HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-30, Page 1SIXTEENTH YEAR.
I Whalen
20 1V. E 147 F M through seeding, but owing to the cold
The farmers in this vicinity are al
Bishop Beldwire of Loudon, is to lee-
: tare on "The Holy Lend" at Grace
church, Skaffa, on Tuesday evening,
AladT 5, commencing at 7,30. Let ;here
weather tbe grain is not growing!
* mach, and the farmers are wishingfor
business and good of I quite:1 feW peOple ivory evindy..-The
Having ourchesed the I warmer weather.-.A.pril bile been like
Mr. A, Cottle we beg to
assure all who have boo
ored oerpredecessor with ol
their costomaud thepuhs
lio generally that they
' wilt. be able to procnre ell
aeticles roanufeetered by
tbe proprietor at °or
J. esteddiebinent, 'We will
guarantee all ' 001, work
and we are gOing to veil
• . at moderate Orices,
* We seized a call ),
„ „
' 4-4.77td yoza, patron a, e
* KILLouou 13 0
3/0.1S.OT TO LOAN',
We have unlimited private funds for In.
voile:cleat wee fere or Tillage property, At
lowest rates et interest.
riTCASON $4.0.1tR4FSCI,
BArriater§.00., Exeter.
14,1. LOAN.
We have s large amount at private funds to loan
00 19110 and village properties at low rates of Inter-
Barristers, Solicitors,kfain oxet
Real Estatoand Inatirsnee eiont
ranee and proaerties bought sad sold o
remonable fenne. Several direllin; *1911101er nit,
Lands in ail puts NastitOba the Nortlrmeat
far sale.
Buv-rwia, uoms ron &tut.
centessed et Noah,* of the north half ot
Lot 17. in the 1st coneersion el Stephen, situated
three qua:lei-sof 41414*On% of Exeter, containing,
eeTtil OhoiMI.Indi gooa Writ home. Inni and
soft water in house, and two wells in fields also one,
in &IVO house, hank barn, hen and tile boom. APII
kind, largo orchard; containing, aprles, pears,
rimplierries, strawbe cries. eta, etc. Terme eeeV. For
partleularsopply Mrs. Fanny Wilson, neetcr,1.0,,
tote Thus, veintren, rereentr.
boys from the Bethel church on the
tenth of Blanshard. make frequent
visits to onr Freewill Methodist cliutelt
on Sunday evenings. -Wedding bells
will soon be ringing along the town
bus Florence Brooks, of amn-
ion. visited friends around here on
Sunday last,
mr. Robed Lewtori left last week
Manitobee-Mie All. Lankin and tun -
,rho property ot8AlitlEE,CCInIORE, llurandele,
Ont,, with email contributions from herds of J. W.
l4041SfldW. II. Ilarvey.;in all SO head of Short.
hornaand 8 Yorkshire bows. To be held in the
Fair Grounds, in the
Wed., May 6th, '03
Catalogues on application to
Auctioneer. Ilurondale,Ont,
11y have returned from Saskatoon,
Alta.-Mis,s Charlotte Hodgson. of To-
ronto. is vieltiug her mother. Mrs. W.
Hodilson here.- James Park, olio
hoe been visiting hie mother here for
the past few days, let‘t. Tuesiley for
illartitolba.-Reee Mr. Kiltie and Pup-
ils have arrived In our village. -Mr.
Fred Langford, of Vietoria College.
occupied the pulpit in the Methodist
eleurch on Sunday morning. There
was no serviee in the evening. owing
to tim special serrium to the
in the Freshyterian church. The In-
depetoletit Order of 0.44rello wits
eetablished St yeare ago. Shute that
time the Order has gemein to vast pro-
ortions and has acentopiished much.
outlay evening the weathers of the
local lodges,. fittingly celebrated the an-
iversary of the birth of the Oilier by,
ttentling diving service. Rev. F. W.
Gilmore was the preacher for the ot
Aim awl the sermon WAS very interest-
ing and instructive.
be e good turnout as this is rare
treat -Master Willie Berry, who has
been very is we are pleased to say,
rapidly recovering. -Mr. Reahert Dal-
ton has almost recovered from the et.
fecte of his recent eecidents-The farm,
era arOttna these parts are through.
• Varna
Mrs, MeAsh. hes loon visite
ing her daughter in Al leitigan, lois re-
turned hoinee-Mr. Tegl tihuter has
rented Mr. Jittnes Armstrong's cooper
shop for term of years. Ted iS Wad
steady young; man and will no doubt
do well in the husiness.-Air. James
elonnstrong and family left this week
for their future home in Hertney,
Man. They will be 11111011 missed here.
At the annual veittry meeting of St.
johns' Church recently held the follow-
ing officers were elected; Minister's
Wardell, MeNaughtoit; People's war-
den, H. Diehl; Sidesmen, Metiers. Gels
braith and 'Ward; Auditors. Messrs.
Geo-Beetty and F. Weeks; Delegate
gate to Synod, Geo, Beatty. Miss R.
Beatty, who has been organist fee the
nest torin, resigned owing to the many
ditties of hotness. Site has been A
faithful servant of the church. -Mr. J.
E. Hernwell tioW on the road NVith
bie new peddling WaX011. He hait one
or the Most up-to.date wagons On the
road mid can carry a,bout twice as
much goods as itist year.
Of valuable property in the Village ot Exeter eon -
lasting of the Gidity Opera Blotit and Premises.
TheProprieterhavingdecided to leave Exeter, has
instrueted the undersigned to offer for sale by Pub.
lis Auction, on
SATURDAY, Di 1619 DAY OF MAY, 1903
At the hour 2 of o'clock p. tn.
The above desirable property. This property re,
quires no introduction to the people of Exeter and
vicinity. Ibis comprised of that substantially built
and handsomely constructed brick block, :altnown as
Exeter's Operations° and the store prennses therm
under and the land and appurtenances belonging
thereto. It is splendidly situated in the centre' of
our prosperous and progressive village on the West
side of Mein street, directly opposite the Town Hall.
The ground Boor, at present occupied as a furniture
store, forms a spacious and. commodious emporium,
with extensive plata glen; front, elegant show roont
and convenientwork shop, the whole being specially
designed and eminently fitted for the furniturttrade.
On the second floor Is contained one of the most
complete and artidic opera houses in Western Ontar-
io, having every modern appointment, and possess-
ing equipment for the comfort, pleasure and rnfety
of its patrons. The yearly revenue derived from the
opera house alone while controlled by the proprietor
was $185. To capitalists the purchase of the above
property, sbould be a revenue producing investment
much more profitable than mortgage or stock invest-
ments. To any person in the furmture and under.
taking business, or contemplating such a business,
"-•• this sale will afford an opportunity of acquiring an
*id established stand. Possession 1st January, 1004,
20 per cont, of purchase money on day of sale,
balance in fifteen days thereafter. Other terms
made known on day of sale.
For further particulars apply to Samuel Gidley, Esq,
at his residence on 'William street, or to
Auctioneer, Solicitors for 'Vendor,
Exeter. Exeter.
Notice: to Ratepayers.
• Take uhtice that the Municipal Coun-
cil of the corporation of the .Village of
Exeter intends to construct granolithic
sidewalks along the East side of Main
Street, from the North side of Huron
Street to the South side of the Goidon
• McKay & Co.'s brick stores, and from
the South side of North Street to the
. South side of Victoria Street, and
along the South side of Victoria Street
from Main Street to the entrance to
Public Schceit grounds, and to assess'
40 per Cent. of the crist thereof to own-
ers, of property ebutting thereon and
to be benefitted thereby ; and the
names of the owners thereof is now
• Med in the office of the Clerk of the
Municipality, and will be open for in-
spection evere Saturdey from 4 to 6
o'clock p.m. until the Court of Revis-
The estitnatecl cost of the work is
$2200.00, of which 60 per cent. is to be
provided for out of the -general funds
of the Municipillity.
A Court of Revision will be held on
the 8th day of June, 1003, for the bear-
ing of core plai nts against the proposed
assessments, or (((.111 154. of the front -
41 ge measurements, or eny other com-
plaints which- persons interested may
11.L. desire to make, told which is by law
cognisable by the Court.
Dated at Exeter, this 29th day of
April, 1903
licrecuway Dashwood
Untended for last week)
iting her sister, mes, waiter England, Most of the framers in this neighbor- At the Evangelical Confereece held
who is dangeronsly ill. -Mr, 11. hood have fluished seediug hue the here List week Rev, J. 0,1*z:trio* was
Berfett, of Parkhill, sold Mr. Wilson Weather kis yetis not very favovable to returned to this field for the fourth
Etigleson, a be:trailed Chicago wind- growth. -Mrs. Manson, who has been year. It is needless to say that the ape
mill. It is ;). useful, and ornamental ad- tinder Dr. Ounn's care in his hospital °ointment meets with the epprevai of
dition to Mr. Eagiescaes tame -Quer- in Clinton spent few days here %Vail the tmejorlty of the congrezation.-
telly tneeting ;lila communion service her daughter, Mrs. Geo, T. McKay. Mrs. Fenn end Mrs. Jacob Kellerineu
Her twiny friends here were glad to spent Suuday with friends in Zurieb.
School re-opeued on Monday and to
Miss Jennison's department wee edd-
el a. class of new beginners. It is sur-
prising what those little folks pick
in a short time and speaks well for the
ebility of Miss Jennison as a teacher.
-Mr. Will Tieman has engaged with
Ahs Kalbfleish in •the flax will. He is
e good men in the Sol. Hare
dy and family have moved into Mr.
Kellerman's house on Main street,
We are again called upon
the de of another pm-
istritt, in the person (if
• tunt.;, Blair, who departed tide
his late reeidence in this town-.
on A /ril 19, We Blair was of a
Mr. Thos. B 1 f h i
el ao tire s y intended for laA weg1r.
will be held on Sanday zki. 10.30, a.m.,
in the Methodiet churele-Mo and
Mrs, A. Al. Wilson visitsd their niece,
3,10/gAll, in Adelaide last
week --Mrs. Stewardsan. accom-
panied by her two datighters. Iziora
see her about again. -Mt' and Mrs.
James Reid spent Easter at the home
of Airs. Reid's mother, Mrs. J. Work -
mare -Mr. J. Moffatt, who recently
purehased the farm belonging to Mr.
St. Joseph end Cora, end Alio. W. J. 'Wilson vas- E. Butt. of the London Road, has now-
ited Mrs,. Conch Feeley and Staorday. 54 with his family to their hew homeeLt.
The first mushroom of the mushroom
y arrived on Settled:or night east.- Alias Martha Upehall attended, the -Misses J. and Al. -McGregor leive re
The farmers in this vieluity ;ire very Teachers' Convention in Loreloo on . tortied from spending a pleasant week
busy putting in their seed, the weath- ThtiesdaY ood Flidair--Ctietowers of with friends in Toronto and lIxbiidge.
ter J Wilson & Co win oretitle oh- IThey were accomptinied Ly their little
lige by waking their eureleises. Aimee, friend, Miss E'.hel Glen, of /Jensen,
41 ',s and Fridays, before eix o'clock. who vieited at her home in Toronto.-
The newly friends or Moe Robe. Thono
er being very favoreble for the work.
-The geohil proprietor of the swine
factory here, Ale Pe Becigneul, is loolt-
log pleateent these days, his wife hav-
ing preeented hini with it bouncing
lioy on Saturdey evening last -Mrs,
J. Pricineen, of Chleago, ;waved
here on Friday morning' to attend the
funeral of her sister. Aire. L. Denoniy.
SUBBEN BEATII.--A very sad and
sudden death occurred a shove distance
north of here on Thai:Way mornieg
lest, when the beloved, wife of Me.
Loaie Denoniy pliesed, Away to) the
teem. Beyoryle Deceesed was a yoinig
Woman only 20 yeere of age and WAS
loved itud respeeted by each and KU of
her malty Mende, She leaves to 01(41011
her demise a sorrowing husband and
five smell children; also her mother
Miss Clara Stmerus left, last week for
Pigeon, Mielo-lifessrs. Oliver Surer -
us and Win. Kaercher have gone to
ASItIVA, Mich, --Mrs. Kruger, of De-
troit, is visiting his mother, Mrs, Henry
Slope', here. -Mr. Wes. Seboellig dis-
posed of two drivers to Mr.Iewin Aern-
strong, of Exeter, for a good price,
colt of one year and eight months
bringing $100. -Mrs. Sipple is having
an addition put to her house, which,
when completed will add much to its
appearance. -Mr. Ches. Greb hes im-
proved the appearance of his residence
by putting on a galvanized iron roof,
on the side street. -Rev. Father Alois -
his, late of Cincinnati, has been ap-
pointed by the Bishop•eto take charge
of this parish. We welcome him to
our miclst.-We are pleased to learn
that W. J. Yager has been stationed
here for another year. We trust his
labors among us may be crowned with
sticcess.e-Air. Durnart left on his ex-
ploring trip in New Ontario and the
West on Tuesday. -We learn that four
new houses are in contemplation by
residents of this village. -The marriage
is announced of Mr. Valentin Cochem
and Miss Mariana, Hartman, which
will take place on May 5th.
Aliso, Craig' son wii I regret to hear of her serietis
illItlesS and hope soon (a 1.50 her eviiree
1‘1"' •Pwl'. 15 111 her 111)the"- in- her tested health. Mr. IL Mel)on
Mis-s kIllde. Peddler is learning the eiti is also very ill.e,m3ny In this par
d"SSVa, ;11":„1"gu, we"; S;t°,,,h; et"1117"--, have been suffering freest eevere at
Rev: oie 8;1' cee‘usPusecn," itv Jencks of la grippe, yet. nothitite
the DODD' 0/ MS rit/11C1' Toat'1114.-+AES, 1, serious bee rejolie41.._se large number
Kuott is recovering from her recent from this vieinity attended the foneral
illnessi-le We'kveri hnInerlY uf the 1 of the late Me Jas. Blair, of Bitidulph,
GeT.R. pumping station here has been to the undgervine cemetpry en man.
trAVISferre4 F, 'West' ‘Yllere be Win day, Mt% Blair wits a Inetther of Alro
take charge of the minnung station; oe A. Bell and Mr. Geo, lre4r. fled hay-
"' zue‘e his fi'miTY there shePtlY"- lug spent most 44f his life near here wee
Win. "Men b" re4lrned Irma Mf• well and faxortibly known in tide
Brydges, where he has been Beteg tbis nelohnehned. -The sail. twent of the
wiutereeNhe 'A% E, has return- Louie. seppee win he neset yea in 8..
Andrew's ehureh the Shot Sebleith in
May. -The (milting bee held at the
Manse last week in aid of the Ledies'
Aid Fund, liess e•ell attended by the
ly sem realizeth-Miss Lama Jackeon, 4"."'"41 himself Le alt awl wo fed that
LU from t.% 1Uwhere lie spent the
and several brre otheand sister. wintee-Mr. W. R. Barefoot, ehe well-
kuown artist, of Toronto, hes limonite,
ed the photograph business, formerly
ondueted he Mr. G. A, Ellie, who is
retiring on eitcount or poor health.
Me Barefoot conies highles reeoiti-
nended and we predict for him a sue-
essefol. career. We trust Mr. Ellis will
soon be eeetored to good heidth again.
J. Robinson is having an addition
pot to ION ban:v.-Miss Effie Holmes is
learnhvg the tailoring at M. John Me -
Kaye -Coursey & Stanley ehipped a
carload ed. pip from here on Wedites-
DRS. 4,5; ORM
(Mee boots to 10 *4;14..1 ba 2 and 74" S p,11116
Tetemtz+MIDOVItttil'441011 rook% efaNt to Loma
Mr. Win. Itikee. who Iris been suf-
fering for beveled weeks from dropsy
and other diseases, is still confined to
his bed.
DRAM otr Alas. QUAIIKY. --- This
week it becomes our tot ecend the
death of Airs. Benjamin gummy, who
passed away on Monday last at theage
of 50 yeare. The deeeased has been it
long sufferer, consequently her dentist,
tis not in the least unexpected. °Yet'
a year ago she WaS operated upon for
the remove' of a cancerous groWth.
but that and other Skillful ti 5811140111
only brought temporary relief, end
grailuttilv losing vitality and growing
weaker she anceneabed to the ravage,
C41 the fatal disease at the thine Above
etated: She is higilly spoken of es ti
mid neighbor, kind parent, and high-
ly esteemed by all who lied the plette-
ure of her accomintance. Beividee 0.
sorrowing hoshand, she seevived
One son, both of vvitOm beer. the keen-
est sympathy of all. The funerel took
place to the Mount Cannel Roman
Catholic cemetery Wednesday mOrti-
ACOIDENT.—A very sad and painful.
accident happened to Master _Albert
Hey on Saturday. While his father
was turning at the end of the field with
•the disc harrow, Albert attempted to
get on in order that he might have a
ride, and in so doing missed his foot-
ing in some way and got his leg in be-
tween two parts of the disc. The re-
sult was the breakingof the both bones
in the leg a. little above the ankle.
Medical aid was at once suminoned,
but owing to the doctor being away
it was not attended to for five hours.
Had the discs been turned inward in-
stead of outward the lad's legs might
have been cut off, as it is the flesh is
simply bruised. Reis doing very nice-
ly and we will he pleased to see him
out again soon. •
RAMC SOT.D.-Mr. John Toindshor-
ongh bas sold his 100 -acre farm in this
township, to Mr. Wm. Landshorough.
This is the old homestead, and Mr.
Ltindshorough has secured a first-class
farm at a. bargain at the price paid.
Mr. John Landshorough still retains
the other 60 acres. Mr. John Lands -
borough and wife left on Tuesday for
STATISTICS. --The following interest-
ing statistics are gleatted from the as-
sessment roll of this township: (Mild-
red between the ages of 5 mid 1.6, 376;
Sand 14, 274; 16 and 21. 165; No. of
acres 407174 acres cleared land 87350;
value of real prnperty $1,971,185; value
personal property $3575; taxable in-
come $1200; value personal and. real
property,$1,075,960; male persons from
21 to 60 years 565; statute labor -days
2861; clogs 318; bitches 20; residents
2848; No. cattle 6836; sheep 545; bogs
2171; horses 1052; births 34; deaths 15;
wood land 2057; waste land 410, acres;
acres of orchard and garden 636; acres
fall wheat 2242; steam boilers 17.
ViT. Chesney, assessor.
death of a loving father, kind husbaud
and valued friend, whose presence has
always helped to alleviate the many ad-
versities of life, is indeed a sad blow„
Nit to -day the 'battle is o'er and he
rests at peace with all the world. The
subject of our sketch is Mr. Henry
Bender, who departed this life On Sun-
day at the age of 82 years. Deceased
was a native of Germany, and had been
a resident of this place about 33 years.
Mr. Bender has passed beyond the
sphere of- our vision', but those who
mourn his removal do not need A n xi -
o usly to inquire whither he has gone.
A good man in the truest sense is one
who lives in the fear of God and in
faith of the Redeemer. The good
fruit is the product of a good tree.
He was quite incapable of pa radi n g
his religion, or of putting forth claims
to public support on the ground of it;
but he never concealed the fact that
he placed his hope on Christ. His sor-
rowing partner in life and one son are
left to mourn his demise. The. funeral
took place on Wednesday to the Lu-
theran cemetery and the large funeral
cortege was an evidence that he was
much respected by all.
seen the mortal remains of one who
bed lived the allotted span of life in
well -doing laid to rest in Turner's cem-
etery. We refer to those., of the late
Mr. Robert Plewes, of the 2nd con.,
whose soul was taken to its maker on
Saturday. April 18th. He was born
at Greenhamperton. Yorkshire, Eng-
land, in 1825, and came to this country
in the thirties, settling in Toronto tp.,
where be remained until 1850. Feeling
that better cbances awaited a strong
and rugged man such as he was, fur-
ther west, he came up to this vicinity
and took up the land that 'now marks
the farm on which he died. It was
but a wilderness then with few roads,
but hewing out a spot to build a house
on, and • gathering a few comforts
around him that usually go with a pio-
neer's life, he took auto himself a help-
mate in the person of Miss Harriet
Walters, a danghter of Francis Wal-
ters, of the same township two years
after. Eight children was born to
them, four sons and four daughters.
For the past ten years Mr. Plewes had
not been eujoying, the best of health.
Bright's disease having taken hold 4if
him, but with his constitution of iron
enabled him to do Many a day's ivork
since, end was able to be around till
within a fewdaysof his death, ureanic
poisoning setting in at last, disrobing
his body of that spirit which gave him
life. Mr. and Mrs. Plewes celel,rated
their golden wedding anniversary but
a few months ago, and at that time
had all their children with them. In
private life Mr. Plewes was pleasant
and companionable. In entineil end
advice he always evinced tbe soberest
wisdom, and was ;t kind father and af-
fectionate husband. The funeral cot t-
ege was one of the largest that has
ever followed the remains of a resident
to the grave in this vicinity. We ex-
tend to Mrs. Plevvs and family that
sympathy which goes to lighten the
heart pangs of affliction.
Claudebr ye,
Miss Blanche Simpson left Thursday
on a vieit to friends in Edmonton.-
Milky & Simpson base started a crush-
ing machine here. and are getting lots
to se Agnew, of Brent -ford, spent
a few days here during the weekeetart-
ing engine, -Mrs, Farrell, who has
been on a Lwo months' visit to friends
in Port Huron. has returned home.-
Mrs. Neil is building a new house in
the village. -Mie Frani; Ryan, of Me-
Girivray, bas accepted st position with
Mr. here.-MissCobbledick,
ef ..ellet Craig, is vialting her sinter,
Aft Chas. Carter. -Mm Hall, of Free -
ton, is :siting her father, Air. R. O.
Jell. -Mrs. Male, of Ingersoll, is visit-
ing Wends around here.-Aliss Black-
well attended the Teachers' Associa-
tion at London lest week. -Mr. john
Cnnningham, of Flint, Mich., spent a
few days here during the week.
VEST= MEETINCI-. -The annual ves-
try meeting of S Ljames' church which
was held on Tuesday evening was most
satisfactory in every way. 'The war-
den's report showed the finances to be
in a gratifying conditiom The follow-
ing officers were appointed for the en-
suing year: W. Hodgins, clergyman's
warden; Louis O'Neil, people's warden
(reeilected); sidemen, Levi Carter (re-
elected,) Sydney Hodgins. vestry clerk
and treasurer Jell (re-elected); del-
egate to Synod, R. Hudson (re-elected);
select vestrymen, the above named of-
ficers together with Messrs, G. Hodgins,
J. Cooper and G. Carter.
Mrs. (Rev.) Stout is recovering from
her recent illness. -The Rev. W.Stout
has been requested to hold the anni-
versary services of the Independent
Order of Oddfellows on Sunday, May
24, in his former parish church of St,
John Thamesford.-Miss Birch,:of St.
Marys, spent it few days bore during
the week. -Mrs. John Hazelwood has
recovered from her late illness. -Mr.
Silas Shier is confined to the house
with an attack of the mumps, but we
are pleased to learn he is ou the mend.
-Mr. Wm. Davis is learning the ma-
soning with Mr. Wm. McLaughton.-
Miss Ruth Elliott, who has been ill is
on the mencle-P. Johnston has secur-
ed a situatoin at carpentering with B.
J. Roadhouse at St. Marys. -Our new
tailor, Mr. Haggart, formerly of Chat-
ham, has opened up his business in the
old stand of R. A. Bryon.
ACOIDENT.-As Mr. James Watson,
3rd line, was returning home from St.
Marys his horse became frightened and
unmanageable and ran away. After
mining two or three miles it turned
into Mr. Netheecott's gate, tmeetting
the buggy and throwing Mr. Watson
out, his head striking the ground near-
ly severing the ear., Mr. Nethercott
found him at. the gate unconscious,
got ltim into the rig and took him
home. Dr. Ferguson. attended to the
wounds and we are pleased to report
that he is getting along nicely.
RETURNED. —Our village was the
scene of great excitement on Friday
evening. whet) word was received that
our soldier boy, Mr. W. J. C. Brown,
who was reported dead about a year
ago, was on his way borne, and that
be hoped to arrive here on Saturday.
He mei ved in St. Marys on the even-
ing train from London, and long ere
be reached Written our village Was
crowded with anxious faces, everyone
longing to get another glimpse of one
of our citizens. who had been,away in
South Africa for over two years fight-
ing for his country. A. committee was
immediately appointed to prepare a
program for a reception meeting to
be held on Monday evening in the
Aberdeen hall, and when the, eventful
evening pit e,, the hall was crowded to
its utmost capacity, and a hearty wel-
come was given our teterned sniffle's
Mr. Brown. ,The,,progyona consisted
of soles, duetts, instrutnentag, chorus -
of whom were two broth -
e and three sheet s_ cane; to tItis
c untie, from the cad land wheu quite
ming. in the year 1871 he wits merried
teoherine WM unto, llay. uear
t peu. In 19J2 Mr. Blair eettled in
neigh!), whood of Kipple,. teloor be
intied to reside up to about eeven
.. ago when he purateetel the farm
ie.. int whielt he cotttinued to reeide
mad los death. Dem.:teed was a c on-
sietent member of the Presbyterian
eburch and in politics was a staunch.
Conservative of Advanced viewe. Dur -
Indies 4.4 the congregation and 3 uag his redidenCe lituong us lie has en-
Riplee. SI:tending a few days with "e "" 41,4,t'est. Per""li'd 010143 Is
her grandmother. MIN, eilisefore,.._ !hooter front our wmds
messy,. ensues agui en,sene Buie left
Ing poor tgt6 in ihreeribing snob n.
here *rn stbty rorzkinnitohn.-3b,s.ita til9s..5. Among ‘thest things nt his
four, of levinsclen. Mane% vitally: herllt\Pie nervartaut WaS th"L'
unplievely surrendered ail the melba -
son, Me John Marmite bete.
The unders::Kned has fcr rule a quantity 0 try
hoice Clover, Make andTimotby 8cril et rm.
unable prices. Oeititer.
Mr. Herb. Young left for Napinka.
Manitolte, on Tuesdey, where he has
accepted a situation ad tiesmith in a
large hardware store. We wish Herb
everv stiecess,-Air. Herman Tyler, of
Dasliwood, hes been engaged as hostl-
er hotel. --Mr. N. D. litirdon,
of the Wilson's Bank, and Mr. Hugh
Specimen. of Exeter, were in the vil-
lage on Monday. --Mr. Charles %you'
received word on Thnrsday from the
hospital in Sault St. Marie, Mich, that
his Hon Heury was very 111. with
typhoid and malaria fever. His daugh-
ter, Miss Mare, Wolf, left on Friday to
attend to her brother. Since her sae
rival word has been received that he is
Med of 4 tl$eft31 and the Tepnig
Of ids own cool forever, into the heeds
of his God. Next to his eotrowing wife
and Deadly, of two deng,htere and three
sone, with whom we deeply sympa-
thize, this deeth comes es a pone toes
to us. The funeral took phi -Avon Tues-
day to the Rodgerville cemetery and
was largely attended, testifying to the
high esteem m whicb he was held by
all who had the bettor of his acquemte
Nothiug is lacking to make our vil-
lage number one, except a warm show -
ere -Mr. and Mrs. Davis and Mr. end
Mra, It Dickens visited Mr. and Mrs.
Coates on Felday.--Mr. Moore,
teacher et Sharon, visited at Me, Dits-
well's on Sunday.- lithiSt =Ott, of Ex-
etet, visited Mrs. Jun. Essery on Sills-
day.-Alisses Clara Luxton and Ida.
Cave,. of Exeter, visited their events
some better. - Mr. John Dyer has ben? BiludaY.--Mie John 4' sell'.
given his fence e new coat of paint,
thus addiug greatly to its appearance.
--Our geldners ere owe kept busy
sowing seeds, &c. -Now is the tune to
clean up your yards and burn the old
rubbish which hes collected during the
wintee-Our painter has disappeared.
Mr. Totten of Mist'. Craig has rented
the house and shop and now solicits
the patronege of our townspeople. -
We Conrad Kuhn has erected a wire
fence along his lot and will commence
the excavation for the fonndation of
his new dwelling in a few de ys.---Mr.
and Mrs. Philip Beaver, of.Sareptit,
who has been very ill, is, we are glad
to 51y, recovering. -Miss Busivell, who
bus been visiting friends for the pest
iveek, has returned.
Aerenvonseitve-Last Stinday our
League held its first anniversary ser-
vices. Rev. Ayetirst, of Luctin, con-
ducted the service aud gave a very in-
structive and masterly address to the
full church. e Monday evening a tea.
was served in the basement. of the
school house. Eden, from time petit,
was always noted for its success in
part one of the peogram and assuredly
there was no deviation this year. The
were the guests of Mr. Christian Beav- tables, colon:tea by the choicest flow-
er last Sunday. -The tile yards began ers, stood treaking beneath tbe weight
the season's work last Saturday.- of both quality and quantity of the
Work will be connuenced on the brick
yea ds this surnmer.-The Misses Tillie
and Millie Bertrand, of Detroit, are
visiting. their paren ts. -We are pleased
to say that Miss Emma Brown is rapid-
ly recovering from her recent illness.
- Mr. Albert Zwicker, of London,
traveller for , the AfeCormick Co., spent
last Sunday here the gnest of his
brother Charles.- Messrs. Chas. Ewald
and Nelson Winer have returnedfroin
Detroit, where they have been work-
ing the past winter. -Owing to the
changeable weather many of our cit-
izens have been taken ill from la grippe
and inflammation. The following are
a few who are under the doctor's care:
Mrs. Diebold Stahl, Mr. Tobias Fah-
ner, sr., Mr. Jacob Heist, Mrs. Wni.
Winer, Mr. Ira Brown and Miss Chris-
tiana Brown. -Mrs. 'Wnerth has moved
from Dashwood into the residence oc-
cupied by Mr. Ed. Kestle.-Air. and
Mrs. Israel Smith, of Exeter, were in
the village Sunday visiting. relatives.
-Mr. Alonzo Hndgins is having the
interior of his dwelling remodelled. -
At last the post master of our village
hes been appointed, Mr. B. Brown,
boot arid shoe merchant, is the lucky
person. The appointment has been
put off since 1901. There were many
applicants, but the majority of them
became discouraged and gave op the
race. We congratulate Mr. Brown on
his appointtuent. The office will prob-
ably be transfered next week. -The
following are the totals taken from the
aseessment roll of the township of Ste-
phen for 1903 : Total asSessinent,
$1,809,720; total value of personal pro-
perty, 310,100; No. of acres, 56,784;
acres cleared, 40,474; acres of wood-
land, 1,310; acres of orchard, 586 ; fall
wheat, 2926; population, 3996; male
persons between :21 and 60, 878; dogs,
400 bitches, 31; cattle, 6195; sheep,
.1380' ; hogs, 2546 ; horses, 1877 ; -31e
steam boilers.
DEATH. --The grim reaper has again
entered our midst and taken away one
of our aged people in the person of
Mrs. Fred. Wein, at the 'age of 71
years. Deceased has been ill for some
time and death was a great relief to
her suffering. She WAS interred in the
cemetery on Sunday forenoon, the
Rev. Datnin offlciatiegs after which an
appropriate setvice was held in the
Evangelical church. Deceased leaves
to mourn her loss a husband, a .daugb-
ter, two brothers, 4 geoid -children,
besides a large number of friends and
acquaintances,, who hey e th.e sympathy
es„ readings, recitations and speeches. of the yicinitye
good things placed thereon. This part
of the pi oeeedings being over all re-
paired to the church to enjoy the pro-
gram. Rev. Hutton took the chair
and after a few well chosen remarks
called on the different numbers on the
program, which COntained practicabil-
ity, oratory and humor. The speakers.
Revs. Ayearst, of Lucent Knowles, of
Crediton; and AtacDonald,of Elimville.
gave short and powerful addresses.
Music was rendered by Dr. Orme and
Ale Will Abbott, of Centralia.; solos
by Misses Beaver, of Ceediton, and
the Sunshine Quartette gave several
selections. Recitations were given by
Mrs. Knowles, of Credi ton, Miss Smith,
of Centralia; Misses Camm and Miller,
of Sunshine, and Miss Blanche Rooke.
of Eden. All were well rendered and
enthusiastically received. Proceeds
amounted to over $47. Great praise is
due the women and girls for such a
BEOIGNEEL—At St. Joshetila, on April
25, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Becigueul,
Rowremnen-In London, on April 19,
to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rowteliffe, n.
GILEILLA.N. - Kirkton, on April
2511:1; to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilfillan,
a daughter.
mann IAOES.
FULLER- CAMPBELL -in Ed in on ton,
no April 15th, Miss Lena 0;1mpbell,
formerly of Exeter, to Mr. Charles
Fuller, both of Edmonton. •
GARDINER—HALLS—At the residence
of the brides's mother, on April 29,
by the Rev. B.L. Hutton, ,of4Cen
• litt. Mr. Peter G' ardiner •of Exeter
to Miss Ellett E., second daughterof,
Mrs. James Halls, formerly of Elim,
Quenose.--In Centralia, on April 20,
Mrs. Benjamin Quarry, aged 56 years.
JOHNS. -In London, on April 24, Solo-
inan Johns, aged 74 years.
DENOMY-At St. Joseph, on April 23,
the beloved wife of Mr. Louis Deno
my, aged 26 yea r.S. •
TAYLOR. -In Eketer, on April 25111,
Bernice Geraldine, youngest daugh-
• ter of Mr. and Mrs. .Tatnes Taylor.,
aged 2 years, 6 months.