HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-16, Page 7W'ITA.L1'S .APPETITE..
A whale's appetite is phenomenal..
oliet diet consists of jellyfish. He
has simply to open his mouth and
paddle along leisurely in order to
take. in feilyAsh by the wagonload.
Such is the method adopted by the
'whalebone whale. The sperm w•hala,
ou the contrary, captures ihuge.
squids, weighing often several tons,
Eike leas brother, the whalebone
• whale, lie must be constantly On the
l0000nht for food., otherwise be would
starve, As many as %urteea seals
have been. taken from d thirty-foot
"killer," Other fishes of enormous
appetite are not r.ncornnten. The
bluefish, for example,, thrives on sar-
dines axed other small .fish. Most
curious of all eaters is the hydra
a Strange creature that can be tura-
w n -"ed aside out w tleoot impairing his
appetite or =""s Power to eat.
Weariness, Eassitntde And a Posit'
to AVnid, EXertiorr,
There are hese people who hate not.
experienced what is aptly termed
the spring feeling. Languor and
weariness. fess of appetite. tonehea
o; - fodigastien, piniplea and frrite-
tion of the skin. They all conne
with the spring. All these ills are
banished bar fir. 'infixes" fink Pills,
jhey: enrieb the blood,- brace ug the
llerrtta; uu Ghetto away all spring
Weer'inest Pr. 3it3linttal Pink PP'S
are • the beat tonic medicine in the
world, They make .law, rich, red
Wolk k a r'engt en annex and women
lend make the roses of !Wrath 'bloom
an petlUd cheeks. H'wwre la ,proof: 3liss
Catherine .Iobnstan. Gardner Mines,
N. B., Soya: "I was very touch run.
gown,. and -so weak that I woudsi.frc-
rluerttly have to lie down. lar otkpe
Me was poor end toad, dist,aetcfui.
,often suffered from, headaches, and
rho least exertion .left lue completely
used up.. 1 used a few hoses of Dr.
William'. fink .'ills and s4lren then
I halo felt like a raw person. 1 do.
Pot know of any Inedicina equal te•
Otte pima."
In time climate et tonic its alt ohne.
lute neceseity In spring, and health
will bra gained and looney •se od by
tieing on Dr. Williams' fink Pills,
Don't take a atubetitute ar some.
thlog Bice swtid to be "just as
geed," If In doubt send to the Dr.
♦i'illiAtns' Medleino Co., Brockville.'
Ont.. and the• pine will be mailed
aeost paid cat AQ cents per 'box tar
rix boxes for *UAW.
M.krn; ALL TRE DZ;FL'Is" ItF;v"4F,
The plaintiff's ease was that ten
feet of ground claimed by bis neigh-
bor Brown was hitt,
"You claimten feet of 54r,
Brown's ground as yours?" said the
counsel for the defendant.
"I co.'s
"'When did you first becunic arrant
et 'titin elain?"
"Ever uineo be entered Jo posses-
sion. two years ago."
"And you have never brought this
cult before nosy?"" Why was that?"
"I was trying to eolue to en arlhi-
cait`e agreement."
"Now, air. Jones, please attend
to my question. Did you not, only
last December, toil lair. Brown that
your ground only came to the point
at which he claims?"
"I you sea-'•--"
"Now, her. .Tones" please answer
my quostien. Remember you are on
oath. Did you not do as I have
"Ah!" replied the tnr witting wit
mess -- "bait that was when we were
shovelling the snow oil our pave-
We are permitted to make public
the following letter, which is ,a fair
sample of hundreds vtiritten by mo-
thers throughout Canada praising
Baby's Own Tablets:
Dunbar, Ont., March 18, 1903,
Several weeks ago my baby wast
very areas and III owing to troubles
common to children when teething.
A correspondent highly recommended
Baby's Own Tablets, saying she
would use no other medicine for lied
baby. I sent for a box, used theni
ac, ording to directions, and ntusi
say that 1 have found them the boat
medicine tor a teething child I have
ever tried. One Tablet every other
d keeps my baby well and I am
e of my rust at night. I echo
the worth of my friend and say
' h hey arwit just splendid."
Mrs. Charles Willard.
Baby's Own Tablets will cure all
the minor ailments of children, and
may be given with absolute safety
to even a new born baby. These
• 'Tablets are the only medicine fox
4jialcirett sold under an absolute
guarantee to contain no opiate or
harmful drug. Sold by druggists or
sent- by mail post paid at 25 cents
' a box .by writing direct to the . Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
The biggest orchar'd in the world
is at Lebanon, Missouri. It extends
over 2,300 acres in size and contains
138,000 trees. More than a million
dollars'; worth of apples are grown
each year; its harvesting employs
hundreds of men, womeh, and boys,
while its marketing requires many
entire freight' trains.
• Use Levcr's Dry ,„soap (a powder)
to wash wooiens and flannels,--
you'll like it.
Would-be Cyclist 'I thought you
said that after twelve lessons of an
hour each I should know how to
ride?" Cycling Instructor• — "So
you would, sir, if you hadn't spent
the best part` of the time on the
I suffered': with nervous headache
arid- indigestion, The use of Dr.
Au*st, Ifoenig's 1•t'axnbure Drops.
cured me entirely.—Frank -Barnard,;
410, ` venue D., San' Antonia, Tex.;
May 22.
Germany has a pay -wedding, at.
which the bride receives her guests
with a basin before her in which
each person entering 4elaosits a
Jewel, a siivrg spoon, or a piece. of
Ttteney, In some parts of Got -Pm -13y
the rule is that the expellsea of the
marriage feast shall be met by eacl.
guest paying for what he eats lar
drinks, The prices, paid for viand$',
oral drinks are high,, .and the young
couple often ?cake a, handsome pro -
et out of their 'veddfng, realizing a,
sum quite stafdcieut to start 'Cherie
nicely in We Soraaetin es as 4i1a1 '
as BOO guests are pre;>ent at setcla
weddings, The Polish way—to be
seen at their weddings—of getting
the bride a "dot" is very sihnflar to
that .of the Germans.
Ceylon Tea is the finest
Tea the world produces,.
andis sold only In lead
Black., Mixed and Green.
illotn tea trr'a'Sattsda" Gnent,P►,
Averages for the beiglit of wornen
show that those • born in summer
and autumn are taller than those
born int spring or winter. The
Tallest - girls are born in
August. As far as boys are
concerned, those who first see the
light during autumn and winter are
not so tali as those born in spring
and suietner. Those born in Novem-
ovem .ber are the shortest, in July the
Deafness cannot Be Cured
load d applleations as they ditto!*
reset, tbe 141$enEetp. norlltew etthe 5Qt'
Where is only 505 10431 10 ;wire detoxic€aa.
aed that is' b' LOOS .,*thenal releseiirs,
d eoesess is tat/sect by. au ixat9euied con*
+dtage of the xauceus Hideo at_' he p .
tactile/1 Tube. When this tube. is lefle?n--
ed ),Tia have nn nbttog sound ar tttt-
perfect hearing. and when it is etatirety
closed, Peefnrss is VW. result" And tub.
leas Lha: infntnastation ran he token oat
and this tube restored to its normal
condition. hearing will be destroyett for-
ever, r..7ine 05555 out of ten Are caused
by Catarrh. which is ntttlung but ars
1nilwtnhe4 coneitaan of tbe ritusotlf Aar*
11'e will give One Uundred Dollars ter
itchy ease et Pea.f:alss (eauaed by catarrh)
that cannot he cured by Hairs Caatenh.
a1ure. fiend for circtltars. free.
I', ,1. CalENEhf d; Oct.. Toledo, tar
caold by 1?ruggtats. 'Tee.
Hatll'et easily rota are the bast.
Two torpedo boats of the German
MAW. aro in future to be stationed
On the Rhine.,
Stili Another Triumph—3U. Tbo nits 8
Bullete Sunderland, writes; "For four
teen yearn 1 waas tfillett:1 with Piles: and
frequently 1 Was nimble to walk or bot,
anti four years ego I was cured by using
1)r.'l'hornas Ee1ectrie Oil. 1 baro also
been subject to Quinsy for over forty
years, b n Eelectrie Uai cured it, audit
avis a perum:meapt sure in bath cid, its
neither the Pikes nor Quill bare troubled
me silica',
There are 1.MIA public buildings in
Berlin. Of these. the State owns
8334 and tlTe municipality di)7.
Ilollowey's Corn Cure is the medicine
to remove alt kinds of corns and warts.
and only costs the small nom of twenty,
five cents.
"Spring has canmk" cried the ice-
man jubilantly. '"Nay," sighed the
coal man. "Winter bus gone."
nor over ittsfy ]rtes!.
A.!€ QI,D AID W5ibir'atXO assoo'. a1di<
WU,1a ratiootblarfayru 5u beta won for user sixty
Manby maligns et loathers far thole children stile
bunking, with ordeal, mactow, 7t **taboo the *kW,
tattoos the gam, allay* all oda, cores wind cella, ase
litho beet re. a for fh[arrbote. In ;ppualimt to tie
Mate. told by 4 ottlrta is ern* :part of the woad,
Twti.5, iutaabo5io, lea sante i, teneleaiabie,
sereenoolk or Alta \t'lulotrs nothing ilyn p
"1 fancy Jones must have paid
Robinson what lea owes pini."
"Wby?" "Well; didn't you notice
that the passed Robinson's baby
without kissing it?"
Permits buy Mother Graves' Worm Ex
terminator because ,hey know it is a sate
medicine for their children and an ef[ec
ual expeller of worms,
Madge — "Tell us, dear, did be go
down on his knees when he propos-
ed?" Polly "No. In his confu-
sion be went 'down on this bat."
'Ilossway, Jan. t"'.S, 14101.
0, 0.:1 TCIIARDS A 00.
Skier Sirs — This fall I got thrown
on a fence and hurt my chest very
bad so 1 could not work and it hurt
ane to breath*. I tried ell kinds of
Liniments and they id me no good.
One bottle of MXNARD'S
a4,r,1NT warmed on flannels and ap.
plied on my breast cured me com-
C. H. COSSB11001l,
1tossway, Digby Co., N. S.
Mrs. lIppson — "Your ganidfather
is an octogenarian, is be not?" Mrs.
Neurich — "Indeed, he isn't anything
of the sort. He is the most truth-
ful man I ever bumped up against."
A Pill for Generous Raters.—There are
many persons of healthy appetite and poor
digestion who, after a hearty metal are
subject to much suffering. The food of
which they have Partaken lies like lead in
their stomachs. Headache, depression, a
sinotherrng feeling follow. ne so af,•
fiicted is unfit for business or work of any
kind. In this condition Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills will bring relief. They.will.as-
sist the assimilation of the ailment, and
used accorcliug to directions will restore
healthy digestion.
'11 tell you, sir, kissing the hand
that smites you is notching to what
I saw in this hotel this morning.
"What was that?" "The -porter
blacking the boot that kicked him
last night."
Shirt waists and dainty
linen are made delightfully
dean and fresh with Sin'.
lig,it Soap. ` .10
$0I4 C_" f ONUNDI U11tS.
Why is the vowel "0" the only ono
sounded? Because the nest are lei,.
Why is the letter "I:w like a sail+,
Or? It follows the c (sea).
Why is a pair of skates like an
apple? .Because they hare occetsiot-
ed the fail of man.
Why is a book like a lung? It bus
many pages.
What hnlros to keep a secret? Seal -
mg Wag.
When is ail newspaper like a delicate
person? Wheat it. Appears weekly.
At what age should a. room marry?
At the parsonage.
Why is a eommittee of enquiry like
h eaanthohn? It makes a Matti.
Whet Is the rest popular paper at
a summer resort? 7' ilk' raper -
What coat is finished without but-
tons alibi put on wet? A coot of
What tree is snnst suggestive of
kissing? Yew,
What, is oven better tbun presence
of mind fat a railway atecident? .4
aence of body*.
What is that which wilt give
mid. cure sa, void, and pay the dos
for"s bill? A draught (draft).
What is that whichh, is neither flesh
area heat, and yet bus flour finger's?
A glace.
What' notes compose the most far-
erica tones, tatted how teeny tunes do
they compose? .Sasaki note; coal
they *sag (four) fortunes.
!Rads 1lalmeat Cure; tri sd etCl
The Fijian ;fossil .coral is the best •
building -stone io the world. Soft. e
ehease when .first cut, it hardens far
the air to the consistency of granite.
Vs yon=g sn5 'L1740174 rzaaaafdasa,
hat alas tc et. the tleresbel5 et the
Oleo et rear etIIFttr, legtaase and
1011, 411014,P. KNOT*
11aRaa fe aaxam: rxwtra teal tree Bite
iy eaarat fcr tits , giving `elft
at t ,at ttuttbr tiro( onaosfaal
ttta.liovitlydovtagoet the fast of
ittw�rsa fit ttaaait•iltrr.* Or,.
The "Star of Hope" new.spnlwrr a
Itnablither) twice a week in the fa
mous - fiiang4Sirng 1'riahla of New
Yerkc. Its vontrihnuators, editors.
tints, caSaatphshsitors, raid 'p'a9alifilers
are the convict inmates. From
ginning to end the work its etarl'iesd
out €.hely by the prisoners. The
first isruo appeared three years tugaa.
and the journal is now aaclanowlyd wd
to he one of the roost educational
and reformative teeters in Sing -
Sing and its four subsitliaty
stRut lone.
Mivardis liniment urea Diphtheria
"Do you know anything about the
people who have moved next .hoar?"
she Inquired. "Not much," m an-
swered, "except that their honey-
moon is not 3'et aver." "How dill
you And that out?" "i3y Warning.
It was raining when he came home
his evening. but she did not Mae
Ilia. stop at the front door to wipe
his feet.
Camilla producers one bushel of
wheat to thirty bushels grown elite -
where in the world. Notsvithetnnd.
log this fart, Canada Is by far the
largest exporter of ;ngriculturatl im--
plantents in the world, her popula-
tion being taken into conrddoratkon.
During the past seven yearn the ex-
ports of Cansdieu Implements ]save
reached the unit total of ten mile
lions of dollars, or equal to the ex-
port of twenty million buebels of
wheat grown in the groat North-
west at fifty ,coats per lesehel. These
facts .should certainly establish in
the minds of all thinking farmers
the .excellent quality and the high
refettaetion which appertain to Caat-
ndian-nide implements. Canadian
iinpiemoute are exported to every
country in the world where grain is
grown,except to the United States.
That market is a aeele l book to
Canadian implement manufacturers
as well as to the Canadian farmer..
for hardly any of his products find'
a market there, while the aggres-
sive Auneriean is competing all over;
the world. and in Canada, too, for'
every inch of ground now held by the
Canadian fernier and manufacturer.,
Don't you think it would be to;
your own advantage, as well as to
the advantage of Canada as a nal
tion, that articles should ne grown
and made at bouts that are con-
sumei3 by the Canadian people?
Think the matter over, and see whe-
ther it is not your duty to work
for this end.
"There is something elevating in
music," said the artist. "Yes," an-
swered the manager; "music certain-
ertainly has the effect of stimulating lofty
ideals as to salary."
l+ti?f GtP
as fnvelnitb:e to women apsli,claell
0 exlbeu sF> a offe a% ami a
s1.nsst*pn, very eateld r
11110111'8- t11118n1` CVOs carper to Cows.
.Old Dr. Grimshaw (tothe medical
student) — ''And now, remember
that to a physician humanity is di-
vided into . two classes." Student—
"Anil what aro they, doctor?" Old
Dr. Grixnshaw — "The poor whom
he cures and the rich whom ha doc-
..ii.,Y r�,. ..•7,7,.7: �ki�r2.?i' .v ...r%1e.': i.
With the, old surotre
to cure"..
Lumbago and Sdi
There is no ettchr woad was toil. Price. 25c. ws*3d Ufa lb
is -ea,
t -t
ft AQUA td be.. easy for people who. chink acid. mals Bhhse Ri tion I
Label 'Tea to say satnethtng that 'gill induce theft friends .to try
Twenty ire Bash Prizes will be awarded in order of mi rjt to tbtrse
sdvertisefntents for Blue Ribbon Red babel Tea,
sending in: tbe best
-First Prize
Second Prize .
Third Prize
4th to 13th Prizes
x4th to 25th, 5,,00 each
.a $2•
^^ a 40,
noon each • zoq.€
don,. IaegiraOIOg with the wee1c ending April 4. a 4pecW
. lxsfze of y.co srikb he given to the one senutoz in the best
...irartasenriant dcering that creek, arnaTang fou the ti; oe weess
a sot 111 Fusers, Ofa end tataal of tbtsty. ou.r h prizes, ,$45•
we. pi. feidensi tett. writer, tier anyear Vonheetcd ditafly ex istlitectl_y•
fv1 lt:libon Tea Ccasyatay* zuy eel:alm .
estiteMents iamg lax nahlain Mtge than o wards, ansi shrf ar eau. aril
of the ands urrd in Fading Blue Ribboa Red tab -al Tea-athere s..
in .each l kage- nns t b en sed . stn eael, hatch cif aadrertitt.
lS 55111.
sazrnfastiticri wr!cses Mitis s. 1903. and ell competingadredEarceesis most
one of the (ellewieg etalressta elf or Wore that date,
dkabcxt* Ten Co.. Wf1tntpeg, Man.
Ibborx Tea Co*, Toronto, Ont,
ibbon Tea Co., Vancouver,
itlt, No per a shell1<e awarded razere than sze.ef the mato Trim. to way lit*
take ore e. esete esti ta.
In case era 'w4'.1; he bite ea all the ad€erdste*ents admitted
Ly the compete., is atssLra.
'$ . l rats, d f the Winnipeg Tse:si ratra, hal Maly a ss ltd tejase
ens; eM cats ansa e.+ 3 pr es,
teammate that ;Taiwi]d to wits ata glriat:*. but *hie*.
4 enough to be sv. stptot3 for srubliihasltiOn.
lbw p.tt14 for at tho vat* aroz.QO wsacla
:trettu mstiess37 rem. cord to dist eaetraty, we sr';11 a aa.7.11as o;.atteltea at lahcrsl
is ysa'tl tla the tact! 5e cf peat visa ,5e.
A goad adresri;uaent .realsae trathfol and contain a ilea hr",,;bdy
lorally ehlp entad. A licrai:dt soled letter with asisiresa and date 1r.' aa:c'ak at*
WI leas tote the , i* a. ga'9td foal. -An aslrenisrrnc3 A r enarti..a s:S Y'aard wli:zw;ot
aasao.,atte shah it, Brea by cenarast, any unfltatant ulee. That text adsersite-
is the Q „2 that sv141 iadcse the Mian peep,; Oat my the aatia e a eeeti.tal.
inspiration, In a Cup or Blue
T,aatbel ' ssut l nd the
new. #s :,'ours.
?l UN1CI1'AL
31 / TO 70
No cheap paint is as gid
as Ranisay's Paints) nor xs tiie
paint so Cheap.
Every can and every colo llas ell Stl illi
high, quality.
Sendue*peste.red, tee.ettosatn . 1111* Toon. ea well Arend oatr
booklet showing bow'same beautiful tunnel #re palutc.1 with out
h. ILAIt9AY tr.). SON, faint molter., MONTREAL.
Corporation, Limited,
We have Mexicans, WE
Catiforaia Navels, HAVE
Valencias, and THE
Sevilles. BEST
Carload every week. All the above at
market prices. We can also handle your
Butter, Eggs, Poultry,
Maple Syrup and other produce to advan-
tage for you.
, Cor. West Marker 6*., TO.ZONTO.
Irtrarsasi'tniel, 'tea M entotecrllawstaors
bny quantity of dry. mixed wo.,d. suitable tot
rick bawling, for early delivery. State oath
price, f.0.h leer nation. .A.ddreas, 8IMPSOid
eltI JK 00.. I Toronto St., Toronto. Tela.
phone Main 707.
London was made a bishopric A.
D. 314, Bangor in 516, Winchester
not until .635. Llandaff is another
ancient bishopric. It dates from A.
D. 450.
Suffer No More. -There are athousand
who live miserable lives because dyspepsia
dulls the faculties and shadows existence
with the aloud of depression. One way to
dispel the vapors that beset the victims of
this disorder is to order them a course of
Parrnelee's Vegetable Pals, which are
among the best Vegetable Pills known
being easy to take and are most efficacious
in their action. A. trial of thein will prove
One day two Irishmen, one of
whom was summoned to appear be-
fore tbe Bench on a certain charge,
were standing outside a local police
court. Be who had soon to stand
somewhere else .— in the dock —
looked anxious and 'downcast, while
his friend, who was trying to cheer
him, said, "Come, Mike, kape up yer
heart, me boy; shore, now, an' it's
justice that ye'll be after gittin' this
day," "Be me sowl, Barney,' re-
turned Mike, lowering his voice, "an'
that's jist,what Oi'xiz afeared ant "
T N U 423:
Frost Wire Fence is a Strong Fence
The zo writes and 6 stay fence finis heavy uprights. There M
not a weak spot in its construction. It will last three times as 1014as other fences. Place your order for 'host Fence, satisfaction
Wife Fe
guaranteed. Write for catalogue.
The Frost Witnce Co., Ltd., Welland, Out, and Winnipeg, Alan.
171 millions yearly, while the whole
of the Civil Service costs but £2,-
The :road coiistructecl by Napoleon
over the Simplon Pass has 264
bridges, and rises to a height of 6
560 feet.
Britain's revenue department costs
It may be only a trifling cold, but nes
lett it and it will fasten its fangs in your
lungs, and you will soon be carried to an
untimely grave. In this country we have
sadden changes and must expect to have
coughs and colds. Wo cannot avoid them,
but we can effect a cure by using Bickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the medicine
that has never been known to fail in cur-
ing coughs, colds, bronchitis and all af-
fections of the throat, lungs and chest.
The now international code of
shipping signals, became compulsory
last January 1. It consists of 26
Sags, and the pennant. In the new
code C means "yes" as before, and
D is "no." L flag indicates cholera
or plague aboard.
binard's [Irked puree Birt t era
Author — "When you come to my
new book, I hope you will not be too
severe on me."
Critic — "I read it last week, and
my criticism was certainly not iietri-
Author-- "Why, I didn't see any
notice of it in your column!"
Critic — "Of course not. We have
always been friends, and for that
reason I refrained from printing my;
candid opinion of it."
ear I That's the greatest thing in the
world,"—in anything that's worn. You get style,
fit and finish too, in
—But the one thing we emphasize is their
Wearing Qualities.
"Granby Rubbers Wear .lite iron."
*ti:',�+. . i1 1'40041'A _