HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-16, Page 4exaer 21/4 buorate,
QktaS._ TT, Sandera.ditOr and Prop
TUURSDAY, At% 01 1.00$
Mr. W. T. 0015014 of Centralia, sent
his men out Is week and baled ab.out,
!20 tons of by in two days for W.
•Wilson„—,The masons have the new
school house walls nearly eoropleted.—
Mr, R. R. Wilson is through seeding.
dames and children, of Sylvan,
Nisited her sister. Ws, James Wallace.
last week.—Mr. S.Wallace :and family.
pr Centralia. s.peut Easter with friends
in this Viciulty.—Miss Alice Wilson left
here Wednesday to spend .the Easter
laolidays with her sister and brother iu
Lomitni.—Miss tpsh.11 is attending
the Teachers'. :ConVention in
Miss Zilla Englishand bee uncle. Mr.
Albert Pollockleft here on Saturday
to visit frieuds in Port iloirtno—Miss.
Bertha Holmes and Miss O. McPher-
son plosed through here Saturday to
visit friends ;a Grand Bend„—Rev. Mr.'
Andres -vs, of Parkdriii, is to preaeh
neatiorial sermons in Boston Metho-
dist church on Sunday next a 2;39 p-
no—Mrs. Bollock, of the town line, is.
visiting her son. Mr. Thontas Bulluelt.
—Mn. Emil Golin arid Miss fOtrah
Hartlie were united in the hely lamas
:of Wedlock at Grand Rend on Weal•
neSolay. Their many friends byre coo,
gratedate them and wish them a long,
happy mud prosperous married life, .
NTAN1121.11X, of,r4e4.v
t.)11,;:m -Cte.,ter
QM2* Fair Sag,.
The :.:-.b-rA„meti 4p4mizs cf reri
!4:1,;grer,, ANL' 4t to.
ex=i7r:C Z1Zi C. Zettere
Our paldie school tios,,,4 bist Thurs.-,
41 ty for the Eisler holidays. Mr. and
Mrs. ItintOt and f trolly, aud 31e -
are visiting relatives in Forest
;ma miss Ibilseat V. -'4'.C.
W. 1,77,1moor, tg the Sovereign Bank.
loos hi Toronto lost S'iteOltilV in1115 '455. - Fint.lfelmn zoo! Sfr
-;,T„ a811 .Morriston. weir the guests
Of Olo, :1144 Miz,. Joint $m2.1;
day's— We are s,any to Mite that Mrs.
‹ivorgf,.. llEas 1234 a Telz9F,";?' rand '
t tool ovo opet° trotO4
1.v..• v),-- f,,t• he; oet to. ,
traot olio t1 mow
atol aide to join her 14114...':
Ilk And fontilly iu the,22'4,1'
.71 .0-2 4411,47. 114.-
.7,55 ;1,71 ;';71-?: 5 ;15.'4
3,1 Wein. on ek.
VoVt 1,Z 46, •; to , 14:A4 '711 11.15.5,5rol is. ow 0,..ns•pa41
• • .•
5j.„ 5 4•12;7.0 t b, by 7% rboi .41 ioeml Mr. 1.
4! V21-2',' • :,%1 nw,,1;IF ,yrttiug P:Xtli and uife tile an addl.
r5145:24452 tn- ;5 ^.1 155 tht•po,pli.n1 13111'
1.0.wher the -;vells ate fiii,niottlY 111thilg-
121 454 :/it 157 1,1;1121." thiS h15851111. --
A 2, ti,1181.15- 4115 /55,111,5W11a1 545;114,55 f
siveltzo• l, a,"or itiS on oar linage, bat it would not be so bad 0
ord,,y w12..re he ha. alreepted a sit. if the ,...ingst s of this part of music
ti to. Vil-lai3*-* Han& ssitt otsititi Ishiy be depended upon. Putdon
Eddie w.r.•-• he• Mr. rind ;qrs. an kw, Tet1,.7. diem 7
t „ t1,4 th(qr
boibling 0404 11
f.17Aotz1VEIN.Urt." —The annlvereary
4thing N1'1, 1,15 —1,1r v• , Set Vire.tg in the Methodist church tinn-
anti u tughler. °al ' wet 45 t,ttlei5:ded suceess. The eloweb 1.1
114LT:dale, sooto Elster la the wos tilled at all three t -et vices. Ea the "
-"nw104 "1:1 "Pll.""iwt"nes• 144-• morning Rev. George Baker took his !,
ads •&.• was p.ie or this circuit I text ft.„go Hoo., Ito, ...Looking now
too t.o.no o..o) and has many Warin Jrsos" mid applied it most appropri- ..t
frl"7;a4 11°1." ately. In the afternoon Dr. Auderson's
larrOol f,""4„lile., ';'"t',1413 illustrated address on the "Heart "
tination vs! wuelre sue wen' ' fairlv captivated the immense conore-
.., 4
4.j tV.
Toa -to,
s• 5' 0,45.4
, too 11.,-„, r."O'•' ti:71 T:O4.;
ot t • :F Aloi- 7 'et, ;4„;a,.,„ Ays 4.1411 gig
o 'Do 1.) k11014 t -o. =;,4100i liavo a gated
,;.ruvy yew ivi24 114,5,55.,.wiliie the Ini,days last.-
r 1/174.niK• •WA 1,, itiOLPPL alter Mid Ware toient, li!;e4t.r.
too. 20,444. 311itilif She fe leads in Landon ad Ingersoll.
" ft',',es bonne, in
" 1184 WW1 ;11 allPearatiVe3; ihislov....41 for a briet --hoine of
elir;54TO11 it'5:11;151'14,m5 otw,r. p91:11T+ ore riliorted as bat -
t• 112 o 2, iuAsi ty. and
• 1ist. a, ill-olloointment in milled
, e o did in,1 mato;
ered ia a short time. Re is now doing
as well as en be ex-pected. It is
deed very fortunate that he wasn't
killed. -
EAsTon Sonytoos,--Easter day was
fittingly celebrated in the Methodist
and Evangelical churches last Sonday.
Special sermons were given and the
s91.vies were largely musical. Easter
anthems and special hymos were suag
and the congregations were large at
the different set vices. In the morn,
lug the weather looketl threatening,
bat, early in the fore -noon the son
brake forth and shone brightly
throughont the day, so that naive
assisted in the joyous celebration of
the eommemoration of the risiogof
our Saviour from the dead, In the
Methodist church. the Rev, George
Raker. of Thorridale, occupied the
pulpit both mornim,soand ecooing: and
preached very appropriate agid tut,,
pressice seztnorus.. In the afternoon
addressig es w,,,.ven by Rev. Raker
and Knowles aud Dr. Anderson, of
Exeter, to the scholars of the Sunday
sebool. In the Evangelical church the
Rev. Daium preached a poweiful ser
won in the ioorulog and in the even,
ing a song, service was given by tbe
ehor and local talent. ;Several beau-.
tifol Easter anthems weio snug by
the choir. Mr. W. S. Chisolui. ian
ager ot the Merchants Rank. plityed
excidlent organ . voluntaries pa-
ne pipe nagan. entitled "Andantins"
mad. "flatlet:tat* .Choras to the Mes,
slab. Sales were sung by Miss Wyatt
of Alma
(ufre t Thunnis, atitiMrs.
V. $. Chishelm. The Rev, Da.1112,11
girve aninsaklatiVe, address. on "Mitsie
in Worship.' 'The prOgraill was One
of. U.e hest ever rVittlerrd in the church
Dgs..Trt Qv' A:garn-ga PIO--
other of Horott's worthy pioneers has
been called from this life. Mr. Thom-
as GeoUnill of the .rid con. east of
Egnmodville, died on W;dnesday,
Mr. Gemtuill had not been well all
winter. and from the Platitre of his
Q ur Trabunen Killed—Marvellous disease his fait recovery. at his iub
va9Cea age. WAA AeAreel7 hoped for,
Escape of Passengers and Others He bad metked the good age Of e.d.
—Steel -framed Can px,m. Their years, Mr. Geonnill was born at
Value. Whitehill of Masterbaw. Coulton
Parish. Apshire, Scotland, Be came
to thisconutry 1S45, and settled on
the farm in this township on which
he continued to reside until the time
of his death, Re knew what pioneer
life was, and from a bosh farm he
succeeded in inaking one of the ;post
conifortable boniesteads in the cown.
ty. beSide,s making a competency for
tam -self and family. Re was Indus-,
triaus, sbrewd and carefnl. and pos.
sessed in a wonderful dt:gree 'the
(paddies which almost talearialitY
Wag success is this life. Personally
be was a very aniiiet man and lived
mach within himself. but was well
versed on many stildects. !wing, an
ardent reader. lie Was, awn Woe,
mighty upright mad honorable in all
his dealing and despised Anying thht
be shapo of Sham and hypocrisy. in
;short. he was in every respect a
/ worthy and usefuleitizen and a kind
and obliging neighbor, His aged part-
; sier in life sorvives him, and they had
(A Donny or three son.s mad five &ugh,
• tem
Halifax. April t,s•--Pour men wer
kled in a head.on collision on the In-
tel-CW.90141 Raihvay near Windsor
Junction. twenty milts from Halifax,
Qn Pr a3 nig it• The belated At.
!antic express from Montreal and the
fast freight from Halifax .fOr Montreal.,
bodi running at high speed dashed EQ -
Igender on a sharp etwr
lle, The Kied,
Driver W. Wall.
Firemen Oakly.
bot t of the express.
Fireman J. Rill.
Wakeman Albert 1.1139E11.
1/003. 91 the freight.
The fir % three died at the,ir posts
with soareolY a montept's wni
Brakeman Albert Thorpc of th, freight
was 119fribly injured and died .61t
11110late4 after the accident. having se
feted terrible agony,
Driver Nelson Contjand thit
freight was seriously ri ed. MA t#
algtrgreat elredit• reflects on the Com. ,
1 pow at the Victoria Oeneral id
mitteo who had this matter in hand.
On M nail- evening the annual Easter
it erEttillittkilt o tho Methodist church .
if Pour postal clerks and a newsboy.
was given in the elurrell to a very
large atullenOe. Rev.. Hutton, of Veto
Italia. Rev. Baker, of Thor/Wale, and
Rev,Dainnt,of the Evangelioal church, it
l'frO pre,o.nt. The Itev. Knowles
acted as ehairinan. The Pengrdin
lasicitell of St340.14 doetta, dialogues
and recitations. Revolt-1;14ton spoke
the smaday &ritual anion the usefuj.
of the Rible and bow it would
its,rit us if we winild follow its com.
ReV, 1)322124: WaS the
spe;Ael and roa. as his topic a "Cent"'
ti.wa riiii4rela he tiolht olde43
^:t 51.1.4545: 11,114,:ll a Iliad
,,,p,rienTiF 3 mita ie the IUD:WM
000- woold Trietal:,'We its angle. 0;144 ask
Polorasy.id ie.. ft would:
6:4401fitvie She nt. .14 wtt-3 ral14o '
t` 04r r114,10. 1'4414119' lian a:latter allntiler
74 7.4-, ntoe,tatoos otal, if we would
, poi ;Ivo
21' t -',N4.5 et. .1y a Dalt
• - ; 55 C.K1r toovic -at
14.E-ke ";•' 11.1: tool!
j ott,! Cate 14-4 d
4 114 .3a,t viL, at 1,, • trt..
o' i; t, n
ll1 os an
• - 1114 t a.
•!;1. ';• 14'4.;fl
dalS City. and will recover. BWS
found lying beside the track with bis
face badly cut and his hands and arms
terribly scalded by escaping steam.
„ -4i;g1 «14-1-sy-oil owing;
t I 31;
I 2d 212 14,1 ";+.
12: I.tnoljon
ild ay. «te
" z,.81212 :v. 1 8,..zt•I
who were in the car next to the Viigttle
a the @NNW% had most ugmeadous
escapes. The car toppled over the
embankment, and fell bottom up in a
lake on the side of the tracb. being
partly submerged at one end. A sate
in the car was hurled pass tbe awn as
they were tumbled abont in the car's
Stephen Council
The Council of the township of Step,.
ben convened in the Town Hall. Cred-
itor), op, Monday. April OM at 1. pon.
All present. Minutes of previona meet -
lig read and approved. 412401$.90--
IlVaPrt2 —that the Clerk is berebv nit.
thorized to wale Mr. Wm. Lane. emm,
v Clerk. that this Connell is of the
opinion that the County Council should
not pass a By.Law to participate in
(-lead Roads Improvement Fund set
apart lir EN) Legislature for that.. par.
pose. af this Conned is of the opnl'ij
ce ,q were tightly wedged, that the aet is not sittisfactory.—Car-
wt Iii abaog superhuman corts rivd, Andeoson—Wehh—that Ry.Law
burst Out a door and erAlAled OtIll 0224 3;7,0°14 19,f 191113 aPPounotting' roatimmeteoro.
by arte„ Nogle were serionslly ikiluegt, retweviewera 41111. r301111tigrepetV, U.1%,
Qii esc3litittg with a few abrQsioom 1 1114 read the third Wile Ile PatiSed trlid
>MAW Of the other trainmen were ia. sigiat'a br the Wove al?) eh'..a.—OP'
lora and til pa3wrag4rs te,,,:wei %,,,i7ii ried. Resolved that 104131, .1,,,eWl$ Ot,
a f4:74- nratclacs and eats by ilyang glais. Pirrohlted Sauitarr IllsilMor. w1019'
The two big camp:Ind egigine5 were torriaory shall he front the Eastern
moshel! to splinters ; To coot loarilled lamansy to and Wending VOilleCli$Tinn
Math raerelmmiare we ze lilIgt.'Eti Xlall lig that Ed. firiikenshire 144 appploacil
lIwir 5:',Th1itqrati$ 5lIfellT41,1tQau Me traa, Ft-27+++r+k4t.),„' ftlj„vM4,4". Ylto,,--e I'M „r_,',1AT
Ers-7lir C1115 1';$ 101V t55..711'45,5 vs, -151V Egitel 11-41'411 24' 3401119 1.-026MW4Oril Ail 40 44 2-4-
fr„ 5-1 emir ffroco;o 1%i, iNe ial-„,,,,t c,,,, el ,,, !VIIMN.VPI, litOr W5111. ittlieer 14' appliinta 411
c4-:'''', '1'-'151/ C.,alriedl t Wei' 114A4 C10,14P0 ' IV, 1 i S 19i:taro IlvtlAror freno Ooret. ^mI,J
tot oe "4 sow on ele eta:,-114s..ium: <8':! :PI 1' '') tho fx,,,,,m a Lc,i1104,2y. of 2 1..
ftVt ,;--zVaY• -MlfVe102.2i t r,ay. ,-,5.•;,1-,--. ' '1,0•Kit4b1Pa -- e aro:4d. A ootitiunt
iy il ras9mgcr in these cz,r.,1 W.-31' ii,l',, ' 111 Aiiii3,1olli diti34 ot!',111.43,i3 t1;74 s 135:4 13',
1{1m: were Inlly 6L;)&z,n -;.1,, 7:-r-ftip. efifin,41..--1 N rvirp4nve I,,s,
04 two women were ha Me tf:-."31. 4 04,1r3iitttil apf an . rhd ,,;(ar! 40;,01, 1°N1R
MC' cars were *tee frou-44. ,;141 1 ttl.,-,1 tVertio 220 ea meAbil1814 \Merle bele aleaA a
fact probably prevente I Mem 67 tql ! t'". 4144191 t913. Mak Him ipmr, Tho 11088ta.
1e10=!'NApizia _at1261 tly0 1 a rireatt.". 11, •,3,1-, 3 'loom -N.400,3 v.,--t.ro grinted:—Mmte'lp al
piT rrife, The nvon 'PIN in chlf,., 1-4;.+1.. + In 0.41, NlIgalfop4 Pritt+i and eNr z.
1%103 were otleep Mita the c -,,',1:-i :',21:,',3.11,* :tillg.E1114:1)41,i;o:f.tgillt'T''i 24:i :,
A Mil CO.M.1:1,r1D. 11 ''.4 '14°.° 'Ili.. :Tilfil[Z-114 A ,!In"golivn41.%118:11,..
:VIM.% 1 amk OM 101111tOr„ %P.M, O.
17 stringmeo for bridge. eon. 2.1. :4;4
Eueugh Coal to Nee!? La%'.,..c , 01111 0114, lonto
Of Men at War% for Tyvo Hun. ors, C.W. Christie. rep. Stan.
tired Yerms. him% &rat Da., elm plank.
0. Webb, rep. wash nut. :Mr.:,
Will;esbarre. APril 134—A maim' ; W. Witzil. rip. valved omit :foe a ne.v
nicali bed of eeal 11Q," dizAToVered i• rate, Oh j. rfhp. ott 11:„
ust south of tbis guy by Ibt. Lehigh Sal. and Wanks. 82t.1. gtav0.!i
ItFalth .1. Treitr., ftravel, on ,rd S.R.. $1.1
and Wilkesbarre and the Delaware,
t \mini! adlontiled to meet again an
Lackewana and Wegern Coal Com- 818 -8, May a7, 0.00,.k pan.
panies after two bore of 2'00
vet bad been completed. Eleven
.0ins whose presence was suspected
vere found, but above them eight veins,
lever before found in the upoto coal
were discorere Theo run from
our to elet en feet in thick:le—, while
ar beneath them v found a braivii
f the famous mammoth vein of the
Hazleton region. averagirrt thirty.
wii feet in thickness anal divided into 0
twee benches. which will mite the
nulling easier than if the thickness I. 'as
hoer, The field extends from a point
litoot touching.; the scant/ern line of
iis city to the Auchinglo5Q. bre:alter of
ne Delaware, Lackalvana and Vest -
711 Company, near Nanticoke, and is
imnst equally divided between the
Ivo large companies. It is roughly
stimated that the thickness of the
tins agoregtates too feet and that the
Thole contains about 3oo,cloo.000 tons
or gattoa. In the evening Rev. Baker ?
NVe ;ire please -it to state that Are as preached a powerful and practical ser -
.11T alma th.„, osabbatb seboopreacb_ r
coal. One of the officials engaged
n the boring said t• --"There is enough Pan till tIS
11. Either, Clerk.
11 0 II"
s He DITSSeil
ran bear this asked S1111315
mr.Soll1S eve." y don and tbe
answers depend on -Met:hid
of clothes they Wear.
'foul ar.oroltDressett
'Wben you; want to be well
dressed comp foul Imre a
snit made to order. All
new goods consisting of
cod there as indicated by the drill to il. 0 , 4
V e7 c a a I 7 71 1.O, Sp ,E, (.. ,
i—, -1
cep a large force of :nen working for
o )ears." • n expert estimates that
he force required will be about 6,000
en for that period, while the present
narket value of the large bed is the
reat sant of $1,030,000,000. At the
resent cost of production the miners
cq.221$ who Sp qii" Easter in our midst: ',11";arti" The singing speciallv ea:
rennereu upon 8211 three occdl-ions wits
3Ies 4.24, Finkbeiner and (rnet
The entrtains2jenz
• Miss Witham, of Lon- 3ft'inatlildiagyhe‘.'„'gitial.g.
Ito y li c.41.
Thotims, and lir 13-91. t he best ever held in the hietory (if the 1
ehorch. The 21(1I11(88g
s front Rev&
• nod -nephew, of St, Thonms.--
B. G. D. D.toon 1.11 attending the
C t.1 Itlfeeeric of lb' Lot-1tog:41.1t1
m DO f=1/ v -d t 170(4,,
v Litt, D1Eyk3-8 and 310y
.1 the Moticiny eveu-
in▪ o. 1 ;1-,a left to attend Conran:
Hatton, Daum). and Baker,were bri
w efP
and practical. Therm pograco,
sioting21 re,•qtations, solos. (Bolt:goes,
110,7,1 1r425,
rent15-;Ted. by 1.: .• le' r tat.
ent. The solos gi ye:. ;.. Miss Ella Bea-
ni151 Pearl Bak'551...11:4 Linnsa
enz.e 4,41 Tot.,,;14v morning. ---Satnrdn A., t„.A..,,,A,cA
. +!Ni. 24211. 1,101,110h Al -
I (11 `A" :*1'11'11*' .‘oe•it the seating capacity of the
Toit:m. of the. M.-TO:ants' retiak. at
.1 'rill was taxed to its 11i utOst, 1 here
'Walkerton. 'Arr. Tolton relieved Mr. 10111g t %los roWs of chairs in the aisles,
Chisholm of thii bank bete fow yrt, tiw order and attention was shoo -
weeks ago and awing his short Els>. ,
oerfeet. The preeeetis in collections
hero won inany fliencls. Ile died from ,till.,,,thited 112 about. $30, $1.4 over last
leavzng taken 111 on Wed-
De,.• .d<cy and died on Satru-day
Mr. Samuel G. Lain port,
0. purl. illo 1.4CIroor., RorooT.—The following 4)ft
bas rehaSed the celebrated shi 1!;oi of the public school here were Slid-
e: -f111. in the promotion examinations
hOrse.;, "Luckinge Cirrnhy" fr•om Mr.
held April 7th. Sth and 1.)., b. Names
T, J. Berry, cif far which ht‘
paftta. handsome sum,, I1.0 insioa der of inerit: •
typ!,.. of draught horse, is only four TV. to Sr. IV.--MadeItne Bert..
years old 12.1.2d weighs 1900 ppuilds, l•on11, 1Vallie Hill, Verde Short
Striae of our best horsemen have been
to see hint and say he is just the kind
of horse tbey v e been lookilig for.,
Firm. —Mr. John ',Rates bank hare
tva: de tro s ea by flre st. urSda y
night about 7. p.m.. A. large tin -robes,
- front k01.7.: went to the scene of the
fire. otikin is a mystery, aS nei
lanterns were used in the horn and all,
the iihpros were Ho ish cd. by six
Nearly tbe ,contento were .s,tvcd.
The barti and contents are. ):11.5nred 141
the' HAY :Tp.. Formers'Jos.
Falai-16r, G ertie Short, FrF1 soy Brown.
Sr. III. to Jr. INT.---Lturp. Haist,
o Wei tzer, _Eddie AN eirer, 15`tan k
slOokiiehier., Jo. . to Sr..
Ewald. Bertha Fink bc.,iner, Annie
id, Alvpy Holtzonm, Nelsoo She.nk
Iry !lie Fa It nor. Sr. IT. to JtolIT.-- Li1-
Ouiser, A eli e Fi kill') 11 R elan d
NIP ileto Kienzle, Etbel Wray,
fotry 41 ast, vi rtn y, Mildred
1 ;,"A'11, Edna Pack, 160,81 intermedia ie.
11.4. Intermediate II. to 82, H.—Pearl
,4.1';-;ev, Edith Hill, ()orrie Wein, Gladys
d, len, Edith Ala ngons, Pearl Ha ist
AOOIDEN-T.--17Vhile taking out au ; Hill, Lizzie 'Wolf anil .
timbm, for the ei•eetion of Mr:" Patric], i",;1k. Leiner eo Charlie Andes -son,
FifLii,140s8,fikliviiAnk Nom, Ity. Henry o :voster, nerull, Harry 3. rick, Olara
s•boiley na't•rbwly !,,c8c82 peel ins -taw ilo;;zmann, Ernest Appleton) WM.
deatb. large tree -was .baing felled reicher, Hoy Eahner, Lizzie
arid 20 ts rapid,decent ,a limb strnck Finkbeiner arid Luella solo
Mr. Stanley a crioshing Wow on thr Hilda Shook. The 'results of the
side of the head: alio ,s1:11..poopr, ;He 14 12 .211(95,05 \rill be announced on the
'pen ing day of SchOol;
'was pick,,ecl, rip micolasd.ipus but: 144(2(41- 7)Y(1
j 0 I -I '44T
ho produce this coal will get about • TAIL 0
Post Offiee
Opposite the E e
all the market value.
spiey f
Thought to Have Committed Ter-
Slmeveport, La., April 13.—Mr. Aline
Matthews, aged 45 years, wife or Prank
rible Crime.
the instrument used in both casm Ed.
Porter, a negro, stre,-..gly suspected 1 0 N b
Matthettil. a well-known Civil engint5er.
41 2
was brutally murderrsl :0. her bed early
FridaY, and her dal:Ai:ter, Aline, aged 5
ten, was fatally weianded. .31,11 axe yeii a
cri22 21 11
me. -seas shot to aeath. by two ponce
sergeants while attermaing to e.erzi e. He
had been run down ..e: a point abont five
miles from Shreveport. The fikienvcry or
- tir ti Ss tiithaRAY (.i (io
the crime was made by a servant, who ,
' enteret1 the bedroom of Mrs, Matthews, 4
' The unfortunate woman, who was almost i MA NITIFACITT.TI1',ERS OF.,
oaeked to pieces, had 13een dead for smite
time. He. little denchter was still * -
When the servant e.ntered. Tho mur •
. all' alive i S 1 ,14 '0 RINGS I.,
alMarently got in through a ride woloow,
and. klthough there -were Att.:en per 0 S '
eier I
in the house,. which is situated in stie 4--,ty —
z(teisrilcart o,. Shres-ep6rt, noyoxgitllie,arti a .1 41_3, r....:.6- BILE i'cl T 'raj X 211
4,, no.
sound. The mone
.the room were not touohecljew°1-
After the discovery of the body blood-
lounc s tools up the trail, hut lost it after
going a short distance. A railroad en-
.girieer notified the pollee of the appear-
anCe of a negro, covered with blood, on
the tracks of tile railroad, ar.id a posse
was organized to hunt him (WWII. Tho
/mane_ separated, and Sergeants Gerald
and Itotiernore soon came upon the ne-To,
I-Je made a dash for a 12441117)14,ancl 'the
officers fired four shnts at hiin, two of,
3which took effect in ins back, him '
inStantly. The negre'33 clothing was cov-
ered with blood, and ins shoes fitted tHe..:
footprints in the kitchen of the MattliewEarly l
Saturd3.',3y the body of the neg-
ro was taken a. the head of Texas street
by. a mob ot ;bout MO men, placed on a
funeral pyre nd cremated: There was
no noise or demonstration. Tile pOlice at-
tempted to hilly the negro e body 13.....,fere
tho crowd gel it. but taile41.
v e have fm. sale '
r, 1 Boiler 30 h. p.
1 '1 Boiler 40 h. p.,._
.1 Boilerand Engine
30 h. p.
1 Boiler -and Engine !'
16 h. p.
1,1a,Stingr of everyDescription - in
Brass and Iron to'brder.
P7 -pc d Fittings of all 9182181 kept i,
constantly in stock. •
When ,Sea air is Ordered tei a nervous person, she usuoy
rushes down to the seashore, Spends all Iter time on the heath,
'frets more pr Iess over the expense,
oticilnraekteurunvs aufyterextwtroaowr othrkreefovvreethlres
brief holiday. The result is at ex-
aggeratiou of nervous troubles. The
time given to the cure was too ilort,
ST, JAMAS AVAPRits are as good
for the Iletire as the sea breeze but
In ease a nervous weakness, Ilk; the
Sea breeze, they require thne.
ST. TX= WARS are a tissue
builder and a reconstructive, not a
stimulant, Quick temporary results
are not to be expected ; but perma.
Ilea improvement will follow their
patient use,
S. ImlusWAFEn:k ",;., stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
bouest vray to get health and strength,
the laud that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which nom-
plisbes much,
value or the tit.james Viraterfon
Dr. Charles ro Camp,
P44141:511::"":141580:- _
811o,"..o.•,,,r,o.4.lp81r4u5c4 w81-2olo5.oOR5S44-4.
5/48wm Irigfer; arend a wird
rotrar 14 41, namereaspPclars re,
camogractivOna 1141r tltl'ertfi
cc“Piag thf,tiormala 11177* repot.
Mete dealers are eat selling the
wafers,: they are matted opee..re•
ecipt of janee at, the Canadian
branch; 5t. Jams Woter4 ;it,. aro,
St. CatIittlin L. goitres)).
-an evaycomer of tha world wbere butter
is made, you 17111 lind thea e machines, also an
eatablished caeney for their sale.
Over 400,000 of them in daily use;
than tea tinea ail other maires combined.
After twenty-four yearo of uninterrupted
success, they remain to -day the world's /ca.ding
dairy machine.
VAL SgPARATOR CO., 77 York St, Toro 0.
The rt83orily of Men have varicacele in the &rat, secord erthird stage. In
the early atagen it *nape inse many sy113P/01213WLlielt the patient may oat scow -
nits 13 arluirlr from 2823d1'.::eace. In fact, we have have fortzd enamination,
varicocele,, preseat hundrids of catma rhero the ratient did not know 11.0 had
it at all. lid limo it 4001(i)5yr4 lams =I the fellowirte,; liereousnesS,
wen/a:ens la Um back, unmeftily 1113431, Oct.] anl exhausted feeling. rains in the
loins, kr:int:on a the ti,la,:12r end .neyg, cc.lietet t and 1.,sz, in tam., embsions
at nighttrak lewd dreams, 9e10:91 tvoliurry4 and decline of meat:. perrer—thece
E =mem, rrodually dent -lap Into NEM VOUS IMBILITY and ILIPOTE`NtlY.
tar 1-1EIT otormoo Trin.1.1741=1" NVILfe POSITLVEL7 CORM. TOIT AND
IT I21 Mr45.RANTEED TO C112J2. YOU ‘3,113.`1ouT On:RATION. Through
its vitt-a:zinc; Influence the v:array veins ['antra to their normal caliter, the cir-
culation of Mead irAproves so the organs are 13ropcs1y no:aloha, and are restored
to strengttt and vigor; tha nerves bccotue smug., ambition and energy replace
1as8itude:4:d despondency, all drains cewc, the eyes become bright, the brain
active, add you lea as a =nought to feel in perfact sexual end mental condition.
0.221.79,-.2.(22543S go ..4',..;FS.720 GP Fie Pay.
All cases we accept for tre-ttment are taken ander a positive guarantee that
they are cureale or ne pay. We refer you to several banks as to our Enancial
responsibility, so you may know we aro good for any coutracts we make.
Are you a victim? Have ynu lost hope? Aro vott Contemplating
intssostratas:,4 marriage? Has your ityll berm dincased? Nave you any weak-
ness? Our New :Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done for others it
will do for you. CONSIII,TATION Vitir,4. No matter who has treated you,
Write for at: honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasouable. B0011.'S
PREIP.,—"The Guidon Monitor” (llinstrate41), on Diseases of Men.
Everything confidential. Ottestiou list and oast of Treatincat,r,R.F.,4, fur
Home Treatment.
We littye jast reepiced a new
stock of
Pi S
n ItT C‘'
of the hest Makes and will sell
them at prices artd terms that will
enable anyone to place in their borne
one of those Beautiful instruthents.
In $ewinet, 11ItLehines we carry
largo sti)ch of the best in akes, at prices
tha tsviIl se.rpifie!,e you, also, repairs,
n'ocei!ys and oil for all makes of ma-
chines. ,
. Sheet 21.0141 Book Music, Hyrrin
Books, Bibles, etc.:, yalwayS .in stock:
We will he pleaSed show poi 'our
0 MN4s`""'"
(Breakfast Food)
A good supply of IVEllfeed
and Chop always ou han d.
Give our Flour and Feed
a trial and be convinced. that
it.is all right.
Boller aud Plate grinders in
usO to suit oustomers'.
Harvoy Bros.
Succes'sm to <T. Cablediek & Son