HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-9, Page 1*' NE W FIR )4 • .• • • * 1111.111Millainsamiggimpawit Having purchaeed, the be.sinees and good will of Mot. As Cottle we beg to assure all who have .froet- oral our predecosoreeith their customandthe pat lio henetielly that they Witrhe able to proconie all artielesenanufactueedhy tbe old proprietor nt one estateishment. We will • guarantee all outwork and we ere going to evil at allOtlerate peices. solicit a eali patro 7 KIL OUG EXETER, t 0 13UGGIESial BUGGIES!! he undereigued will have a load of Catuada Caul -loge timany'e Buggies Arrive on April 1st. If you want 44 first. elas.,s buggy eall at the. McCor. wick shop before yen boy. These are on extra grade of Lug. and will he hi assorted colors. 'haft forget tlie stanch cOORIYUCK SROP EXETER. BROWN" i) lliilsgreen Oreenway j. Winehelsea Bitlaulnh „ -.5fr.,5reu Maxwell still continuo very Miss Helen Rickhom visited be' - Tile remains of tee bee Jobe E., The two months' old ehild of eft; poorley,-Mte, Levi Stelk spent a few Auur nt. Mrs, Pdy, alit Grand Bend.-- co, kr hood „ti wood j tAnron Davis, was call away by death days in Zurich doting the week -Mr Mr. lloward Mc/thereon was taken to the Gra a Tri k: . o 0 tb • bt,,eri PI ay IPPSt, t e fimerali teens John Cochrane, Se, Is ort thesick list. Victorla Hospital, London, by 1:4'. of April 1st, Wari laid to rest on Statue- Pet:tee Tue.'.43'Y te tile 2tet.er eueleterF Rev i F. E. Mellott loud Revs Thomas Wilsoe to have his knee treated.-- , pet e to e rapt 4aY at 3 ihmi 4 'umberilinl'oy of all in the loss of theit• little on tives from this vicieity attended, the i . fuoeral at London.- Ed. Clark silent ND L rtnonber from here attended the r ?lord t3i-sientilf;sTialoligt&ntd-eltilaigte-thFlie .tinn- barn raising, at Mr. Marsh Matthews moreie is ;woe -tine, Feetoti bonen ee E ALE, Cretliton la$t Thstirsday,-Sebool closes toidate the Creamery this week.„ -Mr., Hallie 5 , , - Thoireday, for the Easter holidays.- Drown is ianproving elteolnYKIre;smi.ohoist,atitil:teij,siii:ottilheitteititestrettiee4 , --ehi'ti Mit. W. J. "741)11 Ints .501 tbe Coll' receet misfortune in cilia' It' C. 2.11...iie ErlIthle3h, ; Our County Councillor, Mr. tWon. rg etyortlechttt:otiretttedwatpla sesulgatelrareouorrrlarit7-. . Being a very scarce article the gener- °soy of Mr. Corbett was much :wpm. ceded, -The St. Marys church intend holding a tehadow secial toetight iThursolaye at Me. John Lewin! retie oileece. We hope the ,young men will be able to entess tite shadows right, - Ma and M. Pearson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Weir oltd Ir. N. Fattioler is latakirog preparettone reite his leitfill next eneemen-The millinery on took place on Thers. day nand kio tatty. Everylied3,- ehould canoe and F,'Ne fale themselves the grand ea-lighly, Cif ArliiiS Date CdWzIFS C,14.57 ITVICOME. FOUI and pr0000pt at. eutioa givett to moderest goinis.et Mite Maggie nod Lido ttilliett. after spendieis the winter ith friends and estatives in titie tieinity. left att Wed. taeiday for ilitaql" haute nein, Seabright. • . Otter, of Leedom is visiting friends here. Manning, of St. Marys.exchanged Cometry stores are arranging to cloee pits on &utility.- Master Harvey Turn- Monday and Frklaye at. SPX oicloels. er met with an aceident a few days commencing Monday the 20th. -Quite ago whereby he had the misfortune to have a bone broken in his arm. It ap- pears he was driving a home when the anima) took fright Owl Owen. him one tith the above resale We are sorry r Harry as he is gentesol favorite here, but hope he will soon he alteglit nab). -Mneh sympathy and regret is ex- tended and telt toward Mrs. James Hagan. Sa, as she is passing throughTe a eevere trial having lost tt biSter. refer to the death of Mary Jordan, be, loved wife of M. Eli Cavanane the sad event occuring at Delray. Weyoe Coe Miclo. on Mat eh 21. at the age of yeare,. imouths, IT days. telt ferto.Lot 3,, Con tiet, to M Chid ; 1 . w ib r ji th - . While chopping weed -eir and Piii 1 'a -•.r. e.) oat not, or t e sem i,r sz.wo. zr. e ,,,,,,,.., . . + vt's --...tv V'e5,`S:«72.-.-%t..."Pr:sl'eess. =en et tlir: 5 413;•,, 14 PP ore moving to London this , tee teeetite Ptorof.d.c-tholeI•zei wilia chase. till'ar tr.:e: -341t Ve, Z. Mess has met with a weei. 'hie. Bell how eeented a sitouth, - tiiie iiihis Ci tiitit-iti- Pit'itifiiiiri •I' 'il' ti heavy liss-Ids mustache, test tiert tee is i . . 1 tine as Distriet Inspector a Creamer- ,t:etreeatestitseri4 :ifra 1...;.",•) KF:f?, r'' ::::*.i.4 r.3:1' feS fag' Western Ontevio. --Oran Fran- eisiett eatettby tat. coietra,,,,. lettere i The Bester eKatalileariebliiS of the see- ite lifteltoken et position ita a claws.... ter.. .4444' 4444 a44 f4a13111 ebeses' '" "ul toree-Vii. Clitices-the flint of Jones ' P,:".° "vt"'''il wP"-* 14vhil T'IL'''4141F 444% & Vtittil !MVPS I, oftem Inlet:is foe Wioni. i s' "1 alle'illl'i.Y"-'11"4"i€1144 Ileetit ef 8-41t egn.latigete.trhoef It;olswooe6vielpljtirl tosrittliaolinomot 41.4%,,1`..," WI:: 11./..ot vail,!,,2711,s1317:14;.,e4: sa - ' ' 'a T • SII• ii.... 1.... .... ' depertnieut in Robinton et, Co's large I Oth4aitreittitkZeOichtoehttmen (lire, ;Teel. . deiro-tolozwit stow of that city. Mr. r, 'rebiottt thele--bikieetiitetot w„tittitiFs "ti; Jones 'will Intl the present hneineett I . ; . .t. G. shoetireite it as tr..r1PiOrk Celline & 1 AS IfItIftiglAllf GROItt how been St4C2e5S. Fee hes heell V00111:110 just -Toting this ; P;ts+ wmi-or--Mr- Ittrit'el ilingtable haunt-) moister, ititse houvre: "raAv444m1 niVninigletuttiungolgilipalgtlund;riwy4daxii4'sriet,;(14; t ,,,L,..,,,g,2,lni.j..,,vc...Avil him sitheeeessititii parents,- Our Fireman letd it IlleeVIlt; ener te tesnoreeler ant. 7-1-1k4t -0-* -Ciulk- is tiP"44501-.1 4 PtiP -11-4 picked iip zis hired help aroomil here IS of 13Neter* t§ thiniing etaititisit. a s ; '1 3- ' i iie. % 4;Z* -Olt. V. ()near. titOXF,la . tz. with her parents, at yl, raw tee,-Mis eeatette.i.goottees oto now ont isle tbp oangini,o ,his vocation and tnuc up i efiltoltiveeti4to,.1_imair:srrt:.tjrat. itor tItte,r,toultgve.5.:re goisz; 511111e Petty leaves next week, for Lino I euntraet of carrying ills Maieste" 3 Mall t caching us he spent. part of ,31onotity - don. whew she will elite a i oast.. in i from hei nese to unmet _et u a ; wet i e ao st. o ., it E .Ptle commerced college.--elre. lteitelo has laud bilPS •hireti for the silo:ewer witit iots4fItoeuriltr,:olid) IT:tilitilitertjarl'etilie'rlyThlintit7ett0irsftr'.1:ottliph"4,141)eibreEyetl-itt?ei:th."It'itkohliit'Ea'eltletlit4il! gone to the Weet.-Thos. Suede left Jas. Bellantyrea--Edwin (ierdiner will ' tory. tins week' to locate hie ligoYs in tbel. work. this season woe h %I alter Kerelooke War, net:doe-Ma N. M. ithe•le, elatioite, eat ll'eet. after whirl* he will f et urn building 6114,55,-w:1a, Tatvers has sod Ontario.-MiSs tgair's who has" tWell WO oarloads of hie line Caitflk: Pt ices Zurich i er of the ACP/ DP 141P1411 Mal Sit% fliliti• fee. t of Terento, nee tot the di [lege last, n eat Pending the winter here with her Sis" thleyeer ate etnisulerehly lower than Mi', J. Ni. 0511104% hoe VIrtlitillf.41 was, 4-m001114a.- :)11g5srti. johu West.. i e teenier toteeting of tuck a home in Fairgrove, Mich. -Mi 9. ' lake cold La wrenee flunkin h ws toe41 at the home of hates Leella WeStiake. tit Chieelloarst, whit iloy for the West to spend the sinw ter nil Moliglati oveninehit-Mte9 ik fa evrlatitsly ll. ie tianneeleeeinie mer. Cora Elametdier. who has la,en very lingbhit is 'also recovering from Farquhar, The farmers were liney see, last, week. Ind the snow etornt eite Fehley wilt 'keep them back foe eonie• itle. and hirsa Keteliike. of.. Fieste t-er, were in :the village last week vs inR 'friends, Prior to ,their,deperture to the West. -4. Cameron, who is .aeting ;Tent Simtlay Centetlia with his • 4.4DD--;,-'1,.:.D.," AXONS?' TO LIMN, Wohevemlintitcd Tr/vate baud* for voatment neon farm ar Tillage Troperty, leweet rate* of intermit, Dictum CAloltaa, Barristerinete.. Bete MONNY TO LOAN. / have a large anorent of Trivate trusts to loan on tam and TroTerties at low rate* efintoratit. F. W. Gr.i.pum., Marrister, 3Inin Street Exeter ,101.1.••••••12- enterer ELLIOTT Beal MrlAteIr andminnze Agent. Fames and vilDge properties bate„• -ht and sold n reasonable terra& Several dwelling !musts for sal Lowish* all parts of Manitolra WI the WOrthev fer sale. Sate Remoter. S.kTIIRDA.Y, APRIL 11.--Ifoutthold Effects, des* the property a the late Bra Altu•tIn. Sale 10 %lie plave at the residence Of Hr. James Parsons, Sin:elle street, EXtter, rielork If. Braun, Auet. OVSE AND Tin:FA: LOTS FOE SALE. The undersigned is offering tor vale that tlesirablo property on cnnier of C'arl('0111114*anti Nelson streets, Exeter, being I.ots 81. MI and There is en the premises a good brick house, containing nine rooms: good stable Oltelmverltalf brich); hen house anti tvig pen; fifty (mit trees. bard anti soft -way and other conveniences. be sold reasonable. Apply to Cuss. Base, Exeter. BEACTIFCL no)u von SALE. Being etimposed of North balf of the north 'half of Lot 17, in the Ist MirtSii0ta el Stephen. situated three quarters a a mile south of 'Enter, cont. -0141w 23 acres of choke lend, goad brick house. hard arid soft Water in house, and two wells in fields also one In drive house, tank barn, hen and pig.houses, and tirit•e shed, large orchard; containing :apples, Pears, raspberries, strawberries. etc., etc. Terms ease. For particulars apply to Aim Fanny Wilson, E.Neter,P.0„ or to Thos. Cameron, Farquhar. THE extuoit LICENSE ACT. In accordance with the Provisions of the Liquor License Act, Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting,. of the Board of License Commissioners for the district of South Huron, will be held at the Com- mercial Hotel, in the Village of Hensel], ontiaturdaY, April Dith, title a.m., to eonsider the epplications for Die sale of liquor for the license year 1903-4. The new applicants for License arm -Mary Jane Fletther, Queen's Bayfield; Henry Darrow, Commercial Hotel, Ilaylield; B. Johnstone, Dom- inon IlonselZurieh, and lames Hannon, sr., Shipha Hotel, $hieka. Licenses issued for current year were Town Tavern 5, Village Tavern 8, Township Tavern 20, Town Shop 2, Village Shop 2. Applleations for 19034 aret Town Tavern .5, Village Tavern 10, Township Tavern 20, Town Shop 2, 'Village Shop Any Petition against the granting of License to any new Applicant or the Premises named,signed by duly qualilled electors in any -polling division in which premises are situate, must be lodged with the undersigned at least four days before the day of meeting. BATILANTYSIN, Inspector. MORTGAGE SALE. Ma "r and by virtue cif a Power of sale contairied in a eartain mortgage made by John W. Pooh to the Vendor, which said mortgage will be produced on day of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on • salurny me Pim- 00y 01 A0r0, A. 0. 1903 At the hour of Two o'clock p. m. At the Law Offices of DICKSON & CABLING, in the Village of Exeter, the following desirable farm m.o. nerty, : All and singular that certain pared or tract or land mid prenuses situate in the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, being compOsed of Lot Number 39, in the 41h Concession of-thetialtltbivnship of Gocterich, con. taining by admeasurement eighty acres, more or less TERMS OF SALE One-half cash on day of sale., balance to be secured by first mortgage on the said premises. Further terms madeknown on day of sale. For further particulars apply to DICKSON & CJABLING, Solicitors for Mortgagee, Exeter, Ont • SMALL FIRE AT CLINTON. Clinton; April 3. -The frame resi- dence of WidoW Steep was badlydam- aged by fire last night. Mrs. Steep was at church at the time. Damage covered by insurance. While two teams were racing to tlie fire station one of them collided with a hose cart drawn by hand, Ohatles Carter was struck and thrown against the' cart and badly injured, 6, Wts f.ttc,f pleased to state. weever. hie & f. ilinetsiteetent BedierdIons - Simon Geiger stemmed to accep eittiation with if. Ort. 'fiettian ,poztwa 11:1q Week. atter 44, pleateittel vitit •eche in lea lorightettenly hey end ilitliesa Ifolighis seenditig a !title with friends.-elin John eileyee At to make a gruel soleemane-The rOw WeA's with Infants in - 'has nomad. to his tither farm at Wag - idles AK of the MetoloodIet, ehuovh Mon. tRevel Smith. of Milton. le the -ner°0 teoner..--mr. P.Sippletech oo, wt Wtoinvetlay for the manual • eke- guest of Dr. arod Mne, nostaiie,-311s; atie. teemed Witd. front Dear a45111". ' Mahe 1011•44 officere.-4lati7 White of Roil4 Thempsen, Bole 1. 1'.. for Hest .wentit to Londen aseherit laet week.- geeville. has taken poositiom with Mr. Middlesex. WAS bete inspecting the Mr. E.C4 Mis.JaceirMeyer have nrevi4 . tIolikirk blita„Sflialh•-,31r. Altox. eehooletteeTke remains of the late- Ret- to Wit' 4weliong on the -Cadiela Ine and Lithe MVO, OF. LIMP% Were die um, who received a kick, from a rick. !Oder, who died in Chicago- on Routh. reeently vaetited by th4ta! eon, guests of the Miss Vteiton Ihtever too on the• lega mid which wow very March 13, were brought here for lontie Johni-iThe janitor T.P.iit held a mite elondatieiniehe teano attached to the 'urn!. ,f01. tilone. reco•vering front al en Monday and taken to the resi- .box opening On Friday evening, -Mr. ' stage neatly ran away Setterdayt but effects. -The Heneall football ;WWI deuce •of his sister, Mrs. Lampldert •Ziminertnan aliol fondly have for the prompt action of the driver a have reorganized with a good member- front whence. the funeral took place! &no tO North Dalton -A. -Mr. Henry e,erious accident might have ticeurred.: Ships -Mr& •Case and (blighter, a Sea, Wedneeday to St. Petriek's cemetery. tier, who was confined to his lord - ithe ROA. Waltier is tansy repaint - forth, spent a few days in town during -The contract tor the erection. rif the: ter a :few days during the week, with. ' butcher shop., Rob boindles he week.. -Mrs. Malott speut a few Orauge Hall to be ereeted here during. attack, ot. iippendieitlw e. is, e are brush well and promig'S to mike a vain Ai:tette lost Week, the gneet, of .the summer. has been awarded. - m Mr. ried , to state, curwaleeringond able od joh..- One of Ci.. Woire er parente. De. and Mrs. Hannon. - Chate Isaac Is on the siek liete-Rich. to be around agaire-lih.. Solomon ry horses Is Sielt from blood poison - The many Mends or Mr. Shillinglaw, HOPAG WAS arrested by DeteetiWard veHardy, who has Wen residing in lllieh- g. with slight Immo fee recover:h- ot near Chiselhurst, were pleased. to of Lead1d en, .enday edi n the nette tan gesome r time, has returned to: Mr. Fred Sof Dieiguee, nm ha. spent see him in town last week, ,after aer. .assaultingat wife. Home was brought again and intends reieainieg. Monday and Tuesday Vitlititlit 116 tad Ione of .eettetal menthe. hefute Setae Lacey and belled. Ile was am tocopanieir hy his thtve acquaintancee. teeignets had; .the still far froin well but IS on n fair wei Pausneaverto$s.--A. few eyetlisma children, while Mrs, Hardy will follow picture of health and bos got fleshy. - to recoverY.-Rev. le ThIttelh Of ago the blame or Mr. and efre, main Shady., WO extend a hearty welcome Ma, John Ferguson intend!? moving in. Centraliat occupied the pulpit, on the Miller .Wite thrhnged eWith G. large con, to thene-Mr. C. Selmeh hIIII as PPPLIt'd ta the ell dwinw g, owned by John G. ltippen circuit on Sunday last. The course of Pee/mot° t'Uo un011Per Orel' from a three weeks visit to friends in Wein, of the Neth Roundery of the Rev. pntleinan is a line speaker 'and mistie .their old friends and neigh. illiehigane-Mr. Seim. Madinger left township, in a few -daereteRemernbee his discomees on both oceasions were horst MenY of them "'ming frODI a last week for Miebigen, where be in. the early closing of tear Nosiness plitevia very interesting and were listened to distance to .PartieiPate in the amuse. tends spending the sununeat-The an- beginning Apiit 13, at p.m. Mrs. Nvith tldpt attention, The Rev. F. E., ments of the •evenieg and Also to bid maid business ineetiug of the male Thomas Treveoldek vent the Iiittst feW Melia wombed atiniversary sermons Mrs. MilMak.,.and lite and Mrs. Miller a membete of the Evangelical ehurch weeks in London, MO guest of :Mrs. was held a fenedays ago. Rev. W. J. Lome Roetling. Yager 'maiden, .Mr. M. Geiger was reelectiel truStee for three _Years: C. N. Wagner, Secretatee Peter Bender and A.Sa Faust, tislierat 'MSS Lizzie Rennie organist, and A. S. Faust, caretaker, The past year was a MOSt successful one Unencially. It wae decided to held the sabbath at half past 'oboe in, the morning. for seven .inonths, com- mencing with last Sunday. on latsinetl et -or enertiostits le t 1 • ol their noilillete opettlioge the ptr$ Dor Mes hove ;Was eeleetion choe1",,e frq114, 1110 Wt.& eve reeiiy hoeste Well mei tt hood to toy lat hive ie the Wiest-. VW IZPPPilt kg the beat. witi mow he ohtiestral giVe Iv& Iliitata"y to Iti!leaSt* her and to beep her ire gaota button', -,emitoir"a lereviiie et, toss beet tn the TiniVt14 tieettee flooltentiou, eat who twat vlshang 1441SIM SIM the poet WhilIQP, &art tetootnetil tot the village to live with her tone,-Mitews Varna 5ressri.a.argi Potter imil it MeCeol '. have gone to Manitobze-Mr. Andrew a Seem lett 4 fa'A' (Lyn igt) for $poliene. Wetteegtone-A few even/togs ego the i, menden; of the Blake Preelietetian 1 eleetelt westerotted their .pestene .Rt.Ja • 0 oveitnit tooth two, tulip"- 16"attbi Oft 1 4.11,NC,Ot Ikak 11191Sbelk “talit M.VPrilil 1244 a J pg .,,P ups rind nueles. gas" many P44.I.S i ef einikbehi SilaWra fat I hic:r pastor by ,! the Beeilke corogregatione speaks in the 147-014Cst• 443105 of the amtPetaIPEOP of i the peopiss of their paetee . Tine Rev. 1nel-elegem wati tatielP P.OPPliple'felY IT r,as„ptgisie ittial wziS gireWtly a• 41 hitt 1 Isaaaa i'l WIT siMit.P11102P' Offilly, II-MD:WM litN &wars Way Iti";412 ay far Heir kind- Onets tanW4311411 !Di% It :nay he s3iol that, i a PidariThle'ir POPPPoe wait thy Of them., ea. , titielG4ns of Fe.t.ecepaill e"Of WIPP MIA it' avowed heated at tow Vane noioieleted aPPIDLIII thoe. • etomereteatien of liteke !dont% He br15 1101'04 it .1.130.151 ISK•tiVe !Dad Ito OMNI worher in all Ins relations with the eliiireli. tilud marl:telly devote i ed lot lokinigobtrakin$ollottng,11,40 tiet jor lees fortiniate a the people,. , • ...0,- ...----- Kippen 3.1r. J. F. McKay, who has been at,. ending the Medient College in Detroit 1 fint e past team„ bus returned home to spend WS Vaanaileith-Mr. W. J. Mc- Lean, wim is travelling for an neety- lone gas brio in St.Thonow„spent Sun- day under the parental roof.Mrii‘ t .florney, of rshorno, is spending it few l days at the home of het,daughteradrs, ,',Iiihn Melbinakt, Of tbetind. eimerstilien '.ilTilekerstnit ih-Nee t. Saliba th being bal-teF Sunday, special serviees, . ap. ' month; te foe the oriels:ion. will beton- docted .hy Rev. Mr. 31eLennan, poster, : of tst. Andrews eltureh.z-Mr. Albert Andenfon, wbo has hwen spending a i short time bete with his mother and , tulliT fgends, has returned to his home in Moduitan.-Mr., &Butt, who reeent- ly sold his farm hes purchased the dwelling house belonging to Mr. Thos. Ballatityne.' of Bensall and will Move shortly to his home with his family. We deeply regret losing seeli estima- ble neigh', ms as Mr. rind Mrs. .Butt and fauuI3, and hope that they may spared for many years to enjoy retired , isfe. The Messrs, McDonald,. ot Thames Maid.. split Sunday with friends in tl "" v 1.: , tor the *worth League GI Centralia. kindly •farewell, prior to their depar. --T. Bidlittityne and family loft, foe tore for the Northwest. The Avesta Brookdale, Mane last week, while W. of tbe evening was spent in music Peart ettni Geo, O'Brien will make their and speeches, after which reftesh. hoones uear Aimed:), Alberta.- Air. turas weresevved. At this juncture Thos. Horton, who left here about a the 00111eany was called to order and mouth oleo for the West, is lying dm- jr. Cobbledick, of Mkt Craig, was gerously Mat tbe Brandon (Man.) hos- called to the chair. Messrs. William pitel, suffering front an otttttck of tys Moray and Benjamin Marr read the 'hold fever. Mrs. Horton left last week addresses and .iiIrs. Miller was presen or the above place to be at his bedside, ed with a beautiful coat, as a slieht Much sympathy is expressed for her. teken of esteem, in which she is held -The many friends of Rev. Dr. Medd, by her .many friends. Mr. and Mrs. not only in his congregation, but in 11, Miller were then called forward the village, will be pleased to know and were made the recipients of a that he has sufficiently,if not complete- handsome lounge, which goes to show leerecoyered from his illness, of several how well they were respected and hon - weeks' duration, and will occupy his ored. Mr. Alexander Miller was pre - pulpit again con Sunday next. Rey. Mr. sent with a beautiful gold chain, The Quance, who has so ably filled the va- members of the household were great- caney during the Dr.'s absence, con- ly taken by surprise and it was with chided his work on Sunday last. Dur- much emotion that Mr. Miller, on be- ing his stay among us the reverend half of the other recipients, made a gentleman has endeared himself to reply, but he thanked those present every member of the Methodist church for the kindness shown towards them, while by his large hearted interest and and also ettpressed deep regret at bay - helpfulness in everything which tend- ing to leave such kind friends behind, ed to uplift humanity he won for him- but even when in the far West the self the respect and esteem Of the en- pleasantrnemories would ever remain tire vicinity. His religion was of a green in their minds. After afetv more deeply spiritual sort, free from cant hours of social intercourse the guests and bigotry, and in his dealings with separated with feelings too deep for men he was straightforward and cour- words to express of the personal loss ageous. Ile was not afraid to act out each sustains in the removal from our his conviction and bis religion was not xnidst of friends who to know was to of that cloisted sort which secludes it- esteem. They enter their new home self from the actual life of men. May with the wish accompanying them success every abide by hine-R. Bon- that the bright prospects ahead of thron ad family have moved into them may ever be realized. Mrs. Reitnla's house, while Mr. George WEDDINGS.-Arriong the many mar - Hudson is occupying the residence re- riages that have taken place In this cently vacated by Jos. Hudson. -The town few happy participantswill have Rev. F. E. Matta% B.A.B.D., will de- more universally the good wishes of our liver a lecture, entitled "The flag that citizens for their future happiness and brayed. a thousand years the battle:and prosperity than the young folks who the breeze," in the Kippen Methodist were united in marriage on Thursday church on Monday next. -Special ser- evening, March 26. The home of Mr. mons and music will be delivered and arid Mrs, Geo. Hodgius was the scene rendered in all the churches, on Sab- of the happy occasion, it being the bath next, it being Easter Sunday.- Marriage of their daughter, Miss Laura Mr. J. G. Troyer and Wife left last week for Woodstock: where they. Will to Mr. Frederick Hogg, of London. spend a few days, prior to leaving for The nuptial kuot was securely tied by the Rev. H. AT.hornas, Rector of Holy their borne in the West.-Metry here reeinittt church, and was witnessed will regretto learn of the serious (C only and death which befel Harold only by a few of the immediate friends the eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. ' of the contracting parties; . The bride is one of . the fairest and 'handsomest John Wren, former residents of this of the daughters of Lucan and thR place, but now of New Rochford, N. D. It appears the little fellow was et groom. May feel justly -proud of her. eremony, and congratulations being standin..e.,beside a horse when the arn over all sat down to a well laden and mal kicked at him. He received- the dainty repast, which was a credit to full force of the kick on the right side those who served it, after which the of the geed, and death resillted a few bridal couple, with the London friends hours later. The bereaved parents took the train for London where they have the sincere sympathy of the en- will reside. The presents were ni.un tire community in their sad 'loss, and erous and were much admired, testify - coming as it does so soon after Mr. ing as they did to the esteem and good Wren's accident, whereby' he lost his wishes entertained for the bride and left thumb, makes it a doubly sad op- groom.- Their many friends here join enipence.-Mr. Elam Butt, of near in tvishirig that their future will be a Kippen, has purchased Mr. Thos. Bal- joyous sail over life's tempestuous sea. lantyne's'residence and intends mov- -A quiet wedding' was solemnized, at ing into it shortly. We are pleased to the rectory by the Rev. H. Thomas, on learn of good residents like Mr. Bat Tuesday evening, March 31, when Mr. and family coming to Heesall.-T. J. woo. R. Stewardson was united. in Berry has disposed of the well knovvu matrimony with MissJessie Montgotn- shire horse, Klondike, to Albert He- witt, of Kincardirie, for tla.e handsome elle of London, After, a few hour's spent at the home tot the grodom's. par - sum of $2,000. This horse weighs 2,100 pounds, and is an excellent type of the en ts, the happy couple , left fel. their home in Lonedon. We wish thorn every shire horse. 011113.7.tItY.--As the river of time re- morselessty bears us on to eternity, we have close and constenit reminders that life's days is rapidly passim and that the shadows of change and death are growing longer and coming nearer. Such a reminder bas recently come to us in the death of .Mrs. John Dunn, of Stanley Township, a lady well and favorably knownlbere, our dear friend being called away on Monday, at the age of 01 years and Simonds. Deceas- ed has been ill for about a year, but bore her illness with loving patience. and in the calm security of perfect faith in her Saviour's merits passed away to her eternal rest. Mrs. Dunn was of a gentle, ouniable and kindly disposition, a. good wife and mother, *i true friend; one whose heart was in het householdeolways solicitous for the welfare of her bunny and diligently ministering to their necessities and comforts as long as strength permit- ted. A grown-up family of sons and daughters survive her, as well as her bereaved husband, who of all others, will miss her most. The funeral took place Thursday to St.Peter's cemetery, Sauble line, there being a large at tend- ance, a,nd sincere sympathy with the n bereaved friends was felt and expres- sed. Remo -vets -Mr. and Mrs. Anthon Valentin, who have been residents of Zurich fer the pest eight years remov- ed to Windsor last week. They bave tnade many friends here who regret their departure. Their removal was occasioned by the illness of their son, Father Valentin; and who is. still un- able to take charge of his congrega- tion. Wehave not learned who the successor of the Reverend gentleman will he but the citizens express general regret that his improvetnent in health was not rnore rapid. Father Valentin and his parents are held in the highest esteem hy all, and their departure will be a distinct loss to the town. On Tues- day evening, prior to their departure a few of their intimate friends gather- ed at their home and presented Mr. Valentine with a purse, containing about $40, in recogiution .for his ser- vices to the town. The gift, which was presented by Mr. A. Mittelholz, was accompanied by, an address ex- pressive of the most'cordial feeling for the recipient by every one present, and was read by Dr. Campbell. Mr.. Val- entin, though taken completelyby sur- prise; feelingly replied in a few well chosen wordE3, and expressed'his reg,Tet in leaving bis'inany friends,here. . Mr. Valentin's son of Windsor, also ina.de a few remarks and conveyed t he than ks to the people of Zurich for the kind. pegs shown to his parents and brother, happiness and prosperity through life, Father Valentin, EASTER EitbtOP erviees will be held in the Evangelical, church next (Baster) Sunday: In the veiling an Baster Sting tie_PVICQ will be oven at 7 pau. The inogram has been P1 pared welt the objeet of giving IM" PrOSSiOn to the eoleumity and joyous - ties of the Easter occasion. All awe invited to attend. (Frain Anctiar ScitrAl Rev. Rt 'W. Knowles for sometime has been delivering Smelly evening sermons on the Beetitotdes which WV enjoyed hy the large congtegations that atiend.-Dr. Orme. of Centralia. and his sister Miss Emote Orme. of London, were visitors at the Metho- dise parsonage last weeke-School doses for Easter vacation this wed:. bringing a well earned rest to both scholars and teachers. -31r. William England, our east -end merchant is rushing things, the improvements upon his dwelling will soon be coin- pieted.-The millinery opening are in progress at present, plumes, feathers and flowers on flat roofs are all the go this season. Easter bonnets are expected to be profusely scattered through the congregations next Sun- day. -It is evident we want no Latter Day Saints in this village, our cry is for present day saints. -Rev. Knowles and wife will take part in the Epworth League entertainment, Centralia, this week. --Don't forget the Sunday school Anniversary services to be held in the Methodist church next Sabbath. Rev. Geo. Baker, B. A., of Thorudale, an ex -pastor and an esteemed friend of trlany here, will preacli in the morn- ing at 10.30 and in the evening at 7 o'clock, An open session of the Sab- bath school will be held in the after- noon at 2.30 in the body of the church. Addresses will be delivered tby Rev. George Baker and Dr. Anderson, of Exeter. Singing by school choir morning and afternoon. Everybody invited and welcome to all these ser- vices. On Monday evening, April 13th the annual entertainment to be given by the school, local talent and others, promises to be the best for many years. Short addresses will be inter- sperced by Rev. Geo. Baker, G. J. Damon, B. L. Britton. Admission, silver collection et the door, in aid of the Sabbath School Fund. Come ear- ly to avoid the rush. -We are pleased to welcome Mr. James Lamport to the suburbs of out village. -Wm. Lewis, V. S., is so very much rushed in bis lucrative position, he is com- pelled to secure the services of an as- sistant. -Rev. Crompton is still very 111 at his son-in-law's home.-MeRobt. Walker," we hope, will improve as spring advances. -Our Epworth Lea- gue enjoyed very much their visit to the James street League, Exeter, last week. Rev. Darwins' lecture was in- spiring and helpful. -The services at Ebenezer and Eden appointments on the Crediton circuic will be withdrawn owing to the Anniversary services at the Crediton Methodist Church next Sunday. -Rev. Geo. Baker and wife will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Clark during their visit here. Stephen M1% Rich. Penhale is very ill mad confined to her lied. -Miss Rose Dear. g.„, who has been on a few weeks' vis. it to friends in Silverwood and Mar - tette, Mich. has returned home. -We are pleasedtostate that our sick ones owe all recovering front their recent illnesses, vizt-'Mrs. Wtn. Denting, Jr., Mrs. James Denting, Mrs. John Cook- son, Mr. Fred Sanders and Wes. Dear- ing. -Miss Kittle Dearing has return- ed from her visit to Lneate-Miss Nora; Sanders is confined to her bed with an attack of mumps, 35 18 also Mrs. Sas. Willis. Onrectensr.-Rarely, if ever, has the death of a child so deeply touched the hearts of the whole community, as in the ease of the bereavement tvhich has fallen upon Mr. and erre. Isaac Bastard, of the 10113 concession, in the death of their eleven -year-old son, Thomas. The little fellow has been ill only a short time, but the promptest and. most carefoll measures that medical skill could suggest overe unremittingly applied, but in vain, and on Saturday - the little sufferer was called away. Although but about eleven years of age he was a wonderfully popular and beloved child, known to oldand young of all classes, and no one failed to greet him with a smile or kind word. Clever and intelligent beyond bis years, he was the idol of the household, and their deep grief is all the more painful be- canse of his death. The funeral took place on Monday to the Grand Bend cemetery, and was attended and wit- nessed by many whose hearts went out in sincere sympathy for the sorrowing family. The Rev, Mr. Thibadeau offt- ciated. BiRTHS. Huesoet-At Brinsley, on April lst, to - Mr. end Mrs. J. Hutson, a daughter. MARRIAGES. PARLIAMENT-OHNNINGHA.M.-At To- ronto, on April 2nd, Samuel Parlia- ment, to Miss Tettchael, second daugh- ter of Mr. Wm. Cunningham, of Clandeboye. DEATHS MILLSON-At Whalen, on April lst, Stella, eldestdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Willson, aged 11 years. DIINN.-At the 13ronsoit line, • Seteley, on Marc!] 30, Mary Dunn,, beloved wife of Mt'. John Dunn, aged 61 years 'and 8 months:. IVIAarrnv-In Exeter, on April 2nci, Alice Lewis, relict of the late Wm. Martin, a,ged 78 years, 2 mon ths; 20 days.