HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-30, Page 8•
imoxagenetemesiossamendfigellan Dr. ovens, of London, surgeon, ocu-
list and specialist, diseases eye, ear,
:,-a?-eake, nose aand throat, will be at the Conga-
' ntercial Hotel, Exeter, Wed., May Otte
We&„ June 3rd, 1903. Glasses proper-
ly fitted. Next visit will be Wed-,'
May 6th,
Those interested in the formation of
Lacrosse club are respectfully re•
tested to meet at the Town Hall to-
morrow (Friday) night, when the mat-
ter will be discussed. Let there be a
good tarrlaout,
As good as any, yea the befit, Trite
and Golden Wyandotte Poultr ., gags
15 for $1,00, J. IQt$.
Tamaqua, 2U96, the celebratedtr+ot
ting stallion, the sire et the phenorse
enal Harry L and other festonee. will
be art Hawkshaw's Hotel ever noon
Wednesday dieing the season. Advt.
?incl rotate next week:.
What more does a man
want for comfort. elegant
ase, than a finely tailored
garment, which combines
grace, style with ease. A.
man weaning saclt gar-
ments must be at hoarse in
any society and on any sic-
Oar new i?ateriels anit al- •
ways competent workmae-
slaikaenaable us to offer you
just such service. t 7
1h'.. W, TAMA •,
noerehant t,'►ilor.
4 1111_11011111/1111.
Paid up Capi
HUM) OFFICE, Tori, o.
E..Nr sin i1 zt O r?lee, Mo:. r w
?mit la''nt, IL S. Stewart.
"aissti ager D. M. tewaart. I:. .
ftii it41,a1. ger,
Siv a s dank Department.
Those who are interested gra Tennis
re requested to assemble at the School
xil, of the Teivitt Memorial church,
one Friday. May lett et S p.m., for the
purpose of reorganizing and forming
a elub for the coning season,
And now the question arises, shall
tranquility be spelled with one "1” or
we,, Perhaps no great matter airw-
ay. As an Englishman would say
' Vbaat the L's the heads as long as
we are tranquil?"
Try Snell 4' RGwA for La-
d/es ani. Ohhldren's an?lanez
st aitch bats, for spring aand.
summer at reasonable prices.
A Moderil PVtitiatt« giving many northean to centrad sect -
0 Lard!• I conte to ",Ghee in prayer ions touches of chill and frost during
once more, Bait pardon that I do not some- of the niglht§ in the first week in
kneel before Thy gramma presence,
for toy knees are sore with so match
Walking. In toy chair instead. I'll sit
At ease and hnonbly bow in head.. I've
laboured iii thy vineyard Thuu • dost
know. I've sold ten tiokets to the
linsteraat show. I've calleden fifteen
strangers iri one town, their' contribu-
tious to our church put 7d0AVIlt • I've
baked a pot of beans for Wednesday's
spread, .air aid -titre supper it is going
to be. Fu a dressed three dolls too for
our ennead fair, and: trade: a sake,
which we must aaflde there, Now with
Thy boundless *Wont so snab1iine.
Thou knowest that these duties all take
tante. I have no time to fight myy epir--
it', foes. I have no time to rimed 'soy
husbands clothes. My children ream
May, On and toaachiang the Gth aand
Ith look for decided and rapid change
to failing barometer and quite wain,
resulting in sharp electric storms on
the 6th, and 7th, Moon erossee the
celestial egiaateron the 6th nn a Met-
lonary storira period, and heat' thun-
der storms wil be most natural on end
next to that day. As these storms
pass eastward &Gross the country,
change to rising barometer endmuch
cooler will follow from the west, giving
possible frests in sections nor°tawar^d,
on the nights between the 7th and
10th, inclusive, As we enter the ragas
tar sterin period, say about the 10th,
the barontetor will begin falling in the
west, a decided change to summer
teiripereture will begin in the same sec-
the s`reet front morn tall night, 1 tion, vast cloud- areas will begin to
have no tirue to teach them to do right. antose eastward Acmes the eounti y, and
But Thou,0 Lord considering any. front the lith to about the 14th storms
cares, will count them precious ;and of rain, hail and thannder—* acme of
heed nay prayers. Bless the, been sup- them furious end, tornadies-will visit
per and the Minsteral. Show and put in many states in their sweep to the At -
the hearts of all to go, Induce all vis- a lantrc seaboard. Storms at this end
itors to patronize the men who in our the rerna3ining periods in May are apt
program advertise.: Because I've chas-
ed these werehants till they hid when
e'er they saw nae coming. Yes they
did. Increase the cuntributionsto atm
Few and bless the people who assemble
there, Bless Thoa the ,grab -beg aerl a end gin£ the series nR storms;, and be fol„
the Gipsy Tent, the flower. table awl ilowed b1- nights cold enough tor' frost
the cake that's sent. May oirr Whist in northern to central states. The
Clarb to Thy service 14essed, the danc-i centre of the Mercury period fails on
Ing party gayer than the rest, end the, 13th and the reeetionary storm
when Thou hast l,estnned these bless.. peeled is central inn the 17th Or 18th.-
to repeat themselves in daily cycles,
or at about the stance time time of /ley
for several successive days. A decided
rise in the barometer. change of wind
to the west and cooler, will mark the
logs, then, ave pray, that Thtnta cellist , About these allays storm conditions
The House of Refuge committee of bless our sank, Amen.wail reach :'another Maximum. even if
taut. COnnty t,'oiancil will tecotn-
'o c i §,Itane
, r
i e that
a air . to meet tine lig- Andrew azttt'et, was the seems of as. joy * a , and Rlfercaar des
ce. AftesatsHrrrls nhntat the 17th
and 16th took for ehenge tax very much'
o • two three,da 's, The
cooler for r
c.ta f
regular storm period for Mlaa; reasches
v. .. , s
from the .and to 2Sth. his is another
ducted the ceremony in the presence a period
ks a in
av Kral along Qu
r ,
x a. n ,sae
a e stat i aye lid 31st lied
of ul ala n t o
y daa5; ilia ,.ciao, tar hrtrsdaay, tba} 29t1r,
friends sit the tontr;te ging rasa ties, n ill be the dine of the g i a rest Vio thRee:
h i tl dd- S rat'arett w is pI;ayeal
The bride wore at dress of white organ daily distethaancee many continue to
and ineel•tion and carrled ar bouquet
rardti:er n&1l the daily cyclo whish set in at the pie
mend to the Count Council it at t ceediirg7 Period slno4tici rich srlhsidae np
session that the house of Refuge? be The residence of Mrs. J.;ues sill', to this tPerie t chtI it yeas bi blithe to
cons d ran F nt ged , a combined cow y
creasin; demnnds'for neeornine/notion. ons crud ha lay event yesterdaty. (Wed' turbaan
The aadu censer who keeps Ma bust -
mess flag flying in the dull season,
are it o
when lois competitors making n_
is b
show, is far more likely to attract cit-
ntinit Oulu the misguided loan whir
aides his color daring the holidays
the air is full of bunting,
xican silver dollars are in eircniaa-
n in different parts of Cataria,
Haaglit in by epesutatore. Aa the
oriey is worth only 49 Gent%, person. s
them at the Berne value as the
.voxel lean silver dollar wilt lase fila
cents.in the trsansietiou. Lookout for
Tr Queen. Quality shoes
for style, comfort anti quality,
They are swat wearers and lit
• fi31 A iw an' act -r i oriel Liter
e , : .. - lube a glove, Snell & Rowe.
ct i:,ra. rt m7C, sesl.
p y ; noel,. s€5 at tainra7 r mtea. tiara'
stir tW rasa::s:iia es them sun m its n st x r.aa ,e
,i, ecus ai rzela gi; tea .sus dare.
a w. ottatotn.
;In:aai;<r. Massilar.
est on the roela,iest.
who set up the drinks are upset
by the drinks?.
The funny,' foul is not always pos
sessed of wit.
1 to
o Haas. A
e tiro
House, torn Apply
Thos. Dearing Exeter.
Silence is Baa ld to be olden but it
A ati t.
Eoretrine s indicatesg
Tine Ring's Birthday will be generaal-
ly' eelehrated can May 25th.
The speckled trout season opens to.
morrow, Friday, and continues till the
15th of September.
Rev. ^Geo. Town occupied the pulpit
of the .lames street Methodist curch
on Sunday evening lasts
The Misses Morock entertained a
number or theh,friends'very pleasant-
ly on Monday night last.
- fam-
li'r.it rn,l.ev"art moved
to Grand Bend this week to take
charge of his famous park.
Mr and firs. Rhemour. late of Win-
nipeg. have unloved into .firs. McAvoy"s
residence on William street.
Mrs. Fowell this week moved from
the Trivitt Memorial rectory into Mr.
R. Fanson's house, ore William street.
Eggs for hatching from pure bred
chicken. White and Golden Wyan-
dottes eggs, 15 for $1,00. J. SE*tion.
A sign painter struck town Tuesday
and before leaving displayed many
evidences of his .abilities as a sign
Mr. John Charlton is this week
moving with his family into the resi-
dence in connection with the store in
Fanson's block.
The meeting called for Friday night
last to organize a baseball team did
not materialize. Lack of interest
seems to be the drawback.
May 24 is the date set by the Temp-
erance Legislation League of Ontario
for the holding of a prohibition con-
vention in every electorial district.
The Seaforth Sun which recently
succumbed to the tiry element has
again survived, making its appearance
last week, bright and newsy.
Following the usual custom, Arbor
Day and Empire Day will be observed
in the schools, the former Friday,
May 1st, and the latter Friday-, May
Mrs. F. W. Collins left Tuesdayto
attend the wedding of her cousin,near
Toronto. She intends visiting friends
in Toronto, Port Union and St. Cath-
arines before returning home.
The home of Mr. and Mr. Zeroes
Taylor, Gidie street, baa been vadden-
ed by the death of their youngest
daughter, ,Bernice Geraldine, at the
age of two years and six months, the
sad event having taken place on. Sat-
urday hist. An affliction of the lungs
was the clause of death. The bereaved
parents have the syntnathy of their
many .friends in their affliction. The
amer al took place to the Exeter ceine-
ery ou Monday.
'ro Rest.
Cottage on William street, Posses -
first May. Apply to R. Gidley,
To llorsomest•
For route bills' and cards try the
ApsoeAT c. We have a choice lot of
horse cuts to select from.
House for Salo or out.
A desirable dwelling on Main street,
the property of Mr. G. A. X. McLeod.
For particulars; apply to owner.
Mrs. Keys, who has been residing in
and around. Exeter for some time, left
Monday to visit friends in McGillivray
prior to leaving for Wallaceburg,
where she will make her home with
Mrs. McGee, formerly Mrs. Fulton.
Miss FannyBissett, is, we are sorry
to state, tate conned to her bed from the
effects of a painful felon on the first
finer of her left hand, The hand is
badly swollen•and while the felon has
been lanced several times instill gives
much pain. ' We trust she will soon
recover from its effects.
We have just received an-
other lot of lace curtains at
"away down" prices. Coxae
early and get a good choice.
iae11 &,, Rowe,
sdit3 l when her seeood & tug UT,
teal Ellen E., WAS united in marriage
Mr. Peter tiardlner, one of 1yisetet as
popular er ants.
e;speatan_ and 1mIH i• iii gilts
"et non taf Gelate sli t ccs
glee rt' we . to are 1
by Mrs. F. W. MacDonald, of Detinit. a'n!l pr(ha4lirl datngsr, althoughet cal
dy. trimmed with vsa.leneiennes, see ndacaf the iriontlt,
pieta: cavitation% The beide Waal, meat- g' "
teuded, save by her nephew. little PERSONAL
Reggie .Halle, n1(ederieh, whin wade .
a charming little ring bearer. Tlie saassessiosaso
brief ceremony having been concluded, lir cels, airnov swat
ea►angtatulutions and good wishes wo&e Be•l g. nvc4,
wedding in carder and the party eat down to the '
ltreekfoet,nest tastefullyy ate Air. Bich, Bissett, of Lean
ranged, The hridaal peaty took the saf- Sunday in town.
ternoon train for aaa honeymoon trip in
Niagara Foils, Hamilton and tether
points. The brhlo' a going away dress
wax made of navy-blue venetian cloth,
which looked very becoming, Mas..
Gardiner is admired and beloved in as
wide circle of friends and the very
warmest wishes for their continued
happiness will follow them upon their
bridal tour. Those in Attendance from
:a distance were: Miss F. Smith, Lon-
don; Miss Lawson, Dunlop; Miss Wig.
ins, Godericb; Mrs. (Dr.) MeeDonalI,
etroit; Mrs. P. T. balls, Goderieh;
Ur. Snaith and Miss Ida Snaith, Myth;
Miss Tanton, Byron; Mr, and fits.
Alex. Gardiner, Waaiton; Miss Lamin.
Andrews, Corrie; Mr. Fred 'littera,
Glover sand Timothy.
Farmers wanting .good clean Clover
and Timothvseed wilt do well to gall
on W. H. Levett before purchasing.
Price and quality guai auteed.
W. H. LEvErr.
Adiourncct Vestry Meatiest.
The itdjoatrned meeting of the Triv-
itt Memorial Vestry: was held in the
Schonl Hall, on Monday night last, the
rector, Rev. R. J. M. Perkins in the
chair. The ditors resented their
report, showing the finances of the
church and various auxiliaries to be in
a very satisfactory condition. Votes
of thanks were tendered the various
organizations of the church for the
splendid wcrk performed by all duri.ig
the past year
A One Cext Stamp will Do.
There have been some slight changes
made in the postal rates that are of in-
terest especially to newspapers and
newspaper correspondents. Now the
rate at which book and newspaper
manuscript passes is 1 cent for 2 oz.
The rate on fourth class matter, i.e.,
including merchandise, etc., is now 1
cent per oz. Newspapers may now be
mailed to the United Kingdom by pub-
lishers :and newsdealers at the same
rate as for Canada.
Council Proceedings.
Council met at call of Reeve in Town
Hall, on April 20th All present, ex-
cept'(;ouncillors Manning and Hawkins
Minutes of previous meeting read and
confirmed. Cobbledick--Gillespie—
tbat By -Law No. 2, 1903, re dog tax be
repealed and section 77 of consolidated
by-laws of 1900 be and is hereby in full
force and persons violating said sec -
to P
tion be roceeded`..against.—Carried.
Gillespie--Cobbledick—that the " clerk
notify the county clerk that this coun-
cil will take no action in the matter of
Good Roads.—Carried. Council then
adjourned to Friday, May 1st, at 8
o'clock p.m.
G. H. BIssRTT, Clerk.
Odditollows Attend Church.
The Independent Order of Oddfel
lows attended divine serviee in the
Privltt Memorial church on Sunday
morning last. About sixty-five memb-
ers formed at the lodge room and
tuxrched to the eburcb. The rector,
Rev. It J. M. Perkins, occupied the.
pulpit and preached an appropriate
and eloquent discourse. The prenohez
took for his text the second and fifth
verses of the sixth chapter of St. Paul's
Epistle to the Galatians : "Bear ye
one another's burdens, and sofultillt1 e
law of Christ." "For every Mal shall
bear his own burden;' The speaker
first pointed out that although there
was* seeming contradiction between
those two verses, yet in reality there
co-operation. The
• •o
was agreement and c.o p o
Fatherhood of God implied the broth-
erhood of man. Personal responsibil-
ity carried with it responsibility•in re-
gard to otters, for a man could not
bear the burden of personal respon-
sibility without seeking in some way
to bear the burdens of others. He be-
lieved that the duties of Oddfellowship
to be in harmony, with the law of
mutual burden -bearing. He compared the guests of her parents, lir. and Mrs.
mankind to a great marching army, Geo. Smallaconibe.
Miss Lottie Wilson, after a pleasant
visit here with her cousin, Miss Maud
Harness, returned to her home in. Te-
terboro hast week.
Mrs. (Dr.) Eastwood, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. G. Stan -
bury, for the past few weeks, return-
ed to her home in Whitby Tuesday
to a sincere man. It might a in our +morning.
body , in our circumstances or
Medals Entrance. Pu 1s:
With the' double pur ose of romot-
ing renewed enthusiasm in school
work and rewarding merit, Warden
W. H. Kerr, of the Post, .Brussels, of-
fers two medals for competition among
the Entrance Examination scholars of
Huron Co. The pupil who' tiaras the
highest number of marks at the next
Entrance examination will receive a
handsome gold medal suitably engrav-
ed, while the second pupil in rank will
receive a silver medal with appropriate
engraving. The scholars in • Huron
County have in the past stood high up
among Provincial candidates. We
trust the stimulation of this contest
will cause our pupils to land at the top
of the list in the Province. The awards
will be given' as soon as the marks are
published. The winning pupils must
be residents of Huron.
Men's Fedora a and stiff hats,
latest spring styles and prices
right. Call and sell them.
Snell t •Rowe's
innday is
on, spen
Mr. John Essery is recovering frown
an ;attnele of pneutuaniat.
Mins Edna Creech spent a few days
In London during the week.
Miss Ella Rollins. of Detroit, is the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins,
Mr. L. H. Dickson returnedTuesday
front a business trip to St. Thomas.
Mr. J. E. Sherman, of Goderich, has
stceepted a position on the ADVoCATE
Mt. Frank Jackson, of London, visit-
ed friends here: for a few days during
the week.
'Miss Jennie Vale has returned to
London; after €aa pleasant visit with
Mende here.
Mr. J. E. Tom, I.P.S., of Goderieb,
was on *Metal duty in town and vicin-
ity last week.
Little Jim, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. Acheson, Is quite ill nqd under the
doctor's care.
Miss Windsor, of Centralia, spent
Sunday here, the guest of her aunt,
Mrs. Geo. Snell.
Idr. Thos. Jeci ell left Monday for
London to accept a position in as job
printing office.
Miss Mae Noggg, teacher, of Sodom,
spent Sunday the guest of :her cousin,
Mrs, A. Hastings.
Mr. J. O. Gould, of the new firm of
Gould .t Slater, London, stave the
ADVOCATE a friendly call on Tuesday.
Mrs. John Puddicombe and daugh-
ter, Miss Mary, of London,spent Tues-
day in town, the guests of the Misses
Mrs. P. Bowden, and little son, of
Ridgetown, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. B. Samuel for a few days dnt•-
ing the week,
Mrs. Herman Belly and family, of
Stratford, are visiting friends here,
each man shouldering his own musket,
bearing his own knapsack and taking
his own part in the battle, and yet he
would be worthy of the name of a
soldier who deserted a comrade in dis-
tress, or left a wounded brother on the
field in order to save his own life. The
preacher defined a burden to be any-
thing which made right -living difficult
i1 health b
in our surroundings. We cannot bear
the burdens of others so as to transfer
them to ourselves. Christ alone could
do that. " He bore our griefs and
carried our sorrows." But we can be
a great assistance `to others by reach-
ing out the heart of love and the hand
to help. The best preparation for help-
ing others to bear their burdens is by
carryour own bu • -The
striving to n Iden.
man earing he heavy burden him-
self is generally the man who does the
most to help others. By grappling
with our own burden weare best fitted
to assist others. In concluding, the
reverend gentleman named thiee burd-
ens which were personal and which
must be„carried by ourselvess al
These were the burdens of responsibil-
es ,ansa it
it ,guilt and immortality. pWe hade
to cknowledge and release these
burdens and act accordingly. Service
to God was a personal matter. There
could be no proxy, no shifting of duty
here, for in this matter every man
must bear his own burden.
Hicks Forcasts For May.
A regular vulcan storm period is
central on the 1st, extending to the
4th. The opening stages of this period
fall in the last p
days of April, that is,
change to warmer, failing barometer
and southerly winds set in on those
days in western sections of the`coun-
trv. From the 1st to the 3i -d inclusive,
these chap es tor
g owing storm condi-
tions will increase as they advance
eastward across the country, resulting
in wide cloud areas. with active storms
of rain, wind and thunder on and
touching the 2nd and 3rd. In the na-
ture of things, rising barometer,
change of winds to westerly and north-
erly, and much cooler weather will fol-
low closethef th
-0n rear O ese storms,
Lorne, April lath,. by Rev. Mr. Ash-
ton, Mr. Arthur Spicer, of St. Marys
(formerly of Exeter) to Miss Addie,
youngest 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Chas. Witherden.
- The farmer who passes us by when in need
of :Garden or Field Seeds is dead to his own interests,
We carry: nothingbut the Best Seeds that can be
bought, consequently the man who buys from us is as-
' e results, oar Corn .Fwd and Ensil-
of goodeS l Try
age, Potatoes, early and late.
We ea 't''. p a complete assortment in Colors of
Sherwin , Williams' Paints—the best on the market,
4.a:I ENT National, Portland and Star bz ,nd.
Now that house cleaning has begun yont Will be needing arnnething
ILace Certente Car ... ts, Run;. Art .Muslin, Silkaalines, Cretonnes, Etc,
u ce . . g
varied stock to se from.
•i and .a .. c select r t
e t d ai larger d k l t f n.
ppee re.. ra t
We• .. e ' s the needs r as
' a u
e -e eve at shol't lis brute full of economies for circlet, wide awake
il.r.weg. t,
,aa a Curtains•
Fine Swiss Lewy Curt;tins fal
in. wide, 31 Fila, long, -White
sttwtng deter ale thread, verylight,
daainty deslgns.single and doadtlo
hordees.Colbert edge finish,soro
very handsome p atterns.
Good selection.
+ltts(ins, .
Very wide. At t Muslins with
rney stripe and floral designs
cry pretty effects. suitable for
iralrcn;int curtains, drapes, etc.
W. C. T. II Notes
In'Ingham county, Michigan, a jury
a. verdict of 51,033 <
in favor of the wife of a man maimed
for life while intoxicated, said verdict
being against the saloon .keeper who
furnished the liquor which robbed him
of his souses.\ It would only seem just
aas to hold the .0 •si such case i t
equally res onsible in the matter.
9 Y P
Lord for r thirt
When Judas sold his Ln o y
pieces of silver, be brought the money
to cast it into the public treasury, ,but
it.could.not he received hecause it was
the price of blood, but what about the
millions that come into our public
treasury? Surely we stand guilty be-
fore God' as a nation, not only regard-
ing ourselves but also . in our relation
to heathen and less. enlightened people
where cargoes of rum invariably pre-
cede the missionary.
It is every true citizen's duty :anal
privilege to know the temperance laws
and the attitude of milers and candi-
dates towards them.
To see that temperanee laws are en-
forced. To agitate for better' temper-
ance laws. To elect. to office' active
temperance men and uphold them. To
call on bad officials to enforce temper-
ance laws and seek their removal if
they refuse. To agitate for temper-
ance reform by will and 'pen. To train
the young in temperance in hoarse,
school crud cliurcli.
Window ,fades,
Ordinary width in wmitin
and green. mounted on hest
epring rollers and trimmed
with lace or Weeetie:1, A cant -
Vette steak of curtain poles
atatll tt aantsilli;;s el ayar Can
]i)ot "t fit get abe fact Hiatt we
estrn'y the largest stock of ax
paprrinto wn,np-tw•nlatte patterns
and velorrng *eatable for any
room or ball.
Carpets and Rugs,
elsminister, Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, eta+, full 27inaahes wide.
all geicld designs with artistic color combination% a< large stock. bast
quality, Rngllsb Tapestry' Rugae.
To s ro
Fleaadrltrarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sandford Ready Made Clothin
4 -
Bed Room Set nmtttess :end Sideboards frvmr........ ..10.00 up
springs eornplete ... l.I"i0
Couches from............ 6,00 up
Beautiful 'Parlor Suite 21.00 Rockers from Thc. up
Anything and everything found in a fist -class furniture store can be bad. le
Repairing of all kinds attended to.►
Itlrley's Block. Practical .Embatna.
Having purchased the Furniture and Undertaking business of
R. N. Rowe, wet announce to the public that we have on hand without a
doubt the largest and best assorted stock of furniture in the county.
A. visit to our store will convince that we are selling at the closest
margin possible. It will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our
stock and get onr prices before platting orders elsewhere:
We do all kinds of ordered work, repairing and -picture framing
on the shortest notice at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed with
every purchase.
Undertakers and Funeral. Directors. .
Practical Embalmer. Gradua'ite
J. D. TKI •S®N
9 of Einbalntiug College, Toronto.
• 9 auht
nt,lie. taught
•FOREST . x'Y•
Our students are not
guaranteednice jobs,but
after a course in this
College it will be
We aid thein. if possible to
obtain employment, but we
first equip them to maintaa in
the high reputation this
school has acquired.,
. . 1l
The undersigned will have
carload of Canada Carriage
Company's Buggies arrive 00
April lst: If youwant a first-
class buggy call at the McCor-
mick shop before you buy:
Th•e se ;are an extra grade of
buggies and will be in assorted,'
colors..' Don't forget the stand.