Exeter Advocate, 1903-4-9, Page 81.... in
License Inspector Eiallentyne, of Sea -
lee pieces e
�" `� c grants, a>aikl ends. 14ten tr swagger Raglan combing -
o the
. , Aliss Tillie Finl;:beiner. of Crediton,
tilt, theyrard, Stewart's, trade, $f),5R alt Stow-
�,alaae in the - ` � - Mrs. E. Heywood', girt s, is visiting; her sister;
on . Levey,
e s street, moved been residing Miss Lilly Howard left Monday for
elle. Leve ,who has
ed last week in- presentatio,a, Watford, where she will pend e
ti Mr. A, :►cDonell left Monday morn-
orn -
ing? t'oe Regina and- different towns
in the West w4 will go its far as the
t before
o_s e. are
Mrs, Reg. Elliott, who bas been vise
Wing, her mother, M. Isaac Gerling'
here for some ;few weeks, left Teresday
lMiss Saxeet, dressnzali. r, wlslaee to Souaely triunrxted 04,3, tastily designed, for her home in ;Norwich,
viciaunce to toe ladies of Exeter anted The presentation was made by the Miss FCelyn 01111eaves this morning
d B 1, the Glady,
farm stock and r,miplonents by auction p
to Ushorne, onFriday last, has umoved
with his fancily inta the �'ti est half of
Mr, John Snell s house, Huron street,
recently vaeatel by Me. A. Pym,
d t �d ds in a ch p lee Cle aging tion agate and spring ower coats Best forth, was in town Taaesdeay.
to the houee owned • by Mrs., l-lenry
Harris on Huron street. and recently
vacated. bi' Mr. Marl; Salter.
►.ir,. Joiaza Atkkarson has rented Mte
t e a ai n sire .,
oas M 1
rry oo r s lz
as Td
R _ l>�
Mr. Hooper, intends .,;moving into his
other deeellang ou Willianm street, vee
gently vacates. b} R.R. Rogev's.
What more does a man
want for comfort, elegant
use, than a finer tattered
garment,. which combines
grace, style with ease,
wan wearing such gar.
Bacup lnlrst be At laomae In
any society and on any fie. •
ca: ion.
Otn' new materials and al.-
mays eorupetent workman,
slop enable us to offer yon
jolt such service.
W. W. T A M
melccbant tnaiCor.
Rill( 0 0. a
A.t the last regelaraueeting of Leb=
aanou Forest Lodge, N'o.133, A.F. kA, M,
held. Monday night last, the merniaers
Reece very agreeably surprised during
the early part of the evening at en
nnusual'vasriation in the proceedings,
the occasion being the presentation to
the Lodge by Miss Amelia Oke, of a
beaautiful plush covered cushion. hand-
vini>aity that she has mtoved to the in
pienuseso er?ifr, Bobier's oMce, ,one eh r taaan, and l; was stated rich she will
for St. Cates' ones, niece
she will spend the Easter vracation, the
oar risrth of the Sovereign .._ Raga `, tlae g.ift sous peoranted by a, f i.vor-alnie guest of her sister=, Mi. Theo. Sweet,
Ma.. Sane. Rowe, who disposed of his Q inion conceived of the institution Mr. R. R. Rogers and remit left for
Mr. Judson Davidson, of Mancelona,
Mich„ a former Exeter boy, will ren-
der a violin sole, the favorite melody,
"Saeterjenslens Sondag," by Ole Bull,
at the evening service of the Trivitt
Memorial church on Sunday next.
Dr. Ovens. of Loudon, surgeon. ocu-
list and speeialist, diseases Reye. e=ar.
manse and threat, will be at the Conh-
raaercial Hotel, Feeter.'Gi,'ed.. May tical;
ed„ Janne 3rd. ltkY.. Gausses poper-
y fitted. Next visit will be Wed,.
. y Cada,
A. Q. Bobier receirf'ti a car
a liigaa potatoes as few days tigo
d the farmers are availing therri-
vesof the npp. partiality of changing
• : it seed. They will melee as splen.
did chaege fare here, having beet r.3is-
on &ind,
The Galt Reporter says; A. r.4s:-
Tasvtsh. ra 1,(rrad4li aal,�sn, has purchased
Ire George W. Robinson stock, and
he store is closed pending steel: tale -
g. Mr. McTai,vish has previously
en engaged fan bnsinees iia 1,414d011.
Marys and Exeter,
e James street quartette, viz. --
Gill and Davidson, Messrs. ,r-
and Heywood and Miss Brown,
, furnished the vocal 'muskier
'tainnient, given lander the
the EpworthLeague at
n Mavzndaar* evening last..
l?a►d up Capitan.,.• .
HEAP (elf's, To1Ro .
cer'rty u OFFM MONTREAL.
President, H. S. Holt, Esq.
Cunene Manager, D. M. Stewart, k st1,
Savings Bank Department,
pv:rs 4 vi =I aolrzaarrt9 rezearezl a«d. tiihnt
macs el to oa allowed,
iik'pa* t ry tiple lasl:eaa et farcra'tle raft aware
ode 11,Peara,ai:sEntheir vim twigs u rraianliie
infects wit
F• 1:. I M2 . yet: C. 1S. Cil.110rn,ller
ita._ahltMe es !MN -WRY, Salieitcma
King .loots for men and women
for fine wear and Al .ren' s hoots for
men, women and, children for heavy
wear. Stewart's.
Memorial church services
11 lye valid on Geed Feeley- aat 11. aa.au,
and 7. p.nrn. The following services
will be held gen Easter Day, Holy
Communion 3 a a.m.. Monday service
with Holy Gern a nein 11 a a.m.. spec.
lal children's service a p. nn, evening
service 7 pan.
Mir, David Wynn reeeived the taad
news an Tuesday last of the death of
his nephew, Mr. Arthnv W. Wynn,
drug clerk, who died at Orace Hospit-
a1, Toronto, on Sunday. His remalos
were taken to Newry, Perth County,
for burial. Mr. 1). Wynn left Tnesdaay
morn ng to attend the funeral.
and from the fact that her late father
was a nierritaea of the order and an ar-
dent, lover of Masonary for its grand
teachings and many other worthy
(malities, By way of ?narking their
appreciation of the gift a resolution
was unanimously passed to tender the
thanks of the Lodge to the donor,.
Pennell leracecdtfrg9.
Collodi !net at call of Reeve at the
To241 Ball. April 7th.Ali present,
except. ("nominee Manning. Minutes
ofpreyxous meet ing read and confirmed
a "ta'lifeediack—H .wkins—that the tot-
ing accounts be passed and orders
slra{xayn en Treasurer for dance:—Mies
part .Silla7< .a�a, a 1=1, Bissett,
,,eiu��_p a'y, ti
do,. S-,.,; Ue:nrge endluore Inline. Ue.;
Ruch. glance, do.. $3.25: Thos. Welsh.
do„ 44.fiii; Thus, Flynn, $2.113; Thomas
Brock, 03c.; J. Bomb., 75e.;1. Gilles -
i ee40c.; C. 13, Snell, electric lighting,
$90.60; G. 11. Bissett, labor, Ste Grl-
lespio-L'thiilediek• that the Council
acquire, assume lead control the Exc.
ter 'Union Boriitl Ground in accordance
with the avesaliltian passed L y the True.
tee Boars., and the necessery bylaw
he prepared by the village solicitor and
Oillespiceellawkins .
that the Clerk ask. for tenders for grain-
olithie pavements in the Contract Re-
cord.—Vyarned. Council adjourned to
Friday. April 17, it. 7. i& o'clock p.n.
CS. [1. litsswr. Gterk.
Matti il[!' .g,3, Martin,
After a short illness another of our
aldeat residents passed over to the
silent majority on 'Thttrsslay last, in
the person ng Alice Lewis, relict of
this Late Wm. :Martin, at the age, of
years. 2 months and 20 days. The
deceased had enjoyed good health
almost tail the last, when a4 general
tweaking -up of the system set in, eines-
ed by old age, and she gradually wank
until 4eati) claimed her. Mrs. Martin
was as native of England and was barn
in Devonshire in the lei. She carne
to Canada about 1833 and settled hi
Darlington townsblp, where she re -
mined until about 1Sari and then re-
moved to this neighborhood where she
has lived ever since. She was a mem-
ber of the Episcopal church, ,A kind
neighbor and true friend and was
highly respected by all who bad the
pleasure of her acquaintance. She
was predeceased by her husband a
little over two years. Tho funeral
took place. on Saturday to the Exeter
cemetery from the residence of Mr..
Jas. Persons. Sirneoe street, where she
had gone to liye just before she ,was
taken ilt. Those attending:the funeral
from a distance were, Mrs, Jas. Henry
and son, of Chicago, Ind.; Mv. John
Lewis, Pickering, Ont., and Wali
Sanders, of Mitebell...
Sprieg and Summar Fashions.
Flower effects are the chief distinc-
tion of the sheer, Summer fabrics.
the Loulsine silks have acquired such
softness and grace that they are ex-
tensively used for the all-round Sum-
mer gown, ,rind the Balrutul and
varieties a.s
i exhibit an embroider-
ed elaboration that makes them ap-
propriate for dressy wear. 'Taffetas are
now procurable
' )
In a soft rutleless
quality. The chiffons approach the
silks in wearing quality, being muchCauch-
heavier than their predecessors. Can-
vas is assuming great importance in
the realist of Spring frocks and coats;
it is used as cloth, with strappings,
stichiiage, etc. Basket vv ace cotton,
cheviots, rnndras tura mercerized cot-
tons offer modish suggestions for the
shirt -waist suit, and the smartest
shirt -waists nre made of mercerized
fabrics, such as vesting, cheviot, linen
and canvas. Nearly every gown,
whether made of a soft woollen or a
sheer wash fabric, is characterized
shirring. The reign of lace continues.
Soft and filmy Teneriffe and Mexican
laces are the novelties of the season.
The new braids, which will be used in
profusion, are soft and pliable and
well suited to forming designs on the
gown, and the new buttons, glistening
with colored stones and enaulal, are
Mouse to rent, apply aft th'
School closes to -day (Thursday) for
the Easter holidays.
Charity begins at hone and it never
gets away from some homes.
Before you call O. anan a liar be sure
yon are right—then rise a telephone.
compelled to i
If you
Visit a dent-
are corn �,
be is pretty apt to hurt your feel-
A stroke of goad luck is almost
fatal to wine men as a stroke of light-.
L greatdeal
If you want to know a
about rather people study yonrself
clos. y
For scratches and itching of the legs
in horses try' Donis' blood. purifier and
lotion. Sold by C. Lutz.
Old age slips up on a man before he
knows it a and on 0 women before she
lets any one else know it.
For hone back and derangement of
the kidneys. use Dix Kidney Pills.
Por sale by C. Lutz.
When you hear a soft knock at
your door it is a sign somebody is
corning to borrow something.
The man with a swelled head does
not suffer as much as those who are
compelled to associate with him.
Our village fathers made their an-
neal inspection of the various streets
throughout the village yesterday.
The Rev. R. 1 M. Perkins conduct-
ed week -night service in the English
church, Parkhill, last night (Wed.)
The young man who is inclinedo
lead a fast life ought to lead it to the
first hitching post and there tie up.
As good as any, yea ties best, White
and Golden Wyandotte Poultry. Eggs
15 for $1.00. J. SENIOR.
Owing to lack of space we are ob-
liged to -leave out a few correspond-
ents, but which will appear next week.
Eggs fel' hatching from pure bred
chicken. White and Golden Wyan-
dottes eggs, 15 for $1..00. J. SENIOR.
Turkish Scalp Food is the hest dress
ing and restorer of grey hair in the
market. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. 50
cents a bottle.
There is no truth in the statement,
"A married man lives longer than a
single one:" Some married niers just
think they do. °
Mi; Samuel. Sanders, operator, takes
the bun for early rhubarb. Last week
we were shown several fine large stalks
grown by him. Next!
Mr. Abe Bagshaw has rented Mr.
Wm.Biatchford's farm on the 2nd
concession of Usborne, and moved
thereon last week.
Feed.Etiglish Stock Food to young
pigs and calves and see how they Will
thrive. It is the best and cheapest
stock food in the market. Sold by O.
Lutz, Exeter.
1V Watson who hal been
giving dancing lessons s --here and in
Iles g
n all Burin the winter season, will
first annual ball in Hensel]. on
give his fi
Friday evening, April 17,
"Dick," that good and faithful cold
horse which possesses more than the av-
eraaa amount. of horse intelligence anti
which for so many years bras done his
duty on the express wagon tllroUgllall
kinds of storms and weather has been
superannuaated and a beast very stmt -
lar in nature and good qualities .has
been putin his stead.. Good old
"Dick" wilt novo enjoy a well-earned
rest until he passes to bis final rest.
dice. 31r. L1ovtl Jones, of St. Thomas, be
.gran his duties as organist and choir
leader in the Ttriv itt tensorial church
coil Sunday last. Those who were
present at the different services and
choir practice are agreed that Mr.
Jones has Acquired sa great knowledge
of the art of music whichthe has made
0 life study. Mr. Jones has had
thorough experience as
r an instl'uC.
tor and purposes being in town ou
Saturday next for the receiving of
names of those desirous of taking les-
sons in either vocal or instrumental
music. We understand that his
charges ere quite moderate.
The public meeting held in the Town
Mall Friday night to discuss hatters
pertaining to the town taking over the
cemetery, was not largely attended
but those present hnanifested ati deep
interest in the welfare of the worthy
object. The matter was liberally dis-
cussed from all points of view when
finally a vote was taken and unani-
mously carried that the meeting was
strongly in favor of the town rta tutu.
ing control. '.Chis and oche expres-
sions of a like ntture surely should
have weight and influence sufficient to
warrant the Council Board in taking
action in "the matter forthwith as the
time is drawing near to farther prose-
cute and continue the good works of
repairing and beatxtifyin ;••• the grounds.
Watford on Thilrsday last, w : ere Mr.
Rogers has opened up a produce bus.-
ness. Me. and Mrs. Rogers' rnany
friends here will wish them every suc-
cess in their new home,
Me. Richard Williams and family,
Exeter North, left on Monday for
Woolesley, where the will go into
farming extensively. The have the
best wishes of their" friends here for
their future prosperity*,
Mr. S. M. Sanders was in Toront
on balsiness in connection with the
Farmers' Co•operetive Harvesting
Maclaine Co.. several days last week.
and accepted a position as manager
for the County of Haeon for theale
of their stuck and other general .mei.
Edward Kerslake and Fred flawden
left Friday for Margaret,Man. Monday
11 Ir. and Mrs. Wm. Kerslake anti M.
Peter Bowden, left for the flame place.
where Ali. and M'rsKerslake and fam-
ily intend making their future home,
The well wishes of theft f>.•ends here
aaccaaip<naly then).
W. O. T. U. IsTotes
The regular meeting of the -W. C
T.U. ;nee in the Public Reeding Roon
on W elle April let. Fourteen mem
bers present, two short. alible read. 1'
hags were given by Mrs, E. Elliott and
Mica. W. Bissett. The first taken from
Gen. S. 2-41. The acceptable sacrifice
and "O nr brother's keeper." being the
practical lessons; drawn from tbt';
passage. The second touched upon ! 1
the department of Temperance in the
Sunday schools. snhheet,Daniel„ the',
Hebrew captive. retus g the Kin,g's
dainties and wine, choosing rather
plain fare, wtth Owl's approval.
Our meetings as -a eharaseterized by ;
the strictest cyden while ile not lacking
in religions fervour.. We aim at unit- I
ed effort to maintain our laws. to
protect the weak, win tate erring, mull
as far as possible, remove evil out of
the way.
The petition before the Mouse to
abolish the manufacture and sato of
cigarette has been adopted by a vote
of 102 to 47 and elieitetl quite a variety
of opinions front the different mem-
Mr. .r.Bickerdike said in moving thss
resolution "that this House its of the
opinion, for the reasons set forth, that
the right and most effectual remedy
for the evil of cigarette smoking is to
be found in the enactment and en-
forcement of a law prohibiting the im-
portation, manufacture and sale of
the cigarette. Ile spoke of the es-
sentials of success today, which he
characterized its honesty, industry,
temperate and economic habits. Scores
of boys were in the aasylunato-day as
A result of this pernicious habit, while
many others died early from the segue
cause. The habit land, he said, grown
to large proportions in Canada hnly
recently, but in the United States
v t earlier,
ont at
1 developed It de ,
where 1?
48 states bad passed legislation on the
subject. The result of this legislation
had been a deduction of one billinn in
the consumption of cigarettes and
railways and other large employers
and educational institutions refused
to employ cigarette smokers.
lir. Robert Holmes said that in or-
der to protect the young people, it
was found necessary sometimes to
restrict the older members of the com-
munity by legislation.
Mr. W. R. Brock believed that it
was net a question for legislation,
but rather one of home training.
More attention he contended should
be paid to the children in the homes,
and the parents were the people who
should be fined in the event of their
children going estray.
With a diversity of opinions one
scarcely knows how most effectually
to bring this question to a successful
issue. For lack of the home training
to help every boy to be a law unto
himself, legislation has to be resorted
examples of the highest art of the to. Almost any boy or man who in-
jeweller.—Froin The Delineator for dulges in this habit, would be highly
May. incensed to be, aear old, wbo havingtold that he was weak-
• once burned hisfinger at the stove
could not be induced to touch it a
second time.
Our W .C.T.U. have a petition ready
to present to our village council, ask-
ing them to write to our local repres-
entative in the House to use his good
offices and influence in favor of the
Misses Edith and Louise Gerry, of petition presented to abolish the,cigar-
Mitcheli, spent a few days of last week
in town.
Mrs. (Dr.) Andersen, after a pleasant
visit at her home in Mitchell, returned
Saturday evening.
Rev.. R. Miilyard was unable to take
his duties in the church on Sunday
last owing to a severe cold.
Harry Bissett left here on .Saturday
for London, where he has accepted `a
position in a printing office.
Hon. Thomas Greenway, who has
been the guest of Dr. Rollins for a few.
days,left for Toronto Tuesday evening.
Miss Jeanette Linklater and Miss
Millie McGillivx'ay, of Wingham, are
visiting their cousin, Miss Jessie Man-
son. '
The Spring millinery openings held
during the past week >
y our different
merchants must have been a perfect
dream of delight to the hundreds of
fair ones who thronged the show
rooms. As the seasons come around
the ever alert and wide awake business
men of Exeter show their enterprise
by displays that are in keeping with
the occasion. It has been 'remarked
before, and the statement cannot' be
too often repeated, that in no town of
equal size can there be found as
good an exhibit as is made by Exeter
merchants. The Spring millinery op-
enings this season are a corroboration
of this statement, as ladies who had
visited other places testified to the ex-
cellence and
x-cellence`and superiority here.
Boy Wanted.
A good boy wanted to learn print-
ing. Apply at this office.
Mack Barley for Seed.
For good clean black seed barley ap-
ply to the undersigned, Lot 22, Con. 3,
W. D. SANDERS, Exeter, P. O.
If yoi, ret cine
KETTLES a oval
o TO ix'
Oil Cake, Linseed Meal,
NQ.lTlmotb ,. Seed, Red
and Alsike lover Seed
Blue Grass Seed*
We carry a fail Line
of bee supplies.
atYour Serve,
ight, New Cools for 1 al'
situ gas to vat eta,, ages.! extensive sicca.,
in Western Ontario, and aas
*e're prepaying to sin the most
itswy, send we are psrticularly
In White and Grey C
~pedal values In Cireu
Clover Mid Timothy.
Farmers wanting good clean Clover
and Timothy seed will do well to ca11.
on W. H. Levett before purchasing.
Price and quality guaranteed.
Wanted, at once, a good general
servant, apply to Mrs. Iiurdon, at the
Molsons Bank, Exeter.
What about paper for your
parlor?", Stewart,haas by fax the ,„big-
g,st stock and best values in town. ..
See thein.
atiraana0=a2110001120e0thlagarrtniai' '7070
Raster Holiday Trip.
The Grand Trunk will issue round
trip tickets between all stations in
Canada, at Single First -Class Fare;
good going Thursday, April Oth, to
Monday, April 13th, inclusive, and
valid for return until Tuesday, April
14th, 1903. Splendid trains and per-
fect roadbedinsure,a comfortable trip.
:Rf~? ai+?4F 91L ArRiRt"S ilik1 wbMIAD
Mr. Robt. Hannon left Monday for
the West, where he will remain some
,.:.Those -3c. and 5c. wall papers at
Stewart's are creating quite a hum.
Pr'i n l of foieif;nan9ddonaes-
tic nla;sllufuctnre. Eaetrad sivaslit}'.
Calatea in blue and white
stripe anitaabia for buy's wash
figured skslrirtings.an
'W h ice Dimities, indite Lite
ens, C3r'gantUes, Mercerized Cbaln-
bl;ays in plain and stripe.
ette, provide there be a hill Introduc-
ed to that effect. Gentlemen may be-
comelionoraary members of our W. C.
T.U. by paying an annual fee of 50cts.
which will entitle them to attend all
meetings but not gine them a vote.
Master Fred Bawden, of London, is
spending a couple of weeks with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Baw-
Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes, who.' has been
the guest of her sister for the past.
three weeks, returned to Blyth Mon-
Mr.,,Judson Davidson, of Mancelona,
renewing Mich., ise g acquaiutances in
town, after an absence of nearly three
Mr.. Fred Davidson, who underwent
surgical operation for appendicitis at.
St. Joseph's hospital, London, is re-
gaining his former: good health and
will return 'home in the course of a
week or ten days,
.• iaAC
s Staple Depaartnaent ranks
venience it cannot, be
:let* spring Staple lnasi•'
d of our spring, showing.
New White Vesting forladies
wash waists. The latest thing.
White end Black figured
lnnslins, White Piques Gingham.
Flanneilettes A fall
range in plain, stripe and cheeks.
Ticking Vottonades and
Linens, Bleached and
unbleached. .CailrCe Napkins.
no we have sa fu
Pillow Cottou
cavy weight.
. _ ,Values :we eceeptionally gond ;end, wilt repay eeeir it
Tlendgimrters for the Celebrated, W. E. Sandford Ready.
rade Clothing.
Berl Ronna Set mattress tend • Sideboairtis frons....... , ..10.00 up
complete e. to
o h s from
ace up
Beautiful Parlor Suite.,.... 21,00
Rockers from770e. up
Anything and everything found in a frata class furniture store can be had.
4 -Repairing d eo.
1�. - of all HUSTONtgnde
M .`A,.■HYO
Uidley's Block.
Practical Embalmer.
ecrIerNiteeere -sr 80-1 'mow* *"1r'10"10F.ir-I.r-;r i -Tic
V�-yT. S1®N
To Manitoba and Canadian Northwest will leave
Toronto every. TUESDAY during March and April
1901 if sufficient business offers.
Passenger, travelling without Live Stock should
take the train' leaving. Toronto at L45 *p.m.
Passengers travelling with Live Stook should
take the train leaving Toronto at 9.00 p.m.
Colonist sleep will he attached to each train.
For full particulars and copy of "Settlers'
Ctuicle," "Western ;Canada" or "'British Columbia,'
apply to your nearest ,Canadian Pacific Agent, or
/1 j1.NPi0TMAN,
Assistant General, Passenger Agent,
71 yosmge St., Toronto.
Having purchased the Furniture and Undertaking business o
R. N. Rowe, we announce to the public that we have an hand without
doubt the largest and best assorted stock of furniture in the county.
-A. visit to our store will convince that we are selling at the closes
margin possible. It will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect ou
stock and get our prices before placing orders elsewhere.
We do all kinds of ordered work, repairing and picture framin
on the shortest notice at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed wit
every purchase.
Undertakers and Funeral Directors.
norwaz & ATITIBISO
J. D��yy /� -�r�- (`� Practical Emlraliner. Graduate
. AT I�TSON, of Einbalniing College.,' Tardnto...
Us bor ne Council.
Council met April 4th. All present.
Minutes of last meeting were read a
approved. The tender of Ed. Jones to
operate the road machine at $3.25 per
day for self and team was accepted.
James Heywood was granted the sunt
of $10 for care and keep of Ed. Powell
during illness. The following persons
were appointed Pathmasters for the
current year: Ward 1-3. May, W.H
Jones, G. Buswell, J. Essery, Wm,
Fisher, F. Davis, S. Hunter, W. Ford,
A. Hicks, W. Whiteford, H. Coultis,.
R. Hunter, W. Snell, N. Ogden. Ward'
2-J, Jeckell, P. Case, H.'Dougatl, W.
Ket-nick, W. Oke, F. Down,,D. Dew,
I). Dougall, A: E1. Spetrcei', J. Moir,' J.
therm ton, W. Monteith, C. ,Cann,
• ai t %
J. Glenn°(14 and,15), G. 'Sinallacotrtbn.
-Ward, 4--P. Been, T. Hern, Jr.,
Towl, W. H. Delbridge, H. Rodd; W.
Brock, A. Fuller, C. Godbolt, W. Hanna,
1'. Elliott, A. I1awkeyt 3, Hazelwood,
G. Hazelwood, D. O'Mara. Ward 4—
D, Coward, T. Coward, H. Borland, T.
Cameron, E. Stone, G. Kerslake, W.
Stewart (7 and 8) F. Scott, B. W. F.
Beavers, W. Francis, J. Duncan, R.N.
Shier, A. Doupe, A.Ft•aser. Accounts
amounting to $29.25 were passed and
orders issued in payment. Connell
then adjourned to meet May 2nd, at 1
o'clock. F. Morley, cleric.
Oook's Cotton Root Compouna
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Cottoa" Root Com-
pound.. Take no other, as all Mixtures; pills and
imitations are dangerous. Prioe, No. 1, $1;:er
boat; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $s per box. -14
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent
stamps. The Cook Company WindsorOnt.
�'Nos..,1 and 2 sold and recommended toy A11
responsible Druggists in Canada.
No. 1 and No.2. are sold in Exeter 'Gy
C. Lutz and, J,, W. Browning, Drug-