HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-23, Page 7• A lot of people thick 'we're too care ful in potting p lue Ri1,bon Cevion e: We 'can't be too careful , when retaining the original flavor and aroma of Me best withered tea In Ceylon. Black, Mixed. Ceylellt Green. AA for Rel Label. EOgi.TY CENTS- 710i7L3 8d aF'Iliti'T 2 A CONMON MISTEiKL, Many People Weajten Their Sys- tem by Taking Purgative 4t Medicines. people who use a purgative medic eine in the spring make a serious mistake. Most people do need a me- dieine at thie season,, but it is a tonic that is required to give health, vi or and ,Ptrga tziesirritate t ata Rd wa Ana at, to n aro nieclic i m ne in- vigorates and strengthens. Dr. Wil- nams Pink Pills are ebso.bately the best tonic medicine in the world, These pills no not gallop through the bowels --- they aregently ab- sorbed into the system, foiling the veins with the pure, reit blood that carried, health and, strength to every, Feet of the body, Ilr. Williams' Pink Pills cure skin eruptions, indi- gestion, headaches, nervousness, nee t'algia, hackaehe, riiewnatisre, con- tinued weariness and all obiter blood troubles. They are just. the teele ynu neer for this spring. lair. A. 'Campeau, Alexandria. Ont,, says; "I received grait benefit from tbe use of r. Williams'Pink Pills, and take. reat pleasure in recommending then a all who Suffer from troubles aria ng out of a poor condition at the blood, I thital there is no better tonic medicine,'" 11 you need a medicine tills spring give these pills a trial ea they will not disappoint you. Do not be per - seeded to taint a stabstitatte or any "1P" of the "111.91 ae goon" medicine% which some 'dealers, who care only for profit, offer their customer& See that the foil name, Dr. 1Williatns" Rink fills for Pale People, is on the -wrapper around every box. If in doubt Fend direct to the Dr. Ii l„ roams' Medicine Co.„ I1roGkYille, Out, and the pills will be :rant by nail. post paid.. at 400 per box or falx boles for ,5,0; Jinks -"To -day I pleased a pretty young woman by telling her that a certain reed -faced, snub-nosed, bald - beaded mortal Ioo1aed like her." Winks -"Get out l" Jittltl-"Fact. It won her first baby. HIS GREATEST DAX,, "Greatest man to jump into a. town getacquainted h .folks Ieverasaw, Jai) Johnson was," said a travelling time. `"Give Jap a night and a day in a country place, and everybody there would call pini by bis first name, and he'd call ev- erybody the a same way, even the girls. In forty-eight hours he'd know eu rY nan woman,m an, and. horse dog, n , a d Gat in the town, and tell te_L wha married' who, who got 'drunk once in a, Willie, and who bad fitsdr rheumatics,Give him three days in a town, and he'd leave every bit of tbe gossip Ana old, musty scandals that ever went over the back fences of that town. Be was a wonderful man, Jap was, and be could sell goods like a nonce -afire. "The biggest thing he ever did, though, was about four years ago. Be bad four hours to spend in a little town out West, In that time Le sold two bales of goods, was in- vited to dinner lily the mayor, de- eided four hots, was referee in a dog fight, proposed marriage and was accepted by lite belle of the place, borrowed five ''dollars from her pa, beat another matt two games of bill. iarde, and, it happening to be elec- tion flay, be capped the whole by sending in and having himself elected town clerk by a majority of eleven votes." THE KAISER'S 1 PALAC> S, The Keiser probably possesses ea nrany palaces as any monarch in or out of Christendom. The new ulna for which provision is made in the current Prussian Budget brings the Iaumber up to faftythree, Of these on 1Y three in Berlin, but in and around 1'otee na there are thirteen different Royal residences of sorts. And one each In eight or lama minor States, besides a large hfltlabvr of stately f tansions described ne shoot - ,g -boxes, Tones --"I actually believe, any dear that you think more of my dog than you do of tae." Mrs, Jonen-"I'4 lino to now why you think so." Jones -"Well. you never allow 141111 to eat anything you cook,” OO IN GOLD GIVEN AWAY FREE 00A IaMI. A 1Sl'iff:VREBR PARE . SOME ii YBRAPRS1RE d A ERPA Can i ca arra a tt a a? re Eras cf ikmlled titer, tweet. ,anus el 43t1 well l..arran frpi s, If a..7 G,a9 CAN _3ATO; EN flab Yr; aTi:rtli.Tfo,i (5 iI1C 4.4KWv1; a'etee. ata 1)4-411 1.11‘. IarttTrraalcrrceedprr• oi4ea;altacact•est'Atl7erasi4otitssrCcf'Atm. 'retA4primal vimtancuitet:aent.t:c►traitiutrwevia pIvo Me sum of Ono Beograd Acn..ra. To the )Kara making tut Ma 41414 ;smelt natnbatt the .nn of Tally -Aare. To Iko sass angio the Ord largest 'mud gtr lho euaa cf Thirty Milan. To ttope t;a raa:.l:g the 4A!C a:rent r:utgt;rthe - semi iwcnty Mars. SEL;tc14 two grrona rend antwerr t;caal7 {GIRQi, I'�G .hut two Slat th.fee N n irull IR'Swill aiaiacbydivhiel,le teeth hretah lojs4.olaeo.Shmddlc!rrernst iscnd4.1 .tlyyciytamest l/Svrl:a >F 1 r as cn e, Aet:ytatarttaasweas theltf.et,rrgrtc laoa41nwlaatKsr;aaany ul-chit r ew senilis 3p ntso o sa to fn are .rrr\rh pti olOT theyc,•ynpl ti OP ?e It 14 ca atir twhlN YOU Nvorite8W as tr,:n to ancwrra are reu e7. VFrs son41:oT �1'IhTJ14�CNTQFY'ol°Rklosr,Hwnt':NIQUAOW5RJflU:11'{Fr1±TISU4LiT, ffwucann7lYe oar insides lite a tcaatleto Ma w,Ra 1:a at cafe rertmlaq e<cat atown frr tear rcl,ly. , no NOT BELAY. ivrtlait A'a ONCP.. A..diew. PARISIAN zzeoicp g GO., Age :e LrNnwN, useesrio. "belly, I�want an _ explanation "I See no reason why x alumni. tofrom you. 1 maw you kiss younggive you money," said the Indian- Johnson this evening." "Well, par pa, :be hissed inc first, •" TALES TO TIUE PHONOGRAPI•I. (By Cyrus Nowitt, Farmer). Tom ,Brown's got a good-sized apple orchard, just like his brother Bill's. They're near each other on the same concession. The old mart gave 'em to the boys when they got nnarsiod. Guess there must be nigh on to 200 trees in each of 'ern. "They both had dandy crops last tail, Torn didn't got any extra help to pick his apples. Ito anti the youngster did it between 'e,n. Con- sequently it took 'era, so.tong that many of the apples were blown off and bruised. "Guess Tom lost nearly a hun- dred barrels that way. "Now Bill always was .a cute 'un. Ne wasn't gob.' to take any chances, but got in ,a couple of ex- tra. stri hands to give him a band. Bill didn't lose many apples, and the help didn't cost him much. "Which was the wiser? "Tom's kind of economy ain't eco- nomical, as old Pat O'Malley used to say. Satre way, many a valuable crop's been spoilt, just because the boys don't get enough machines to handle it. "This climate's too uncertain to trust to having several weeks of dry, fine weather to get the stuff in- to the barn. Sometimes you do get it, but tbe time that you don't knocks all the cream off the milk. "There's many a farmer in the lwheat belt that's got money lying adle in "the hank while he's wanting binders to cut the wheat. "Saving your money's all right, boys; there's nothing more helpful to a growing country, and I like to see the lads doin' it. But it ain't always economy. Tite , interest you'd lose on the cost of an extra binder ain't worth - a row of shucks in comparison to 'r!" getting your entire crop safely gar- nered. It ain't.a question of horses, for niost of you've got plenty of 'ern.' Ann it needn't be a question of help, for I see by one of the pa pars that a couple of girls ran their father's Massey -Ran -is binders in t�te)Vest, aniid out his whole crap for him last year. "But you don't like to pay out the green stuff for a machine that's only going to be used a week or two. "Ain't"' right? Why, of course, .I anti -dead right. "Think it over. _I don.'t want you to do it just because I say so. But I'm right, jest as sure as your Jer- sey needs milking twice a day. 'Then, too, look at''tbe worry you've got to put up with ,when you're shy of machines. Every night you're scared to goto bed for fear it'll rain, and you look at the sky and the stars until you begin to think you're a regular 'observity.' And you get cranky, avid that puts the women folks off their feed. "Funny thing, this here record, as they call it, on the phonograph,'I1' only bold a certain . amount of my' talk. I'm gettin' to know when it's. near out now. She's jest running out to the end. Whoop! there she goes. "So long, 'CYRUS NEW.ITr." thropist. "Iou are an ablcabotlietl Ivan who ought to be making a, liv- a ing," "nlieter," said Meandering 1 Mike, "yael ntay ag well face flae f , facts, Somebody's got to see that' me board is paid. The only ques- tion is whotber it'll be done by you. wlto'li never miss it, or whether you're goin' to Iet somebody ,rise that can't afford its so well bo im- posed on,:' What shrunk your woolens ? Why did holes wear so soon ? You used common soap. DIJC 8 Oak. far ape Octagon an.3. sat 3- tf. NAIL CULTURE.. Tbe nobles of Annum, permit their nails to grow as long as Nebucha.'st- neazar's did in his grazing days; and the hands of these strange Oriental aristocrats are absolutely useless far any practical purpose. The nails on the second, tbiril and fourth angers attain n length of from 4 to 6 inches, They are almost straight in the main, with a slight inward cur.. and have somewhat the appoaran of great claws or talons. The th : nail does not attain the size of rest of the digitis, and usually e ldbits more tendency to twist, is supposed by soma that the norrnality in nail culture was ado. ed to indicate a lofty ixantwai from labor and frivolity. Lever's Y Z (Wise dead) Disinfcet- ant Soap fowler is better than other Powders. es it is boot soap and disinfectant. Tl a Duke of Portion cl'e pieta 2 gallery is -.6G g Y feet tang', and cove Ii BIBLE DISTRIBUTION, During the first year's work of the British arid I`'oreeign Bible Society 100 years ago they spent $845, anti thought they Tiad done a big thong. So they hail, but they were to do more. Last year they spent $1,- 20;5,715, and since the foundation of the society they have expended $65,- 000,000. Those are big figures, but 1 w fen translated an at e d in to numbers of books they are bigger still. The so- ciety last year issued ;over 5,000,000 copies of the Scriptures, and since its commencement a total of 180,- 000,0ca0. Seven thousand volumes are sent out from London alone ev- ery day of the week through every week of tl-e year. Tile output from all tl a society's "depots, including London, averages 16,000 copies per day. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they eannet i each the diseased portion of the ear. !here is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. ben nesss is caused by an inlle.met] eon - •e„ Lathe of the Aeai:Rus lining of the leus- ct ail lean 'ube. n4hea this hallo is ii,lE;aza Ge ed you have a rumbtfng sound or wa nein• perfect hearing, and when it le entirety title closed beCfuess is Use result. and urn, less aha infesetention cap be taken oz44. Its conmR nl , s. bearingoe �vSee e tdestroycdl ort a ever. haarC eases oat of ten are caused pt' 4IDochrs tnnusrnwhiles!, of the muccoretY a!icpe. )Bare than a, quarter of an acre, is t'e finest private gallery in ti world. ?a rc6G1 gave One Iluneired Dollars for lase et lieeesess (caused by catarrh) cannot be cured by Haile Catarrh • Netatl Qor circulars. free. P. J. t°ii,i h SW 4 CO,. Toledo, Q. seta t;v lieu pastas. :5e. titoaa's l enuily !'fats are the )rest. Vela is exporting 200,000 barrels re Qf pineapples this year --in all, eotie rs 14 ttaallions of the fruit. ata ',•)tete never els, An nom will hi at 'unfree 'al panieea.,'le one remedy, fog all ta, atlt$C17 dein le heir --the very name* et ninny t uratives tieing shah that were Vie Of other and aliGftcreatly eeateai MSc:nee mated In the system • of the petlent-what Would relieve one all n uPi, would a grnvate the ether. e have, 1. atverer. na (e pine Wine. when obtain abie in n sound unadulterated state. a remedy for meets andgrsvtoai:sadi=, Px}Ls3 er:tt}st{d aorl jp4;cione ;tee. the trade,:> teana Pre teal ante earieelesa:eafce and .ee attar. a,4 the lntiareneewn.cra t,lnt. 111110 N, taw tnta;caaanre'n omit real: cave* .Itrel:eve tate aureepitig, spirles et tient with to a liar a chrome state of morbid de,- eendetaay and lac@, et interest, in tine d* a ill emcee and, lag aratleUR nine; i.lte aterveie edispaa ea to s•nratiol taint re re-aiiaa; sle ,tt.-. dtaalrat':a Niger an the astute et :be pineal, watch. tang t g stianul,ale i. meccas tiar.uaa,da- Qus;. a te" .-. carungtlaeuing, tIte beaaltay aanina,a; time+,aane of tine system, therm m trial activey as .aieve*'e rj. resetu. ttr'esiameraaagaite tr:tnis, and •gavbps; late ao thin an ;;eve organ%, which uaiar:tiiy tiraatcat ti ata seen -ed aa:aulstattce-re.ul . ilet- $tr4ave4 ci{lr l' ase. Northrop .S beaten of aaraftat.l, i,taaie given to ;tie intone their super, es gnancne• AVMs a; the n,ta'al rate, anti, peewee wee fay tale epeatela et sewed•tGa thio wttto appeemiaet manna psrfecrlea of aur du the aunt' e:. All dreams;t 4411 it. In Nature's Storehouse There are Cares Meclicel experiments .cave $howlt Goa elusively that there are medicinal, virtues in even ordinary plants growing up around us which gine tl•sna a vadeea that enunot he estimated. Isis held by some thnt Nature prove+lea a care for every clic etiee which a *Elect ante igunra:nce have v aure4 upon roan. llaawever. Baia nuty lea it Pde, ,tied(mllrootAn herbs, are a severe ign re meld, it eurdng all disende*S of the digeetien. ;Atfstre's "How is it. :Very, that wherever I enter the kit4i en I al- ways find a. man there?" Mary --- '"1' ;don't avow, ma'am. indeed, un - le to it he them there soft s:toes ye wears, that deta°t lake au newel" 1lnard's Liniment CuresIphf " Q it»roan Tho heaviest seziee rifle useU nit present is the Servian Kota 'Mousier. It weighs 0 pounds 14 ounces. Our Lee-] nileld is 1.0 ounces lighter, Miuerd's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. liohibint-"I didn't think you Intl ny idea of marrying the widow." Newlywed. -"I hadn't ; it was an dela of hers." N 424, There is danger an ne tieetin a cold Mans who have died of consumption hated their troubles from exposure. followed by amid rvlaich settled on their lung, and in at. snort time they were bevoutl the skill of the best physician. cian. }fad they used lliekles' Atnt]•Consu,nptive Syrup, before it leas too late, their lives would have been snared. This medicine has no equal for during coughs, colds and all affections of the throatend lungs. Maude -"Papa has offered to pay all the expenses of our honeyeeoon- trip." ' Claude -"Then we'll never come back." A WARNING TO MOTHERS. Ask any *doctor and he will tell that "'tine "soothing" S medicines contain Opiates and narcotics dan- gerous to the health of infants and children. Every mother should shun these so-called medicines as she would deaadly poison. Baby's Own Tablets is the only medicine special- ly prepared for children sold under tui absolute guarantee to contain no opiate or harmful drug. Every dose helps little ones and cannot possibly do harm. No other medicine has been so warmly praised by anthers every- where. Mrs. J. R. Standen, Wey- burn, N. W. T., says: "Baby's Own Tablets are valuable in cases of diarrhoea, constipation, hives, or when teething. I have never used a medicine that gives such good satis- faction." These Tablets will promptly re- lieve and cure all minor ailments of children, and may be safely given to a new born baby. Try them for your children and we know you will use no other medicine. Sold by druggists at 25 cents a box or sent by mail on receipt of price by writ- ing :direct to the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. "D -darling, dodo you 1 -love ;me ?" she gasped. "Love you ?"said he as. he got a tighter grip ; "love you ? Why, precious one, madly as I hug you now, the fervor of niy affection almost makes me long to be an octopus with "eight arms.' HAMBURG DRoI'S. Thousands of people have good cause to be thankful to the memory of that eminent German authority, Dr. August Koenig, who originally discovered Ilumburg Drops (more than GO years ago), which restores the wasted energies, creates an ap- petite, overcomes exhaustion, weari ness, languoe,and that tired feeling, makes pure blood, cures constipa- tion, dyspepsia, hysteria, nervous- ness, fullness after meas, toriti liv- or, sluggish kidneys, ringing notSee in the head, all skin diseases, and is a general restorative, It . cures where all other remedies anti pre- ecriptions fail. A circular descrip- tion of Dr. August ICoerfig's Ham- burg Drops will 'be found round each bottle of St. Jacob's Oil. Undo the wrapper carefully and read the circular. THE WONDERFUL SHAH. The r r,. cent Shah all. of - li Persia Muz after -o3 liin, is a well educated ruler. Besides knowing Arabic and Twit:- ish, he speaks French fluently, and is well grounded in the philosophy of Aristotle and Plato. He is a good sportsman. To European ideas he is extremely unconventional. Once, while seated at a banquet in Rome, at which the King and Queen of Italy and many European grand- ees were present, he suddenly got bored with the whole thing, and, rising froru the table, he unceremoni- ously quitted the room. There was nothing left, of course, for their startled Italian Majesties .aac the other ladies and gentlemen present, but to rise also and follow their Royal but unceremonious guest. He reads European newspapers, and is extremely fond of al] things English in the way of guns, saddles, house- hold furniture, and telescopes, most of which, however, being an extreme- ly generous cman, he gives away to his friends. Tbe jewellery of the Shah is the most valuable in the world. He is the owner of the Darya -e -Nur, or tbe Sea of Light, a diamond estimated to be the most precious on earth. But one of the greatest treasures that he possesses is a large globe of gold representing the world. • In this globe each con- tinent and country is marked 'out with clusters of precious stones. Thus Persia is outlined and covered with diamonds, England with rub- ies, and so on. x:c se.renesr. ,We mite Granby Rubbers and Overshoes out of pure new rubber. Can as much be said of any other make? ranb; Rll cost the maker more, but they cost the wearer less, for one pair does the work of two pairs of ordinary rubbers. "Granby Rubbers wear lihe iron." c: ;ta se; es-. sear, se ealeen, Sellenee -a Neither Hindus nor Japanese will ser otillingly sleep with their heads tt the north. $,i0.enal '1'O CALIFORNIA A11) 1tnITUJt:1, Via. Chicago & North-Western R'y. First class round-trip ticicttt on sale from Chicago ltlay aril and May 12tIi to lStb, to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Correspondingly low rates from other points. Favor- able limits and stop -over privileges. Low one-way eettlers' rates to West- ern points in effect daily until June 15th. Three trains a day from Chicago to the Coast through with- out change. Daily and ;personally conducted tourist car excursions to California, Washington and Oregon. For particulars apply to your near- „est ear- ,st ticket agent or address 13. H. Bennett, 2 East King street, To- ronto, Ont. Newspapers travel by post in In- dia for an eighth of a penny, up to le ounces in weight. • at: } *sir --X`"-`-��•�� •'yam • ti 5 ekea ft' The irate to Health is a hale heart, and the better the blood 1? pump the more vigorous the vitality. • acme know they have ntik hearts ' R others only know that they're 111 and don't suspect the heart. d But cure theheart cures every part. No heart is too sound; ninety-nme cut g cf a hundred are disordered or diseased. tr Doctors co act get to the heart of the • subject; to be effective that is what med- icine naust do. ed- icinemustdo. Dr. AGNEW'S HEART CURE enthrones health where disease reigned, V' in the great cegter of the system, the F heart. 'hen good blood pumps in full K measure, sends new life quivering P through every organ and tissue of the ab Ietwsnyneennanewcourage,neof life. tvcheer, l ii Dr. Aaf`1'lEW'S PILLS scavengers of the digestive system and healers of the disordered apparatus: Purely vegetable and mild, -forty doses for ten cats. One-fifth the prise of the next best competing pill. 18 ttet SAINSAINDITUDI TREASURES OF THE KREMLIN. All the Czars of Russia have been crowned in the Kremlin in Moscow, and in the treasury there are the thrones of all the Emperors of the past and the historic jewels and the choicest plate now owned by the Russian Crown. There are $600,- 000,000 worth . of gold and silver and precious stones in that treasury, and there are basins of gold , there which are as big as a baby's bath tub, and two card tables of solid silver which are worth a king's ransom. 16-03 0 Tif__. R1611 PAINT TO PAINT • I6KT If our matte ogt'll kW! troublet it milt Res Poi riay'nts, paint naval -ram mint bet, Reedy All' i to tttd prlGe,11tet st bt, 'v;riteIts, inestioping this paper, far be4let s'_"Qwtg how laucbssuttfuibane-sere-painted 'with our p ants. A. RAMSAY ti SQN. Pelatrttencra, MONTREAL* E4th sqz 14--2$ alrnter -- "If I ain't better • by outlay week I'll mend for as (loo- t r. oe-tor. Wife - "What's the sense of waiting till Monday week?" Farmer -"Well, on Monday wee% itdl be jurat forty years cines I had a, doe- r. 1'd like to make it inn even forty years" Differences of Opinion reoaalin.: ppoiauler internal anti eaternnl remedy. lir, Thotnteti' Eciectric Od--tlo not, so Inc as known, exist. The teatllnouy is posi, tive and concurrent that the article re- lieves physical pain, cure,' bemeness- ebeeksn cough, is an excellent remedy' for pains and nceumatfo complaint%, and it has no nauseating or other unpleas.eut effect when taken internalie. •aS The newest sky -scraper is the Etna building, in New fork. It heats all records with its 30 storeys and 45:5 feet of height from the pavement. Minard'S Liniment 'Cures (llste era She (scornfully) --"I • Relieve he only married • her for leer money." He (decidedly) -"Well, be has cer- tainly earned it." C. C. RICITARDS & CO. Dear Sirs -- For some years 1 have had only partial use of my arm, caused by a sudden strain. I have used every remedy without effect, un- til. I got a sample bottle of 1IIN ARD'S LINIMENT. The benef_t 1 received from it caused me to con- tinue its use, and now I am happy to say my aim is completely res sterol. R. W. HARRISON. Glamis, Ont. 8-59 Ceylon now nearly equals Indfa in tea production. It grows over 160,- 000,000 pounds, against India's 195,000,000 pounds. For Orir Maly Tears. Av 050 AND W'rsLL•TAIan RexanY. - >+irs window's beetling Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children trhile teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child cottons the gums, allays all pain, cures rind colic, ani{ is the hest remedy forDiarrheea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in e'vor part of the world. Twenty -the cents abottle..` Its talus Is inoaloulable. Be sure and ask for hires Winslow's Soothing syrup and take no other kind. 1-19 A steel chimney 28 feet in circum- ference, 100 feet high, and weighing 90 tons, has recently been erected in Hamburg, Germany. Do Not Delay. --Where through debili- tated digestive organs, poison finds its way into the blood, the prime eonside•- ation is to get the poison out es rapidly and as thoroughly as possible. Delay may mean disaster. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills will be found a most valuable and effective medicine to assail the in- truder with. They never fail. They go at once to the seat of the trouble and work a permanent cure. The Czar has. a single estate cov- ering over 100 million acres - that is, about three times the entire area of England. Libby's Natural Flavor Food Products These delicious preparations allow et alt inns of Impromptu spreads without the impromptu appearance, and permit the hostess to enlay rather than alare. Our booklet, "Row to Make Good Things to Eat." free to housekeepers.” Libby's at- las of the World, containing 3; new maps. Published expressly for us by the largest map and atlas publishers in America, is ready now. Indexed, and elves new maps of China. South Africa. the Phiiippines, Cuba, Porto Rica, and is of as mach prac- tical use as any atlas published. We mw It to any address far 3 two -teat stamps Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago ilea World's Greatest. Caterers t 1-45 ORANGES I LEMONS' We have iexicans, WE California Navels, HAVE Valencias, and THE Sevilles. BEST Carlead every week. All the above at market prices. We can also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syrup and other produce to advae. tage for you. THE CAWSON COMMiSSION 00„ Limited., Cor. veost Market Ct„ TOZONTO. VIS tsasmtamel, to Maro32asaesee ,Any uantit of dry. . mined word suitable for rick burning, for oarly delivery. State rash ppr oe, f o your s a'ion. Address, Staff -SON Berta 1 Toronto St., Toronto. Tele. phone nun 707 7-19 SMITH Sr CAMERON olichors o1 ratagqtd a Canada Lfe mild• PST T S To.oato. cisziwzmagszcisiaesagna- 1040i2rfreeadvice May -"So this is your picture. It is a true representation of the dining -room of the ocean steamer ; but why didn't you introduce some characters ?" Bloom -"Because that picture is entitled 'The Dining Hour )During a Rough Passage.' " Ifa . t inrlyd s Liniment Cures eosins In cogs. Mourning notepaper is made with six different edgings. These are Italian, narrow, middle, broad, extra broad, and double broad. Mrs. Henpeck -• "Wasn't he well off before lie got married?" Henpeck -"Oertainlyl, my dear. Every man NOT CLOSE ME811 AT SOTTO'IS 5X- SIMINIMININEMIS Page Acme Pcauneres Netting 11 b}r4 cennot fly gamma as small a hole as it can crawl through, to Page ygn1n'y Netting le made with estuatheefithee at bottom and large at to N4.12 gauge 'tire top and bottom -no eag. Get Page fendos and ' •gates-thoy're best. The Peso"Wir• race 0a, Limited, Waterville, Ont Montreal, P.Q., and St. John. Inn 8