HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-4-2, Page 4Ozeg Abrinatc
1,t4as, 11, Sanders, Editor elle. Prop
2. E trRaft PRE -
1 -4 RIC.JTED.
Sit: Wilfrid Leareier'a explanittion of
Ansa eralg
IL Morgan left this week for Lon,
don, where he will take a short Mili-
tary eouree at No. it DepoL—Mejehn
McNeil, who hes been very ill, i$ some- ,
what improved.—Miss Beatrice Wood- : IMPORTANT. AMENDMENT
ball has gone to Battle Creek.
Itnuesiseeermo. —Prior to the depar E
t tu 0 ,f Memel Mre leice to OorLett,to
wen a ohee* they moveil last week, the? Game 'e Sec d S.
Girls. and Junior Brandies of the Wot -
mares Auxiliary of Trinity chiu•ch, as -
Hen, et home zieteet eesiguation wits sembted at their home a ew et en ens t
paiefel incident. To eve the bezel of ag° Presented 5Irs':
ainee in the capacity •a ri,,esl ent of
nava endeavoring to nest' the ante etreeeh since its inaugarittion
tesent the max who ptaced him bi i t Wo years aeo, with a handeente
suggested base ingliatitinie. Sir berry set, as a totell of their etteem 1
WU the enlInnn'"'''' irt4t in' 1°41 i tweuty-litte in iintub'er assembled at TuratitQA larch i -"Ile
diSndStied his foriater eolteagite. Thlsi her home in a bedy met ;deer innate islature progressed ?elate dietauce
Ote, Tarte de -attired te be seette Sir ,l- whieh wee Slapplied by the gills, pro- yesterday on the remaining Ng-
WU:del trla Keen trmaccd his resigna-11",,eded; act" malt° the P.Fesenetut.inn; atti code of business before adjourn -
ant resa n..:, 1 ea 'a _ss .t, ,1 I meot. but at least this Afternooa will
autl the presentatIon by Miss Edith
by tearpt tee. made a very rt.eling re- PriticiPal matt" discuss° was the 014 -
for her The Wang people, about
7 on tateinent iteeeptett
as Chargese-H, CarscalIen Moves
l'h4t the COnkrniA4190. SinenlY
Hear Evidence eon Make nlo
t11 Rout rotiviested aft,. Tette
enould iteep it f.ie emelt two day$, Mr.
Tante tnen lett for Telentei bet ree;gii.-
the meatitinete and with the res-
ftgriation in his band-, naid iattlittp; Mr.
.Tortre,-"sakeenee„S.ie 1,Viififet __sver
enilleavened. nearse it appeer
white. tttee. uttes completely weep. be tweded reach the conclusion. 'rho
deuce bill, and M *ids the Attorney -
Plea Gentrel introduced two impertaot
amendments. One provides that nrO
EJlia011 person shell be excused front Answer-
, Meeste, Win.Fletetter nee „John Barr inK LlusltiOT:s Mall may Lead to age
organ on 'Wedneerlay to the Eng.
heal peel:eel blet te reed mat into Ak._*42 ;4•frwall'1"*"s f3E-1° f.nr letainuntn. "dun- P1'415 laeat" P".54 Pecuai Pruccedt W-
Mrk-.. Tennant, is Ave are pleased to
letten, recovering from her severe in -
London lest week.—Messre Sceli AND MEDICINES
e o
Harty Walansley NNW,
Armitage have the excavation for
ir ew buildin coinp leted H
Collins who has been spending several
weeks with friends at VIOntak, hes re-
turned hometenalre N. Mt campitelit
Sr, of Stratford. am/ Mrs. Et Shillieg-
ton, of Copper ow, were the geests of
(DO D, Orme. for a few days diw-
ebe week.—is Pringle. who has been
the geest ot Mrs. (De) Bossed:. for the
past, three weets, teas returned to ber
home Guelph,
Mr. Dan Suttee, of the end conces-
sion of McGillivray, sold his fano awl
stocit last week aud intends going
WnSt. in a few citiys.--me.. John Gin
more bas moved his workehop to
Moorsville.—Mr. 0, J-ollee was ill
Loname lase Feed Ramaay,
of Crediton, is vieitieg ftiends around
bere.--Mr. Cunningham, a Stmt.
ford is home on ashore vbit,—The fan,
eral of the late Miss Lie waisten,
who passed away? in St. Olair. Mich.,
tooyttee front the residence of Mrs.
Teesewater, ioas.The father largely embodies the lieh church cemetery. Her death was
1, tittni r1 .11•44,.ant.e,,1 is visiting et bee !mar. sra. 131ms1,4, prnaZiplie C'Petaing.1 tal an nuendmes a gceat stmele to her many friends here
treaellieroes couitienitnis veer ;ante -Mine Rath Elliott Iltas gone to M
utefkred. lt.
by UGaeland erovitM
ies as this S the hone her ebildheo—
,ave uo diegnete, As gavel:a whe*.'*e dilV win learn Clive , Pat latters. statement of Pridatt r. W. Ryan, of Sarnia, is rieiting
4.irss_iterfeaw.:-111.te. Burgeee, of Tate, last. ,s...t!an.i,ejiipe.xned to be a charge this vieinity. —We are pleased to learn
4.,% .tp.l.h,11.ve., qbiiipg father, Mr. tgar,t toe_ ministers father than toe , that the family of ene. Jae, entlienmon,
teo U6; y k ni at no tone —„rs. Liege teiteee Alt, ,rrottneiel beeeetaty. nattier Ote tarnIS haVt, been very ill with 11,, ri
r:31t„.11am, 4" tit " subetinged ametetn
tent, but allowed it
teseitag.. al tkt"- I-menet 1lig
wilting to submit to mierepresentetena fatten her titrae$et—titr. Itobt.Ellititt has to Past wiiigult a division. The nue*.
;6t aide, tif Sir Walit lel. For the awe -0 whet tos fatuity until the otein dons to be dispose4 of Am art an
e.einarid tittle in • Me. Tule bee, of Mr. .tiateleill, recently vaseited. ity amendment bY Henry Carscallen
hie pee.eneeteee, wio
willite he le Mivh. tishting his sister, 6 RI the last clause of the eleteMieeien "Ire revaveri " Fira broke 'oft 1114'
e.f The 0 otition en
eh; d t h residetwe Mr.Fred Brown on Thurs-
day aud only that a Was noticed in
time it would have swept, the wbole
villagie—Mre.Parreihis visiting her son
in Port Horom—Mr. Patrick Metihtut,
et-, of Roil% is YleititiR friende
prononneeil wilfi nrItriltiani, Urquitatte oTtie Ladies...led effete,: that the commission bringh in nilly the
fi 4'
. t' an (4 Faktyy. Apt it pee met Jebel On the opening of the I lomat- Mt
totti-lte fiteitheit tiee ettlne. Mettertl who for the pant thirty-two' W`hitney asked whether the writ for.
The only end ton Methodist ehureh puepose holding, eV elha alla no n mg, c supply
laide the Mentlic 44 Mr t •-!"14 '''s"1"1"t."1" Me""'dist ch"relli vatean4 the iQug aalQuramc"
yrt,zixei has fa -away sated the patio the eleCtIon tn fill the vacancy in North
postmaster at Ii7irgetan, has resigned, Renfrew tits been Sent OM; hetilCr
1 silir:LNXG 7111.: CeiNiNALS
The eluirges ttliede Ly R.
the Ontario lennise have d eeiotted nieut.
to 1. gee oete negro* then tett t in the? Parkhill
owe he shown let" the' Rd'sguvetullnla i (inettein, Itt.men. —Parkhill ler
fer fair 10 ay, when tinelr owildiegaeeeel,,m,,,....4, team met ort ratty eventing tor
A. ennIntiSitall of inquiry hue hem pee,. hag, ha.asiPa. The utatter itf touting the thl‘lr" WhItavY—As I awleratattil It'
etteeat. Titietriloiliel ie ontliotiet4 eves h.ft fillatlitnue,tim, meet. , the IslorenteYou aid your duty under
and Mr. W. Leigh. wino has part anY sten has been taken baYond the for -
office is feept, leas reeelved the appoint, has been fixed and whether dm pro -
Feedings have been completed for Mt=
a the vacancy.
Mr. Ross replied that the writ has
not g4itt and that tee time had been
fixed for the election. the matter being
under contideration,
chased taw pl,i,uo.ses in whieh the Rost mai issue of the writ. whether the time
fltneelnaiq are. c' into, geee-tiena, ;the inn ry..k. orgordegoss for tho cow.
.4.40.6,ett44.1t,„ evLI•in aktrifilst 5k4C1In i'llder "t`e wbat protin'ets I duty o3fleitGbeffeTnntesenttlito beaQrtirnyleiat
Hon. .7. , sVrattkon. There ite dottee Ittlt4itt'.¢44 ts't�famnitliga'eseatrIflflt.t41 QUI" Rf Mbwing g e oil e ss That in net the tweak
win tyelsp,„ tylaypzygly My,„ tlingrwy HO% Preen John Sheraitt. M.P.; Rom' enter; eattetrote e -tett; tteb" e
!Unite eArzeight tweelel•ations .ng.ditiet PI"e Te prectice is, le— insl'atow thc
t.iirytaii,41.1.1,23.:4;14.44; ,.3c•iiaZtilie.11ynclert,e417; tporryov.inalozaottferthstebeeestasttinteo kern; ree docsl ?inar t0 is
Donald Saner:a:tee awl e)e itheeinne. .Jr.. anti Zepte; Field Cardain J. 11' ? with the matter at an' and that it
teetriettlive Mainline Nave ias
eh:limed the LittAral party with Kelm.
ing to hieF the:r eiitee. Mille
part the Governmeot as no more to
son anal lion. Itteink • leatehford. Ma. ' :kitten% Illeteent Thefie. tIMitteeeteel d
, . wou be an absolute interference on
11 louiebton. the part of the Government to Lake
Iteneeenotazeetee-The elude of the any step whatever. directly or indirect-
Mettiudist ehmoh met at, the home or IA to prevent the working of the stet -
mitt /enema few eveningR ago te ten. ute in order that the vacancy might be
e Pee' I o lir J t't Grant thew
ailleaatt114Wi "n heard h'V 1"1 eige! 114o.re'lea;ing R"it. his
}inn' lnetiv itilifin'tt: in Isnition. Mr., Grant was
fard.lbta the tloor of the llonte bad UK, prebentcd „n 14.1inif of the ehoir with
, andieity lit olfer Clark the
pettettiege tit Vetere RI WV. if Me too,
wined eign en Woltt°04tiVitt to maple
the leiter 41 p arty, Tiie for brazen of-
fee:neini perlreps the %%met feataire
the itqPiii romeasete ption. Yet it
tram:. be ventilated hy the special
tribUttatt. Ont4 obarew only will
t it V.401,:deq V/ The et hninalewill tine
no greater thetwes then they axe aliso.
Lately corapelitel to. This is the eontse
. tea vintlitat ion itt an eggrega-
1. et 1,11a...ie. tt. tattle itied exiet e
ft ;VV. lint' of thee wkett reeords that
(It ;' 114 attl the pileie life of a rte.
ie. It le all it1to
tIn° denielete re-
.tlIctri it t1,2t-no:eS.
.t ae no tee It.,.11 Until ten- Mtn SU p enne., ati. or t
ago. Ile was feeding some cattle when
r, tboy etionpetee,a. wed meted hire be., purpose conduct money aril witnesS
mem one rib yes beetten and fees could be advanced front time to
Ti I et Tit MIL a, w 4 "tto=r% eerhiately teemed,— lime.
" et.---Ttee tebeett ...tonetee eery tew et la " "Mr. Whitney -11* Clerk will be in
ni the• 1 7,311r. Roble Sri ung.le4 Mann the P°5111.°n ttf a :v. wing a eert JI
Me. d in„.Intint in that i„n a lamp sum millivolt Imving the nam *,-; of
Ord at once.
Mr. Ross—The returning office% has
not been named, That means also a
date must be fine We have been
%is vielnity.—Ur. Frank Carling was
in town last weelo—Miss Nand Ho4.
gine, of elreenwey spent a few days
here dosing
the Maud
Bei esfordiis visiting fetinds in thaSt011,
Nass.—Quite a number beware suttee.
ing heat owe and pneumonia. --Mr.
and Ills. Cunningham. have returned
feom Ilderton, where tbey been
v eiting friencle. They have also re
turned from their visit to friends in
nteeter. —Iiiirveet hands are going to
be 0411)013 around bee* are going or
liave gone West.
Four men were drowned in Bass
Like. near Presque Itle„while boating,
Mrs. Maria Reacer,of Hamilton died
while on her way to St. Marys Cath-
Grand Trunk Engineer Martin was
un over by his engine at Hamilton
and killed.
Samuel Van Horne. a Pittsburg
Townsbip farmer, bad his eye hooktd
out by a row.
Annie Reautue escaped from the jell
it Chatham hy prying: the lock off the
wirintuee ward.
Story of Eugene Field.
Cynis D. Drew of Louisville thus de-
I. an aiming incident which
a, 14.34101401y lumnd hymn hook. os a so mtentelY occupied with the (Meg- in New Orleans in tbe
slight. tonen tit their appreciatiou of lion before the House that we could woog of leet °I met Eugene Field
the meet time -lee 1 entleeed to the eboh. net give our attention to the matter. In one of hia pilgrimages for old bot -
and omit 0 demob,. The girt was ite, This matter has leen under co der- lee pewter wore and any old thine
tompeeled by an address expressive of tion- The Speaker has onlY Riven his Ix the junk line, St;ine Mends of mine int
mandate a few days ago. The mat -
the most corilial ferliugs for the recivi. roduced our party to Mr. Field and Win
Kit by met. member of tbe dodo ti, n ter will be disposed of as soon as we on Barrett and members of his company,
Giant was ennipletely siirprised, but can give it our contideration. ., ,hen playing an engagement in New Or -
the i Mr. Whitney expressed tbe view ears. Mr. Field's greatest delight was
melon enilable rude', thanking
donors and expresmug a lively sense of , that the nroper officials should heve a teasing Miss Mande Jeffries, a Missis-
glittitetto to hit many Nettie!' wee& filled in the date without waiting for tippi girl, then leading lady in Mr. Bar-
aud his regret at leaving. i instructions. The moment the Speak-
er issued the writ the election mutt .ett's comfort,. elite was very sensitive
, go on. nut modest, and it delighted Field
'billet t 1 Mr. Whitney also asked how it was treatly when he could playfully ember -
'ass hen Ono day 1 found him in his
re, J. Connell luxe purelmsea the Proposed to deal with tile question eil •OOM busy on the floor pasting large
bee.„,tif,d yeeeine emu a 1,0 nem, , witnesses before the commission. 1 t t e
nboodi is situatetrint the hith con. of 1 Colonel Gibson thought the better klee`u u. s'rawa Paper t°getingt ne had
sritten a poem to Miss Jeffries in the
del ieh townthip. pitying tint pi lee , way would be to follow the pracece enter et a large sbeet of this tvrapping
-Ole tie ---Win. Seaulin 1m a entild his hefnre committees of the !louse. There taper oi his eharaeleriilie small hand -
1 e carm ou t ilt, thia cone to Mr, eoulti be advances wide. ani the Clerk d
n ea, much onaller than usual. On
filler, ef the iitd eon., fora tie in of the House codad be entrusted with the elates of this bloat I found him past -
__James p,i tee* who is ene_ the duty. of disbnrNing money from
ug others of equal size, so that the
piteritil on the Moe of Wm. Brown, nine to time ae needed. The prosecu- aloe when complete made 0, single
met 1.vith a paiefid ietehlent ti few days tlar wnuld look after the serving of
'nit. • " t.''t s
h:. -4.i 111,
"el .
t* ''.. .
Mneela Donn
dove of: thie Erie &
y "iVaittNt'Villey
' tit 1. f!rii! I ,; r iu tho yards
eneine Ltuep d into the
"t:,,.'01111Y1.0 the
Val 11:$ IMO. 11114
end it is
'*«iinternel in -
e .1.
„ •
le..ele;lit now
l; ,1 t.lie terleoll
ekes; '11;
" 11.•• ticzt. 413411110.1 to
. "Ft,(10,111 el A 4',...1"t4S,4t'44 (4b 1
ln tie*,
th, pro.; 1ry.r.;;;.1.;;FA,1
• ..;',A4(14.-. ,I;t;nra.ifn 14; 4•1•..i.•
1 ,!1 greavNIts. 6 4-4*.
nods t,
dttet- term, eee d ig0i
Atirr;41:131."'7-":"0t, Pe; bi
pal1:4.t 4.1 fl'J RTId :4 layo Lt. fel Teel.
eeen.pi.,,,,...itert et 'it 1)01V:19'r, qr.) , .1;t:1„
neree,t :that
• :TIV,;c: Lo • ''.'s.;;;to i'r'0.7
n;orl •.t 110 ]04I:.g 114041.
VIS ()id 0,t4
otql .je1e.1 iTi14 thet no other fland
ytii..11-' t.it'l'Of."Ettlt for it,
thenta bee., eetnetled to tine the witnesses or Vic district from
ntielateletral with his wife, who has
Leto en ineete tee 0 um„Let, a year, ' C0101101 Gibson—That will be seed-
. att lee 41.5-tela4 r., Pinnace.- lit spend fie,dtatriut,,eni,r,..
ete,.. sprung Tetra; teen in .1 r. t,, itney—Quite so.
et thee ".;:or MAnitobn, With ft ear- * 1:11 first order of the day l'einl'l*, re -
.f horses.. i seining the debate on the address in re-
ply from the speech from the throne,
AvnerrEn.—Seareelv had the grief the Premier asked if that could be dis-
teeteatel that was felt by Mr. and Mrs. posed of.
lid Harrison by the death of their , Mr. Whitney said he wordd ngree
ilif',,llt- altught(-lr a few days llg°1 then under ordinary circumstances, but in
they are again phineed into the saine the present case his duty would be to
trying; orecal in the death of their only i
suggest that it be laid over entil after
‘.itf*It::*..*Liti‘.'llylltt.liblit.(*71,ereitit'esnofiTg11:*1,t ti flint! sepiliill,ifit, the investigation which was expected
which they conie Specified.
to take place., as they did not know
t eking its flight on Saturdev, the tee()
only few days apart. what they nught desire to say in re -
Woe "e; teel their only t•emain- sponse to the speech from the throne.
' # le • .- 1 -*en very low wi tit His Honor would acquit the I-17ouse
mall_ under the circumstances of any inten-
. , ! at r., ,a, 1,/..,... (", t 0 leArn tbrj. tional discourtesy.
n„ 0
...,...iie.d (1,. -,:ts seee iit te The Premier said he hatl wished to
.0,.440yin,., ..,.,..g.e1 in abeek, get the procee,ling-; of the House in
regular form, but if his bon. frirnd
!:ii.,1ro.i:nit,!sie,ilillX,,,.•;;1111t ,fatilit.t (II„ti cliteitto till.et...:
pressed his objeeti et he would be s,ttie-
e.ey. Me. Harrieon had telly moved. fied to let it stalti rwer•
el bd
It is understood that the commis-
..eaoe Iron) Steatford,.l
frnd bad bard], sion appointing Chancellor Boyd and
tol v
_ulva. 'when t the band gf Chief Justice Falconbridge to
visited investi-
off his gate the Gamey charges has been sign -
"t 01„.a"41;•'"0 a tn,Tki-es. erl by the Lieuten nt-Covernor an 1
tA"l'iting ;t-Ve (1401 1(1 their . 'eat to the lad'ale,'• A; seen as thav
,e•el Ile 1 1 „lint eq, „ „dig), have disposed of the initimoint.;
ef ,,,Ine to their lee!eayecl before them a e°11i'' w41 11,J1-1
4'4.,f rcgret. Wh theitctemsel in the ca -'e and
,,415 r) 0110. ite. arrangements an leu.,ceel for sem-.
e..1,?, roi A moiling witnesses on hearing evi.limee.
„,, 'This will probably begin eerly nex-t
131111, 0`i-• ncreelc, and the session will mos: iiieely
• „„ ved twit II 0 T„1ts, ,flinoney. be held- at the City, Hall, as eirnish-
table room for such
r. T Lowle 0 toting rel ly and the mest ste
make the offic
ritse.Nica'is orrice, ci. Biu„stetlriaa
T will
ef the proceerlings will be handeil in
;el wife in this theie sod trial of effile-
W;t1:4 liCar
Settled:1 y lAy e tilling tree,
1n1111 Berlet. a Welleee Township
1.favit1er tieed liirre ell to 1 teee
rlo'big'aiu core on4,!plioptyroaciklindroa
oehationo is the Only stocessful remeay.
auilis new ogee by thalal$tP115`aiaaina and '
8o5pItele In Burope and America. It III
tonflekintially'rneorarnended ter thettafilien-
,ttnat ed. ,-IfY,,sufror fr0n1 • .
Pelt epee PITS, T. VITUS' Dniteee
-or lava *11144144)0 4)4 Tatum that at tre 071010W a t
't,rrirtoldothan .then ,sendy.
or 014(40 tr111,)(01410
and,VYnra,s1 gnntbyton
' '
Lea' arriting 'ntentIon thin
, papsit,",and give fan addresntta.
1,1111-.1 LtEatta.0(3..r79 xi*
Sultan and Chiefs Fled After Little
London, March Tr.—Brigadier-Gen-
eral Sir Frederick Tetga'rd, High Coln-
missiorier of Northern Nigeria, at the
head of a British force, occupied So-
koto; March Ie. After a feeble re-
sistance the Sultan of Sokoto and his
chiefs- fled,
Sokoto i$ the re1iioof.; • c eiTtre - of
lVfahotornerlanism in -Northern Nigeria.
Considerable importanceis attached
here to the leug,ard expedition.
eieet about eight feet squate. This he
carefully folded up to ilt an improvised
envelope about Ole size of a Mardi Gras
iouvemr, 1.11(41 Whig dist :Muted about
.be city. With the jayeatiaess of a boy
/bout to play a prank, he chased down-
stairs at the noon hour, whin he knew
Miss Jeffries was at Nu+ with arr.
Barrett in the cafe of the Grunewalit.
t'alling .a waiter, he sent the huge en-
velope in to her table. She glanced tit
it a moment, and then gradually drew
the package from its envelope, while
Field and 1 stood watching behind the
antranee. It spread all over the table
as she continued to unfold the enormous
sheet, and its rustle attracted the.. at-
tention of nearly everyone in the room.
When it had spread itself all over Mr.
Barrett, who, meanwhile, was leugbing,
heartily, Miss Jeffries discovered tlie
poem in Field's lined, and, although
blushing crimson, joined in the laugh-
ter, for she knew be was somewhat°
about, enjoying her discomfiture."
ACatalt.q .1.C.,C.olowi
Et 0 fit
147as He Dressed .
'N'TFP7I:mrrrr,-'1' •
You hear this asked of some .
persons eeei,y day, and the
answers depend on the kilid
of clothes they we:tr.
Wilco you want to, be. \veil
deessed entne and have
41(0(11 ()tel.1./'. All
new.. 144 eels Roasistiug
• _
Paiztin,r3s •
-7 I.
01)6 1' C, 0 tet e ene,o(l.
Opposite. e
• oat (fifioe
Ir. 4
LADies sood num:,
And address
and you 0114 recuire a
sts sainfor; of SLOCUnt'S
**** eomrouen
Lvel•inlottanancfht.'dyh'otiiii kt.,4(t,I.i:/sail a cao'ssi7;ily' 431400.
.andu ladias, a$0. size for sale uii DrupAnsts, or direct,
Several iiropean and American governments have Made
comparative tests of alcoholic and, non-alcoholk beverages for
soldiers on forced Mare.11. These tests have invaziably resulted
en the withdrawal of alcoholic drinks
during all strenuous work, chocolate
and other Sweet beverages being
given instead.
The result of these scientific re,
searches is applieabie to the army a
feeble and overworked people seek-
ing strength. Liquid medicines are
necessarily alcoholic ; they merely
stimulate and their effect is only.
Weak people should take ST,
PO= WAMS, wilioti are a recoil,
6trlIctiVe and a tissue builder ; their
effeda are lasting, ntel arperMatetent
improvement will .„ Mow their
Steady use
See JAereS WAFERS help stomach,
digest food, and send the nutriment
through, the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breedS tile energy new.
Ogles much,
0,...11"TRICE _ •1.„
pruqq115 $4,Cherni
*made: $1,OD;
S1 WWI* for Om
"I gonad:et St. Jame* Weft 4
meat excellent preparetton for
the nervett mut torn moment*/
thew generally.,
Ur, Thoo, nonage,
Xeneleeeter, Aug,
alums Wafertarenot a mod
ylonaty:0 rtifwalerous Wei fon re..
count44414. 14en; to ter& puti‘nts
0041 54(i* Me/mem& upnn rMest.
Waren. they are mated talon re-
ceipt et pocc at the Canadian
branch st. Jvars Weitus Co. 11111
St. Cstivalee St., tplostresl.
(Breakfast Food)
A good supply of Millfeed
nd Chop always =Aland.
Give our Flour and Feed
a trial aud be convinced that
it is all right.
Boller and Plate grind rs a
use td suit customers.
Harvey Bros.
sucemom to J. Colibledielt St Ste
et lick ef
11(.V1' jOst received a new
of the beet makes ond vtill sdll
them at priet,-i and tenor: flint will
enable anyone to plaee in their tame
one (11 theisc. Ihnoatiful ize-truna,nts.
In Sewing Metehines we carry 0
huge, stock of the best makee, ;et prieee
that will em.priee you, also, eepellre,
needles and oil for till mak* F id ma-
we VW Mkt
1 Boiler 30 h. p.
1 Boiler 40 h. p.
1 Boiler and Engine
30 h. p.
1 Boiler and Engine
16 h. p.
( stings of every Description in
Braes mai 114414 to outlet.,
and Fittings of all sizes kept
constantly in stock.
JAS. ifillBRAY & G0.1
Fettle; t I ott wet elimeu on
the ('.P.R., lit Ctravel Bite r. 1,1(4(4
by a freight train 414441 kilh 41.
A !unshed tunn with a revolver tried
Io hnldtilt" Oprrntor7...11iirpley of the
('.T51• 1. elation *IL Tweed. Mr. Mur-
phy kicked. the a evolver out of bis
band4 mai ptured the intruder. with
' the aid of LI.Iggageman Thompson.
Clifford Oke, 17 yeats of age, ton-
; .
leveed Iry the Miebicen Central Rail-
I war. it. Th01118:4, WeIS erushed
be -
1441 t twine and 1 he pin t fot in 81
the eandbouee yestin day afternoon,
and so litany isehrtid internally that
be colour; recover.
Sheet and Book 7.41nsie„ Hymn ;
nooks, Bibles, settee aliveys in steak.
We will be pleated to show yttitl rtlir
; &tett
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Is snceeesfully need monthly, by over
1040 Ladies, Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
• your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Qui -
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Prioe.110. I, $1per
hoz', 11o. 2,10 degrees stronger,22 per box. No.
l or 2, mailedon receipt of price and two t1 -cent
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor.. Ont.
rg-lios. I and 2 sold and recommendedby all
responsible DruggIste in Canada.
; No. 1 aral No.2 are sold in Reeter by
„e C. Bete lord J. W. Browning, Drug-
ke,e1 gis0.
tree, c,
L -S nt:
; -.0 conditi;an oir' ,.: a many men of
0.;telt'lie :"#-..'0;.:;e';,t bo',.:1•i. the vint, the ';'....!:‘,"or 441J -;.;b7:;.;.;;.. -..;i: Of maith.ded-•
' • iie 14 t,.:1,,.„-,,',.:1 60,..and at 50
' — ..'tnoSt ready 'for
:;1. of vitality ie.
xilte t.te.d. ' ::;.r..7,1;;; La..., , . ... :.^s.r.,sd it; whether
1, -1.e,- 7,,, •;, ..el..h, 1,s,i,:.r cr,-;-:-.cscr,, or 1, ..• 1%;:x, ,..,..,:.1 one
1) \ 4 V 4::. 7.n ,Y0 Wir Vr4P 011 li:e.. T1Iert ari,r! *-tt ItallY hollT) tridell years
-yen ii you.Qnly4 bnip.•': We ca.". an-ci 41111 not only 'help yon i but
cure you to stay owed: Curtng cl"pezsc‘s and we141141e1n4' of the nerVons
and genital system; has btan our elt,clusive business for tha past' 31) years,
evirinc,-whiell tinie.Vo have cure, notr';•11 f0110.1 Ine- to nr-o-e an -,rmy,
OUR. ., NEW Mt'rII01) TREAT:614re° Ali.111' restore to Y611 vikult you
Ivirifips and eitretlee - the BLOOD, • strengthens the
-4litalinas tlae sextrel.,••• n01111,01 dis and 10115445 and.
tS a ttiStr for the activ(a..(7.,uties af kfe.' "
affifpco,634i asvaiiitgooe 6g..
Wo ira.at and tare BrItatql Pe4Otril,, Vizt4t•loccap,'...?.rt•rrit2riu'v. '011cea,
'OIL:11an'7 14>400,1100,4001101.1741,caliptle..,;6..iCt.01)tWy and -1B11.61thier dit6ase§.
• . Ce(133.1:7VW,,.709:A0i014 F1438•,. Unable to call,wzna lot 10Ontecalgosa
‘lanrz for kat,..taptr Tt411z411t,
«Ow.. rare