HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-23, Page 1SIXTEENTH YEAR.
T Centralia Ails a Cr alp; 134004
N E F R M oRmE oR,,,, company[has formed for the pur. W, Robinson And 11lies Wright,
teleran time of erecting te private telephono who lizive been enniying the holidays
Mee hours ci to to a.m.,1 to 2 and 7 to s p.m line between Centralia audAilsa Craig. at thew respective homes in Sea forth
_1111111MErfalEnillSOMBRIS n1 weiephei.e c iourin&ation witbriainelisu in l•wan• The line ie now Ail course of coustrue- and Stratford, have returned and are
Heving purchaeed the
businees and good will of
Mr. A. Cottle we beg to
;Assure all who have fav-
ored our predecessor with
their eustoin end thepub.
Ile generally that they
-will be able to procere all
aaticles manufaetored by
the old proprietor a our
establiehment. We will
guerantee all our work *
and we ikre going to sell
at moderate priees.
e In the Methodist chureh, next Sere on having been run as far as MOttilt now renuming then:duties in the Pub -
We solicit a call
Ike school room basement, then in the,
day mornhag. the Rev. J. A. Ayearst, Carmel. They are now 'waiting for lie same4 here as principal WW1 assist-
IlAe of Luca% :will preach. The pa§- more snbscribers to raise funde tit 'orlon Ant.- Mr. awl Mrs. W.. a Johnston
tor. Rev. B. 14. Hutton will oceopy his it the remainder of the distance; A ;mil family and Mr. Robt, Ronatt left
QV n pulpit in the eveiling.-11:iny of unruber etf the citizens here tre inter- last week ter Oxbaw, .Assa, Mie John
the f ileuds. of teeetramenra peeanils* esting themselves in the matter,. as ietkin epieut last sonfiner in 4he West
'Dented to attend set -vice at 2,n0, tame well les the farmers throughout Ale- ^and returned bin fain to move hie faro
t Edtento beer the Rev. el,A,Aneekrst, Gilleviety. as they expect it to be a
preach the Epworth Teeakgue coneiderable beuefitto them
Annivereitry sermon, A. number pur. .
poee ti) attend. The young; people are Zurich
expected and always have well sup.
ported the anneal tea meetings to
that localit,y. Lhader tne auspiees of
the League one will be given next
Monday evening, Tee served in poll-
anallonFr Patron al4e. ' church will be intelleetonl, literary
.1,37,,,,,,,,4-44s.AgmapgARITerWARI*RN - 77. wad opteh.;.,41 treat of „Levi-eq.:et, order.
KILL 0 1.7 BROS Joni 1,;;;;:so F win in.k.ido.
x T -
The undereliet•ned iifl 114VP
carload of Canada ttleriage
Companre Buggies lye on
April 1St. If you Want
class buggy call at the Mahn*.
mick ehop liefore tiny.
' These ere an extra, grade of
buggies and will twin za,ssortell
cohnee Don't forget the ennui.
Miss Addle Sararas is visiting her
sister, Min. Neel). at Sebringville.---
Mr. John Knorr, who had his arm in -
lured a few days ago, is still unable to
attend to his ditties at the Commercial,
house steldee, His place is being sit
ily- fie the spring- Mr. Inmate has gone
0 see the emintry but will return.. -
Rev, Mr. Miller, of Varna, eiccupied
the pulpit in the Methodist church on
Sunday morninge-Mr. Ransom. Fields
wee parnlitteed the house and tot of Mr.
Thoe,liarnside and took possession last
week. •Mr. Burnside has ;Toe to Var.
PA to• reeide.-The menet* friends of Mr.
John Pollock will be pleased to know
that his eye -sight, which give him
Pilvd bY ,1,1S.. Ede 1N twitho-Thee?..eelleoo 8 notch coneein hest fall, is now idanost
rteeepeneu et matey moritunt.-AW. 4110. I restored. and t hut he hopes to he ;nee
nen._ _en Wlstneek blaeksluith* who has been to leani• for heleo Winnipeg it) a. few
V'trn t suffering from an atteek of munapa, Is days to resnme his fiehitar operations.
tecovering.-Mr. Robert Stelek. prin.
4n.tveno.-31r. dames .Armetrong copal of the public sehool. and Miss
Bart, nseleteut, have reeurned their
duties, titter ependiug their well e4311n.
ea holielit'ees at, their respective homes
, in Iiillsgreen and Brucefield. -Miss oven en Poet Huron for smite time has
1 II 0 ivill hold"an alletion sale to41!1:v 4 1. • ' ',Nor, hee rettitned to Chneon to re- tee enrol- tenee. agaitee... eft.. &the
' (Thitreilay) and on Ton -1,1Y '' "'"", o'' . Mlle Ilor A alti:eS a X he Collegiate., ia. p,t,i,:,,,,,.:. 3 tormek. resident of andeil.
ad Ms wife will lenvn tor 2...• 4.• new . ter a pleasaiit vieit at her home here. iieray„ nee /rained to Theafoln, when.
lonite, Mr. Armstrong iris le,ern a re$^Al tees Wettlacifer tool two he inteee, 1.,..eneehen.ene Rafter nun
idea of Varna for neeriy halt 1% evil- daughters of Islyth, spent a fPw (11kY2 het% has Lint ii, iiew roor MI hs hitill.
bye'. Deenueslacte when nolte a 3181th • here during the week. -M le Petim Ben- Rev, Oen Darr tool intent-4er. Lorene.
ii fid hati resided here '.'ut hot, otsliy ever der pot chased a One building lot from or nolt.tu, envie. strut 0., few do ys
ince mid he has always Oiliest) an ate, the oneeph newt eettite, next to P• with friiiels fee4,. during the I.veek.-
.ee 41011'4 in everYthidg ("ilerliat(11, 1 Sipplt;44 readilk•nce. The priee paid wa eete acing,. thieve, a highly respect,
tdvartee the welfero ol the villa.ge i $170. -The regulate ineeting of the W ed and poigreesive voting, gentleman
• eneeounding etiiistoro while ma, c,•leen was len 1 et titk• home ilf 'Air ri• of ti: ok.'ii.akotoitool. and. Miss Annie
. ightforwerd, laintant'd•te• emultleteli S. Rennie 4411 Monday 14 44 lige-Mr. J.. neeeleeon hare, eluting the past few
.. „
01 COM WC' VOIIIVetare Otnil trilsi , Ot c 14„ lian, of thp Conmtprohd, is Wow ppti. dlys,,,, 1,„„ea .„4,tutilt ht the net ot,tletuing
yell."'" will"4113" jell "14314 wIth i'vAting his le`fri Ond the rooms nre the reletive lia peaportionate eist kif
ne and his eheenfid "UT -Ashton owl • presenting a ek•ry attractive onitenr- larrianee Ve41.4 single life, and have,
toil manner neide billl it VilliIMPF.al ' ami.e._„..m a 1.,..eelet meeting of the Da- eluded Brit it. will not coin. mewl)
avanite with 011. Him eelf and Sirs, : Hereon inegleill Chill the following of- n -e t,:, !ityp hoviN. rnr twu than
illIVIi nittITRI•lail eir' IPS rand I hey 11. 4.1( pivskii4m; „an. Filiettitin, C'itptalu; Att- ;ovine, elite :14i5S DitVill$01), Who
having deepoeeil of his teeeleoek. in
run and rented his Mum to the Xes.
. Tudor, has decided tit follow the
Mr. Jolin 1•', Derr hangorke to Yale,
eel to the *emit tool glowiegs est, Mich. -Miss Jennie Seat, who has
O 4 AN
We have unlimited rrivate testae for 141
veitreent urea tam Or village property,
IIDSVOSt ?Mc s of interest.
S)Itettee tt: OADT.1804
have a large amoent of private revels t
loan on term and erorertlee lin
ranee or inteent.
14 W. tieennen.
nerrieten.lirnin Street nnetc
rnietrong will be joill'eh hoiNsed ileers were eleeto•di -Ur. Stelek. 41 /my, tor end lodging and trinow
; behind them hem a it".1,ol, f1 .11011"15 drew Hess. See'vqre;ts.-The snakily is an ne .aurpriehed e -ming lady, and
houttin wish Meth 'wall Ili friends of Me. J. D. Merner. generel hignly neemed in this tO%'l)1bij1.
01131 pokeperity in their new home. ineeehant, will be pleased to learn that taught with merit acteldanve in S• •
rhvy lottqad heading in :hunt -hero Man-
, elige enffleiently reeevered ato lie No. 44 time„ we haeke greatRobewhere their elm anodaw hddsnninaiehhearound
again, Tile opera- pleasure in loining with the numerous
I are now lioeiteo. Thew d"aghter wal tion be nnderwent a short time ago meads nt ,..4,1144et sheeted mon Grieve
aecompeny them to the Weete
silTe'e1(1,1=41,t*A113,, rotiantlIsilu°rnhltatNt'kkielletytels1 a ling ihe of loippiness and prosperity.
, shortly on a, trip to New Ontario tind
Mre. Wells is visitiog her father 10 ti 0 I i
res.eent oir 1mey liYeillra' itUti NIS (leen- ;miss lc ',ha s p kNn t S u min k• wi 11
4 Mt Bend
OP NNW. 31*'. Dumart hive been it
Louden.- Mies Heal, who leis been the pied the sann• room in the Dominion mends in Annw„,en.e.ahe \\ meat
gue4 4,1 her„3"11,11, 3.11.5* 131'11»W'4P
• r House ;thong continuonsiy ever since. or Exetve. wrpi here 44 4.3 tee
M4Veriit 111.1111,1W. lett itir,t. {Vera tOr ilet ile bon hem a good (omen. making Green i...i„owd4.Iil4.,...,‘ rowdily, id efardi11.
home in Muutrod. -Amin `i- tingilltit i4 ' 11mt9 or felends in both town and 000n- twee Willt.rt, of Dashwood, wie- in
reeovering froui his Teeellt 31h1es79.-- try, and should he decide to make an our numb Mondav.---Mr. and Mvs•
Harry Welsh and wife lekne weevil in- investment no pitch his tent else,
to the hoase. reeently vacated by Brenner tiient Fridno in Parkhill,
j• where, nil will regret. -Mr. Selomon Mr. Shew aud family left Monday for
v to have lieeu ill "Vel."01."Ing• -UP' fri.111 Michigan, nes been oonged to their 4.'eteree home.-Mria Eilwarde.
lions -an
1. Reclto-MIt's I -annuli.' owl MI 8' Ithse Hardy who came here a short (11111' 8() the we -i, wino e they intend making
J1114'! Bonthron luis gene to 1)etr41it* • move to Dash wood, owing to the veer-
_ --, - - ------ Mrs. Bonthron will follow in a few eity of hottees.-Messrs. Hess and Dei- ton mother, the into MTs. Z,10111(rd, re.
ERNEST MAIM who was here attending tlik• fonend of
,' dtt.Ys•- Miss :Maggie Stewart. bas IV" he MI tre purchased the Mavou farm,
& Wetted front the Clinton hospital, turned to her home in Toronto Mini -
contain ing some sixty-nine MIMS it In mt ant.. _,„ mrs. istui, of otoherineeinetepent,
minute., terma.eeretaikeMgaie dames forme.
r,miss,tinclailfrgprapTriieg„Itaig.lit furl bidst en where she underwent an oPeratinth a .mile from Dryedale, for the SIMI Of fiticulay with her daughter"heria-Mr.
, we are l(' *,t to state Butt ehe is re- S3000. The propertY contains between J( 1' It • 11 % 1 11 i datV at St,
Latils in nil patriot Manitoba andthe liortiowcst co . ,o-il 4 mr neve Johnston elle wife .). i so , r b ii ti
tor tole. N N t 1 te'''''. ••• • • . ., ..ei ant acmes o ezie ober el Joseplo-Harmon Gill is spending a
ism 1 eel, I spen . - I Cl .
few days in Exeter.
IMato and Insurance Agra
)13Zie ANI) Taurr., LODI FOE SAUL
The undersigned le offering for firde that desirable
village property on tomer of Carling mid Nelson
litreets, Exeter, heitv I.ots Mid There lo
on the 1'4 *( 411.geed "oriel: house, eontaining nine
rooms; a good qahle (th lower half trielci; ben Iloilo
awl pigpen; fifty fruit trees, bard and nem water
and otiar conveniences. Will b1110141 reasonable.
Apply to
COB. Exete
re spending it few days at their old laud and is generally regarded GS it
home in Michigan. -J. Hobkirk in- bargain at the price peid.
teuds erectieg a new ehop in the mew
future. -Rev. Dr. Medd preached An- --ssee
niversary seivices in the Methodist Parkhill
cburch at Moth= on Sunday hist.- Wu). Wickert intends moving his
Mrs. Scott is visiting friends M DOW- family to Toronto sbortly.-Mr. II R.
egiae, Mich. -Mies Millie Petty is tak- Pearce and family left last week for
mg a coarse at Commercial College, Port Huron, where be bas secnred a
Lonaou.-me Patriotic entertainment good position at his trade as painter.
which was to haye been given on Eas- Mr. Pearce was for many- years ling-
warriFtl. Ifolit YOU SALL% ..,
ter Monday, was postponed. uutil to- gageman here and is known to all of
of ..4I. bait ot ursey.
night (Thday.t-RR. H01i)1)S, a
Ileing.composed North halt of the our citizens vrho will regret his clepar-
in the 1st concession of Stephen. situated Wingluun, occupied the pulpit n the ture.-The many friends of Mr. Gilbert
three quarters of a mile tontib of Exeter, containing 1 MethOtliSt church of this place, on Sun-
ee ants ot choice loud, good brick bouse, hard met Vandeburg will regret to hear of his
departure for Windsor, where be has
soft water in house, and two wells in fields also one
in titiie house, bald: barn, hen and p houses, and
drive shed, bon+ orehard; containing apples, pears,
raivberries, strawberries. ete., etc. Terms casv. For
particultirsapply to Mrs. Fanny Wilson, Eseter,P.0„
or to Thos. Vaineron, Farquhar. -
4 The property of SAMUEL CIMMORFl, thtrondale,
with small contributions from herds,of J. W.
•nnlispri and W. H. Ilarvey; in all 30 head of Short.
horns and 8 Yorkshire sows. To be held in the
Fair Grounds, in the
Wed., ?ay 6th, '03
Catalogues sm application to
Auctioneer, Thirondale,Ont
•Of valuable property in the Village of Biotin con-
sistinr, of the Oulley Opera Block and Premises.
The Proprietor having decided to leave Exeter, has
instructed the undersigned to oiler for sale by Puh•
lie Auction, on
SATURDAY, Tilt 161D DAY Of MAY, 1903
At the -hour 2 of o'cloek p. re.
Th p above desirable propeny, This property re -
%urns no introduction to the people of Exeter and
vicinity. It is comprised of that substantially built
and handsonuily constructed brick Monk, .1rnown as
Exeter's Operailonse and the store •prenuses there-
under nd-the land and appurtenances belonging
thereto, isspieudidly situated in the (ware of
our prosperous and progressive village on the West
side of Alain street, directly -Opposite the Town Hall.
The ground floor, at present occupied as a furniture.
store, forms a sparious and commodious emporium,
with exteriiive'plate.glass front, elegant show room
and convenient woi.kshop; thewhole being specially
designed and eminently fitted for the furnituretrade.
On the Second floor is contained one of the most
complete aud artistic opera bouseS in Western Ontar,
io, havipg every modern appointment, ancl possess-
ing equipment fer the eomfort 'pleasure and .afety
'of its i5atrons. 'Thoyearly reyenue derived from the
opera hoilSe alone while controlled by the proprietor
was $184. To eapindists the purchase of the above
Property, should be a revenue Producing investment
much more profitable than morteaec or stock invest-
menGs. To'any person in the furuitnre under:
taking lnasiness, Or contemplatiny such a business,
this sale will afford an opportunity of acquiring an
-old'established 'stand. Vossession lst January ' 1004.
20 per cent. of purchase money on day of sale,
'balance in fifteen days thereafter. Other terms
jg Made known on..day of sale. '
For further. particulars apply to Samuel Gidley, ESe.,
ak his residence on William street, or to
II. BROWN, 11I085011 &
Anctiocen, Solicitors fOr 'Vendor,
Exeter, lIketer.
day, both morning and evening, -Mrs.
G. Found left last -week for Winnipeg,
wb.ere she will join her husbande-Miss
Bessie Urquhart, of London, 15 visiting
friends here. -Rev. W. J. Doherty is
in London this week, attending the
Missionary Loan.
'WEDDING BELLS4-Atinther of those
pleasurable occasions winch so fre-
quently occur thronghout this country
and which will likely continue as long
as the world goes en, took place Satur-
day evening, April 11, by which Hen -
sell contributes to the happiness of
another London home. We refer to
the marriage of Mr. Joseph E. Knapp,
druggist, of London, to Miss Mabel T.,
eldest daughter of Mr. Robert Fulton,
of this village. About eight o'clock a
silence fell on those present, when Miss
Nettie Fulton, sister of the bride, came
forward and seating herself at the
piano, played the wedding march, at
which the happy' couple took their re-
spective places and. the ceremony was
proceeded with, the Rev. 15. Hender-
son, of Carmel church, tying the mare
tial knot. Miss Fulton's wedding robe
was a, marVel of elegance, combined
with rare symplicityt being of white
malina; a bridal veil and a beautiful
bouquet of cream roses completed the
.bridal array and as she took her place
beside her husband looked. indeed beau-.
. The Ceremony beingover and.
congratulations extended to the young
einiple, the aesemblege moved to the
dining room, where tables were spread
with alikind of delieaeles and we'
not .beanow too inhch praise- on' those
who provided the nepast.- Although
the weddieg was a gedet one, and no
invitations Were issued outside of,the
family circle, yet. the 'beide was not
forgotten, as ,was evinced .by the nng-
niflceni arra presents whichwere
presented to her. OteMonday morn-
ing a large n u inber o4 tho friends- of
the happy :couple assertible& at: the
station to see Oneni Way. - The
bride's geingeway gown MIS of • black
zebeline. cloth, and was of eXoteigite.
taste and neatness, while on het heed
vested a' violet hat; N'f bitch was very
,preety. Mr, and Mrs. Knapp will take
uptheir residence in Lotidon, where
the grooM has. resided for A number of
years: The amiable bride was very
prominent in social circles and Was a
general favorite with all classes here;
and most loved and reSpected where
best knowneind herOmany friends here
in wishing 'herself and Worthy
hnshand all happiness.' atid, pi'bsperity,
and may they find roses 'strewn -on the
rugged pathway of life.
secured a permanent position. Mr.
Vandeburg came here many years Ago
and has been engaged in umny import-
ant industries during the years that
Pailehill has been 1418 home and our
Tint SWW,-Mrs. Brenner is on the
sick list, Os is also Mr. Fred Page. -
Little Mairgareti Carriere is ill. -Mr.
IL Hamilton's two children Ara con-
fined to theie bed through illness. -Mr,
H. Smith and Mrs. James 'Atle are
also quite ill. We wish them all a
speedy awl complete recovery.
DE.orrts.-The keen sickle of death
lms entered our midst during the past
few days and two more of om• citizens
have been carried to the Unseen World
whence no weary traveller ever re-
turns. This week another wife and
mother has been called to pay nature's
debt. We refer to the death of the
beloved wife of Mrs. James Mollard,
which sad event occurred Tuesday, at
the age of 67 vc..ers. Deceased had been
citizens will all be pleased to lezkrn that ailing for the past six months from a
he has excellent prospects in Windsor. complication of diseases, but during all
her illness she bore it with great meek-
ness incl patience. Deceased was &life-
long resid en tof this place and her death
will be keenly felt by all. She was
a consistent member of the Methodist
church and WAS also a woman of noble,
Christian character, whom to know
was to love, and of whom it may be
truly said, did her best to leave the
world better than she foaucl it. With
her the claims of God and righteous-
ness stood first, and her neighbors, the
needy and those in distress, even found
one on whom they could call, assnred
of sympathy and help. Those at Grand
Beud who knew her so well. will long
remember her as a friend, tender and
true.. 1Vlost of all she will be missed by
her grief-stricken husband, besides
whom she leaves to mourn her demise
six sons and four daughters, who were
all present except, three sons and they
tire in the West And could not reach
here in tirne. The funeral on Thursday
was largely attended. The husband
and family have our commisseration,
and we trnst the remembrance of her
life will solace them in thine of afflic-
tion and the kindly ministrations of
sympathetic friends in some small way
held to relieve the•gloon).-On Sunday
in °Pint g last when all, earth was robed
in her mantle of green aud Old Sol
was shedding his bright rays o'er the
lanci, everything seemed glad but des-
pite all the .Angel of Death was doing
its work and in its flight carried away
the spirit of one of our .well-known
and highly reseededyonng men, in
the pevson of Mr. Frederick Mollard,
at the -age of 34) years. Deceased lapel
been in. failing health for some years,
and although his death wae not inl east
nnexpected, yetit leaves a sting, aUll
to -day we miss him, but he now sleeps
in his. calm, peaceful home, where the
immortal soul may see "the light that
was never seen- on land or sea." Death
must come and we must go, so, at the
hour ofpine o'clock on Sunday 551(5410 -
in, while lying' on a bed of sickness,
he closed hie eyes mid plitssed away.
He leaves to survive him his sorrowing
parents, four brothers and foursisters,
besides -a host of relatives and , friends,
who have the genuine sympathy of
the entire community in theloss they
have sustained.
-Miss•May Quarry, ',bo has been Vis-
iting at her homehere, during the Eas-
ter vacation, has reterned to Chatham
to resume her duties in the public:
school there. --Mr. Robt. Ferguson still
continues very John Jeffer-
son, who has so successfully managed .
the flax mill here for many years for
Hector Goon, of Ailse Craig, has ac-
quired the full eontrol of them for this
year at least and will run it himself. -
Miss Anna Garden is on a visit to rela-
tives and friends in Loudon and Dur-
ham. -Miss Dona Rogers is • visiting
friends in 'Woodstock. -Mie Dan York
and fatally ilaVe moved to Sarnia, -
Mr. Adam Grieve And family left last
week for their future home in Arcola,
Assa.--Mr. Henry Ellis has purchased
J. S. Elliott's farm on the townline.
He will take possessioo in September.
Hr. j. S. Schram has gone to London,
where he has accepted. a situation in
A. Screaton & Co's drepery depart-
menneeMr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Mac-
Donald have arrived honie from South -
ere California, where they. leave 'spent
the past year anda half, Mr. McDon-
eld looking after the interest of him-
self and brother inthe saintly isouth.
They aree•eceteing the glad hand shako
of Welcome from theirlamely friends
and though Much impressed With the
many faseinations of. :the southern
climo still:have a tender -spot for mild
Parkhill. -The Public and High schools
reopened Monday and the teachers
and scholaesfeel tench refresheenafter
their holicloyei feW, eveniegs ago
Miss Florence Feat*, prior in herde-.
pAetene for Port "Buren; ' wa§. in v,i Lod
to attend a Special meeting of ,the Bap -
fist Yonne People's Urami in the
Church Anci when an enjoyable eveting
had been spent by all an, address was
i.eod to Miss Pearceby Mr, Win. Dick-
son, the Soperineepaent 'of the Sunday
School and the was presented by.'Mas-
tereGeorge Me.ggs and Bert !,Schram,
two of her Sunday school -sCholars,
ivith a choice bon-bondish and a teeth-
er hthle on behalf of the society. Miss
Pearce be greatly' missed by (Mr
LB ApOst friends as She was a good work-
er in the chorch anthill joined in wish,
ing her snecess inter pew horn. -Mr.
Percy Meredith had his toe •arnpetated
at the first, jOiel; lest Week.
Graliton 4 ICI PP 11
Miss Flo Berley, of Lion's Head, is! A SVIMUN DEATIL-A, very old and
visiting at W. a steaners,---elies Loki highly respeeted nesident of this vicin-
moweran of the 13afealu State liospit- itv received a very sudden ealI frniu
iNiN1,,,teLVal wen ttiolliag. itirIttilgPrieie0:113011y1711;41-11:4111114i atialiyn igeoltnoulthoe. 4.41 vertu 3refofti;
from the London flospital. is, we 4041j to the deatirof Mr. N -Vin, Kyle, of the
pleaetal to state, rapicli_nv recovering.-- town line, Hay, near hear, and the
Me. T. E. A. Stanley, af,A„ principal antiouncement of widen wits emelt 44..e
of the In/Alois High School, hes ten! sed ebock to the people here. Mr.
1.fl4II('d his duties there,after a pleasant Kyle had not been in the best of
visit at his home bere.-Mrs.jcie Brook , health for scapetime, but was able to
and ale, ltoyJainienan left last week get around, and on Monday morning
for Calgary. Alta. chielobrz&il lateine ealuttcl!einthotot•oheoltoliontglsesk4)0.8uncel
it &Ian On it cheine and although be
anode no comp:tint. in a few minutes
afterwards his wife and other mem-
bers of die Overly ueliced Beat there
wee arena -thing wrong- with loina and
io 4 iel.v wheezes afterwards the spirit
hell taken its departnre. Ile Fussed
awey withinit ik temente and- tie if
nsleep, lOyle 'Lli=e; 11444111
advaii.:iisd in ye avi:ls one of
tined theee two for life took place on 111(' th1s
fkolretmtledt.s:b1y4,the Rev .. .rA. a :VA,,'1l7ayf'l.aofi`$,v:°17..1V1at41‘,".1;tifl lf!"" T.;.•4411I11:•!l4• ;410.
.6i1i.t414'1V0 11an3dt18
t t1w1)nu.ortlttioit: 11I:7,11731i;,eas1toIIt8(entygletsatiel.:i;;71/1;:Nh
theeireimmv was efer 4[niwhet
( 44 e4t4:IItl4 eg1ifiiti;;IP.1.;;1:;T:11V.3;11,c,--NVtbeautiful bouquet. of white 1')'0t5.. Mss 4.
hose frecicientiv 4.f late reforee.t fo the
Emily Fitzpatrick. of Senile/lei. made -; Alef '; 1554
14. iliarmingt brideemakiii.eli .1) ,ing ; Sit lielete %me ti."
.11" bac!" ginlitani; t(Jtilict. itince ':411; AN'S" :I:: 4:1"4 ; Ittit
14.:1$ bv his hrother, Mr. A. 15•ett.t.i :11t.;.4:
tteT4; ,,k4 :i1.1t10(,1;:.
Rimer. Mn. Roney is admired acid u
lielovecl by a wide eircle of friiniale, oee for over :re" year:. Ile, lied Leen
eild she leavee Ifilibert svnit the sin-
wehes of alfor her filture.Af.f44.3;,,itl,,rcztrt forrixlst
ter the eerementy wire perf•eetwel • ir t•,Mlihiesi to the leattee
emigreinlatione extended thi• whide ket of the time. 1'4.1' --;ev4v41 w vets
towircoly witorea to the dining omen pi kr le lin ilienh lik• wee mediae to
whiTt. tilt. 'ROM 11344111 With 1,tvo• lie ,i 04114, ece4keit wa--
maintaining for .Mr. tool !qrs.. most clistre-e.:14r, tint . kat he 11,400
Balfour their envieble repotatielit WitrOtiOtri whit an nineatatpl !?,
.;!.`1 et T:11.:t140. a':.1 -,„As. .14? '4
tvi Nnt1"41;int. ,.144.01411i41 i 1443(1 it.t'Ltl 20 :V z Zalni:11147:il agelobt.T' cv143.1S,:,,:11)14:•;.:Ziater
eink•ren wee e stanto.li :um+ tpv.33
k•very sen t 14-111*; 140 WZIti tine
",:s7 -it 146,14,1010.1..i. h41$
integeity and mend k O ei,,ku
hint the etindidenee am! reepeet elf lois
fellown, while his 0, ':14 4. :4
of head and ha•art made WM :a plote-
ant ezinipionion and it true, wevin
friend. But for hie mienntudirg 1.1141114
e• Joel nikeit.eo dine. ea le nt lie might
havP 41PON1117.44 3 llitleil 110010111"4”nit.ent;
poeitikke in the eikumeteity wive e he
ail lived NC) inhff Mal Ilt. WO•i•
I evvytvil eel) h;''1 1!1V it
ed. Ills kikettli sevk•re E'.4',4'. t'-
111014? to hie family zo:k1 :She:Ale enal
ilistinet lekes to the mith ren000ntity.
CO rb et t,
'Mr. J. It. Merbereem, whew has been
ill kwf late. is now til•le to be around
ein feet has rel in loll to
10xtt4.'-BA1.Fta1t4-0ae OM fair-
est and loviniest of the daughters of
this townsbip was hest week carried
away tO grat:e bonne in the fae fouled
West, Tile young lady Wati MiSS
ces Evelyn, thoighter of Mr. am/ Mrs.
limey Delfour, and the lucky maw
Mr. Jelnietkok C. Roney, son of Mr.
Henry Romer. The eerentouv which
WAR VIVI' 110•40Wed 014 11470 young Po.
pie itt t1 ildtiPlIt their married life.
She and Mrs. Roney left this week foe
Toronto, Montreel. thenee to their
home at Bonbeani. Man., about sixty
milee this side of Winnipeg. We wish
the happy couple a long and useful life
aud eonti Menet prosperity, it ncl we are
only echoing the fervent wishes of the
hoet of Weals,
J. 0. STANDI'Mr. itionvtle
Stanturyl IlArrigor, Snli, itor, Noi•ary, 0140 oicower,
shiaty 13 14:311, 'INtft r kale
Eno Rift saP,
undeisiiinolha*fer osie 11 quantiiy isav
eboire Uri Mar, Aisle and 'Timothy 44..4rca,
A huge lumber of OM' PitiZellS
tellded the Conference of the Evan-
gelical Aesoelathin iti Daelawood last
%vet*nd on StIndun 011.PdaAY., after:p
lanvisit lwe"e
ening the monlikes of the "lel t „'",''y"H„1445 ftreu-
itlt Evangeical churcb,drove overand it,;:r;,iitn,,,e• took prt inthe program cif the even. eneeemJndtAlg'144WPCking.-upWM. 18g18"(18 new ad11- AN'hn tiriitnti resTile.tiOli to bis dwellingis amost finished ii.
and will bo occupied by Mr. William San Droeatt. -One little leirgh has
NViner who will move Into it Ude week. been saddened this week by the death
Mr. Wie. G meaty will move Into the of Miss L a. daughter or Ro'. A.
dwelling, vacated by Mr. Winer. --Mr. Thilm Wean, the Ponta:1r paetor of the
Chas. Zwicker hag purohased an upeto. Grand Bend Methodist eirenit. Cor-
date buggy from Mr. Thos. Trevetinek. belt. That one so yelling aud clever
-Mr. Wm. Kunz, of Exeter, was in shoul1 be suddenly offled away by the
-allege Sunday. He was accompanied Angel of Death „seems almost leered -
by his nieces, Misses Ella Link and 4 ible, the sad event taking plate on
Edna Eilber, who have been visiting Wednesday, Area 15, at the age of 2t
their aunts there during the past week. yezirs. Miss Thibaut-lean was seized
-Henry Eilber, M.P.P., left on Tiles- 1 with an attack of that dzingeeous
day,for Toronto to attend the Legisla- 1 PaSei perilonitle. :owe ten days ago,
t ure.-Mrs. Wyatt and family.of %Vin- but AWLS apparently reeevering rapidly
nipeg, who have been visiting relatives until Sunday night, when she snffered
in this vicinity the past winter, left a relapee, kind from that moment little
for London .Monday, where they willhrokeipi.vsvenitsi Ne‘1.81 loirel:1111:117771...
ler40. St. Thoinate 11. boll Melanin
and Domeetic Seience, and had many
friends and companions. She was
universidly liked and admired, and
dPeri SOrrOW preIntils ilt bee IffIltifiltly
end. She made her home with Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Humphries, of Park -
studies np till summer TaCation.-Mr, hill and during her stay there W0.'l well
Nelson Standish, of the Merchants' known and most highly esteemed by
Bank is ill with the grippe, His many all, especially so by the young people
friends wish hint a speedy recovery.- who knew her best. As an evalence
The Rev. Sam. Brown and wife, .of
Niagara, Rev. Geo. Brown and wife,
of Chesley; Rev. L. Wittick, of Deem-
erton; Rev, Geo, Brown, of Hamilton,
and Rev. J. G. Litt, P.E., of Waterloo,
visit friends for a few weeks. -The
township received a carload of cedar
lumber on Tuesday from Owen Sound.
The lumber is in excellent condition
and of the best material. -School ve-
opened on Monday, after the Easter
bolidays. (Sante a number of the little
follzs began school. Now for hard
of the decelised s popularity and ;chili-
ity it is only necessary to state that
she 'WAS n few years ago chosen as one
of the delegates from Western On tai io
te attend a great convention at North -
were in the villewee during the pa t field, the hoOle of the late Dwriglit L.
week visiting friends end r el a ti v es . cial,11-..erSlilsie. th.‘Tovc' sis rhete,rhsrsyhoz;
Mr. Her Sweitzer is having tile ing
and a, host of friends who have the
heartfelt sympathy of the community.
No written) words can convey to thet.
the condolence extended in their be-
half, nor will wordsafford them any
measure of relief from th e severe shock
and man 0 101 afflictioirte which . 1 hey
have just been stabjected. The funer-
al took place Friday afternoon to the
Parkhill cemetery and Was atteuded
by a large concourse of friends.
dwelling, occupied by Mr. Wm. Erb,
repaired With a new siding on the ex-
terior. -Messrs. Wuerth, Heist & Co.,
shipped a car -load of flax tow on Mon-
day from Centralia station. -Mr. Alon-
zo Hodgins is breaking his' colt and
seems to be a good horseman. -The
weather man is giving us very peculiur
-weather of late. One day spring and
the next winter. Tuesday's MOW Cf111S-
ed our citizens to hnnt up their over-
coats and fill up their wood boxes.
(From Another Source)
Mr. Blnett, Miss Robson Linn Miss
McBean have returned from their hol-
idays and resumed their duties at the
public school. They report a very
pleasant va cation. -Mr. Gilmore, man-
age' of the Sderoign Bank, spent Sun-
day in Exeter. -Our merchants have
adopted early closing and find it very
satisfactory, -Last week we were re-
ported as having a scarcity of tenor
singers. Well, we have a few, and we
believe, if as much time was spent in
teaching them es critizising them they
woeld be more faithful and not so apt
to desert their post. An encipher sug-
gests, paythem, not for the value of
their services, but "'Tis sweet to be
realm bered.”-Wonder when there is
to be another card party? Young peo-
ple must have some variety or life
would beconie monotonous. Ministers
as well as others make mistakes, hut
perhaps some of those who did not get
art in vitetion were disappointed and
had to air their feelings in the local
paper. -There is some talk of organiz-
ing a bicycle club here Mad it would be
agood idea, as warm weather is not
congenial or healthy for card parties.
Comen-Donseron-E.--In Trinity church,
Mitchell, on the 1541h inst., by Rev.
Mr, Howard, Mr. HogI3 Barry
Combe, of Clinton, to Miss Julia.
Isabel Dunmore, of Mitchell.
RoNEY-BALronat--In Hibbert, at the
home of the bride's parents, on the
15th inst., be Rev. A. McAuley, B.
A., Mitchell, Miss Frances Evelyn
Bidfortr, to Mr. Johnstone C. Roney,
of Hibbert.
13enne--In Biddulpli, on April 18,
James Blair, -aged,63 year,11 months
and 18 days.
Tokt-In, Exeter, on April 18th, John
Charles Toni, aged 61 years18 ononths
and 18 days.
GOULD-In Sexernitli, Hay tp. on •
April 19, Joseph Gould, aged 87
years, 5 months, 25 days.
CARtiNG-In Exeter, on April 16, Ann
Balkwill, relict of the late 'Isaac
Carling, aged 78 years, 6 months,
15 days.