HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-23, Page 8Comes:it Peocecellage, Are you paying tooimeb for yon e early every body is bnying their veeries. Stewart sefis cheap all. rail paper at Stewart's,- Yeluee aot t t Town Council metersuant to, April 20tbadjourn- e 4.7ie time, Try lane a chat count. present, except Councillor Maiming. wenaI all, . All ' , , :dinettes tif previous meeting t•ead end e A weeneu who is willing to tell her ecaosa Beare ...i.n.s.es., , , age is either very truthful or very Special 1124-mAirr, held on the Town April 8.1' Absent J. Brame - ,, tees:entries Ail athlete, come to blot who waits; ITIL,e fultdw,idg is the otder 'a bus ms but there are so many things not iguLY 6144)witted L'30; APPrOved:---Per S. Martin and G. Eacrett Unit. H. Hostou worth, waiting for. some sot.nunle met* must hee, he the Board's delegate to the forth, `"'"` conamg convetttoen of Publio School mnde themselves either in the dark Or Trustees! at Toronto. pet. B. iluston eel a committee with powee to act. A 011 the wrong time of the moon. and w, d. owing. that the =men he i communication fo•orn Mte. C.1'. Brooks, Dr. Ovens. a London, surgeon, °eat- requested to appoint J.. T, \Yesteott - ';'"Pillr.'t%-maellt Of the A" N'"reWle list and specialist, diseeees eye, ear. as Truant Officer for the current year. 1 ePlullIttee,wim redd.usking the Colons ,otee Tad throat, wall he at. the Com-. Per H. lios,ou and S. Martin thae tins i ea Inetn°ralize the73°Inhar°111)arha- !amend Hotel. Exeter. wog.. may eto; Board express its hearty concurrence i»ent re the prohibition of the mello- wed., gone ged„ DM Olasses lowlier. io th,.. „woo of the Dorn -inion ces . r : fact -ore, lanportation and sale of ciesa- s^ Ilrettes. On motoon of Coubledack and ment i" Iltuving f°r the suPPresshIg '''f Hawkins it was resnlved to notify th the maoneaettne 11114i baapoetation and i government that the municipal coon- . it.'.‘,..'orreelf„Isrieleseeealteto.heaeat etsePYse ril are in s,paquethy with the effort to .- - -""--- - ---- ----- '- ''''''' protect the youth of Canada against metuher for this Riai°g; 'lls°' that the the fortnation or 4 habit that is a men- erenmunication from lbes.C.T. Brooks. Secrettary ot the Anti Nareotie Coon- a? to °gat' l•I°°4 health awl /419e4ts, o that a copy of tbis resolution be mittee. of the W.C.T.C. of this village 70`1,w,u,desi to John sherritt, M. with hove „ita thi,..romfovts of a home." be. resPe01011V ael. 'r4N-lee.' pt -1 ‘ a request to ley sante before the House sa • e . A . • on 6d. Curling adjournment. . Requiter ' hat more dees it man Ihe °4kViiie New Er4 $1131:-' ;1 meercin- or the Boerd Willa thelown fir C(7111puat° want for °aureola, elegant Wedeeseeley lost a cow lasiengdag to41 ii A!' ,•1„so, at 8 p.m Aheent us. in Al 0 the propoeed legielatione- nee, than et finely tailored -,d, Wise n Sheridan gave birth , '1,, -, Pla net a "• se. se, Carried. A emannonleation from to esatenert which combines t::iliel. ea,111 essWeag' be teere te're, tells end , 41. 5...ardialz.-,. Kee IVA Marton and sx, .F..„F. c sradr:$tinet botues as uar as the shoal. rett. that thotonoozoaa. accounts beaio" Laura Smartt 51emorial Committee arm Dg smelt ger- a . • ...race stele with eese. A dem, The tardies at the shoratiders un- -'!Pltlw4II-1-t^ N' R°1 -We' Fall- Gillespie-tbat By -Law No,,a, 1093, for osT.,Diag aid, was bled, Cobbledoek- ments BUM 14: zit home in 'est ;noel weee joined to one head. The i s'ja" '..:11:r°241.taTA" 83041‘v.oltile'l.oTSZepii:nitit.o,°;.zevee;; the transfer of the Exeter Union Bare any society and on any ce- ow has died eince, as also did the il brooms'. iss1 Ground to the Municipality of Exe. crown. - vale calif. W. J. 'Iceman, vise. Sae; tnembersse t'.4s read a first time, be now read. O. 01.91`1WW 141r4t(T71,1.11S: 0au-a4 al- ;T.he Wtntastes Christieen TenTer,atac.e , E.HfeAP`a_ell,:11,2ttiviTalor-zotTlif,°111e•eRri.;41is eecond ;and third time and (WAY' P9esss • -en-est-sot C1- '114111141/-aNd t.t. 5tzatIPII. 11bEit 0, vote of thallt15 .11.----Cauried. liimiklos-WalesPlen-- ;ee e eseei . h•olefin street telethedist (,-haarelo. on / t 1 i 1 1 t t• i that the Conneil tkP constitadeel a cent. , t'..."' ..-DK ,N.1^4 our s P ego; e or e oeireeert - - - TAMAN, In el:lialiteepit.ofteset Atttpiov.,11,?..tdTt.iiispolootritotagisvent: st„tiseratitiltzt.4t4t anitieroirdoter talle:gi„s'stAti getetyletimocentrdboanintivtiltoeielftoollio17sigthtat::keida I 14., 4 , . s • '04 K'..-`111".11% • t;401'..2a43 rnohl" arse aelsed to at- $or tin, trooeggaag eotagmos hmarreo. eanumittee in.prolsetithar. and earrlang , q, tend; rasa -oral holies intereeted in AV, 1 per tj Boston lud s. 5,unth, th t the on the evork in coraneetion therewith. - ' ' "'77-77-- s--:-417.. .'t-'• 71- r• 14 tnk. We wout4 .eVollzdIF 1 twees,..:31n. 1., „Ars' to the 'Fest fee:lee 1,, viza-Dr.Lutz„ doseSenior, W,Weekes, task a who are not interested to come 'left in tito 1:1-au4s „f the 0.4'It.'nd's"-iit'ih F. W. Gladman and Thomas Perm.- 4itte interested. , R,peose, committees. per 11., dostim Carried. The Reeve euggeeted that - le Nellie Heavy, Exeter North. ; and tt. F:Nertit, that the report of the ,31"4'5• Cit,IA'lealeit' l',4..esaVr 41/ae 1.1a4 .stiter an alandeeetint and peinfial "tesseeeepel ne reeseeee and aispresege, ee o vommuteo to make Nene 0; new e Ter:ergo, .an Thur,1 rli lag whitt i stel IS, Menthe a,,,i a. nee -Tett that z; 1 tt11411144 a/141 ''ClIelitilk" of Prises for the , 4 ,..., :4.,,, r 1.t..,,i.„ .3,,ri.,.4,.., -1, „Ili4,5 44, vis,a a waeamo hi. rtroc. by ale ilo „re :gien level tar Mitten. The !suggestion was tanammonely adopted. Cobble - diet -Ilawkins-that the following ac - moats be peed and orders drawn f111 Treeetarer for semete-S. liatoodford. la- tent 13/.51.4 Mr. Belbaels,do.. ale„. Thos. 1;1‘;::v111111e.,$e.t.al'JV:esl.s.. ger'stlits3261 18..38P:APi'. Tatvlos. $2...71: R. Davie, tal-Z0: George Let': , : tl'er;'-.4%-a •'1.21:'3*57"11P:a." Nve,,t'''4 411"...`" 'eel -sand to eel; government oction to ALdison:1"11.01; 1). Ratesel, $1.25; LO. 3'4' '441'."1444" V'il'14 ‘'''41141n4C4:4"* "Id ,,..ii'vi4ac, lolt UT CATO f Pr tile eheete4 itnatudor. SI:A Rd. Terry, allowances ;t is iteeral sleet Keel peie.aning enlight 1,2v.,,ifohl..ee 2.22r 12220$. tho wi.24.„1,131 the i on Vir t;AtS; 1.8anith.resadring geesoline ,, leeellafitits anal Canada's law for the fat- ' ergme° 0; A^ CIA 11)7er, .-314.,t•F‘l Faseeid•see, - ra ee, t. n: , • ."--44 3-44`,' VW." r aintannut skeet ;ander the tune. J. etoege Fheev V1/1`r1e11-. .o.f, 20C, 47,ki•ifiSSOr untS to v !.. . 2 4 .2 % ''''' ' " • i ritAlt4 1111S Volt On Or before Apell CIO; i Z --T-''''', 1 'T Irt ,"e'':,,i..',173,i4F!;,4,,,'::',1v,t,',,!:,,,‘;'`"tt„74',1,114:11.' 1 e;`11,414e•Nleprelret-reit lane been" fraught il iiialle!..7012Tairris:rar'aialg'i rit;til I'v'v1:11 1 F: -"- 4-1-15l, '111. Tar,"'110.'"V7111"1g ;1671W'l W4117 }with searavate egad eadnese ira 131‘114^4'. 1 /Renee ler. in4,. E 4z.g,,,,4y on,144,,,1 Ir -,11 0, .1-41-F pie:most iSill1e the Sett lessee+ ate the Alovor--rt7 ;1 t.„Atdoleaick, that unless tloe -telltale i wl'' '51111-11, If .116''''1' 14nrif4' two 04 our 441'1 "41 h'st, Llown lro'4' dp:tiall forthwith sbps will he taken tt 444,1e Wa.; rnol Waic)Viii au program gavett allente hove epoeeed the Irsaitne mei eireel coakee _ ran ice. eimenieteetealene. 14-1'1"a t °1";,1,1e„t° itlir,74”"''''1,41-,im''` M"' on'14' DP40441411 W1114 Cia4. 41104 1447q'4' itild'L-tbat LT. wezitcota i,v,,pp„hito ennaioge sole% 4'4 V.., 17,inckitat t.t4ong part. tees, mete leo4 lent the givater pal t :, Ta mane °meet. roe peete-cateleo, • "A"' r"‘ 't" M'''''ta:.1 4'A "illVil4 a u4' " 14' ut th"R 1" '" ' '1" "6 t' r* 111141 14"th /1 1 rantliBeill then adjontned torriday, May : , , „1/...0:11, rn1"•:' VIETrpefoqmt tit!, evenhtg. . Tito theta noldeennuoble and stet -hog ouale J. II. ren E.Yels 1,m3 Prez'ont ond ties had entolvined themselves with the 51' een s $4, 4t4. ,'4 61110114 O41411145% At the eainelats- s : an el tine pa ,.atit ti"frocilli04412ts were arm alfeetlons or mo. MR& If!i^ trAttbrit-t. '-'; .'' r'..".- _.,... .........b ,,,,, tervted ibv thelalie% (atie.9 and randy '''' - .------ - - - ,tv4i z4, tii,illat OTB1 1 lito total prweeds of the 4bli‘4''''''Iw° 4715111'--"4' AT4 E-V14'vE4 "El ! -...,:a.-.71-':-:) - . eee ;solar-, onteee. 0.4v1 2",. f,tz-t., 6 tarautr:, otirnalgaantaaanted to Avant eee. it*Li. J)01_ N.( 'ff"44, Itt I IIP et irg tAf the VeAtt,e, COM MV9. C;111114; had it0013 001111110 1,1 . -.* so ' ,' ` , - -, Mil, ,,aoonova fov LIM DailltaCt of Sand; Pr hell more or Ifts for the past five ..; c'n,"":',.M."13 DI, it : ti3 hla a nen,at. Avail Vat. MC, tro,kti and daring thatt time load un - a ee • t,416.-41Nitrog Wvort* fa:10114 ilieCiaSeS foil' VirlOTIP a Aunt drol of sulrerlug. ..4 . i the en%tnng yrAi1.-$4,.tforth-TaVer109. l',Werything was done in the way taf 141'0. t .1, Miller. J. Met:. J. Weir, Clnistatiia. medical ekill and nureing lay kind ;ma ltri-4,417.4 44.40. • - oplaelv4 ilotallerNOu B. DeLlees Wing hands to eleviate her -mil:goings , ,!,,,tq, i,,itop. 14wattl Dawson. J. Weber. bat nothing eould divert tilt% hand of . vioehll--- taaVooldri, Mt J. WIti4tt, (i. 'death, and the eurteut woo wrung r..^ ,op e ; Y 'Weeny -Lidos and II. Ito yew sin. Alkowiz awl ber easeful and Manly' life ii else 1 e a, aat --oe sewn.. Ane'es le ol gale.. Ileteadienaverite, W. F. taut oft: The lete Mrs. Carlim4 tras 7401-, 1J,,,Arir,4 iNwter. 1., Celagliev. J. E. Illanigall. Exeter- 78 years of age and was born at Mee- aaiitra. L.• 71; fame , .tz,.. wm. ntgo, W. T. Aelteson, ton. Dertanslihe, England, and eame wtt.v op t!„lo l.,a1.•,t, of las. h 1.3 Al twin i W193. 11 VA L.haw. J. Slimil&tek; sliops, to this eomotry with her retreats 70 , with 4linit I F. J. Knight, F4111111,V Bras. Town- years ago and settled on a farm two ' ship of Stephen- Tavern. (% L, Moser, miles south of the village:, better ‘,,"11:4-14;"";;:i3 44,1114.41,:etttt, ilt:112.)t..hter41411711,;1J'1.144:11 Biesdner: 3,. iii..nandstoOlo, Cup- known.:r. "D.evenshire Inn. ' After refitee to WrOL Mil, Wm. num. Wm. Moffatt. left live with her uncle. the late John Itotigtrou, .o.. .usr,er, 0. torkatricala A. S41110 e One bile Weilt, to Loollin to Tito hp* of 14txury is wit,,eu the eat- , oval till next meeting Mrs. Maranon, Balltwill. While /lying thet,.. she,. Etf' II'. uit" Go' 1,44Avr ;',14.1 4•411s the :' Township of rslioteiesjosepla Stephen made the acquaintonce of ber la telme. ereataa off .4' 41k. Townshm of Bap-Mts. 'Nicholson, 3. band, Mr. Isaac Carling aini au the A. WO t-lemisl not. think she is ;to P. Roth It. R. Johnston. Township year 1810 they were married. Mr. angel l'. ,e me:et-ante one sylic# 41(mr4 not of Stanhy-lieney Shafenee Moe, P. Carling 3vas in the tnrinery boeiness kutaes bet eeys 4ie is. Milerav. t). C. Blake. Township of and having tedd his tannery tinne mov- Th. tr,xpl, , 47 IIiienit wM make hi4 Telekelnitu-tieurge Strotntaleft over ed to. Exeter in the .you, 1851, where , , .. eantroned. Mat Harddagontorneed th eentiaell that .the Government Scatleiat- speOor .tbe town Scales And found that they were not working eatisfactoelly and adeleed tbet. neW scale should be procured. Councillors Hawkins end Pobbleclielt were appOin t - EASE ACE ':OP4iFORT v fitted.. :Set 101 he L. av 0tits 'Me get nuarriedi ebould 1 :mereiedF Seeneorked o theeeeittfol piuster of uneertein age. Al hate a up thee smoleset parrot that swears, Ka cal • that stays mot et night,'• Her friend s renruted.. A*Ola ves, you p 1„ a..ler the floe' at Irak a' ozotato too the appreacintatt Toiselaers' Vainven- the rez,N3itts. were earrie5sly or un- atm 53ay. Per 3. Evans adjourn- ! ,,. 0.4,4 k tiahdatz,AF tbrawn into the ;love. Anent. ose, ,„oo,a when aloareet sinataltaneonsly ex- !. P. S. -Two resolutions were Week' • eolereati tea, Ones 1/....larres weve )ois the Ligoal.-3 of our tieDegaute to suitanit 444 4311 4144 -6, -ams. taw Igtk. the res.lotiml commit toP of the 044*4. sostairing peinfol wounds in toe venation. Ono to seenre pentneneetarY sheeto fetslosed 464 OKI..., A 41411,144-' thp TeXt 11,) pliS uithorgzva, Tilt* ,1V4'725,1- 344 r, l';P;'; eeeseeee eseeeets 'seen? enee-ae,e •41 If you require SAP PANS SAP P.A.1.148 SWIMS KEIT LES k it& *OTO eir.ii{:775FMC N1r7iiF4117-V4-11("244 HAWKIN & SON, Oil, Cake, Linseed Meal, BEZ S.UPPUES No.lTimotby Seed,Red aad Alsike Clover Seed, Blue era.ss Seed. We carry a full line of bee supplies, A FULL STOOK OF GARDEN T. HAWKINS ttiz SO 0 SE USllIPUS Now that house cleaning has begom you will be needing something 4. rea* Cartoons, Carpets, Rugs, Art Muslins, s, Cretonnes, Ete. 11 Ve hew j.ost. the needs required. a large and varied $tock to select from. ere we give a shott list, brim full of ecomoulee for mein], le We awake ci a meekeepers, Cur tains FIne th050 LUP Curtains 51 m wide, yde, louge White oAto-aug, &We, thread, %%Ty light. thinly designeneingle and doodahs enelens,Colltert edge linish.sume an'y hondeome patellas. Goan1 eelee Windom Jhades, Ordinatty width rean and green, lonolinted I III'S spring reallere and trine:net with lace or ineertion. A eon). plete stoek of curtain poles and tetnnainge :always on hand. a teem .1 1-ew ei the olothory of Ifutotta Until next aneeting, Chas. \Alison. feeno ".1..ey an la tele: It inelusive. Ilanteterrvale. sooeksee e wed esoteee yasa. A goad boy' wanted to learn prints &estate egg-, a When e thing that 14 eable te „ 4. Egge p 42 1„rva actF wittited. a.;.Slesaa. J`„ SE-1,30gt, lug. Apply at this afesempl:elass Tolto-rut emote tete* it is inmate- Cottag,e on Willi:tan street. Posees- e, an fleet 3Lay. -Sooty to R. Millen 14014'4 AS' good any, yea the best, White and Golden Wyondotte Poultry. P.ggs , 15 foe $1.10. SEnvoisa. Yen done have to loot,: at at glad to tefl wiactltor fly not fOte is pretty. just look at the men who are hulking at her, Mrs. Ches. Tent Will move this week into the dwelling the late Mr. Tom receetly pure:based from Mr. G.Willis, ou eleTet. Old lineheloes look out for number one. Winew tvoinen are not eo selfish and are continually looking out for numlaer two. Mrs. Palen's,. of Dashwond, Will ad- dress the W.C.TX. meeting in 5lain street elthra on Wednesday, April 29th. All ladies will be made wel- come. The Wharton 13omel of Trade is agitating few an independent tele - plume service, and expect each in- strunent can he operated uuder 810 per year. A meeting for those interested in the foemation of a. base ball team will be held in the Town Hall to -morrow (Frieloy) night. Let there he e gond attendance. " Messrs. Menohan, 'Wright and Ham. who toive been doing a land-office bus- • iness here in the way of enlarging pie - Mites, pulled np Stakes on ,Tuesday to seek greener pastures. • According to a Toronto daily, the prise of cement for concrete walks has „, advanced 6 to 10 cents a, barrel. during the past Week, and prices are expected . to advance still further. The subject of Mrs. Paulin's address at the W.C.T.U. public meeting will be "Purity." Mrs. Millyard will' con- duct the devotional exercises; Some good music will be given. The Independent Order of Oddfel. lows will attend Divine Worship at the Trivitt Memorial church on Sun- day morning next at the 11 o'clock service, when the rector Rev. R. a. M. Perkins, will preach an appropriate sermon. 21c, the 3 -pound box for choicest cream soda Biscuits'. Stewart's. Ra0012.0,1"....rarweetat"=.'"",""r.CM*5.1 etete noose for Sate oe Root A deeirable dwelling on Main street, the PrOPertir (A Mr. G. A. K. McLeod. For particuilars apply to owner. Clover wad %%natio?. Farmers wanting gond clean Clover and Timothy:iced will do well to eall on W. IL Levett before purchasing. Price and quality guaranteed. W. H. LICVETT. 1,ternittn. to Dom Owners, Mr. A. G. Dyer, village assessor, as hereby authorized to collect from the owners of dogs and bitches within- the village of Exeter, the taxes fixed by the village by-law. Any persoe fail- ing to pay his or her dog tax will be prosecuted as provided by Village by- law No. 77. Mr. Dyer has the names of -all defaulters and it is to be hoped that the Connell will not be forced to prosecute. By order of the Council. T. B. Carling, Reeve. Business oetense. Mr. W. J. U.albot, who has been con- ducting the &IMP in F8.1115013'S 131ock, for the past year or so, last week dis- posed of the business to Mr. J. Charl- ton, wbo„ took immediate possession. Mr. Chariton is no' stranger -.to the people of Exeter and surrounding country and being a good business man we bespeak for him a. liberal pat- ronage. Mr. 0134:triton informs us that he will also continue- the Hay fork agency. To Tho Point. An exchange well says: Hoye with their hate on the back of their heads and long hair hanging down their fore- heads, and cigarettes and snautty stor- ies in, their months, are cheap as old, worn out horses. Nobody wants them at any price. Men will not 'employ them; girls will . not Marry there. They ore not worth their .keeping to anyhody arid they will not keep them- selves.' If any boy who happens te read this answers to the descriptions let him take at good. look at himself and do whet' his conscience says is het 'to do• ,1•1•-in.r306••••10V•••••••••••••••••=6••• I' A snap. -125 pieces of best 12Set print going atSic. the yard. They are a lot of mill ends -5 to 20 yards in each piece at Stewart's. she laved up to the tame of ber Jeath. She is snrvived by six datightens and three $ons. Her death was peeceful as without a struggle she fell sleep. AU that was mortal was inter.ed m the Exeter cemetery on Sunday last, white her redeemed spirit reste with God. Those who attended the f meral from a dietance were Sir John Carlin eind son, arid Mr. John Balkwill, of Lmulon; Mr Rolland Balkw;11, Glencoe.; Mr. R. Willson and Mr. John Adams. of St-. Marys; Mr. jas. Gordon, of Lucknow; Mrs. Bewdeu, of Clinton, and Mrs. A. E. Bennett, of London. Mu. jonN CHARLES To On April 'Mb, John Charles Tom, agul 64 years, months, Is days. Mr. John Charles Toni, the subject of this notice. WAS born in Cornwall, England, Sept 20th, 1830. Ile 17;19 the only child of John Tom and Elizabeth Henry, both of whom predeceased him some ten years. The deceased had been in ill health for about three years, never having recovered feem a severe attiack of plenrsy contracted during his short residence in Ayr. He came to Canada in 1853 and rdsided for some few years in Port Hope, re- moving to Exeter about 32 years ago. He was united in marriage to Margar- et Greenway in 1857. He followed the boot and shoe husinds for mans' years making for himself a good reputation and securing a moderate fortune. In business he was a manotof eterling qualities. Honor was his motto, in- tegrity his watchword and hie wend VMS as good as bond. . He was a life-long member of the Methodist church. In this relieion he was not a man of many word's, but a man of much weight.. In his doings and giv- lugs, the one hand knew uot what the other was wont to do. His ahn throngh a busy life was to "eedeem the time." There was stamped, upon his heart the maxim, "Industry, thou diamond virtue, in thyself what a gen] thon art," and when the evening hell struck th3 hour of release he had no relentings over wasted hours. When the end came all was peace. He fell asleep in Jeeus, in the presence of his now sorrowing widoev, three daughters and one son-in-law, Rev. W. Down, the remaining Members of the family not having arrived from the far West. He leaves to mourn his loss his beloved wife, three daugh- ters, Mrs. Rev. Down, Mrs. W. DI Yeo, Mrs. (Dr.) Bowerman 'and two sons, W. II. and J. C. who arrived for the funeral which took place on Tues- day, April 21st and wee largely attend- ed by relatives and friends from near and far, L-4. at eeill o clock p.m. Gr. 11, 1315$471T, (leek. Wras-kv ";..1=4,7,Z=V-.74W PERSONAL,. v.-',„„ttne.t.,600.0,,t1f11,690,C!,:131.141,000 Mr. (loodieon, of Sarnia. spent Sun- ly in town. Mt Floyd left lust week to visit bet n 144l6leaforth. Miss Doerington has returned from her visit to Medford, Mies Charlotte Drinkwater left Fr day evening for London. 3fra. A. E. 11 omett, or boolon, visiting friends in town. Mr. 3. L. Harrison, of Ansa Cral is visiting Mends in town. Mrs, W. W. Rutherford,of Parkhill, lo •isiting Mrs. Chas. Ctitliey. los Matthews, of Toronto, is the of her sister, Mrs. S. Fitton. ss Smith, of Forest, is the goes her brother, 51r, A. P. Smith, Mr. Oscar Bowden, of Manitoba lied on Meal& in town Saturday. Miss M. Hudgins, of Ifensall, is the guest of her site, Mrs, A. P. Smith, . Miss Addle Taylor, of Seaforth, was the guest of the Misses Brown on Sunday. Mr. Henry Cann, who has been en- gaged in Myth for smote months, re- turned to town last week. Miss Jean Ilawkshaw spent several days in Settforth last week, re turning home Monday. Miss Barnes, Miss 3. Brown, Miss Tillie Yager and Miss Nettie 'Walters spent &Imlay in Seaforth. Dr. L. L. Follick and sister, _Vise Mabel, and Miss L. McCord, of St. Marys, spent &Imlay with friends in town. 44 wit tt M1441 with aney 6411110 and ..floral designs ery pmttyelfeets, suitable for edroom enrtaine, drapes, eV,. alt cm. Oaaaa' torget the feet that we carry the home- titoek (if wall paperintowanup tesdate patterns and coloring staittible for any room or hall. arpets and Rugs. A.xminister, Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, foil 27 taws lc all good designo with artistic eoloe combirations, 0 large etoek, hes milky, English Tapestry Rugs. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. lleadtputrters for the Celebrated W. E. Sandf d. Reedy Made Clothing: .21 [a 1 1.1•1141~.......4"0 Woe ' UNDER-PAK."7............No. 1/1/10t1M114,01 IIIIIMMIYIMeltiale/MICIOMIL1CMI=.017=2•11112=MINICVMSIIIMOMI Bed Room Set mattzess and 14, 60 sideteeseds from, , o o o ..10,00 up ,i10 4 springs; complete Couches from ...... .m ......,.. 7fi, .6000iz 2t00 Rockers from.. f Beautiful Perim Suite C 1 Anything and everything found in a first-class furniture store can be bad. Repairing of all kinds attended to, rp if W. O. HUSTON III -Ir. -2.e• nr. NE"IF3111`.... -.P. -sir 1 A Giellees Block, .Praetical Bentadme arvur viax-pacnernr Zi.X.Willif=41011121653r Miss Mortiock, who has been visiting friends in Buelington and Hamilton for the past two months, returned on Friday, • MasterFred Bowden, who spent the past two weeks with his grandparents here, retnrned to his home in London Sa tnrday. • Mrs. G. Sanders, who was attending the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Sin ith, in ° Detroit, returned home Wednesday. Rev. W. Down, who was here at- tending the funeral of the line Mr. Tom, returned to his home in Wilfred, on Wednesday. Miss Holmes and the Misses Ches- ney, of Ha rri ga te, Yorkshire, England, nee visiting their cousins, Mr. mid Mrs. G. A. K. McLeod. Mrs. Chas. Camila of Sunshine. 15 lying seriously ill with inflammation of the appendix. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. M. Jas. ,Altkieson; who bee 'been confined to his bed for some days, is slowly on the mend and we are pleas- ed to note able to leave his bed. Mrs. Richard Bissett and daughter, Ila, who have been visiting friends here for the past few days, left last week for their home in London. ' Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck, after a pleas- ant visit renewine acquaintances and shaking hands with his old parishion- ers, returned -to his home in Hamilton Wednetiday morning. Mrs. (Dr.) a A. Bowerman, of Menomonee, Wis., accompanied by her daughter Genevive; Mr. W. H. Tom, of Medicine Hat, N. W. T., and Mr. J. 0. Torn, of Golden, B. C., attended the funeral of their father, the late J. C. Tom, on Tuesday and will remain a few days before returning to their respective homes. 444 FURNITURE! NITU Having porchased the Furniture and Undertakingbusiness o R. N. Rowe, we announce to the puhlic that we have on hand without a donbt the largest and best assorted stock of furniture in the County. A visit to our store will convince that we are selling at the closest margin possible. It will it intending purchasers to call and inspect cier stock and get our prices before placing orders elsewhere. . We do all kinds of ordered work, repairing and picture framing On the shortest notice at reasonable prieee. Satisfactien guartl n teed with every purchase. . Undertakers and Ftineral Directors. 20•226- ATZI - Practical Embalmer. Graduate J. D ATKINSuN , 9 of Embalming College, /oronto. PZIEtsa=mmttigiElEEMEMMISZKelersiEtEMEMZEZats' Mitchell: A very sudden death oc- curred Wednesdny afternoon. Geo- rge, Foster, it appears, was cutting up soin e meat -in the beak kitehen, when he took suddenly ill. His nwife imme- diately called in Dr. Smith hilt it was of no avail, as the man was dead in less than two hours. The cause Of death Was embolism of the brain. Deceased was a retired farmer, having carnet° town a few years ago from Fullorton. A wife but no Aildrep. surOive lame He was 61 years .of age. Clintonso Mr. 011ie Couttice, who has been en the employ. of Jackson Bros. and the Jackson Mfg. Co. for two or three years has resigned his position to go to the northwest with the expectation that the change will benefit his health. He is an indus- trious and trustworthy young nom, popular alike with his employers and the employes who on Tuesday, -pre- sented Jahn with an address and a gold watch suitably inscribed. The address was red by Miss Kelly and the presentation made by Miss Wilken. Wednesday evening,,, Apr. 1.54h,at eight o'clock,in Trinity 'church, Mitehell, one of the prettiest -weddings imaginable took place. The hapny couple were Miss Julia Isabel Duns - more and Mr. Hugh 'Barry eombe. A large and fashionable concourse of people assembled to witness the cere-- mony. The marriage service was ,con. ducted by the rector, Rev, Mr. How- ard, and as, the contracting parties were enteringthe ehurch, Miss Davis, -Mus. Bac., played the wedding march fromn"Lohengrin." The bride leaning on the arm of De Cull, took her place at the altar, and looked exceedinalir pretty in a handsome wedding gown of white organdie over white silk, a beautiful veil caught up with orange, blossoms, and Carrying a Shower be- quet of white rosee. - The bridesmaids were, Miss Edith Cull, Miss Lucie Jackson, of Toronto, Miss Hallie`g' Combo, Clinton. The bridesmaid each' carried a In ree boqueb of ell msoncar- nations. The groom was assisted by Mr. Fair, Clinton; Mr. Waugh, Lo - don, and Mr. Sutherland.