HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-16, Page 1e
ettle-noieleteese ,
*-*--)K---*-*---*--*-*-*,-*-*-- x-- 1 laiean lkiriton Hay Council Ailsa Craig:
i visitino friends in town, -Good Friday 1 of the de. n
I T If B Ala '‘Arrn. Diamond, of Detroit, is HousecleaniorgAsieveilonsaetoebseortheooftelsetr. ouTpleoxem3,10;1,11a.coilthoAf rtbrilts. TowAtir iirpeseneLlet. :ars ww. ON„licablIollehl:,s.cygle.re, n Fll his Assessor McArthur le on his annual
le N .e T/17 F 1- R eV. te ' - o • • ' Y" - ' ' 311 1 th
t sboe shop f Mina 4Ceeptect a, sitnatkell eii round.: _es „ • - e b .
...., • trtlee nee eld at 1.1.12 1.3
i leisted tnf eere: teeletin here, ,Z5ett lees Illatrets, .e.pent a few days with frieude A eommunication from the Mayer of ):1Gtha.udseTtruhfictentldre 1 .1-)''' „Itlielh • 1.f , etlitondbFoltdidaolyevaoff)tilitlisraci.-Mr. D:S..tel ..atitt.
ant r iesees x teen e 4,1
Having purchased the *
A * were beld in Holy Ininity church that Dheotil;liitts-lisigpentiedeingweaeltf.e-wMrciayOs ewoti'gole Til•s reratnon7os,tbrnt. ttonbilet.il 44)1 leatgth)hz, ftroirems liaostisciwe' neoeinlAc-Oir:iLlede.elm..eelialidi'rnsatelvkliatnsheitesIn:i1111)yeeldutibt(); lc: etti.ettpG:liKee%,aestx-foirasnuoithhm:rettritot.:: etp.anxii;t:ev,ibl,a1r.,,,,
date -Mrs. F. H. kn Ohs, Ulm has been
ill for eoioe time at her parenna home friends in Guelph. -Miss Nellie Nixon tbe County Clerk, re the Good Roads
tltbusiness and good will of I
I Mr. A, Cottle we beg to et here. has ieterned to lier home in Irote is 4... 11 the dreasnutleilin with Mrs- Scheme et the Count)* Council was .881t:Sit-thl‘lteittssete,;s1ro3,14o3!1.4:847erellp"tlaserp,°0-„Tf othhhilti.htift:.4S:Iteg4ti:(4311%;ibt;s1.17:btlecetZalibort'
i est, accompanied by lier mother, Mrs. Jiemston, of Woodhann-AIrs. Bilrge, read, Tbe matter wits lind over till
„mph ored our predecessor with
tit assure ell who have fav- Moreean. Her Inftny friends here wisb Nebo bas been spending a few weeke. )k 't ,.. Pa
I. for lini• speedy recce•ery. et meeting • tinottstexet -01ma, t4.(14 —'4.J It. Fox tele betel. dlioteeii t 0 ' .1,. 0 me time. ea . tte sc . 2 ,
1.; . t Zs ' ' Braissels, as duaybo;leTto'rl.'fr'n4-leelnIr IlldQt
with ber fattier, Mr. J. O. 'rafts, bea keepers, felaceviessee and road corouns-
1 their enstoni and thepuh.
* lic generally that they X
l will beanie to procitreall
a articles manufactured by Miss Isabelle :4. Cie/diner is beime Burge, who has been bere for tbe past and ordeted to be pitieh-M Scbwartz- -"echred n Psititnn-The grin neenns It° :sasvaltfdesaio 14-7rs,t,.-3 iLiti.iyitlitsittitt.thutsi:ni.lhhat-1Vrso.'eFil:
P 34 11 and a halt, will), her gnindfatriete entruber, tile cidvert, Slz J. W. Desch,. staY at1"3nd the vget
--Ape.-- . •
et the old primrietoi• at our et froati St. nfilI"SS Oa llegia tt- institute tor ,.. Ft. Rus,ser is vEszo., ftgiellids in Seen -
4 e.ttabliebtuent We win p tho Eisttar botidatee_et ;et; earling, of I 51r, ,I, 0, TtliftS,An *44kt• HOMO" UM,. rep. culvert. eon. 10 ;old lt, az; Airs. E.
IChiti'll• ' libAWA. Miele.- Mrs. TeLtteen spew a fear
f guarantee all our work *, Exeter, is visiting miss vent elmpbejt, der the auspices of the .Ladies* skid of • Witzel, relief. SW; U. Lip thiirdt, as- 1
* and we are going to sen et -4. huully of English pzenge p4tine to Atethodist church Was given in the ees.sin.'.'s S.) 11 ec4; JaAbil ey, repair- Air- B., :Milligan, of Daiblin, spent ,, 'Liens In erednelei d'oting the W'S'Qk•-
I]. et inaderate prices, - T. e enteetoes test twoneate They wiii base,aieot of the church on Monday eve ing two culverts, con. 9, Sde '44 15 Struday with frieud-; here.- Mr. B. ,,, Metsrs- IL W. Min gatn, Bert White
et 0 80/i0it a. Cail 4 chiirch,-Geore-e Clo7ett na5 hired with 'MI who attended.
it IV Schnenite lInhe, $29.7St Anon li:Iter- Iing $.4411E044 14 421 a wan up omens -- ',! Mtary Sellout ;it lexatilain.-Little
hilt a 2„,,,,g,Tlizi.c., ott.hiseteetoestteett'i Teiry I.Villienne, WItAA) baEi been epenilt
tine trot- einal Alla•x. McKee- are attteteien toe
nnf, part eatery, $40; The, expeotes Clionsingbain baspurchased Iii
A it reside In the cottnee 1)14.01 of the ening. A pleasaist time WKS Spent by Clerg,
4 all (Z yoza. pation ale. 4 D.licEtoutgal for the siiiiiiiser..-2,11rie B. seiero- her, shovelling nritYel. 81.C41; ti. Isveb,
- Beavee, Vl'ill) WSIS 1l4 fl in last week, la St epilen r, repaiting liell, $25; Din. wotk ou eleog his brotoee eteee."pee a, few t lug tillf,' Tlint4^F hPre with Ins grannena,
aesistant poet office lestettnole of Lout zuogstisahelonig_hiti4vti;vt.tehnht.s.htboante,,tonofn. Toils:: ' n' ie rinnl.e$1..19; &leen FIStY. Coo days. Bea tutees as hale r4na ueark,-.., as 1 hie, ristiienett ttt nee belie. 421 ID;AzozDtchu,
WOO; Olt ri4nriii• Vold. a v(mineil Ivin ever.. --Mr, Angile MeDonalt1 le tinning -see-
see. I
KILLOUG II B ii. 0 S I -
entebtly improved.. 5/1.. D. ettoome,,,,
he*.teit _et_et....h.eet-et-se-st- et-ee-n. rte rePoete44,.enern jiving in nOnnnn't homes where there are 411111 14,'.0
ehapte-Appiicants tor ciirrYinn tile daughters, tools 111 144. iit the residence 441)!)celecitek-81°1:11:1:1'n MuluiParYe4"11144-514.eretr413. Air, Joint untes Nru oit Tinit-sday last : ill.g,1;-,41g.'tZ-4nii(7:1.1„I‘fi'i'iliti'il"1;:.1'f'111°;till8tinott;
Menne ini Ltionlon tills 'oxen.
BARN BrENED.-- FUT' inloke out tn ... t„. Grand Rend
* EXETER. .,j litho, wnn ntetho °Mee here Inst week, mon occurrence Ot AU Wrn ngInstted
Inuit from liere to Dublin bane imIS of nir, Willbtin Bagshaw, lira comes- Veit tralia ah("tt 41"e u'elnek "ntl' 14'1.111e asSI'Z'413ei. ' fliati !dr. and MIS J411. III ennet spent
, ..... .
h until April 17tb, to seed In at'ir ten' SIM1. the oecaslint being the 1411111 i4 Din% OR4...:gtEraS.il, oRme, ,I.,,,n, tIle barb frietneung, sonic, ot !awhile iit Pievenele. the ginete. 41f Mr.
arrived ibi ibtrues weiti Oeetind con.
• ' " • ' i h
tlers,-13ent, Stenritrt. (.f sni'f°ntit ninth cif his third daiighter. hitss Lenorab. . joie Riiii.-Alr. tenutv beetled hie Wiese
$0110°1. in htlwn r°1'' the' •Rtster weeih- to itir. Iticherd Eleton, of Centtilitas OilloshienntE“ g4g-44,- ti.!"ntag'",I'' iligtintii'teehathlhre .ethh'I'‘,. to en. tta-S^Vai'rr.F. anlint Fatiew is
inh c * 14 SS V ' 'f° ed n 14. i. Tyke:eine centreett ;Olen r•illinWl,10-"e7141) 1:7e4 I' t 1114. e o Pint 4, ' . P.,' ..,, sinefddinv the !nester loninave et lier
i•iivered by Insiirawee me in tmal tit to. . • 'G • i . rel -ere e Wk. ti,
toe nth is it, mi,..:,,Itgatr. Ah... Hato hos; .114t 5iiii . 4.1 4
I) Liailid '4. Uti lith )4. lettnes tie- r eieettee
the synipallie- of alit in lint lets, ,
, for a, eietage.- nfr. Stecy, i f tieueellt
it,rin%ley. 412.41317:4111;:71-.31.: :14411t...'hIlhe:
Tlif6 Rex Sociel Ilidil et MIt e. John • teth rotten Thant tiley la -lee -She mid
itewhn louder the 401.191ii''4'"i "f 1 hie Elriq' .A04+1 hota. gof ENt"ter.71.%lst rt-iaty bete.
liSill ei14411.11. Wa.,;,zt greet teireete. elver, -Mt; W, T. linieseehnet, of Lendoti,
811 wzie eiteirest -nliee Italie- Pie: ce wee in erten Ailt Mitailav. --eclib9 AntliQ
turned to hot, home violet:4 Nino. stoneee for the year were appointee. 04 ii James Dario ao41 tfauelilY Law has purebestel L„. Haritisoies res -
have tuoved to Isondon. where ne oas telettete-Aliss Maestie Mactszentue who-
rtnneell lett I". She tie3Saccomptinied by Miss Gbelye The following accounts wero Passed
EissiBUGGIES !inns
it, etillyard, ht 4 (matt; p.m, and was Mrs. Williiiiii Elliott entertaintel a
BUGGIES!! Corbett .
Miss (tore, of Sleek., IR ei,eaged at , witneseed only hy a. few ininiediate number of Inning PeoPie front Exeter.
the hotel here. -Albert Pollock, has ' relatives of the contracting pollee. , FridnO otenilig. lest. ta lionter on _the
"ane to Grarton to e tend the summer The beide tens aesisted be her tester, f birthday of her dengliter, Mies Lillian.
The undersigned will have a 0 • ' 1 ' - • ma v• t • i I ti *
mepiterson, u hit bas even ill 4 lbS le mein, w u e le groom Was All rettort halving epent a very pleas-
i.;!;111pnitilinyteree,elos‘,4eitimn.e pleated to state, 1 ailln' suPPonted bY his brother, Un- n'tnt ""d st4-1414' "'Hi' ahd sPe'llc l'°0 -
S. W. Webb is Jesse Menlo, of eentrolla. The hap.' ly of Ilre. Elliott's simeriority in en -
having A stone wall put tinder his py (emote left the :tali* eirentog for terIaining. The eerier poet ilf the
tuntse.-We underetaial that Alr, and 1 their future home in Biddidph. where evening wee elient with the nsoal
\A m. In ocilietrit tutend moving WE*. ;Mr. Elston 18 4 Mel Of OW eolL he 41011"Senienit'', often .,,IvPc11,_ tt , tinintn" Is la,qt411,4 ft-i411dS lit Iseiejoite-tene tereet,th v4.14,4 I toot tho „nett of
ewe this wett, witiqv be has wilted a i Annexe= Solite with the hoet of luncheon nnn tetkno °F toe n°5tennt ;mai Mrs. Atelinede Peest. Of I'. At'iglafil. , Mt,,,,I,tp. Brenner, het toe Tenn once
eituation, We ate serry to lose such 4.4.4ein-II:340wiehing Mt'. and Mate Eleton Ilion tho foaming nnhilven4 nwal vieiten with 1 44tiV4";' in tili's '4.4vM2:F : went; -,, left Seedily for DA ir DA,IA,ik, Dui
gona neighbois and win nawa,,Ns wet. enntinued hippiriese aud way their Pereentotion "a';'' (114.4.4(4.4.'4"'" a t"1"11) "f 1 13',I ‚.4.4' 4. -Mr. tiled Mrs ,tile al Ten- ' 1 1,1 ;,'.-Thrgirer Iiir ne Intenetillietre 24.4.4. 244.4..
etene teem to our miett„,ne te„ hetet 1 life be an unietentillited honeymoon, i,1 gileteliciiiiipitte..reoltiV,Iniirwilrilattinslitete.rel.nil3itlitrt. ill Tentrvat-,,..trilt.eriemh4;setnsotueibeFe.,:_nlitlsz.m3/211-17.: , iloa,t..,4„ttti_1„..111, a.,,Itinl,:44atga ;4114 Itflitl..,2 41; iiiii 1 1,1.0
I)( Exeter Uit lnoel 'SO 31r, and Mite i i „ • ,. ,
A, otellinan goad en VA":.'1. -Mrs. James ,1 Blake oellemitra 31. ,AllonelIe Ur ItilliAle i'f? I,$gilt41_111.%4.c1„"F.1144,1.64:1te.s".”, 1.11,,,,k4-,_,`...4.14.' ‘,14:-..,,A,:4-4A,411414i :41; ,,T;;;.:4i .%;-zilark-filztAil..11443:
i, hoh usually whet lithe ittothit waston et jills7TIPIIrri5P2letesniVeetehi Itittlat.E170,ts riT. il irn'ete'entlan it iiieMelele nlittet "An:Iz'Ol- 1 etw;il 1;1 nee eetlet le fetteiteg ;nen ttlagtV.
1 riming is ---5--. i ntlit h' riteet •
illnees.-L. C. Coebeit, of Serola, levet
astire on Thiirselay tbe eit1150 below nos Latter te•ten- e4/11 alini Mi14.9 Alherne of Louden. nit4- ' hag Reilliego - Anis W. IllelOwill of
carload. of Canada, Carriage
Company's Buggies arrive on
April 1st. If )T044 a first-
class buggy call stt the nieCor-
uncle shop before you bine.
Tbese are an extra, grade of
buggies and will belix assorten
colors. Don't forget tile ennui,
taWn RIO intend*. remaining
fl 01441.1.4* 444 L` some tittto.,Antd,..,10:10 Thiiiitimity lot weddingoild it atwaFti tuves pleatt. arn,...1t,41.nirt:Itf eldt„ wintlityrrs4i. It.tenin I set, vet a • Ile - ,"- a'"", '
few t to for Ileadlorn, %Orme lie lite ill Hide advents of 1.11141. The - • • A.”^i , A A S4 ,1 and ellit • Lt. 101,
• •
s "NH BRC)Whi
Intends_ ependlog (4.4(' enin)nerlit4 eontreeting pat ties are 311.i4.4. ADVNI -g?"2" I r 1:4:° °1qt11::174414:4.:-;::4:1: .1/
will 4.elimb. missed here s be we(leo. Howard, sehool teacher.or t 711.1 !;I 111141kl:1,,.k:F::111;;/1444. 11,
bung over with toy anil his looks he to7cwat':11,47Ple,Et.":013 tir;L"ll4i."01:1!44'4e4:1:4
generid InINOtite Wit 11 all. this plaee. Thegroom was fairly hub- 4110q1n• - - lag Inmate in 11.441-mt. Onlite awl
lienattenet TO 1.0e11, • . -tre- teeete the eeetitiet heildieg Ht•W
:4X St& JOSerili trityed his feelingseind as the beautiful niter 0.1g tr,4 r, 1pr allipaAirnazare,, 84,4.4114 4.4.44.S S. No. in, inquiet.
haVo =Molted private fun.ls for In. „ „ s 00 I dre " 0 filtndichercuutia Ra.r. at ta a tins tiraelas fag
vOstritent upon farm or yillog0
st rates of interest.
lit'IU 441.1.l anti SI. POSSeD111.1"TY's .WhO 1146 even
hlemihtythmtria0 n . 1., Trehe"bervd' hwi0as mt4ilnteg1.a4nr„etiave. aethtnnreitgmeho/sinhWtsa%w:to httnpolrntIr't3eaUh0„V otnf otehwor t F%araet.In"o,.g.er-:e.r, 4itr.g5q,hoMatteshstr•ela. wC,hacarlecs haew,hlti aoth_
at 4dniu)e:t'nhW.:i1t Otr„uMs etfi_ehlEv . dIat p%M,.AN.t -f O•S_ne
ew"imetirgtlac.QPri61°4'4"tgede ( e aHle OASgtOps33)..rta, Wteheghtoeno
DICK6°N8zCal"N1%Wtiring t.wtist 4133 1'.1 14.4.1 "'tira44ee'""'”"n/rtr"".”n. dorfr4eurmmanfaure Atb At1 •T \the (41?) 4.11 ht„seeeertslung“1 thvpIt
Barr6ters,eta., xeter. t(Ilad Bed. hitLet; tts ntesng mony was performe=o'e dirtnutin..ornmay a. pohs.t.um as eenigie N hIt.r11.414,41hit 41:":;"t-
their() a largo funonut of private fuudS to
loan 911 limn and village propertiea at low
r atesofluterest.
- taken ids race and will conduct th'i by the Rev. efrt Davidson, of Varna. ine in lour twee ionleses tein tesr innohttteh one team ot hones t 0.4 we an: gothad en to wand the deetb of
hotel for t present. -Mrs. Regau ant
. The niInDY couple left the ilext theY for lvlikh Yon b3,' ri4"41Itttar nit tee ueli st tele
family moved from hereto Chiselhuest tn• • - - Mauls that c.,n may in ewe and auncvstul piitlemen in Blythe -Mr. Jae. 'Moore in, young PCIS4111 IP1(4.4`11.11t4WII or wore
0. gan, thEY spent t e r •
this Week. We sure score. to lose Ales. eters-Oleg enini eta ate tettetrell. ne am', is building ft woodsluel to the ear 41 1t,,hh in:teemed than Miss Minted'
wish that the it/Mornay vocal to you r my ohis reeidenee and =thing other Renee. only daughter of Mr. limes
Reg= front onr midst. but what is our Itilliatissidtb vi› voioalva., provements,-sRev.Mr.intobbatif Wing. r; Rowse t hie plewitt who drier' !led this
ham, will preaeli t MO 1141454 bre on Sunday 11411 ling last, at the age
eluircb here on Sunder next. Meer., nl yeara Deeeeend bad only lava
monsewin be in behalt of the F.pwortit ` anent two months 14.444(1 (14.04.4.s.7. and
League.-- The Ladies' Ahl met Wenn ' bine lo? WM/ C411140 resignation
needay afternoon fur election of WTI- and in oet feet faith of her Master. She
cers. The (nil Ofilrerd were renneeted W,11. 3 general, favorite with old end
with the exeeption seeretary to yonzig and ber death h;is east a gloom,
wbieh Mrs. J. C. Stoneman was an. .nwp 4.01141-111111tIY. 81141. IMAMS be-
pointed.- Service WitS held in St. Paul's hinti the sorrow-strielc en parents and,
clench on Good Friday afternoon. st. two brothets, to mourn the loss
celebration of the Indy C01131111IniOn dutiful daughter and Ithiti and loving
took place at the service on Easter; sister, besidee a host of friends and
Monday evening. The Rev. J. Cooper relatives. who feel (hat 'they have in.
Robinson, the firstenissionary ot, leave deed lost true friend.. We extend to
the bereaved ones the profoimil sym-
pathy of the entire community at
WitOMNO.---On 'Wednesday last our
little village was the seene au intex•-
esting event, especially to tbefair pore
tion of this entumunity, it being the
occasion of the marriage of Mr. Geo.
Hartles popular and. eetimable daugh-
ter, 3liss Sarah E., to Mr. Emil Golin,
a prosperous and well known yonng
farmer of this townsbip. The bride
looked charming in a. beautiful travel-
ling snit. The nuptial knot, WaS se-
curely tied by the Rev. S. A. Ciu
In the above marringe we predict that
it will prove IL happy union, anti such
it ought to be. The contracting par-
ties are strong, healthy and much re-
spected. Thhgroom Is a model young
man, industrious, temperate and a,
good farmer, and well worthy of a
good partner to share Ins joys, assist
him in the battle of life and. cheer bim
in the time of trouble, and such be bas
got, for Sarah is one of those gnod-na.
tured, kind-hearted girls who will make
a man's life a happy one. We wish
them the blessings this world al -
fords, and trust that thew path through
life may be strewn with roses.
(Intended for last week)
Mr. j. Spackman, of Exeter, ;Tule
Wednesday here.-Alessrs, William
and Silas eratton left, Wednesday for
Manitoba, where they will make their
fnture home. We wish them every
success in their new home. -Messrs.
J. T. Westcott and W. Jones, of Wee-
eter, spent Thnrsday and Friday here.
-Mr. Elliott was here one clay recent-
ly buying borsee.-The Misses Lou and
lioneynloon. after wlitch they will wee
Fete'. Ile &elan, DOSS will be t Ilisellnirst, s gane-Tee
i turn and settle down ;mil luittle with
13arrister. ltain Street Exeter the stern realitiestoftlife. They. bave.
- Reeds. Blniney and
. 13231(11.`8 held see* the best wishes of the commultxty at
ERNEST ELL1OTT oices here on hunclay antl Alonnay ev- Inge, anti we wish them a. smooth
Deal Estate and Insurance Agent ening lItSt tO sinall congregations nn jonrney througb life with no greater
Farms and village properties bought and sold on bath OrettS1011S. Tile Rev. gentlemen . ,
tx (tables titan little °ries.
reasonable terms. Several dwelling houses for sale.
Lands lu all parts of Manitoba AIKI the NOrtirWrSt
4.01. 1144.
bave left for other fields of labor.-nfte
12, Cluirrett purposee buildiug a new
bouse on the farm he recently purs
chased a short diskette° email of here.
-A little son of Mr. 1, Overholt had
the misfoetune to get hie hand severely
torn by a. hook 011 ft, been. .door Friday.
'The undersigned is Offering for sale that desirable
village property on corner of Carling find Nelson
streets, Exeter, being Lots til, 82 and 133. There is
04) t4., p
tirema ises good brick house, containing Mile
rooms: a good stable (theloweriudt brick); hen house
and pig pen; fifty fruit, trees, hard ,nud soft water
rind other conveniences. 4.41111. 144 sold reasonable.
Apply to
CUM. Isaac, Exeter.
Mrs. Wm, Patton, who has been
quite ill of late, is rapidly recoving.-
Miss Minnie N. Youn , is visiting in
O. Nested, Al. nfiller, reeve; b. Dor-
meta in Town liall. McGillivray, Apt II
Council met pursuant to releoutu-
Illetlillivra y
mail, A. II. limIgins, J. nieGtegor and
7Alttlelit W. AIRWS011. councillors. Iliniites of
last meeting read, approved of itud
Mr. Litt, of Sebringvillei sPent o• few signed. Ilodgins-nlawson, that 0.e -
days in Osten doling the WOO; the eountehtnomming in ail to ePieetl, lie
aest of bis brothel! nanitne Rev. W. paseed and orders issued in payment.-
. Ytteger.-Mr. John Foster is elec-
ting a fine 'nick MANG at his residence nyettaw No. 8, 1003, impointing Col-
Carrien. McGregor-Dormini-nebat
opposite then1Fai4.' grounds.-nir. Ire- lector, as read it flest and, second time
land, of Clinton, agent; for the Canada lie ROW reada. third 4.4.11414. and finally
life ASSUrallee CO.. WAS ill tOWn last passed,-Caeried. Memson-Ilmigins
week.-Alr. Daniel Gin erich, of the that Council adjoarn to meet in the
Bee entree 11011e FOE SALE. London, the guest of er sister, Mrs. Bronson line lately pure used a luted. Town Hall, the lirst Monday in Milt at
O. Smithers.-31r. Esli Poulter, late of SOIne two-year-old colt from his ueigh.
Tieing composed of North -half of the north half of ten Onloek aan., when gravel contracts
Lot re in Mt 1St concession of Stephen, situated the post Melee store here, has gone to bor, Mr, Godfrey Nicholson. -We re- will be let Itnd Plithinristers appointl d.
ph 1ree quarterspf a mile south of Exeter. cOntainini Brigden, where he has secured a, good gret to learn that Mr. John Deichert is carried. Wee Fitasnit, Tp. Clerk
od b k 1 I ard
ositi on 118 clerk in a dry goads store. laid up again, suffering from the old
sir. George Grieve, who purchased Mr.
George Ahtchell's peoperty on the 21st
concession, tuul his counsin, Mr. Gil -
beet, on the 20th concession, have ex-
cbangecl farms and each have taken
possession. -Mr. David Pointer, who
recently sold his bnsiness here, eonsist-
ing of the store and blacksmith shop,
44.81104. Soft water In house, an two wells in fielas also one
in drive house, bank bora, hen and pig houses, and
drive shed, large orehard; containing apples, pears,
raspberries, strawberries. etc., ole. Terms easv. For
particulars apply to Mrs. Fanny 'Wilson. Exeter,P.0„
or to Thos. Cameron, Farqulum
for the foreign field from the Canaan
Cluirclo is home on a furlough from ,
japan and will (4.4'00p3 the pulpit in!
St. Paul's church on S'unday next. It
will be remembered that Mr. Robin-
son visited Hensall seven years ago,
when home on a furlough and bad
trouble. Another slight operation was Smoot, REPOUT.-The following is with him on tba occasion a native
performed to remove the accuenola- the correct report of S. S. No. 5, 31e- japariese convert -Harry Welsh and
tion of pus. We hope he may soon be Gillivrayefor the month of March:- site, accompanied by their nephew,
restored to his former healtb.-Mr. V. ---Josephine Coughlin. Sr. IV.- Milburn Milson, have returned from
Hartleib is erecting a verandah in Rose Lightfoot, Leo Coughlin, Ed- the coast. Mr. Welsh was inuell pleas -
front of his store, which adds much to ward Faulder. Jr. IV. -Pearl Short, ed with the country, where there are
its appearance. -Dr. Campbell intends Erwin Scott,Nellie Lewis, Janet Ma- many excellent opportunities but his
leaving for the Old Country in a few guire. III. -Eddie Jones, Arnold health being poor he thought it better
weeks, to take it post -graduate conrse Coughlin, Adeline Hoffman, Raymond to return to Hensall.-We learn that
in the leading hospitals. He will be Coughlin, Alice Wilson, Chester More our much esteemed young townsman,
absent several months, -Ale. Renoir ley, Clara Lewis, May Lightfoot, Ade- James Bon thion intends leaving short-
Bossenberry, who has been cond-uctink line Coughlin. IL -Fred Lewis, Eliza ly to take a position in Detroit. James
the Queen's hotel at St. Joseph, for the lindgins' Violet Short 3lay Faulder, is a, good accountant and an excellent
past few months, left last week for Ella liodgins, Aaron Scott, Christina salesman, steady, honest and reliable
Grand Bend, where he will manage his 1-h)tfman* Sr. Part IL-Philomene and will make his way in any eapacity
summer betel the corning summer.- Coughlin,Ella Hodgson, Lorne Shot- where merit is appreciated. -R. Cud -
Miss Olitra Kloppe has been engageddice, Willie Maguire, Alice Lightfoot. more, our enterprising mason has the
teacher in our public school, Miss An- Jes Part XI. -Genevivi Glavin, Lizzie following contracts for residences. T.
(trews having resigned. Miss Andrews Cook. Sr. I. -John Coughlin, Alex. Wren and T. Robinson, Ohiselburst;
was very populer with the school Hodgins,DeltonLewis,lieury Hodgins. W. Chapman, Tuckersmith; Ny. Gould
children, who will all regret her depar- Jr. I. -Beatrice Glavin. /go. on roll, Sexsinith and AV. Passmore. Reynolds
ture.-Mrs. S. Fleetly and daughter, ‘37, average attendance 30. and Ingrain have the carpenter work
Miss nennie, have arrived here from L. E. Dowxrzsd, Teacher, for four of the above and W. Welsh
Michigan, and are now occupying D. DEATH. -Once more it is our melee,- for one. -Mr. J. E. Troyer, who bas
Steinbach's building instil a suitable cholly duty to write of the uncertainty been in the employ of ilir. Andrew Ale-
house can be procured . -Mr. John of lifewhich has been nianifested by Beath, of Stituley, for some tune -past,
Knorr heti his right arm badly sprained the Giver pO all Good, taking unto him- has engaged with Mr. H. Cook, of the
a few days ago. It appears -he and a m
self the spirit of Mrs. McKenzie, be- Hensall flouring mills, as engineer,Mr.
loved wife of Mr. Antrus McKenzie. Troyer, is a. good, faithful and reliable
The deceaeed has been a sufferer for man, and having had considerable ex -
the last two years with catarrah of tbe perience with machinery, will be the
stonnech, which 'caused her death on right, man in the rightplace.-The sale
Sunday, at the age of 68 years. The of Mr. J. II. Beek on Saturday WaS
deceased ladywas a native of North largely attended. Mr. Beek intends
West, Invernsshire, Scotland. • • and leaving shortly fox, the West. We are
chine to Loudon, Canada, when she sorry to see him go as be is one of our
was twenty years of age, marrying her old residents and. is bishly esteemed., Minna Zappe, who have been in De-
enrviving husband about three years -Of all the festivals in ' the church's troit during the winter months, re- .
later. Since that time they have pe_ year there is none as jOyoiss and. hapPY , turned home Thursday. -Mr. W. De -
sided at their present home,lot 13, con. as Easter. On Sunday thousands of vine left Wednesday for insborne,
5 where a family of six sons and live hearts offered praise and prayer to ehe tvhere he is engaged for the summer.- .
.teritdly• hecrea se. ' the basiness.onThe' ' •
• daugatere were born to them, of wbone. Unknown God. Easter brings with it Mrs. Maria Gni returned here Tilestlay
four Otte and three daughters still sur- all that is beautiful in the message of for the surnmer.-Mrs. Silas,. Grafton
vine. She was ti• devout member of the love and pardon. So too, it is only spent a, few days in Clinton, ,pvior tit '
Presbyterian church at Ailsa Craig suitable that all that is beautiful in leaving for her Mitre home iii the,
, .
and was also e woman of noble Chris- nature should be used to help make West. .
did her best to leave the world better very prominent part in Sunday's
set' -IO-Exiiter.,.. on* A'Pritlit„-Crt;',
BIRTHS. - :..,• F.: ,--: '.,,;,-' --.
tien character, whom toknow ;was to more perfect the service of that day.
love, and Of 'whOrri it maybe truly said Music and. flowers were therefore a '
ST1A9Nor tRoYm. r.
'and Mrs. j• G.Stanbery, .t•
than she foulid its With her the claims vices in the various churches of the
of 'Ga. and righteousness stood. first, village. ,
lak accordance with the Provisions of the Liquor
License Act, Public Notice is hereby given that fi
meetmg of the Board of License COmnumoners for to Mr. j. BAC% has moved to Parkhill.
the district of South Huron, will be held at the Com- .
metals] Hotel, in the Village of Henson, on Saturday, Mr. and ears. esice wise taken posses -
April 18th, 411 10 a.m., to consider the applications sion endure DOW comfortably settled in
for the sale of liquor for the license year 1003-1. their new home. -Mr. Cephas Porater
The new applicants for License are: -Mary Jane
Fletcher, Queen's Hotel, Bayfield; Henry Darrow, nes returned from California, tvhere
commercial note, menace e. Johnstone, Dom- he bas been for the past eight mouths.
House,tZurich, and James Hannon, sr., Shipka He looks hale and hearty and we think
Shipka. the southern air agrees with him. lie
Licenses issued for current year were Town Tavern •
5, Village Tavern s, Township Tavern 20, Town Shop will leave for London in a few days,
2, Village Shop_ 2. Amdiations for 3.003-4 are: Town where he has secured a good position
Tavern 5, Village Tavern 10, Township 'Tavern 20,
ToWn Shop 2, Village Shop 2. on the London Street Railway.
Any Petition against the granting of License to
any new Applicant or the Premises named,. signed
by duly qualified electors in any polling division in
which premises are situate, roust be lodged with the
Undersigned at least four days before the day of
WI,. BALtorszin,
Parkhill •
Mrs. R, Ferguson is recovering from
her recent illness. -Mrs. W. Magladery
is visiting friends in Chicago,
Wickert hes, sold his 'souse to John
McRoberts. -Milton Dowkerhits gone
to St. Louis with his tridued ponies. -
Roy Gilbert of the Standard Bank,
Colborne, is visiting,his parents here, friend were engaged in a friendly scuf-
Under and by virtue of a Power of sale co taMed fie at the Dominion House sheds,
in a. certain mortgage made by John W. Cooknto the -V. Maz,. ex-M.P.,• returned Thins -
'Vendor, which said mortgage will - he precluded on day from *oath ,River - Parr Sound -which resulted ih the misfortune .stat-
Distriot.-D. 0.-. i. ' Is hy 1
, w o as ately ed Above. We hope he may soon re-
dayof side, there will be offered for sale by Public
Auction, on
SfilllrdilY Ille - 1811110Y at affil, 11 lrLY 1903 caretaker of the*. Methodist church.---- 3;,ear.old trotting dolt from E. Hessen-
-- " • Mrs. Joseph Niblecle and niingh ter, a berry for $120. -Mr. Chris Schnee, has
. At the hour of Two o'clock p. ni. Detroit, are visiting Men& in town._ purcbased the flour aud feed business,
At the Law Offices of DICKSON' & CARLING, in the Fred. Sullivan has gone to Chicago,- which has been successfully elm by Mr.
Mrs. D. 'Eft Cameron 4.,, ....4.,.4.4-4.,,. 'friends Relt. Johnstoe for the past year, end
. moved to tOTVI3, has been appointed cover.- Mr. 0. Eilber purchased a two-
-Village of Exeter' the following desirable farm pro -
es Mr. Sehrag is ea thcirough business
man he will no doubt be able to Dia=
mite vie: All and singular that certain .parcel or inBay City, Saginaw, Reece, Durand
tract or land and premises situate iritheTowiwhip of
' Goderich in tho County of Huron and Province of and Sarnia. o -Mrs. W. Hiampbries was
()aerie being composed of Lot Nuniber 89, in the 10 London for a few days diiring the , „ . .
4th Donedosion of the said township of Goderieh, con- . of etonnoth "nnbilee Band. has been . eeorgonizecl
taining by admeasurement eighty acres, more or less week. -Alex. Dingleish,
for the teason'. Me. Fs Hess, Sr., hes
has. accepted. a: position as tinsreith in
TERMS OF SALE • . W A McDonald?s hardware store.-
. • been elected hotiortu•y pinsidenti F.
One-half case 011 day of sale, balance 4.0 1)4 secured W., Ilesse secretary-treaserer and ID.
Chester .Amos, who has for several
by drat mortgage on the said premises. Further .., . , • . . . . telegraph Bennett, leader. We- wish the °beefs
, , mon tns oeen assistaneG T R '
terms madeknown on day. of sale. ,,,
- operator at Grimsby, has been pronint- eve. success. . .. s; • • •
For further particulars apply to ' • ed to the Princeton officees-ReveF.W. ' A. Peieseerr Suiteeisene.e. very
DICESON & CARLING, - neimotut, 13A., of Grantoe. I occupied pleasant evening Viii, spent tit the resi-
Solicitors for Mortgagee,
Exeter Ont. the pulpit clf St l'aul's Presbyterian deuce of 1VI.rs. H. 0. Doiln, on 1. 15L111410
church on Sunday last. -Much sympa- day, when the members of the W.C.T. and her neighbors, the needy and those STRAYED AWAY. --As Mrs. William a lighten • -
Mitchell: About, 11 0 clock Tuesday thy is eXpressed for Miss Guest in the 17, inet, to bid farewell to one of their in distress, -ever. found one on whom Hall, of near Chiselburst. Was boiling TINCENT.-In Exeter, on April 14th, to -
night a stranger called at the Hicks death of her mother, which °centred members, Miss L. Andrews, who is they could call, - assured of sympathy nip in the woods on their farm OD Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Vincent, a delight •
evhere he put up for the night. at Elginfield a few clays ago. Miss leaving for the Northwest. Miss An- and help o Those in McGillivray who Wednesday- afteruoon, she was accom- tet'.
He insisted on paying the charges in Guest is a teacher in the HigheSclmal drews has been an active worker in knew her so well, will long remember panied by her little son, Clarence, a
advance, and being shown bis room bere.-A. fourth teacher will be em- the Union, and while sorry Part her as a friend, loving, tender andtrue. child of about four years of age. -While MARRIAGES.
nothing more was thought of him. At ployed at the High school here until with her, they all wish her God -speed. Most of all she will be missed by her
noon next day, when the domestics the summer vacation She was presented with an address and grief striciten husband and. family,who
and borders were all down stairs to A.ccinnerr.--While helping to place a W.C.I'.17. pin and a handsomely have every reason to mourn theloss of
inner he inimediatley dressed anti vie- some maahinery 04.1a truck at the rail- bound copy of The Life of _Francis a good wife and mother. The remains
, ed the rooms of the girls and the por- way, station here on Tuesday Percy 'Willard, the great leader of the WaidC. were lto rest in the Merit cerne-
ter, where he secured some eight don Meredith had one of his toes feerfully T. 17.. Miss Andrews was taken by tery on Tuesday was largely attended.
ars, some of which was found between crushed. He was taken to Dr. Caw's surprise, but replied in her usual gen- The husband ail& family have our cone
the bed mattresses. He then quickly office where it was found his toe *as tle manner. After spending the even- misseration, and we trust the remeno
slipped out of the
house, „and went to seriously injutva
red. It s deemed ad- ing the evening in social chat, music brance of her life will solace them in
the Gordner hotel where he had din- visable to take him to Victoria Hos- and singing, all returned to their home titne of affliction and the kindly minis-
ner. This was the last seen or heard of Intel, London, to which institution he feeling that the time was profltably trations of sympethetic friends in some
him. vvas taken the same day. spent. small way help to relieve their gloom.
•engaged with her;work the little fel- _
his ELSTON -13A.Gute.w.-At the residence
low quietly slipped away and when
of the bride's parents, on April 8151),
mother missed him, he was no where
by the Rev. Millyard, Mr. Richard
to be found. An alarm was at once
Elstoreof Centralia , to Miss Len °nib',
given and the neighbors started on the
tbird . . -
searebeann it teas four hours before daughter of MrWmBag-
sham, 3rd con. of Stephen: ••
thechildvas round: He had Weeder.,
ed onto a neighboring farm and eels
half a mile from where he started. In
the search an elderly farmer while
crossing the creek on a log slipped and
tumbled in getting quite a wetting.
WILLIS-In Exeter, on April 12, Jas.
noi Min in his 74th year.