HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-30, Page 5THE (ftgter Aitnnicatge published every Uwelay dimming MUm Witco MAIlti,-STREET, ADVOCATa PUER.1StilliE (AQMPARY. TEAMS or SUBSORIPTION. One Wier per vows it paid in adrance, *Cs it eot se void. 2L4Mrstrtt,S124f;. 4eNetmsa gala .goniAltzei„., 4.2,4?24 No paper diseoritioneil minion arrearoecs ere paid. Advertisements without specified direcooes iil e Published untR forbid and charged eccordingiy. ntberal discount mode tor transcient advertisements inserted for looe perieds.. gory description ot JOIS reiesee tercel out in the Quest style, and at moderate rotes. Cheques, mew orders, .tc„ for AdImrtisinIA subscriptions, ete., to be mode poyabie Olta,s.I/. Sanders, xPITOlt Atie PitOt rceresemoet Cowls. KS_ .S..41)E, A. it Eon ten.e., Hewer groluate Toronto tinireriste. DENTISTS, Tenth extmeted. Without any pain, or Am .basi effects .0e nfansmee DWI, west fide Alain sheen Vieten Du. D. ALTON ANDERSQS LAS tloPOr Orailu%te ot Toronto tintiversity and dicey College ot Dental Outoomits ot Ontario. Also Po& Dradnate et Chicago ocboul et prosthetie Dentiste (with honorable Mention.) Allen:ileum, Gold end Oulcepito Plates radii in th Peatest pioneer possible. A perfectly harmless oro +Aesthetic, red tor painleas extraction of teeth. Dike nee door seina ofearling Sm. tiwre, Exeter Get the Most Out of :Your Food You don't and eau% if year stomach Is weak. A. weak stomach does not di - est all that is ordinarily taken into it, gets tired"easily, and what it fade to ;Neat is wrieted. Among the eigns of Creeakestoniach are iliteatiliteii4 after eating. OM., of nee, veue headache, and dieagyeeable belch, E °I,litiore been troubled with dyspepsia for NOM, and tried every remedy .1 heard ot. but never gi#DITthing that gaire toe reit'et noth 1 tea flood's .Otirsaintrilla. I cannot praise this inedielne .too higlily for the geed it has done me. 1 elwaYS tate It in tee OFIDO And tall and would net be without .W. A. Moan. Delleville, Out. Hood's Sarsaparilla • Strengthens and teeee the etomacia and the Whole digestive eyetem. Pawner Wennieoe-The boroe of Ur, and, Mrs. Glendiuning, of the wes- tern pert of this township was the scene of a pretty event, it being the marriage of their datolbter, Miss Mag gie, to Mr. W. Flounigan. of London. The gown worn by the young bride IS it Marvel ot elegance and neatness d displayed the gootl taste, on tbe• part of the bride. About eighty in vited gueste front tflparts of the stir. setuncitug townships, were present to ttness the eeremony, which toot Wetinesday. The bride 'Forte most popular young ladies, is t nd genial favorite with all and eafe in .;lying that_ "she I'- 11 to the whys of her houeehold d eeteth not the breed of idleness." 4 that where're she Way be her e will be filled with sanslaine trout ad that her sunny dispoeition can Ip but penetrate tbe dat It side of and chase all gloom away. M. "gen is a prominent butcher in # is a model youttg man. Indus - and temperate and w.1wortb,y d companion to share his jovs ud rows, assist hint in the betae t lire and cheer him in the time or rouble. and suet' lie has and we hope and trutt a they- have now joined their heads for lite they may altvays continue in the happY state of married Ere awl thet the e.hoicest bleesiogs may ever rest Awl abide with them througlx the journey of lite. Never haS Wide !tit tIAISLuwn1t1p Arb0 more esteemed than the present one1 and as one etood ttua gezed at the magnificent array fa presents they could not help but come., to the ton. elusion that he numbeted her friend RS many, WTOR. 'R. dienatrallILIN, diEdIDED OF CoUege at Physicians ond Surgeons Outarle. Physician, notgems And acemellt4r. Wale. DWI, weal, Ont. u street toneere ••••••••••••/••••••••••••••••••••••,•.....--13 ------...-- 1111OWN1 Witichelsca. Livened ,Auctioneer tortho Conntles at Perth and Middlesex. so lathe townsliip et ltabome. Sales promptly attendedte and trm wQ�ab Saks youngest / At Post 011Ice, Winthm. The Maisons ank (Qiiiiitered by Parliament, iFin) Mad Oflle Ronne:it. Paid up Capital.... . ... ...$2,500,000 ReSerVe Pima .. . .... ••••••-•..2,,250,000. JAS. ELLIOTT, GerstrnAL MANAGER. EXETER BRANCH-: Oates hourn-10 a.m. to 3 pan; Saturdays 10 to 1 p,m. A. general banking busin ess transacted Mom tulvanced to good Fanners at tallest rates, Savings limit Deposits Dom in mid upeamis receiv- ed. interest allowed at hIghest current rates. Dosses at Cantina, 11.D. greeter, Solicitors. dinuager. CREIMON ROLLER MILLS; paissodaie 1 THE MARKET REPORTS. A00113E-e'er.-- Roht. 0 tea. Sprlog Creek farm, hail the misfortune to fell ne British Live viSrmtccOcr‘ Trade and break ber lns eft arnear the wrist a few daye ago, Dr. Prottdroot was called and the fractured bones were set without delay. Tier advanced age may somewhat retard the hone 'nit - ting process. Still there are good emends for the heifer that she Will get over the effecte or her recent accident. OPERA'1120 ON, --For over A year MliSter John Cole. second eblest S011 of QUI leorthy township. tr(asurer, has suffeted from a ennanteg sore on his right arm close to the shoubler joint. After being probed by l)r, W. Una - Rey. of Oitaorol, Whet happened to be home OD a visit to his parents, a cow ultation was held between him aud, • Prondfooe on Sunday. with the re - IG that both arrived .it the conclo- ion that the trouble Arose from tubers Worts ot the hope and an early opera - on rendered necessary to get, at, tbe eat, of the disettee. On Monday fore, oon. assisted by Dr. Smith, of Alitehs the three professional gentlemen successfully operated upon the feolty limb by removurg every veetage of de- coyed matter from the part affected, the deep incision neatly and pr?perly stitched and bandoged and them wit. 1. g and ontlinclung sohject left t restle over the effeets of retuning scionsness with pein and intense 0,,-..ovezoaacc-occfcceoccoo We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill, GRISTING and. CHOPPING 'DONE PROMPTLY. 14. SlAtEITZEn -THE-- Seaforth John Maxwell. the Man accused. ot the brutal assault on Mr. Paul Shafer, this town, about two months ago, appeared before Judge Doyle, in Goderich, on Monday. There evere two charges steadies' ageinst the mato one for the assault on Alr. Sitaf. er and the other for stealing a pit' ganntietS in Clinton. 4 nuniber uf wituessea were examined, and at the couclusion of the cases, the Judge seas tenced itfaxwell to ten years in the penitentiary, on the charge of assault, and three years on the charge of theft. Proudfoot appeared for the prise ter, mai Acting Crown 4ittorney Lewis prosecuted, Efforts are being made to connect Maxwell with the Wiughtun ease, which resulted in the death of Air. S, Smith, a prominent business man of tha t town. Bad otRAL onatia Capital Paid Up - 6,000,000 Rest - 2,700,000 • 1:general Banking 'business traneacted. Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. ConunercialLetters of Credit issued, available in China, Japan and other toreigneountnes. Travelling 'Letters Of Credit, issued to travellers in all parts of the world, 'MOS FYS11E, GEIMEAL Mane= _ N.F.IIEBnoN, Sun OF BRAMJIIHS & [solar issraCTO • ' ONT. S . CHISHOLM, Manager. Patrick Ryal, mail carrier at Goelph, wits found dead in bed. Mrs. Shirley was acq eit tea. at Quebec of the murder of her husband. • A young Englishman named Charles Partridge w LIS drowned at Rat Port- age. Mrs. 'William Newlands, of King- ston, died suddenly while kneeling at pre yen Teri ence McFarlane, a laborer, died from injuries reoeived at Toronto JUnction. h t - tints colds oarseneas and Other throe g ailments are quickly relie-ired by Vapo-Cresco lene tablets, teu cents per box All druggists. Charles King, convicted of man. slaughter in connection with the death of illie Freeman, was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment by Mr, Justice Street, at St. Thomas. ET C est, Poesessed of wenderfol nee mews his years, the youthful pi. t doily. nicely and everythnig t'anants the'tnedicl opinion that ete ong he will he restored to hia wonted .alth grittiness, tnean The front of the Lucan ;sliding Co'• office has been nuteh improved in np- • ranee, by a coat ot paint. -51r, an . G. Fe Sewyer, event a few days iu town last week. -Mr. T. A. Webb has purcbase4 a livery stable in Ilarri- sten and took immediate possession. Ile will move bis family there shortly. Ur! Arthur Carter has taken e. t» it In the Standard Bank here. The Kink has verteinly Wilde good selee. lion iu seettring the seeviees of Me. Carter, be belog IA44 resneeted, Ituti veg. prior with all who knew hint, EXETER CRAND- X411. .. McIldaT Ennio& Ain% 27. TotOntO St. Lawrence Market, As s uaul Q14 7/10ndaY3., trade was citilet At the St. LAwrence 2i4lArloet to- day. Asiii receipte in ell tinge wero iight. The seeding time pow draw; te a, clooe. And heavier receipts ef groin and ether prothce may Pe Welted ter doring the Ming week. The grain on the Marken to-ltotollefd beehele. Wheat -One bunnree bushels or whits/ 404 At74iV, Per blIstel. Cater -One bunched bitsnele gold At MO per bustael. Pressed goge-Very itttle shirr WAS et fering and pricee remain inielierigeO. Ustat weight, hoee am quoted At ;$-'0'..0 re per cwt. and. titmice At 47.50 to 1/-7e- ROX--Twenty-fire Weds were on the mAtit'vt- No. 1 timothy te cleated At I* IQ Ma Per MP. 4141 mixed or clever at $IR to 0. gtraw-Two toede only were offered, COlgatgon..% Vire Ormer et V Le PeP NA* The Visible Supply. .41p1.27.TO ApkW00.' AOLV:Ot 'Wheat isee-55.t0 Corn 7.784,670 0.8$8.000 10.2e5.004 Oats 8,114,09O V.Sid,a0O -off 1,137.470 1„*354.03 %AVM galley 1.44.050 1,14.00; sin.314 Log decleaoeil 1,7C.G.09Q bosbolo tivo ast weeic.. 4 you at wheat *avowed, WA; inishele. Britiett Cattle Market*. s. April :.47.-Anterican cattle, inks, olio; CattorlioPS, CA; Ar - ::;- 4d. evi -Canadian cattle. id suak Sedlier. harnesemaker, who has been assisting Mr. W. I. Ste- wart for several WeekO, left Int week foe Lendan, where he has &Cared A tuation.-At a recent nteeting of the Epworth Leagne of the 3lethodist chtimb the following ofticerre were elec- tear-MM. Pres„, Rev. J. A. Ayearat; Pres, MISS B t1. Cranston; Pres. C. E. Derr% Miss M. Willis; Pres.. Miss De Mrs. IL Collins: Pres., Social und erature Dep.: Dr, W.P. Harvey; Sec* Miss P. Mow bray: Treas., Miss C. Ladies' Guild or Holy Trinity Church have been fortunate in aecur- ing the services of Mr. L. B. Spafford, Torouto. to give his celebrated Me - hinge entitled "Peculiar People," in the Town Hall, on Friday evening, RUe011EANIZED.--At welt attended Inatuntli' atiggs Vellturattitl°"1 Slay 1. nesany evening„ the Irish Nine re.or- mood tor No. 2 whits %WS for Wool Bata() Cattle Markets. 'oifele, April 31, --Cattle .1,009 head; active te tmodoo stretig ofters. 11.',Z to PAO; 01412o, ;.itt eta, t4 10 0.2;i; Witcher** Meer*, helfere, ;A to ;5; ow*, 34.2n ; buite, Vin $4.80: feeclers. tet L5teolzers, $3.15 to 4.PO: stock brit - Vs. 42 AO 424;4 Volt cows ogd spritizere. Plied to elicnee. 240 te ;60; mom, pi to $16; Outman. SZ 40 S;t, Veala-neetipts, t$0 hati; steadr; tem. id= tiS $5.a4; PQM. TAPp, geid. V liego--Roceipte. Wit* Lead; pigs otaadv. othom tee to Mt lower,_. heavy, ;7.43 to d7.94; Mud. _47.9 tO 37.45; Yet'kern. VO.1 V.4e; 11,k; KU to ;7; *tees, to 044. ataop ond 1;:z --L beafd; lameno oleodo; ;MEW ;sheep and mete. 'act, loWer: 1014 banks. $7.11 to $TA; culla to ;t 4i; _yeaxtlege. $5.S0 to ;I:W..; AlittinO, top_ mixer), thlt, St; o sow). Cf.es, Chicago Lin Stock, go. April 27.--C4ttle-Itocolpts. isaning.f.04 Texane; active at *toady ne emcee; vest to prime *Wino. 0 PAO; poor to medium. MA to *10; ra anti Rodent, UM to 4/4101 00WX. losiforin SOW to PAO: Camases. .50 to bulls. 02141 414); colvo r.,S0 ON; Texas fed steel". *4 to I& •BecOnts to -flay. OP); io-morrOw. I. lett eVer. 2.0A; market 100 to 1 irt mixed and butellere, $8,514 to $1.15, 0 v110106 heavr. Pee te Mee rotigh V to 37.18; light, P1,95 be Vol; huIli Of AAA, W 17.11, mime -weenier. lose term steady: lonibe $teady to too Mg/Kr; goes] to choice wet/mm.14M te Pi tor to eltelco mine, tr4.75 to ;1.4; 0031‘04 bunk% 01:04 to KO, Mentreal Grein and Produce. Pe4SAA.•••••••• 14•••••••4011 FOtatOePg, per bag, " 8905 Hay, per tea. Flour, per OW1.1 raler,.... 1 05 Bk/tfrr•••••••••••••••••••• 45 EggS•P ',Ann 1••••••• Hides, per 0 00 Live hogs, per cwt.. Dressed flogs, Shorts per out.. Beau per cwt. .......... Geese .... . ... . . ... . Dded Apples.... HERSELF". Milverton, Ont., Aril 25, Simon It upett, a women Montt* hi. hong herself this afternoon in a room of her houee. She bat) beeia ht the asylum at London for some time, haring DetiOrned home only a few weeks ogo. She bad oo awl Whet] her 1-m5haod ORilifP bOWO about four o'eleck. he totind her dead. It was net coneldered neceeeery to hold a iiqueet, DIED IN HIS BARN. Kincardine, Onto April U. leg. McCosh, former tiring t Leke Shore Range, Huron Townslu 'ae round deed in hie barn yeeterday. is preeumed that he had relit% e i,tting evhile feeding hie oteek. ad been deed some days when He Wee unmarried,. read lived Mr. 31cCoela was a native of re, aud wet; proininetit, MOM Si. Andrevte Seciety. nil entintsittstic meeting held Weil. roes show Bo change TIttker: lit a. X' ft Weed for the corning Westin with Lite gramavim or,=„A, preX ifultsre 414"grt/ h/SVIDa Ottleettig-ThieS,, 301111 Fog; Buckwheat o eat was oared, but aeliegliattfol Vice Pres., Wm. Ward, J. W. Ander. to even obtain a bid for IL We cinotteo. son and Ira Eke; Aritiniggr, C, WIZelh,' PT,7* „t°213,„te PraLallblrfraht4941,11,t8a Ilawkshaw, C'apt,, W. A. Tripp: 'Cm. tie -.2licsi;--"yoi,r-itii -44i-ray aloat tire, P. W. Porte: Committee -It Mc«are quoted rto ed Os WU:mot-No. 1 cot*, all2s 4,4furtly. NV. Gibson, It, 1144. Mei No. ft Ott. 461 44 to SAW fl'.. e 10 40 00 oo oa Id 11. 5 50 000 7 to 100 4 .A. TRAIN. e, Out., April g'3. -Roland 1,4aue. aged 1$ years' Jost his life. and hie twelve-yeer-oldbrother Ft•ed lies in the hospital as resnit of walking along the Grand 'Trunk Iteilway track this morning 4314 being run down by No. 1 International Limited train. The home of the boys is near Maitland, Where tliele mother teePS A toll kfatc• They had gone to r resc,Att oeeking ens* ploymeot. and tkot svconing a, were re- turn:mg home aloog the tracks when the aceident oeenrred. The teak is double, auki tile boys stepped from one side to the other to aveid an approaehs og freight traitsand failed to notice he passenger train approachiog en the ether track. The eegineer whietted repeatedly on Oeeleg their danger. ond applied the brakes but before the tram could be etopp44 toth hays were struck. Rolend was killed instantly. arta Fred seriously injured. It is believedhowever, that he will res over. n - gins nod jesse Foremen, lete, met peas. tO4V. Moor -The donnuid continuos toir and le t of t body, Yo ae Invigorated, retreshe You feel =dons to t-ve.Youbecoraestrong, dy,courageous.Tbat' t Ayr's Sarsaparill o for you. values are steady. We attate shotC s Hensall Mattliolba spring wheat patents, 44.10; CU. Ondala PAO tp V.90: strong bakers` 33.10; W. C. Davis is improving the upper 'winter whp eat atents, MS to PA; straight rollers, $3.25 to tgi,40; do in largo Art of his block.-Itob. NIcOloy lots blgotturrtgebevritis.difix.41 toidl.te. taken a position with ieColl Lleos, il manufacturers of Toronto.-Wrilt end prices are eneleuttel tat3*-a7relotitS1 r Linderdield is learning the tailor• eer bpi axe at $1.75 to V.:90 Psr bag. g atB.Fowler's estoldisnmente Wrd- seirgectra,Tilat iollottoi4e°oTinoe &of Slitopeig' gives promise of becoming an ex. bran. WI' :Tote Mariltoino-h-. , in 'bag: pert stiteher.-Mr. jack Timmy has di% shells, 20 per ton; Ontario hraroltt secured a position as trackman on the 11;1,4!"1.Z4 $1'ert1, OS* and Ineuill'4 5E t° G.T.R. at Itipley.-Sames Johnston, 4 oblet:5441trealtigfertone to the market re carriage bulkier, has imschased the mains easy and the volume of busines; liao and western at 124e. W. COIWil , and the latter has rented qttittle,?*t.e, Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fat. Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding' the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil, For pale school- girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood fo_od. It not only feeds the blood -making orcea.ns but gives them strength to do - their proper work. Send for free sample, SCOTT & 330'tVITR, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. 5oc. ancl.k.oe; all druggists. HOW Was He Dressed ? 11111111.1.1.11111111016=MMUNIII You. hear this asked of some persons every clay, and ,the answers depend on the kind of clothes they wear. How ctrO' rou Dressed When you want to be well dressed coma and have a suit. made to order, All • new goods consisting of Sititin4s, Paitti,n4s, Over co atin gs Eta. f JOITN" TAILOR Opposite Pc': Exeter i121 A r thing J512 tlko tit* shop and remises eo occupies from traneaeted small, with eastern goads the large Ingrain building for au int- ma1s!. being slew AZ bletioblisl attl gr, e tone a the market In easY. plea:lent show room. elr. Johnston ocersTil Johnston' prices are without any actual change. xvill require the front of the shop to tretcroamerr being quoted at isio exhibit carriages and buggies. -J. B. to. Beek and daughter. Mary, lore last Dogs -The market rules fairly active Anti steady under a good demand. and week for Dodge Centre. W. Where sales ot round loth were made at 11%o to they intend taking up residence with 124per dozen, and single eases at nue to Mr. Beek's son, Charlie. who is station 1.tee Provisions -Are firm arid prices show no agent at that place. Mr. Beek is new nearly SO years of age and has resided agnastartg,..asthyitee )eq,.:7;k1Zilie,ariF3Cegl; here for a number of years and while fight Canada, here made a host of. friends, who 4=: fittest kettle lard, in 20 -Ib palls. 111;144 will regret to learn of his departure,bue Ectfsca?hploarce ,terameallIn ttomIctuheitildletialred,e8400 will wish many him years of happiness in his new borne. --Dr. Blackall, of the mills, $1.85 to $1.93; Giliol;e,natI1*)1.:Ir ts! $1.25; 20 -lb tin pails, 55,15 lees per lb; home, Queen's hotel, has improved the ap- 124e to 14e. and bacon, 14o to 15e per lb. pearauce of his bar by having a metalic ceiling put in. ---Mr. Richard Warring, Leading Wheat Markets. who has been very ill of late, is able to Closing previous day. Closing to -day. around again. Cash. May. Cash. May. MATlitiEsi.-A quiet marriage teak -Chicago piece at the Methodist parsonage on New torK-. ... ; .. ' . *". lit '; 87114 Tuesday evening, when Bev. Dr. Medtt Toledo ....., .. .::. -76 76% '76% is% had the pleasure of uniting Mr. Garnet 77 .. ie.% :: and Dr , Detroit, 2 red .... 76% 77 7ain 76% G. Smallacombe, of this place, o No. . nor. .. 76% 76% 763t. -014 Miss Bertha, Henry, danghter of Mr. Milwaukee, 2 nor. 79' 72% 79 " I...- -tind Mrs. Wm. R. Henry, of Tucker - St Louis .... .... 72 71% 70%- 70% smith. The happy couple aftervvitrds repaired to the home of the groom's British Markets. mother where a, dainty luncheon was Liverpool, April 27 -Opening heat, served. The bride was very becoming- spot firm; No. 1 starda' rd -callf,e-rest daptor ly attired in a neat travelling costuMe. canto', as 8%2dretdo N6vsingtdei.,W6sall4.1 She is spoken of as a very estimable 1,1,63L'i; 1;;T°' rtahylrnm yvardiltsobtdnoir stock; j flu - d to Gs 312; young lady and the grown is one of our tur'es steady; as 23O1 value. Corn, spot firm; Enitee:id 14: popular and.industrious young trades- men and we predict for the yonng peo- ritcan, per eental, new, 4s 7d to 4s 7%o; iluilmils ik4riti;iir..:; May, 4s 63id nominal; ple a life of peace, happiness and pros- minal; Italy, s 3%d nom - peri ty. Mal, Flour, Minneapolis, els 7d to 22s. Liverpool -Close -Wheat, spot firm- No. DEATR,-On Sunday morning there tooregrewcaairoreaed er eea8d passed away to the Unseen World all p that was mortal of Mr: Joseph Gould, red winter, Gs .kA sto Gs t ;d6nt ; sNGel.An l! north - the sad event oectiring at the residepce utarany,Ma6snitatda, cskuilyf,W6usreasdstveaajcluyet. of his soneueaw, Mr. 11,. Northoott value;rote t Corn spot firm. mixed kinerican, per of Sexsmith, one who for a long time centsli, new, 4s '7d to IS `7%d; futures was known as the oldest man in Hen- steady; May, 4s 53c1 value; June, 4s 4d sail. Born in Somersetshire, England, valr 32uly, ,Is ld value. Flour, Minne- he came to this country about 60 years /1.?onsiioi°1,s 114? 27. -Opening -Wheat. Wh t, e ago, settling in Beech township, where pwahsistaegep,asfisramge,, butnot active; e4trallt .he spent some 30 yelirs, and then •re- sis ps id net cash. Corn, moved to ard concession, Hay. A.bout gis Pngage, quiet and steady; LaPlata. wheat, 2 00 ,3M9P2o,iii'd104'sWgitsigLi stipnBienngtrnol ten years after he moved to Hensel], cloudy. where he resided until tbe,death of his bushels; corn, 460,000 bush - English country wheat wife, when be moved to Sexernith. els. marketa s Saturday quiet, but steady. He was highly respectedlis a neighbor, Mark Lane Miller rrarket:-Wheat, for- . citizen and friend. Honor WilS his sign quiet but steady; 'English firm at Itlobto, integrity his watchword and an advance of 9d. Cornbian Amerl'an firre on adVanee of 6d. Danufirm'. nolo, his word vvas as good as his bond. Ar. A.merican firm; Ilnglish firm. Gould's sweetness of disposition was London---Close-Mbeaton passage, quiet out sthady; wheat, parcel No. 1 northern somarked as te endear him to both old and young. His many lovable qual- anivatodbapo shiPment 'within a, fortnight„. • • ,EstdA'zia Curcs WWI* You Moo It mires because the airier:demi 5 I antilesie is (-mall loser the ilizeetod tag* race nith every breath, givingprelecgcd and constant moment. It Is invaitt• add* to makers rhildten. Is o boon to nethnuttles. .01r. copies Comes Broaelittts ura Coughs b, Colds thippo rind nays% Mei Vaptaior and Lamp, obleb Ovoid t a lifetime, tieeditr eat. o boiled Ccezelme Sto. Exult. aupipiles of Creselean mat an 52 was, Write or dcstrioives Waldo =Lain taglifyithettutilmssrao to al:1,4m. VATYKTIPSOLVt= gtititGanti XVCractrintitr.,. Vapc4reso1ene en Street r1s7c.tre Dame Street Yee; ttlamtal IUIBRY. MURRAY & Co imirriteruRERS OF LO RINGS AND ENT MIXERS Ve for sale 1 Boiler 30 b. p. 1 Boiler 4011. p 1 Boiler and Engine 30 h. p. 1 Boiler and Engine 16 b. p. astings of every Description in Brass and Iron to order. rite and Fittings of all sees kept constantly in stock. JAS. MURRAY THRILLING EXPERIEN Of Motorman Walston, Its the struplor of TORONTO STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. OE DID NOT WANT TO OWE UP WORK OUT WAS FORCED TO DO 80-1ELLS HOW FOR EIGHTEEN MONTHS He HOVERED SzTwEEN LIFE AND DEATH, TREATED SY THE DEBT PHYSICIANS IN Touorrro AND HIS CASE PRONOUNCED 110 SERIOUS TPIAT HE WAS ADVISED, AS A I.AST RESORT, 10 USE THE DR. SLOCUM TREATMENT -IS NOW IN 41001, HEALTH AND tenecoss THE PAY HP HEARD Or THIS MARVELLOUS rtzmway* aid; April, 31s paid; A pril and Amy were only equalled by his mental limo as 9d. Corn, on passage, quiet but faculties. We are thinking to -day (.,o5teady: LaPia,ta Yellow rYe, termS, Juno the admirable moral qualties of him !Tsd3reypaihd; April, 20s 1d paib. who now rests from earthlytabor. To Antwerp, April 27.-C1o5e-Wheat, spot say all in one word Mr. Gould was a 3teadsri 1`1°. 2 red winter, 17tCorn, spot good man. He was it member of the ktriellen mixed' 21f Se" D'iour, 'Vckt Min" Curate' church and took a hearty in' leit?P' A2p6fi'il 27. -opening -Wheat, tone. »d - place Tuesday to the Exeter cemetery, weak; April, 24f 90e; September abd lp6a, 22ef t95e.b Flour, tone weak; April. terest in its welfare. The funeral took and was attended by a large concourse 1 tveatii;e1 ii/i l'r'%itroeaVotPdeYe.egeeliel131LTI.: of sorrowing friends. - trymarketsquiet but steady. Toroato. Mention this Pap , er, Mr. Alfred Walden, 7 Cornwall St, Toronto, who has been in the employ of the Street Railway Com- pany for a number of years as motorman, informs us that he bad an attack of la grippe, followed by typhoid fever, and after many weeks of suffering st resulted Inc complication of throat and lung troubles. During this illness he was under the care of one of the best physicians in this city, who pronounced it a very serious ease and advised hint to stop work, which he was finally compelled to do. Mr. Walden heard about the Dr. Slocum Remedies and commenced their use and after using them but Lor a few weeks he noticed's great improvement. Mier using this valuable treatment for some e time, tlis cough stopped, pain in left lung ceased, appetite improved and night sweats were checked ; and in about three inontbs be was able to go back to work,. feeling as well as ever. When intecviewed, Mr. Walden seemed to be in the best of spirits and expressed himself in the most grateful terms, as he considers himself completely mired and in the enjoyment of good health. What the 'Dr. Slocum Remedies have done for Mr. Walden has also been accomplished M thousands or other hopeless cases, which testimonials we have on file. A New Discovery that Cures Consumption The Dr. Slocum System Presents a Positive Cure for Humanity's nreatest Foe. Four Marvellous Free Remedies for ail sufferers reading this paper New OUre for Tuberculosis, Consumption, Weak Lungs, Catarrh, and a rundown system. Do you cough? Is your appetite bad? Do your lungs pain you? Are your lungs delicate? Is your throat sore and inflamed ? Are you losing flesh ? Do you spit up phlegm? Are you pale and thin ? Does your head ache? Do you la.cle stamina? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous malady that has ever devastated the earth -consumption. You are invited to test what this system will do for you, if you are sick, by writing for a • FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and the Four Free Preparations will be forwarded you at once, with complete directions for use, The Slocum System Is a positive cure for Consumption, that most insidious disease, and for all Lung Troubles and Disorders, complicated by Loss of Flesh, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and Heart Troubles, Simply write to tbe T. A. Slocum Chemical company, Limited, r7g Xing Street West, Toronto, giving post office ana express address, and the free medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent. Persons in Canada seeing Slocum's free oder in American papers will poem scud for samples to