HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-23, Page 4(Outer btunate,
Ottas.11.SanderesEditoe anei Prot.
1"..•1 A* .
The Gamey inveetigetion, Toren
to, is the eynoeure ef political Canada.
R. Gainey bad given his
deace and not withstatnling a vigorous
eross-examinetion hes reiterated every
impin tent steetement he made in the
Ontario legielet ore. As was expected,
every pesidine ointenetiell is le.dng of-
fered te the Lute, nnennei uew evi-
dence by the nroneendom Field; Swill -
van, who e..112,1,1',4'1.:'a the negetiatione
on beinalZ f: the government, infenne.
ell Ur. asoney. tit,. plvsoni,•;., of
Zan: Stiattota
rehere tie wanted iota a:nt wc-t,ohl melee
Itka pay nti Here
feed fee r. tleet:on: A. clerk in the
4AVittezi.1 1e deriannesiz
tee t !en. na•i. tr,I:ni,s•Zi•
of the cr,,wn noil-r Ids Mood), no,
'ha tt
veer • t r • ',"‘ woe eon
. et, The
vie thv,
itt; Z
oaf n men who ie the chief ens
g;77, r ,C z;* Li, stit:It
tiA-, ride. eney W4e4,
$"<*!rot`'' Th:°' 1:S Whit thr. LILA r:Zi
,t,",+ilt.Vo... 700: :ht. PZ;re.1 44' tianee.
. ;
o it ees .ses menet, fin
' seevent, aut 3 the lettei.
inneif snoretess Tine poeLet
of peeenle aro Vette exploited in
Moet httr,L'aet,et tivomer„ and geed
atneeneset ie deagend. :el the Mire.
a eoluiroa
311. 771T.IC 1111,76:41
(bptift tA'er with
inn alien:net. Ethel. in Essex, where.
she ie tee-id:en onie. mos. vett ve-
nue:oil hOit,;• f;r2 Kig;,01.:7 Lit:4 ;neer
spendien ;t week se ith her rnonse 1*1
Whitt -41,44-1'n- it hien , 3,4, .0
11 is now
44and eitiiF' imys tuts
Mr,' .17 h ihiirn ter *IF; id' Ind
did net -nem te At. the tIvniirea. sae-
ees4.---A meat main,' *out this dist
teol; in It. ilrteAtt*;t1..11eily of
ery Inaell-
inLen, .nel epee t tt. suecoes.
--Mr. I4r0'.est ahlo la wain
agelti withwit the erundies.-
:nen Aliee Miller snt poil:Autide week
in lieetereonts. Drew% is beving
new Litenise ei vete?: to, hie h
The Ellen n ere ell Ant!. through
seeding, hut the sveathee is eolduit
3o1:weld gnrilening.
Clieeley. April 21. -Mr. Matthew
Steuley, hoot and eleee inerebaut, nod
highly reepecten neeldent of this iiltice
in his brother, George's hardware
store this afternar
oon of het feilure.
He leaves a wife end two grown-up
sons and two daughters.
Dmintille, Ont., April 17. -At noon
to-cley, while Mrs. Jacob 'ammo, of,
this town was ning dinner over a
gas stove, her clothes caught fire.
She ran into the street a mass of
flames, and her ez its brought the
neighbors to her assistance. Mrs.
Cramp is seriously burned, and not
expected to live.
eti eta
*:4111130. turIsr
e eat. tab 4 t41
Inta IAN -4 eVt'Val !"*,
• I I :•••.
Would You Banish Dangerous
Spring Headache ?
Try Nature's Cure
And 'Tax Will Quickly Re-
joice in a New Life.
At 2.30 P.W. Rev. J.A.Ayearst. B
Luean, will presteh the anniversary
sortnon for the Leanne. On Motidity
trout ts to 8 p.m, win gieee one of
t.hose tea meetings for whist Edeu
n. f moos After tee in the
people at
church, speeehen recitatioos. solos,
instroineutal, Sunshine Quartette, a
grand literaz•y tied mitsicai program.
young and It ore invited.
Mtn. A. W. Brewer is visiting her
tiutlighter, Mrs. W. Pardeu, of -Midas
grLU.--MI. Eli Dowiter has, moved to
the Mis Kenzie farm on the 1Sth eine,
near Parithill.--Mrs. Jes. Randell still
vontinuescinite M. -Miss Laura Mr -hitt,
law has 3eturoed from Lod,'--31iss
it1Oleadd, of MeGillivray, ie a.esist-
ng bee grandmother at the store here.
-The J. A , N.:whey has moved to the
min is': esli I: • putchased from the
Penterson estate and M. Winfred Mae -
key leas moved into the house vacated
Ly hie brother, he heving bought his
ferne -Mrs. E. James, uha hes mit
heen enjoying the bine ;if luenth for
the, has gone to Gractealintet
t• eattneet, We hope sho wid soon
'en Wilsite of Koinoltn. ho
teeely pen leased Mr. Font:telt:ids
en. has taken pessession. Mr. Penn-
ine leas moved to Isondon.--Mr. and
Mr E. 5, Englieh hm
ave oved to non.
M. English will be minds
Itt4 '4Zhe as ehe hee hese] there
life. and Inas made many warm
.ntl, uilS3 feel sorry at ller tleparturo
t win) bee eVer:e proVPritY .111
r tit -W 11.4.31r.
. '
Conference of the
Executive of A.F.L. onsider Labor k
" Disoutes
Tomos, April 21 -The ExecntlVe
of the Asneries,n Federation ot
Leber held their filet session tu
the ArliAgt011 1-ckte1 yesterea.7 afternoon,
ene Samuel nompers. the Isreeieent ot the
A. b.. prestaert, and tlte foltowinS
Men14ers. were presonts-rirst
;. tient Ja.MqS, Duncan of the Qranite
• ters' Nationai 'Union. "Washint
g en D e
; ,Fourth Vice-,Presidqat AWN Atol•ris" of
Retnit eleinesInternetienel As,
4,,enver,„ (;‘,11, leAttb, 1,ce-r4:v1,*
cago; Tree su rtentlaneinGli;if thO
sinueneymen Tailot.e' Notional Mon.
• Tha,ortsolttn,l,sr eenteteereteary a epett
rii.i!oxaI 1.I,0-
• atettrvitetttptesthoett etastteets4ge. beriarigiande.
nous reoresentIng varlotee uniolis in cur-
eliseuteseeee o her matter o no 11
rtoxyaoh4enateu,ofttsbteudsine'Lltea lisGaatatkeeonnnisiudiaooroll
tel:i“tZble that night sessions win,
Seim svere$7,17,1r LI
onited Aline Worners" Asenclanen oGt Ant.
,frjea. regretting. Ids absence. lie has
o eAlled. to the anthracite region-. in
Penesseverille Vicesinreeldent, Samos
ceormt also tnlennentied that he wount
11Gt'tizilee chit:Jeer)? eoner4:nee; delabelok"
tt 4" At We Gel; and the tiest ease taken
no w -s the controversy exts eteteen
the Am" alinemetee Aesortatitig
raegover.fiang It* Natio,4„1 Azi„„o
• ertodol.TiMs,s,?, 1;Aceield oft the Among -evened
e. Vole. Presidorou. "M.Z414:t eV4'.111.14
'Steel Wo.es. aippeatsed. 'andQt Iue° Skt%InittC:13
the ease. rresi eta o
handed out a Statement to the ?,teise an-
notenei ti t I et e I
Topers afterwards
Workers of the Natitmal Alliance 1.1e re,
rtrtleetielti, (pared to send a eommittive of Pre to
„. confer with a similar comraittee to be
fro:13;).-tht 'Tuesday the 'tome ot appointed by the AltiwatjUee, eativi,att.ot
Jantrs Tittrage,tit'ar:bet.e, wa4 tl1e O -e the Anialgarnated Association 1,1 1,Rr1ng
•. et' jar 6et :9•e
i't it PrkitY • Whon Arelnzaniateil:A.SSOefo4I011. Should tt'e Cht=
onegionr, ntue lierame earn, local lotion of Me 41111411,Ce 4iStl'g4r4
Wilkily bride Of ,Mr. ThilbiriS V11$ 411t 1113105
tan:meta laivatt.,1111-,;,.!
Twl;msullaii. The unigiital 41;1046 sue:PWLI
V, o1m In
anti, neatly tied oy teenaitonat Association the only holy ef
it E. II. Sawel*s in the preeenre tnet erett entitled te the Surnort or
441:Iowa giwst,s, Tii,„4,44,„ other natioral urtOUS and ventral t?olUe!!
aft4114ted -to the me 1e35 PederatI'm
o..41 in a et Y PlettY et'stniut" 7raPr.
her L..1 dio
V1Y4""tel""‘g' 'After tb'' NEW 1.1EUTENANT-OOVERNOR
•y V11 flanan .1 tied
over inn idei p *tie' zultiourns
•mag,...4,-; to t be Tdr. Mortimer Clarke, Me, pi To-
en1 %%lege the ein-autifidly ronto Appouttcd.
-41 tabli• '414-^ 311 t" "rye Ottawa, April ense-Mr.W. Mortimer
lanes atone.' Tne ever in veins
/- ee",e• er en in driferent khans er Clark KC. of Toronto. ba.s h;:tvit
neze-n...2.1.1.. The in:de is mit Only appointed Lieut. -Governor of
ipeair nd aet.oniptielied. but is u -Write His commission vsas medie
I1 11thl JAY lion,Plii'vVer e awl last nialit' and Mr. John J. Magee.,
reit:du Grit Ate will makan
,„., vifo.ord look Nvm th.. vow., er . of the rhy Council, will carr
forte, if L..1. Wow% The gman out„, it to 1 °rout° und administer .its:
teer preoneeense, Dimon; ic an oath of office to the new Geneenter
roohd gt,eti fellow and we predict Mr. Clark is a gentleman of the
f„,„, Fining 1„ oplo o fife of hoppi. u highest respeetabilitv, and (me
, nee-, ;aril Idle -verity. Some time Was ronto's ftwertiost citizens. Ile hes
spent aniline the evening in gazing Practised the legal orojessioll for
and r.alinhing nrav of 11re. etas, luaaY Years wall has estanhshwi a rt"
whit+ were Very lie:intifol. useful and PotatiOn as a SonacionS notinaelior
wetly. Welt in) ehow the .t.sattiom solid attainments. The new Lieut,
. and resrAl; in whieh the bride is held. ; governor has not taken an active
"While heetlaches are varied in char -
tie et, end •iitid are produced by a var-
let y of causes, the majority of victims
strifes either from nervons or bilione
heacla eh e. When neglected, either
form will quickly cause sevious suffer-
ing and will assnredly prostrate tits
system. Nervous headaches, ts
which women are specially 'subject,
arise from weak and inflamed nerves,
heavy and dull brain, poor circulation
and debility. Bilious headaches are
usually accompanied by sickness and
vomiting. They result from inactive
liver,: digestive disturbances or. sore
and constipated bowels.
In the springtime, able and experi-
enced physicians urge upon those tele
are suk)ject to headaches the use. of
Paine's Celery Compound. In teus of
thous:Inds a cases this wonderful
remedy bas produeed happy and per -
anent results after .all other modes
of treatment failed. Unlike other
medicines claiming popular attention,
F'aine's Celery Compote' cl gives prompt
and effeetive results. It gives to week
and sick people an immediate suppls
of porn force, with pure blood, active
liver and perfect digestive vigor, The
work of Paine's Celery Compound is
not a simple relieving of pain; it et-
fectually reaches the root and causes
of disea :le rind p emote en 11 y ban ish es
the teouble. 'Mrs. L. Garland, Craw-
ford St, Toronto, Ont., says:
Your Nine's Celery Compound he S
o -Most WOnderfully improved my bee/1th,
Before using it my appetite was poor,
I was weak and debilitated, Red siter-
ed re u eh from headache. Your coie -
pound has mede ute a new worries:nand
I wish it the suceese it so richly de -
part in politics, but he has been
tiss ; closely identified with public
I silents and with religious and pitiless.
13'1113 "f /1"e"' i';11;e: throttle Work in Tomah. Mr. Clark
Inewilla 81 ituadadnvil'14 ••"'''' it is thonght, will worthihr noludd
swyst 13•111'.5ionit Sun" " wl" P411.-' and sustain the traditions of the bigh
,oeite. Mr. nod Itculgins paneel oface to width he be,. .oeeo ,m-4107,
tin ongh bere laet Sunda -Amiden.y. n ,
e ;wet an in:toy:dile
anie lase Tuesday evening tit 311. 1V.!
L. tdorbett's resideuce.-Miss Mabel'
Gilliert, tater spending the Eiger Santo Domingo Held by the Revolu.
holidnys at her home, rent tenet to tionists.
Porkbill High Sehool.--Miss Edith
Corbett, titiarnia, WM. visiting et her Santo Domingo, April en -The
nnele's. Wtin Corbett. Easter troops of the Government shelled
week.- Miss Smith was renewing this city Sabarday and several build -
1 11 this vicinity a few days
laet week.-- Mit Elmer Antos, lifter ings were damaged. The Govern-
e.o enling the Easter holidays; at his silent soldiers attacked the city in
!none., returned to Parkhill High • force at several different points to -
Mr, Warner, President of day, and the fighting lasted for one
Alma College, SI. Thomas, ocenpied
the pulpit at Min.'s mu ipst sopa:1y, hour. The Government troops sus •
and gave an interesting and instruc-: tallied heavy losses. General Cordere,
tive sermon on education. -Miss - Minister of the Interior; General Al.
red Coebett has returued to laerschool. vaxez, Governor of Puerto Plata, and
-Mr. and Mrs. M. Pierce had a paete- Gen. Quesada being killed. Over too
for a. number oe yontig people lust Government soldiers were killed or
Friday evening and all report 11. ood wounded, and the Government forces
time. -Miss Tiny Edwards, of Ansa were obliged to withdraw. The re -
Craig, spent Sunday with Miss 'Violet vohetionists Made several prisoners
Wein-Mr. Will Antos visited friends and captured horses and ammunition.
on the 2114 concession last Sunday.- Their losses were slight, only a few
School opened on Monday, after the men being killed or wounded. Presis
Easter holidays, with a good attend- dent Vasquez narrowly escaped be-
e:nen-Mr. E. Shodice, solcl a two year ing shot. The rebel gunboat Inde -
old colt. for $125 a few days ago. -Mr. pencia has returned here, and it is
john Bice and family, moved on Mon- reported that General Navarre with
day to their new home near Thedferd. a quantity of ammunition, landed'
We will miss their mintier faces but from her. The revolutionists are
Brinsley's loss will he Thedford's gain.
We wish them every prosperity. -Mr.
and Mrs. Wells Shodice, moved into
Mr. Bice's house on Monday.
Evangelical Association,
The Stetti Annual Conference Session
if the the Evangelical Association I.
church of Cninadit was held in the pleas-
ant village of Dashwood, beginuzug ut
9 at.in, on Thursday, Apr1110. On no -1
count of the onavoideble delay of I --
hop W. Born. chairman of the Con-
openipg by Professor S.
ferenee, the thair WAS Oet,:upied Ad the I
1.. 1inhicl.
of Union Biblical Institute, ?,%.7aperville,
Ill, At ASO, however, the Bishop ar-
rived and atter addressing the mein -
hers in his usual, hearty manner wish
words of encouragement, and inepira- '
'ion, the business of the Confereece
wits proceeded with. AR seseions were .
opened, with devotional exereiseS.
which art- by no means of eeetenders
importance m gatherings of this kiwi.
License to preach:was voted to the fol.
llowitet applicants for the istty;
tf. Nash. Kbon 0. Weber, LouiS
Anewher,F.Segmillier, AUd V. Wein%
Revile. H. Merner, A. D. Gisehlen
W. Zimmerman and N. S. Meafessel.
were voted upon and received as El-
der& of the church. Sermone of great
power and bleesing were delivered ihir-
nig the evening serviees and npon the
Sabbath by Bishop W. liorn. Editor
tbe Regingelische Magazine.
flehouiller„ Editor of The Christ. '
Helm Botsehatter. the principel Ger.
) matt organ of the dwelt, and, the old.
surrounding Monte Criste
Authoritative Statement From Ber-
A few cases of mumps are reported lin
in this neigliborhood. •We are sorry Berlin, April 2I. -The Tagliche
to learn tbat Mr. Robert Plewes still Rundschau says it learns authoritatively
continues to be in a very low condi- that Germany will enact reprisals
tion.-Heury Forsytbe, of Beaforth,
has taken possession of the William against Canada on account of the ac -
Sproat farm, on the .Kippen road, tion of the Dominion Government in
which he oluelinsen from Mr. Wm. imposing a surtax on German goods.
&thole and Mr, Bubolz has moved The paper adds that all the political
to the George Dorrance farm, in Mc- parties condemn the step taken by
which he purchased last fall. Canada.
Mr. Bubolz has been a respected yes!,
dent of this township lot. some e -ears
d Will be ereatly missed.
A QUIET ess EDDING-.-A very nice -
qudet sotdchng took place at the peso Countess " Russell Thought Hint a
dence of Mr. George Dickson, of the Count
5th concession of McKillop, on Wed- London rApril ni.owe, a
nesday evening lasts when bis
tel Miss Nettie, was unitfootman, was emanded to day at
ed in marrn
ag,e to Mr. W. S. Broadfoot, of the Portsmouth on the charge of .mal.sing
Mill Road, 1-ind son of the late Sahniel false e'ntry at the reeistry ffi ti r
Beoadfoot. 'The in tereseing ceremony a. , ° lc e
in the middle December last, when.,
was -performed by..Rey. Mr. Musgrave,
end WaS Witnessea by tbout forty on under the name of Prince Athrobald
the more immediate relatives and Sturat de Modena" he married
friends of tbe happy couleelet seven Countess Russell, who obtained a
o'clock, as Miss Nellie TienderSoll was vorce from her husband, Earl Russell,
pleying the wedding mareb, the con- on the ground of the Earl's bigamy 10
traeting parties took their places un- marrying Mrs. Somerville in nhe Unit
le an erch, be drapped with ed States.
pink and white, the only tittenclant
tng little Miss Mable Dorrence, who BANK BURGLAR KILLED.
very prettily acted her pert as -maid
hon or. The n e was as efu y
dressed in white organdie and looked
most ch ti The ceremony and
songrinulations oven the company
ioneook of a most sumptuous wedding,
-nipper. The remainder of the. even-
ing was pleasantly spent with Music,
sociel converse f.ind the merry dote e.
The young cotiple loft fcyr their home
in Tuckersmith the same evening, iind
ti ey have a litege circle of f sielldS who
ioi 0 in wishing then', tir big Shftre of
he good and filetsant- things of life
ing their sojourn, together. Tho
n t s were n ravens, Useful ;1 rd
T1 t t
Surprised While at Work and Shot
Dead by a Citizen.
Wampum, Pa., April 18. -In a bat-
tle following an unsuccessful attempt
to rob the First National Bank herc
early to -day one man was shot and kilt-
ed and another seriously wounded. The
dead man was one of the burglars, arid
he has not yet been identified. Ths..
wounded man is Henry Willoughby, a
.baker, who surprised the burglars
at work. I -lis Iii jurics are serious ba'
not fatal.
est religious ritnrch paper in Anierieti,
hosing been puldlehed emitinnoesly
for over half tk Matter; and at!'it by
Itev, Matti% SenforAgent of the Pith.
lishing House Which 18 10enteal ht
Cleveland, Ohio. The following were
eleeted 415 delegatee to this General Con-
ferenee of the chart:h. which will he
110.11 in Berlin. Onto next. mamma (D.
V.):- Prof. S. L Unthavin and the lare.-
siding elders. Ito:, jl. L. Wing, Rev.
8. it. ii!neehtel and Rev. J. U. Litt.
Though brief. yet apyreelated was the
addrees of the Rev. Pt. liendMOtt. of
ie Presbyterion Mitch. I
on the eithjeet ill' the Loa's Dae•
awe, an organizetion whiash we lett
tipon as baying accomplish( d
gatutiltt the limn. and evIdeli, we con.
eider worthy of hearty sympathy rend
a e of Chriettuan henleavon %V .-
r ROY Of the Yming Ptople's
Fratsy e%elliaNg, egvaiton and Zan,.
-IllintrreS Were favorably t -epi emit-
• a ;i0+ii ;whistled in the eimes, :woke dif
the evening. Addlimses were delivered
1,y Bin*, Clemens, of Besieger, 091
()ppm tin/Kies of tint Young People,"
and IT Rev. W. G. Helm, of5trat nerd,
"The essmticds or successful 'Y. P._%.
wink." 'Then follow( an inim ive
irldress email the Deaconess Canee
inn. Conference, by Her. 1. Moyea,
The Ordima ion rervice was eoladnet
rd en Sunday atm noon. Following
this wits the D11 '11111.05' Meeting. ill
ted the 1101111* SUM or m271531 for thy
the friend$ Inj4040111. Mat Bet,
missionary interests w:Ithin the II:mini...
or tile Camila Conference. Of this
1-11*41 the Siendity sehool alone gave the
grand stun uf nignein. Not tudy vids
/no spirit of nTake my life and let it
s eonset•rated Lord in Thee," but 14' -
that ef '"Talte Aver and in
gold." manifeeted in these liberal gine
for Abe extension of the hoarders td
Gait kingilian among men. 1111,.
blessing ever rest open Fift and givsr,
and may we 14111 praise God from
whom allblessings flow. Pruit;eWortlay
was the singing of the Daeliwood
church choir doring Conference, and
long. to be remembered WaS the 1131141
!veep' 1011 mid entertainivent of the
inintSterind brethren on the part or e
mentbet 5- and friends of the congrega.
tion. The rt•port of the stationing
committe,e read on Saturday •treet.-
ing was as follows;
North District.- M. L.Wing, P. E. -
St. Jacobs, 3. A. Schmidt; W,
Zinnuerinan; Wallace, H. Dierdannin
Listowel, L. K. Eidt; Walkerton, B.S.
Moyer; Normanhy, M. Clemens; Car-
rick, L. Wittick; Mildmay, H. A.
Thomas; Hanover, D. IL Brand; Elno
wood, W. D. Holtzman; Chesley, W.
0. Helm; Port Elgin, D. Rieder; Paolo
Sound, to be supfilied; Winnipeg and
Selkirk, Man., W. E. Beese and one to
Ile supplied; Rosthem, Sask., A. W.
Sauer; Didsbury, Alberta, 0. G. Kaate;
Wenaeknevin, to be supplied.
Weit District.-S.R. Knechtel, P.E.
Inaniturg, E. Burt end E. F. Hoist:
North East Hope, E. Eby; Tavistocle
D. Kreh; Sebrimevilre, C. S. Finkhein.
r; Stratford, A. Y. Heist; Milverton,
J. H. (.3•renzribach; Maitland, A. D.
Gischler; Zurich, W. J. Yaeger; Dash-
wood, j. C. Crediton, G, D.
Damn]; Aldboro, F. Meyer; Middleton,
to be supplied; Fullerton, G. Fink-
East District -.-J. Litt, P. E. -
Berlin, L. H. Wegner, Wateiloo, S.M,
Handl; Campden, E. H. Bean; Morris-
ton, JeW.' Bean; Bleetheim, H. H. Lei -
hold; Rainham, FL L. Merner and H.
D. Wing; Toi•outo, M. Moyer ;Ind A.
Clemens; Hespelet, E.D. Becker; Ham-
ilton, G. F. Braun; Niagara, S. F. Brann;
Gainsboro, N. S. MethfesSel; Arnprior
and Killalon. E. M. Gisehlete Golden
Lake, G. H. Wagner; Rockinginite, 0.
G. Hallman: •
o iv
Was He Dressed ?
Yon hear tbis asked of nitne".
persons" every day,' end the
an swees depend .onthekind
of cloth es' they wear.
How al' e You, D7-ess'ecl?
When you want to be well
diessed cone1 and have
suit made: to order. All
85 iV „ goods ,eOnsisting Of
/LT "is Pa72,t7.72
r .b
07)67'00 a t7/77, 1,5 s Eto.
Opposlte the
Oifie.e xpter
Oilirnitt AUffiZ
411 OrtitEli,411 eto
Six hot
Debility of system causes neural,
gia, aud whatever tPtals to produce
eufeeblements induces it, This affee-
tion 1 un4e/401y dite to lack Of
Vitality, and its very existence
evidence of deaeient stength
Remedial measures shouid theme
fore be directed to improve the whole
system, for we strength returns to
the system, the neuralgic condition
of the nerves will disappear,
This now is supplied by aT. JAM'S
WAiU1S; they Feltdom fail to nelietrin ;
their effect is a general building up
of the system.
Sr. Iforr.,s WAtoms help stomach*
digest fot4 1*' -=e, nutriment
through the blv this is the
honest wly to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, dereiops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much.
4st,leints, Wafeennever
Thev. ere a remedy 1.$wit1antatA
Peer, without *. this4.41
vases of neuralgia they bovopree
ved knot/1ow:4 true
Or, ratykk
ot a 447ret
• ara 43/S ciu_s42,
W ere-Isdealer*Ore nelntalti4tUe
Wafess.ther are 3.l*1lc4 UPI& tq.
cell* of once at tbe Cataadiatt
ttAnett tat. J111111413,.W4f4ss Cc, 020
St. Cailttslrat St., itiettettl.
LIAR T, , t,*
114 CPUtti,,plate 19;4ettniNit-- f:VV,(1:4" 07 ',gnaw var.':01
ur slay a 4Th tit so :net t Simi a 5
l'en thee' ',vela les 41 res ; • s ;nee of I4, V; neon' eine tt ;tally f
o grp.w. Vim rico 1:r 1 1,4fe.,10 ti' 4 4:.19PIRC.:ZI "Citaity i5
131;•it4!. ris;mYt 40;11 Vett w.tat peedneel it, whet 1:0-
ILItkitu Teeteltme etetriese the cue thinff
r ynkt do to .it back the viva, tl'aP vlyor cal .civazity of niattbuira,
on't Ig1 ).1 14P en life. There C.M y-etirmay barmy, 04-441Qo year
or you if you oe7dy lielp. '4\-"U can and will not only help you, but
CU re you tel st....y cured. Curme, diceages ra.nd. Wecikt"Q.5sWer taa nervran,
miser:nal pyoetri has been our exelusim tatiminez; g‘r the rx..1 .30 :rears,
wing which thuo wo have eJrzca enough Lilian men to wake au army,
OV17. NEW ItriTlIOD TitElaNzwr will, restore to you v.bat yOn
ewe) lest.
It purifies and enticiteq the, BLOOD, strengthons the l'lltreVHS.
itattles the zeunat organkchecks all nutatural drains ati,l. an4
ts a man for the ective deities of life.
Our emseavecad Ele Pogo
tre c7r' UV -K:4 12P:n*ra„ irliet3O.1.tliarCilttszet.
Dratatl. Oaxtutoi 'VS:e.ltesaatiet. liClancy
C4):4.1eW,F.T."4.•:riOrs rt.tre. Iff ntlabla to 4=14 mile' 2E.1: a 9uoPt1.0u,
Inulz for iluzua Troutallezits
148 SheI1
ap DETReirsi
25 Yearn in Detroit. 280.000 Cured. Dant: eceurtt
4 r
Madison, wise,
jannary 20t71, 1903.
The De Laval Separator Co.
Gentlenzen:-I ant 220 longer on, the
farm. The cow and your Separator
paid off the mortgage, and made it
possible for me to retire.
YOUrS truly,
A DE LAVAL Cream Separator will do
the , same for you. Why not try one now?
and EETEll 11011Ell 11111.3
stock of have jest receiven a new • PURE MANITOBA
of the het, 10141(05 end tv ill sell
inem et peieee a i3d terMs that will
enahlt, 1(1 (1 tO place in their home
rhw1 1 tho;se i3en1ti1111 instruments.
In Sowing vs we Carry a
istge stock or 111e, best makes, at pricies
win. :Aurnise you, also, l'oPairsi
p calps and oil for all unikes of um
. BIRTt 'and Book Brusir,I3ymn
11- BibIrs, etc., 111 3, 111 'stoci.
t'e will hi.: pleas,.,4 to show you rair
keig e nes
se, •• ewe reee
(,i(,!org(, died' suddenly, at
,gral;(1i111.y, ;1,t, femnd a
op,;.dust Tylys. fi)r 01
ig 3:clyn Qual.ci to kill 31e.1' h LiO)and,
(Break r:151 Food)
A. good supply of Milled
and Chop always 013. hand.
Give our Flour and Feed
a trial and be convinced that,
it is all right.
Boller and Plate grin d erslo
use to suit -customers.
ilat vey Bros.
cceSsm to J. Cobbledick ds Se
Poet Id ow! cite -sees zero 1al; ing action
eo etiotblish a hospital.
besforth: A. blight little boy, the
emingeet sen of Mr. J. S. Robetes,
this town, ht,a the tinge/lune to fall
tied ln eels iiis leg a few days vgn,