Exeter Advocate, 1903-5-7, Page 1sixTEENTR YEAR.
MAY 7, 1M,
Ticf. 151. Shiplca
ee Mr. janaes Ham on, Sr., has again
AT E W FIRM. ,,,P taken over the I:WI which for the
r, past year has been conducted by his
* Having purchased the *
1 business and good will of i
Mr, A. Cottle we beg to
irt assure all who have favs ex
Y ored ourpredeceseor with I
* *
their custom anal the pub- a
el lie generally that, they *
will be able to proeureall ,
• articles maninactawed hy
the old peoprietoeat War
establishment, We will
guararatee all our work
and we are going to Sell
at moderate prices.
* solid t a call
111111711011,patron a ,qc, when nearly all of the members of the
son. -S., M. Ringrose. ecal es salesmeui.
is doing a wonderful business in this
vicinity. Simon will be much missed
by the fair sex when be goes, --Miss
M. Sutton, who has been in Parkhill
learning millinery, has been obliged
to return home. owing to illness. We
hope she will soon be well again. -
Commencing May llth our stores, will
be closed on Monday evenings at 7 and
on Wednesday and Friday evenings
• t B. The piddle will go,verat them -
elves Accordingly.
A very en ovable evening was spent
att• the reel (ewe a ,Mr9. 4%. I -034144e%
'r cr-4.p.,10A.MMICWSXVIMP-,4RIPAVRWIAIMPRIROMP114 ). !Corbett preSikr, tel eton,:444tionvidelit
• KIT. 017 e II 13 r 0 s with lunch baskets, Ets$proih. for the
4 r
EXETER. purpose of spending a pleasant time
together 'before Mr. and Mre. daeksoa
cleft for Ingersoll lM
iefore supper a
• -v-tc,..,,to-mranonr...w.m.ftreumpormei6.01-RW.PNI.M,
evenavenellealtraTrivets) (ands for
vestment tteen it:4010r FrOrertY,
loweet Fetes of intergit•
Uarrnacrs.ots.. Rut
We lave abr.:se arm -runt 41 rfaroUtk fraw.116, earl
ee far:tat:Al swprms eagle, Tat'A Meer, St. Joseph
and Urs. Jacitenn stem peesented wob
two beautiful chairs by Rev. Mr. Car.
riere on heltalf of the congregetion.
After Supwer the evening woe spent in
:Inueic sand gnaws a a kind, moan
ten ohdoek all returwed. home wielding
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson presperlin teen
temporal and epnetind.
meamIAN lereaWnr. I At present writing a little eon of
nereeere czaieirseamsnnae Egur °at 1, Mr. P, Readout. le lying ilarigerooely
1 ill and muler the doetorn caves e
ELLIO• . fibs:merely wish him a speedy reeoveren
11,14I Et:A.-Ace:ad 11c.tr.trar.1*Age:z. I -MISS Bertha O'Bvien spent Sunday •
forassessiszheerventsea thea.lh avt 4e-3 clh' in Zezieb, the mesa of bee brother.
1w1:1414"r;." "141a114:xt:''' "r"“:41121% "tt Mr. D. Spenser and framilr have re-
lzr ea% •
1074151u alp -woo Inei4ena ant Cm .1i1,11.truca moved from the h"so h, twentin sold
Mr. George Ilelbridge sports a new
buggy these .days. -Miss Efla Robin.
SO') and D; lifeDougall attended
the wedding of 31r.PeGavainer to Mese
E. E. Halls, At Exeter last week, -'-Mrs,
.GeoeGodbolt returned home last week,.
after spending two weeks visiting her
brother and daughter. Ethel, at Com-
ber, -Wincheleeit has a oestr butter -
maker. AU will be right now. -Can-
not some move be made whereby we
coalsecure a telephone connection
with Exeter. A line from Exeter to
St. Marys. via Winchelsealairkton
and Woodhain should pay handsome
profits sand fill e much desired conven-
- to Dr.Roteleler, of Ottaine, to 10154111er
Court of Revision. ItonFo aerese the street. reeently vaeet-
tto At:rm.:4a: It ea et stesseesesse el titcratin,
N17.* trri..`Irc ;hen that he Viurs eilffeTZE:ca
11,13 A- itaffica LeT.r.f.t..,; 4fic pa'nr,t ,war lin the.,
T.3aa, 114, t'end:lfen. 4;:14 Tat:413.Y. NAY ;WA st the:
1;i4ort 11en sf,lacii, m.
Hain; MEE% Cc&
Craton, Illy me E.
Dissolution of Partnership.
'Nettve iota givto that tho pat:non:hip hcrete.
Vtri vate,tinj trrtween as Lis et:4mo in the
la:Awl Voter/vas bmt 'ref§ Ai 01 ale melee
setesie. !tr, messy creefer sen ermunne to carry
En the 17,.I.54Qt:.!;5 SAIA WM pay all claims naiust the
partnership, argl ase:mr.es swirg ish the partner.
hip ate to 1* raitl to lam.
THOMAS wore:.
It2es1 at Exeter, day of Slay. All, LIU
Pt sceA.mVx. rraprne h thr et rete
4,7517.14.011 U. 044 OA r.1 V:4;:n ;and Pa mists.
Praprkr tar Intro; derttled to leave Exeter. bas
Is:ants-tat the tuttersianed encrar tale by Pub.
At the 134.H1V 2 or o'clock p.m.
"The abate desirable praprrty. This property ro-
e,i introduetion to the people of Exeter anila
\lignite. It is comprised of that sultstantially built
and handsomely constructed Ito& b.wk, keel111 oq
Elletcrb Opera ikon° and the stem premises there.
under and the laud and appurtenances belonging
thertto. It is splendidly situated in the centre of
cur promerous mut progressue village on 1% the est
•S1.•of Main siren, directly opposite the Town Ball.
The mum! floor, st worst 4'CTUriC11 Al IMI111.11111
store, forms a spacious and commodialtIl emporium,
wins extensive plate glass front, elegant show rant
awl cause:tient work shop, the whole being specially
designed and emkkently fitted for tbe furniture trade.
Ou the second floor Is eontained one of the most
complete and artistic opera houses iu Western Ontar.
in, havin,1 every modem appointment. and pomess-
int: equipment for the eoutfort, pleasure anti ,afety
(1 111 paIrDati. Theyearly revenue derived from the
opera home alone while controlled by the proprietor
was dIS5. To capitalists the purchase of the above
ProPeriy, should be a revenue producing. investment
anuvh more profitable thou mortgage or stock invest.
mutts. To any person in the furniture and under.
taking business. or contomdating such a liminess,
this sale will afford an opportunity of arquiring an
old established stand. Possession Ist January, 1901.
20 per cent. of purchase money on day of sale,
balance in fifteen days theradter. Other turns
made /mown on day of sale.
For further particulars apple to SamuelOidley, Esq.,
At his residence on William street, or to
Auctioneer. Solicitors for Vendor,
Exeter, Exeter.
Notice to Ratepayers.
ed by his .darighteie Mrs. llegene-A
baby buy came to gladden the liearts
of Mr. and 1*'s J,Seimaie on the :Nth
ult.-The masons have started to bnild
the fnmidatiou of Ma Emil Hendrick's
new honee„ -Our enterptising La*
manufacturer, Mr. Joseph Leabean,
burned a kiln of brick lase week.
Take notice that the Municipal Coun-
cil of the corporation of the Village of
Exeter intends to construct granolithic
sidewalks along the East side'of Main
Street, from the North side of Enron
Street to the South side of the Gordon
MeKey & Co.'s brick stores, and from
the South side of North Streetto the
South side of Victoria Street, and
along the South side of Victoria Street
from Main Street tp, the entrance to
Public School grounds, and to assess
40 per cent. a the enst thereof to own-
ers of property abutting thereon and
to be benefitted thereby; and the
names of the owners thereof is now
filed in the office of the Clerk of the
Municipality, and will be open for in-
spection every • Saturday from 4 to 6
o'clock pm. until the Court of Revis-
The cement work afooe new edema)
house is now completed, --Mr. Fergie -
eon, of erediton, has moved into the
house reeently vacated by Mi s Henry
Stealth, while Mr. Smith has moved in-
to the house relented by Alte Dearing.
-Mr. Geo. Smith is wining a Woad
smile these days. It's a bay. --The
besement of WM. DtIlinforti's barn is
almost completed.-MesJohrt Ford and
Ur. Pfaff are preparing to pet base.
mettle melee their harnse-Mise Bella
Box. of hondOn, is riAting iser
Mr. Chas. Bax, Stephen. -Mr. Wm.
Smith has been on the sick
John Smith. Jr.. has been laid np with
go attack meinile, as has also Miss
Stacey. -Mrs. Fred Green who
hes been 111 for the past two inonthe,
is emitewhat better.-Mts. Chas. Box
is OH the sick list. We hope she will
50011 reeover.
• stmenT. itneoirr,--The following are
the names of the pupils who have ob-
tained the Ugliest maks, in 5.5. No,
I, for the month of April. Whittles
in order of merit V. -II. Meths
• ell, Edna MeNaughton. Warren :ditties
ell, Memo Callfas. Sr. IV.-Leura
Sims. Leslie AleNaughiorn MHO Hag -
gift,, R. McCoy. Jr. IV. --Sam McCoy..
Harold Duplan, Frank 'Mitchell. Pearl
Bissett. Sr. Ine-WillieSims. Charlie
GraftonRose Harding Murray It.
4r41.d Bend
Mr. W. ealtats, of Dashwoodiwas iu
our burgh Saturday. -Miss Unq 0)3-
I -elle spent Saturday under the parent-
roa-Miss Bullock, of Oreenway,
was the eenest of Mks Wicitett for a,
few days last week. -Mr. John Feu -
wick spent a few days here during the
weekevith Mrs. M. OUL-M'. Rump,.
pf Forest, washere on Saturday.--Rer.
Carrie spent Friclae with his friend.
Mr. Fletcher, Themes Rorid.---Mr. and
Mee. Smith spent Sunday with Mr.
and, Mrs. Wilson, net St. Joseph.
liott. Jr. III. --John Dempsey, Gordon
Crediton Wilson, Lillian Robinson, Norman
Ileamitu. Sr. Ile -N. Bissett, Archie
RED FOlt SALE. Robinson, Mervin Elston:Veer
he untleolgokot hos for ege a:toothy of very nepbur.n. HK$. lys
siet ted Vann able arorriewley stet sat. ace neer Weleon, litldie Sims, Flossle Heit-
z :ale grit:fa r. Zeitker. man. Part IL -Ross Wallace,
TAWS Nona sleeker reel my astire oat tette Baker, Oretta LlisSett, Maxwell Biqa -
Jae etas. aret lettedinz itelee wee. to the star luim, part L. -Anthony aVhite. E,
tiatar,1 snot suit liotan wanitta doe IlriP ttO• Can", murvau earos.
before 114 Wt. Thottiting eat for ra fawn
En, ate -met anttutoater. J.A.AfoNssrou'ro's
• P. O. Inspeotor Fisher, of London, LOIS SM.=
fug to the oberogeof thepost 011ie and
swearing in Mr. B. Brown as post- The farmers in this section have fin -
waste's -Mrs. Mar. is visiting her son ished their springseeding.--Mr. Heber
in Elmwood this week. --Roe. S. J. Hodgins, of Toronto,is spending his
Krupp, of Caro, Mich., has been in the belidays at his home here. --Dr. 'T. D.
village the past week intending to ptue Orme new building is fast nearing
chase a house and lot. He occupied completion. The ground floor will be
the, pulpit in the Evangelical ehurch occupied by J. O. Taylor, jeweller, and
last Sunday evening and preached a the upper by De. W. P. Harvey, den-
tiste-Messrs. Coursey Bros. and Thos.
Kelly have sustained at severe loss in
the death of their well-known Clyde
stallion, joe Anderson, the cause be-
ing a severe attack of inflammation. -
A rare treat Is in store for the citizens
itt Lucan who attend. the entertain-
ment in the Methodist church on May
13th -Miss Louisa Howard is visiting
friends in London. -House cleaning is
the order of the day. -Mrs. (Dr.) Orme
and Mrs. 1 E. Schmidt will take part
in the program at the Woman's Mis-
sionary Society of the Methodist
church to be held at Exeter on Tues-
day next. -Mrs. T. Webb, of London,
spent a few days here during theyeeek.
-Mr. T. A. Webb, of Harriston, spent
last week with friends here. He speaks
very favorable of Harrison. -The Irish
Nine B.13.0. will play lie Alilday, May
25 against the Cargill team, of -which
"Mickey Powers," of the Guelph Ma-
ple Leafs, is manager and catcher. -
Armitage & ScelPs new business block
is being pushed rapidly toward cane-
pletion.-At an adjourned vestry meet:
ing of the Holy Trinity C.hurch the
auditor's report fully confirmed the re-
port made by the wardens at the meet-
ing held on Easter Monday of the ex-
cellent condition of the church. It is
very encouraging to the rector, Rev.
H. A. Thomas, and it reflects great
credit upon the wardens, Messrs. Gee,
Hamden and John Abbott. To the.
deep regret of the church Mr. Abbott,
retired at, his own request from the po:
sition. Of rector's warden, which he has
faithfully held for seven years.'- His
successor, Mr. C. C. Hodgins, isere man
whose large experience in public busi-
ness in the County Council, be theLon-
dyn Mutual Insurance Co., in tile po-
sition of head efficial of the Canadian
Workman, and in the Executive Com-
mittee of the Synod of Huron, will
make him a useful man in the position
of rector's warden. Mr. Hodgins was
chosen by. the congregation as dele-
gate to' the Synod, with Mr. Leonard
Fox as hie colleague. : Mee Fax 'hp,
beep the -efficient superintendent
our school for thirty yeiirs. - • •
was in the village last Monday attend -
very powerful sermon. -Mrs. W. b.
Chisholm is visiting relatives in Inger-
soll this week. -Lest Friday. May lst,
was Arbor Day. The school rued re-
ceived a thorough cleaning. In the
afternoon a number of sports took
'two, such as races, jumping. etc. The
winners received a treat of oranges
and candies, which was furtushed-by
the teachers. --Mrs. A. J. Hill is offer-
ing her property for sale and will sell
it very reasontibly.-Mr. Ed. Kestle
has sold his stock, consisting of har-
ness, saddlery, etc., to Mr. James
Clark. Mr. Kestle intends going to
the Northwest -Me. Soo. Finkbeiner
is giving his dwelling a new coat of
paint. -Mr. Geo.` Zwicken of London,
was in the village Tuesday. -Mr. Wm.
Sambrook has moved his barber chair
into the rooms formerly occupied by
the Sovereign Bank. -Council meeting
was held in the Town Hall last Mon -
clay. -Mr. Jno. Hauch and eifr. M.
Winer, sr., are on the sick list. We
trust they will soon regain their form-
er health. -Miss Mary Wolf returned
home frotn the Soo on Monday to at-
tend the funeral of her mother. She
was obliged to leave her brother who
is still very ill. We sincerely sympa-
thize with her.
The estimated 'cost or the' wkis
$2200.00, of which 60 per cent. isto be
provided for out of the gerieral funds
of the Municipality. s
A Court of Revision wilt be held on
the 8th day of June, 1903, foiethe Sear-.
ing of compleints againn.tht proposed
asserniments, or accuracy of the front-
age measurements, or any other com,
plaints which persons interested may
desire to make, and which is by law
cognisable by the Conrt.
Dated at Exeter, this 21th day cf
April, 1903, •
Brucefielci, • -
1y1.r. Murdock and Murry Gibson left
oahaturday with 135 head of export
catele for the Old Country. -Mr. Cecil
Simpson has gone to Toronto where
he has secured a position. Iire wish
him success. -Rev, V. H. Sawyers at-
tended the Synod of Hamilton and
London, which was held at weed -
stock last week. -Mr. R. R. Higgins
and wife have returned from Tpronto.
OBIT. -The past week has been a
very and one in the history of our vil-
lage. The grim reaper having broken
two faraily circles. Mrs. Charles Wolf
(nee Weiland) departed for the better
world on Saturday night, after an ill-
ness of but 4 day a an the age of 40
years. Sheaves a good mother, a kind
neighbor and had, always a, good word
for everyone. She was interred in the
Evangelical cemetery on Tuesday
afternoon, the Rev. Damn) officiatiog.
Deceased being a member of the Lady
Maccabees, the Sir Knights and
Ladies conducted the ceremonies at
the grave. She leaves to mourn her
• loss, a husband, three children, of
whom one is a baby but a few days
old, eight step -children, , two sisters,
six brothers, besides a large number of
friends and acquaintances, who all
have the 'sympathy a the vicinity. -
The other who has beene'alled away is
one of our rnolif resPected-citizens; in
the person of A. L 13ertrarid, who has
been a long;'litft patient; sufferer until
death relieved him on Tuesday morn-
ing at the age of 55 years. Mr: Ber-
trand has been conducting a furnitare
business here for a Dumber of years,
besides following his trade as carpent-
er. He emigrated to this country from
Germany abont 35 years ago with his
.brother, 'Victor. who now resides in
,Sebevaring, Mich„ and moved here, re-
siding ever since: „The funeral, will
take place to the teangelical cemetery
to -day (Thursday) at 2 p.m. He leaves
surviving him a wife, two sons, Ed-
mund and Ben, of Detroit, and two
daughters, Mary and Madeline, at
home, a sister in Germany, and one
brother in Sebewaing, Mich. besides a
• large number of friends and'acquaint-
ances.'1We extend our sympathy to
the berea,yed ones and ask them' to
place their trust in Him who does all
things well. -
Un- Silas stoke, Mies Lizzie Switzer,
Mr. Bold. Fletcher, Mrs. V. i. Leigh,
who brt.ve igmtif VerY ith mean reetwer" the Moneer oi this county en the per- Ji son.-- Ple;fiSe ealt for your need leefore
hag. -M.. John liazIOWBOil hs this figin of Mn. johu ehateehill, who had ,Itl set:leek on Monday Lind Friday even-
lecteksheiti of Ide new barn nent IF vigil; yeeited the advatlec4 age of 01 '.i IP- In-MWm
ge.r. . Whileeide ltIrlt IzSt
ietrd.-Mr. and Mo. Huteletetrt. et elm chtereleill alsvons el/loaned geial Thuraley for Kgrt fftaron. Iihis A-1.4AT,
14.!i. -;.1.e CISMIA31EK ;Jr,. anid Mree ,luedtle end for inn. of her advaneed , Miss alannk• lett the eence week arr
Pasipe'e.-Ute.e Bella Earr spent Winnipeg. 'They will les gre,ttly 11111!.!..
141 in the Ofethodiet cleureh, sts both
were very feithful attentiatate to the
einwelt eervicee and League,
Brinsley„ 43-reenway
Mies Millie Brown, of Ailsa Craig, Mr. Edward Mason intends having
was the guest ef Miss Lizzie Darliug his been rasing Thutil4y.,-Altt; T.
un SunW
day,-edding bells will soon iStewardson and daughter visited Mr.be ringing in these parts. -Mr. Treve,. and Mrs. Cebblediels in Exeter laet
quarterly meeting service at Mar's Hill ter 114S purchased a fine new buggy--
thick spent, Tuesday Di rsondole-enese -.WO beer. that Mr. James Fos -
church on Sunday was not very well ,1)11'. R• Ingh.b efi'ut 3fendaY in ,hon-'
Attended. owing to the sret and dis-i don.-Mrs.Frank Wickert is with 511e.
Ageeeable weather. -Mr. Will Amos
cousin visited in tbie vicinity on San -
day. -Mr. J. Tleomnson is on the sick
list. We hope for hes speedy vecovery.
linnet t
11.4.6s=0 AwAY.---On Monday morn-
inr, there passed into rest. another of
Walter England, svho is still very Ill.
-Quite a number in this vieinity and
Grand _Bend have contributed very
liberally to help MON John Divine. who
lest his home and contentbyfire a
few days ago,'- Mr. T. Monroe, paper
hangers of Parkhill, Was in our -burgh
an .Monday. Ile is a. very neat acal
;swift worker, papered tlaree barge
I rooms in one da for Mr. W. J..
fee.hdays et Motherwell daring .the
weekeeMa jelin Centel -on lea _Just,
week'for thik Man. ---Mr. Hog-
ged.' tailor, bee opened up a tenor
shop In B.A. Bryan's old stand. He
, Years displayed remathetale vitality.
Last fell, when he leer Writ veer. she
wellted to Clinton. On the da,y previ-
mu to her death it was not thought
that the entl Wad fio nOar, but ellortly
after arising Monday she was taken 111
1 ,
le.i DP 0 11,
moved his fowls' here last wok. ---M. tiled en a few minutee tressed away,
John Sommerville left for nelliteirt She 1VA.40a waive of Tippertireelrelend. The matey friends of the Rev. S
laet w -Mies lleggert, of Chathain ;and came to this eonnta y with her lins- , Aehw
on. Who I Ii•ire 41
ieu loe
na' nd
has eterteil a dresstliakeed elm) in oar band woody seventy yearci sago. For f aitlif galy ha claw midet, win b • tit lead
valve We WM her success, tire years they dwelt is the eantety of to hewn that his eervices are being
York and theta alloyed W Goileriela tp.. much appreciated in the West. Siam
where they took up land On the lith t his induction at Pembina he has lieeri
concession. There they lived for many very se Tessua in every lesennh of
yeers and tenderwent all the herdellipe s Chrtetiant work and we inult ;Wand
meialent to pieneeritig. Seven sons thet reeently he ins received and ac-
John tawmari, of this township will
appeal:before Squire Smyth, of 140n,
don, te4aF (Thursday) to answer to a
charge of teeing, abuelve Language. The
platnt Is Bowl* BoWnlan, alae of ibis
towieet.ip,-Mex. Meltae is visiting
frieutle an Glencoe and London. -A. S.
Tod hie gone to the Weet.--Sfrs.Seott
who Lei heell keel -dog house for the
Messrs. Morley,%iface the death of their
fathers hes leturtied tat her borne itt
Basatigart. --Fees& Brewnleehas gone me„derry ye en te; wretched eetee heel aarelee on tho fothswing Mtettly
and twa dmightere were born to them. central a Call to alinthor part tAt Dak4.1..
Mr, Chmelailit died in MI Since w_11101 th While this will be a distinet lee*
time she hae 'Ikea with lira Son to the goad 'maple ed. Pemblirt yet wci
of thie township. She was a. women hope to hear that he win be attend -
to know woe tot LAO. generanell Eontly Wessel in his new Reid of leher.
and sympathette nether, -manifest - Rev. air. Hamilton, of leindeeteArta
every wand aud eetione eXteiting it4 coaductea lieloperatore eel eleee in Ste
the eviloe ceche. with the happy and Davidean. of 'Yuma, the Thatikegiee
lthe noble and exeellent, iSiurrararing for A/weaves e men volia.T. Rea. Mt.
t° Alba Craig. whew he 15 eng4ged a woinrin vanek sought after at sell I and Rev. 31r. Daeialson. of Cromer:F.
with Se Oldies & Seta% times, The hereaved and sorrowing 1 the Sunday. evening servire. Alt of
Drevm "V M111' C'411.1.131*--Jrhe ve7 ones
sadden anal unexpected death A
have the genuine synmetley of these meetings were smut apptechated
of tm
Flannegou, beloved wife of Timthe cultummity.othy. by those present. -Miss .1. P. aleLeate
Cotter, td the title concession, me Fri- - -0.-------f who has tilled the position of organist
in St, Andrew's chortle for the past
day taste cast a glom over this neigh- Iiensail ten- mouths. has handed, in her reaig-
borhoodi She had enjoyed the hest of
her re- nation and the vacaoey is being filled
health up to the evening of her death Mt& Rae is recovering from . ._ se_ ___ ___ . r Mrs. ,s, _., _ .
and In hict had been out driving that eent illness• -Miss McDonald, ant' renTati"4„,,t'S'Ir 1/.7 01,uyorgdormnee.
day and when returning in the even- ("41 18 sl'entliall a rwoew(ed8glevele Ine!ser is this week organizing a norde class
ing she ithe suddenly seized with a ses hunt, rdtti• Rodger, in this vicinity. Miss Homey is an se-
ver° at'Wk of °P°PieNY from whieb 41.14X' Lewis, "I") ("ValerlY ilved here complished musieian and We wish her
and worked with J. MeAvtlaine as tin- ,
• every success, --Mr. W. McDonald was
engaged the past week in moving and re
raising his barns. When completed
these buildings will add very much to
the appearanee as well as the colleen:
ienee of his fitrune-We tarrf sorry to
le.mit that Ma 1; Stetaarr be laid up -
with a severe attack of inflammatory
rheumatism, but hope to hear of his
recovery before long,
she neves' ralhed and dotting fest she
paned tIthe great beyond. The de- tomtit, has accepted his old 'Tuition
ceescel wite highly respected as a friend
and neighbor and her sudden taking
off will tense a widespread regret. She
Wan R*11141Sto"nt member of tue Roue.
an Vela eleuvele and bad_ attained
the ki.tittiOn yeaft. 'She' leavtif
a grownotn family to mourn her de-
mise. Her remains Were interred in
St. Peter'aceneeM
tery on onday.
J.S. McDonald, who has been spend-
ing some time here with his parents.
lett Thursday for San Francisco, CAL
Mr. McDonald is general manager of
the Stevens Construction Co.. of °bl-
eep, one of the hu -gest railway con-
tracting .firnas in the world, -Mrs. A.
Steele has removed to the home of her
father, B. Bignan, Centre Road. -Mr.
Harry O'Neil, who has been learning
.telegraph operating ab the station
here for some nionthea left last week
for Toronto Junction,: where he will
eater a, railway. office. --Wm. Pippen,
of Sault St.Marae, is visiting his broth-
he-Miss Mabel L. Stanley, of
the Hospital staff, North Adams,Mass.,
is spending a few weeks tie her home
here. -Mr. Kerr and family removedto
to London last week -Mr. D. L. Van
Alstine's family remeved to Sarnia
This week. -Miss Lizzie Ratz is visit -
nig her sister, Mrs. Chas. Zwicker, at
`Crediton. -Nim. Gager', of McGilliv-
ray, has gone to jetto, Mich., where
he has secured a goodepoeition.-John
Jackson has gone to Owen Sound,
where he will work in a .basket fac-
tory. -The residence of Jaz Devine,
of the 23rd con., Stephen was burned
to the ground on Wednesday morning
destroymg all the contents. There
WAS no insurance.--hMrs. Vanderburg,
accompanied by her two daughters,
left a few days ago for Windsor, where
she will join her husband. The family
will reside there.
Mattrann ser Gataarrena-The Manse,
Granton, was the Scene of a. pleasing
andeintelageing event on Tuesday,
whereby two of our ung people being
the coetracting • parties. The groom
is one of our promising and prosperous
young townsman, Mr. A. W. Stone-
house, while the bride is Miss Sara
Bell, one of our popular young ladies.
The interesting ceremony was per.
formed by the Rev. F. W. Gihnoer, B-
A:. The bride was attired in a very
neat and becoming travelling costume.
She is not only estitnable but is a very
industrious lit,tle person o,nd we„feel
confident that her home will he' her
delight and will make Mr. Stonehouse
an idkal Wife. Their many friends
here wishthem a life of peace and hap-
piness, coupled with long life and pros-
perity. Mrs. Stonehouse has been
much missed here, she having spent
the winter months in 13tiffolo and Sy-
racuse,and we are pleased to see her in
our Midst again and under such pleas-
ing circumstances.
DIED IN Sr. MARYS. -Air. Edward
Brown a former well-known resident
of thiaownship, passed away on Sun-
day at his late residence in St. Marys,
at the age of 81 years. Up to within
a few clays of his death he had enjoyed
good health. Deceased was born in
County Kerry, Ireland, and came to
this country when tele:mug man of 21.
He first settled in St. Marys, farthing
in the corporation for a number of
years. He then went to West Nissouri
and after being there several years re-
moved to Downie, near Conroy's Cor-
ners on the old gravel road. Three
years there he then returned to SL
Marys, where he.remained ayear.
thee removed to this towoship and re-
enained until a few 57earS'ago when he
again moved to St. Marys, where be
resided till the time of his death. in
politics he was a staunch .Reformer
and in religion a,Oatholic. He was an
active and vigorous Matt to whom life
*as a pleasure, and its 'duties, which
as far as his abilitiesavent, were carried.
out to the letters an enjoyment. Ian
his manner he was pohshed, refined
and courteous; simple as to his habits;
of fixed and earnest views. Fond of
company and the society, of his friends
when at his house; haetetrely endured
occasional visits iriter the great world
for the sake of his family -to whom
he was an affectionate husband and
;father, and by whom he was tenderly
loved. Besides his widow there sur-
• vives him a family of four sons and
one daughter, who have the sympathy
of their many Mende. ' Mrs. Brown is
also dangerously ill from the satne dis-
ease that carried her husband off. Her
many friends here het -1)e she will soon
and returned to town again, "iN Oconee
Alex. -Mee G. D. Arnold is recovering
from his recent illness and able to be
around. agolu.-Mr. W. McKenzie and
daughters attended the funeral of Mrs.
litfelaenzit'a mother, the /ate Mrs. Geo.
YOung, at A.ubtern, Iast week. Mrs.
McKenzie spent a few days with her
mother, during the latter's illness.
Much sympathy is expressed for the
bereaved ones. -.Mrs. Lindenfleld has
been very III of late but is recovering.
-W. O. Mitchell, of Exeter, has ac-
cepted a position with Mr. Joe Cook,
as harness maker. He is spoken of as
height, intelligent and traistworthy
young man and WO welcome him to
our midst and wieb him every success.
--j. AlcArthur has rented the rooms
above his store and Miss Carlisle in-
tends moving into the fiat above W.
O. Davis' store. -Rev. S. S. Henderson
left last week for Be. Columbia to
attend the General'Assembly of the
Presbyterian church. He intends
spending a couple of months on the
coast, in the isrorthwest and Manitoba,
and has secured supplies for his pulpit
here. When hecomes back he will be
able to talk knowingly of the country
as his powers of observation, natural
and acquired are far above the ordinary
tourists. That he may have a good
time is the wish of his many friends
here. -Rev. F. E. Malott, BD., occu-
pied the pulpit in the Bethesda church
ou Sunday. -A Ladies' Aid Society has
been organized in connection with the
Grace church, Sta.ffa.-Mr. R. Cud -
more was elected usher in SL Paul's
church in place of Mr. G. Reynolds,
who is removing to Toronto. -It is
proposed that for the summer months
the evening service in St. Pauls church
will commence at 7.30. -The W.A.M.
A. met in the Mission Hall on Thurs-
day afternoon. -The Hensall Band ren-
dered an excellent program on Thurs-
day evening which was much appreci-
ated. --Mrs. Sbirray recently received
a beautiful album of views in and
around Buckhaven, Scotland. One of
the pictures shows the house in which
she was born and spent her childhood;
also the house in which James Bon-
thron, of the 2nd con., Hay, spent his
boyhood. These houses are right on
the sea coast and were often washed
with spray during storms. As may
naturally be supposed both arememor-
ies of'Auld Lang Syne.-Mr. Thomas
Darnan left here last week • for Win-
nipeg, where he intends working at his
trade as mason and bricklayer. -Mr.
James 11. Moore,' councillor,' has im-
proved his dwelling by erecting a fine
porch and woodshed.. -The fine shower
ron Sunday did winch geed in the way
DEA.TII8,-The grim reaper, Death,
has been bnsy the past few days in
our midst. On Sunday Mrs. James
Leery was called away to answer the
roll call and pity nature's debt. De-
ceased had been ailing for some time.
The kind ministrations of lovinghends
and the best medical skill that could
be procured was lavished upon her, hut
Providence willed it otherwise and
thus a noble life has been cut short.
During her illness never .was she heard
to complain of her lot, but rather was
cheerful and resigned to the will of her
Redeemer, who was ever her guide and
stay. Toward the end of life she man-
ifested a desire to depart and be with
Christ which is far better. She had no
Lear and waited death as a. welcome
visitor. Of her it may be truly said
her end was peace. She had attained
the ageof 69 years and hers was a life
of usefulness and kindness and her
friends, for she numbered them as
many, as well as those of her family,
will feel her death very keenly. We
deeply sympathize with the sorrowing
ones. -Not alone in this township, but
all over the country and elsewhere
will it be learned with deep regret, • of
the death of one of Huron's pioneers,
in the person of Mr. Murdock McKay,
who passed away at the reSidence of .
Mr. Robert Lavery, on Thursday at the
age of 70 years. Deceased's illness was
only about of a week's duration, and
was the result of paralysis of the
throat. The deceased was a native of
Setherlandshire, Scotland, and came
to this country about fifty years ago,
settling first in Dumfries. About five
years later he settled in the township
of Tuckersmith. He never took up
land for himself but worked among
the farmers. He was a quiet, indus-
trious and a hard -worker, and a niiiri'ief
stardy and attar)* principltar That
he enjoyed the esteem of hiserequaint-
ance goes without saying. The re-.
mains werataken to Dublin statioiroit- •
Frida.y,moining and from there ;Ito
PaisleyesVherehie brother's reside.. ;
HEDDEN-In Crystal City, Mao., on
of growth. -Mrs. G. S. Thomson has April 22, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hed-
improved the appearance of her rese den, (formerly of Exeter) a daughter
dence by the ereetion of a new veran-
dale-Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell, of Zurich,
will spend a few weeks here with her
parents, Mr. and MTS. Thos. Murdock,
during the Dr'sabsence. in the 01(1
Country. -Mrs. Walter Hanson still
continues very ill. We Wish her a
speedy recovery.
ACOIDENT.-Mr. Frank Mosseau hap-
pened with a peculiar accident a few
days ago. 'While driving into his
brother John's yard, his horse took
fright at a dog which came running
out, and began to plunge and kick.
Frank was thrown in such a position
as to receive three Melts, one on the
hand, one on the face and a very se-
vere one in the side. One of his ribs
was broken aed the end of it pressed
against the lung. Despite his hnrts he
drove back to town and had them at-
tended to by Dr. Ferguson. He is not
out of dangert though his splendid
physique will greatly aid in his recov-
ateensen--In Exeter, on May 1,:yhomes
Clarke, aged 81 years, •
WEBBER-At Lindenville,:: Nr.Y,„ QII
April 30th, Geo. Webber, formerly
of Stephen tp., aged 78 years.
BnoYeer-In Hay, on April 30, Cordelia
Miller, beloved wife of Mr. Jarred
Brown, aged 74 years, 4 months. •
WonisE-In Crediton, on May 2, Mary
Wieland, beloved wife of Charles
Wolfe, aged 40 years, 11 months, 24
Corrnn-In McGillivray, Lot 3, Con. 9,
on May, 1, Ann Flannagan, beloved
wife of Thrtothy Cotter, aged 74
BERTRAND-In Orediton, on May 5,
Alexander Louis Bertrand, aged 55 '-
years, 1 month, 26 days. Funeral
to -day (Thursday) at 1.30 o'clock to
Crediton cemetery.