HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-16, Page 5THE
Ozeter gthvorate,
Paghbed oretY Th...alatioY Morning at the entre.
ET's sss EXEsTrsIts
thmOollas per gnomon if paid la a4vaace. $1-50
it pot so paid.
sNriAtASknag' ostuou cots
RQ paper diseontinued untilallarrearkaes ero.P.aid.
Adverusentents withoutspeeitteddireettons loan be
pabltsbe4 until forbid and obred ateeolinglY-
fkiberal diseount made f or trausezent advertisements
insetted forlonsperieds. Eserssdeseription of JOB
rjuISTISio tnrnedont in the finest style, and at
moderate rates- Cheanes, Money Orders, &es for
advertismg, satstriptioas. ele., to be made payable,
ItiltSSIAN. LISS. & Dn. A. R. MIS-
isDs., OD -So Honer graduate et
Toronto Valveristr.
T.th es racted witinsnt any pain. or an bad efforts
O.Tsein Faustst's Vlseks west stsle Stain sirc-et,
nettarGratuteetTerautorniverstty and Russ
Coliege et Dental Saurgeous a., netarh, Alp WA
Orattnake of Chisso Sehool et Prosthetic lhentistery
(with honorable nosention.)
Agoraisouia, %kid gond Vulcanite Plates leads ion th
neatestnaisvr pie, 4perfeens harnalm au.
Aesthetic used for painless estraetion of teeth.
taie deer south ofCarllisslircs,.3tere.R.Ute
rill, T. P., liel.AVOIILIN. MEMBER, OF
a." Miro et PityaCiaes and Surgeons (Uttar
Ph,veleisn, *Amona4 Aceoneltcur. Ogles. D35
woo, Q.
•nr. John TS NV' t Office and Residence,
Qactli3 Awe, 1.0040a Oat. Speclat attention
alisesses et women. • Of.A.'5,0too,trsi 11.59 " to 4
4-, taros SeitAx7X,,, Cansesanrers, tsssmaissIsasers.
Sznehssafer 3st:es's= idzsat.stes. Ideses tse Isms as
tiWest sat's 0111;irk Main wart,t-i„ Pater.
1, II, ezivairma,114,,, IN IL Insinnest
igpsts, ESSisantS, marasTeri.
ts Ls -a% dolZses istsintir 1F.11
LitAlam, m1:1, ths, :4
CrioLliPra',7.erNsol.sstsr. ls.nars Pa it^ .14.
$tyam fp..!nra7.4Z!As in.
teass', s, 71:4 -11r
fig"... flavougc,....VAMM 1 KlmrsVa
• anet loneern
1 ; 1472: ,i1o,•`‘'
6,t 1,4 N.:1,o 7.7 stid,17ssss.
at,N, tr3r
notiqlot N,
TOhealtb Awl happiness is Sorofuln-4
ati ugly as ever since time immemorial.
It causes bunches in the laeeks
fignreS tile shin, inflames the mucous
membrane, tastes tiae muscles. weak-
ens the bones, reduces the power of
resistanee to disease and the Opacity
for recovery, and develops into eQU-
°TWO Of tily children had Scrota's sores
which kept growing deeper SO kept theta
from going to school. 10 three months.
{Nutmeats Atal rostileisses did no gond until
X began giving theta ROOfre Sarsaparilla.
ThIS medictoe Ceased the sores to heal, arW
the ehidelrea&ae shOWIS no SIMS ot &Mk,
tda Since." FT. W. UnDatit, WOOdstoek, Ont.
flood's $4rxrsaparilla
Will rid yon of it, =Meal -1Y and Per'
rognently, as it has ea thonsands.
branches taught in the
Our students are not
after a. come in this
College it will be
we Ala them, if possible to
obtain employment, but we
first equip them to maintain
the high reputation this
school fins acquired.
The onlykind of constunp.
tion to is 4' nearlected
People are 1 earning that con-
my-4km a curable
.4 •
It 3101.1fleaN1
hat oi•tm.i
At tetq 11.14111„Vil : if
ges Larall 'on
lar doses.
'pi Scott's
a'aViatoltCair% IWO, ks,
a and receramentled *, turned the balf,:.xv
as Crest RnsItst Vsntc.
Ttlittliths in Canada. On 1.
medieine titsiiasssze
gricrozatta. to cove „
term o WroIneo.t. MI effects of AIMS*
ortzezas, Inent41. Nvosry. nicO5111Wt ticaOrl'ON
UMW. Opium or Stimulants. fanned on receipt
et pries. ono paelitiga six.5. &gruel g:X4
4-ag var. Pit suphleto tree to any oddrs...-.sl,
nu wood Coalman, %Mater, Qat.
Woods Phospittidine is sold i nEset er •
by J. W. Ihmwribig and C. Lutz
(ssisassrsl I. Palliatatat,
ntia up Capital $13.:3119.1.11.111
IteServ., • Patna,1109.
EilLit /Tr, lit,NE,11.1.11.
011i lisari4-10 a.m. to a pan; Sittirdavl 10 a t.
1 rm.
g•nt I Intsittess transacted
Money 411.4,11Wt41 0 &TOOL Farmers at loweit
Savings rout DspasIts fromlAi niosards soreiv-
od: &merest allowed at highest current ram
Incases 4; C.tatallo. II'. D. lirr.ras,
Solicitors. Manager.
Mr J v.r. Leonard May be the Man COANGED EiDli WEDNESDAY
C. P. R. ° hangeS., Wheat, ......11••1•••••••••
HE FELL DOWN ANDItRACft• Montreal, April Lt.—Contrary
garley,.. .4. RA.", ••••••• 38 4
the general understanding at the time pens C.0
Thotwo Tait reSigned tho posititat FOta tom per
Afanager 0( Transportation for tips. tray, per tort.. - 7 00 8
C. P. R.. there iS now reason to be- rate.1,13,er "rt" z°11""" 1 66
The Surgical Operation Was SUcCeSss
fUllY Performed and His Honor
Slept Well All Night—Medical
Attendant* are Sotisaed With
Condition To -day.
lieve that A SneneSsor will he appoint- 4g -s„, ' A
ed. Although the office may hare a Hides. per 100 tbs.. — * 00 *0
different name, the duties Are likely to Id" h9gs' 13"csvt- '616 6 16
Oerteral Superintendent 0 Winnipeg.
be the saute. Mr. „I. W. Leonard Dmsed Ro8s- - • 7 70 7 75
Toronto. Atc,rii 14,_it win be ks... spoken of as a likely successor to
-tr. ran. Air- Leonard is at preSent
learned With universal regret tatime provinces, 'The aps
that Sir Olh•er Mowat bas met pointment of Mr. W. R. Bakers assasts
with another SerIOUS Aneidertt, AhOtilaz* S'Zirarid\cciesPrFsidti
Ofs WhO
9 o'clock on Sunday evening when bc a,v'o9sitiougai c•LQate07rcd livusintulpoewtoi
was being moved by Ilia atter-Oa:WS again rumored. Air. Tait leave
frOM chair to is
his bed, his right thigh the service of the company at tile end
bone was broken midway between the Of this week, and, after spending A few
time and the hip„ The cause of the daY$ in Toronto with his father,In-law.
cident is unknown for the greatest1.,V.L. G. R. R. C0ehh.. Wai Start Oil
are was exercised on account of the ms iourneY to Australia to take up the
redoes accident about two months Postion of Chief Commissioner o
t,?go. On that SnCeasiOta he fell, injur• It5444=Irs for the State or ingtorb. To,
rig A SMail bone in the thigh, but the hissOn-01„1 Eight a farewell dinner will be
pbigksiecnia. rtss rcree tuhoe at sauftehottilloartlt iter r;:l; te rercri4it oitMci,Saifs. Jona;
ecovered eatyto walk a little. it CPISPal17.
vas snceeSsary to support him and also
asstst 11481 When Utt4ft0S$41a. It 410$
-,dtiie the attendants were moving hint
o his bw on Sunday evening that the
resent accident occurred. Drs. Tem.
le and Primrose and also Dr. Arch -
44 Moir, a spezialist in anaesthetics
t tile Hospital for Sick Children, were
tastily summoned. Sir Oliver suffer -
d considerable pain, but everything
Change in Orairt—Tbe Live
k Trade—Latest QUAtatinNTS,
Monday Evening, April 1a.
Toronto St. Lawrence Market,
Vats Laser Nonday. trade at St.
L5 done to relieve the panent and Wte4v.3 44441;" was'
ie fracture was set at one. sir so,ro light. The total
vet' did much better than suip,ht hays „ Lustyl 414in rilz"4" was ;1114
en expected considering his great ' w15" -I'm 155504red 1440h4a " re414Q1
at 7Ie 4-`” 1 ••
ge. In fact. be slept for two 01
Re hours daring the night, whin%
under the circumstances, was quite re-
Paszed Away Suddenly 1Vbile Travel.
ling on a Train.
Drownville Junction. Ile.. •APril 554
hnr d4
xvbea't ••• "' *^ 412".F4P14
Assi-ilL°4 4p1,11Ds%)
ta :1kinr4 L nt n da3nh lie 1 t.17.1f4t1 fl7s71.1kitel
was in good sloir4241, and ..arguntg in 114;.? **"'"°-•
117;bies silioAssisn`ns,s4na tIts: 14194 ':1'.'"!!('‘44 Ch446111"1411141*U4iZPIllag447'1141.1 411'.'s•
OatS-kine hundred IniShols said A.% .aisit
r1rrsder hustle!, .
/logo -The market Is nu-
change4 ar4 iraie Is quiet. ehoiessaiss.hts
weight to;SSs are corned at ',SAS
Per .ett't. acd lieaviss $7.-a to .474i70...
Gni 15 loatt4i were on the mars
et. •-•••••••,, ars (shout snisstly at- SI'S to
5 Fes ass!
g'- Xe. time414 and f4 to 43
or asisssi Or stover.
Straw -is steads' a% :to talpor ton, One
lead Tins:sold.
- The Visible Supply,
Sborts per
Emu pewt
Ducks- „ • '''
°Woken.. „ „„„, „ „ „„,
Dried Apples. — .. ..
Daes it .nnts .S.nens mm..* *fir:Wive to
breathe in A remedy's cum. disease Of
the breed:dog organs, thati tatre thc'•
MMetly iisMthe Stegmeh?
Suffered terribly and sex-
tremely weak for 1Z years. The
doctors said my Wood was all
turning, to water. At last I tried
Ayer's SareaParilin, and was sooa
feeling 01 right again."
Mr*. J. W. flea; HaellymesQ.
No matter ow longyou
have been ill, nor how
poorly you may be today,
yer's Sarsaparilla is th
$t medne you can
-e for purifying and en
fling the blood.
Don't doubt it, put your
/hole trust in it, throw
everything else.
'Care* While You Sleep
res beeanse. theeiirrerrot Strct.zg2Y
Joie carriedos-erthedisensesissas
face with every breetia. giselogigrehtoz
caagant tresittasors, it 14 fol'44
'e• to mothers with
IS a boon to astbrnAtizs.
046 qtrtglt Brenchltte
-chrippeand lreaY-
al,,Vapcsi7er and Irsasip, ass-04Ra-,
stmts. sesedoer whh 144:th luf C.TO:(44-7.r.•
Z4TC1-44F1A:45Cf Cre_.seicas s.scs..,A4 -4%4
c.em Write Grdssnirsiso tsesor ssnisio.
; Lister* smissaay as taus valor.
varasecess" seg. assno ZVI
Fut Simi 13f5a Miro Ifiorze
,„,:itte %Ora Mr.iicat
a Costs -moll
&nom. f.diAwing-
the report of S.S. No. 0. for the noonah
of Martin NattlieS OW in OrillOV Of OMR.
Y.,-110,57 skineiS, ntlaq. Sawyer ni4
criClige, ,hr. Magpie. t. (twat 44
,Aitaa uttati2 gn r ; t'ul °9 4'1"6 Fr4;ocis tp.inal 1r IV Ell- L: It
000at tOoloao.,4 • -• • 4 4"
1,41. 1,1;1;.;lirt ;Le p,,,rie; gni c,g ,o; ° Nvils,n Willie Veal.
•••,.! n, Ill n11414111 lin Jr. 1.11.44 Parl Wall .14
Pickerimr,,L April IL--1Vielle w‘a king
&mut 411,S -1%1701g machine catting watud
at Highland Creek Ftiday oftetnoon
Brian 31eblintv, a. young man. aged 23
years, accidt.ntuRy fell forward *nt the
saw„ which ripped down hi.; side,
ering t tit. and lacerating hate --
tines, Ile died at noon tat-rdny, after
evert, suffering. Ile leaves a S,.'Oling
wife filnd one child.
A Prominent Americ49 op
131. , Ill -r .p, N1 -7., ;:4° c'' '''''''''' 7:115rIzQtg• OA lithe 1.L414. 0,4: 1 t lia Wiash14[4i'L. Wnies for i4
.... r SI
13 33E, 1,...',..!•,)-' ':i''ITAi3i':a74;031 in ? '1,4 li ' - `' ''rt:0--41; 4"taqi 47;139; Stall: Ss' e'sls.dsl. ;W.': i.% 414-1110 40 1
nor d Dr 21,o, ....,--.••• on- ‘11.r., 11,„13
,i1,17RN'N.alf raiCV 41313 131 Mrs Gina -416.r ..s. r 0 11'1 P ''' 'a 1"2" 31 inerS 7419 q sli. 11 1 I on 21. 13 1303 41ollt i
4, ,, g -,-,G 1 tetorStwyt-r, -1,_t 4: Addl.- .kIty., 4:4; 8118q
•11 444Z4n ,, a i' ,i,',1 -r; •. .
ig,' .-":.,01Y:41,17•4'411, c.t305:,g (Om hot. ,,,,17,-,.7,"4 ,,4 14g '4 11 li^,Arh'i. wai, oi, Ir:V; CI it et .oce 1.74.14,1s, .1
1 ftv'm lt-T r....;',v4 Inostoin0. 4 g
1 7. :o5 -le. essni niza0. 3 itoupow,o,rZa
0.,.-.J.,, a , , . o o
4, 4
,, 454,4;16 1,1 e,,otwr, 312: r13 *3't3 Skim r.1•0; I.att-g
• ,55" ? ti'',P1,%tili:':4:8:to41:1:ibr.'113t1.11.nitsv647:;.1;44A--141;:
th,. t'ace....; will he ;'t torr;l^k -114,-% to .
* .. 4 ,
<, ,,„ o. fa,,:i to ra V4;410013, .17:0; Nettie Valnlold,..73. 471:
y.4-lirs,na, N't.ra rreory, t „to ft .;1,,,,!.. t o,woll, 1,,o;
4 Oil CONPL'ICT l2,1:1.4Z,Crel.:D. t. t.
.,.41;4,,,, "a2;,, !Willie 1atTn.761. :117% •;I:itssolin. di. 111.1 p.
,7'...:g.i0a to Trnrert Army Re;4rviao a . c .. n n.tri. .i.': Q Ella Ileywiall, Nell.% !leers-44'ga. Vi Wei
1 ' h4 • 'F-4 '1 1:4•;411,:iiiii• Sr. IL -, Isit1411 I14•YW4"4114,
favor el health.
NegleCted consumption doci I
not exist whim: Seote.i Emni-
Prompt use of Scott's Emul.
cheeks the tliseae wIale
can be checked,.
scow twolo, tiamlox,
Tomato, Oland
soe.aelltass 411 dross', ts.
Mr.: William Alger,
Jos,,pb liyunep, a (7.P.13. laakennon•
1313'0w killed in a freight w)'(,4,li. at Calm-
A1it9.211,41: Mr.. Wm. Murenez hos
parch:wed Mr. T. 31. Drods' huge qock
gtoJeerito ewe:zero:. •
Mitelutel Christie, a 0. T. D. switch.
man, yeas killed at the foot of Bath-
urst street. Toronto.
Iforry MeLarty, of .Strat ford, wits
asphyxiated at a VVontlatock hotel.
111 coudition is critical.
Fred Pringle'employed On a farm
near Clundolf, Man, W41:4 kicked by 1
horse ;mid received fatal injuries.
Mrs. Bossell Boyle, an employeeof
the Royal Hotel, Calgary, committed
suicide by taking carbplic acid.
Mr. John Yoses of Bo 'lord Townsbip,
has beim eatits1 bialt SI.710.Pce annum
to the Viettni.:. Hospital, London, Ont.
as Lot:to-bore:nen.
te4 " 4w°v;1r1*1-o:1"0 Loido tiosila,111* 11 1
1 -o.lot t nee
; :i E:d to kJto2.a 11"fouteal. .rrilzi :7;;_1: 4o1, jhuny Creerv. Tottotv4twyer, Jeozw3i, wflohl " Ctiophi.71Poxt/1-- Lillisod
of the c,ntmt 4i 40 bzing a *. ;41:: ,!: :11911jla .1 Kelet,
tte,.1,:nad mon from tho othr tie 1;tO
er ,
(013 Anna 11, Mat tin
If; ;NO 1313,0.13 131313 the doei,s m gt4'4' " Vi° "
o root. tit8 414, they say, N....n.1,1
Cbi...„%,, 1.13 Liz..e.k.
not le so . far .for a few'. months' etiono, Awn a -CAM,ttoevipt. . G1'0111'011
n4e1 • ,0ouan..:0g:„oe7”, 7w,ts;o: ;1 Tiedi.eath of Mr. John Edw:m(1 Fol.1tate 1l444.ton, of this ho,e, toolplace o811;110. that tats13".M'"Pkots4".WN10Q41;A1stMINservistwonof omi
at are tdoetuoot. 1 . $1411; 1;1 ''
Roller t Pa t 1.!1; t sixteen. year.old
to,Dozoo,tra,Tozoolo.ato,o3o2otoociecazgooroocox) youth, of Woolstock, was shot in the
neck while practising on the rifle rang-
t.Vbfle tefoporarily dorauged John
Claoesoman. srell• known resident of
M003111' C1 oek, W 'Pa j n1 ped orn a
whitlow told was killed,
laiehatol Sullivan, who WAS reported
killed by Geo. f,,:ennedy io the Walk -
rifle 1: l;nor 1401 01 4.; Del Mit is now said
to b., reeovellog iu the Detroit EIner,g,-
envy Hospital.
Gs -gorge lienedy, who is alleged to
have shot Michael Sullivan at Detroit
(11013 ing a reit, \VMS di.schargsd by
Justice Whelan, who held. that the
shooting MIS jostified.
A. small riot took place in connec-
tion with the strike at the Hawk es.
burs- lumber VOWS 013. 1114' Ott.11,47;1.
1.341-rin11.1104.1 police who tried to drive a
crowd off a. 1)1•I4g0‘ were tb yes
diix en back ly strilsef.s armed with
wooden slobs.,
Agent 0. Don von, of, the T., 11. & 13.
freight °flies at Hamilton On rettirning
from, dinner Frida y found. a »ut n in the
'cellar: lock&I the door 11-miSetif;
for the police, who orrested Vincent
Atkinson,' 'yardman. . The. .1,tsent's
desk 11011 (13; )ntain ed $20,000, which had
been removed ealier. The desk was
broken open wi th apink-asse.'
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill •
t1/41. SWEITZEA.'
• --THE—
jilPfilD3Plq REllg8
1,, 6
Capital Paid tip
Rest -
A general Darolting business transacted.'
Intorest at twist favorable current rates allowed on
Savings Batik amounts and -Deposit ,RocaiptA
Commercial Letters of Cfredit iSsued, available in
China, Japan arid Other foreien countries.-.•
Travelling betters of Credit issued to travellers in
all parts °tithe world,
.,THOS FTSRE, Gsszaat Maaaorn.
NI '
W. S. 01-11S1-101sIST,
Ma linger.
Cook's Cotton noot Conlyouna,
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,aeO1Sadies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
, your druggist for Gook's Cation, Root Com-
pel:al -Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitation's are dangerous. Price, No. 1, 31 per
bo: No. 2,10 degrees s tronger, $3 per box. No.
1 or ni ailed en receipt of price and two 2 -cent
stamps. Tho Cook Company 'Windsor, Out.
Nos. 1 and 23014 cma.recommended by all
responsible Druggitts In Canada,
boughs, colds; hoarseness, and other throat No, 1;(1134N4.2 nrs sold, iiI"Exet, or by
ailments are quicirly relieved by Vapo-Creso- (1, 1,111,..3 a 11 ,T: \V. J.11 ow ni ng, ug.
tene tablets. ten cents per box All drugsists. 0.1s-tS
• .. y. -.,tio ,
• ol
44 .0 to 41314-4.; too.,
Tex....,_1 a
Itve. 131313,1 ,
433 tome 3.1 do the woe:. :19.1
tat tiof Paaploynt. tat 11.1•
:et of Einthral 3.4 etc. mo' 133043133
a level:, with a boalls zit
10.(tot cif the ....Tom tool 11.1-;
Niel,: to England -.N1 oo-,00s
in a few days. indications point to ,t
fierce strut:041e. Should 8 61r481.
pace.. It is said tint the teatostets
will refuse to handle freight that 15
being loaded or ottloatital by non-
union men. The teamsters them -
Ives, who organized a short time
ago, have prepared a statement of
demands which will be pr.esented to
the master carters and the tronsoor-
tation companies this week, askuns
for an increase of wages and a ru.
gulation of overtime.
PROBABLY POISONED.14(54. 1"Or My de3)0701-? '4134)0 113131131 1„Idhats tb op e a 11011 t seven years ago. He
1, married -Miss Mina Bernard, of Gran-
: to :mate, IND. 2 oats at tio rIytte 311aut. istx avelis ago 01? Alatre1-1.u8lr wise°
1. tand peas at 75e to 77,1,;c.
Death of John Powers at Peoetoct- blour-..yae. market is Men. but the vol.! tounisttWliitsh ain7i4iIss'ell‘tsfour vs ofsihiitoars
, der peoulonly sad circumstances at
the residence 14his father, 3.r. Mao..
4; ..zyura411V4, , Fulton, in North Easthopo, near Slut.
• ••" 101.11;, :4" t" he.speare. As inentiontql in our ra-
t,e.,•r: a '1 SiN11.4 nt.. od ono lottcht „r, 1,1,4 week tbta dect,a,.0,41 with tio
t; 4 lt• reirri 4•31 14. 4, ssno .
*t" i3l c‘ronAh'insis 137.1a NAt. wife drove front Granton to visa his
t° bunt 41. :417, pirents on :Mach 2.StIt. They ar.
1' 41411 rived at the residenee of the latter in
11"V k•• .oe lower' iv *.i13413 1313 Wellit'tar 4 • lt t •
131313L1 4
Thonsotads of prmninent 0: '1313 24
38 Conada and other t glt
ke use of Paine's Celery Coinuomal
are bappily parquing thole p mil
duties anti ministering wi it sitere,o,
to their congz egations. Heal I trouble.
sleepless') es.:. nervousness. ,.1,onesla
and import. blood, weak (egion,
constipation and headaeloo. . 444. the
trouldvs that drag elergynion slown lo
deep side: ings and perils. T.i.day.
P Cel o‘v Vompound is the
011 110111e, tilVditillt, Alf all wise, aosit pru-
dent ministers and ptiest o A east
numbee of them owe tlteir lit .3. ;old
Almon, 0 o'clock he cOMPlanted of be- "makes sick pet?* well.” Ilev. John
Montreal. Aorn nt,..-thoin---The demand:of numbness. lie shortly after be- vt. writ" as .follows:
31. to $1±0; I t eventn to 1
Mitt! MIN!! 0 ,41,44 Tk • J. • On . ptesout good, health to Dr. Phelps'
sante lambs. 31.eo helped to carry some maple syrup. world renowned prescript:on that
13 unwell and of a growing r" ing 8. Michaud, Bishop of Duillogton,
:Montreal Grain and Produce. 1*
for all lints is slow ono to,. 44 44.1a4. is 4 came liticonseioniS and so remained for ‘.1 have...been nott.d why orom-
shall. A sato of ineesil of No. •. th most art until he died on Wed- tended II:doe's Celery Compatotalormi
wiiist; oats uere ITE.SAT for m.o.- deilwry t P D th • Is due to u
usoe. oituat, toot ettor:,,e1 bands for ' Lestl:ttY' „morning. fa NI!
oroamt shame. la at tile j'agli freigias. parmysts. Deceasett WitS lawn atm
, I desite to mit on record frankly my
quote,- ,
w 9444 or No, hrought 11p in the neighborhood of that yny wows may impit.t.
1 leNis ttic Mott frelobts, oats at r3ye " '
Gratton baiter m013 mg to North reasons foe this entiorsemont, hoping
readers who nerd health mid strength
Penetang,uishene. April 14.--A very
sudden death occurred here yesterthy.
John Powers, laborer, and his danoa, •
ter had taken dinner together, when,
shortly after PrneerS 1307130.3 seized with
violent convulsions, and although
medical aid was soon at hand, died
in a kw minutes. The datin-,hter was
taken with convulsions soon .after the
father, but recovered, artcr hcing in a
critical condition for some time. The
matters is being investigated by the
Eundoimld sill visit Toronto nex.t
The Xing sasled from Gibraltar for
_The contracts for the new Cunard lin-
ers 'have riot yet host placed.
The funeral of the late Pettier Leach
toek place from St. Mary's CsIthearal,
Inamil Lon
rive 111:11 were Sind and' two se+erely
burnefl by a gaz explosion in a. • mine at
Carbon, Texas.
It is said that Col. Lynch, . who was '
imprirsoned for treason, is ill andmay be
hardened by . the 'King.
• ..
- 'Mr. C. It. Sayer, Secretary ot the Y.
C. .A., at London, Ont., for the last
thirteen years, has resigned,
Miss Rebecca Henry, a public school
teaeher in. HaMilton for forty years, died
suddenly while yisilinn- in Enffalo
a?, Iis'r'an and Cernr,n soldiers fought in
the streets of Pekin, • and it required a
coMpany cf troops with, fixed bayenecs to
restore order.
The- new North (german Lloyd s1OrLT11,
Or Kaiser -Wilhelm /I., to be launched to-
day, is expected to be the fastest trans-
atlantic liner afloat. '•
The Is'ingstori. Locomotive Works aro
110IW supPlied with -machinists. 'IN me
arriyed froni England yesterday,: but only '
four could be employed. ••
• . , •
*liS111OSS 10 amIOl. "tt e quotes --
Choice Manitoba spring, wheat patents,
$1.1040 tt1.s.0; seconds.. ss43.s0 to sl; sarong
bakers • $3.tl2 winter wheat patents, S1.70
to SI; straight rollers, 33.15 to 33.115; du in
begs, $1.C5 to $1.70; extras, 31.55 to 31.60.
Meal -Business Is quiet and prices un-
chain -a 31.80 to 33.133 per barrel and at
31.75 to $1.‘;') per bag.
Milifeed--StetidYbat the demand quiet.
0. quotei-Manitobit bran in bags, 319;
Shorts, 321 per ton; Ontario bran in bulk,
31s; shorts, 310 and mouille, $23 to 323, as
to quality.
Ch ebsess marltet does not
piesnt ttIlY Tatlit:0.1 einanse, but 11111c Is
esilsislared 2441 extreme price for new
cheese here.
Butter--Tbe butter market is moist,
nith a moderate business on localjob-
bing account, ,at 14c to 2414o per lb tor
44sell-made creamery. Exporters are not
In thp market at all. •
Eggs -The demand Is fairly good, but
the supply is in excess of requirements
and stecks are commencing to accumu-
late. The tone of the market is weak.
Five cdse lots quoted at 1.2e. per dozen
and it WaS roported that lisave was shad..
ell in some cases, as retail stores in many
instances had them ticketed at 1236e. Per
dozen. Lower prices Are expected. There
IITtS been some inquiry from foreign buy-
ers already, for picked stock for shipment
next full, but packers Sue not In a position
yet to quote and make firm offers. In the
comse p113 another, week or ten days they
expect' UV- coMmence piebiling,,tor Which
411-13','at e 110107 111.0i111.7 p re pa rations. • •
Provisions -No great actirlty Is antici,
hated for a week- or two. Wo camte:--
Heavy Canadian ghert cut mess pork. 324;
Canada short nut baek polls, 323 to 321.50:
light Canada- short clear rk, 322.50 td
3311; finest kettle lard, in 20 -lb pails, 111,'3c;
extra,,,Pone lard in.20-lb pails, 1031,c•to 11c;
choice refined compound lard, !Slic to 9c;
Boar's Head brand, in 20-11,' wood pails,
41.85 to !$1.135; Globe at 31.75 to 51:85 20
Ib lin pails, lic less per lb; harns, 1255e
to Ec and „bacon at 14c to 16e nes lb.
isea.ding Wheat Markets.
Closing preyiateday. Closing to -day.
CaSh. May. ,Cash. May.
Chicago-, 75;4
New 'York' .. . .. 78M.,
Toledo 75 7544 7344 ' 7511
Minneapolis .. 757.4 7.37/3 'WA 74
Duluth, 1 hard ... 77e 7634 7748 ..
do No. 1 11,011.,.,,. 7544 7444 754 76
Milwaukee, 2 nor. 78 7544 78411 7544
Detroit, 2 red ... 7714 7414 7414 7714
St. Louis .. ..s.4365S 181/2 081/8 981/4
riage. There were no children hut one
O brother and five sisters as well tot the
melt missed in ranton. e was
parentS survive. Mr. Fulton will be
If 01
knember of the Methodist church
and the C. 0. F. Funeral services
13 were held at his Daher's residence on
i Thursday and the body wos then tak-
' en to Granton. On Friday afternoon
residence to the. Presbyterian eeme-
tery. A good citizen and husband,
faithfully -a ischargi ng the doties tire t
I were his, be will be greatly missed.
: To the sorrowing wife and relatives
the cotomimity tenders its deepest
; sympathy.
!the funeral took place from his late
Mrs. Geo. Edwards, of Mo
with faith to try Paine's Celt ry Com-
pound and prove to themselves its
"At the Fanny Allen ILos:•itil. an
institution in which I UM ileeply inter-
ested, Nine's Celery Cow [annul haS
been Usi d successfully. The Sisters
of Mercy at Monnt St. Mat 's Academy
on Mansfield skve. rely oral ntine's
Celery Compound as it tonit and
strengthener. In tily OWil household
One of t domes.tics has token Paine's
Celery Compoond for liver trouble of
long standing, and says., '14 1121s done
more good than any other medicine.'
Several priests have spoken to ,ine in
praise of this remedy, and believe it
has the coofidence of my associates,
Even did I not ktiow from personal
observation of the worth of Paine's
Celery Componna I should. feel like
praising it for the simple ranson that
ib is prepared by the W ells Zs' Richard-
rnitmton, son on a firm whose memlans I have
f drowsed deod While transacting' bus- known for nearly 41 tinarter of a cells
= . 1 .
. iness with her .son at the Bank of 310n- . tory, aril in wham I have T.. sr:. Ct C011-
! treal in Stratfot d. fldenee." '
; r.........M.-v-roavoznmra,--x-J-J--aroc,,,,,,,cora..1.3,..-=3....1-....kmaxpr.s.....r,m......,-.54-,-.11..._.
- ......_..................-..
11 LIM ti
A cure is now within the reach of Pul-Mo stands alone—the use of any
every sufferer: other medicine as an assistant is no'
neceSsary. Eat good, plain, nourishing
P U food, get plenty of fresh air and out -door
exercise and use Pui-Mo as directed
that is all --Nature will do the rest.
PuLltlo is inexpensive, being sold by
druggists at Snoo per large bottle, or yen
may procure a sample bottle for 15 cents.
If your druggist has not got Pul-Mo in
stock, a sample bottle will be delivered to
any address
FR231,-" OF ALL CiiARGE.
Address all letters to
The Put -Me Co., Toronto, Ont.
if used as directed will cheek the progress
of this fatal disease and restore the acilict-
ed to perfect health. Do not go to Florida,
Madeira, California, Mexico or the Rocky
Mountains. Remain at borne with friends
and home comforts around you and use
Pt 1 M 1' ' • 11 s f 1
- o, w nen ts ac asvsment o t
. century .in medical science. Pul-mo is an
o s a
A'young .svo'inan named Elizabeth Bay-
ley, di her from. qhicago to Lgridon, aanbr Liuuttelg' cTuir-oe'ubfloers,CC°Otitsgurs,PtC143rild TanhC1.°•alt1
Ont. to v4sit her , brother „Mr. Wiklialp !other .consumptiye symptoms.
BavIdy thetf'i'caS• the ti'fis - • . , .. •