they should be ; put into an earthen or granite baking dish and set in a moderate oven till thoroughly done. If intended for a tart pie, beat to a paste with a sil- ver spoon, spread on the pastry -al- ready baked -cover with a meringue made by beating* the white of one eggwith a talikapoonful of powder- ed sugar and setting in the oven to harden. The eg'g must be beaten as for frosting first. Pieplant takes all flavors, and like the common potato, imparts none. Therefore, it can be uSec1 with straw- berries or cherries for pies, and no one will suspect that the filling is one-third pieplant. average crop, taking the results of the trials made on all the experi- mental lams, of 83 bushels 58 lbs. Per acre, wile easthe Red Fife, grown under like ebuditions, has given during the sam? period an av- erage of 82 bathels 30 lbs., a 'dif- ference in fever of the crossbred sort of one bushel 20 lbs. per acre. Lau- rel, a, cross of Red Fife with Gene, has given still larger crops, but this has been under trial only three years, while Preston has had it list at eight years. Many other of the crossbred sorts have also made excellent records. Some 'tory interesting varieties have been recently originated at the central experimental farm at Otta- wa by fertilizing the Red Fife with pollen of the Polonian wheat (Triti- cum polonium). This cross was ef- texted in the spring of 1900. From liernel so fertilized in a head of Bed Fife a pla.nt was produced which, contrary to the usual experience, produced heads and kernels quite un- like Red Fife. The seed from this plant, sown in 1902, sprouted much and gave a number of different sorts of heads, scarcely any two of them alike. The Polonian wheat has a very large kernel and the object in making this cross was to try to produce a good cropping wheat, with it kernel much larger than the or- dinary grain. • ADVANTAGES OF WILLOWS. On many a faxen a stream may be seen tearing out of the good soil of one field and leaving rocks, stones and pebbles in another as it sloWly Changes its cote -se. Clean Your Liver WITH Ilium's Liver Ileifiedy, "People elmeidd die eillY from eld. age or by accident4tinyerc. Z eneesttettegly premium:* Cr epee foe I liver troublee fileeeeer7 Of thS I 'St Impertence. Slasselebeese that ersee eringe en bliteeereese. efele heed, aebe. Indlatetten, cenetteetlen wet the tile which fellew these cenditlene, liver reineriy *et* pmenetteenerillea tleis Mad. clans the tOtigno awe sale .4134 I cealete YQA feel Itto nevi' eereen. Tag liver Is OPe ot the Me* Im4.7ortant or - game ef the Mimeo beet-. It te. deetetrege to Reelect itentaltieyon. MUINIYOWS REMEME% atueyon's laver Care. Pinyea'a Bleed, cure eradiates ell line uratee ot dee bleed. Pelee gee eteraesente CPIS Clare orerenta mita, and breaks up s Cold in a few um. Price ge, anew§ Female Iteraotliefiare a aeon o - gonyona Vitalizer resteree feat Fewer to wealv men. Price 1. Pergenal lettere addressed to Pole 141171111iiciVilleV4IgistUrWDi cdwIWTO: . ;rernielr eel free ...Oki av ter trate .0.et be given. Zia A row of willows would prevent; this in it great Met:mire, ae their roots a,^e. tory fibrous end aolil the eel in it network ageiest the etreanis inroads. They sesisetintea grow laterally aloes eteeeree anal hold thent to Clair coerce, rewiliye grow frOnt ettt..; Ug uo reateer what Owe. they may Tec.., if !dented in wet soil. They atsortic it g.eat deal of moisture, so eve geed to Vont in marsiee heed that eanuot be(liaised. or in damp I pla-es on the farm- Iteirg easy in Phila. growing quiehly and paving a fine arpearance they add beauty Os well as behig tizeitil to the In tn. semaiwoo•Op DIFFERENCE IN MILKERS. A (ow nacelle be made to shrink greatly in milk 'yield when left to "Of mincer. T1,15 Is geeerail,y ialown, awl the practice is common to let V e boys leant to eraett Ing with COWS Whhh Ve (Miler is ready to dry up. But tbe deinIte iash value of quich, den. Ade clean wor n seareely leaned. At c no of the Western experiment . fern s.wiecme of 17. e mer was an sfht.tveellaxetrnaigiehetrlitioarefieec:n;nd, t,05 co*nparett wltb the meta and it was found ant he was, worth icearly $1.0 more, on account , of the eetra milk which 1 e obtain- ; ed. The milk was also richer. ow- ing to his i•are in getting an the 31,11 Aril% ins. SOLDIER SITES GENERAL. etion For Zaino Arrest Durina the Boer War. Ex -Sergeant-Major Edmondson, ot the imperial Yeomanry, is suing Ma,-; jor-General Sir Henry Macleod Les -1 Ilie Rundle and other officers for; damages for alleged false imprison- ment in South Africa during tacc, late Boer war. Prior to the Boer war the plain-; tiff had been for ten and a hunt years in tbe 21st Nut:scars, and Malt , served four years abroad, lie came', into some money and obtained his', discharge. On the outbreak of the Boer war he left his wife and chil-i dren and volunteered for active ser-; vice agatn. Ile joined the Middle-, SOX Yeomanry, out of which the: 35th Company of the Imperial Yeo-. =teary was formed. lie was ati Senekal when orders were given to force a night march to Lilliefonteire and surprise the Boers. It turned: out to be a Boer trap which the, British force were led into by tee:, Boer spies. A shell suddenly burst, among the British, and the Dutch; guides bolted. He collected twenty: of the men and made the best of, his way through the Boer fire, and'. everctUally, with the loss of three men captured, arrived at Venters - burg, being harassed all the way by the Boers. The plaintiff immediate- ly reported himself, and was placed under arrest by General Bundle, who was in command of the division. It was found necessary to sub- poena Lord Roberts, and the solici- tors being unable to get near en- ough to the Field Marshal to effect a service Edmondson undertook the work himself. The field Marshal did not suspect the identity of titer civil -spoken individual . in plaii clothes, who served him with a subpoena. Efforts have been made to prevent- ' the necessity of Lord' Roberts' appearance in court, butl the interests of justice override even, the convenience of so illustridus ae field marshal. THE DATE OF AD,1111'51 BIRTH. With a view to ascertainiag the; exact date of Adam's birth, Dr.4 Lightfoot, a well-known scientific man, has spent much time 'duringl the last fifteen. years. After makingi alany calculations, he concludes that Adam was born on October 28, ini the year 4004 B. C. The learned: investigator has not yet been abla to arrive at the exact date of Eve's birth, but it is said that he is now; grappling with this problem, and is confident he will be able to soiree it within. the next few years.