HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-9, Page 61.1....1.1.••••••* TRE HRH's PROFESSION. The ..,nurse's smile bt the sickroom coming,. when .we eliall be like Henn ha the seine eur.atiVe qualities AS This quotation from Ise., axe, 8, 9, the On both or an .alcobolie rub. reminds us thet when the kinedene And .yet, there are smite nurseho comes and the glorified cherch ie go about their tesks with the sour- with Christ reignieg over it (Reyie.. ed. ,visege of en undereekees assist-- 9e, 10), lareel sbell balm her ploee, ant rather than with. the radiant with„her rebuke taken. %two frota off face. of one who is trying to ebeer"all tile. eartla for she ellen. .see Hun It Is One of the Grandest .0pportunities up tho.ee who are path.- raclied and comiug in Ilia glory', depress.ed. They never seera• to. re- , 554.11., Ce cleoth. • vIrbere is thy aline that o true nurse's facial ex!•!. sting? 0 groVe, where is thy de- pression Should be full of suesninoes tery? The Sting of tleceth is sin, well as her Angers' toilet?: gentle and and the strength of sin is law, true. • • But thenks be to (Sod, which giveth IFentered According to Act et the e'er- their bodies to save the baby's life. But, outside of her duty toward -US the Victory through our Lord .... • fieteent of teenaete in the year. tine .. the patient. tbele is another reason Jesus Christ, Thansand. Niue liundrect and 'Sliree. •-after one of the brotheia—a noble. by wra, mtay, of Toronto, At thA lad about ten ea,ars a age—hild 110-(1 nhy tile ideal nurse sheuld te happy. In Hos. xiii, 14, from which part 3Departrucz, ot Agriculture, Ottawa) the skin :cut on Ids arms and should- Her life is one a self sect -nice. It is of this is quoted. tile Words are; "0 • ..,,,e.,,.. ers and .hest the surgeon tui•ned to a life which has in it a sweet cone. death. I will be thy. plagues; 0 ; A despatch . fkom Clacago• says I— , the nurse .and said, . "Nurse, • where seionsness thee, she is ti Ing to help. grave, I will be thy destructiem Re- .nev, Frank De witt Talumge preach- did yOu get that knife, ?". "Out of ber fellow meu. It is not a life of pentance snail be hid front Mille ed from the following text :-1. Tim- , the alcohol," she . answered,- "Did , mere money makingas many sup- ee•es ," Tbinking of them -words.. 1 10, "Weil reeorted of ' for you then plane the Dnide in sterile pose. After tbe trained nuree bus ,.often e.ay that I nue glad -piton Coe geol. works * a et if she have • re- water .before you gave it to. me . lieved the athicted." - : . "No," site answered ; "I did. not : Well. inneed„ May a woman- be re- 'thaw .37011 'wanted me to do ' 'ported of for good werks in ."Then." said the surgeon, "ire have - - . - . • sore- -body ' for nothing. - Ye:et erireinal for Usefulness. world za,,, our43 if sbe bal&. renevea cut all the skiu off from, this bey's ta. ... . l t . . pi neajed. Thi re is sufaaing every- ignorance is to blame for this use- era!, Young wpmen w'ho am about better (Phil. 1, ni, ?3), yet tbe fact we,ere—in tiee, rich nian's palace and 'less suffering. You .. should have to enter the nurse's Profession. if 'cstands that death Is an or.emy, and the VOCIi* Sillill'S teneicent. If any nnown enologh to place that knife in Yeti are to become ideal nurses, tnis l to talk of death as the Lord's come woman desires to be v.ell reported eterile vrater. You profess to be a is to be Your joy. You will be liepe +hag is to confound one of the worst eo: foe gonid [volts. she ean itttahl traieed surgical n* se and a gradu, py beeause you will know that Your 'of enemies 'with the best Friend. Ina munition in no sui•er, better. ate of a Itralr.51's' college.58. Tbereforee any beloved brette ;sacrifice and devotiori end habitat - you women about to neeome"neSs Van $aV0 other lives. 1015 will .;ren. be ve stead.fost, unmovable, al - way tialn in relit.sving the anlicted. ' . 'rhkis. It LA a elorions etession tliat bas ,1 trained nurees. it is of vital impala l;11)ave the sweet cons:newness that hways ahoundinh. be the .worte of the . wee,. t et • a „Ira ferer back. from tbe dark valley of i your labor is pot in -vain in the evessosenmsz e; e; 0 HOUSEHOLD " tz it?, tsvoceozwsosoov , FOOD ECONOMISES. . When I 'began bouselmepIng, en a very linlited income, some ten years ago, my. chief aim was to live cheap- ly. writes a eerres,poudent. I felt that my anon -once. must be ovule, to cover Ilet .O.nly the every -day .wients of the body, both internal and external, but must also put aside• an Amount to replenish the articles of funtitetre that made my home pleeseot abode, With, that end in view, the possi- bilities of every ceot were goosider- firm that the carpet will be worn out before the edges show any signs' ef fraying. The carpet moth is an enemy to be fought perseveringly. Steep one- quarter of a pound Of cayenne pep- per in `one gallon ok water, then add two cirachnie of strychnine powder. Strain and pour into a shallow vas, eel, such as a large tinned iron milk pan, Roll the carpet up and set each end, alternately. in this mixture for 10 minutes or long enough, to inauee the saturation of its edges for about .cin inch. Do this after beating the carpet. , The ends should be treated incileeftv the carpet is dey before tacking clown, as tile wet ,polson might injure the augers while tack- ing. When done with the ileinith throw wbere it eannot possibly barn* taken. feet her . legatimote expellees bato death and the grove and will an).7hody, or bottle and label it for she has /Little nnOney to save. It is 4. destroy both and will never alter 'ed. .etuebed Inc boueehold mage- future use. This. preparation will lile.0.( sweet nod noble „seif sacrifice, lbs purpose about it while in eaolzines and recipe boons. Inuldings not staie the carpet nor corrode. 'mil JOY OF SELF SACRIFIC1%. *lease -of the believe& the curae of without milk, end cake without metals iti contact with the carpet. Oh. Silo transcendent Christian nuree's saerificejoleo'r °f ottill!le'h(liettethassoncitIvaliggaeidn to oncla btleessert-lelgry .einade been able to lead a sun, "Lord, for as Mach as e -e know thet ..i -.-.1 by theee noble Wolnem tanee that you are intelligarit teed you have WEi0 are gnu:eget:mg es trauael - - egs were e ag .. e o many .atui varied disbes that cOuld be produced out of a. mediunt weIght, shook 9f beef made Audi a cut a joy. But ae years rolled on, and I HOUSEHOLD TRUTHS. Do You know the best way in the world to remove the charcoal from ,. the bottom of your burned cake is found our bodies were gnvtlig ou" , to scrape it off with a ^Tater? That tbe eaSiest way to clean a 1310re rapidly than ehe furniture. wadi were rebuilt with greater trouble 1 coffee and At present 1 should dislike to Thee rr rou put lye into the water pot is to boil it in water con, and expenee, my theories cbanged, „wreath soda. own my ecoteenti (7). of Years gOne Vast you soale your .7csulte I;etth4e)* at"re deinundu cert in 43:14' with, in which eonietil'ing bus been , tia 0 1110141 0 of i the stadow of death, or. of you have mows nal ore going forth in their that you shoulci ham the value i, Lead, „viola with fill cithvash. is of vita import t*,nce, tho.i you • will know that you bave teen A.ble iiiingdopt. the new earth, eoneoenhig muet os eureiy wave up in another. I not woo suds tohe tbu um, Leuh 1 r:alst i '1 I'reFkllt ttl, YOlt iliti C01-0-,; °)'='Y which Paul said Rom. vill. 17. 18: You eau't melee a pailtling ;and leave from sweet:. and that frosted ewer .ou, lews of eleareineess and' to place their bauds in the snotng 1 eeetieei of what such a woman net allow your patient to become t anti ^ of Jesus- Christian women 1III Cor. iv. 17. 1.3„ and many Fuel; out everYthing but 00 dish. and' Amid be cleaned with water eon. ebout to enter t.he ooble profession: words may wen encourege us to be still ItaVe it palatable end outdo Our ancestors WI nOtw:Fienitritriloowdenr. 14,- tbe involieSs bed or walks through Pat!eut to the Wave. the falee doetrine andeolaally walking . th their active I tallg:Iiintgif4:ro:Ided That windows Oen never be elem. seen 111 i• , *d tin silo 0 fa nas by it;,f,etegi. The Igatc,r011C0 Of incom- 1 congratulate ' eteadfast in the faith. unmoved by tions‘ the tweeting teble or nends ' over .1","tsat ssirses Ints Fent many a 'ul trill's"' uurl•es' u_ct....,,gritsj.,:!1. subdue :' If you vsnun- Ivit'ell* Ie g,,,ITeeeto.,,,,Y° the warde of a hospital foe con- tawny enter your noble profeesion "Ile ;`. has."...sh-41, g",sisi nn,4 i in the good. Worlis wineli He has Pre, Out -door lives built. up for them- ruining directly eurgoon's loihns Stet before the oiler:lilting a sin against tile hue 1°, ,c'ree""' g in ng4 tk- Alln ulu:'' to present to Illin our bodies. which people to be envied. 'Day were well with whieb to panel mirrors?' on titeme limp:OWNS you are fA g iiou u,Icef 1 tr-4,47,t'le neles14117 Partd for us- Ho onlY tritutn us "Ives rugged natures" "" ivcr('' That tisaaut-paper Is the best thing tmeletos deseeees or et La:fives the iteelleetually limb Is to be anipatattel. I take , man race just as sunny as is the .t" iffi'r'ullg° un" 1.'0 n""e's "0- is truly et nernsenable thing, eince He balanced. eon built and hod will i hand upon Iltek fevered brow ere? be . bought helianni ettututchs Corn meal and • --.--- ------1 --- - ---- - -"---- 4 That glees -es will not. become clear Sinzfle groilugnigag class of teethed, open the wrong. switch anti seeds the *.,..r 37 . , . .. , „ „, , . ethat Ile may mthindrred work in no ,, 11 n el r arge S 140 their bacon e t . d t" 1 f • "if put into hot water when utilliy? this ehportun it yr ee address not a ittoloi,eut ewitehare.n w 0 I Ott. 0111,0,33ted .3_, i the ealetest Ohne- 1141.5 us with a great priee. 1 ne 1 an maete, Cli WO luCat lititEC, ; an Hie good pleasure, causing all k wet. ned were etiqa)" tank care of. But our ludas are different. and gratet to altound toward us (Eph. 11.1 11101f:DA: FOR 110-11,e3 Wit 10 OM% article of diet we ;ble waeeees en • 51:1` h• burned black you will leve no trete etrieed en,iforn3s, vel:ent freeh Ofir and of Prolier dietetics. It '*u tbe 0.(414's the Ilea4" Yulu Tite. glories of the renurreetiou, the Ilraove at the next morning. 22442 '1 L*ut tO hpeek to all the dif- ch. *4*41I1 21 1 ft -relit training schools for nurses insight train which has been side- witit which uty COln,i'S into 143 Ram Rom eni 1 2. oar ei eo mold different bodiee, different S1C0 14:12011 tbin, remove rind. lay 12; II Cor. 1111101S, MA alas. different stoinocos. • on boil. and cover with thick. pieres contact. - *CURE SOUL AND BODY. TIE SUNPAY ST -011 111 Illnitestruhg Nerves, oifr of fat felt Deem!, Cover with oil work of the Wad. their (Het would givfm earituucle9 aild felons. APRIL 12. r!be lite poiecet for us. loved teed %Internationally honored arigel 110VCV444:4. wing oral tying, Inat the Varloue PoSit1011.5 ot thc more ectlentary aed our fond- eilk bandage. Change eves)* two 'The empe of my theme can best . 'The ideate moue ehould lie a Chris- uess for mateng the brain do the hoer% The SAUK'. treatment may be be reelizee if the bearer is led boo tian woman. inning the clerk FORTUNES IN TEA -CUPS. the imeal.le tioree of the most be- night, wizen the Mach alleged death INTERNA.TIONAL LESSON, 0•1:•••••Wria• rounde "gra es, is a widespread atienvider- %vogues EiGnusT ram= of an women living :it the present neeine the atite wioged birth:angel. 0•••••••• time. ISho is elie ? I will answer or alien in the cri-n prennumia Teu, the Leeson, X Core statelirog iu regard to eatiog bread. thet cote:alien Ily rel.:the:: en tad- or ISeltold the life :eeme bang- .1, 60-58. Geld= Text, Tie old pastime of reading one•s People meet e:,‘ teat, they eon eat it o Lt dem wOicia ha:leered ;Oxen the year .ing by a slemier theatell. no Intern- 1 Cor. ecv., 20. foreure in a tecocup has not gone and digest breadeven though they , Is at R.. algoorlie in Weetcro 41AStralia., 3.See. 1.ord Stretford vote enter- gent mere as so tenapelleat te bead op. Dee now is most risen gem .%, -0 e 0 , :. il are side. Meat is peered by. eggs taintnO at a London leaf pee many. ‚.1 02 14:,'0 Zed as tbe one W100 lie•• ;the dead and become the era keels lashes it 431037 hour. Tee girl are feared on account, oe their tend. Water cells for 32.40 to 00,,25 per of the promitient military nfraers of news hi God mid prayer and 1140 one !of thou, ill t iit . t la 4. t. **Woo fortame is to be told enould:ench to etotee billotte 4"attaelis; milk -hundred gallons at Kalgoorlie., Where the British arsievwho had led to-, %vim eau ask for tete divine blessingn . __. drink.a little ft( the tea while It falls shunned, leet. it contain the dread- is Not 21. eig512.4*of vegetation at Kei- e have to -day a great and glor- 1 vietery the queen's eolciiers In the wbero elle pours out the medicine or , hot, and then pour away tbe rest, led tuberculoeis. and bread. that „goodie. To ell appearauces the Crimeast conflict, As a matter of Places the Ire hag on the revered 108 ebulder In"' beginning with Iteilig careful not tO titra 00t tile' %tail of life," is eaten without fear. I 'hittlilliitiff Off Place" of the earth 1,4 curioeity, the noble lord asked, brow. A great deal of Florence ! oie gostsil by which we are saved gammen 1411 doing so, and also toot ,Was them ever a. greater delusion? :at. Kolgoorlie. And yet the rieheet th en (all and ell tide i ilestion I Nightingalee et.wer mem her pa- alld eluting with the eontlilete l'el" to look at them, us that would be 'Neat should be considered much square mile in the world is at Rait- "Who do you thialt, of all the nag...Cents was due 10 the fact that She Potion of all things unto Ilion who laid theta Then sbe must illrli the ,11110111 easy of digestion than bread, , goodie. . tielpents of the late war. will be could tell the Pil1 sir"14-. 11041414." 511(1 died fer mu. sins and was buried and, cup over so that no water remainsaud only thoee W1140 have beeitity i This barren liesert of treasure 13 the most honored ond revered by the dying about the tlood Phydrian. I, &ewe again the third day, according - for drops of water In the tea bodies and lead active out-otedoorm 409 miles inland from the town Of t . • 1 e •• ti sofferer's -' to the Scriptures (verses 3, 4). The grounds identify tears. liVes should ever attempt to make I; Perth in western Australia. $even his guests to write the names oesoul as well as his body. The Cie- . Wee of tbls epistle„ with wheea;, Next, i w -- site most turn the cup bread even a part of their daily ;years ago gold was daseoverad One. le N the corning generations ? lle asaed • '• soldiers nag a better chance+eve have recently been journeying so . around shro,13. toward her three food, i a rush for the desert territory was thew choice upon slips of paper and t , he went(' read the some owl 0/1„,,,fac getting Wen in this warld Will'il ,,0111011. seemed to know nOthing WO „Wiwi, wisbing the whet uf her heart notence the resift of the Newt, Florence Nightingale's mere presence Christ crucified, Clwist risen ond made these rough men stop their ascended and Christ returning to as site turns it. n the slips were coiled ed. the -- • After this elle must rest it a 111111.• vote was unanitnome Wonderful to i! swearing and influenced many of reign. It would be well if there '. 1 uto against the edge of a saucer — I Min' effort to prOvide for -Mosel' This square mile of trearowe. bear - Nen with a. beseecbing prayer. Write gives special Prmuluelleo to inejtuey be read. Three small dots In selves stung fulnds in healthy bodies' treatise of lis reputation as being desert; is called the "Gold Nile" needs. So shall we build up for our- !jug them to turn their bpsetoward hea-S were many like him. In this chapter. . state. the name which Lord Strat- . 6 to court ludo Then the fortune ' lord announced was not that of a geueral. It belonget to an Unti e i ,tasks of a nurse is to inspire pa- i' and tleatit .of Christ W011111 have woman. lier mute was Florence /lents with peace of mind and of availed us nothing if lie had not Night ingale. beart. Therefore. is not the ideal risen ; that apart from this great THE IDEAL Nil:sm. -, nurse doubly fitted for ' her work feet there is no gospel to preacte no Who was Florence Nig-lame:de ? X 1 when she can impart to the sufferer's ground for faith, no salvation; but. soul a knowledge of the peace that Christ being risen, all is well with W41 tell vote She was the heroic ' parasetli uuderetatudinge those who trust in Him. and am He Is in His risen body so Audi we be (Pitil.iii. 21; X John 111, 2). 21. For as In Meant all die. Mil so in Christ shall &ill be "mule alive, lly ono man sin entered Into. the world, and death by sin. end $o death passed upon all men, for that all have shined. For as by one man's disoltedience many were the sticks. A small one means a, made ninners, so by the olesilenee of child, a Wok one a woman. one shall many be nuole righteous It they lie crosswise, they nre ene- , (Rom. v, in, 19). All are in Adam. rides. If straight up, intimate church arid State as Florence Night- 'the physicians into the quarantined without exception, end therefore all friends or pleasant acquaintances to ingale thinke the development of the 'MY' affected with yellow fever. Then are sinners and dead in trespasses be made. A stick with a. bunch of trained nurse a work so important 'thet•e are the dangers which may af- and sins (Eph, 11. 1). All who, be- grounds on its back is a. bearer of that she devotes t ----- fortune i• feet the patients as well as the ing ConvinCed of sin, have accepted bad news. an Ica - energies, . need niake no apology for taking as 'The other day I read an account of a !rase in which the quick witted bray - our theme this morning the qualities which are needed in the ideal nurse. 'crY of a nurse saved tbe life of a The trained nurse, in the first:raving patient committed to ber ,charge. Having stepped out of the place, must be intelligent. She is' the right arid of the /h4,,eleihrh ph!room for a little, when she returned i She found the patient standing by that we do not mean 'duet the train - !his bed With a knife in his hand, ed nurse is to be a mere automatic treacly to cut his throat. Instead of machine and that when. tbe nhysi- !screaming or running away, she. fix- cian pulls the string she is. to move ied her ee-e calmly upon his as she and wlien• he stops pulling she is to t said: "I would not cut my throat stand still. Oh, no t She is to be 1 : with such a dull knife as that if I far more. We find that to -clay ' the! were you. Let me have it; I know intelligent trained nurse is more 1 where to get a sharper one." The de - than the mere physical right arm lirious patient besitated a moment. of the physician. She. is his eyes, Then he handed it to her. Then she his hands, his constant helper. What the intelligent trained nurse is able I calmly turned and threw it out of the open . window as -she said, "Now to report in reference to the progress 1 goi back to bed or I will call for of the patient to a great extent de -1 : e p bto put you there."' Ab, that cides the physician's diagnosis. He !was revery! sees the patient but once in twenty- four hours, while she is by the in- valid's bed practically all the time. She can record the 'Tigress of the disease by the flight of minutes. He can only study it • by the morning and evening call. The value of the Let us study to know oureeleee, t..tarteti, and now there is a WWII of our needs. both spiritual and bodel MAIO people built up in the water- IY. nOd then, !mowing, let, us maloeloes region. . know tium one of the beneficent resurrect ion, proving- that the life a row stolid for the wish. If near the top of the cup It will soon be mitred. If at the bottotu. Some time will elapse or It WU WNW come true. If the grounds am bunched togeth- 13,-- otte-half Cep sugar. neat the or it signifies that all will be well yolks of two eggs until thick' anti are twelve gold. mines at work on a witb, the fortime readier; but if they lemon colored. aed add headtmuy large scale anti about forty others are scattered it reillaillS the reveree, I =omit col, nugar. Combine mix- doing 0, little. The Output is f;l2r, A small speck e near Vie top is a 1 tures, add. one-half cup milk alter- 200,O00 wortli of gold every month., letter. A large *eel; a preeent of =toy with oue and one-quarter The miners live in Kalgoorlie. Tito some Lind. cups flour mixed and silted with gold hi found in a reef of quarW 'The sticks are people with whom three teaspoons halting rowder; formation. Some of the mines nre, one will soon be brought in contriet then add whites of two eggs beaten now being worked at the 2.000 foot —light or dark, abort or tell, se" stiff, one and one-third stputres level and the gold is found to be num% who did not want the lintesh people to new for her a monument of cold murble, but instead she took should be a brave woman. The ba- the $250.00e, which was a free will with Rs storm of shot end oderong given by her country -Alen, Isbell, shows no greater percentage and with it built and endowed, only of loss of life than that found among a short distance from 'Westminster !the trained mimes in our contagious abbey, the famous training school eltospitels. The soldier who cbarges for nurses which now bears her ethe enemy's breastworks is looking name. This sehool, established in death in the face with no braver eye 1$110, is the foster mother of all the Ithan the uniformed nurse who times modern training schools for nurses, elite pulse of the smallpox patient or • lu ncteed the voting girl who oilers to go with THE IDEAL NURSE raid approach perfeetton. DESSERTS. Chocolate Padding. — Cream cue- tlUarter SUP better and add gradual - the sicheet gad beanng territory of its size on the earth. its reputation bas been brought to this country by the Rev. B. Gordon Savfle. "The district was discovered some years am" he said, "and now' there vording to the color and length of wetted chocolate. oue.eighth tea_ just as rich as it was et the top. we:nurse, which result from delirium. Christ are in Christ, and He is A line of leaves with no openings between foretells a journey by wa- ter. If openings, by rail. A large ring closed means an of- fer of marriage to an unmarried wo- man. - To a married one it means a fortunate undertaking. To a, man, success in business. A small ring of leaves or grounds is an invitation. Dust -like grounds bunched together at the bottom or side are a sum of inoney. A half moon or star to inarriecl people means a paying investment. To unmarried, a now lover or sweet- heart. A hand, warning, if the fingers are spreall. If closed, an offer of friend- ship or marriage. A heart • is the most propitious sign. of all, as it means happiness, fidelity, long life, health and wealth. THE STRONGEST GAOL. wisdom. righteousness, sanctification redemption and life eternal to all who truly receive Hite. (I Cole i, 80; John v, 12). 50. Now, this say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God ; neither doth cor- ruption inherit incorruption. The kingdom of God will be that condition of affairs on earth WhOtt the will of God shall be done on earth as it is done in heaven (Matt. vi, 10), or, as in verse 28 of our chapter, when the Son, having (dur- ing the thousand years Rev. xx) subdued all -things unto Himself and cast Satan and all his followers into the lake of bre, God shall be, all in all. In order to enjoy that kingdom and its glory, these present mortal hodies of flesh and blood must be changed and be made like His resurrection body of flesh and bones (Luke xxiv, 89). They will, be as real and tangible as His resur- rection body, but no longer subject to the powers and cirmumetances which control our mortal bodies (Luke xxiv, 31; John xx, 19). 51, 52. Behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in. a moment. * * * In I Thess. iv, 16-18, this is more fully set fortb. and so simply and clearly that Only those who de not wish, to can fail to. see it. Our Lord Himself referred to it in, these words: "He that believeth in Me; though he die, yet shall be live, and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die" (John vci, 25, 26). The natural man can nee& see nor inherit the kingdom of God unless he is born from above,. born,' the eecond time, and all Whp, being born again, belong to the kingddm must in one of two ways obtain a body fit for the kingdom—the body must 'die and rise from the dead at His coming or be in a moment thanked without dying, as were the bodies of Enoch .and 58, 54 'Then shall be brought pass the saying thet is written. Death is swallowed up in victory. , Corruptible' and mortal are terms referring to our present bonies; •in. - corruptible arid indnortal desceibe MORAL COURAGE NECESSARY. But there is another way in which - the ideal trained nurse must prove her bravery. That is when she has the moral courage to refuse to work for an incompetent physician. Some time ago one of the training schools intelligent nurse is to be found in for nurses gave this question in an what she sees, as well as°in what exaraination paper: "Supposing you she is willing to do ; her usefulness positively knew that if you obeyed is to be enhanced by what she can the doctor's orders to give to your tell, as well as by her willingness to patient a certain medicine that act obey orders. would kill the patient, would you A FALLACY EXPLODED. give it? Most of the students an, Florence Night_ swered "No." Some answered "It is high time," "Yes." I myself believe that neith- ingale once wrote, "that the fallacy er answer fully covered the duty in should be exploded that every wo- the case. If there should come a man is ' able to become a competent time—and that time will come—when nurse." It is high time that the a competent nurse • knows that her standard of our training sthools for patient is being cared for by an in - nurses should be raised, that un- competent physician, then that worthy institutions should be crush - a nurse should go to that doctor and ed out and that the questi on of tell him plainly what she knows and trained nurse's efficiency should not then and there refuse to work any be decided by her ability to buy longer under his orders. A trained gingham dress and to read a ther- nurse has no moral right to work raometer. Incompetent nursing has d. under an inconmetent physician. By involved the loss of many a life and ming so she becomes a, party to his ea,used many an agonizing pain. hnra Pradctice. She should not 'disobey Some time ago a dear friend of mine is orders. Two wrongs never make a brother minister, had his little for rig at should refuse to work five-year-old son nearly buraed to or him. a all. death. The onljr way to save the;The ideal nurse should be a happy child's life was ba grafting human woman. Happy! Why? Bedause, skin upon the little one's stomach as King Solomon wrote, "A merry and enest. The father and the heart doeth good like a medicine." child's tWo brothers volunteered to Happy! • 1Vhy? Deca,use good cheer let the doctor peel the skin from 13 eentagious as well as infectious. the bodices that shall be ours at His the work weighs 850, tons. spoon saltand one-quarter tea- "in 3,495 some miners prospecting. spoon Amoll, ia. Dow he an "gee near Kimberley in the north of the fill the center with whipped cream, south andfouwestern Australia desert started; nd the reef. The news calm Pan, remove from pan, cool, sweetened and flavored and pour of the find spread and there was a rush. for the new territory. Miners ors Joiy. — soak one and poured in at tbe rate of 2,000 ne "For the entire 400 : one-quarter tableOpoons granulated week and soon all the needlabia land gelatine in one-quarter cop cold wa- AWLS staked out in claims. ter and dissolve in three-quarters xmles from cup boiling water; add one-half cup• sugar, three-quarters cup orange juice, and, one and one-half table- spoons lemon. juice. Remove pul» and juice from oranges by making a small bole at the stem end and in- troducing bandit, of spoon. Refill skins with mixture and set in cold: place to chill. 'When ready to serve, cut in halves, and halves again in thirds. Orange Surprise. — Mix three- quarter cup orange juice, two table- spoons\ lemon juice, one-half c.up sugar and yolks of three eggs. Cook until mixture, thickens; then add two tablespoons granulated gelatine which hes soaked 10 minutes in two tablespoons cold water; strain, add orange pulp drained front juice, -mould, chill, and serve with this orange sauce. Beat whites of two eggs until stiff; add hradually one- half cup powdered' sugar, juice from one large orange and lenaon Nee to taste, about one tablespoon. Chocolate Sauce. — This sauce will be found a convenient one and is quite rich. Boil one cup sugar, one- half chip water, a few grains cream - of -tartar, and one and one-half squares chocolate to a consistency of a syrup that will pour easily; fictecor with one-half teaspoon van- illa Graham County gaol at Clifton,. in Arizona, is the strongest gaol in the world. It comprises . four large apartments hewn front the solid quartz rock of a hill -side. The entrance -is through a box -like vesti- bule built of heavy masonry and equipped with three sets of steel gates. Some of the most desperate criminals on, the southwest border have been connned in the Clifton gaol, and so solid and heavy are the barriers that no one there has ever attempted to escape. "It's easy enough to make friends,'' said Spenders bitterly, "but pretty hard to keep them." "Oh, I don't know,'" replied Lend ers. "I've got a number of friends who seein perfectly willing to let me keep them." Sadie wa's eleven and Alice was seven. At lunch said Alice.: "I won- der what part of an animal a chop Is . Is it a leg ?" "Of couree not answered Sadie ; "it's the jaw- bone. Haven't -you ever heard of animals licking their chops ?" h 'BEFORE LASING THE CARPET. When carpets are made at home, they will last, much longer if the edges pee properly strengthened. These are bound to ravel the first time the carpet goes through its an- nual beating, unless they have been firmly sewed. After the breadths of a new carpet have been sewed to- gether, take a needle threaded with a strong linen thread, and overcast the carpet, not in the 01 dina.t7 way, but begin at the edge and take two or three stitches down into the car- pet as if you were going to 'darn it, thee take the, same number of stitches back, in a slanting direc- tion, and when you get at the edge again, bring your threael over it and eun your needle through the carpet from the underside. This process is In digging an acre of ground a man. turns 112,000 spadefuls of earth, and the • soil moved during Perth there is not a sign of vegeta- tion. *There is no water except thee which may be found standing in th0! gmunma holes or basin like forma -1 Voris in the stones. The prospectorl fills his water bag from these andli then strikes out over the country.; When tbey have found a placer mine: they have no water with which t0! work it and they use a shaker. That 1 is a series of sieves arranged one et above tho other, with the mesh smaller at the bottom. 1Vhen the dirt has been put through the' shaker it is tossed in the air an11 the wind blows away the fine dust. I The gold then can be picked out. "All the water we have is what is taken from the Mines and condensed, and this sells from $2.50 to $6,25 a hundred gallons. A pumping tem is now being put in which will bring water from Perth, 400 miles away, to ,SCalgoorlie. Tliere will bo ten relay stations in the line. The; system will be in operation next' year. I "During the greater part of tho , year the thermometer stands at 115 in the shade, and should a, prospec- tor get away from the gnamnta hole without watet his sufferings. are apt to ho -something awful. There is zloty a .line of railwaer from Perthi and also a telegraph line." f WHY THE TEAKETTLE SINGS.•1 Little Tom will doubtless become; a scientist. Alreadyhe has begun, -fel see the connection between cause. and effect. :k ' I He was looiag at a drop .of wa- ter through the microscope. Here and thereand everywhere were dart- ing animalculae. . Now I know," said he, "what sings when the kettle boils. It's 1 these little bugs.'t , , .------4—,----- It wap 11.80 by the clock, and it was n.ot, a very rapid clock. "Miss Mollie," he said tremulously, "I'netl going away to -morrow." "Are you?' , she said, with .the thoughtlessness of Sc.• girlhood. "Yee," he replied. "Are you sorry ?" s'Yes, very: sorry,", a combination of darning, and over.. she muinnueed. "I thought you casting, which makes the edges so might go away this evening.'!