HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-16, Page 6thoe<4e‹n4<efEE,E<4•4<(Ed'd<lennE-dfd4e<e<sEntennerdoebadee% f! A Tale ; a d A ; of the A ; lackArrU riTT w ARolling Wave 2 A A se se 1:aaaaaaannnneienn)nn,nOninninannnWen.nnnnnnninaeann,n) CHAPTER XIII, I. „i ground, I dropped been-, into my cel 'Mien 1 came back to conseiousneas,, i the wiser only by the negotiv o theory that ow place of confinemeut I was Wog on my been on a dirty i u.as oat n oneou, The neglected bed ia a stone yell sonic, twelve .,1 eondition of the garden precluded the fees ieng by $ix acrossand my and that wes all. M recollection Gerit,oeee, ear. A stray senbeam filckeringt hole at tbe bed; of the city, where - through the dusty; glees of the win- I ea tbe dow told ire that le was daytime, , tionoy tbe opposite wall. 'low long I had 1 toe eemotehr 1, an ineragra,teel window WO im in' teen ver 1 bad to means of knosv- turning eneeses took elialie slowler in , meat establisinnent of any kiwi, and the orocess of counting the+ hal in , - - --ds -- . the situation tended to prove -that l'e- 'idie,4etthebart retditilance.18 -n it was oot the Jaen 1 I was somewhere on the rising foot - jail was in the central an built Over district of the Via eeyorid the wolls the judged fro acvtGovern za dt - nines' opon nee. 1 etioveel ney Unties to re ooe iz shrt I was booed, and 1 rejoiced by the SOund a approaching' foot- io a clink ad misty sort a way to '1 otepoeonowea by tbe clanking of und that, within the narrow coital bolts and chaius. A incenent I pass of my Orisen oe leaet. I eewee, the, door opeated, odientting t fr. tbat textent o -nut WAS he f ray ,, at own ' stelwart Italians whose appeare, Ogle -gratulation. When 1 remember-, put an end to any !hovering e noeion that I might be in a dept. czld' the. '(..6'''IClis' at th''''Coude41$4 i 14" prison. If X hail been beld caPtIno the niannne of fay forciblecapture. I , b- , y brigetrds iu a mountain Motness. gnaslie4 x v teeth with impotent cool not bayo tad gum -dines who fur'w to 1;1134 th"t 7a td 3,144iulore thorougnly looned the port Vieard. Worn whose cinoPeratdni 'than the greasy. ragond.goelic- othetre could no longer he finieedeubt• : smelling reseals who crowned nit° "4" "r1424)ed with su" e'ase. :Abe narrow cell. They all cornea Whatever their objects might be. oak cudgels, which, joagin g from, they had ently seen tarty I wae 'the ferocious glance they shot., at ht/stii° and StisPklot4s. and then had me. they would use with. vei7 httle got me depoe'll front. the command ' nronocation. Separately, I could by aoine ruse by winch the Consul hove nosily teemed any ern 0 them. bad been trade the unconsviou but tne number put all ideas of at-; obetter of the villainy. By this, toning them out ed my head at ; time tbe queen of Night bed probe f °nee—especially as I did not !Tow f only proceeded on Ler voyage in how many Qi tbe same sample might t 04.117.0 a another captainmei the I be within been onoOintment is accriala di that coo. thought maddeeed me *at Aliestew n Wes on board. ignorent or 314iSill.1 di One fell= eerried a bowl of , re ,, an a:lather a. stone jar italf-filled formed Of what hod bnert ine. ere* with country wine, nese they de- - t t1 two otmruPulons Till' peSitnt On tile ilegar. one of them 'eine at nand free to carry oat ut wh- awing , ,•,. , with a gesture : "Deerier— over doviir„F W49 in their minute l'Signor eat dinner." Tbere considerotions quite out. This denoted a enoilleed lolowlenge weighed tee diegaiet 1 Mt at the of ninglisimi o and I at ce brute treotimeat to which I bad lien sub- into a torrent of protest aud in- eeeted : but after 4 while I began to quiry—wbere was 1 ? why had 1 wonder evhat colorable pretext Inn been so treated? was I free to go ellinnieS could have onered to the away? Coneul to induce hint to sanction At the last question the spokes - their cOnduet. Of cOarSe I never man laughed, and answered the first doubted that he bed been duped, question as though it comprised but a terribly strong C4F.0 must have reply to the others. been preeented to Wm. I thought. "This is the Convent—the Cone Mr him to permit violence to he ' t of Santa Lucia." he Feld. li used eye:Wrest a British subjeet with- 1 his conveyed nothing. and wnen t in the walls of the Consulate. With I pressed iiim further he refused to e what crime was 1 charged ? Again, trky why I bed been brought there. t ttowever heinous that crime inignt ;and in whose keeping 1 was. The f be. why tbat extraordinary method only i "n arum ion he of arrest ? 1 bad no peevtous ex- vouchsafed increased zny anxiety perience of Italian justice. but I and dismay. On my dennualing to could not believe that it was usual I be taken instantly to tile British to chloroform prisoners in order to Consul the man replied insolently.= manethem "go quietly." "Consul come Imre see Signor in My mind booing cleared sufficiently one week. No use malting fuss be - to reason thus. the impulse rrompt- fore." ed iso to try a.nti ascertain whether "Is there any one named Zavertai, 1 was really in prison or no. The or Vizord, in this curved plane rt 1 pion* of my confinentent certainly nisei:el, warranted no other supposition. The I But be only shook his bead va- walls and floors were of stone, the lieenlien and again pointing to the door maseive and nail -studded. and j wretched food withdrew with bis the window was placed so high that companions, barring the door be- lts lattice of iron bars could only bave been intended to prevent es- a prorn to Ton theta Do cape—not accident. Inoving no Chase' means of filing the bars, flight by I, . es s and absolute care for each a tbat route was out of the question, bleulineand pre -Oman Nee, 10 cad every fornz of Itching, ;-' but I thought that by standing on tbemanufacturera eavenuarepteedie beets*. the bed and making an upward tdotehriddlgontidetilongintrtrtpredondddraeoho in cr spring, it was Just possible that 1i gettour inane back if nut cured. we a box.st xuight reach the inner sill of the slidCahre Or MANSON,BSTS3Z4 Co.,Toronto, window, and bang long enough to Dr Chase's Ointment obtain a view of the outside sur- - -- - - --- -- - rounding's. hind them. I was too excited to be At the second attempt I was suc-; hungry, but recognizing the necessity cessful. My fingers got a grip on ,I, of preserving my strength, I ate the stone sill, and by dint of pulling some of the mess and drank all the up my own weight. I managed to wine, after which I sat on the bed I raise ray head sufficiently high to —not to despair, but to think out look out. I saw an old and tangled some way of escape. That my cap - garden surrounded by stone walls, ture was in some degree sanctioned and with nothing more human -like by authority 1 concluded from the in it than hero and there a broken manes statement that the Consul statue peeping through the matted would visit me in a week. That was undergrowth. The paths and terraces so far reassuring, as showily,. that I were moss -grown and uncared for. was not in the hands of professed Beyond the far boundary wall the criminals, but it also spurred me to ground sloped upwards, and I could endeavor to free myself, seeing that see that it was quite country, and the only person who could help me only sparsely studded with large would not be accessible for seven houses at considerable intervals. long weary days. To remain shut Having noted that nay window up for that time, in 'doubt as to was about twenty •feet from ....... the what thosem two scheming villains C u h s , Col were up to, and with that ever - haunting fear about Aline hanging over me, was net What I meant to endure, 1 hail sat there brooding for an hew or more, wimit ogaiu I heard the tramp of anon:melt:inn footetelen On, tne door being opened, two peo- ple—both etrangers to me—come in, . while outside Were clustered the three md en whom I haseen before. The two who entered were quite of a different stamp. and ray heart nomad - ed when I saw that the hinOerraoet Was dressed in the garb of an Eng- lish clergyman. Tim first -comer was a big lank-hoireet Italian. elderly. and et pompous ixianners ; but he had the air of being a person of education, and in authority. He Seelaled to search my few with keen scrutiny, and then, falling back a pane or two, he said a. few words in Italian as he inotioued his on nankin forward. The clergyman was spare and ascetic -looking, and he proeeeded to address me in an irritating. unctu voice. ne am the new Eng chaplain bere," he seed. "Need say with whet heartiness 1 e piece my mluistrations and ad at your disposal. I have called eee you in the eoercise of my d at the Special request 2 the 0 Std." "You are very kiwi," 1repli In, I fear, o. thaulayou-foreocan tore, 'but I ebould prefer to see Coneul himself. The only sere any one can render me at presen to tell me why I am detained thie lane, and to get me out of it quickly as possible." The elergymen 'Sighed a, pro eiooal sigh. nnehose are mott (mite beyond any province, I afraid," he whined, in the 1111.11E0 hypocritical twang that was f making me hate nim. "Any spirit consolation now ? or the loan o ice book to read ? In either those ways I shall be fist privile to administer to your wants." In the doorway the pompous norative person, evidently ignor .t Iniglish, was hexing our cony ation =Wilted to hien by greasy tatteredemalion who nod =altering. The mars -a whispering. thenefore, overlapped the last sea- teuce by twenty seconds, and under cover of this the parson, catching nay eye, added quickly, whispering lamed( with great earnestness,— "I am here to help you. Appear angry tiod drive me away, but take the book I shall offer you." With difficulty controlling my do - light sufficiently to seize the cue, 1 cursod him So Nigorously for an un- sententlietie humbug, unwilling to a fellinv-countryinan In elic4tress, th• t the trarslator threw up his nuns in despair. The effect up ie clergyman was even more nutr ;I lettering feeble protests, be I reined to the door, where he nem fl into the arms of tbe Italiaa liteinenneninesele Penne-lino *to* Pelee' FOR ,A1Z.NIERS i tiv neneOneti.le and Prefitrible 4, tiptthsef;orot.he alli' ay Tillers l a * *ire****edhhedifniihedieheitteininoentodei CLEANLTNESS IN THE DAIRY, A dairy expert recently saki that foul, filthy and unsanitary cow stables were the bane of good dairya ing, The eleaoest mid nicest people in the houses are often the most Patine in the cow barn and in the milking the smell of manure reeking in the_ barn, and the milk absorbs this limner as fast as milked, 'I'lle railknean with dirty clothes and dirty bands never washes the mod and manure from the cow's teats. Such contannuaten mint connot- make good butter or even be good ousito ennic. It is simply thoughtless Fish indifference, who tio not know any one I 30ahltemnOzlinoodamifywoieraop.Oriegowortat 1 different. They have never learned hail dairying ; never read o dairy paper, iiircifg to oty prejudice leeepa them front adopting on- the improved dairy breeds, the im- proved doiry methods and appin e4— arleeS. Dr, A. S. Ineath writes ; le,,,er It ia One ol the most difficult of theaU the essential necessities ef the tee slairY natriagemeat to secure cleanly t is J condition ''of the cow etables, in Ninety-uine out of every hundred as cow stables visited cannot be called clean and sweet. The effensive tes.. odors of the POW Stable contaminate or$ the breath, the blood. the excretions 414 d secretions, and thus alt of the oils animal tissuee and produete. ost The free virculation of plan sir eee through cow stables la a marvellous t s, purifier and deodorizer of the stable of atmosphere. ged THE OFFENSIVE. ODORS of the cow stable shut in at night au- and inboled, and heated 'up to blood alit leat thus hicreasing the intensity er- and permeability of the offensivee the °dere by ethereal expansion. causing litcreaecil penetration. lids CCM- 'fiatea tile food and fodder throughout the barn, the coat of the aziiuuls, Me building, and the drinleing water when supplied in the stable, lender suck unsanitary conditions it is obsoletely impos.sible to obtain pure products. The milk has an offensive odor, dud an abnormal taste : the butter is off color and flavor : tbe cheese is far from the oration delineated by a. " French xpert, who described perfect cbeese taasstitoen:SeSeleg tile following exquisite r "It surpasses in delicacy every - 4.4.. thing that the ingenetity of the .„0.- cheese manufacturer has bteen able V to Invent to natter the most Testi- (Hotta panda" Pure. perfect pro - duets may be similarly praised when produced under perfect sani- tary conditions. IcaUSQOUS Animal odors of dairy products become destructive to their sale, and an incubus upoa the dairy industry. 1! these unfavorable conditions occur when cows aro shut in during the night in the soul Air of filthy stables, wbat must be the con- dition of these products when I; cows aro abut in not only all aigi but also nearly all day ? Eve dairy animal to maintain good health—and no pure product can be obtained front sickly cown-must have at least eight hours' daily exercise ,,in the open air, together With good and ample food and pure water, a comfort and in quiet. Com- fort to the dairy cow -means quality and quantity of product. oho rallied to his assistance. But checning the onslaught they seemed Mean, to 'make upon me, be ventured hack a Ilttle way into the cell and laid upon the bad a book which he had been carrying under his arm. This being ,safely accomplished, be beat a second retreat, pulling the door after him, and then I heard the bolts shot and the footsteps of my 'visitors departing. The moment the sounds died away I sprang up and clutched the book, which was rather a bulky volume, bound in cloth with red edges. Di- rectly any fingers elosed upon it knew that it was no book but a tunny forming a box of which one f the covers was the lid. Wrench-, g it open I could hardly repress a y of exultation, for neatly called the interior was a silken Cord slight but strong enough to bear the weight of a nian's body, a file, a small Mee], and a 'half sheet of notepaper, on -which were scrawled the following welcome lines :— "Zavertal has been too clever for us, but I shall beat him yet, in case you do not know, you are in the Convent of Santa Lucia, iinich is used as o private madhouse. I bring you means of escape. Make the attempt to -night an hour after sunset. I shall wait for you at the right -band angle of the far garden wall, outside. The ship has sailed, with McIntyre in command, hut if you get away to -night. we can pick - her up at Naples. No tiine to write more, as I have to •devise means of getting to you somehow. Explana- tions when. we meet. "ICENNAIID." (To Bo Continued.) th As Woll as Croup, Bronchitis and Whooping Cough are Quickly Cured by DR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE. The virtue of this great preecrip- tion of Dr. Chase is so well known in Canadian homes that it seems treeless to do mare than remind you that it 'has a larger sale and is cur- ing more people than ever before. Mrs. J. W. Lloycli" Albion street, Belleville, Ont., states: In the beginning of last winter I took a very severe cold, accompanied with a bad cough, and was almost laid up for a time. I tried several remedies, hat with indifferent re- sults. On the advice of a friend I husband is carpenter on the I.C.R., states: "For years I have used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine for my childretj whenever they take cold. I used it first with one of my children suffering with a severe form of asthma. It seemed as though the least ex,posure to coki or dampness would bring on an at- tack of this disease. I began using this medicine, and must say that I found it most excellent. We have never tried anything in the way of a cough medicine that worked so sat - got a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of isiactorily, It seemed to go right Linseed and Turpentine, and found to the diseased parts and bra:zght " that it relieved the cough at once speedy relief. By the time I had taken the one bottle rny cold was gone, and I cazi truthfully recommend it as a splen- did remedy for coughs and colds." 7-zrs. A. A. Vanhuskirk, RobinSon mue.h) 60 cents, at all dealers, or 1,-)o not be satisfied with imitationn or ski batitutes. The portrait ancl signature of Dr. A. W, Chase is on every bottle of the genuine. 25 cents a bm bottle, family size (three times as troe'ItIta.tatall;? 4 Tian COBBLER'S REVENGE. "These shoes, doctor," said the cobbler, after a brief examination, "aren't worth mending." 'Then, of' course," said the doc- tor, turning away, "I don't want anything clone to them." "13ut I charge you fifty cents just the same." "What for ?" "Well, sir, you charged rae one dollar the other day for telling me there wasn't anything the matter with inc." A STRANGE PREFERENCE. Giving up a large fort -eke to his brother thirty years ago, George Sheldon, of Oswego, New York, adopted the „life of a tramp. He dressed shabbily, vrord long -hair mad a beard and boasted that he never paid railway fax in his life. He has just died. STEAMERS WON'T STOP. Experiments snow that a large ocean steamer, ging at nineteen knots an hour, will move over a dis- tance of two miles after its engines are stopped and reversed, and no au- thority gives less than a mile or a mile and a half as the required space to stop its progress.. EARTH'S DANGER SPOT. More men have 'died and are buried in the Is'thinue of Panama, along the line of the proposed canal, than on any aqua). ,041:101.10, 01 territory. in the sealed. SHO TING PAIN& Mrs. JOU quick Cured 0 OCIatlea By Munyou's Rheumatism Cure, A Wonderful Case and R.rnarkable DIsuevery. "Xt ray romodloo will not do what X Claim nor them, their sale allouldbe prehibiten by law.”—ARIZMOIT. "I Lave had ebeureetiant for uumber years and suffered with pains in my Scents a great deal, and shooting pane all thrown tun bode'. I procured a Entine vial of nionyenei Itheumotisin Cure at the free dietribution, and I ant indeed thankful, My 'pine hare ail left me. It any other sufferer wants to get cured of Raeumatiem I advise elunyeres Itheumatiam Cure"-, nelle quick. 102 John street. Toronto, IffUNTON'S InneheniDIES. Mitigate,' Coogh Cure goes coughs, night wane, allays soreness an eeeeolin iteale he longs. Price 2Ve. neueyonei Eidney Cur 0 speeillir cur value le tile beck. lone er gent; and forme or kidney (lama Pelee 25c, Munyores Headache Cure utopti headoe la Mat minetee, Price 23c. PILME xeDIC4T. ADVICE. Pero:mai bitters addressed to Prot Mune you, nhiledelpeht, coutalaingde lane ot eickeeaa, will boatteweree prompt- ly one free gdslce as la trestmeatWIlI be ;given. 14 MARKISMICIONSWAWSPERIWKAMPARMAZAFLOMPINAMMISM autumn of this year. They cannot be formed and developed unless the condition of the taco IS such that it can make a healthy and vigorous foliage. If the leaves are destroyed at any time Am July to October either by iusects eating them. or disease killing them, or by a lack of fertility or moisture in the soil, a check is put to tile formation and growth of wood, leaf buds, or fruit buds. Titus we say, spray this year, for a bountiful crop next year, and spray next year to protect the crop, and keep the tree in condition to Mren more fruit buds. With this precoution, and with a proper thin- ning of the fruit when it has set. we may hope for a crop every year after a few years, and that the fruit will be larger and finer than ever before. But with all this the trees must be fed to keep up production Nature limy seem to give something for nothing a few Vines out of her re, great.storehouse, but it is not Max- ' =stable. TBEATIXENT FOR CANCER, Important Discovery by a London o rhysicia.n, Ata time when statistics go to` prove that the most terrible scoUrge which afflicts humanity — namely: cancer — is largely on the increase, the mind turas with considerable rest and comfort to the thought ot that great science, electricity, winch, is already, though yet hi its in- fancy, doing grand things and opene ing out vast possibilities, with the Confident belief that it will do still far greater work, as its further fie, 'eelopment takes place, in the alleviza, tion and cure of this awful Malady. I allude, Says a correspondent of the London Tittles, to the late dia.- covery of the value of "high fre- quenceee treatment only — not to the X. rays, which excoriote and in jure the sound tissues; not to the "Piasen light," $9 valuable in the cure of lupe, but to the "high fee- oueoeye pur et Simple, as yet So lit- tle Oilmen or understoon. Raving enjoyed the privilego of being per - elated many conversotions with one of the first awl foremost private Me- dical men in this line — few they be s yet — and of witnessing the peace ical demonstrations of this "one," who moy in all truth he said to Oa have advanced even a step or two Ai -ether than ony other, 1 detail in brief hie remarka and explanatione, believing that they may be found in- teresting and instructive, although the exigencies of professional eti- quette demand that his name be withiteld, Ina bondsonee house not e, bun - fired miles from lietde Pork con be seen a room tbat may wen be called the doctor'e electrical workeltop, Mr ho ban been n vealous student of the science from bia youth up. Here its gathered every apparatus thot has yet been manufacturen. FOR THE "X BAYS," for the valuable "Finsen e ., for lupus, and for the atilt more et valuable machinery in full working au order, Mr the treatment of cower by "WO frequency," and he proceeds to attewer a few questions and to give same iuteresting information about his personal experience of such treatment, "Eleetrielty." says the doctor. "is the elemental force that controls all nature for good or for 111, Rough- ly speaking, any atmospheric thine that induce positive potential are beneficent, and those that in- duce negative potential are male- ficent. On there premineet are found- ed exhilarating or depressing Mt. ditions accordingly. The C011014-. sions compelled further study of tno science of electricity artificially ap- pled in the trealitterit of dieence, and as our subject is, intentionally, only concerning the leanest developtnent of the treatment of cancer by its means, we can pass over the well known matters of galvanism. of far- o.dIslos of electrolysis. Of Finsen light, of focus tube, etc.'which nave all proved Incompetent to deal ef- fectually with deep rooted disease, m en surface care, and those re- lapsing after operations. "Apparently, this now treatment, according to present experience. without fail causes a devolution et cancerous tissue mai a, re -organiza- tion of suck healthy tissue as wns not previously absolutely destroyed. In these cases such tissue resumes Ito normal functions. However, tbo main fact to be brought before the public is this, tbat there' have been and are being a suffielent number of cases of *different varieties of can- cer cured, improved, or bold in chock to prove the efficacy of this treat- ment so forcibly as to induce certain persons, pecuniarily uninterested, to open a small liospital where such persons as are suffering from inoper- able or otherwise incurable cancer can be treated." HOG NOTES. Do not feed young pigs sour swill Agood brood sow should be kept as long as she is a good mother. Using a pure bred boar on common sows usually gives satisfactory ran turns: It will not do to condemn a sow to the feed lot because slow told sluggish. The condition of the sow has more to do with the care of the litter thTaon her injudicious r josdizei. ous feeding may be credited a large amount of the fatality among hogs. Never disturb a brood sow while she is farrowing unless absolutely there be an infusion of new blood gtbsuhrooeIyeIewetmtae sop. wisissagoi ilnlYw3a,c;no Inc: ihieislftpa rornoew was sl ear g e sl imt taeiri• their ,eating so much as to injure from time to time. of the time tbero is no danger of be maintained it is important that one. eThen hogs have access to salt all If the vitality of the hogs is to does not follow because a him- - . .„ t safe to assume that a down almost any kind of slop that it is good for hime Nwork of the farm should come in with , more clock work regularly than the feeding and caring for, of the pigs. that shows thrift and health always has the advantage of stock that is running down when 1311.ereemdia0nwho r sale Th . feeds flush when fee is plenty, and scant when feed i scarce courts failure. Feed well al the time. I3ALANCED RATIONS. Those who are considered author- ities on stock feeding repudiate feed- ing by rule. The feeder must give personal attention to the feeding manger and the animal feeding from it, and should also keep an eye out for the profit side of their feeding. The balanced ration. important as it is, loses its yalue when it costs more than it returns. The feeder who se- cures marked success from his work has a keen eyo to note the result from his feeding, and takes those results as a guide to his rations, Dr. Jordan well says that "it is doubt- less true that feeding standards have promoted progress in the feed- ing of animals, but on the other hand we have suffered more or less from unwise standards, and have at times held exaggerated estimates of the economic importance of the nu- tritive ration." Thus here, as in every other farm operation, the man in charge is called upon to exercise intelligent, attention to the charge in hand. that the bead belonged to another. and refill the egg with the tiny eggs very few days the fish ova are so warm nrater, and 'the, little fish tohu:g'ahavuliteddrteyeio ___:‘zi:__IrGaoe,r11/1-ryg°t'ayucou,, for I don't darting I am passionately, desper- ately in love with you. T worship believe you love me ono bit." Placed under a sitting hen. In a far advanced that one has only to break the shell into in.coderately . spring to life at once. of the fish they want to hatch. The hole is then sealed up, and the egg him 1,000, 1,500, even 2,000 rou- the contents through a tiny hole, and one of their little dodges fdr hatching young fish is most ingeni- o-us. Taking a fresh egg, they euck the absolute ownership of his head - Chinese, are gzeat at fish farming, bles, if only he would give bim back 'decease; but when the transaction He went to the professor, offered piece. But the professor held out, and for aught that is known to the contrary he is still holding out. cre- ated. The professor, however, stuck plied itself to business. Fortune smiled on the latter; he fell heir to feel uncomfortable at the thought a big fortune; and then be began to George (ardently) — “Why, ray to his bargain; and the big head ap- plied ' its possessor for 500 roubles. The condition of sale was that it should got abeoad, a great scandal was Cie - man at Ieeff with an enormous hean. er, in order to secure the bead for only be delivered after the man's A Russian scienlist, Professor Walk- ecientific purposes, bought it from. About the year 1865 there lived a about a num 'who sold his head. Those ever -ingenious people, the CAUTIOUS TI -IIS TIME. A curious story comes from Iblsaia HENS TI1AT HATCH FISH. BE SOLD III'S HEAD. 1 donvitutielinnokug: George, ban -those letters you wrote . to me when away were so cold and distant they froze my heart. One would think you were writing to your washerwonian about her bill." George (slowly )---" Maude, I—was— engagecl--to — a--girl—once --before, and NN,hen she sued me izr breach of Ia:Plnine 4-11 nlY,Iettel's tfi he Were-,- rearl---ito sd — ,.1 ,t rq MUSICAL INSECTS. More than 8,000 persons in Japan make a good living by breeding, training, and selling what are known as "singing insects." The ineects somewhat resemble our cric.kets, being known in Japan by the name of lcusa-hibari. The music which they make resembles that of a silver bell, and, though rather mono- tonnus, is very clear and sweet. The Japanese keep the insects in tiny bamboo cages and take great care of their strange pets. AN ENORMOUS APPETITE. One of the leading 'restaurants of ICiefT C,errnany, was pat3:oni7ed the other clay by a powerful, well-built man, who entered about 11 a.m, and ordered lunch. He consumed nine helpings of cutlete,. six bottles of beer, ilve bottles of wine two d of seltzer water, and four glasses of 5 /3enedictine, paid -Che bill of $12.75, I giving $1 as gratuity to the wait- ers, and left the restaurant none the worse for his hearty meal. WORLDS LARGEST MIRROR. SPRAY ALL TREES. Even the trees which bear no fruit should be sprayed as thoroughly and carefully as if they ware loaded with it, both against insects and fungous diseases. Herein lies the secret , of much success. If it is but one or two rows or single trees in an orchard they may retain the power to reinfect the trees whicJj have been sprayed so as to partially destroy the effect of the spraying, but there is a still- more irn.portant season. The 'fruit hpds: of next 3, -eat ,are really formed at Midsummer or early The Hotel Savoy in New York plumes itself upon tile possession of the largeEt mirror in the world. On- ly two steamships of the ocean, ono of ,aliern the Friesland, win which it came, have rciOna in their holds to stow away such a large package. It is a little more than thirteen feet square, and is nearly half an inch thick. To get this perfect plate five different glasses had to be cast. It was made at the St. ,Gabiart; Gaase- aOrks, in Paris. " " One-