HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-16, Page 2GOLDEN LIPS OF SILEN
the "Last Supper," ,he made a
icup whicb was a masterpiece. In
form and character mid la the lus-
ter of the precious metal this cen-
tral eup was clearly and beautifully
wrought out. The common Praise
which was drst heard from every liP
was this: "How marvelous is the
art displayed in tbe wine exiled This that. now tishigh, time to awake
eulagiura so incensed the great ltal- t of sleep; for nose is our Salve-
ian artist that he twee enhat
brush. and blotted eut the splendid
cup as be said: "I meant the face
of Jesus Christ to be the only and eared, have passed from death to
Love is always kind, studies to
please, cannot injure. seeds not its
own welfotre first, but rather tile
welfare of others, therefore cannot
engage in any pursuit or bushese
which would impoverish ethers while
enriching itself.
More Eloquent in • .-Gospel Significance Th And that, knowing the time,
the .Silver Tongue a :Speech
The 'epistles ere written to 'believe
ereethose who by reeth in:elitist are
Oen nearer than when we believed.
etreteeed AteetScarl.g 8,88 act et tha r4e:" omore learnsie in it than Shalt
LE1iXtleUe, C.1111,N4f1., USA Yg4F ti44 •• the central end the most important life and yet. seem to be asleep and
Throasaoct lsar.88 linaeren eisa three. space of thane before or alter it. part or 'that picture. Whatever talk in their sleep (Ism exix. 10;
by aoa. oteite woo:tato. et diti The most eloquent passages of our
ttetooriesoeut et agneatture, tumor* g e draws away the eyes 4),It the beholder Ivi. 10 margin). The tendency of
sPirattiel development may often he [from tbat must be blotted oath' Fbelievers to sleep, both under the
0°Iiini when. we Press ttdi g°111en 'And so whatever t draws away the lireist glorious and the most
4e51'n'tch ft°n2 Chinagt) Vsrel silenr."-' against riiir neigh.'" thoughts and the desires of our awful circumstances, is seen ia
.kNt kranie Ve Moat Talmage Preach- hors faults, when we are "nil anti hearers wail comperlions front trath Peter. domes and Julia on the
vett front the tollossing text :--11. say nettling, absolutely nations. and purity and love rause be Wetted ;Mount of Transtightration told in ends of eeoited and raw eiteet and
seinimel I, a&A, "Tell it not in Gatti; iitatethis
eigeise it eel. di the streets of THEM- ;out. And mark you this. my brat Gethsemane (Luke ix, 32; xxii, 45, belles make enough stock. or soups,
Purees are made by cooking meat
or Ash until very tender, and pound --
ng the former to a paste, or froae
beano and vegetables Dolled to a
Pulp; then passiug 'through either
a colander or puree presser,. and
again throtigh a sieve. 'Mien, the
puree is mine(' with stock or milk it
becoines a palatable and nutritious
Seep,. In =out households odds And
'titer. in ninety-nine eases out of a ;46) showizig izow utterly loreiga
ierze greae excitelarint `1110 Olden lips of gospel siiezice
\eerie aietentdeage. seetiete should rerazin eitieed because, as a after hearing the rehearsal a thtiiihr things Ktre will haw nnahle Ive 'the heort and knuckle of veal, or
eote a ceerier az fun speee reie. it is not nesessary em- I ---SeLin--(114 Qt. a hid as he was t'ei.n.e eare to grasp there. Samson flenk of lamb, may be bought for
get..., tee ehii „, tem iiitt „, outsize $1,:vanda:s„ saaiiiteas are ate iThehe WaY he mentions. There. in the lap of Delilah shoves how the eit.
3 e , tuay evben people, by iliust strongiest are apt to be overeante bv
on. P together with those made with
Lumber% zio man is as good a tium even to redeemed people, lreov- mint, 'no shank. or twee ef beef,
teilie out with pantiete voice. "Tid- waes loud voiced. 1 -
tags. any hird---tierietts for the rit.W
hing !trine the, arerit. tents the
attoetity eel:Mere. who tver8,
frven tfz.ve compawes. 01,'4.'r the
Anezieitizee. ewer:a forth_ They Reed
new arrivat to the yeer.g
311;'Llrlf,E,Nr. Ilere 174.. press:ages aim -
evil.: Ferret the Rare:rel. ILe aso..w-zne„,,s
sare, Las iseen aitetrated orei lees
temitte:li ti.t.tf;'N'Zs:v Jta.lati4Mls
▪ thrortioi is
teen rea:ite ter tts teito, etemeatire tee.
coreiesiner of tat- vie:ghee dietietine,
st of the itrlOgrebs of the centitry one is desired. In strained soaps
What teat. tite reeen. e !Pei
sl'eah of this being still the it is Irest to use onion juice. hist
The principal thing is the flavor.
, e„ „ o . oe a re LI, the tbings of this world, and Jonah. iareen pea, asparagus, chicken, add
theieselves• As 1 slteai"; s°lhe °Id'warning'-ilasheil before their epee asleep in the storm while the heetb- , celery soups need little eeasoning ;
eittbig in a pea* has bkV1t sah-ing In Bet in ninetene eitees out tir a es: captain andiesailors called tiPon ,salt, white pepper, mace Or lemon
Liaise:1 : "Is it net right to !lid: F oundred a tizarais spiritual life Pi'', 0,''' their gods is a wonderful picture of pee/ being eaough. Whole epices.
neence Feting idol/ekes faults ? She., ., eeloped better by hearing of tie, vire tiet ehereh, asleep to such come etiterageni pepper, all sweet herbs,
ue Mot Warn our friends against .
theos sins ? Shaia we reit point out tues and eelf seerldees and elnistion mauds us 1,,,,entli,. xvi, 15, while the dilee, parsley. coaree parts of celery,
purities of Ms feilow men than hie iginal weed of the heathen ehouid put hereon. and orange peel and juice.
eterhs errore as wteil es theie virtues? aalEouiug in tee mud of eeendat end us go shame.
ilia tot Paul write to yomig Titztotity :he site
'garlic., tomatoes., onione, Pareeiliis,
ont, to et -Dative es %toil as datetieh' utter ogainst our meighbors alletees•eiist „et the works at darkness and !butdd select what see eels at halt&
the weevil?"' Yee: itilat• istiirute; htitPas has a bad reaetiotiary efezt 'upon, tk,z as put on the armor of light. and Itiaret to bieed tben1 in on
tdiatd_SinS `""? "CeS ia°1 thote ttlie theildie it- Irkid,.7ekive If ',"'''''' At SWANS straeige to those who iaideseribehle levier 1 Oleg II -did
L.mt a T.4• -4- gr,ott :tack of reprovers, Toter to have a great inotteace tor
.vr, n t. t .ere es geetrald getel it is teesiv e-einittal ,eor tit,.
ie 4 bie4t tearcite- of exhorters onil tre most sitrt, to talk Mlle- ilr"' '
ell:.;',.Zni,ig•-;,S, Vii;etli h. gli.2S right. tie virtnes and the good imelitirse
8 - • • ,
' 12 The 24ght. is far spent. the 'carrots, huy leaves and wine are
'''t•f:Gir54g hint to rtit'414ti witil aS t°' Tit1S 1Zar.sti eriticiem which we nein: hod is tie land Let. us therefore „sieit to g41,or soups. The cook
reeved tee! Dee fierioneees to geed
, the fitittii to woklirs night. hitt it is even so„ and aefore dishing,
to his eveneveititis izt igk4la ; •^1,1,004 ao„..te 11N-50 t81th rthanit We eogte cor- nsat &lawn till the Mar*" r O1 l! beans and peas are valuable'
tv4L-8.41 Lhltn g..14t10.11 Nvery notes naellire. *het_ food produete and inalie the best
iztet soar appears and then the Sun
$54hf!• Ik‘Ci/CN. 1,...,1,1`,•,`N. Les eveRgkit iiiiteaotese altsays events... ties thitei rarehe oie sieiggettie new. xxii. 16; Mal, iv. 2). When 'gimes for fanillY Ilea while green
her ttreedes, 11).• !d0 l.V4kziln.:INS tet C"WNT- :0' I'S the hoedy oi tioe night 'He 154"41. 1- the light tir the'peos, beans and corn Mate detie,WW
13 8Irkii ".4444411454 on tunneled gown rid" (Mat 1 • .
tar te r,A,,,,st'y win lovas to ligat Lis Ratio einterta _ • tennis. In prepering the tined
d,thia i2;3‘a :30 right to drive me :mil bitet an. 8ersuen iiern tt•al"-e linen ai • 4 UW44414 that die world netehol eight
o vat' eties. 1 pt makes ti qts of temp.
eeettayed the eireiniee of lois i gai
.:4;1.4 at2 11404
4 ale_ Power wiz /lad a nee:. tai
Lan; oet No ittieer
halo the F-41%11, • 5,,2PF vie No
3 'bier eiteg sweeter, there 0q!'''
srit:.qer kg Israel. Met I etv
hiet the gotdin Nets of gosetie
E!- lifted his Lend in waveine.
ttierehe tree : Reit
iger eiar eerie Liog. 1,88 11„v•vt ;Ad-
. .
t44 the neer% hat
tee mese gee di -fed theireetieie
' lee reit, sates '
veined Let
eit Pi' V '11
rsie Lei : it tee in. aid
cif Ogee , ''' Yoe ateit.
6 '4 .13r. eneht, es ghetto:I
F; ,eieettet te eaoe
froi, ivie.P.L;413 " BAtr, ell,aarima,10 groWth, sra440,14 r44441% ti40 telt Line le leave beane bailee in Oil
74M W,044,1 M311. '14;; 7;"41 01314 ;vvill eta! rat atter ;eis Iowa 114Cotler ond hiortee ot tee 51,ip14l! 4"!!KWOVIed St!I$Ch.! then FCIVIC041
tidit eteiet tie. geed thiddlt; ne"tr cdiald P'd idoe.vete of God, Then he errata, dlitrioirtidaetted tlehd or Ian off Mont. vl.F.to a puree, and poured ingot
tw,-,!-t., veto oieeti 11" !'. Titat ti sitedeei :al.a tea %",;14t ;Vag bee than the ieost ad/ itt. .2th .2di thd• lth !:turei u !tier slieed Nerd !Smiled eg
6' ';% eneesitie i44-.1 "r4, ""7: 011 at' catiiIV.°' Paul went On c'tor, 10. 'We ore 0 15aN'e, 12 Midi Iraqi forcemeat l'aits. aa
2hdh*ri fah'11h 384 the teetieifeitze ahiaril 0,:qa graiwitm higher arid hiehee ita spirit- • confidence in tee neslo, to wigs ilehooefei of taigeeaue, and a. „
,Tht.t ;.-irhit4iti twit hove 4041gIlaire 4444.i th„. 3'"t" Ilhett ,r.vivaii, er piglet. hut in vele relate,
reve- e4k a trr.r.c. " •
alto destroyed limeelf. o net progrees in or toward rig:atom:a toteee ateeeniugs and u hunt hone,
t -w84:-.-1'. AIN 4'41 and hittau ness for the. Whole World lieth or a oz can eizopped bacon- Adel
tite eletti gees tidai atestrov others we votittilinte 444 the wielied (We (I John v. 19/. ' water ota it reduees, and when Mtfl
411:1 " wafn'n 4irhentier"evtia .tieetnectimt. lielievers are children of the light :ambit as direeted.
britesiceg ttee."!!•flttS MP! 2,.11.4•1:40114.*
hoil four hours oath eieveral of the
trr ridd in frit ht ofra 1%.111V11,y,411," 17,.:4., golden lips of gohdel tihtiii" mei (of the day II Tbess. v. 41:,3 end i !,,,.,Tow oil purees need a °tenor *
•IiiiTtiiihetth. i rft-eiiiril.hF Lad 1l ihii eever ititeenollY siva% a amr,44 ei-tafti•ng re,n. tee day to dawn. for tie y will eeparate. One large tidily-
roveseartn ardi gVE+;:317, 4.03,51 (mato 8s in nond aaaint4 a sheet! neighbor. Wile? f)ni.:: thert will our full salvation epoon each of Miler and butter to 1
Elie, vel :tea lie Wart 111.4tVing ar,it tr3u,ir. pr lincms that in the, sieid i ea.?, to whieh we are drawing tit 44 lign55,1„ eotilliNt together la a
4°.'"''°i t° r'"'''''''3 , "„ P"'7, 1144tt:e", „at' 4 l'it,i1 11•4' ''' “ '-h`:13n-''' °led th"t "' ." 114 414 every 11a,r, e'i statiM1 la 11Z1":,sonciton 1n10 which. the soup is ti
e42eksti 8-,13 to r, 4uaher tarti.,48..,r :,deung !act sod., lie bee eiTeit area tika-0,!yft Eihi wirr, ,ii.
on lath R''''''-`1 ":17 '.."."4r'rr' nliat rite teem tle' divine Pasturage. -Yid' , lie 14. Poat ye 05 the }herd Jesus; after 3,0aint,. nig /4/ .f.33notwillc. The
1 tai toured. completes the preceee
t'st,',d! ''ii l'7'It'di!''''''' :Iri ti?''''.1di.„.71 t4'•41.1 'idle'? 44 "t'"'”50t4 11's the tt'ere It;'' 1 ibci,e and InaThe i!0* 11870)1F44-4 for; iiidetos is taeed ira the sause Itteg 185'
-.8 .!...,,,fls an evot eve:-Ife wngeo 8s „wise at....231.,-,-e, the vnorndry of Ids 8,8.,:,,.: it p', 4_ , ecc14 te plaint Idle thihth thereof.. on vamps, pa Eat evatmli whly
&tee , e "whet Zeieri et o eeii, 4.iii,a : pv11 VT41: rfailfill his Taltiil i ti.. toeless Mal Pi till) and tO lkil' ti.wti 4p1arta of teeter, eitraill anal adoi
IAV!!!4' !'.1;440 Nei? weeis „settitisire," tie more 1,88 40 1"." didiihith esiit to ei,heiee, \huhu *hide, dn. far childn,45.
te;;;.,R,, ise 1,reasei feoei whence tetetad tee tie,. good Anaira'a,-3. The w;:v, tidthiet 'doh°41 Ina 5131, vulva, et tbe ehad ; utile the
tare;lie,ii ffarr (to oneent, 30 otte aur (theist .,,th'ihttit quaniltv ofivneie.n beaus "
earth). irte,r!-, C.T;;:e atrat"t% 4.'i8 411 epistles.. ILOala vz7...im,. 7,7. c,..01,n 01 e
tan were t toi are 4'11 iog,litF., lie wr0e8-8, "43 tua the the didi dhomitred 0.c•oi."11." 1414134. 1,1" inc,,p41 dor o 1,i gine
tei) tviez ina ti -ii Real; if at. voted.
174'4*TA3'n. r''''E'-'7"'Iv43 t' #41'41i'A'r 4e 3 R1 •;11P°Ir4 43 411 44 "ta'''4494. R.kroagi 35 1. 32i gt‘trall CtLIF4 to Ind !her greile peas. Won the golvils 4154
tablespoons butter,. sprinkle with st(
little flour, awl roll up very clese.f
Lay on ice or in a cold place fori
one hour, then roll out into 4,
square .sheet a inch thick. spreadl
with rhubarb marmalade, end roil
up neatly. Lay in a buttered bak-
ing Tian, the joined eide downward,
and hake for three-quarters of an
hour. Jost before it is done wash
it over with slightly eweetened white
9f egg. Eat hot with cream and
A good layer or newepapers under-
neath a, carpet will prevent all data
ger front moths, which have a strong
Objection to printers' ink and will
pot eonte enawhere year it to lay
their eggs,
Tea leaves, damp salt or DM'S -
papers that have been soaked 14 'wa-
ter and then Squeezed dry and torn
into small Pieces are all very -good
for taking up the Oust when sweep-
hig. but. tea leaves ehould always
e tinsed in water before using, es.
pecaUy if the carpet is a light sow
Damp salt brightens the calm
wonderfully if they are at all faded
Or soiled,
Remember that a carpet should al-
ways be swept the way of the ono.
To brush the other way is to -brush
the dust in.
Attend to all stains ns soon eAle
Possible. If left, they gredindly
sink Into the carpel, and are tnuth
31i0Te ijlcj to rea:1017e thou, if dope
The very laet temede for a muddy
is a warnt bath every night.
the bath there must soap
nutlet a heavy lather, and
eliould rinsing water. A
ire little flesh serulthirog tiros)). is a
good thing, ana een be need feete
ly upon the Shin mad with all the
force you can twister. enough to
j lake the flesh glow. Scritti it until
It is a bright pink, Mat no more :
then off with cleer water, and
481114 will have the foutulatien for a
otaraplexion. Vet plenty ot
rares and oranges. Oleo lettuce.
elerea ;twang onions and other
grei u eveietadtiee.
E-- itt Ft Nei 4, .1, e 1•1;be e 3431 11a4-44', 14 lila 14.1 4444It nrit t fl -.,-L l,,..,
Dur31 641 01144' e8444t,8S085n„ he could erx out in role- (*bidet Ja elite tViiii• n), Wil are Either tomatoes. eitittaelt. celery
iaos ttaid the groirit, tint! r‘lalee in wine litahes onotlitir
l'4.7r 'f'S 7.471 til.I.' g°4i14'6..".iet'i- ill4vvr "
31 4'U 384- at" Nett tier
g44ct• t 4Iitlir"f f 1 ly ig ngI to 31T44'
ihe 11314.131441 of Cfhr,.st Jesu,i,agolofre, aitsparagas or turnips m014t dricie hii to !aidhieromalty or all ar- Mlaln(Nee 31 43343 TIMR1rh, ay
belled aOft, reduced to 44
tiottdoin lillihdo tor Sild thddi ,ife wrote tee same iieentiee, ' teeeist 4es-to; vortrat, into the world to yo %%8, dr lined ziflk Ilin ,,,picit, win , -ma,
1-''''''r6-'2'3014.' 4 33,"i3tilers, 48 . ..V4 teed.- 44N3.4'43394' 1Z,44-,er 14ruw.', ' Kew fianert,. Of K81kelt1 I ant Oder," not Eve unto 0811,-;:e11:09 In any isei'd el toe'leaTlieredthwellt1;:"Toflaar,47,eu't
I, 1 -az1,30:,,, t
et l54 pAr Witttt. i404 "a1"111"Lind .i t 40144" dal t Ieh htettilt.reKtY brotherlei prozcer and VOW .' ! VIP: (MIL! a11.oMOILV!ilhe oeamof being aa lhll 954,-' 4.'413 hnliin Ha* 111"". 114443311 11:'8.re'tiand li) Ware cumin* nitre ie no alvtin for any eniter droortion. The "bind" is arilgooad,34.7 4l4l-,4.-. e"ot» 47014 Crotat'43134' eetied 1a
lIeW giiii not you come (et near t() 43081 it'll' nn v hind of a sinner eNeept, 18Y 'vd„08,-potatoes, celery, 51d881:5‘
tiothred et li I.4 lie .'t° tq :1'41',0, i'V't do.' artiral. "aid welt'. ti V! taIII7.1'!r4. tire that ewe will ceitt:e to cOnden811 Your Ithe Idoell of Chriet epart from ann. perenips. or rice are treated izt the
fee aoe ell atal toectrie avowedly dee tieer4 et ; tetitie te; earth° I vomit! ''. wrote wen? Coate I;4''44333-4', &Ike !worlie of learn inf011b IV. rI: Tit. Hie ll settle way. And toe pulp utod with
4, . e 431 34.•8411.111:4E. 3148.4'1103.1117 i("Or 3,,,t1V eieer
ltt, 41,01';)Att"u•10f.e
Klee 54e/1
tt44bet 10 ,o'tgli O,•P .'furn
mainle,siInizal.tAnl;10rteesi2at:lb(41' U11'-'48 4'- ./t,aacat:v 1"'44141' e""I'l e4.44' /""Lind'ebIt WUldlausTeah• y work)(tad. ii, 20; MIL Si. llle lolte,brxpeorliali1ttt13.utaeh at icit,a,,,i, Wo44 %Laede 8t1 etteeteadhee sctfeol ienare *hid ths epc.ted froin
teee 4'4'.'11'333'44",' to the I *i4434.33tinteleralitironin ren? er opleharodeh-wee loo• lved loy 1144, let Mara
1 05V al -t* tre in rehtneee to /48e11.3 17. Mead tvalmweitthenae liv841 by 1'11e151 in lwithout ur
104443 ;Ma !O 11 v1,181 4"NI 1449.4011"nMtal et sayohig 1m'beip. W44 ourselves to 31310.
14. 31 3.843 El4n 3 444Y 54,t 1 heline that1
ee at i
(:ife'“1943 TIlieand weris the
veal stock and cream, or with xi&
1334113.. lways reuembering that the
ock lewell flavored. Gren color-
s for vegetable purees is znade
ere 444t teetetttat 4013 11,z 441 nehtrahrSOl1e311athde4e1111
.!!!!ell“ 5 111 In• LitO tronliff..• eterieliehi neeteered
heaata.s".lie 447'%4'3154ai,n 4,ourUAV (atter farmer.l"theiill ingobebfourte t
hbey patshtue retoomfb aorlf eaar=thly Hee. i. 7 tent Net lei etPlneilheusree. bAwuettd swai.tRh .
vTehael eptocke anhdoucldpee iher
dpounded and Streined are
334*' ar.,/ 434.4'334441314.'P the OP some kind of eeighleirs thvied Lord,
owl meet awn as in the pece fm
eta:Idiom *ir frierrie 14. ehentio.R. 81ra , 419.'1.° Iblw* enine.."
131448' 1.4WI3 teligtati 1I33334.45444,s 434,- SPEAK ONLY OF THE GOOD.
! 'Atte the old Qualog farmer,
Lar -that mi,g.it We 3.4 tea' vandit deelare that each hearer ea
feed Whin lltrineh 104441 0112" .14141 g444111 ill 11 13Iea or bad in al
are to 34t', -,4S 11T04.'ar443vItt and Alien just in proportion ate lais
ownIt El; fler'e
ewIS good obud. Andif wAPRIL19.
ite re.oults that Jesus. in the gospel! rave auy good in
our own makeup it
It: MatlheW. &alums that lae will
, is store importaut that we have the '
o'Text of the Lesson. Rona xiii. he bands of these strange Oriental celery, green peas, asparagus4 and
teindenee US rlOt 11/n1Y for our 1.1,11
. 'ailver time -rue of speech" in order to '144. Gcliaell Text, Rom. esiii., 20 aristocrats are absolutely useless for potatoes make delicious creams with
ertaene. lout, oleo for our testi tale eLout other people's tirtues. i 'a Render therefore to all their any praetical purpose. The nails on ball milk and half veal stock. or
tlioachts. "Ye hate heard that It Let (others. if they with adsertise ' dues; tribute 1 11 whom tribute is- the second, third, and fourth fingers i stock and cream, using the "bind."
1.4441 hy them of old. Thou eimit the. (grove • ill . I Itabout! t t 1 " t f ; attain a length of from four to I Save the liquor when oysters are
... we AS or: V !,!!,/;ea. due, custom 0 W 80n1 CtS OM ear. '
ioot verde' ash:atom' Etat I "S • na.,- * ,
11). that God hi all things nlitl't be thicker than rich creel%
glotriiied througit &Nue Christ, Tomato cream or puree needs sug-
to whona lie imam, and dominion. ((trier ; it, can lie made with bows and
ever {aid leer. Amen Pet, iv, 134t, -overs and a little of many sea -
settings. All kinds of stock, par-
tietilarly lamb, veal and 0110041
ANNAMESE NOBLES' NAILS. ay be thickened to a cream with
the "bind," or better by boiling
rice, riceflour, barley or rolled oats
In the liquor and strainiog; while
The oobles of- Annain permit their
tails to grow as leng as Nebuchad-
ezar's did in his grazing days; and
• • .e goo) • 'to whom fear, honor to whore lion-
lio tem that whosoever Root -Alit on a Tee ...omen of geehei moo"! or.
Wt,a4,131 30 lust after her hetia Crell- never f'"Uotisley whisper sinful tales After asnuring us of our high and
=PON2 ethane*" with Ler milady in into the ears of wrongdoers by holy plata in the love of God
hie heart." We are to be condetneed which they idled. try to justife- their through tl:e gift of lids dear Son
mit wily for what we say end do. ; own sins. A good example is Wee- and that nothing ean poesibly separ-
hut also for what we think. tious.
ate us therefrom and telling us in
dtlia. no," Fags some hearer. "That 'what is true in reference to the in-/ chapters ix to xi of Goirs unchange
is not square. A man should not locum' of a good exatuple is also ing purpose concerning Israel, he
be condemned for what he thinks. true of the infeetion of a bad exam- then entreitts us from elle ter xii one
The thought action of the brain is ,ple. Some of the toll keepers in
absolutely involuntary. We think in New Zealand have trained sheep,
spite of ourselves. We sin Only Which, for a small consideration
when we carry out our evil desires they let out to the sheep drovers to to min He may make Mimed known
of ,our souls, We do not sin neces-,lead tl.eir flocks of sheep neross the to others. Subjection to the pow -
solely when we think evilly." .. Ah, !bridges which span the rivers or the ers that be, cbeerfully playing tribute
rny brother, you are mistaken. A ravines. When the sheer), and taxes, rendering respect. as for -
man. can indirectly govern his whirh are beine driven to
tbouglats, as he can directly govern market, come up to these eignere would in a. country where
they are teniporarils- abbiling-tnese
his actions. If a man allows ;his bridges, they are frightened and
eye only to see pure pictures and not go over. Then these trained
will things Christians should gladly do
because tbey are citizens of heaven
to read good books, his ear to hear sheep come to the bead of the floe,14
an'd thus command the country to
nearly five inches. They are almost cooked vathout it. aud make a cream
etraiglat in the Main, with a slight by adding its quantity to inilk ;
inward curve, and have somewhat double the butter in the "bind" and
the appearance of great claws or flavor with onion and celery juice.
talons. The thumb nail does not SO11115 Inade from a granular sub -
attain the size of the rest of the stance seem more preperly purees
"digits, and usually exbibits more then (Teams, though the purees in
tendency to twist. It is supposed most ca.ses are identieali
by some that the abnormality in Noodles, croutoes, diced meet,
nail culture was adopted to indicate tiny forcemeat balls, peas, esparto. -
ward to let God have our whole- be- a lofty immunity from labor and gus heads, rice, grains or Sliced
Be will live in those 'elm are yielded
ing that by a. riglitemis life which frivolitg.
+ one likes.
eggs may be added when served, if
°ray *what is good and true in re-
ference to his fellow men ; if a. man
allows his tongue to repeat only
that whidh is generous aud loving
and gentle -that inanis mind and
le oate. - When the un-
treined sheep see that some of their which they belong.
8. Owe no man anytlaing, but to
number tan cross the bridge, with thee
a steady rush they fellow after their one another, for he that loveth
' re are scores ancl hun- another bath fulfilled the law.
i .
spirit will become true and good. ef tireds of thousands .of men, and 'woe Some one has said that love is the
law itself in manifold action, an *b-
ids mind becomes pure, then hiselen who ligation never fully discharged. Love
want to do wrong. .But
thoughts and his desires will become when they hear of the shortcomings
. is seen perfectly only in Christ, neve
pure. as well as his actions.
The golden lips of gospel eilence
are often just as important Tor our
seiri dual development as the silver
tongue of speech. Joseph Addison,
the great English author and critic,
once gave a description of his feel-
ings when listening to a master-
piece rendered by a. noted orchestra,
He said that he was not so much
impressed with the great tidal waves
of sound wbich dashed themselves
against his ea:rdrurns as the waves
of the mighty deep in midwinter
- beat against the Holland dikes or
with the volume of mingled sounds,
as when the voices of the celestials
seemed to blend with the voices of
the terrestrials, as he was impressed
with the deep silence which sudden-
ly ensued when the orcbestra leader
lifted his baton in the midst of the
piece and commanded his musicians
to halt. "Methought," he wrote,
Pthis shore interval of silence had
e ow men, they say to
er in sinetil morials. If any think
themselves: "Well, if So-and-so can
sow his wilil oats, that they have seen it perfectly in
guess we cam some redeemed one, let them cons -ki-
n So-and-so can safety erase the er such in the light of 3 Cor. xiii, 4.-
riekety bri'dgesponising the river of h., wee441330 coesider one of Mr.
'death., X guess we caa alsotrust our- Strurgeon's dellnitioes of sin as any -
selves upon the swinging span. Here
goes!" "Tinder is not more apt to
take fire," once wrote Phillips
Brooks, "nor wax to take the im-
pression of the seal nor paper the
ink than youth is to follow 111 ex-
amples." "When the abbot throws
the dice," goes an old legend, "the
wbole convent will gamble also."
Everywhere we find that when a
great man does wrong his evil con-
duct is taken as an example, or
rather as an excuse, for 'midlands
and thousands of similar sins.
Never give any man a chance by
the recital of some wrong or sin to
turn his face for one instant from
purity and right. When Leonardo Peen, bow can 1.0 lo -e God. whom he
da finiehecl his great, paint- teeth notheeeeterd :John iv, 20)F
thing that the Lord Jesus would." not
think or say or ilo or bless. If one
should ask, Where, then, is the per-
fect love which casteth out fear? (1
John iv, 18) one answer would. be,
There can he no fear wiaile abiding
in His perfect love.
9, 10. Thou shalt love thy neigli-
bor as thyself. Love worketh no ill
to his neighbor; therefore love is the
fulfilling of the law.
These commands 'deal with our
'treatment of our neighbor, for we
can prove our love eo God (the stun
of the first Tour commandments,
Matt. XX(1i, 86, 37) only hy our love
to our neighbor. "He that loveth
eca ais neighbor, whom be hath
The scholastic,. authorities of the
SW1F.6 town of Semen have issued a
notice forbidding schoolboys to
carry etens. Xt., appears that for
some time past it has become the
custom for the boys to carry revol-
vers with them, even into the class-
room, and this practice has led- to
numerous accidents. The habit is
the result of reading romantic books.
The boys had formed a revolver
club, and over evening after school
pradieed shooting, somefitiet even
in the playground.
It has been build by experiments
that the force of a growing pump-
kin was sufficient to lift two and a
half tons, provided the weight is so
placed as not te interfere with the
growth or natural development of
the vegetable. ln. London a paving -
stone, wbich weighed 500 pounds,
end which was wedged, on all sides
by other stone, was lifted up by a
mushroom. The growth of a big
gum tree at Cinerias, Honduras,
moved the wall -3 of a concrete church
three feet in thickness eighteen
inches in eeventeen years.
graoril •••••••+*.nemr OM
The latest project in Zurich,
Switzerland, is to tax every Mhab-
itant over sixteen years ord 87
cents a year, the State adding 25
cents. This Will yield about $100,-
000, which will be eased to secure the
services of forty physicians, who
will take care of the health of the
aloe* populationio the city.
Jelly with Whipped Cream -Wash
and cut into inch pieces 1 -Ib fresh,
tender rhubarb. Put it into a bak-
ing dish with 1 cup granulated sug-
ar, 1 cup water, 2 or 3 slices lemon
01113 314 tiny bits, and a. small piece
of ginger root. Cover and bake in a
moderate oven until tender. When
done, remove from the oven, take
out the ginger root. Add to the
rhubarb 2 level tablespoons granu-
lated gelatine, and the. package of
coloring found in each box previous-
ly soaked in e cup cold water, and
dissolved over boiling water. Add
1 tablespoonful lemon juice,, and
turn the mixture into a mold dipped
in cold water. Set on ice until
firm, then turn out on a shellow
dish, and heap sweetened whipped
cream around it. This is a hand-
some and delicious dessert.
Souffle -Cut the rhubteeb into
small pieces, allowing 1 lh sugar to
each quart of rhubarb, and enough
water to keep from burning. Stew
until tender, then press through a
sieve, Allow 8 eggs to each pint of
stewed rhubarb: Beat the yolks oi
the eggs very light, and add to the
rhubarb. Mix well, then fold in the
stiffly whipped whites. Turn into a
well -buttered dish, and bake in a
hot oven half an hour. As soon as
it cracks open it is done. Serve at
Roll -Rub 1 tablespoon butter into
1 qt sifted flour. Make into a, soft
paste with about 1 pt milk, and
roll out very thin. Slimed with 2
FOR (11rANI54fil
ora meet nod in beisaire tint 1
ver gitives whale en the
eivotranientied eel 44 seeteet or hod
(-11313 3413t113 SKIRTS.
Meow thin rlarts 3*6'41,18 the (Shirred
elnese loy coattail:nil red in ore,
thirrinen 318 ;vie* the Manner
wevailed Nearly thirty year.% amr.
In both France and England the
tornoliile 3314 ahead to Ite applied WI
egolar railway haute. Fatly in tht
vontioan emit:her a train composed ol
"autotneoltited earrifWes will he peit
n the road between Pariti ono I3.
ion, with the hotentiou of covering
the distance of 1113 utilea between
Wee tithes at the average epeett 0/
341 141134'S an hour. It foi the intene
91. to extend the sumo tiervice from
Marreilles and Mee. 01111 ale
to employ it aeteteett Pieria told
illoe autommoolille conibinee
the functions of a !cementite and a
passenger coaeh. It is 50 feet long,
and el* feet of this :pace at tl:e front
end are ocetipied ha the timeliest tine
paratus. d'he motive power 39
steam. widele After actuating the
driving wheels of the auttommobila
Is reconverted into water. The fuel
' petroleum. The carriages can be
run separately or in train. In Eng-
land auto -ears, with dynamos to
generate electrie power, are soon to
be employed on toortions of the
North Irestern Railway, to neteler-
te the trailic.
A Pied Piper of Hamelin is badly
eeeded in Edinburgh. Scotland, by
the Priucejs street hilted -keepers,
Just now they are pestered by an
invaelon of bate:ilium of rats
swarming from azz ivy -clad bank in
the gardens laaid out :tome time ago
for decorative purposes by the cor-
poration. In this secure retreat the
rats pass the day, issuing forth at
Inight-time and finding 'their way to
the hotels across the street by means
of old drains. So bold ere the in-
vaders that some have been aeon
climbing up the Water -pipes on the
hotel fronts and entering at the
open windows. Every device known
to rat-catchers has been employed
for their, extirpation, but in vain.
The latest agent introduced to car-
ry on the battle is the mongoose of
which large numbers have been im-
ported by the distressed hotel
. -
At Cropthorne, in Gloucestershire,
England, a beautiful place, with
good shooting, stands empty be-
cause successive ,owners have found
it impossible to keep any servants
there. A booted something enters
at the front 'door, crosses the hall,
ascends the stairs, and proceeds, to
an attic, where it apparently sits
down and casts off first one boot and
then tbe other. The latest lessees of
this place, who are alive now, have
stood on the stairs and heard the
footsteps pass between them, and
their dogs, one a mastiff, have re-
mained paralyzed with terror, their
hair literally standing on end.
From Odessa comes a romantic
story of a miser's: millions. A man
named Raeli died some roonthe ago,
amid surroundings indicative of the'
utmost penury. On his death -bed he
S id to his friends, "I leave nothing
but debts," but on the judicial in,
ventory of his possessions being
made ir ha
made it has been found that he
died worth $20,000,000, mest of
which was invested la Britisa