HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-2, Page 7iend<WWWWWWWWWWWKindiKWEEW4dEtwoieten%Eddgediefiddeed<41WIKEthm
w Rktfea
4, ifi, A Tale i
t a( Mc A
1 k Arrow' R n Vi
_ _ ';!: oiling airc It
✓ A
M4I:VV.-11 KL.
"You piece eaten ne a, Very heavy
reseeneildlity as cepteia of We
vessel." T geed, after a long pause.
Do 1 Understand yo U to bring a
charge et mender ,ttgeteet Ze.vertal
and -Eartquee ?"
-"By ;to means ; have not aelee
quote evidence to sebs Veatiete
reelied Kennerd. "1 AM °Ply pt-
yoti yeur aime0. ec. thee
there eaey be enother pelt' of twee
besides my- own to watch unceaeleg-
Doiet disregard trace. Wby,
that day at Gibrelter potted
vertal leading up to Orlebat's burst
by persuading kun to the contreett-
re Sane MeV? With A Mall of the
dreolcandie temperemeet,
PeSitire that Ziavertal intended bim
to slip tho rest of the party."
"Prepering tbe ground ngoin-lny
letting itinA drink bimelf ill,"
"Preciettly ; but if so, it Was
nearin overdone tbet time," replied
Kennard. "The wretche4 fellow Was
AO bed thet he &NOM Off, and by
POOP pext, day Was 4 lot bettor. Ile
told me so 'dwelt ten minutes nee
fore be died. though Zevertel de-
scribed. him to mo as in extremie-a,
eiguificant discrepancy. By the way.
did you belie any trouble with
Feeriquee ?"
I told bine of tbe PAP'S reappear-
aliCe at the top of the leveling-
etePs. Of the ppluted revolver. of the
suedeitly acquired English. aud ot
the strangely familiar sound of the
voice in which the AtOWAW4y
rea en inc.
"All tends the Name ran you see
-to danger front those two,"
fait* Kennard, "And PO you Cannot
remember where esou heard the voice
"No ; I can't place bine"
"Well. I'll try to place bine for
you," proceeded Kennard, readjust -
Ids divulge. "I Won't risk
making a wrellg shot yet. but -first
tell me when we are due to leave
Genoa 7"
"Wo arrive there at noon tomor-
row. barring accidents, and leave
the samo time the following day," I
"Then X think that within forty-
eight hours I shall be able to tell
you where you met the stowaway
Were. And now you have been here
long enougb. .1 am going to 're-
cover' this afternoon, so we 001
meet at the dinuer-tible ; but at
other times it will be well for us
to be seen together as little an pos-
sible. I shall be at work in my
own way, and you shall be posted
in all fresh developments."
On leaving liermard's cabin I
went straight to my own roomand
sliut myself in to review the posi-
tion as calmly as 1 could. The
more X looked at it, tbe more X was
convinced that there Was absolutely
nothing to be done, The American I
detective himself had said that tbere I
was no evidence -only suspicion -and 1
a nice fool X should make of myself I
if I openly accused Zavertal of being
In a wholesale ettempt to poison
passeagers. I could not t
safely suspend hint on the grounds
of his being a known bad character. I
veit by Kennard's showing, he had 11
been acquitted of the charge that b
had been brought, and he had been 73
trusted by the owners long before
they had hard of me. Further. h
ICennard was just as muck a
stranger to me, and for all I knew b
quite as likely to be a scoundrel t
with some ulterior object of his own
lr Vieta as was Zaverttd. It Was h
true I was prepossessed in the Am- p
erican's favor, while had come to s
distrust the doctor ; but against h
this there Was the set-off of the for- t
'emer being a disguised man travelling ev
-kinder an alias -hardly a recommen- t
dation for implicit confidence.
And yet it was a horrible strain c
to think that kennard's story of s
the past and fears for the future i
might not be baseless, and that we h
might have a murderer in our midst t
with A roving COSSIliiSSiOXI to de-
stroy bfe. Ketwierd bed only men-
tioned suspicione in two cases, and
It Was strange that theso were two
out of the tbree which Zavertal lied
indicated as eerious on the nrst (lay
oat. 1 stared in terror at the
thought that the tbird was Aline
bereelf. end it Oesbod upon me thet
IZavertel might have aemed these
three ceeee in order to pave the way
for the fatal termittation lee meant
Ito eteure. And yet where was the
motive -whet covet) be the iedece-
ment-for his turnieg his band
against three- utterly unconaeeted
etreagere nem could ewer hemp haa
jore4 WM -
The problem was ileyOnd ille, but
1 fogad temporary Cemfort in erie
thing-tbet for ferteeeight beere at
!met there would be P9 fear of mea.
chief. Granting that Uteri:, was real
deer, ?Avenel would not dare to
triko 4 fate' blow till be was able
to avail binteelf of eeatburial. and
at wotild pot be till after we
ebould have eailed from Nice two
days hence. In the meanwhile 1 de-
cided Pet to depend too Mall ell
KePILOKI, but to keep or good look-
out all round on Rey own acceunt,
and if anything occurred which. in
lily judgment he captain of the sidle
called Mr instructione from Om
owners. I amid cable Nathan from
Bet (beteg the mishit -2g twenty-
four-bours nothing happened to mar
tile termite* of the voyage as the
(teem of Night cut through the
blue waters that wash the Nentheria
shores of kiralitee. Past reekl.lir
Monaco. under the brow of Cap
Mania. within eight of the °awn
grovee Of the Riviera we eteamee
merrily, ;to enten ot the bled; care
that filled the limit of the veptain
finding place wend the newt 0
feetivity that prevailed on board.
Kennard, irA his resumed character
of General thaldo, MINT no Smelt
warning, and the doctor pervaded
the Phip with Ids genial foretbotiglit
for tbe eoinfort of all. As for skin -
ewe, there was ;tone on board. Lord
Darrartmore baying melte recovered
from his last. fit : and. in short, as
whispered to Ideneara next 1110111-
g, there was no peg to bang a
rag of suepicion On.
"Wait," he said . quietly, and
turned away.
Wo were eteaming steadily for the
Moto Vecchio as he spoem Genoa
the h'Superb" being well in sight
ahead, rising tier above tier on its
— ,
Men and A couple eft eld maids Whet
disliked getting in and out Of boats.
At ney own 'table only Aline and
her companion toolc their places ;
though half -way through the meal
another Surprise Was forthcoming in
the entrance of "General Waldo.
who explaine4 that a. twinge of
gout bad warned him at the last
MoMent to stay on hoard.
"'Quite right. Gt-nerel," Za,vertal
called across front tbe other table ;
"I, too. an tekiug a rest teeday.
We will bane a, genie at obeee toge-
ther After Wen, it you lilted'
But, though Kenntern assented. in
his feigned voico and pronounced
drawl. MI gaine was it deetined
to come off between niece -at least
not over A chess -hoard. A minute
or two later steward brought 'za-
rertal a Jetter. And informed him
that it had been brought by a boat
from the shore. After hurriedly
reA4hIg it the doetor Caille ever to
55 and Reid ; "I must go aallere
after all. I find. I have just beard
from an old etiolent friend of mine
tbat staying in Ocoee, for a few
days, and he wants me to spend an
hour or two with him at the Motel
de Oenee. Our gente of these poest
be postponed, I gm afraid. OM'
There WAS a trace Cif SSJIIIKOSSea
Inteite.Me3P4t in his tone. and be terse
eel and left tbe ealoon et OPC
Rennerel exchauged recOiling Slane
With Pie, but neistied it yarn with
which he was mousing Aline with-
out maltiog
any reforeliee to the
doctoWe altered arrangements. When
we all adjoureed to the wilier deck
clearly made out Zeeertal it quer-
ter of a mile away in 0, sbore boat
AillitE4411"..0*9:*** 'AK • '5 .91E4 i'003****
• If these pigs cannot be pestered
they can be kept in any available
place in the way el pens where the
conditions are favorable, Ten in
pen will go all right and the pen
should be SOme 1.2 by le feet in
size, A lean-to around an Old Ian -
'used barn leMild be an ecOuoudeed
fkrrengement. The work of eating
for the stick would be greater 'kin-
der Uwe pen coeclitino% but to bal-
ance Uri& a great aneemit Of manure
would be made for the land. Vivre
muds. leaving entirely out of Omelet of pits IP anion building
is eery much an favor of having edeh
questiou Fere/4141 feaciee end Pice-42 ev le feet, for in, case of an Mita
/"‘"VeS' It the bigh°st IT41/4°-1U- tbe tibreai; of Oise -Joe, the ieelation from
Ileees-Ore because this ea. feature
sessesi large, le" hanh tal;e the perfect. Thase permed animals tnese
' reed, Mid probably there is
no better pasture hog in existeece.
14 tte value el the animal depends
Won the very highest county of
both cured bent anti bacoo imetwo
to tbe trade, then tbe Yorkeleire
stfinds pre-eminent. Inowever, se-
lect tbe breed that Will return yon
the. most money and realte 1121i0-
-WM seleetien. writes Mr, A.
A. Seuthwick,
llfy own rale is to tweet the pig
growing and gaining in lie* frOxo,
the time be is bora entil be is ready
for the pecker. Tide doge ot
Seaeonable and Protittble
Winte for The Suey Tiller* it
eit Ott Soil- I,
Select tbe pig your market. de -
(tressed 4°411141 js hecau'F'e 4 Pas' the rest of the aoimals can be more
be given. emnethieg fresh every day;
grass, weeds, apples, green corn,
waste from the garden and the like
if good cenditions are expected.
American Agrieulturiet,
No 14rait UM FoSSible Pevebepe
anent of Speed. ,
u mey buy a lecomotive for
0; that is, one that is popn.
termed "ilinkey." or should
you wish one of tbe fastest. largest.
latest paeseeger engines in tho
werld. Sd0,0n0 is the Price,
AP, however, that the pig should
While rc' 7"at and then'
-0 the tighett ecmeentrateti feed StOrieti cabled from the other eide
teette, the Am for air Ate mouths of the ocean AP to the wonderful
bit Hitt or thio meat viukty rate of *peril ettained by this, that.
MOW end nutritious odde and at. the caber foreign railroad. Yet
to tie kneed 04 atly tam the recent, new record in New York
y tirue in the wattet at ---407 Miles an bour-swill meet line -
glottal eo5t, mcb as beaut, peae, bold the pave for a time at least.
puggetets, eftkeeei et4etemtt, ttoa hfouy experienced raiireall inell are
thee was being repidly pulled to the house a 'llsicAtl "4147 °r hnaPtilag. ,reatteth:f 011441081 :at' tbe inumi
mareet lauding-etepe Tinning to !house Srap„, geed, sweet greeted beef r ha Pileh rati. ie paSeeeger
m.ey, In bugled qt1 ^r be,t, wheAt Vieti 5 A Oat ,ert reached wbile
cell "Waldo% " atteution -to the 4 an eppoeito view is beld by 'extreme
bl'art and iniddliegit aud. last but'
fact, T found that the t ti 1 d
e ee ve tr, - progreesiviete It Is. however. geM,
Pas$531; forward to speak to the
chief engineer, when was accosted
by e, ehabby, foreign-10°1qm man,
who Talent have been an Italian
disappeared, no leasty any MOPS for it ' '
Ten minutes afterwaras I witsd a
Standimwofirst on the lisii, aim- eraY aamIt." th"' it' is more than
la mthe . eta e eat re mass possinle to belle engines which will
aoft.er ViNecepliciolne make better time than these now
b"eboburdnaeranad"e°i};n" made, but the fear obtains that it
will be imposeible to secure men to
drive ORM, for the reaeon that ther
it limit to human emiurance. Itt
the cave of boarding Iowa swill. I
opera -tout or vendor of curiae, I lugs ip net tiorro3,14 evotIng,,
believe it is geretroliy odmitted that
had given strict ordere for none Of wimple add hot water hy and feed.
Ahe'5',,'' gentry to be allowed on board prefer to feed event warm after
andIra9 on OP eft letting fbP hoe fetaieeted, simply beverage I
hhperengeh have ka hit of tf40 EMPP lean get pige along faster in this;
tongue." vibelt he eheaheti nmlINVely, lieena7191114 then to eat it few
ee with a wideriered injunction to '1,;ereelis of corn an soon as they will.
"keep mime" Tee betel will be valuable later am
I "Renneed." I etannitered. We are eapposing that this is in the
"Yes." he vent, "1 am off opting and mummer time and that
fi sbedow our friend the died these pige ore bating the best, of
To prOro Mit Da
I es asa eboolate owe fir esti.
t`hsee's Vintraent aoulata
and emir farm et WV*,
utecte rem bees atuiraa le ants*
lin the dellr lama era lours eye
atelier Mina one Yoe pin tweet am)
meiwaLlximAeknoulf emotAetvgairek co4e0eatewmaynah4at
Or Ch_pmet/s Oisitmen
imphitheltre of hills from the
nistling, thriving streets of the port
n front to the stately groups of
)(daces beyond. The passengers
were all on deck forming parties
and making plans to visit *be plc -
me galleries and palaces of the
ancient city ; but on this occasion
meant to remain on boavd,
uenced, I ant not ashamed to, say,
y the fact that Aline and Mrs,
rinkworth had expressed their in-
tention of not going ashore. They
ad not yet sufficiently forgotten the
Inpleasant incident at Gibraltar to
o Lula:lolls for more sight-seeing,
key said.
We came to an anchor half an
our after noon, and the shore
arties lost no time in leaving the
hip. Neither Kennard nor Zavertal
ad confided their plans to rae,
hoilih I expected that the latter
ould be certain to attach himself
ra one of the' parties in his usual
apacity of showman and master of
eremonies. When luncheon was
erved in the nearly deserted saloon,
t was therefore a surprise to see
im seated at the head of his
able, supported only by a clergy-
-The Twinging Pains .
f Rheumatism
And &dation, Distressing Headaches and Dizzy Spoils, Made Life
Wretched--Dootors and Medicines Availed Nothing, but Cure
Came with the MO of
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills1
lneteed of giving you reaeons why
tbr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills Should
cure' you, we prefer to quote from
the exPerionee of the cured ones.
This case ,of Mr. Haines was unusu-
ally serious because it was of twen-
..y years' standing, and hael resisted
he efforts of two physicians and all
sorts of treatment. It is merely an-
other, illustration of how Dr. Chase's'
Kidney -Liver wills reach the seat of
disease and oure when other means
fail. .
Mr. 'William Haines, -.farmer, of
Thorod Township, near Port Rob-
inson, Welland County, Ont., states:
have been subject, to severe and
distressing headaches since boyh'ookl,
spd in later life this became com-
ricated with rheume,tisrn and sci-
atica, and altogether my life was
blade miserable. The headaches
were accompanied with Cliei-eineeie arid
v'omiting, and I was for days and
often weeks unfit for anytilina. As
duced in flesh., and was wrecked in
health and spirits.
"After Undergoing treatment by
two doctors and trying many do-
mestic e,nd patent medicines, I al-
most gave up in despair, as none of
these did me any good.
"Fortunately I began using Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, thinking
that if I were only benefited it would
be a wonder. However, I persisted
Using these pills autil the time
caiaae when the bad symptoms of
nearly twenty yea.rs' standing 'dis-
appeared. I had gained nicely in
flesh, and began once more to en-
joy life. For this great change all
the tredit is clue to Die Chase's Ked-
ney-Liver Pills, and shall never
cease to recomthend them whenever
the opportunity offers."
Ina Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills
have attained their enormous sale
because they aucceed where others
Tail . One pill a dose; 25 cents a
box; at all dealers, or Earasiason,
the trouble advanced I became re- .1:tates a; Co., Toronto.
There's something in the wind. clover pastere, good, pure clear we -
woe waiting for that letter. Expect tee to &ink, and a little tinge of
me bade when you vee nte-in the wood to run through on tho edge of
character or Waldo, of course. X am
taking the wilful malie-up along."
twaddler a black band -bag he car-
ried. llthoen he returns 1 eban't be
far behind blue Don't relax your
vigilance, Captain, becatize the en-
emy Is abeent. Ile may be repro-
eented. for all We know."
Ile was over the side and into a,
nhore boat before X could reply, and
to tell tbe truth X was nearly as
gled to be rid of hint an of the
doetor, with his disguises and mys-
tery -making. After settling matters
with the engineer, X went aft and
spent the bappiest time of the whole
voyage. sitting with Aline under the
awning all the sunny afternoon wbilc
Mrs. Brinkworth played propriety.
This NVO.S a duty In which that good
this eonneetion ane f the nio5
prominent locomotive engineer
"It mattere not in the least how
data a rate of 'speed engine builders
develop, it will not, In nay opinion.
it hard Welt to employ men to
drive them. With *be eesureece of a
clear tem*. it M just as weey for an
engineer to run his train et a rale
of 100 utiles an hour, as it would
be to cover half that Clibtarge 4 the
SAMel period of time. 411 that Is
the paeture and a good roomy ahel- tweeseary to improve the preeent
ter well bedded with fine sand or system 15 to keep the track as abso-
Paallinat to run under in the event lutely clear as it is poesible to do
at en uneonifortable storm. We are so. Thist"stale of affairs does not
suppoeing that you are eterting
with eonie 40 good thrifty pigs all
about the same makeup, and these
when six months old ready for the
butelter will just about 011 a. single
deek ear of large sire. Feed these
pigs twice a, day on your cheap mixt
tura of swUt i,111 five manilla old
when you win shift them to the feed
that proiluees the finest quality of
meat. Tbeee 50 pigs Will feed easi-
ly enough front it trough, 50 feet
long, perfectly level, upon a plat-
form of plank 8 feet wide.
NATION: COST e8100,040,4
The Shahs of Persia Wossese
.wap Covered With Dia,
A few weeks ago it wee announced
thee yet another addition. had been
made to the ineelber of jewelled
eteles in existence. 'Pitts, tbe 14%4,
effort its. extravagant cartogrephei,
was preeented Colenel Marcbanti,
.01 Fashode fame, by a number or
his admirers, end cemprieed maP
of Africa, be blue enamel, with the
two rotates fellowed hy tbe gallant
traveller traeeti in brilliants. with
an especially lerge diamond indicete
bag the latitude auel, longitude of
ea Owe which brought fame to the
intrepid ,Prenclanan, intrepid ins°.
muck as he had the hereihmed to
attempt to argue with Lord Kite
The map, whicb, but for political
- aeons, would bave Ince presented
some iittee time ago, was probably
suggested by the jewelled map of
FranCe that the Czar presented to
the French nation in 1900, which
after its exhibition at the Expo*,
tion of that yea r Was eddy(' to the
treasures ef the Louvre. About one
yard square in size, this record map
took three years to make, awl cot,
50 it is Faith $800.000.
It is difficialt to conceive of so
it sum being expeeded upon
single map. but when it is pointed
ut that tbie wore; of art is
tho problem presents no tart/Igo myfa
eerie% Ait a matter of fact, each
department in tbe country was ree
preeented by a. special stone, such as
utalacifilte onyx. agate, and
tit to extualy coincide with ite con-
guration, while the riVere Were
merlied in platinum and the emit la
lapis Willi ; each at tile large
cities, to the number et' 100, was,
voi in the cage et Itaeltoila in the
10,prev4ile example of towelled carte-
grepliy, repreeented by it gem. Thus,
a. rutty occupied the ate of Peri%
'an opal stood for llorricaine, it tur-
quoise for Lille, ran emerald for
Mierseillee, end a diamond for
Lyons, That there gems Ore of WM.
eiderable eize and of the finest water
can be gathered front the fact tenet
the StOiie retweeenting the emiehern
ceeport bas afore leen valued at
$901110. This reap. it Maned be
mentioued. was, at tlie time of the
Exhibition, moieettel on marble em-
bellished with ermine. and was sur-
mounted by the Itussian and French
Feed about 7 a. m. and 2.30 p.
lade", having been holt taken into with a few kernels of corn at
fullest tonfiffence. Pehfonneff ver.noon. Give these plgs all tile .swill
leniently, arid my girl and X were obey will eat and clean 'up. The
accorded plenty of opportunity for may way to eteompuse this is to
discussion our future in the geed stand by them till they begin to
time of freedom which it few months leave the trough. An experienced
would bring., Aline was particularlY feeder can easily tell Whether the
*0 extract a promise front pigs are going to dispose of any
zee to give up tbe sea after our mar- extra feed.
Aug% but though she worked hard if your market denunills it pig of
to secure it, she failed 'to shake my front 150 to 200 pounds weight,
determination not to be dependent commence to feed the fattening ra-
on my wife's bounty. X was in the tion at five months old. Have an
midst of an argument on the loss of acre of the choicest clover to run
self-respect that would arise front tbem into, two acres if you can af-
such a position when the Orst boat ford it. A level trough on it plat -
laden with returning sight -seers form GO feet long, for the pigs are
came alongside. larger now. Use the be quality of
Two minutes later the voice of corn and oats in equal parts ground,
Some one W110 had approached us and if quite a. little lean is wanted
silently startled me trite a sense of with tbe fat, mix in a Miami of best
present realities. wheat bran and middlings for every
"Good -evening, Captain Porres- two bushels of the corn and oats
ter," the new -coiner Was saying. mixture. Also a half bushel of bar-
"I3etter late then never, you see. I ley meal. Add to this, purely for
niissed you before, but rather than making 'the mess more tasty and
lose the trip altogether I have hur- palatable, a half pound of sweet,
ried on overland to join you here." fresh gr°u114 beef and pork seraP to
It was Vizard; the passenger who each animal. Cook all of this well
had failed to put in an ap rance and add some milk to help the taste
when we left London, who was and fermentation. Any little thing
standing before us. Ilis tall, come
that can be added that cannot af-
mending figure was set dff by a.
feet the quality of the meat, but
well -cut tourist suit, mid he carried which may tempt the appetite to
an expensive travelling -rug over his et°1941311° re, like a, few apples,
arm. His swarthy, hmidsome face ears of sw
eelitt° corn and the like will
help out num 1.
Aline's presence.
looked cotuteously down at us, and
he raised his hat in =cognition of
Use any method of feeding -that
But for all that I was certain will be the means of encouraging the
that there was no mistake. I recog- pigs to consume the most. Keep
nized his voice at once. It was the constantly in mind that all the pro -
voice which had been puzzling ene fit there is anyway- is in getting
for the last three days -the voice in them to consume all they will. If
which Enriquez the stowaway had they will readily eat a half pint of
threatened me from the lan,ding- corn to each pig at noon give this
steps of e harbor of Barcelona. and as they grow older increase the
(To te Continued.) amount a little. At six months old
A MAN OF BIS WORD. • these pigs will be ready- to turn as
the highest priced class of pig pork.
I prefer to market in a bunch if
"Now, look here, Thompson," re- possible but in any case tbe feeder
marked youg . Brown, "it is ski must manage so that his returns
weeks since you borrowed that fifty- will be greatest possible. Some
cent piece from me." packer raight induce him to keep the
oeven," corrected Thompson pigs along another month or so aad
gravely, this would mean much beavier
"Well, then, seven weeks," snorted weight and more thickness of pork
Brown, "and you peomised to give on the back. It would also mean
it beak to me in a week. Promised greater risk from disease, a c,ontii-
feitb.fully, you did, to return me i tion that is liable to overtalce any
an seven days, instead of weeks." of us. Be sere -to provide the little
"I know it," answered Thompson, fringe of timber where these Pigs can
seiclly, drawing a memorandum book be secure from heat, good pure
from his pocket. "The date of that drinking water, a good comfortable
fifty -cent piece was 1886. I made shelter from storms, well bedded
the note, and then I vent the with clean white sand or sawdust,
money. Since thee I've been trying sufficient in quantity so they will
t recover it." not became stiff in the joints.
,`But," howled Drown, "any •other The value of this lot of pigs can
would do as well." be most accurately calculated but
"No," responded Tlaompson, shake the cost must depend upon cost of
ing his head; "I always Weil my feed in different localities and the
wore. When you gave me the qualifications of the man to act the
money, I said, 'I will return this to greatest gain from what he to
yon,' and I meant it. Brown, old use. ft is certain that 011e can
cha,p, just as Soon cis I come across clear 75 per ceat. on his,outlay
that 1886 fifty -cent piece, Ill see certain instances, but every condi-
that you get it, for I ath not the tion from beginning to end must be
one to go back on any promise." in his favor.
exist at the prezent time. Grantine
that every reasonable improverntnt
Is made M the manner X have mt
dicated, eee Po reason to fear it
ecareity of men to run 100 Mile an
hour trains.
"Locomotive engineers are gradu-
idle developed to that high point of
efficiency wherein they safely drive
tolmoteh speed trains. From fire-
men on a 'shifter' they are gradual-
ly promoted as they become ex-
perienced and demonstrate their
qUahlieS and reliability. From the
position of fireman the iirst pro-
motion is to be engineer of tbe
'shifter,' and, from the latter to en-
gineer of local freight, then to local
passenger, then an express train,
and finally, after they have thus
been tried out and found to be all
there, they nest:Inc the responsibil-
ity of driving the fastest trainS on
the road, Thus it will be emu that
an engineer of a. 'limited' or 4spe-
end' has naturally grown into the
position, and, if assured of it clear
track, ninety-nine Unica out of
hundred he will safely roll his train
Into the, station on time."
- —
Mrs. Moffat Had to Take Hyper*
dermio !Nations to Relieve
Her Pain.
"There is no punishment too severe
for those who deceive the sich."-
"I would hero spells of rheumatism,
end at times it would give me great dis-
tress in nay back and side. Many a
time I have had to take an injection to
relieve the pain. I obtained a vial rid
alueyelea Rheumatism Cure at Mae free
distribution, an.d 1 am now feeling quite
pall. I have had no pains since, alla can
more around freely and naturally. I
am very glad to give My experienee, fer
the benefit of anyone who may be suff-
ering in it similar matnere'-alrs. P. Moe
tett, 128 Mutual street, Toronto.
Muneon's Pile ointment cures peen,
price 25e.
Difunyon's Eye Cure cures eyes,
twice 25c.
Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost power
to weak mon. Price It.
Personal lettars aaa,,aed tu Prot Man,
yen, Phliathilphia, 1 aa containing tle.
eIleo-1 StM:tleAS, will be rtor.3 ered prompt,
ly anti free advice as to treatmant Will Lod
cm, which were to be replaced by
,a frame of milk] silver.
The jewelled mop. by the way, in
• no twentieth century idea. far long
before the dawn of the present cen.
eery the Shahs of Persia reclioned a.
jewelled map amonget their most
valued possessiona. The map in
qucntion, to be perfectly ,accurate.
repreeenting the world, and upon
it the colored eliects of the timelier
sphere of the schoolroom are ob-
tained by studding the area of each
country with precious stones. Per-
sia, for Instance, being .outilicattl and
CONered with diamonds, wlailst
rubies cover the surface of the Unit-
ed leingdone
A marvellous map, Indeed, Ls that
of England and Wales made by a
Wood Green gentleman four or five
years ago, for it was made up of
2,130 stamps, valued at $1,000, of
width no two stamps are the same.
In this instance the contrasting
colors of the counties was obtained
by covering the area of each of the
most prominent with different color-
ed stamps.
Another map, or rather plan, of
note was one of Moscow exhibited a
few years ago, which, although the
material it was composed of was -
only Bristol board, was valued, pro-
bably on account of the six years'
work put into it, at $25,000. The
plan, it should be mentioned, show-
ed the town modelled in relief, the
hills, valleys, railway lines, bridges,
and public buildings, together with
the River Moskva, represented by a.
sky-blue line, all being indicated.
A few months ago a. French bride
reeeived from a grographicallydn-
clined friend a silver sugar -bowl
having the contour of a terrestrial
globe. This bowl, whose cover was
formed by the Northern Hemispliare,
bore on its exterior an accurately
and on this map the route that the
newly -married couple were about to
take in the course of a very elabor-
ate honeymoon tour was marked by
a line of lapis lazuli, while the
naraes of the towns at which the
happy couple would ma,ke a more
or less prolonged stay were lettered
in enamel. •
This gift had in its way a dis-
tinct meaning, but, on the other
hand, it is difficult to understand
why the friends of the Spanish Pre- •
neer, Canovas, who was assassinat-
ed M 1897, should elect to send to
his widow a beautiful and elaborate
neap of the Philippine Islands. The
map in question, which has bedri
valued at $325,000, was, howeVer,
a very remarkable gift, as can bca
gathered from its description, whibh
records that it was in relief and in
solid gold, with each' city
witli a ruby. The inscription
bore, it should be further mentioned,
was outlined M sapphires, and the
dedication appeased in brilliants)
while the frame of gold and precious
stones was surmounted by a 'bust
Of Canovas M the same precibus • '
combined effort on the prt
of the cartographer and the jewelleti".'o-
Which reads as though it dealt 7ith,
the possession of some fabulously
wealthy individual existing only 5.3. -
the Arabian Night' Entorbatinments, - -
was, it is recorded, CnClosed
case of the fineNt wood, which
itself was a tvorka of art,..--LoridUIP,
Tit Bits. <- td